Mecklenburg County

Edward JONES Deeds and Notes

Edward JONES Land

24 Jan 1807 DB 13:245 Joseph Gregory of co. of Charlotte to Edward Jones of co. of Meck. 484 pds 2 shil 6 pence; 322 3/4

a. both sides Carpenters Br., a fork of Meherrin, Benjamin Evans nr Cow Br., John Robertson, John Gregory, to ash on Hicory lick br, to Carpenter's br. down thence with John Gregory's line to red oak near David's br., to red oak on Stokes line. Sig: Joseph Gregory.

JONES Tract 1812:

Jones, Edward (Richd R. Jones) 85 Finneywood
Jones, James (Richd R Jones) 85 Finneywood
Jones, Elizabeth (Richd R Jones) 50 Finneywood
Jones, Caroline (Richd R Jones) 150 Finneywood
Jones, Nancy (Richd R Jones) 170 Finneywood
Jones, Rebecca (Richd R Johes) 105 Finneywood
Jones, Sally (Richd R Jones 50 Finneywood
Jones, Moriah (Richd R Johes) 50 Finneywood
Jones, Elizabeth (widow) 400 Finneywood

Total 1145

JONES Tract 1813:

Land tax showing adjoining land owners.

Jones, Edward (Richard R Jones &guar?? 85 Finneywood Lewis Burwell, John Gregory , Eddings Moore &c
Jones, Rebeccah (Richd R Jones &c) 105 Finneywood Wm G. Good, Lewis Burwell , John Gregory &c
Jones, Sally (Richd R Jones &c) 50 Finneywood Thomas Pettus, John Gregory & Edward Jones
Jones, Moriah (Richd R Jones &c) 50 Finneywood John Bigger, Thomas Pettus, & Eddings Moore
Jones, Elizabeth (widow) 480 Finneywood Wm G. Goode, Freeman Pettus, John Gregory &c
Pettus, Thomas "(son of Wm)" 50 Finneywood Cr, Eddings Moore, John Bigger &c

Note: Alterations for 1813 show Thomas Pettus Junr fr Elizabeth Jones 50 acres.

1811 Land Taxes showed Richard R. Jones was gdn of Edward Jones (85a), James Jones (85a), Elizabeth Jones (50a), Caroline Jones (150a), Nancy Jones (170a), Rebecca Jones (105a), Sally Jones (50a), & Moriah Jones (50a). The widow Elizabeth Jones was taxed with 460a.

1818 Land Tax

Eddins MOORE Tract 1818:

In 1818, the taxed estate fell back to 323 1/4 acres.

JONES Tract 1818:

Bacon, Drewry A. Capt fr Elizabeth Jones alter 460


Meck DB 24:28 Oct 1829 John GREGORY & Elizabeth his wife of Lun to THOMAS GAYLE of Meck 283 acres on waters of South Meherrin by lines of JOHN GREGORY, EST. OF EDWARD JONES DEC'D, LEWIS BURWELL & OTHERS.

Meck DB 25:44 Jan 1832 John Gregory and Elizabeth his wife of Lun 267 acres adj. THOMAS GAYLE, JOHN BIGGER, AND LAND BELONG TO ESTATE OF EDWARD JONES DEC'D


Need source of record (will or estate)naming all of the children of this Edward Jones
died c.1810, Mecklenburg Co., VA. Below are misc. notes.

18 Jun 1810 Elizabeth Jones & Richard R. Jones granted letters of adm on est of Edward Jones decd[emig to other states vol 2]

Dec court 1810 Elizabeth R. Jones, James Jones and Edward Jones, with approb of Court "made choice" of Richard R. Jones and Elizabeth Jones for their Guardian. The Court doth appoint Richard R. Jones and Elizabeth Jones as gdns of Caroline Jones, Nancy Jones,Rebecca Jones, Sally Jones and Maria Jones, orphans of Edward Jones decd. [Emig to other states v2 p 95 src Mecklenburg Co. Fiduciary Bk]

May 1811 Thomas P. Pettus m. Elizabeth R. Jones, consent of Richard R. & Elizabeth Jones gdns of Elizabeth, dau of Edward Jones decd

The widow Elizabeth Jones married 2nd 1817 to Drury A. Bacon, resided Finneywood Creek section of Mecklenburg Co., VA.


"Chase City & Its Environs" refers to a Drury Allen Bacon deed 1817/18 as tract that "lay along the road from Christiansville [note: present Chase City/js] to Boyd's Store on Meherrin River; down Finneywood Creek & adj. Widow Jones' dower land."


The below is listed in the Richard Boyd's store accounts.

Capt Edward Jones Oct 1808-Sep 1809 goods


Guardian records suggest:

Edward Jones m. Elizabeth _____

Elizabeth remarried m.b. 6 Aug 1817 to Drury A. Bacon, surety Thomas P. Pettus [son in law]

Edward Jones died c. 1810


Richard R. Jones (of age and gdn of minor children & admr with widow Elizabeth)

Elizabeth R. Jones (made choice in 1810) m. Thomas P. PETTUS 16 May 1811, consent of Richard R. and Elizabeth Jones Gdns of Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Jones dec'd (bnd 1 May)

James Jones (made choice in 1810)

Edward Jones [Jr] (made choice in 1810)

Caroline Jones (was app. a gdn in 1810) m possibly m.b. Meck to ROBERT RICHARDSON 9 Jan 1827, Sur. Langston Bacon. One Robert Richardson ws on 1850 cen age 79, $1,305, and Sarah Richardson 64, children 20 down through 15, no male children.

Nancy Jones (was app. a gdn in 1810)

Rebecca Jones (was app. a gdn in 1810) maybe m. HEZEKIAH PURYEAR 26 Dec 1821, min William Richards, mb 24 Dec, sur: Andrew J. Elam; consent: Drury A. Bacon, gdn of Rebecca Jones. Note one Hezekiah Puryear m. 1826 Eliza I. Oliver, min. John B. Smith, consent. Robert Oliver, father of Eliza.

Sally Jones (was app. a gdn in 1810)

Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024