Mecklenburg County

Four Mapped Deeds in Keysville /Spanish Grove Road Area


Ref Meck DB37:52
Dat 3 Feb 1864
Frm A. G. Jeffress & R. R. Puryear exor of R. C? Puryear of Meck
To Richd N. Hudson? of Powhatan
Con 11,031 34/100 dollars
Re 315 acres & 29 poles
Adj Adam Finch, Dr. Jno J. Boswell, Col Lyddall Bacon & Thos F. Goode in the fork of three roads and on both sides of a branch called Otter Creek Branch and bounded as follows
! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at..."
Pt 1) Beginning at Hals pond at the fork of the road leading to Spanish Grove and Jackson Toon's? new road at A thence following said Toon's Road
Ln N14E; 20p;
Pt 2)
Ln N17E; 24p;
Pt 3)
Ln N16E; 88p;
Pt 4)
Ln N18E; 78p;
Pt 5)
Ln N17E; 50.92p;
Pt 6) Dr. R. N. Hudson's corner at B. (no corner tree standing) thence leaving the road
Ln N88E; 4p; try eastLn N88; 4p; thence
Pt 7)
Ln N77.5E; 88p;
Pt 8)
Ln N71E; 8p;
Pt 9)
Ln N57E; 34.72p;
Pt 10) to the Keysville Road at C thence following said road
Ln S85E; 48p;
Pt 11)
Ln S82.5E; 28p;
Pt 12)
Ln S85E; 28p;
Pt 13)
Ln S88E; 42.16p;
Pt 14)
Ln S35E; 16p;
Pt 15)
Ln S57.5E; 50p;
Pt 16)
Ln S72.5E; 32.36p; to
Pt 17) fork of the road at D thence on Spanish Grove road
Ln S68W; 24p;
Pt 18)
Ln S61.5W; 32p; thence
Pt 19)
Ln S64W; 28p; thence
Pt 20)
Ln S77W; 28p; (line through numbers)
Pt 21)
Ln S55W; 76p;
Pt 22)
Ln S56.8W; 77.24p;
Pt 23)
Ln S79W; 196.86p; to beginning


Ref DB 39:118,119 Mecklenburg Co., VA
Dat 21 Sep 1872;
Rec 21 Sep 1872
Frm Adam Finch & Martha W. his wife
To Andrew F. Geiger
Con $1,015.25
Re 101 5/8 acres
Adj Spanish Grove road, Gregorys Estate
Pt 1) Beg at a __?__ Persimmon treeon south side of the Spanish Grove road at the corner of other lands of said Finch, then along said road
Ln S80W; 46p;
Pt 2)
Ln S76W; 22p;
Pt 3)
ln S69W; 72p;
Pt 4) cor hickory on the line of the land of Gregorys Estate, then along line of lands of Gregorys Estate
Ln S10.5W; 60.5p;
Pt 5) cor at a pile of rocks near a large hickory tree, then by the line of lands of sd Gregory's Estate
Ln S75E; 172p;
Pt 6) Blazed dogwood at cross fence,thence by other lands of said Finch
Ln N3W; 79.25p;
Pt 7)
Ln N11W; 27p;
Pt 8)
Ln N16.5W; 40p; to place of beginning


Ref Meck Co., VA DB 48:331
Dat 6 Dec 1888
Rec 3 Jan 1889
Frm William W. Kitchen & Emile A. his wf of Rockford, Winnabago Co., IL
To Frank L. Colby of Rockford
Con $6000
Re 156 54/100 acres in Mecklenburg (this is 2nd part)
Adj Spanish Grove Road, J. M. Carpenter, John C. King, Daniel Fair,Rosa B. Waddell, A. F. Geiger

pt 1) Also the following described tract of land lying and being in said county and state and described as folllows: to wit: Begining at cor rock on Spanish Grove Road in said County at "A" as designated on sd Surveyor's plat, and running thence along sd road and the land of J. M. Carpenter
ln N78.25E; 32p; 8chs;
pt 2)
ln N80.5E; 32p; 8chs;
pt 3)
ln N79E; 60p; 15chs;
pt 4)
ln N77.5E; 50.44p; 12 61/100chs; to
pt 5)cor rock on said road at "a" as designated on sd plat, thence along the land of John C. King through the house owned jointly by John C. King
ln S7.5W; 32p; 8chs;
pt 6)cor at "C"or b? as designated on sd plat, thence
ln S; 100.8p; 25 20/100chs; to
pt 7)"C" as designated on plat, thence along the land of Daniel Fair
ln W; 30.4p; 7 60/100chs; to
pt 8)red oak cor designated on plat by "G" thence
ln S13.5W; 14.4p; 3 60/100 chs; to
pt 9)a change in direction at a fore and aft oak disignated on sd plat by "H", thence [bottom of page 331]
ln S21W; 66p; 16 1/2 chs to the land of
pt 10)Rosa B. Waddell at cor white oak designated on plat by "K", thence along said land
ln N73.5W; 93.8p; 23 45/100chs; to a
pt 11)blazed dogwood desig on sd plat by "L" thence along the land of A. F. Geiger
ln N3W; 80p; 20chs; thence
pt 12)
ln N9.5W; 28p; 7chs; thence
pt 13)
ln N17W; 42.4p; 10 60/100chs; to cor rock at place of beginning at "A" as designated on plat


Ref Meck Co., VA DB 44:314
Dat 2 day of Jan 1882
Frm T. J. Waltz & Wlla E. Waltz his wf of Dixon Co, Neb
To John Stough
Re 523 ? acres

! Metes and bounds. "Beginning at.Beg at cor rock on platt made by J. W. Carter (then county surveyor) on Spanish Grove Road being the N.E. cor of the land of D. H. King and thence alg said road and along the land of J. M. Carpenter.."
pt 1)Beg at cor rock on Spanish Grove Rd being the N.E. cor D. H. King thence alg sd road and along land of J. M. Carpenter
ln N77.5E; 1.56p; 39/100 chains
pt 2)
ln N57.5E; 68p; 17 chains
pt 3)
ln N57E; 46.4p; 11 60/100 chains to
pt 4) cor 6 poplars growing from one stump, then by the land of Lewis Williams
ln S25E; 214.68p; 53 67/100 chains to
pt 5) cor at (K) thence
ln W; 184.32p; 46 8/100 chains by land of Daniel Fair to (B) or (C) thence
pt 6)
ln N; 100.8p; 25 20/100 chains by land of D. H. King to
pt 7) cor at (g) or (b) thence
ln N7.5E; 32p; 8 chains through the house owned jointly by John C. King and D. H. King to beginning

Contributed by Jo Lee Spears

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024