Mecklenburg County

William CLEMENTS to James BILBO 1780

Mecklenburg Co., VA Deed Bk 6, pp. 66-67:

This Indenture made this 9th day of June thousand (sic) seven hundred and eighty between William Clements of Warrand (sic) County and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Bilbo of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia of the other part – Witnesseth that the said William Clements for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand two hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the same James Bilbo before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof he the said William Clements doth hereby acknowledge and hath given granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents for himself and his heirs doth give grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm to the said James Bilbo and to his heirs and assigns forever one tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and twenty acres one half acre excepted at the ferry landing more or less lying and being in the County of Mecklenburg and State of Virginia on the south side of Roanoke River and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at a corner hickory in the said Bilbo's line on the river thence down the river to the mouth of the Collon(?) Creek thence up the said Creek to the mouth of the long branch on the east side of the Creek thence up the said branch to Fields's line thence along Fields's line to Spurlock's thence along Spurlock's line to the aforesaid Bilbo's line thence along Bilbo line it meanders to the beginning together with all woods profits liberties advantages hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the said lands and premises except the half acre above mentioned with their and every of their appurtenances together with the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders thereof unto the said James Bilbo his heirs and assigns forever and the said William Clements the above sold land and premises unto the said James Bilbo his heirs and assigns against him the said William Clements his heirs executors and administrators shall and will warrant and forever defend against every other person or persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the said William Clements hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed & delivered
William Clements (seal)

in presence of
John Y458g (sic)
Ray Moss
William Toone

Memorandum that quiet and peaceable possession of the within seisin land and premises was had and taken by the within named William Clements and by him delivered unto the within named James Bilbo this ninth day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty.
William Clements

In presence of
John Y458g(sic)
Ray Moss
William Toone

At a Court held for Mecklenburg County the 12th day of June 1780

This Indenture and the memorandum endorsed were proved by the oaths of John Y458g and Ray Moss witnesses thereto and at a Court held for the said County the 14th day of August 1780 the said Indenture and the memorandum were further proved by the oath of William Toone – another witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.
John Brown Ct. Clerk

Contributed 2010 Dec 30 by Kathy Turner

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