Mecklenburg County

Hatchell Deeds

Mary Hatchell to Stephen Hatchell
Dated 13 June 1790
Recorded 13 June 1796
Mecklenburg Co VA Deed Book 9:94

This indenture made this day the 13th of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety (sic) between MARY HATCHEL of the county of Mecklenbrg of the one part and STEPHEN HATCHELL of the sd county of the other part.

Witnesseth that the sd Mary HATCHEL for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds current money of Virginia to her in hand paid by the sd S HATCHELL, the receipt whereof the sd Mary HATCHEL doth hereby acknowledge, doth give grant bargain sell alien and make over and confirm unto the sd S HATCHELL, his heirs executors or assigns, one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid,

lying on the south side of Allens Creek, beginning at the mouth of the old spring drain, thence down the said creek as it meanders to a corner gum on MALLET's line to BOYD's line, thence up BOYD's line to a corner poplar on BROWN's line, thence along BROWN's line to a corner post oak, thence down the new line cut between him and Lew HATCHELL to the beginning corner at the mouth of the drain, containing seventy five acres more or less.

To have and to hold the above land and premises and all its appurtenances unto the above mentioned Stephen HATCHELL, his heirs exor admins or assigns, doth firmly covenant and agree to and with the sd Stephen HATCHELL, his heirs exors admins or assigns that she will warrant and forever defend the title of the above sold land unto him the sd S HATCHEL, his heirs exors and against the claim or claims of any other person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the sd Mary HATCHELL hath hereunto set her hand and seal the day and date above written.

Mary Hatchell (her mark)

Witnessed by Nicholas Jeter

Steven Hatchell to Asa Oliver
Dated 24 October 1800
Recorded 9 Februray 1801
Mecklenburg Co VA Deed Book 10:458

This indenture made the 24th day of October one thousand eight hundred between STEVEN HATCHELL of the county of Mecklenburg of the one part and ASA OLIVER of the said county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Steven HATCHELL for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds to him in hand paid, the receipt of which he doth hereby acknowledge, doth hereby bargain and sell release and confirm unto the said Asa OLIVER, his heirs & assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg on Allens Creek, it being the land that the said Steven HATCHELL now lives on and bounded as followeth:

beginning at a poast (sic) oak on the said OLIVER's line and running the said line to corner poplar on BOYD's line, thence on the said line to a poast oak, thence to Zachariah MALLETT's line to Allens Creek corners on a hickory, thence up the said creek as it meanders to a corner spanish oak, from thence to the beginning,

containing seventy five acres of land, be the same more or les, with all the woods timbers waxes and profits thereunto belonging to the said Asa OLIVER, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Steven HATCHELL doth hereby obliege (sic) himself, his heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the said land to the said Asa Oliver, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said Steven HATCHELL hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written.

Steven Hatchell (his mark)

Witnessed by William Routet, Richard Oliver, Little B Tucker (his mark)

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 9th day of February 1801, this indenture was acknowledged by STEPHEN HATCHELL, a party thereto and ordered to be recorded, and NANCY HATCHELL, wife of the said Stephen Hatchell, personally appeared in court and, being privily examined, voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the estate conveyed by the said indenture.

Teste, William Baskervill, court clerk

Submitted by Barabara Eakley

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