Mecklenburg County

Henry GREEN to Buffalo Baptist Church 1825 Deed

Mecklenburg Co VA DB 21:379

This Deed of Indenture made and entered into this 18th day of April in the year AD 1825 Between Henry Green of the County of Mecklenburg State of Virginia of the one part and Thomas Owen and Thomas Howerton agents for the Buffaloe Baptist Church of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Henry Green for and in consideration of the Sum of fifteen dollars Virginia Currency to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and hath bargained leased and confirmed and doth by these presents give grant bargain lease and confirm unto them the said Thomas Owen & Thomas Howerton agents aforesaid one and quarter acres of land for and during the continuance of the present Buffaloe meeting house or any other which may be hereafter built should the said Baptist Society think proper to build another, but should the said Society think proper to remove the said house or discontinue the same, the said one & quarter acres to revert to the said Henry Green or to his representatives again, the said land his round? About the said Meeting house and is bounded by the line of Edward Tillotson a new choped line and the main Road leading to So. Boston - To have and to hold the sd tract of land unto them & their heirs or representatives for and during the time above named & hereby quiting or laying any claims to the same for or during the time above named - Witness my hand & Seal this day and date above Written –
his mark - [Sig] Henry H Green {Seal}
Sealed & acknowledged in the presence of

Mecklenburg County Va

We Stephen P. Pool and William E? Wall Justices of the peace in the County aforesaid and state of Virginia do hereby certify that Henry Green party to a certain Deed bearing date the 18th day of April 1825 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and Deed and desired us to Certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the county court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded - Given under our hands and seals this 18th day of April 1825.

[Sig] St. P. Pool JP (Seal)
[Sig] William Wall (Seal)

Mecklenburg County Clerks office the 17th day of October 1825
This indenture together with the certificate of acknowledgment therein endorsed was this day reviewed in the clerks office aforesaid in Vacation and pursuant to an act of assembly in such cases made and provided is admitted to record.
Teste J. G. Baptist

Submitted 1999 Oct 02 by Patricia Henderson-London
Transcribed by JoLee Gregory Spears

Design by Templates in Time

This page was last updated 03/08/2024