Mecklenburg County


Mecklenburg Co., VA Deed Bk. 17, pp. 467-471:

Evans to Toone: This Indenture made this 7th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, between Edward H. Evans agt. for William Evans and Edith his wife, William Richards and Mary his wife, Prudence Jeffries widow of Richard Jeffries dec'd, James Jeffries and Nancy his wife in the County of Lunenburg in the State of Virginia of the one part, and Thomas Toone of the County of Mecklenburg of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Edward H. Evans agt for William Evans and Edith his wife, William Richards and Mary his wife, Prudence widow of Richard Jeffries dec'd, James Jeffries and Nancy his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain & sell and confirm unto the said Thomas Toone his heirs Executors administrators and assigns, Their interest in a certain parcel of land, bequeathed to them by the last will and testament of their father Edward Hogan, containing one hundred acres, the same more or less lying in the County aforesaid adjoining the lands of Thomas Brough, Francis Barnes, Jr., James Garner & Thompson Fowlkes. To have and to hold the said land and all the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Thomas Toone the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Toone his heirs and assigns forever, and they the said Edward H. Evans agt for William Evans and Edith his wife, William Richards and Mary his wife, Prudence Jeffries widow of Richard Jeffries dec'd, James Jeffries and Nancy his wife for themselves and their heirs the said tract or parcel of land and premises and every part thereof against them & their heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever to the said Thomas Toone his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.

Signed sealed & acknowledged in the presence of

William Garner, as to Evans Richards E. J. C. Evans agt for William Evans
and Jeffries and Edith his wife (seal)
Nathaniel Fowlkes the same William Richards (seal)
Thomas Marshall the same Mary Richards (seal)
H. Farley as to Mrs. Jeffries Prudence Jeffries (her mark) (seal)
Achilles Norment James Jeffries (seal)
Richard Russell as to E. H. Evans agt Nancy Jeffries (seal)
for William Evans & Edith his wife

Mecklenburg County to wit

We David Street and Levi Clay magistrates of the said County do hereby certify that James Jeffries party to the within conveyance have (sic) duly acknowledged the same before us on the 7th day of October 1818 and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said conveyance may be recorded. As witness our hands and seals this 7th day of October 1818.

D. Street J.P. (seal)
Levi Clay J.P. (seal)

Mecklenburg County to wit

We David Street and Levi Clay, Justices of the Peace for the said County do hereby certify that Nancy Jeffries the wife of James Jeffries parties to a certain deed for the conveyance of real estate to Thomas Toone, bearing date the 7th of October 1818 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us on the 7th day of October 1818 and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Nancy Jeffries acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same, and that she wished not to retract the same. Given under our hands and seals this 7th day of October 1818.

D. Street, J.P.
Levi Clay, J.P.

Mecklenburg County to wit

We Joseph B. Clausel and William B. Stokes magistrates of the said County do hereby certify that William Richards and Prudence Jeffries parties to the within conveyance have duly acknowledged the same before us on the seventh day of October in the year 1818 and desired us to certify the said acknowledgment to the Clerk of the County Court of Mecklenburg in order that the said conveyance may be recorded. As witness our hands and seals

Jos. B. Clausel, J.P. (seal)
Wm. B. Stokes, J.P. (seal)

Mecklenburg County to wit

We Joseph B. Clausel and William B. Stokes Justices of the peace in the County aforesaid and State of Virginia do hereby certify that Mary Richards the wife of William Richards parties to a certain deed for the conveyance of real estte to Thomas Toone bearing date the seventh day of October in the year 1818 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Mary Richards acknowledged the same to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 10th day of October 1818.

Jos. B. Clausel (seal)
Wm. B. Stokes (seal)

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 19th day of October 1818. This Indenture was proven as to Edward H. Evans agt for William Evans and wife by the oaths of Richard Russell and Thomas Marshall two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified and at a Court held for the said County the 16th day of November following, the said Indenture was further proved as to the said Evans by the oath of ? [In] witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Edward S. Tabb Ct

This Indenture and the certificates of acknowledgment and privy examinations thereto was delivered into the Clerks Office of Mecklenburg County Court the 19th day of October 1818 and by law ordered to be recorded.

Joel Watkins D.C.

Contributed 2010 Dec 30 by Kathy Turner

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