Mecklenburg County

EZELL 1767-1851 Deeds

The following deeds for the Ezell family were taken from the Index, Film # 0032528, Family History Center, Salt Lake, Utah. Mecklenburg Co. was formed in 1767, from Lunenburg Co. The first deed for Ezell was March 4, 1767, and this portion of the Index will go through 1851. About four from this group are missing. The final deed on this Index ends with 1923.

In addition to the deeds, I included other information pertaining to the Ezell family; ie names, relationships and in some cases notes about principals on deeds that may be information as to where the land is located - adjoining land owners and witnesses. The Ezells in this group of Mecklenburg County Deeds can be traced back to old Surry County and ended up in Mecklenburg Co. as part of Surry became Sussex, then Brunswick, then into Lunenburg and then finally part of the original Surry Co. became Mecklenburg, but also part of Lunenburg. This applies especially to John Ezell, Sr., born 1707, to George Ezell and Rebecca Delke; George was the son of George and Elizabeth Clark, and that George was the son the original Timothy Ezell, and Mary DeTorres.


1. 3/9/1767: John Ezell Sr. appoints Benjamin Baird his attorney. This John is the son of George and Rebecca Delke. Deed Book 1, page 348.

Whereas Benjamin Baird, Gent, has notified me that he intends to travel in the North and South Carolina, and as far as Georgia. I, John Ezell Sr., of Mecklenburg County, planter, do appoint him to be my true and lawful attorney, to recover all sums of money that are due me from William Avory (Avories), William Twitty, David Holloway of South Carolina. Witness, John Ezell, Jr., Rebecca Claiborne.

NOTE: At the same time of the above instrument, a duplicate instrument was made between the above Benj. Baird and one of the witnesses above, Rebecca Claiborne. John Sr. and John Jr. were both witnesses and is in the same book, and the following page, 349. Two Claibornes later marry two Ezell sisters, the daughters of Robertson Ezell, which will be shown in later deeds.

NOTE: 3/9/1767: Deed bk. 1, page 349. Rebecca Claiborne also signs a deed that is a duplicate of the above Power of Attorney. Both John Sr., and John Jr. are witnesses.

2. 6/13/1768: John Ezell Sr. to John Jr. for two negroes. Deed Book 2, Page 58

Know all men by these presents that I, John Ezell Sr. of the County of Mecklenburg, planter, for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred pounds, Current money of Virginia, to me in hand paid by John Ezell Jr. of the aforesaid County, whereof I do hereby acknowledge the receipt and myself therewith fully and entirely satisfied have bargained, sold and delivered and by these presents in plain and open market according to just form of law in that case made and provided, do bargain, set over and deliver unto the said John Ezell Jr., one negroe named Sal and one negro named Winnie, to have and to hold the said negroes forever from all persons whatsoever to him and his heirs forever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fourteenth day of December 1768 Teste: S. John Ezell, Sr. William Ladd George Vaughan
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of June, 1768, this Bill of Sale was Acknowledged by John Ezell Sr., a party thereto and ordered to be Recorded. John Tabb

3. 12/20/1768: John Ezell Sr. to John Ezell Jr.; Book 2, page 59, for 250 acres

NOTE; This deed is an important deed to the Ezell researchers as it brings together John Ezell, Sr., his son John Ezell Jr., son Benjamin and his son William.

All three sons and the father own land adjoining each other... Benjamin was reportedly born circa 1733, but could have been born earlier. If so, there is a slight possibility that this William could be the son of Benjamin.

Note in my deed # 8, that William and his wife JEAN sells 300 acres to Henry Pennington. The 300 acres was deeded to William in 1763, by John Sr. I mention this because John's son William is supposed to be married to Sarah Gilliam. It could not be John Sr.'s brother William, because that William married Martha Stokes. The Question? Where does Wm's wife Jean figure in?

This deed, also is dated same day John Sr. gave the two negroes above.

This indenture, made this thirteenth day of December in the Eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, and in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty Eight, Between John Ezell Sr. of Mecklenburg County, planter, of the one part and John Ezell Jr. of the aforesaid county of the other part: Witnesseth that the said John Ezell Sr. for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds of good and lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Ezell Jr. before the sealing and delivery of these presents hath bargained, sold, aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain, sell, alienate and confirm unto John Ezell Jr., a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Mecklenburg County containing by estimation two hundred and fifty acres be it more or less bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the head of Clara Pattilo; thence along the said Patillo to a white Oak to corner; thence along a line of marked trees to the Spring Trees; thence up the said Branch to the road; thence along the said road to John Buggs line; thence along the said line to BENJAMIN EZELL's LINE; thence along the said Ezell's line to John Stogner's line; thence along the said Stogner's line to Stafford's line; thence along the said line to William Ezell's line; thence along the said Ezell's line to the BEGINNING, and the revision and revisions and remainders right estate, benefit claims or demands of, in, or to the same or any part thereof: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to him, the said John Ezell, Jr., his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever and the said John Ezell Sr., for himself and his heirs and assigns and will warrant and forever defend the said Tract of Land from all persons whatsoever to the only use and behoof of them the said John Ezell Jr. to him and his heirs forever. In Witness whereof the said John Ezell Sr. hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of S. John Ezell Sr. John Ladd William Ladd George Vaughan

4. 3/28/1 200768: John Ezell Sr., to John Stogner for 200 acres. More land of John Sr. adjoining that of Benjamin. Deed Book 2, page 121-22

This Indenture, made the 28th day of March, in the Seventh year of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, and in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Eight Between John Ezell Sr., of Brunswick County, Planter, of the one part and John Stogner of Mecklenburg County of the other part: Witnesseth that the said John Ezell for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds of good and lawful money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said John Stogner before the sealing and delivery of these presents, hath bargained, sold, alienated and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain, Sell, Alienate and Confirm unto the said John Stogner a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Mecklenburg County containing by estimation Two Hundred Acres, be it more or less, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at BENJAMIN EZELL'S LINE; thence along the said line to John Ezell, Sr. ; thence along the said Ezells line to Saban Stafford's line; thence along said Stafford's line to Hicks' line; thence along Hicks' line to the BEGINNING, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, right estate, benefit, claim, demand of, in or to the same or any part thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to him the said John Stogner his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever and the said John Ezell for himself and his heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the said tract of land from all persons whatsoever, to the only use and behoof of him, the said John Stogner to him and his heirs and assigns forever. In witness the said John Ezell hath hereunto set his hand and seal the Day and Year above written. Signed, sealed & Delivered John Ezell in the presence of Wm. Robinson, John Ladd, Saban Wright Jordan Mabry, Samuel Lark March the twenty eight day one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight; Memorandum that quiet and peaceable possession was this day had and taken of the within mentioned land and premises of the within named John Ezell to the within named John Stogner According to the terms and efect of the within written deed. John Ezell Same witnesses as above.

At a Court for Mecklenburg County the twelfth day of September 1768. This indenture and Memorandum of Livery and Seizen was endorsed and acknowledged by John Ezell Sr., party thereto and ordered be recorded.

5. 3/9/1772: John Ezell, Jr. and Martha, his wife to John Stogner. Book 3, Page 317-318.

This deed is important to Ezell researchers in that it names the wife of John Ezell, Jr. as Martha.

It also brings up another question. This John, Jr. has also been named as the John Ezell who married Elizabeth Adams, and was the father of another Benjamin, born in 1748-49 as shown in the Albemarle Parish Register. Could it be that he married Elizabeth Adams first, and Martha is his second wife. Could his son Benjamin have been named after his brother Benjamin. It does prove one thing... This John and Martha and or Elizabeth, "CANNOT" be the father of Benjamin, of Brunswick Co., who is the father of Wyatt M.; Buckner, William, Davis and Sally. Buckner was signing deeds as witness in the 1770's, meaning he was full grown then. The Benjamin born in 1748-49 could not have produced children old enough to sign deeds and wills. With roughly 18-20 years to a generation, Buckner would have to have 18-20 years old not until 1885 to 1888.

Notice too, that Hannah, the wife of John Sr. no longer appears on his deeds as she did in the Brunswick County deeds.

This Indenture, made this seventeenth day of October in the eleventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King and the year of our Lord 1771 Between John Ezell, Jr. of Mecklenburg County, planter, of the one part and John Stogner of the aforesaid County of the other part: Witnesseth that the said John Ezell for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds of good and lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Stogner before the sealing and delivery of these presents, hath bargained, sold, alienated and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain, sell, alien and confirm unto the said John Stogner a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Mecklenburg County containing by estimation two hundred and forty acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at William Ezell's corner tree; thence along said William Ezell's line to the old road; thence along the old Road to the head of Race Paths; thence along the Race Paths to a red oak to John Ezell Sr. line; thence along said John Ezell's line to the Spring Branch; thence up the Spring Branch to the Old Road; thence up the Old Road to John Bugg's line; thence along said Buggs' line to Benjamin Ezell's line; thence along said line to John Stogner's line; thence along said line to Saban Stafford's line; thence along said line to the BEGINNING, and the revision and revisions, remainder and remainders and right estate, benefit of, claim, or demand of, in, or, to the same in any part thereof; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to him the said John Stogner, his heirs, assigns, administrators forever and the said John Ezell, Jr. for himself and his heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the said tract or parcel of land from all forever, whatsoever to his only use and behoof of his the said John Stogner, to his and his heirs and assigns forever in Witness whereof the said John Ezell, Jr., hath herewith set his hand and seal the day and year above written: Signed, sealed and Delivered in the presence of: John Ezell, Jr. John Bugg, William Crutchfield, Saban Mathis

MEMORANDUM: that quiet and peaceable possession are this day had and taken of the within mentioned land and premises of the within named John Ezell to the within named John Stogner___________to the intent and effect of the within written deed. John Bugg Wm. Crutchfield John Ezell, Jr. Saban Mathis

At a court held for Mecklenburg County on Monday, the 9th day of______1771 this indenture and memorandum and seizen endorsed was acknowledged by the said John Ezell, a party thereto, and Martha, his wife, she having been first privately examined as the law requires and Ordered to be recorded...

6. 4/11/1772: John Ezell Jr., Saban Stafford and John Stogner Jr. to Lewis Parham. Deed Book 3, Page 395. 159 acres

This Indenture made this 11th day of April, one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Two BETWEEN Saban Stafford, John Ezell Jr. and John Stogner of the County of Mecklenburg of the one part and Lewis Parham of the County of Mecklenburg of the other part: WITNESSETH that the said Stafford, Ezell and John Stogner Jr., for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Five Pounds Current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Lewis Parham, the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge, hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, enforse and confirm unto the said Lewis Parham and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the said Road on the North prong of Stith's Creek; thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a corner white oak; thence South to a red oak corner tree East to a black jack on the head of Lick Branch; thence Northeast to a white oak saplin; thence west to the Main Road; thence along the said road to a corner white oak of WILLIAM EZELLS; thence down the Little Fork of Taylor's Creek to a forked_______; thence up a branch of said creek to a red oak; thence a new line betwixt William Robinson and said Stafford to a white oak; thence along the same to the Beginning. containing one hundred and sixty nine acres, be the same more or less, Together with all ______, orchards, fences, waterways, woods, profits, commodities, advantages, and their appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging to or in any wise appertaining; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with the afore recited premises and any part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Lewis Parham, their heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said Lewis Parham, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Stafford, Ezell Jr., and Stogner Jr. for them and their heirs do covenant and agree with the said Lewis Parham, his heirs and assigns that they the said Stafford, Ezell Jr. and Stogner, to their heirs the above mentioned land and premises with their and every of their appurtenances with the said Lewis Parham, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns against them the said Stafford, Ezell Jr. and Stogner Jr., their Executors, and assigns against all persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and defend . In witness whereof, the said Stafford, Ezell Jr. and Stogner Jr. hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:
Laban Stafford
John Mabry
John Ezell, Jr.
William Dorean
John Stogner, Jr.
John Lucas

NOTE: Rebecca Watson and 5 brothers sell to Ephfriam Mabry 373 acres bounded by Ezells on Flat Creek. 12/14/1772 NOTE; John Lucas (witness to above deed (6) sells to Wm. Jeffries 116 ac. Witnessed by EDWARD EZELL 5/10/1773

NOTE: John Stogner sells to Neavel Gee 440 acres bounded by Benjamin Ezell, Hicks, Parham, William Ezell and John Ezell, Sr..

NOTE: George Vaughan sells to Isham Davis 50 acres on Taylor's Creek adjoining John Ezell, Walker, Kirk and Moon. 9/8/1777

7. 12/12/1776 also 10/13/1777 : John Ezell and Martha, his wife, and James and Susanna Connell of Anson County, North Carolina to John Harper of Dinwiddie County for 110 pounds, 207 acres in Mecklenburg County and bounded by the forks of the Road near Bowen's Shop, thence to Burton, Merrimoon, the Sawscaffold Branch, James Williams, Howell Pennington, William Drumwright, Birds Old Road. Deed Book 5, page 105 and 106. Signed John and Martha Ezell and James and Susanna Connell: Witnessed by Drumwright and Pace.

The entire first page of this deed is unreadable and the summary was taken from Mecklenburg Co. Deeds, 1777 - 1799. James and Susanna Connell in this deed own this land together with John and Martha. I saw at one time the name of an Ezell girl who married a Connell but can't find it in my marriage records.

8. 4/13/1778: William Ezell, and wife, Jean, sell to Henry Pennington, 300 acres. Deed Book 5, Page 228-229. This 300 acres and a deed thereto can be found in Lunenburg Co., later Mecklenburg. See following: the actual deed from Lunenburg Co must be ordered from the Library of Virginia. Family History Center only has the following summary. same land recorded both counties.

Lunenburg County Deed Book 9, pages 335-337,12, Sept. 1763: John Ezell to William Ezell, both of Lunenburg County, 5 pounds, 300 acres; Lunenburg Co. on Little Creek, at Taylors Road. Witt: Saml Marshall Jr.; William Robison, William Boin. Recorded 8 Dec. 1763 Sig: John Ezell This Indenture, made this twenty-fourth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, Between William Ezell, and Jean, his wife of the county of Mecklenburg of the one part and Henry Pennington of the county aforesaid of the other part. WITNESSETH, that the said William and Jean for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Henry Pennington, the receipt whereof we the said William Ezell and Jean Ezell doth hereby acknowledge hath given, bargained, and sold and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Henry Pennington, his heirs and assigns for one a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and containing by estimation three hundred acres, be the same more or less BEGINNING at a corner white oak on the North Prong of Taylor's Creek; thence up the creek to the head as it meanders ; thence along a line of marked trees at the Road; thence up Taylor's Road to a corner black jack tree; thence along Naval Gee's line to a corner red Oak; thence along Gee's line to a corner red oak, thence along John Ezell's line to the beginning, and being a tract or parcel of land conveyed to the said William Ezell by a deed from John Ezell, together with all the houses, woods, waters and all other the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining---TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said land and appurtenances unto the said Henry Pennington, his heirs and assigns forever, and they the said William Ezell, and Jean, his wife, doth for themselves and their heirs and assigns doth covenant and agree with the said Henry Pennington that he the said William Ezell and Jean, his wife and their heirs the above granted land and premises unto the said Henry Pennington, his heirs and assigns forever against all persons, shall and will covenant and forever defend: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Said William Ezell and Jean, his wife, hath hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and Delivered in the presence of: William Ezell Balaam Jones, Wm. Bowen, Wm. Drumwright Jean Ezell Wm. Neale, William Ladd

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of April, 1778, this indenture and the memorandum endorsed was proved by the oaths of William Drumwright, Balaam Jones, William Bowen, Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. S. John Brown

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of September, 1778, Jean Ezell, wife of William Ezell personally appeared in Court and having been privately examined absolutely relinquished her right of dower in the above conveyed by this indenture. S. John Brown, Clk of Court

NOTE: 6/5/1778: Austin Willis of Halifax Co. NC sells 400 acres in Lunenburg Co. (Now Mecklenburg Co.) to John Ballard Jr. on Tamms Fork, and bounded by Benjamin Ezell and John Bugg. This is land that Willis purchased from John Ezell 12/5/1761 in Lunenburg Co.

9. 8/14/1779: Benjamin Ezell to Robert Nance; Deed Book 5, page 491-
492. 500 acres.

Most of Benjamin's land was in Brunswick County and then Lunenburg Co. This may have been an early land grant, for I could never find Benjamin having bought this parcel, nor could I find it in the land grants. This is also the first time that Benjamin's son, Buckner Ezell, shows up in Mecklenburg County. Most of his land was covered in Brunswick Co. Deeds. Buckner has shown up on various deeds and wills as a witness prior to this.

This indenture, made the fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine between Benjamin Ezell of the county of Brunswick of the one part and Robert Nance of the county aforesaid of the other part: Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Ezell for and in consideration of eight hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Robert Nance, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given, sold, aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, alien, enforce, and confirm forever, one certain tract and parcel of land containing five hundred acres, be the same more or less, lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and bounded in the following manner: BEGINNING at a corner red oak tree of John Bugg's and Naval Gee's; from thence abounding by the said Gee's to a white oak corner tree by the branch; thence abounding by the said line to a red oak corner tree upon James Hicks' land and from thence abounded by a new line of John Buggs' to a white oak corner tree of John Ballards line; thence along the said Ballard line to a white oak and thence to a small red oak to Buggs' line and thence to a giant poplar on the said Buggs' line meandering up Taylor's Creek; thence crossing the creek and thence to the corner red oak and to the BEGINNING. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforementioned tract or parcel of land together with all the houses, orchards, gardens, fences, water, water courses, ways, woods, and woods profits, commodities, advantages and other appurtenances –

whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all the aforementioned premises and any part and parcel thereof with their and every of theirs unto the said Robert Nance, his heirs and assigns forever. To the only use and behoof of the said Robert Nance, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Benjamin Ezell for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said Robert Nance, his heirs and assigns that the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs for the above mentioned lands and premises with their and every of their appurtenances with the said Robert Nance, his heirs and assigns –

against the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs, and against all other persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever by these presents defend. In Witness whereof, the said Benjamin Ezell hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: Benjamin Ezell Chislon Curtis George Hicks William Ezell, son of Benjamin Buckner Ezell, son of Benjamin

MEMORANDUM that on the fourteenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine quiet and peaceable possession of the within mentioned lands and tenements was had and taken by the within named Benjamin Ezell and by him was delivered unto the within Robert Nance according to the ______ form and effect of the within written deed.

Wit: Curtis, Hicks, Wm. Ezell, Buckner Ezell s. Benjamin Ezell

Recorded 10/1/1779 by Benjamin Ezell The children of Benjamin Ezell, Sr. and his wife Sarah, follow: From his will 1825. Wyatt M. m. Tabitha Thrower 1/21/1786 Buckner m. Elizabeth Birchett 1/21/1786 married same date. William M. An Elizabeth (Possibly Elizabeth (Betsy Bailey 9/14/1796) Davis m. Nancy Davis 12/22/1794 Sally (Sarah) m. James Standley 1/25/1796

10. 7/16/1782: John Ezell, Sr. to grandson Gilliam Ezell, one Negro girl. Deed Book 6, Page 215

This deed is important to Ezell researchers, especially those working on John's line. This establishes his grandson Gilliam and the marriage of his son William (Bill) to Sarah Gilliam. This is also why I couldn't figure out who the "Jean" was in previous notes and deeds. In addition, LEWIS EZELL is a Witness. This Lewis is also John's son - and not the son of a Benjamin who was b. 1780...

Know all men by these presents that I, John Ezell ,of the County of Mecklenburg have Bargained, sold and delivered unto my Grandson, Gilliam Ezell, one Negro girl named Nancy for value received by me John Ezell and do hereby warrant and forever Defend this Negro unto the said Gilliam Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever from any Claim of any person or persons Whatever. In Witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal this 16th of July 1782. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
John Ezell
Robert Connell [Connell again]
Stephen Strange [Emily F. Ezell m. Owen Strange]

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 9th day of December 1782 This Bill of Sale was proved by the oath of Lewis Ezell, a witness, and ordered to be recorded.
[This Lewis Ezell is the son of John, brother to Benjamin.]

NOTE: 11/11/1782: Josiah Floyd sells 243 acres adjoining the lands of George Ezell. I cannot place this George, nor the below mentioned Michael. A George, James, and Michael were listed in Lunenburg Co. Tax lists for several years during the years from 1749 thru 1764. The area later became Mecklenburg Co. Joseph, another suspected son of John Sr. is also listed. He died in 1791 in Brunswick Co. I have a suspicion that perhaps that the above named Michael, James, and George may be the sons of Lewis, the son of John Sr.

11. 3/10/1783: Michael Ezell to Jabez Northington, 100 acres: See above note. Book 6, page 231.

This Indenture, made this tenth Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and eighty three BETWEEN Michael Ezell of the county of Mecklenburg and Jabez Northington of the same county WITNESSETH that the said Michael Ezell for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to him in hand paid by the said Northington, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Jabez Northington, in his actual Seizen and Possession now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said Michael Ezell by Indenture bearing date the day before the date of these presents and by the force of the statute for transferring_________into possession and to his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less situated and lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and bounded as follows: (to wit) BEGINNING at a corner Hickory on Winfield's line; thence up the said line to a line of marked trees to the said Northington's line to a corner black oak, the same being granted to Robert Connell by letters of Patent bearing date at Williamsburg the third day of July, 1752. to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land as aforesaid unto the said Jabez Northington and to his heirs and executors, the above named Michael Ezell and his heirs and executors, my title or interest in or to the said tract or parcel of land granted unto the said Jabez Northington, his heirs and assigns forever to the only use and behoof of him the said Jabez Northington and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof I hereunto set our hands and seals the day and date above mentioned.
Michael Ezell

MEMORANDUM: ____Day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty three that quiet and peaceable possession this day has been taken of the within mentioned land and premises of the said Michael Ezell to the within named Northington according to the form and effects of the within written deed. Michael Ezell

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 10th day of March, 1783 This Indenture and memorandum endorsed was Acknowledged by Michael Ezell, a party thereto to be recorded and SARAH EZELL, the wife of the said Michael personally appeared in Court and being prively examined and entirely relinquished her right of dower in the Estate conveyed by this Indenture. S. John Brown


NOTE: 5/28/1784: Jabez Northington sells 60 ac. to Chappell adjoining Winkfield and Avens Creek. WITNESS: Lewis Ezell

NOTE; 1/4/1785: Jabez Northington sells 600 acres to John Northington on Avens Creek; land purchased from John Brown adjoining land of Josiah Floyd, Connell and Chappell. WITNESSES: George Melone. Martha Davis, (mother of Nancy Davis who later married Buckner Ezell, the son of Benjamin) married Josiah Floyd after her husband Wm. Davis died.

NOTE; 1/25/1785: Avery Connell sells 60 acres to Jabez Northington, land that did belong to MICHAEL EZELL.

NOTE: 3/12/1785: John Harris sells 125 acres to Mial Wall: WITNESS; Lewis Ezell.

11-A: 3/27/1788: William Ezell buys 121 acres from James Nipper: Deed Book 7, page 390-92.

This Indenture, made the twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight between James Nipper of the County of Mecklenburg of the one part and William Ezell of the County aforesaid of the other part: Witnesseth that the said James Nipper for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty one pounds Current money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said William Ezell, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath given, granted, bargained and sold, aliened, enforced and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, alien, enforce and confirm unto the said William Ezell and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and twenty one acres, be the same more or less lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and bounded in the following manner. BEGINNING at a corner pine of John Nipper's on Robert Hudson's line; thence along the said Hudson's line North 69 degrees West fifty five poles to a Maple; thence down the said Creek South thirty seven degrees West twenty poles to the Mouth of James Smith's Branch; thence up the said branch one hundred and twenty two poles to a white oak; thence North twenty five degrees west twelve poles to a pine; thenceforth two degrees west thirty four poles to a sweet oak on Thomas Booth's line; thence on Booth's line North sixty nine degrees east one hundred and four poles to a red oak on Benjamin Walkers line; thence along the said Walker line South seventy degrees east sixty two poles to a red oak on Charles Floyd's line; thence Floyd's line South eighteen degrees east sixteen poles to a white oak; thence South seventy five degrees east eighteen poles to a corner hickory on John Nipper's line; thence on the said Nipper's line South eleven degrees west one hundred and twenty eight poles to the BEGINNING pine being part of a tract granted to the said James Nipper by his father to have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all the houses, orchards, gardens, fences, waters, watercourses, profits, commodities and advantages and other appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or anywise appertaining to the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with the aforesited premises and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said William Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever to the only use and behoof of the said William Ezell and to his heirs and assigns forever he the said James Nipper for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said William Ezell, his heirs and assigns that he the said James Nipper, his heirs the above mentioned land and premises with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said William Ezell, his heirs against him the said James Nipper, his heirs and against all other persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever by these presents defend: In witness whereof, the said James Nipper hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of James Nipper Thomas Webb Alddias Webb DAVIS EZELL

NOTE; Davis Ezell, witness signed above, is the first time I have found him on deeds. He is the son of Benjamin, of John 1707, and a brother to the above William. Davis Ezell married Nancy Davis, daughter of William and Martha Davis. Martha Davis married Josiah Floyd after husband's death.

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of April, 1789. This Indenture, was acknowledged by James Nipper, a party thereto and ordered to be recorded and Halley Nipper, wife of the said James personally appeared in Court and being privily examined voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the estate conveyed by the said Indenture. Teste: John Brown

11B. 4/11/1796: William Ezell, son of Benjamin, buys from Ephriam Hudson, 100 acres. Book 9, page 49-50. A Rebecca Ezell married a John Hudson in Mecklenburg County 3/26/1794.

This Indenture, made this 11th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six and the twentieth year of the commonwealth Between Ephfriam Hudson of the County of Mecklenburg of the one part and William Ezell of the county aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Ephfriam Hudson for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William Ezell, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given, granted, sold, aliened and enforced and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, alien, enforce and confirm unto the said William Ezell and to his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres by survey, lying and being in the county aforesaid and bounded in the following manner: BEGINNING at William Hudson's hickory on Benjamin Hudsons line; thence North 16 degrees East 66 poles to a corner red oak on the Harrison's line; thence North 68 degrees along said Harrison's line to Nippers corner; thence the same course along Nippers line to a corner pine on the said Ezell line; thence along the said course on Ezell's line to a corner maple on a small branch two hundred and thirteen poles; thence down the said Branch as it meanders to Hicks' Creek; thence down the said Creek as it meanders to a corner ash on William Hudson's line; thence a new line South 79 degrees East to the BEGINNING HICKORY, it being part of a tract of land belonging to Robert Hudson, deceased, granted to the said Ephfriam Hudson by will of his father: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all the houses, orchards, fences, water, water courses, ways, woods, profits, advantages and their appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid tract or parcel of land , together with the afore recited premises unto the said William Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever, to the only use and behoof of the said Ezell, his heirs and assigns and the said Ephfriam Hudson doth warrant and will forever defend the aforesaid tract of land to the above named William Ezell and to his heirs from all claims or claims whatsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Ephfriam Hudson hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Ephfriam Hudson

Josiah Floyd (m. Martha Davis, mother of Nancy, after death of Wm. Davis)

Martha Davis's dau. Nancy m. Davis Ezell, son of Benj. and bro. to William

Nancy Walker

MEMORANDUM: That on the twenty fifth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety six, quiet and peaceable possession of the within delivered land and tenement, is to be taken by the within mentioned William Ezell and granted and delivered by the within mentioned Ephfriam Hudson as witness my hand this 17th day of April, d 1796. Witness: Josiah Floyd, Nancy Walker S. Ephfriam Hudson

11-C. 3/1/1791: John Ezell to Randolph Davis, 100 acres on Taylor's Creek. Deed Book 18, page 214.

NOTE; This Deed was not recorded until 3/20/1820. It appears that it might have been a 30 year loan, from 1791 to 1820. It was signed by John Ezell---nothing to distinguish between Jr. or Sr. I think that by this time this deed was written, only John Jr., was living. By the time this deed was actually recorded, both Johns were deceased, but perhaps not in 1791. There was no activity by either John Sr. or John Jr. after this deed written in 1791. See also Deed # 20, the same as this, except that it has the following note: At a Court for Meck. Co. this 20th day of Mar. 1820: This Indenture was presented in Court---and for reasons appearing to the court the same is admitted to Record.

This Indenture made this 1st day of February, 1791, between John Ezell of the county of Mecklenburg of the one part and Randolph Davis of the said county of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Ezell for and in consideration of the sum of 120 pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Davis hath granted, bargained, sold, and delivered and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Randolph Davis, his heirs forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid. Beginning at a corner pine on Bufors Creek; thence down the said creek to a black gum on the said creek: thence along Jesse Opling's line to a corner post oak; thence to the North Prong of Taylor's Creek to a chestnut; thence down the said North Prong to a corner Red Oak; thence up Taylor's Creek to a red oak on John Bugg's line; thence along his line to the beginning; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred acres, to be the same more or less together with all singular the appurtenances with all water and water courses, woods, and underwoods and every singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Davis, his heirs forever and the aforesaid tract of land, he the said Ezell doth warrant and forever defend to the said Randolph Davis, his heirs and assigns forever against the claim or claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever. In Witness Whereof, he the said Ezell hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered: in the presence of
John Ezell
Kirby Cook,
Thomas Marriott,
Matt Speed,
Davis Bowen, Jr.

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 20th day of March, 1820. This Indenture was presented in Court---and for reasons appearing to the Court, the same is admitted to Record.

12. 2/20/1804: William Ezell sells 221 acres to Gordon Rideout. This deed, as many others for Ezells is for land in the same general area bought and sold by the Ezells in Mecklenburg, and owned by familiar -- i.e. Davis, Nipper, Webb. Hudson, etc. closely tied to the Ezells. All of this land is on or close to Taylor's Creek which is also in Lunenburg, Brunswick and Mecklenburg. The relationships continue and many of the families are intermarried---all the way back to the original Timothy who had Nathaniel Harrison as a witness to the settlement of his will.

This Indenture, made this 20th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four BETWEEN William Ezell of the County of Mecklenburg of the one part and Gordon Rideout of the county aforesaid of the other part; WITNESSETH that the said William Ezell for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy pounds lawful money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said Gordon Rideout, the receipt hereof he hath hereby acknowledged, hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced and confirmed unto the said Gordon Rideout and his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation two hundred and twenty one acres be the same more or less, lying and being in the County aforesaid and bounded as following: BEGINNING at William Hudson's line on the Creek (Taylor's) ; thence along the said Hudson's line to William Bradmon's line; thence along the said Bradmon's line to John Nipper's line; thence along the said Nipper's line to James Davis' line; thence along the said Davis' line to Lewis Griggs' line; thence along the said Griggs' line to Harper (sic) Booth's line; thence along said Booth's line to Thomas Webb's line; thence along the said Webb's line to the BEGINNING; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the aforesaid tract and parcel of land, together with all the houses, orchards, gardens, fences, water, water courses ways,woods, underwoods, profits, commodities, advantages and appurtenances whatever to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with the aforesaid premises to the said Gordon Rideout, his heirs and assigns forever and the said William Ezell for himself, his heirs---doth covenant and agree to and with the said Gordon Rideout, his heirs---that the said Ezell do hereby agree to defend the right and title of the above mentioned land and premises unto the above mentioned Gordon Rideout. AS WITNESS my hand the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:Lewis Grigg William Ezell J. Davis, Wilson Walker

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 9th day of April, 1804 The Indenture was acknowledged by William Ezell, a party thereto, and ordered to be Recorded. Wm. Baskerville, Clk of Court

12-A. 1/11/1804: William buys 671 acres from John R. Davis. Deed Book 12, pages 73-4. This William is the son of Benjamin, and also as in Deed # 11-a and 12. He later becomes Mecklenburg County Commissioner --- and later, his son William T. becomes Commissioner. For reference to some forthcoming deeds, I will list below the children of this William. At the time of his death, his wife was named Elizabeth. Children follows, according to his deed and marriage records.

Benjamin m. Elizabeth Walker 122/5/1814
William T. m. Susan A.
Robertson m. Rebecca Ann Northington, 3/20/1815 Robertson d. 1837
Rebecca m. William Dawes 12/19/1814
Elizabeth m. Samuel H. Walker 12/18/1815

This Indenture, made and entered into the eleventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and four BETWEEN John R. Davis of the county of SUSSEX, of the one part and William Ezell of the county of Mecklenburg of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said Davis in consideration of five hundred and seventy nine pounds sixteen shillings, of lawful money of the Commonwealth to him in hand paid by the said Ezell at and before the unsealing and Delivery of these presents Hath Bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Ezell, his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg bounded as follows, that is to say, BEGINNING at a point where Aven's Creek and Flat Creek unite; thence up Flat Creek as it meanders to the North of a small Dreans (sic) in William Pool's line; thence up the said drain (sic) to the Rock Spring; thence to a corner post oak in said Pool's line; thence along said Pool's line to a post oak corner of Bremby (sic) Watson's on said Poole's line; thence along said Watson's line to the head of a DREAN (Seems correct spelling, but don't know what it means---maybe a gully sloping to the creek; thence down the same until it falls into Aven's Creek; thence up the same as it meanders to a marked corner white oak on said Creek where said Watson's Path crosses said Creek; thence West course along a new line of marked trees on said Davis' land to a small marked shrub oak and Speed's line; thence along said Speed's line to the Flat Rock Branch, being Robert's line; thence down the Flat Rock Branch as it meanders_______ it ____________with Aven's Creek; thence down said Aven's Creek TO THE BEGINNING, containing by estimation made six hundred and seventy one acres, be the same more or less, together with all and singular the appurtenances and the Revietion? and Reversions, remainder and remainders yearly and other rents ______and profits thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land with the tenements hereto meant and all and singular other the premises----before mentioned_____as_______to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with every of their rights, titles and appurtenances unto the said Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Davis' for himself and his heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said William Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever from the claim or claims of him the said Davis and his heirs and of all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall, will, and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Davis hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John R. Davis Wilson Walker, William Bennet, Wm. Poole Edward Baskerville Francis Ballard, S. Timmans

AT A COURT held for Mecklenburg County 9th day of April 1804. This Indenture was proved by the oath of William Bennett and William Poole Jr. witnesses thereto and at a Court held for the same County the 10th day of September following the said Indenture was further proved by the oath of William Walker, another witness thereto, and ordered recorded. Teste: Wm. Baskerville, Clk Ct.

12-B. 11/2/1805: Balaam Ezell from Yancey and Hamilton, trustee for the estate of John Mayes, 169 acres. Deed Book 12, Page 380.

NOTE: Balaam Ezell is the son of Thomas Ezell, son of Timothy (1789) of George and Elizabeth Clark, of Timothy. Balaam first married a Liddy and on 11/12/1803 married Elizabeth Mayes. Balaam had many Deeds in Brunswick Co. before moving to Mecklenburg Co around 1800. He later moved to Trigg Co. Kentucky where he died. Phebe Hamblin. dau of Thomas Hamblin married Berryman Ezell, son of Balaam.

This indenture, made this 2nd day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five, between Zachariah Yancy and Charles Hamblin, of the county of Mecklenburg, state of Virginia, trustees, for the estate of John Mayes, deceased of the same county and state, of the other part Witnesseth that the said Zachariah Yancy and Charles Hamblin, executors of the said John Mayes Estate, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds and one shilling current money of the state of Virginia to them in hand paid for the benefit of them the heirs of the said John Mayes, deceased, and agreeable with the Last Will and Testament of the said John Mayes, the said trustees sell unto the said Balaam Ezell the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have sold____________a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty nine acres, be the same more or less, situated and lying and being in the Co. of Mecklenburg and bounded as follows: By the lands of Charles Ligon, William Davis, Richard______ Peter White---
[Unable to read any further on this deed]

Deed recorded in 1806.

13. 4/13/1807: William Ezell, under authority of the Court as Commissioner, sells 188 acres to Samual Jordan. this deed does not apply to Ezells, other than to show that William, son of Benjamin is County Commissioner of Mecklenburg Co. Deed Book 12, Page 212.

14. 10/14/1807: William Ezell sells to Thomas Watson, 100 acres, Book 13, page 308-09.

This indenture, made the twenty-ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and seven between William Ezell of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part and Thomas Watson of the same county and state of the other part . Witnesseth, that for and in the consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia by the said Thomas Watson to the said William Ezell, in hand paid, the receipt whereof he the said William Ezell doth hereby acknowledge, hate granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Watson, his heirs and assigns, one certain tract or parcel of land in the County of aforesaid, containing by estimation one hundred acres, be the same more or less and is bounded as follows. BEGINNING on Aven's Creek opposite against Bramley Watson on a small white oak saplin; thence along the said Ezell line nearly a West course to Joseph Speeds deceased line to a rock or pointer; thence along said Speed's line to a white oak on William Lucas line on the Long Branch; thence along the said Lucas line to a corner black jack on the line to a third black jack corner on the said Lucas and Issac Holmes line; thence along the said Holmes' line to a white oak on the Creek; thence down the said creek as it meanders to the BEGINNING TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land to the said Thomas Watson, his heirs and assigns forever, and the aforesaid William Ezell doth covenant to and with the said Thomas Watson, his heirs and assigns that he will forever warrant and defend the right and title of the aforesaid tract or parcel of land against the claim or claims of the said William Ezell and his heirs and assigns the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever claiming under his the said William Ezell. In witness whereof he doth herewith set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
William Ezell
H. Baskerville
John Dortch
Edmond Rainey
John Rainey
David Dortch, Jr.
Robert Nancy

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of September, 1807
This indenture was proved by the oaths of William Baskerville, David Dortch, Jr. and Robert Nancy, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

15. 4/10/1809: Balaam Ezell, Sr. . signs deed of trust for debt owed estate of Mayes. Deed Book 14, Page 63

This could be the same property as described in item # 12-B---but the acreage is different. One 169 and this one for 176 acres...

This indenture made and entered into this 10th day of August 1809 between Balaam Ezell of the County of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part; and Charles Hamblin of the said County and state of the second part, and Steven P. Poole of the third part: WITNESSETH, that the said Balaam Ezell is justly indebted to Zachariah Yancey and the said Charles Hamblin, Executors of the Estate of John Mayes, deceased, in the sum of 100 pounds and eight pence, Virginia money, secured by bonds as is specified in two bonds: one payable the 18th day of December, 1806 o 34 pounds; the other payable the 25th day of August, 1807 for which amount of 54 pounds, and being desirous that the said debts should be honestly paid and secured to be paid to the said Yancey and Charles Hamblin, Executors of said estate. And moreover, for and in consideration of the sum of six shillings to him the said Ezell in hand paid by the said Poole at and before the sealing and delivery of this indenture, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened and confirmed with him the said Stephen A. Poole of the County of Mecklenburg, state aforesaid and to his legal representatives forever, the following mentioned property, to wit: one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and seventy six acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: By the lands of Josiah Lucas, deceased, Charles Ligon, William Davis, Elijah Bower, and Peter________ it being the tract of land of the estate of John Mayes, deceased. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid mentioned land.
[About 20 lines unreadable-----continues on]
are bound immediately to pay off and satisfy the aforesaid debt and lawful interest thereon and expenses attending the execution of this indenture in law unto the said executors and in case of their death to their legal representatives the right proper to receive the same and the overplus, if any, there be remaining from the sale of the aforesaid mentioned tract of land after discharging the debt and interest aforesaid and all contingent charges accruing hereby the said Stephen S. Pool , trustee as aforementioned binds himself, his heirs and Executors and administrators agreed it is moreover continguanted? and agreed between the parties signing this indenture that the said Stephen S. Poole, trustee, his heirs executors, administrators hath full power herein granted by the said Balaam Ezell, for himself or in any case of his death his legal representatives to carry a good and lawful title in and to the aforesaid tract of land against the claims or claims of the said Balaam Ezell, his heirs and other persons by them or under him to the person or persons whoever he or they may be becoming the purchaser of the same should it be sold agreeable to the tenor of this indenture. In testimony whereof the before mentioned or named parties have hereunto set their hand and seals this day and year above written

Signed and sealed in the presence of:
Balaam Ezell
Thomas A. Jones
Charles Hamblin
Todd Nelson
Steven A. Pool
Rudolph Vaughan
Thomas Mays

16. 8/19/1811: Balaam Ezell to Thomas H. Mayes; Book 14, page 438, 439. Balaam sells the above 176 acres to Thomas H. Mayes. This is the final deed that I have found for Balaam Ezell, Sr. in Mecklenburg County. Balaam moved about this time to Trigg County, Ky., where he lived when he died. Same land as purchased from estate of John Mayes.

This indenture, made this seventeenth day of August eighteen hundred and eleven between Balaam Ezell Sr. of Mecklenburg County, state of Virginia of the one part and Thomas H. Mayes of the same county and state of the other part; WITNESSETH that the said Balaam Ezell has for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy six pounds Virginia currency to him in hand paid, or secured to be paid by the said Thomas H. Mayes have granted, bargained, sold, aliened and confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien and confirm unto the said Thomas H. Mayes and to his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid and on the waters of Aven's Creek and bounded as follows: to witt: BEGINNING at a corner white oak in Paces and Overbys; thence along the said Paces line to three pointers in Ligons; thence along Ligon's line to Dot Northington's corner; thence along to Davis' to Bowens line; thence along the said Bowens' to a corner in Overby's line; thence to the BEGINNING corner white oak, it being the tract of land that I, the said Balaam Ezell, purchased of the Executors of John Mayes, deceased, containing 176 acres, be the same more or less TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned tract of land with every part thereof, together with any profits and advantages thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining unto him the said Thomas H. Mayes and to his heirs and assigns forever, and I, the said Balaam Ezell, my heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the right, title, claims or the demands of each and every person or persons whomsoever, of, in and to the said land and premises above mentioned in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Balaam Ezell
Wiley James,
James Meaker,
Charles Hamblin

At a Court for Mecklenburg County the 19th day of August 1811
This Indenture was acknowledged by Balaam Ezell Sr., a party thereto and ordered to be recorded.

17. 3/22/1814: William Ezell, as county commissioner sells land to Blanton, by order of Court----Not Ezell property. Probably a foreclosed property. Deed Book 15, page 268

17-A. 12/3/1813: William Ezell, James Jones, trustees purchase 130 acres though Deed of Trust to Woodleif Cleaton Deed book 15, page 415.

This Indenture made the third day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, BETWEEN Woodleif Cleaton of the first part, William Ezell and James Jones, Trustees, of the second part, and John Nance of the third part. Whereas the said John Nance has become security this day for the said Woodlief Cleaton to William Ezell and Charles Baskerville in the sum of ninety pounds with interest from the third day of December, 1830, current money of Virginia for value received, as will more fully appear by bond bearing date with this indenture and made payable the third day of December one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, the payment of which debt, together with the legal interest accruing thereon, the said Woodleif Cleaton is desirous to save himself to the said John Nance for being security as aforesaid. Now, this indenture; WITNESSETH, that for in and in consideration of the debt above mentioned, and also for the further consideration of one dollar good and lawful money of Virginia to the said Woodlief Cleaton in hand paid by the said trustees at and before the unsealing and delivery of this indenture, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; that he the said Woodleif Cleaton hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien and confirm to the said Trustees, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns forever, the following property, to wit: one tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and thirty acres, more or less; one negro man named Joe which the said Cleaton bought of James Wilson; a dark grey mare eight years old; a sorrell horse five years old; two head of cattle marked with a crop and slit in the right ear and half moon in the left; one cow bought of James Mason, twelve head of hogs, with same marks at those of the two cows; three beds and furniture. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the only proper use of the said Trustees, their heirs and executors, administrators and assigns forever and the said Woodleif Cleaton doth for himself and his heirs, warrant and forever defend the right, title in and to the said land and other property unto the said trustees, their heirs, executors, administrators forever against the claims of him the said Woodleif Cleaton and his heirs, executors and administrators and all and every other person or persons whatsoever upon trust nonetheless the true intent and meaning of this Indenture is as follows: viz; If the said Woodleif Cleaton shall fail to pay, causing to be paid, on or before the third day of December next_____the date of this indenture the debt together with the legal interest accruing thereon unto the said William Ezell and Charles Baskerville, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in full, then and in that case it shall and may be lawful for the said trustees, their heirs, executors and administrators and legal attorney or attorneys at the request of John Nance (the security) for the said Woodleif Cleaton, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns to advertise at their public places near the place of sale, ten days before the day of sale, sell for ready money, the said tract of land above mentioned --and other property for the purpose aforesaid or so much thereof as will satisfy the debt, interest and the costs of carrying the indenture into full effects. In testimony whereof, the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered Woodleif Cleaton in the presence of:
Jean Holmes
Joes Watkins,
Charles Baskerville
John Nance
Green Blanton,
Thomas Watkins

18. 4/15/1815: William Ezell, as County Commissioner sells 160 ac to William Thomas by order of County Court. Deed Bk. 16, 198

19. 4/15/1815: William Ezell, as County Commissioner sells 163 acres to William Thomas. Deed Book 16 Page 199

19-A. 3/21/1819: Robertson Ezell buys from Zachariah Bugg 181 1/2 acres. Deed Book 17, page 695.

NOTE: Robertson Ezell is the son of the above William Ezell and wife Elizabeth (?)

This is the first time Robertson appears ad the first son of William. Other children named in his will of 1828, will appear in subsequent deeds. As seen in this deed, it is located on Taylors Creek and on Tammany Road, where many of the deeds of John Sr, John Jr., Benjamin, then William and now Robertson purchased and sold land. The names of adjoining property owners are also carried forward, i.e. Bugg, Cabiness, Tucker, Ladd, Jones, Walker, etc.

Robertson married Rebecca Ann Northington 3/20/1815. After Robertson died, Rebecca Ann married George Tucker, another name mentioned many times in these deeds. The children of Robertson and Rebecca Ann (Northington) Ezell
Mary Ann m. William J. Mason 10/7/1833
Carolyn T. m. Claiborne Drumwright 1/30/1837
Margaret B. m. Thomas Drumwright 10/19/1840
Martha B. m. Lafayette Crutchfield
Rebecca m.

This Indenture, made and entered into this second day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and nineteen BETWEEN Zachariah Bugg and Mary Bugg, his wife of the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia of the one part and Robertson Ezell of the same County and state aforesaid of the other part; WITNESSETH: that they the said Zachariah Bugg and Mary Bugg, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred and forty nine dollars and 18 1/2 cents, current money of this Commonwealth to them in hand paid by the said Robertson Ezell, the receipt which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold and doth by these presents, give, grant and bargain and sell unto the said Robertson Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain piece or parcel of land bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a new corner pointers on the road in Tucker's line; thence to Tucker's and Ladd's corner pointing; thence to Ladds corner black jack; thence to Ladd's corner Maple on Taylor's Creek; thence to the St. Tammany Road; thence down said Road to the BEGINNING, containing one hundred and seventy four and a half acres. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said 1175 1/2 acres unto him the said Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever, free and clear of all manner of claim or claims of them the said Zachariah Bugg and Mary, his wife, their heirs and assigns forever and of all person or persons whatsoever claiming by, thru, or under them, or any of them doth warrant and clearly acquit with all it's appurtenances unto him the said Robertson Ezell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof they the said Zachariah Bugg and Mary, his wife, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day, month and year first written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Zachariah Bugg
Mary C. Bugg

Mecklenburg County

We, Samuel Holmes and Jones Gee, Magistrates of the said county do hereby certify that Zachriah Bugg, a party to the above conveyance duly acknowledged the same before us on the second day of March in the year 1819 and desired us to certify said acknowledgement to the Clerk of County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said Conveyance be recorded as Witness our hand the date above written.

20. 3/20/1820: John Ezell, to Randolph Davis. This deed originally written in 1791 but not recorded until 1820. See # 11-C. I am sure that John Sr. and John Jr. are both deceased by this time and somewhere in Mecklenburg records would be something to explain this deed in full. No wills have ever been found. John Sr. would have been well over 100; John Jr. would have been about 87.

21. 6/18/1821: Robertson Ezell and his wife, Rebecca Ann (Northington) appoint Thomas Claiborne of Nashville, Tennessee as attorney to represent Rebecca and her brothers and sisters to settle the estate of her brother Sterling, a resident of Nashville. I will not copy this long agreement, as I am not researching the Northington family.

22. 8/20/1821: Robertson Ezell, and Rebecca Ann, sell to William Murrell a Grist Mill located on Taylor's Creek. The deed is hard to reed, but it appears they only own a certain part of the mill, but can't distinguish how much of a part.

This indenture, made this 27th day of March in the year eighteen hundred and twenty one between Robertson Ezell and Rebecca his wife of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part and William Murrell of said county and state aforesaid of the other part. WITNESSETH, that the said Robertson Ezell and Rebecca, for and in the consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said William Murrell at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant and sell unto the said William Murrell, his heirs and assigns forever, all their the said Ezells, rights, title, interest and claim in a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg, on Taylors Creek, adjoining the lands of Jesse Apen and Charles Banford, known by the name of Hundleys Mill, and including all the said Robertson and Rebeca Ezell's interest, title or claim in the said Mill and since it being one equal part thereof, the said Mill and land thereto attached, taken or known to be part or parcel thereof to have and to hold the same free from the claim or claims of them the said Ezells and their heirs and assigns forever, and for the claims of every other person and the heirs whatsoever and the said Robertson and Rebecca Ezell doth further covenant to and with the said William Murrell that he will at all times hereafter warrant and defend the title of the said Mill and to him the said William Murrell free from the claim or claims of them the said Robertson and Rebecca Ezell and their heirs and free from the claims of every other person whatsoever. In testimony whereof we the said Robertson and Rebecca Ezell hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above written.
Drury Pennington
Jones Gee Magistrates.
Robertson Ezell
Rebecca Ezell

Also contains two other memos and acknowledgments and release of dower.

22-A. 3/8/21: Robertson buys Grist Mill from Daniel and Elizabeth Middagh. This is probably the same property and Mill as above, for it also is for a certain share but can't read the amount in either deed

This indenture made this eighth day of March, 1821 between Daniel Middagh and Elizabeth, his wife of the first part and Robertson Ezell of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said Daniel and Elizabeth for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Robertson Ezell one______of a________Grist Mill, lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia, situated on Taylor's Creek, with all and singular the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining , it being the same which the said Middugh purchased of the Estate of William Pennington and the said___________ to them with all the appurtenances thereto belonging. To have and to hold to the said Robertson Ezell and his heirs and the said Daniel and Elizabeth Middaug do for themselves and their heirs forever warrant and defend against the claim or claims of every other person whatsoever. In witness whereof the parties hereunto have fixed their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Witnesses: Jones Gee, Magistrate
Daniel Middagh
Drury Pennington, Magistrate
Elizabeth Middagh

23. 1/5/1822: Robertson and Rebecca Ann, to Henry Morris 158 acres Book 19, Page 358. The amount of money paid for this 158 acres seem mighty high when land is going for around $1.00 per acre. It must contain quite a homestead....

This indenture, made and entered into this 5th day of January in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and twenty two BETWEEN Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ann, his wife, of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part and Henry Morris of Brunswick County and said state aforesaid of the other part WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars current money of Virginia to him in hand paid be the said Henry Morris, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, confirm, sell and deliver unto him the said Henry Morris, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia and bounded by the lands of William Cabiness on the South; William_____ and William Crenth (sic) on the West; Shelton and Robertson Ezell on the North, John Cook, Jr. on the East, containing one hundred and fifty eight acres, to HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto the said Henry Marris, his heirs or assigns forever, and the said Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ezell, his wife, for the heirs, assigns, and executors and warrant the said tract or parcel of land, will and forever defend unto the said Henry Morris his heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof, the said Robertson Ezell, and Rebecca, his wife, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year aforesaid.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Robertson Ezell
Rebecca Ann Ezell

Mecklenburg County to wit:
We, Jones Gee and Drury Pennington, Magistrates of the said county do hereby certify that Robertson Ezell, party to the within conveyance hath duly acknowledged the same before us on the fifth day of January eighteen hundred and twenty two and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the said county court of Mecklenburg in order that the said conveyance may be recorded. We witness our hands and seals this day and date above written. Navel Gee Drury Pennington

Mecklenburg County to wit: We, Navel Gee and Drury Pennington, Magistrates of the county aforesaid do hereby certify that Rebecca Ann Ezell, the wife of Robertson Ezell, a party to a certain deed for the conveyance of real estate to Henry Morris bearing date as above written personally appeared before us in our court and being prively examined by us privilely and apart from her husband and having the deed fully explained to her she the said Rebecca Ezell acknowledged to same to be her act and deed, and declared she has willingly assigned , sealed and delivered the said deed and that she wished not to___________the same given under our hands and seals this day and date above written.

24. 3/21/1823: Robertson Ezell appoints Patterson Hannah, as attorney to complete the settlement of Sterling Northington, the brother to Rebecca. A long document, just legal mumbo-jumbo...Book 20, page 215-6-7

24-A. 5/19/1823: Robertson signs bond and security deed to purchase 382 acres from William Cabiness: Deed book 20, page 247. This deed is almost impossible to read and part is missing. See Also Deed # 25 for disposition of this deed.

This deed signed by Robertson is for the benefit of John Cook Jr. John is the brother to Samuel H. Cook, who married Ann J. Ezell, the daughter of Benjamin, which Benjamin is the brother to Robertson.
Ann J. is also the sister of William Edward Ezell, who happens to be my great-great grandfather. William Edward's son, John H. Ezell, married Mary Jane Logsdon in 1843. They are the parents of my mother, Genevieve Ezell Hausen, born 1886.

Obligation bearing date with this indenture and the said William Cabiness, having________to secure said John Cook the aforementioned debt together with the ______________and cost of carrying this indenture into effect hath therefore bargained and sold, aliened and confirmed unto the said Robertson Ezell the following tract of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg containing by estimation three hundred and eighty three acres be the same more or less and bounded by the lands of Robertson Ezell, Randolph Davis, Adam Crutchfield and others and by these presents doth sell and confirm unto the said Robertson Ezell the aforementioned tract or parcel of land and all the rights and title intended and claim of the said William Cabiness to the same tract of land which the said William Cabiness, his heirs and assigns shall warrant and defend the said tract of land unto the said Robertson Ezell, his heirs and assigns ____the true intent and meaning of this indenture is such that if the said William Cabiness shall fail to pay the debt aforementioned together with all the legal interest and cost of conveying within ten days at ________public place on the neighborhood to sell publicly the aforementioned tract or parcel of land or so much thereof to the said William Cabiness or his heirs and assigns. In testimony where of we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and date first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered William Cabiness in the presence of Robertson Ezell
Samuel H. Walker [m. Ann J. Ezell, dau. Benjamin]
John Cook Jr.
Jesse Parkinson
James Connell

At a Court for Meck. Co. the 19th day of May, 1823 The within written indenture was this day acknowledged by the within named William Cabiness and Robertson Ezell, parties thereto to be their act and deed and ordered to be recorded ____________Delivered to Mr. Cook

24B. 1/28/1825; Benjamin Ezell and brother Robertson accept bond for the payment of fifty one dollars and three cents from Samuel H. Walker for property and negroes. William Sr., the father to both Robertson and Benjamin is also a party to this transaction, probably as a trustee to carry out the terms. Deed Book 21, pages 235 and 236 This Samuel H. Walker married Elizabeth Ezell, the dau. of William Sr. and the sister to the above Benjamin and Robertson on 12/18/1815.

This indenture, made the 28th day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, BETWEEN Samuel H. Walker of the county of Meck. and St. of Va. of the one part, and Benjamin Ezell of the co. aforesaid, of the next part; WITNESSETH that the said Samuel H. Walker is justly indebted to the said Benjamin in the full and just amount of fifty one dollars and three cents and bond bearing date with indenture, with interest from this day, Va. currency and the said Samuel H. Walker being willing to secure the aforesaid sum of money to the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns for which purpose the said Samuel H. Walker is willing to convey the following property viz: a negro woman, very old named Beck, all his crop of fodder, shucks of corn, oats, shotgun and that the said do hereby covenant and______with the said Robertson Ezell and William Ezell, their heirs and executors and every of them to warrant and forever defend the right, title and peaceable enjoyment of the aforesaid and mentioned property against himself and his executors, administrators and assigns against the claims and demands of all and any person or persons whatsoever, the above conveyance is made upon the following conditions: 1st. that if the said Samuel H. Walker, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns fail to pay to the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns the aforementioned sum of money with interest as aforesaid, Va. money, that the said Robertson Ezell and William Ezell Sr. shall advertise and sell at any convenient place that they may select the aforesaid and mentioned property to the highest bidder for ready money given ten days previous notice of the time and place of such sale. Trustee shall first pay and satisfy the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns the said sum with interest as aforesaid, expenses of securing this writing and expenses attending the sale and the balance if any remaining in their hand the said trustees shall pay to the said Samuel H. Walker or to his legal representatives. It is agreed by the parties that the aforesaid property shall remain the hands of the said Samuel H. Walker until called for by the said trustees, Robertson and William Ezell, then to be delivered to him to the said Trustees for the purpose of selling as specified in the indenture. 3rd. It is further understood that in case the said property or any part thereof shall___________so that they cannot dispose of by the said trustees. It shall be lawful for the said trustees and present the property as it______and the purchasers shall have full authority to claim______and take the said property whenever it can be found and the sale made in conformity to the above conditions, shall be binding to the parties as if the same was made by authority of court of equity. Lastly, it is agreed that the death of either of the parties hereto shall in no wise change or affect this indenture. In Witness whereof, we, the parties above named, hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:
Samuel H. Walker
Charles Baskerville
Benjamin Ezell, Senr.
Wm. B. Hill,
Imus Daly
Robertson Ezell
Joseph Bassett, Jr.

24-C. 11/6/1824: Robertson Ezell accepts deed of trust to secure one slave and personal property from Battey F. Cheatham. Book 21, Page 173.

This indenture, made and entered into this 6th day of November, 1824, between Battey F. Cheatham of the county of Mecklenburg of the first part; Robertson Ezell of the said county of the second part and Thomas Wartman hereby appointed trustee of the third part. WITNESSETH that the said Beatty Chatham is justly indebted to the said Robertson Ezell in the just and full sum of one hundred and forty two dollars and fifty eight cents as will more fully appear by bond bearing date with this instrument and the said Beattey Cheatham being willing and desirous to secure to the said Robertson Ezell, the payment of the aforesaid sum of $142.58 hath therefore and in consideration of the debt aforesaid and for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said Thomas Wartman before the unsealing of this indenture, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Beatty Cheatham for and in the consideration of the premises and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Wartman, his heirs and assigns forever the following mentioned property, viz: one negro woman slave named Mary and all her future increases; one bed and furniture; one sorrel mare; two cows and calves; one pine cupboard; one loom, six sitting chairs--TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, unto the said Thomas Wartman, his heirs and assigns forever, the said negro Mary and all her future increases, the said sorrell horse, two cows and calves; two beds and furniture; one pine cupboard; one loom, six sitting chairs, free from the claim or claims of him the said Beatty Cheatham and his heirs and assigns from the claims of every other person whatsoever______________tae_____interest and__________ of this indenture is such that if the aforesaid Beatty Cheatham shall, will and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Robertson Ezell the aforesaid sum of one hundred and fifty two dollars and 58 cents on or before the 25th day of December next, then and in such case this indenture shall be void and of no effect, but if the said Beatty Cheatham shall fail to pay the same or any part thereof shall remain unpaid at that time, then and in that case, it shall and may be lawful and right for the said Thomas Wartman at the request of the said Ezell to advertise it at least three public places in the neighborhood the said property for sale given at least 10 days notice of the time and place of sale and then to sell said property to the highest bidder for cash and out of the proceeds thereof in the first place to pay and satisfy all expenses of carrying that indenture into effect and then to pay the said Robertson Ezell the aforesaid sum of one hundred and fifty two dollars and 48 cents together with all legal interest on the same and the remainder of the proceeds arising from the same to pay and deliver over to the said Beatty Cheatham or his order in ______and in default of the said Cheatham applying in person for such surplus if any or by his order in writing them to pay the same to his legal representative or those entitled to distribution of his estate. In testimony whereof the parties hereunto have affixed their hands and seals the day and date first above written. Baettey Cheatham
Robertson Ezell
Thomas Wartman

24-D. 5/14/1825: Benjamin Ezell, son of William Sr., deed of gifts, to his sister Elizabeth, who married Samuel H. Walker 12/18/1815, for the benefit of her children. Deed Book 21, Page 292

Know all men by these presents that I, Benjamin Ezell, of the county of Mecklenburg, state of Virginia, for and in the consideration of the natural love and affection which I have to the children of my sister, Elizabeth Walker, wife of Samuel H. Walker, of the same county aforesaid as well as for the future consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid by the said Elizabeth Walker at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant with the children of the said Elizabeth Walker, their heirs, executors and administrators and assigns the following property: One yoke of oxen of the value of $27.00; one buffet, 6.25; looking glass $1.05; a small bed of $5.25 and walnut table $2.50; one pair__________one long trunk, 4.10; one bed $8.35; one desk $8.75; eight sitting chairs, $2.50; one chest 50 cents amounting to the sum of $75. 44.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property unto them the said children of her the said Elizabeth Walker which are now living or may be hereafter born to them and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and the said Benjamin Ezell for himself, his heirs, administrators, and assigns the aforesaid property unto the said children of the said Elizabeth , her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns against the claims of him the said Benjamin Ezell , his heirs, administrators and assigns, against the claims of them or any person or persons claiming under him and hereby warrant and defend and by these presents . In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 18th day of May, 1825. BENJAMIN EZELL

At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 16th day of April, 1825 This deed of gifts was acknowledged in our court by Benjamin Ezell to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

25. 3/21/1727: Robertson Ezell to John Cook, Jr. Deed Book 22, Page 360 This deed is to convey the 382 acres for which Robertson Ezell stood good for in the Deed of Trust in # 24-A. This deed merely cancelled the first deed and releases the property to John Cook, Jr. This John Jr. is brother to Samuel H. Cook who married Ann J. Ezell, d. Benjamin

This indenture, made this 21st day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven BETWEEN Robertson Ezell who was appointed trustee by Deed of Trust recorded on the 13th day of May, 1823 by William Cabiness to the said Robertson Ezell to secure the payment of a certain sum of money to John Cook which said trust deed was admitted to record in the county court of Mecklenburg in 1823, of the first part and said John Cook Jr., of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the said Robertson Ezell by the said deed of trust hath this day bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell to the said John Cook, Jr., for and in consideration of the sum of $375.00, to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, one certain tract or parcel of land on the said deed of trust mentioned , and by estimation 382 acres, be the same more or less lying in the county of Mecklenburg and bounded by the lands of Robertson Ezell, Samuel H. Hudson, Adam Crutchfield and others, together with the appurtenances thereto belonging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, unto the said John Cook Jr., his heirs and assigns forever the said tract or parcel of land together with the appurtenances thereto belonging and conveyed by the said trust deed to the said Robertson Ezell and the said Robertson Ezell doth for himself warrant and defend unto the said John Cook, Jr. all the right and title which by virtue of the aforesaid deed of trust he may legally warrant and defend and no other. In testimony whereof the said Robertson Ezell hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date first written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Robertson Ezell Thomas L. Cook D. Middaugh William Smally

Delivered to Mr. Cook The deed also contains two additional affidavits.

25-A 6/18/1827: Robertson signs Deed of Trust guaranteeing payment for the benefit of Thomas Smith. Deed Book 23, Page 209.

This indenture made and entered into this 18th day of June, 1827 BETWEEN Thomas Smith of the first part, Joseph L. Gregory of the second part, and Robertson Ezell of the third part, all of the county of Mecklenburg: WITNESSETH that whereas the said Thomas Smith is indebted to Daniel Daly and Elam H. Peete, executor of John Osborn in the sum of 783.00 and the said Robertson Ezell is security for the said Thomas smith, he the said Daly and Peete and bonded with him for the payment of the same the said Daly and Peete________ as aforesaid_______ and______their execution against the said Smith and Ezell and to said Smith being willing and desirous to secure the said Robertson Ezell from all damage and loss on having any part of the said debt to pay, this indenture therefore: WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Smith in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said Joseph L. Gregory hereby appointed trustee have hereby granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain and sell to the said Joseph L. Gregory, his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg containing 196 acres more or less bounded by the lands of James Shelton, Jesse Harris, David Harris and Henry Harris; four head of cattle; 1 bay mare; 10 head of hogs; 12 head of sheep; 1 Negro man Cyms and Negro woman Cinah: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforementioned tract or parcel of land, cattle, mare, hogs and Negroes to him the said Joseph Gregory, his heirs and assigns forever against the claim or demands of any and every persons whatsoever.-------Balance of deed impossible to read... S. Thomas Smith, Joseph L. Gregory, Robertson Ezell 25-B. 4/25/1828: Robertson from Joseph L. Gregory. This deed is to release Robertson from the deed of trust he signed to secure Thomas Smith on 6/18/1827 Apparently the bonds were for one year...See above deed --same property, but acreage on one or the other is in error--one 176 -the other 196. Robertson receives the property...

This indenture made and entered into this 25th day of April, 1828 BETWEEN Joseph L. Gregory of the first part and Robertson Ezell of the second part, both of the county of Mecklenburg Virginia. WITNESSETH; that the said Thomas Smith on the 18th day of June, 1827 executed a deed of trust to the said Joseph L Gregory by which he conveyed to the said Joseph L. Gregory as Trustee one certain tract of land containing 176 acres, be the same more or less as may be seen as reference to the ___ of Mecklenburg County, which the said deed of trust as recorded and the said Joseph L. Gregory ____ by the aforesaid deed of trust.
[Few lines unreadable]
aforesaid Robertson Ezell, the said tract or parcel of land containing 176 acres forever in consideration of $176.00, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the said Joseph L. Gregory doth bargain, sell, confirm and convey the said tract of land lying in the county of Mecklenburg and bounded by the lands of James Critchlow, Jesse Morris, Henry Morris, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land containing 176 acres be the same more or less to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Robertson Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever and He the said Joseph L. Gregory doth warrant and defend by these presents to the said Robertson Ezell and his heirs all the right title and interest of him the said Joseph L. Gregory and his heirs and all right which by virtue of the aforesaid deed of trust vested in him the said Joseph L. Gregory, he by these presents forever warrant and defend unto the said Robertson Ezell and his heirs. In testimony whereof the said Joseph L. Gregory hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date first above written.

Witness: Thomas W. Walker Joseph L. Gregory James Connell

26. 7/17/1828: Robertson Ezell signs a Deed of Trust to repay father and two brothers for two tracts of land; Deed Book 23, page 250

This deed contains quite a bit of information for Ezells in that the names of William Ezell, Sr., the son of Benjamin Ezell of Brunswick Co, who was the son of John Sr., born 1707 and three of William Sr.'s sons: Robertson, William Jr., and Benjamin, named after his grandfather, Benjamin of Brunswick Co. who made his will in 1825. Also, the Samuel H. Walker, married Elizabeth Ezell, William Sr.'s Dau.

NOTE; this land of 196 acres is the same land as in 25-A Robertson purchased from Smith.

This indenture, made and entered into this 17th day of July 1828, between Robertson Ezell of the first part; Thomas Walker and Samuel H. Walker, hereby appointed trustees, of the second part and William Ezell, Sr., Benjamin Ezell, and William Ezell, Jr. of the third part, all of the county of Mecklenburg Virginia, Witnesseth; that whereas the said Robertson Ezell is justly indebted to the said William Ezell Sr. in the sum of $300, with interest due thereon as will appear by three separate bonds given by the said Robertson Ezell to the said William Ezell, Sr. and bearing date as follows (viz) one bond coming due the 17th day of October, 182___ for the sum of $100 on demand the day of the date thereof; one bond bearing date the 15th day of September, 1826 for the sum of $100 on demand the day of the date thereof ; and one other bond bearing the date of the 11th June 1827 for the sum of $100 on demand the day and the date thereof; all which said several sums are due and owing for the said Robertson Ezell to the said William Ezell, Sr., together with interest on the several sums from the day of the said bonds. And whereas also the said Robertson Ezell is justly indebted to the said Benjamin Ezell in the sum of $84.25 balance due on a bond given by the said Robertson Ezell to the said Benjamin Ezell bearing the date the 10th day of June 1826, with interest from the 27th day of April 1828 as will refinance being had to the said Robertson Ezell. And whereas the said Robertson Ezell is also indebted to Elizabeth McKenna in the sum of $24 as will appear by bond bearing date the day of_____, and of December 1827 and due Dec. 1828 to which bond thereof William Ezell Jr. is security for the faithful payment of the sum, therefore this indenture.

Witness, that for and in consideration of the premises and for the further consideration of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said Thomas W. Walker and Samuel H. Walker, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , the said Robertson Ezell hath bargained and sold and by these present doth give, grant, bargain and sell, enforce and confirm unto the said Thomas W. Walker and Samuel H. Walker all the following property: 24 and 1/2 acres of land the same more or less situated in the county of Mecklenburg, lying and being bounded by St. Tammany Road and the land of Henry Morris, George Tucker ( Tucker marries Robertson's Widow after his death) and others and also one other tract or parcel of land in the said county of Mecklenburg containing 196 acres, be the same more or less on Black's Road and bounded by the lands of Jesse Parkinson and the corner of Henry Morris, James Crutchlow and others and all the following mentioned personal and other property; all the present growing crops on the said two tracts of land and all the plantation tools which have been used in making the said crops; one red steer, 2 cows and calves, two red herfords, two stock of oats, two beds and four____-, one high post bed stead and one low post bed stead, one bureau, one walnut folding table and six sitting chairs and one weaving loom and all his the said Robertson Ezell's kitchen furniture; to have and to hold to the said Thomas W. Walker and Samuel H. Walker, their heirs and assigns forever all the aforesaid two tracts of land with all and singular the tenements, handitaments hereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the present growing crops on the said two tracts of land and all the aforesaid household and kitchen furniture and looms and other aforesaid personal property and the said Robertson Ezell does by these presents forever warrant and defend unto the said Thomas W. Walker and Samuel H. Walker, their heirs and assigns forever the free, perfect and right title and interest of, on and to the aforesaid two tracts of land and the other personal property free from the claim or claims of him the said Robertson Ezell, his heirs and free from the claim or claims of every other person whatsoever--Witness the true intent and meaning of this indenture is such that if the said Robertson Ezell shall will and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Ezell, Sr. the aforesaid sum of $300 with interest thereon for the sate of the aforesaid bonds and shall, will and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Benjamin Ezell the sum of $84.25 with the accrued interest thereon and shall also pay off and release and save harm as to the aforesaid William Ezell, Jr. from, in any manner having to pay or in any way being liable to pay the aforesaid sum of $42 for which he is security for the said Robertson Ezell shall, will and truly pay and release as aforesaid, the said William Ezell, Sr., Benjamin Ezell and William Ezell, Jr._____________ a repeat of the above terms........

Signed, sealed in the presence of
D. Middagh,
Drury Pennington
S. Robertson Ezell
John B. Northington
Benjamin Ezell
James Bonnell
William Ezell Sr.
William Ezell, Jr.

26-A. 8/10/1831: Benjamin Ezell buys 33 acres from William B. Maclin. Deed Book 24, page 398. This Benjamin is the son of William Sr. He married Elizabeth Walker 12/5/1814. I mention this because he also has a son, Benjamin I. who will later have deeds. This Benjamin died about 1834, and his son Benjamin I, died 1865. Benjamin's wife Elizabeth, the mother of Benjamin I., died 1865 also...

This indenture, made and entered into this 10th day of August, 1831, BETWEEN William B. Maclin, and Emily, his wife, of the first part and Benjamin Ezell of the second part, all of the county of Mecklenburg: WITNESSETH that the said William Maclin and Emily his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Ninety Five dollars and thirty cents, to them in hand paid by the said Benjamin Ezell, at or before the sealing and delivery of these indentures, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and each of them doth bargain and sell unto the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg containing 33 acres and 14 poles, be the same more or less and bounded as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a walnut corner white oak on a branch; thence town the branch as it meanders to Ezell's corner white oak on the branch; thence North 87 degrees West 44 poles to a corner post oak; thence 38 degrees East 60 one half poles to a branch; thence at the branch, 7 poles to a persimmon and pointers on the branch; thence North 78 East 8 poles to a corner oak and a small sasafrass on a branch; thence down the branch So. 20 degrees East 9 and one quarter poles to a large poplar; thence So. and E. 6 poles to a corner Sycamore; thence No. 87 & one half W 12 poles to the BEGINNING. together with all and singular the handiments and appurtenances whatsoever belonging or appertaining thereto; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances and handiwork belonging to the only proper use and behoof of he the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever and the said William B. Maclin and Emily his wife do for themselves and their heirs forever warrant and defend unto the said Benjamin Ezell, his heirs and assigns all the aforesaid tract or parcel of land containing 33 acres and 14 poles, be the same more or less from the claims of them the said William and Emily Maclin and their or either of their heirs and from the claim or claims of any other person whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said William B. Maclin and Emily, his wife hath hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date first written. William B. Maclin Emily E. Maclin

Also contains three affidavits & acknowledgements.

26-B. 3/18/1828: William T. Ezell signs deed of trust as security for 205 acres from John I. Davis. William's wife is Susan_____? Deed Book 22, page 143. This William T. is the son of William Sr., and brother to above Benjamin....This William also had a son named William T. and he also married a Susan - Susan A. Lewis. in 1853.

This indenture made and entered into this 18th day of March, 1828 between John I. Davis of the first part; Philip Rainey of the second part and William T. Ezell of the third part. Whereas the said William Ezell is bound as security to said John I. Davis in the sum of one hundred and seventy dollars by reference to the record of our county court of Mecklenburg will more fully appear which the said John I. Davis is willing and desirous to secure, Now this Indenture; Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the promises and for the further consideration to the said John I. Davis in hand paid by the said Philip Rainey at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said John I. Davis hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enforced, released and confirmed, and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enforce, release and confirm to the said Philip Rainey, his heirs and assigns forever all the tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and situated in Willow Creek, containing 205 acres, be the same more or less. Also, the following slaves: Reggie and Fannie and all their future increase of t Unable to read enough of the balance of the deed to make sense, but essentially spells out the terms of the agreement and sale if in default.

John I. Davis
William T. Ezell

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 18th day of March 1828.

The foregoing indenture of trust was this day acknowledged in open court by Ezell and Davis to be their act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

27. 3/14/1834: Robertson Ezell and wife Rebecca Ann, sell 12 and 1/2 acres to George and Martha Speaks. Deed Book 26, Page 34.

This indenture made and entered into this 14th day of March 1834, between Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ann, his wife, of the first part and George Speaks and Martha his wife of the second part. WITNESSETH that the said Robertson and Rebecca Ann his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of 31 dollars and 50 cents to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said George Speaks and Martha his wife, one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and bounded by Frank Terry Road and the lands of the estate of John Wilkins and Issac______ and containing 12 and 1/2 acres, be the same more or less together with all and singular the appurtenances, tenements and handiments thereto belonging: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said George Speaks and Martha his wife and their survivors of them and the heirs of the said survivors forever and the said Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ann his wife to themselves and their heirs forever warrant and defend unto the said George Speaks and Martha his wife and the heirs and the ones which shall survive free from the claims of them the said Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ann, his wife, and free from the claim or claims of every other person whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said Robertson Ezell and Rebecca Ann his wife hath hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date first above written. Robertson Ezell Rebecca Ann Ezell Contains three affidavits and acknowledgments. No witnesses other than Court Clerk

27-A. 6/20/1837: July 1, 1837: Deed Book 27, page 261. William E. Ezell signs Deed of Trust from Samuel H. Cook, husband of William E.'s sister Ann J. This William E. is my great-grandfather, and is the first time he appears on any deeds. Born in Mecklenburg Co, he moved to Rockingham Co. for a short time, and then to Granville Co. North Carolina and about 1847. moved to Logan County, Kentucky, along with his brother, Wyatt Walker Ezell, and sister Tabitha T. and her husband Robert Shanks...He married Louisa V. Cox in Bowling Green, Ky in 1847 and about 1858 migrated to Johnson Co. Missouri, and the town of Warrensburg.

William E (Edward) is the son of Benjamin, son of William Sr., son Benjamin of Brunswick Co who was the son of John, 1707...then back to George and Rebecca Delke---of George and Elizabeth Clark---of Timothy Sr. and Mary Detorres

Following are the children of this Benjamin, son of William:
Benjamin married Elizabeth Walker 12/15/1814. His sister Elizabeth Ezell, married Samuel H. Walker 12/18/1815. Robertson gave consent.
Benjamin I.
William Edward b.1816. m. first, Elizabeth D.___2nd Louisa V. Cox
John H. m. Martha Turner 11/29/1841
Ann J. m. Samuel H. Cook 4/13/1836; Wm. E. gave consent Tabitha T. m. Robert Shanks 2/17/1841
Wyatt Walker b. 1825 m. Melinda (M.C.) Wilson 1865

See Also Deed # 38 for additional information regarding William E. and his children born in Kentucky and Missouri.

This indenture, made this 30th day of June, 1837, between Samuel H. Cook of the first part and A. C. Duggar of the second part and William E. Ezell of the third part; whereas the said Samuel H. Cook is justly indebted to the said A. C. Duggar in the sum of one hundred and eighty three dollars and seventeen cents due by note with interest from the 30th day of June 1837 and the said Samuel H. Cook is desirous to receive and has agreed to receive the payment of the above debt and interest with all charges attending the same or incurred by reason of the promises by conveying the property hereinafter mentioned unto the said William E. Ezell; Now therefore, this Indenture. Witness that the said Samuel H. Cook in consideration of the sum of one dollar by the said Trustee in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged that he hath bargained and sold, confirmed and made over unto the said William E. Ezell, the following property to wit: three beds, bedsteads and furniture, one desk, one folding table, two comendon tables, cupboards and contents, plantation tools, kitchen furniture, nine head hogs, one cow and calf, the tract of land which I now reside on containing ten and a quarter acres, one gigg and harness, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid and above mentioned property in trust nevertheless that it shall and may be lawful for the trustee or in case of the death his legal representatives at any time after the 1st day of April next, to make sale of the property aforesaid or any part thereof to the highest bidder for cash having first advertised the date and parcel and terms of sale at least ten days in the neighborhood and out of the proceeds in the first place to discharge all legal and visual expenses attending the sale and this conveyance in the____________to satisfy the debt herein above recited to be due_____________ with interest and the surplus if any to the said Samuel H. Cook or his heirs and the said Samuel H. Cook hath hereby covents with the said William E. Ezell that he is possessed with all the property aforesaid and that he will forever warrant the title of the same against all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said Samuel H. Cook hath hereunto set his hand and seal this 30th day of June 1837. Samuel H. Cook Mecklenburg Co. Clerk's office 1st day of July 1837.

The foregoing deed of trust was this day received in the clerk's office aforesaid and acknowledged by Samuel H. Cook to be his act and deed and pursuant to an act of assembly in such cases, made and provided is admitted to record.

27-B. 3/20/1838: Elizabeth Ezell buys 210 acres from William Jones, att or Mary Peete. Deed Book 27l, Page 548. Elizabeth is widow of Benjamin and the former Elizabeth Walker, who m. Benjamin 12/15/1814. Elizabeth later deeds this land to daughter Ann J. Cook

This Indenture, made this 20th day of March, 1838, BETWEEN William Jones, attorney in fact for Mary Peete of the one part and Elizabeth Ezell of the other part, WITNESSETH that the said William Jones, attorney as aforesaid in consideration of the sum of $420 dollars of lawful money of this commonwealth, to him in hand paid by Elizabeth Ezell at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns a certain tract of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia--containing 210 acres, be the same more or less, it being the land allowed and set apart to the said Mary Peete in the division of the estate of the late Edward A. Peete--and bounded by the lands of the said Elizabeth Ezell, Martha Salor and others. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land with all the singular the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever, to and for the only purpose, use and behoof of her the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever and the said William Jones, attorney, as aforesaid for himself and his heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of him the said William Jones, Attorney in fact for the said Mary E. Peete, for herself and her heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth Ezell her heirs and assigns, shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said William Jones, attorney in fact for Mary E. Peete have hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date first above written. Wm. Jones, Agent for Mary E. Peete Mecklenburg County Court 18th June, 1838.

An affidavit of acknowledgement is attached but am unable to read.- but ordered to be recorded.

27-C. 11/17/1838. William E. Ezell buys 100 ac from Thomas and Judy Wright Book 28, page 101. See Deed # 31, when William E. sells this land Thomas Gray.

This indenture, made and entered into this 17th day of November 1838, BETWEEN Thomas Wright and Judy Wright, his wife, of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part, and William E. Ezell of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Wright and Judy Wright, his wife in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars of lawful money of the commonwealth, to them in hand paid by the said William E. Ezell at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has bargained and sold and by these presents do, each of them, doth bargain and sell unto the said William E. Ezell, his heirs, and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county and state aforesaid containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less, bounded as follows, viz; by the lands of John Cook, Henry Davis, Issac Watson and others. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land together with all and singular the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel thereof with the said William E. Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever. to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the said William E. Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Thomas Wright and Judy Wright his wife for themselves and their heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said William E. Ezell, his heirs and assigns forever for and from the claim or claims of them the said Thomas Wright and Judy Wright his wife for either of them, theirs or either of their heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof, the said Thomas Wright and Judy Wright his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. signed, sealed and delivered Thomas Wright Judy Wright

Mecklenburg County (to wit) We, Thomas Wartman and Benj H. Rogers, justices of the peace for the county aforesaid so hereby certify that Thomas Wright, a party to the within deed personally appeared before us in our capacity aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the county court of Mecklenburg in order that the said deed may be recorded---given under our hands and seals this 23rd day of November, 1838.

also contains another affidavit unreadable. but is release of dower..

27-D. 4/5/1837: Rebecca Ann, the widow of Robertson, buys 146 acres from John Cook and wife Sarah (Pennington)

This indenture made and entered into the 15th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven BETWEEN John Cook and Sarah M. Cook, his wife of the one part and Rebecca Ann Ezell of the other part, all in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia; WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and ninety two dollars to them in hand paid by the said Rebecca Ann Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and containing one hundred and forty six acres and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at William Cabiness line on St. Tamminy Road at the head of the Avens Creek; thence down to the curve and down along the said Cabiness line to Sterling Smith's line and thence along said Smith's line to George Tucker and thence along Tucker's line to Spring Branch to Betsy Mayes' line; thence along and up the branch as it meanders up to the corner on said branch; thence North on said Betsy Mayes; line to George Tucker's line, again, thence along said George Tucker's line to St. Tammany Road and thence up the said road again to the BEGINNING, together with all and every singular the appurtenances, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, yearly and other_______ and profits arising therefrom the same part and parcel. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said land with the tenements and handiworks and all appurtenances unto the said Rebecca Ann Ezell for herself, her heirs and the said tract or parcel of land and all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Rebecca Ann Ezell, her heirs and assigns forever, free from the claim or claims of him them the said John Cook and Sarah his wife, their heirs and assigns of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall and will forever warrant and defend and by these presents doth warrant and defend forever. In Witness whereof we the said John Cook and Sarah his wife hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and date before written.
John Cook
Sarry M. Cook

Contains an additional three affidavits and acknowledgements by Magistrates and Co. Clerk

28. 11/25/1839: Elizabeth Ezell gives to daughter Ann J. Cook furnishings etc. Elizabeth is widow of Benjamin. He made his will 2/15/1834 and was proved 5/19/1834. Deed Book 28, page 414.

Know all men by these resents that I, Elizabeth Ezell of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I bear to my daughter, Ann J. Cook and her heirs of the county and state aforesaid and will and for the further consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid by the said Ann J. Cook at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Ann J. Cook, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, nine head hogs, one cow and calf, one set of knives and forks, one trunk, one pine table, plantation tools_____________ one pine chest, one small table, pots and hooks, pine table, bedstead, walnut desk and other furniture. To Have and to Hold the said property unto her the said Ann J. Cook, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns against the claim of her the said Elizabeth Ezell, her executors, administrators and against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend them by these presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of November, 1839.

Witness: Elizabeth Ezell
John P. Smith
William Davis

Mecklenburg Court 28th November, 1839

The foregoing deed was proved by the oaths of the____________________ and ordered to be recorded. Signed: R. B. Baptist, Clk Ct.

29. 1/26/1839: William E. Ezell, and sister, Ann J. Cook, wife of Samuel H. Cook sell to Williamson Rainey. Deed book 29, page 4. This is the same property for which William E. signed a deed of trust for in # 27A. William E., my great grandfather, at the time this deed was written, was living in Granville County, North Carolina, where my grandfather, John H. was born in 1843. His wife at that time was an Elizabeth D.____________ (last name unknown). The first two children were born in Mecklenburg Co.

This Indenture made and entered into the 26th day of January, 1839 ( What a coincidence----January 26, is also my birth date...)Between William E. Ezell of North Carolina and the wife of Samuel H. Cook, Mecklenburg Virginia of the one part and Williamson Rainey Jr. of the same county of second part WITNESSETH that said Ezell and the wife of said Cook for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars and twenty five cents, in hand paid by the said Rainey at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said Williamson Rainey Jr., his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land situated and being in the county aforesaid and containing ten and a quarter acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows, viz; By the lands of Issac Taylor, Joseph Bennett, George Rogers, together with all and singular the house, barns, buildings,_____tenements, ways, waters, profits, handiments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said land belonging or appertaining to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the tenements and hereditaments (sic) with all and singular the premises before named or intended to be bargained and sold with every part and parcel thereof with every of their rights, members, and appertenances unto the said Williamson Rainey Jr., his heirs and assigns forever and the said Ezell (Trustee) and Ann J. Cook, the wife of the said S. H. Cook, him the said land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Williamson Rainey Jr., his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of the said William E. Ezell (Trustee) and Ann J. Cook, the wife of the said S. H. Cook, or either of them or their heirs and of all and every persons whatsoever shall, will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and year first written.

Witness J. B. Northington Wm. E. Ezell Samuel H. Warren Ann J. Cook Wm. M. Bennett Issac Watson

30. 1/20/1840: Deed Book 29, page 103: William T. Ezell is appointed County Commissioner. Bond is posted in the amount of $10,000. William T. is the son of William Sr, who made his will in 1828, and the father of Robinson and Benjamin. William Sr., was also Mecklenburg County Commissioner at the time of his death.

I am not going to type this instrument as only a small portion is readable. It states that William T. Ezell, is appointed by the Governor to the post of commissioner and is bound by the bond. It is signed by William T. Ezell, Samuel H. Goode, Peter Davis and Passchal Bracey.

31. 7/9/1841: William E. and wife, Elizabeth D. sell 100 acres to Thomas A. Grey Deed Book 29, page 368, 369. This is the same land William purchased from Thomas Wright in 1838, and described in my # 27-C.
This is the first time that the wife of William E. (Edward) appears. She is only identified as Elizabeth D. I still have been unable to find her maiden name.

I assume she died sometime before his second marriage in 1847 in Bowling Green, Ky. to Louisa V. Cox.

This indenture, made and entered into this 29th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one BETWEEN William E. Ezell and Elizabeth D., his wife, of Granville County, North Carolina, of the one part and Thomas A. Gray of Mecklenburg County, Virginia of the other part WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and eighty six dollars and seventy five cents to them the said William E. Ezell and Elizabeth D., his wife, in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said Thomas A. Gray, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and do by these presents bargain and sell unto the said Thomas a. Gray, his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg, viz: containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less and bounded by the lands of John Cook, Henry Davis and others, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thomas A. Gray, his heirs and assigns. The said William E. Ezell and Elizabeth D. his wife warrant and forever defend the right and title of said land and promises unto him the said Thomas A. Gray, his heirs and assigns , he will defend the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof, the said William E. Ezell and Elizabeth D., his wife, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and date above written.

Teste: P.P. Poole William E. Ezell Elizabeth D. Ezell Mecklenburg County Court

We, James M. Harwell and Thomas Wartman, justices of the peace for the county aforesaid and state of Va. do hereby certify that William E. Ezell and Elizabeth D. his wife, parties to the written deed bearing date 29th day of July, 1841 personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desires us to certify the said act and deed to the clerk of the county court in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 6th day of September, 1841.

S. James H. Harwell, Thomas Wartman,
Mecklenburg County Court We, James M. Harwell and Thomas Wartman, Justices of the peace for the county aforesaid and state of Va. do hereby certify that Elizabeth D. Ezell, the wife of William E. Ezell, a party to the within deed bearing date the 29th day of July, 1841, personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Elizabeth D. acknowledges the same to be her act and deed and declares that she has willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 6 day of Sept. 1841. S. James M. Harwell, Thomas Wartman, J.P.

32. 3/27/1841: Rebecca Ann Ezell to Claiborne Drumwright. Deed Book 29, page 558. Claiborne Drumwright married Rebecca's daughter Caroline T; and her other daughter, Margaret E. married Claiborne's brother Thomas Drumwright.

This indenture, made and entered into this 27th day of March, 1841, between Rebecca Ann Ezell of the first part and Claiborne Drumwright of the other part, all of the county of Mecklenburg, Virginia. Witnesseth: that the said Rebecca Ann Ezell of and in consideration of the sum of thirty dollars to her in hand paid by the said Claiborne Drumwright, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has this date bargained and sold unto Claiborne Drumwright one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and bounded by the lands of George Tucker (future husband) and others and containing fifteen acres, be the same more or less to have and to hold the said land and premises unto him the said Claiborne Drumwright, his heirs, free form the claim of her the said Rebecca Ann Ezell and free from the claims of all and every other person whatsoever, the right and title of which, the said Rebecca Ann Ezell do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above written. S. Claiborne Drumwright

We, Benjamin Rogers and Thomas Wartman, justices of the peace for the aforesaid county do hereby certify that Rebecca Ann Ezell, a party to the above deed for real estate conveyed to Claiborne Drumwright , personally approved before us in our court aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of our court in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 27th day of March, 1841

33. 3/24/1841: John H. Ezell signs one and deed of trust to William Bacon for one negro boy. John H. Ezell is a brother to my William E. (Edward), and the son of Benjamin. William E. also named his second son John H. b. 1843, after his brother.

This indenture, made and entered into this 24th day of March, 1842, between John H. Ezell of the first part and William Baskerville Jr. and John P. Smith of the second part, and William A. bacon of the third part. Whereas the said John H. Ezell is justly indebted to the said William Baskerville, Jr. and John P. Smith the first day of March 1842 and in the first day of the same month for seventy eight dollars and fifty eight cents with interest thereon from and after the first day of March, 1842. And the further bond to the said John P. smith of one hundred and eighteen dollars and forty nine cents for bond bearing date the 20th day of June, 1841 and payable the 20th day of May 1841,, the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars subject to a credit which is endorsed on the back of the said bond, leaving a balance of one hundred and eighteen dollars and forty nine cents with interest thereon for the 12th day of January, 1842 and whereas the said John H. Ezell is desirous to secure and doth wish to secure the payment of the said debt and interest with all charges_________the________or incurred by reason of the presents by conveying the property hereinafter mentioned unto the said William A. Bacon. Now, therefore, this indenture. Witnesseth that the said John H. Ezell in consideration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said trustees, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, sold, confirmed and made over to the said William a. Bacon, the following mentioned property to wit: one negro boy named William and known by the name of Harrison. To Have and To Hold the person above named unto the said William a. Bacon, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in trust and upon the condition______that it shall and__________be lawful for the said trustee or in case of his death for in legal, personal___________or representatives at any time, to___________ sale of the property aforesaid in any part thereof to the highest bidder for cash after first being advertised the place and time of sale for ten days in the neighborhood and out of the proceeds in the first place to discharge all legal and accrued cost and expenses attending the sale and the_______________in the second place to pay and satisfy the debts first_____________to be due to the said William Baskerville Jr. and John P. Smith together with legal interest accruing thereon the surplus if any, to the said John H. Ezell on his order and to the said John H. Ezell doth hereby covenant with the said William A. Bacon that he is_______ with all the premises aforesaid and that he will forever warrant the title of the claims of the same against all persons whatever. In witness whereof the said John H. Ezell hath herein set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first written

Wit: William S. Pulley John H. Ezell George W. Norwall

34. 12/15/1847: William T. Ezell (son of William, Sr.) signs Deed of Trust and bonds to secure debt for purchase of 5 Negroes.

This indenture, made and entered the 15th day of December, 1847, between William T. Ezell of the first part and Benjamin I. Walker and James M. Bullock of the second part and William Baskerville of the third part. Whereas the said William T. Ezell is indebted to William Baskerville, Jr. in the sum of nine hundred and eleven dollars and seventy two cents as per bond bearing date the tenth of December, 1847, with interest from the 15th of November 1847, as will now fully appear by reference had to said bond which debt with the interest thereon accruing the said William T. Ezell is willing more fully to secure. Now, this indenture. witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and also for the future consideration of one dollar, lawful money of the state paid to the said William T. Ezell by the said Benjamin I. Walker and James M. Bullock, at or before the sealing of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said William T. Ezell, hath bargained, sold and hath by these presents bargained and sold unto the said Benjamin I. Walker and James M. Bullock, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the following property, to wit: One negro girl Lucy about 16 years of age; one negro girl Jinny about 14 years of age; one negro boy Sterling 12 years of age; one negro woman Nancy about twenty five years of age; and one negro girl Phebe about nine years of age TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property to the said Benjamin I. Walker and James M. Bullock, their executors, administrators and assigns to their only proper use and behoof forever upon trust; Witnesseth that the said Benjamin I. Walker and James M. Bullock, their executors, administrators and assigns shall permit the said William T. Ezell to possess and enjoy the use and lawful benefit of the said property until default be made in the payment of the said sum of nine hundred and eleven dollars and ninety two cents or any part thereof with interest as aforesaid. And then, upon this_______trust that the said Benjamin J. Walker and James M. Bullock or either of them, their executors, administrators or assigns shall and will as soon after this happening of such default of payment or at any time after the first day of January, 1848, as he or they may think proper, shall direct , sell the said property or such part thereof as may be deemed necessary to the highest bidder for cash at public auction after advertising the time and place of sale at his or their discretion and giving 30 days' notice thereof and out of the monies arising from such sale after satisfying the charges thereof and all other expenses attaining the premises pay to the said William Baskerville Jr., his heirs, administrators or assigns the sum of nine hundred and eleven dollars and ninety two cents with the interest which may have thereon accrued or so much of said sum as may be due and unpaid, and the balance, if any, shall pay to the said William T. Ezell, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. But if the whole of the said sum of nine hundred and eleven dollars and seventy two cents as aforesaid shall be fully discharged to the said William Baskerville Jr., his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns when the same is demanded so that no default of payment of the said sum or any part thereof be made then this indenture to be void or else remain in full force and virtue. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our ands and affixed our seals the day and year above written.

William T. Ezell Wit: J. I. Daly as to Wm. T. Ezell

Mecklenburg county December court 1847. The foregoing deed of trust was acknowledged in open court and ordered to be recorded.

35. Robertson Ezell to Claiborne Drumwright. I was unable to copy this deed as the film was complete blurred. It is also of note that Robertson, at this time, was deceased for several years, so it would be a belated recording, or possibly paid off on that date and refers to one of the previous deeds executed by Robertson. Claiborne married Robertson's daughter.

36. 10/22/1847: William T. Ezell, and wife Susan A. to John Smith. Deed Book 33, page 102

This indenture the 22nd day of October, 1847 between William T. Ezell and Susan A., his wife, of the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia of the one part and John P. Smith of the county and state aforesaid of the other part. witnesseth that the said William T. Ezell and Susan A. Ezell, his wife, in consideration of the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars of lawful money of the commonwealth, to them in hand paid by the said John P. Smith at or before the sealing and delivery of the presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and by these presents do and each of them doth bargain and sell unto the said John P. Smith, his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg and state of Virginia, containing 418 acres, be the same more or less, bounded as follows, viz: bounded on the East by Flatt Creek; on the West by Avens Creek; on the North by Issac Watson and on the South by Issac H. Jones, together with all the singular houses, meadows, portions, woods and water, privileges, profits, covenants and appurtenances whatsoever to the said John P. Smith , belonging or appertaining or with the same used and enjoyed together, reported, taken or known as part, parcel or________ thereof or as belonging to the same or any part thereof and the revisions, remainder or remainders yearly and other rents from profits thereof and do every part and parcel thereof to have and to hold the said land with the covenants, his or tenants and all and singular other the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel whereof with every of their rights, members appertaining unto the said John P. Smith, his heirs and assigns forever, to and for it's only proper use and behoof of him the said John P. Smith, his heirs, and assigns forever and the said William T. Ezell and Susan A. his wife for them and their heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said John P. Smith , his heirs and assigns forever the claim or claims of them the said William T. Ezell and Susan A., his wife, or either of them, theirs or either of their heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever, shall and will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said William T. Ezell and Susan A. Ezell, his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first written. S. William T. Ezell Susan A. Ezell

Also contains three affidavits by witnesses.

37. 5/11/1850: Book 33/ page 253. I don't have a copy of this deed (yet). However, it is from the "estate" of William, being sold by commissioners, to John P. Smith. I can't determine which "estate" this property pertains to. William T. is still living and now is on the 1850 Granville Co. North Carolina census, along with John H., the brother to William E. William T. and Susan A. also had a son named William T.----and the son married a Susan A. Lewis, in Granville County, North, Carolina----11/18/1855. Confusing, huh?

38. 1/26/1839 and 11/16/1850: William E. Ezell and sister Ann J. Cook originally made this deed of trust in 1839. It now is being finalized. Book 33, Page 338

William E. is no longer in the state of Virginia, but by this time he migrated to Logan County, Kentucky and was unavailable to finalize this deed. It was handled by sister Ann Cook, and some of the original witnesses thereto. Following is the family of William E. (Edward) on the 1850 Logan Co. Ky. Census.

William E. 33. b. Mecklenburg co. Va. 1816
Louisa V. 25 b. Logan County, Ky. m. June 24, 1847
Howell 12 b. Rockingham Co. Virginia 1837
Sarah 10 b. Granville Co., North Carolina
John H. 8 B. Granville Co., North Carolina
William Jr. 2 b. 1848 Logan Co., Kentucky
Obenia (Obey) A. 3 1/2 mo. b. Logan Co., Kentucky

William E. and Louisa left Kentucky and migrated to Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri before the 1960 census. Additional children were born in Missouri, as follows
Lucy Margaret 9 b. Kentucky
Wyatt 5 b. Kentucky
Berket 4 b. Kentuckuy
Marrema 1 b. Missouri

39. 5/28/1851: John W. and Claiborn Drumwright, deed of trust to secure debt owed to them from Elizabeth manning. Book 33, page 464. This deed is made for the benefit of Rebecca A. tucker ( formerly the wife of Robertson Ezell), now married to George Tucker. John W. married Mary T. Walker 9/21/1853, the dau. of Elizabeth (Ezell) Walker who married Samuel H. Walker 12/18/1815. She was the dau. of William....

This indenture made this 28th day of May 1851, between Elizabeth Manning of the first part and Thomas F. Drumwright, hereby appointed trustee of the second part. Claiborne Drumwright and John W. Ezell of the other part, all of the county of Mecklenburg: WITNESSETH, that whereas the said Elizabeth Manning is justly indebted to the said Drumwright and Ezell in the sum of ninety four dollars, due the 1st day of January, 1851 as will appear by bond bearing date with this indenture and whereof the said Elizabeth Manning is desirous to secure and hath agreed to secure to the said Drumwright and Ezell the payment of the aforesaid debt with interest and all charges attending the same or incurred by reason of the premises conveying the property herein after mentioned unto the said Thomas F. Drumwright; hence this indenture: WITNESSETH, that the said Elizabeth Manning in consideration of the premises and of the sum of ten dollars in hand paid by the said trustee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain, sell and confirm and make over unto the said Thomas F. Drumwright the following property to wit: one certain tract of land, lying and being the county of Mecklenburg adjoining the land of B. Northington, Rebecca Ann Tucker

 [formerly Rebecca Ann Ezell, wife of Robertson, who was Rebecca Northington before her marriage to Robertson.]

 and others, containing 40 acres, be the same more or less; one cow and calf; two head hogs; one loom, two beds and furniture, together with all my household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, one horse cart. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid and above mentioned property unto the said Thomas F. Drumwright, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns in trust, nonetheless it shall and may be lawful for the trustee and in case of the death, his legal representative at any time after the 1st day of June 1852 to make sale of the property aforesaid or any part thereof to the highest bidder for cash, having first advertised the time and place and terms of sale at least ten days in the neighborhood, and in the first place to discharge all legal and usual expenses attending the sale and the conveyance in the second place to pay and satisfy the above mentioned debt to Drumwright and Ezell with interest and the balance if any to the said Elizabeth Manning or her order. and the said Elizabeth Maning doth hereby covenant with the said Thomas F. Drumwright, that he is possessed with all the property aforesaid and that she will forever warrant the title to the same against all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the parties hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above mentioned. Elizabeth Manning Claiborn Drumwright John W. Ezell Mecklenburg County, to wit:

This day Elizabeth Manning appeared before us Thomas Wartman and Joseph Gregory, Justices of the Peace for the county aforesaid and acknowledged the foregoing deed of trust bearing date the 28th day of May 1851, to be her act and deed and desired us to certify the same to the clerk of county court of Mecklenburg in order that the same may be recorded. Given under our seals this 28th day of May 1851.

Thomas Watson
James Gregory

The above deed of trust is for the benefit of Rebecca A. Tucker. Signed:
Claiborn Drumwright
John W. Ezell


Compiled, transcribed, and contributed by Richard E. Hausen

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This page was last updated 03/08/2024