Mecklenburg County

MARABLE Deed Notes

Matthew Marable

Patent Book 32 p. 522-525
490 acres on lower side of Layton's Creek

380 acres on both sides of King's Road

400 acres on both sides of the long fork of Layton's Creek, adjoining his own line.

430 acres on both sides of the long fork of Layton's Creek

335 acres on Layton's Creek, adjoining Weatherford, Freeman et als.

William Marable (Matthew's father)

Patent Book 28 p. 84-85 6/25/1747
425 acres on the ridge between Bluestone Creek and the Meherrin River

Patent Book 33 p. 555
425 acres on the branches of Bluestone & Finneywood Creeks

Patent Book 41 p. 16
100 acres on North side of Roanoke River 3/3/1759

71 acres at the head of Thomason's Branch 8/1/1772

1748 3 Titheables Residents

 of that part of Lunenburg Co., which became Mecklenburg Co. in 1765.

Deed Book 3 p. 343 5 Feb., 1754
William Marable to Mathew Marable in consideration of …..5 shillings"
484 acres on a branch of Bluestone Creek, part of William Marable's Finneywood tract of land.

1800: Firm of "Cargill and Marable"

Tithes of 1752 William
1764 William "6" 485 acres.

1799 Sir Peyton Skipwith granted 1,026 acres on Bluestone Creek

Deed Book 6 p. 483
William Marable to John Marable for (considerations….. & ) {his son, Mathew's
brother} 200 Pounds Sterling
620 acres bounded as described in deed recorded 7 August, 1759 from Mathew to William Marable signed William Marable, Jr. 5 Oct. 1761

Deed Book 1, p. 201 Mecklenburg County 9 June, 1766
John Marable of Mecklenburg Co., to Daniel Jones of Amelia County…..50 Pounds for 101 acres on Finneywood Creek

Deed Book 1, p. 442 Mecklenburg County 13 July, 1767
John Marable to Thomas Neal 7 pounds
20 acres on Finneywood Creek, being part of a tract of land granted to William
Marable 10 Sept., 1755

Deed Book 1 p. 86 Mecklenburg Co. 12 June, 1765
Thomas Moore, Sr. to Mathew Marable of Charlotte County for 50 Pounds
15 acres adjoining Pink, Hawkins, Hubray Cook
Mary Moore, Thos. Wife released dower rights.

Deed Book 1 p. 525 Mecklenburg Co. 14 Dec., 1767
Mathew Marable, Gent. Of Charlotte County to
Philip Mayo, Gent. Of Henrico Co. for 1500 Pounds Sterling
1526 acres on North side of Roanoke River being same land conveyed by deed from George Jefferson dated 3 Sept., 1766 (recorded above)

Deed Book 4 p. 390 5 April, 1757
Mathew Marable of Lunenburg Co. , Merchant to
Hugh Miller & Co. Prince George Co., Merchants
Mortgage for 698 Pounds 12 shillings 8 pence for four tract 7 slaves:
on 484 acres on Bluestone Creek, part of 850 acres granted to William Marable on 25 June, 1747 and by him granted to said Mathew Marrable 6 Feb., 1754:
400 and 430 acres on both sides of Long Branch of Layton's Creek; said w tracts granted to Mathew Marrable by 2 patents 8 May, 1755:
380 acres on both sides of King's Road; granted to said Mathew Marrable 8 May, 1755;
24 slaves and their increase: Dick; Old Jamie; Young Jamie; Phil; Gid; Cato; Jack;
Beck; Ben; Billy; Race; Phillis; Sarah; Orelia; Eggy; Israel; Will; Peter; Young
Betty; Milly; Sue; Amy; Daniel; & Sue.
Mortgage due with interest on 25 Dec., 1757
Witnesses: L. Claiborne, Jr.
James Anderson
Richard Taylor
John Baird 5 Oct., 1756

Deed Book 1, p. 63 10 June, 1765
Mathew Marable of Charlotte Co., to Richard Apperson of Mecklenburg Co.
21 Pounds 10 shillings
100 acres
refers to deed recorded in Lunenburg Co. from John Adams to Edward Enroughty

Deed Book 1 p. 307 8 Dec., 1766
George Jefferson of Mecklenburg Co. to Mathew Marable of Charlotte
1600 Pounds
1526 acres beginning at the mouth of Allen's Creek on the Roanoke River…..
1142 acres by will of his father and remainder purchased by said Jefferson….
Witnesses: Robert Burton
Bennett Goode
Henry Deloney
William Howard
Stephen Mallett 3 Sept., 1766

(tract sold to Philip Mayo {as above} 1526 acres n. side of Roanoke for 1500
Pounds. 14 Dec., 1767)

Deed Book 4 Mecklenburg Co. 4 Sept., 1757
William Marable to Mathew Marable (5 shillings)
1870 acres on branches of Finneywood and Bluestone Creeks----consisting of 3 tracts of land included in a patent of 10 Sept., 1755
830 acres granted William 25 June, 1747
620 acres granted to John Ezell 20 Sept., 1748
400 acres never granted before

Charlotte County Virginia

Mathew's patent: 1755 #32 p. 523
Justice in 1765.
"Wylie House' is located on part of this land …..(as above…)
sold twoce before Thos. Bouldin, Jr. purchased & built a tavern on site of present
house…..then a store 1799 Wylie bought & house built 1830…s. side of State Route 607 .2 miles west of intersection of U.S. Route 15 & 360…..
Finneywood on Bluestone Creek on Road from Charlotte Courthouse to Boydton.

255 acres in Charlotte by deed from Ashworth sold to Mathew Marable in 1764 for 28 Pounds 10 shillings
sold in 1771

Deed Book 3 p. 573 Charlotte Co.
Mathew Marable of Mecklenburg Co. to Samuel Smith and John Young, Gents…. Of Granville Co., North Carolina
By his deed of June 7, 1773 conveyed to Adam Finch 800 acres in Charlotte Co.
"Mary Marable, wife of said Mathew cannot conveniently travel to our county court to make acknowledgement of the deed. You are therefore authorized to go to Mary to receive her acknowledgement." Dec. 2, 1773
Thomas Read

388 acres of patent of 1755 was sold by Silvanus Stokes of Charlotte (Mathew's eldest daughter Mary Meriweather Marable married David Stokes…..) to
Daniel Cargill of Charlotte Co. for 125 Pounds on King's Road Aug. 3, 1772

June 7, 1773 from Mathew Marable to Adam Finch for 350 Pounds Land patented by Matthew on Sept. 6, 1764 and bounded by Munford, Cargill's Creek; Harris; Hogan's Creek, Byrd, Shaver's Branch…..
400 acres part of patent to John Cargill and 400 acres never granted June 7, 1773

Other Lunenburg County Deeds

1793-94 George Marable & wife Sarah
1796 Joseph Billups & wife Ann John Billups & Richard Billup (John Marable, son of Mathew, married Lucy Reade Billups & all moved to Ga…..)
1797 300 acres to John Marable from Elizabeth & Drury Major (kinsmen)
816 acres to Jackson…

On deed to Jones of Halifax Co., of 3 Aug. 1761 390 acres
Rebecca Marable wife of William releases dower rights.

From A list of Tithes for 1776 John Marable pays 4 Tithes for Christopher

John Marable 444 acres in Lunenburg 1790
Hartwell Marable 211 acres 1811

Matthew Marable was Burgess for Lunenburg 1754—1761 successor of William
(then Burgess for Mecklenburg until 1774)
County Court 1752 and from 1759—1762 then
Justice 1752—1762

Vestryman 1757--1759

Contributed by Sue Ellen Marable

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024