Mecklenburg County



The earliest deed of John Bigger in Mecklenburg

11 Apr 1811; 15 Jul 1811; Leonard Claiborne & wife Mary M. Claiborne to John Bigger of Pr Edward 267acres; $297; on Finneywood Creek adj John Gregory; it being a part of the dower allotted to the sd Mary M. Claibourn of the land whereof her late husband David Stokes died seized. [Meck. DB14:428]

Mecklenburg Land Tax Records

Mecklenburg Land Tax Records show Doct John Bigger was taxed with 385 1/2 acres adjoining John Gregory. In 1821, tax records show 334 acres was transferred to him from James Jones (possibly part of the Edward Jones, dec'd, estate). Subsequently, Doct Bigger was taxed with 719 1/2 acres.

Nov 1855 division of Doct. John Bigger Estate of 675 1/2 acres

Lot No. 1 Widow's dower 250 acres to widow, Sarah M. Bigger. This lot shows the "dwelling house," adj. Mrs. Farrar's estate on the east. - Nov 1855

Lot No. 2 141 5/6 acres to Mrs. Newbill, adj. T. Gayle on the west.- Nov 1855

Lot No. 3 141 5/6 acres to Capt. Bigger, adj. T. Gayle on the west, David Thompson on the north. - Nov 1855

Lot No. 4 141 5/6 acres to Mrs. Boswell, adj. R. Saunders on the north, Capt. Bigger on the east. - Nov 1855

In an indenture dated 8 November 1855, Sarah M. Bigger surrendered to heirs David J. Bigger, Elizabeth B. Boswell, John H. Newbill and Mary Ann Newbill his wife, her interest in all that part of the land of said John Bigger died possessed which was heired by said Sarah M. Bigger from the Estate of David Stokes,father, also
all the right title and interest which may have reverted to her from the death of her mother Mary Claiborne formerly Stokes, in the land by her the said Mary M. Stokes as her portion of her husband's estate which lands now constitute a part of the land of which John Bigger died possessed ...

John GREGORY's Land

This 400-acre tract was conveyed by patent in 1758, to Samuel Goode; sold in 1759 to Branch Tanner and in 1779 to Matthew Marable. From Marable's estate the tract went to daughter Elizabeth, who married Philip Whitehead Jackson. Philip Jackson and wife sold it to her brother Richard Marable in 1795, who in the same year sold it to John Gregory.

The only land measurements are in the original patent, and not true enough for a good plot. Land records do show that his land adjoined both his father, Joseph Gregory, and Capt. John Bigger.

All but the first of the nine children of John and Elizabeth Gregory were born between the date of purchase of this tract and the date land and tax records show he had moved to his Lunenburg land.

In 1816, John Gregory moved to land he had acquired on the Lunenburg side of the river. He held on to the Mecklenburg tract until he sold to Thomas Gayle, part in 1829, and the balance in 1832. Gregory family letters show the part sold in 1829 belonged to John Gregory's son Jackson, who had moved to North Carolina.

Meck DB 24:29; 5 Oct 1829; 20 Oct 1829

John Gregory and Elizabeth his wife of Lunenburg to Thomas Gayle of Mecklenburg $424.50

283 acres on waters of South Meherrin adjoining John Gregory, estate of Edward Jones dec'd, Lewis Burwell and others. Likely, the portion of the estate bounding John Gregory was land that Joseph Gregory conveyed to Edward Jones in 1807.

Meck DB 25:44; 20 Jan 1832;20 Feb 1832
John Gregory and Elizabeth his wife of Lunenburg to Thomas Gayle of Mecklenburg $420.00

267 acres adjoining Thomas Gayle, John Bigger, and land belonging to estate of Edward Jones.

Jesse SAUNDERS' Land

On 12 Dec 1768 Susanna Fleming of Cumberland County sold to Jesse Saunders of same county, 708 acres on the South Fork of Meherrin River, at the mouth of Mitchell Creek, "it being part of a tract of land which Colo John Fleming, late of the County of Cumberland, attorney at law, purchased of Hugh Miller, and by him devised to the said Susanna Fleming by his will, of record in Cumberland County." (rec. 18 Jun 1769 Lunenburg DB 11:269, from Jim Lewter) In 1780, Jesse Sanders [Saunders] was granted 392 acres on branches of Meherrin, adjoining Burwell, Erskine and Duprie.(GB E:536,537) The "three pines" landmark on the east of the tract at Burwell's line was a landmark in the later John Gregory tract.

In 1786, Jesse Saunders sold to Lewis Deupree, 190 acres of the above grant (leaving 202 acres). "From a white oak on small branch near Daniel Weatherfords spring to a dividing line of marked trees run by agreement of the two parties to a pine in Erskins line to Deupre's patent line." The bounders Erskine and Deupree suggest to me the land conveyed was the western portion of the grant.

On 11 Aug 1790 (Lun. DB 16:179; ack. 13 Oct) Zachariah Davis of Lunenburg conveyed 290 acres adjoining said Sanders and bounded by his own lines, by Col Lewis Burwell, Weatherford's, Brown's lines.

Jesse Saunders died in 1800. He owned land in Cumberland and Buckingham Counties, as well as Lunenburg. His Lunenburg land was willed to four of his five sons: Stephen, Robert, Hyde, and David Saunders "all the land I now own in county of Lunenburg to be divided between them, respect being had in the division to the quality as well as quantity of land allotted to each." It appears from the Deed Index that Stephen sold to Hyde and Robert in 1804. David's name doesn't appear on the Deed Index.

In April 1809, Hyde Saunders [Lun. DB 22:34] conveyed to Edward Jones of Mecklenburg, 176 acres in Lunenburg adjoining land of Robert Saunders, Richard Boyd [the adj. Boyd tract should be the later 840-acre John Gregory tract/js] and Alexander Erskine. (no measurements)

This may bear out to be the two 88-acre tracts mentioned in the land descriptions of John Gregory: 88 acres conveyed by John Goode to Thomas N. Gregory (became part of the Joseph F. Ellis farm) and 88 acres to John Gregory by Richard R. Jones. Edward Jones died in Mecklenburg County about 1810; Richard R. Jones an administrator.

1824 Land Tax Mecklenburg County Robert Saunders of Lunenburg 94 acres Meherrin adj Hyde Saunders 9 NW Hyde Saunders of Lunenburg 276 acres Meherrin adj Robert Moore estate 9NW

Hyde SAUNDERS Land and Estate

See Hyde Saunders' Land Tract at Lunenburg County VAGenWeb

Lunenburg DB 27:170; 3 Sep 1826 Hyde Saunders of Lunenburg to Robert Saunders of Lunenburg, acres 452 & 279 Cons $1 ...for sundry good reasons...said Hyde Saunders ... convey to his brother afsd Robert Saunders in trust all the property both real and personal...for purpose of maintaining him during his tract of land in county of Lunenburg on both sides Meherrin River containing 452 acres bounded by lands of said Robert Saunders, John Gregory, Thomas Couch, Alexr M. Hepburn and by the south branch of the Meherrin River. Also one other tract lying in county of Mecklenburg on South side of Meherrin River containing 279 acres by land of said Robert Saunders, William Coleman, Boller Dobbyn and by the south branch of Meherrin River (also slaves etc.
Sig: Hyde Saunders, Robert Saunders. Witnessed by John H. Saunders, Emily C. Saunders, Samuel G. Osborne, Elizabeth Osborne.

The 814 acres from Hyde Saunders estate to Dr. William E. Dodson; then to Martha A. Swepson-Saunders, wife of Dr. Samuel Saunders, son of Robert Saunders:

In 1850, the land of Hyde Saunders in Lunenburg and Mecklenburg was surveyed to be 814 acres plus 160 poles, adjoining in Lunenburg: Robert Saunders on the west, John Gregory and Mitchell's Creek on the north, and Hepburn on the east. In Mecklenburg, the land adjoined Tucker and Oliver on the southeast, Oliver on the south, and Robert Saunders again on the west. Land tax records for Hyde Saunders describe his land as being 13 miles southwest of the courthouse, no stated value of tax for buildings. Possibly Hyde lived on the adjoining grounds of| the old Saunders home site. The 1850 census lists, one after the other in three households, the families of Robert Saunders, Hyde Saunders and Robert Saunders, Jr.

Hyde Saunders, unmarried, was deceased by 1858, when his tract of 814 acres was sold to Wm. E. Dodson for $13,197, land bounded by Josephus Gregory, Wm. Couch, Ebernezer ____? [maybe Hepburn], John G. Oliver and the estate of Robert Saunders. (Rec. 11 Feb 1861, Lun. DB 27:24, files of James Lewter).

This land transaction was mentioned in a letter written by Josephus Gregory to his son Jackson, 8th Dec. 1858

"I informed you of the sale at Saunders. I will however again give you some points at that sale. In the first place, William Couch and myself bid as high as $16.20 per acre for the land. I was to take 564 and he 250. He would have had the best [illegible] of the tract but was willing to pay considerable more for his per acre than I was to pay. If we could have bought it the 564 acres which I should have got would have made one of the best situations in the county. If you could have been up at the time and wished it and backed us in it we would have carried it to $20. But I did not know your feelings about it. Couch says he regrets it more than any act of his life not buying the place. Doctor Dodson is the owner. It will never be in market again in our day, and if it was put up even now at highest bidder it would bring the rise of $20 per acre. Lands are advancing every day." (Files of JoLee Gregory Spears)

The 1860 Lunenburg Census shows the Dr. Dodson family listed next to H. E. Hepburn, who may have been Dr. Dodson's father-in-law [UPDATE: Charity A. Swepson was married to Alexander M. Hepburn (brother of H. E. Hepburn), and it appears she was the same person remarried to Dr. Wm. E. Dodson before 1860. See: Some Descendants of William Mallory Swepson.]

Incidentally, the "Sweheston" name in the linked census transcription of the Hepburn household is actually "Swepson." Possibly the Swepsons also were related to the Hepburn family. A letter written by Josephus Gregory 2 July 1861 mentions the funeral of Mrs. Dodson, adding: "I had not seen Mr. Hepburn for a length of time before yesterday. He looks very feeble indeed. I should not be surprised if this heavy affliction takes him off." It was mentioned that Mrs. Dodson left two little children." By 1865, W. E. Dodson was styled "of Charlotte" in land tax records, still no building or house valued. William Edward Dodson died in 1867 and is buried in the Hepburn cemetery at Ravenscroft.

The Hyde Saunders tract was conveyed to the wife of Dr. Samuel Saunders.
By deed recorded 3 June 1871, George W. Swepson bought the Dodson tract, the amount paid by R. R. Swepson, substitute purchaser. Same date, R. R. Swepson gave the land to his sister, Martha A. Saunders, with consent of Doctor Samuel Saunders. Samuel Saunders, son of Robert, Sr., married Martha A. Swepson on Dec. 19, 1861. [Files of James Lewter] In 1872, Martha A. Saunders was taxed with the 814 acres, and for the first time, building(s) show a value, which was $200.

In 1875 Martha A. Saunders was taxed with 814 acres, 13 miles southwest of the courthouse, $2000 added because of buildings. "R. R. Swepson '71 New buildings" is written in the comment section.

No later records were obtained on this tract of land, though I have seen a deed showing the Samuel Saunders tract (or part of it) was conveyed to an Ellis. See portion of WPA map showing "Ellis Farm." See division of the 814-acre tract and conveyance of 300+ acres of the northern portion to George E. Ellis by the children of Dr. Samuel Saunders in 1902.

Robert SAUNDERS Land and Estate

Robert Saunders and Hyde Saunders were picked up on the 1827 Lunenburg land tax records. Robert was taxed with 668 1/2 acres, house valued $350, described as South Meherrin River, 13 miles southwest of the courthouse. Hyde Saunders was taxed with 452 acres, no building valued, described as Mitchell's Creek, 13 miles southwest of the courthouse.

It appears that the land of Robert Saunders in Lunenburg generally lay west of and adjoining the land of Hyde Saunders.

In Mecklenburg, their land south of the river was taxed in 1824, 94 acres for Robert Saunders adjoining Hyde Saunders, and 276 acres for Hyde Saunders adjoining the Robert Moore estate.

Robert Saunders died 11 Dec. 1857. His wife having preceded him in death 26 Mar. 1857 (Lun death records), Saunders made a codicil to his will re his land. "It is my will and desire that my estate be kept together until the next November or December after my death and my two single daughters, Lucy A. Saunders and Anna E. Saunders or either one that remains single, together with my son Saml. Saunders shall live at my house on the estate, free of charge of any description until that time. At that time, that is in November or December next after my death, I wish my executor to deliver to each legatee, his or her specific legacy and sell the residue of my estate and distribute it according to my will and or Mary C. Saunders, wife of Robert Saunders, which(?) has provided means to purchase them a home. It is my will and desire that my son Robert and family remove off the land they now live on at the fall or by the first day of December next after my death, or pay full rent for the same as long as he keeps possession and the possession shall be at the option of my son Samuel and my two daughters Lucy A. Saunders and Anna E. Saunders."

The sale to William T. Spencer and John A. Spencer.

By deed dated 12 Jun. 1871, recorded 24 Jul. 1871, Samuel Saunders, executor, conveyed the 880 acres to William T. Spencer and John A. Spencer, "(with the exception of one half acres of said land the title to which is reserved to the estate of said Roberts Saunders deceased because it contains the burying ground of the white family of said Robert Saunders deceased)." The deed described two parcels adjacent to each, the larger, 792 acres in the counties of Lunenburg and Mecklenburg on the waters of Maherrin river and is bounded by the land of that formerly belonged to the estate of Hyde Saunders deceased, C. Wood, Mrs. E. B. Boswell, David J. Bigger, David Thompson, Mrs. Ann Lipscomb, Mrs. Mary Burnes, then by the corner only of the smaller parcel of land belonging to the estate of Robert Saunders deceased, then by Josephas Gregory to the beginning.

The smaller parcel, 88 acres, in Lunenburg on the waters of the Meherrin bounded by Mrs. Mary Burnes, A. A. Burwell, C. J. Thompson, J. F. Ellis, J. Gregory and the larger parcel of land belonging to the estate.

The Spencer land partition.

In July 1871, John A. Spencer and William T. Spencer partitioned the land in the following manner:

To Wm T. Spencer, 384 acres, the lands east of the new line, beginning at the gate on the road on the south side of the river in Mecklenburg, then a straight line northward to the center of the ford crossing the river at the old bridge, then northward along a straight line to a sassafras stob westward of the old dwelling house, then northward a short distance to a dogwood stob, then a straight line northward across the lower end of a small field in...near the road leading to the farm formerly owned by Hyde Saunders deceased, then to J. Gregory corner on Wm. T. and John A. Spencer at a hickory sapling.

And all of that part, 44 acres, commencing where J. Gregory, W. T. & J. A. Spencer and Mrs. burns corner on a post oak on Saunders Road., then northwestward along the line of Mrs. Mary Burn to a blank corner, to pointers on an old path running into the farm of said Mrs. Burns. Then eastward a new line made as a dividing line to pointers on Saunder's Road of the corner of J. F. Ellis fence, and then southward along sd road to the beginning.

To John A. Spencer for his part:

All that part west of the new line, 480 acres, and all that portion, 44 acres, of the smaller beginning at pointers on the path near Mrs. Mary Burns farm, running northward along the line of Mary Burns and A. A. Burwell, then along C. J. Thompson eastward to corner post oak in Saunders Road., then along the road to where WM. T. Spencer's corner by the new line on J. F. Ellis and then the new line westward to the beginning.

The use of the turn or angle in the road immediately on the south bank of the river is reserved for the use of said Wm. T. Spencer and John A. Spencer, their heirs, etc. (Lun. DB 38:285, files of James Lewter)

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears

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