Mecklenburg County

Five ELAM 1835-1858 Deeds

Anderson and Sally OVERBY to Daniel ELAM

Deed Book 26, Page 460
December 5, 1835
This Indenture made this tenth day of October in the year AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty five between Anderson Overby and Sally Overby his wife of Mecklenburg County State of Virginia of the one part and Daniel Elam of the said County and State of the other part Witnesseth that the said Anderson Overby and wife in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred six dollars and fifty cents Virginia money to them in hand paid by the said Elam at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and have given granted bargained sold aliened enforced released and confirmed and do by these presents give grant bargain sell alien enforce release and confirm unto him the said Daniel Elam and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land whereon they now live called the home tract lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and on both sides of Little Buffalo Creek and bounded as follows to wit beginning on Little Buffalo Creek at a corner broke down Sweet Gum stump and pointers at the present ford in James Newton's line thence along his line S 24 deg W 80 poles to corner pointers in the corner of a fence on his line S 70 deg E 56 poles and 17 links to a corner pointers in the same thence N 7 ½ deg E 110 poles to a corner White Oak stump and pointers on a branch thence up the said branch N 50 deg E 14 poles to a corner pointers Hickory in Robert Newton's line thence along his line S 73 ½ deg E 33 poles and 16 links to a corner hickory in said James Newton's line thence along his line S 2 deg W 177 poles to a corner stake near the road in the dower line of the estate of Robert Newton deceased hence along that line N 68 ½ deg W 63 poles to a corner stake formerly a Sweet Gum thence S 7 ½ W 3 poles and 7 links to the road called South Boston Road thence along said road as it meanders 142 poles to corner pointers thence N 24 ½ deg E 27 poles to a corner Pine thence N 72 ½ deg E 68 poles and 20 links to the beginning containing eighty eight acres be the same more or less within said boundary this being called and known by the home tract. Also a second tract called and known by the Vaughan tract lying and being in said County and on both sides of the Little Buffalo Creek and bounded as follows to wit beginning on the said South Boston Road at corner pointers in David Perkins line thence down said road as it meanders to corner pointers in the before named line thence N 24 ½ deg E 27 poles to a corner Pine as named in the other tract above described thence along that line N 72 ½ deg E 68 poles and 20 links to the said Creek and a mouth of a branch thence up the said branch as it meanders 55 poles to a corner pointer Hickory in Robert Newton's line thence along his line N 70 deg W 144 poles to a corner White Oak in a small branch thence up the said branch as it meanders 30 poles to a Hickory thence S 15 W 74 poles to the beginning containing sixty three acres be the same more or less within said boundary. This tract was sold as the property of Dr. Spencer C. Vaughan deceased by a decree of the court of Mecklenburg some few years past subject to his widows dower (Elizabeth Vaughan) and the same being laid out to her by metes and bounds as to be seen containing 21 acres also third tract called and known by the Wiles tract and lying and being in the said County and on the waters of the Little Buffalo Creek and bounded as follows to wit beginning on the cow road in Daniel Sizemore, Jr.'s line as a corner Spanish Oak thence along his line nearly with the road N 32 deg W 67 poles and 15 links to a corner Red Oak sapling in Thomas Owens line thence along his line S 69 deg W 24 poles to a Willow Oak in the head of a drain thence down said drain or branch to a large dead Poplar a corner thence along the said Owens' line S 46 ½ deg E 132 poles to a corner Elm in another drain or branch which is John Newton's line thence up the said drain or branch and a chopped line as they meander to the beginning containing seventy five and a quarter acres be the same more or less within the said boundary in all including the widows dower two hundred twenty six and a quarter acres to have and to hold the aforesaid granted and sold tracts or parcels of land together with all and everything there unto belonging (except the 21 acres the widow's dower during her life at her death) with all and singular the appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belongeth or in any wise appertaineth unto him the said Daniel Elam and to his heirs and assigns forever and the said Anderson Overby and wife as by these presents bind themselves their heirs etc. to warrant and forever defend the right and title of the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land and premises against the just claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever (except the widow Vaughan during her life). In testimony whereof the said Overby and wife have hereunto set their hands and fixed their seals the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of
Anderson Overby (seal)
Sally Overby (seal)

Mecklenburg County We Stephen P Pool and Lancelotte G. Wade Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Anderson Overby and Sally Overby his wife parties to a certain deed bearing sale on the 10th day of October 1835 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the clerk of the County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 10th day of October 1835.
St. P. Pool (seal) JP
L. G. Wade (seal) JP

Mecklenburg County
We Stephen P. Pool and Lancelotte G. Wade Justices of the Peace in the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Sally Overby the wife of Anderson Overby parties to a certain tract bearing date on the 10th of October 1835 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in the County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Sally Overby acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 10th day of October 1835.

St. P. Pool (seal) JP
L. G. Wade (seal) JP

Mecklenburg County Clerks Office 5th December 1835
The foregoing Indenture and Sale together with the certificate of acknowledgment and relinquishment of dower thereon endorsed was this day recorded in the Clerk's Office aforesaid and pursuant to an act of assembly in such cases made and provided is admitted to record.

John G. Baptist, Clerk

George Royster to Daniel Elam

Mecklenburg County Virginia
Deed Book 28, Page 500
December 1, 1839

This Indenture made this first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine between George Royster and Matilda his wife of Mecklenburg County Virginia of the one part and Daniel Elam of the same County and State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said George Royster and Matilda his wife for and in consideration of he sum of one thousand and forty five dollars to them in hand paid by the said Elam at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced and confirmed and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, and enforce and confirm unto the said Daniel Elam and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and on the waters of Dan River on the south side and bounded as follows to wit beginning at a Spanish Oak on the Cow Road, Daniel Sizemore's corner thence east with Sizemore's line to the corner of pointers near a Spring thence with said Spring Branch as it meanders to a corner Poplar stump thence with said line to a corner Pine on Skipwith's line and Morgan Puryear's line thence with said Puryear's line to corner Black Gum the said Cow Road thence along with the road to corner stake and pointers on John Newton's line thence with said Newton's line to corner Spanish Oak on James Newton's line to corner Red Oak on said line thence to corner Elm on the branch thence up the branch as it meanders to the beginning Spanish Oak containing two hundred and eleven acres be the same more or less within the said boundary. It being the same tract of land I now live on with all and everything thereunto belonging to have and to old the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all and everything thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Daniel Elam and to his heirs and assigns forever and the said George Royster and Matilda his wife doth by these presents bind themselves their heirs etc. to warrant and forever defend the right and title of the said tract of land and premises against the just claims or demands of all and every person or persons whatsoever either in (?) or equity. In witness whereof the said Royster and wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written. Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of George Royster (seal) Matilda Royster (seal) Mecklenburg County We Stephen P. Pool and Edward F. P. Pool Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that George Royster and Matilda his wife parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 1st day of December 1839 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act deed and desire us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded. given under our hands and seals this 17th day of December 1839. Stephen P. Pool (seal) JP Edmund F. P. Pool (seal) JP Mecklenburg County We Stephen P. Pool and Edward F. P. Pool Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Matilda Royster wife of George Royster parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 1st day of December 1839 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed fully explained to her she the said Matilda Royster acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 17th day of December 1839. Stephen P. Pool (seal) JP Edmund F. P. Pool (seal) JP Mecklenburg County Clerk's Office 16th March 1840 The foregoing Indenture of Bargain and Sale together with the certificate of acknowledgment and relinquishment of dower thereon endorsed was this day received in the Clerk's office aforesaid and pursuant to an act of assembly in such cases made and provided is admitted to record. Teste R. B. Baptist, Clerk

Daniel Elam to Nathaniel B. Nelson

Mecklenburg County Virginia
Deed Book 29, Page 44
December 17, 1839

This Indenture made and entered into this 17th day of December AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine between Daniel Elam and Elizabeth Elam his wife of Mecklenburg County and State of Virginia of the one part and Nathaniel B. Nelson of the said County and State aforesaid the other part. Witnesseth that the said Daniel Elam and wife for and in consideration of the sum of thirteen hundred and fifty nine dollars current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Nathaniel B. Nelson and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced and confirmed and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enforce, release and confirm unto him the said Nathaniel B. Nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county and State aforesaid and on the waters of Little Buffalo Creek and bounded south by the Boston Road which separates it from the lands of James H. Newton estate, Robert Ragsdale, east by the lands of James Newton (son George), north by the lands of Robert Newton, Sr. and Samuel Puryear, west by the lands of Bentley Wilkerson and Edmund F. P. Pool and also by the lands held by James Newton (son George) which he hired from the estate of Robert Newton lying within said boundary containing one hundred and fifty one acres subject to twenty one acres which Elizabeth Vaughan widow of Dr. Spencer Vaughan now lives on the boundaries of which may be seen by reference to the Clerk's office of the County aforesaid be the same more or less within said boundary to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all and everything thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever and the said Daniel Elam and wife do by these presents bind themselves their heirs etc. to warrant and forever defend the right and title of the said tract of land and premises against the just claims or demands of all and every person or persons whatsoever in testimony whereof the said Elam and wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of, Daniel Elam (seal) Elizabeth Elam (seal) Mecklenburg County to wit We Stephen P. Pool and Edmund F. P. Pool Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Daniel Elam and Elizabeth his wife parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 17th day of December 1839 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of he County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 17th day of December 1839. Stephen P. Pool (seal) JP Edmund F. P. Pool (seal) JP Mecklenburg County to wit We Stephen P. Pool and Edmund F. P. Pool Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Elizabeth Elam wife of Daniel Elam parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 17th day of December 1839 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed fully explained to her, she the said Elizabeth Elam acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 17th day of December 1839. Stephen P. Pool (seal) JP Edmund F. P. Pool (seal) JP Mecklenburg County Clerk's Office August 21st 1840 The foregoing Deed of Bargain and Sale was this day received in the office aforesaid and together with the annexed certificates of acknowledgment and relinquishment of dower is admitted to record. Teste R. W. Baptist, County Clerk

Edmund F. P. Pool to Daniel Elam

Mecklenburg County Virginia
Deed Book 34, Page 293
December 21, 1853

This Deed made and entered into this 25th day of November AD one thousand eight hundred and fifty three between Edmund F. P. Pool and Sarah his wife of the one part of the County of Halifax State of Virginia and Daniel Elam of the County of Mecklenburg and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand five dollars to them in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and hath given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed and doth give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Daniel Elam his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and State aforesaid on the waters of Little Buffalo Creek adjoining the lands of George Royster, James H. Newton and others and bounded as follows to wit beginning at a corner stake and Sumac tree opposite the granary of George Royster thence due south 70 poles to a corner White Oak thence south S 3 ½ W 24 poles to Red Oak on the old race track thence along said track south 97 poles to a stake in J. H. Newton's line thence along his line S 73 ½ E 102 poles to Sweet Gums thence S 53 ½ E 31 ½ poles __?__ a large branch at Old Mill Dam to pointers Hickory thence N 20 E 188 poles to __?__ and Plumb tree on the Clarksville Road thence up said road 163 ½ poles to the beginning containing two hundred and three acres be the same more or less in said boundary to have and to hold the aforesaid land and premises together with everything thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Daniel Elam his heirs and assigns forever and the said Edmund F. P. Pool and Sarah his wife bind themselves their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to warrant and defend the title of the aforesaid land and premises unto the said Daniel Elam with "General Warranty". In testimony whereof the said Edmund F. P. Pool and Sarah his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and date first written.

In the presence of,
E. F. P. Pool (seal)
Sarah P. Pool (seal)

County of Mecklenburg
We John W. Young and George J. Dabbs Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Edmund F. P. Pool and Sarah his wife parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 25th of November 1853 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desire us to certify said acknowledgment tot he Clerk of the County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded.
given under our hands and seals this 25th day of November 1853.

John W. Young (seal) JP
G. J. Dabbs (seal) JP

County of Mecklenburg
We John W. Young and George J. Dabbs Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Sarah P. Pool wife of Edmund F. P. Pool parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 25th day of November 1853 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and having the deed fully explained and having been examined by us privily and apart from her husband declared that she had willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wishes not to retract. Given under our hands and seals this 25th day of November 1853.

Mecklenburg County Clerk's Office 21st December 1853
The foregoing Deed of Bargain and Sale together with the certificates of acknowledgment and relinquishment of dower thereon endorsed was this day received in the Clerk's office aforesaid and admitted to record.

Teste R. B. Baptist, Clerk

William L. Moore to Thomas R. Elam

Mecklenburg County Virginia
Deed Book 35, Page 575
December 27, 1858

This Deed made this 9th day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight between William L. Moore of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia of the first part and Thomas R. Elam of the second part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen hundred and thirty one 38/100 to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part before the delivery of this deed the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged doth hereby grant, sell and convey with general warranty unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid containing two hundred and eighty one and ¾ acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows to wit commencing at Mrs. Moore's corner pointers in the land thence S ½ W 242 poles to Post Oak thence due east 120 poles to a bend in Neal's line thence S 87 E 29 ½ poles to a new corner Post Oak in Neal's line thence due north 129 poles to corner pointers thence due east 64 poles to a branch thence down said branch as it meanders to corner pointers in Robert Y. Overby's line thence along his line N 8 W 86 poles to Mrs. Moore's corner pointers thence due west along Mrs. Moore's line 210 poles to the beginning and the said party of the first part covenants to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns that he has given right to convey the said tract or parcel of land and that he has done no act to encumber the same.

Witness the following signatures and seals,
William L. Moore (seal)

State of Virginia
County of Mecklenburg

George J. Dabbs a Justice of the Peace for the said County in the said State do certify that William L. Moore whose name is signed to the __?__ above bearing date on the 9th day of December 1858 has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this 9th day of December 1858.

Mecklenburg County Clerk's Office December 27th 1858
The foregoing Deed of Bargain and Sale together with the certificate of Acknowledgment therein endorsed was this day received in the Clerk's office aforesaid and admitted to record.

Teste R. F. Clack, Clerk

"This deed is of a piece of land that Thomas R. Elam, Daniel's nephew bought in 1858. It too is in this area. Thomas was the orphan of Andrew G. Elam, older brother to Daniel. Daniel was Thomas's guardian and presumed raised by Daniel. Thomas was killed in the Civil War in 1862. A tragic end to a family that had experienced much sadness. Andrew's wife Matilda Puryear died young after giving birth to Thomas. Andrew died a few years later leaving Thomas as an orphan. Thomas was their only child and killed in 1862 leaving a young bride and a son who died an infant. This branch of the family just died out. I believe that Thomas's (first) wife was Henrietta Overby." --Kent A. Elam, Jr.

Contributed by Kent A. Elam, Jr.

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