Mecklenburg County


Mecklenburg Co., VA Deed Bk 5, pp. 400-401:

Hogan to Macklin: This Indenture made this eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine between Edward Hogan and Ede Hogan his wife of the county of Mecklenburg of the one part and Frederick Macklin of Brunswick County of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Edward Hogan and Ede Hogan for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Frederick Macklin the receipt of which the said Edward Hogan and Ede Hogan doth hereby acknowledge thereof doth acquit associate and discharge hat given granted bargained sold alienated released and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Frederick Macklin his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and forty five acres to be the same more or less lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and bound as followeth to wit Beginning at a corner hickory adjoining Macklin line thence running to Thompson branch thence down the branch and cornering upon Joseph Rudd and Hawkins line thence along Hawkins line to a corner upon Macklin's old line thence along Macklin's line to the beginning Together with all and singular the privileges & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining To have and to hold the above sold lands and premises with all the appurtenances unto the said Frederick Macklin his heirs and assigns forever To have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the same with every part and parcel thereof to him the said Frederick Macklin his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Frederick Macklin his heirs and assigns forever against all and all manner of persons who do or may hereafter claim the said land against the said Edward Hogan and Ede Hogan their heirs and assigns shall and by these presents warrant and forever defend In Witness whereof the said Edward Hogan and Ede Hogan hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

signed sealed and delivered
Edward Hogan (his mark)

In presence of
Ede Hogan (her mark)

8th March 1779

Received of Colonel Frederick Macklin five hundred pounds in part of pay for the within deed

Teste Benjamin Whitehead
Edward Hogan (his mark)

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 8th day of March 1779

This Indenture was acknowledged by Edward Hogan and Ede his wife she having been first privately examined as the Law directs and the receipt endorsed was also acknowledged by the said Edward Hogan and together with the said Indenture ordered to be recorded.

John Brown, Ct. Clerk

Submitted by Kathy Turner December 30, 2010

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