Pages 620-627  ======   ======  Volume Map  





      Further time allowed to pay taxes in certain enumerated commodities 10 Duty of commissioners of tax and sheriffs 10. Specifics or money actually received to be immediately paid 11. Treasurer to keep distinct accounts of revenue 12 Appropriation 12. What civil list warrants receivable in taxes 13. Collection of taxes divided 66. Deer skins to be taken 66. New places to receive specifics 66. Sheriff not able to give security, a collector to be appointed 66. Penalty on proprietors failing to account reduced 66: Explanation of tithables 67: Duties on ships and goods to be paid to naval offices 67: If none, or imported by land, to county court clerks 67: Sheriffs to give receipt for taxes 67: And return a distinct account 67: Allowance to commissioners 67. −− How lands and good distrained for taxes, shall be sold 68. Bonded duties recoverable on motion 68. Power of officers in Williamsburg 68: Morris's notes to be received 68. Militia or military certificates, when to be received for taxes 69: Tonnage of vessels explained 70. Sheriffs to continue collection, tho' out of office 70. When and how to account 70: Receipts or certificates received by sheriffs for taxes, agreeable to existing laws, to be received at the treasury 77. Damages and interest remitted to sheriffs who had offered to settle at the
treasury under existing laws 78. Sheriffs to make oath as to certificates received by them for taxes 78. Tax on litigants before commissioners for adjusting land claims 92. Provision for redeeming military and other certificates 93. Additional taxes on lands, poll-tax, slaves, horses, cattle, carriages, billiard tables and ordinary licences 93, 112, 418. Bonds to be taken of sheriffs 93 Certified copy evidence 93. Taxes when to be collected and distrained for 94. When accounted for 94: Commissions payable in kind 94: −− Taxes payable in gold or silver, or certificates, or treasury tobacco notes to enlisted soldiers 94: Certificates and warrants to be divided by auditors into small sums for conveniency of change 94. Sheriffs to account on oath for actual sums received 94. Flour paid for taxes to be inspected 98: Certificates receivable in taxes of officers and soldiers 106: −− Oath to prevent paying taxes of others, with certificates 107: Act to amend and reduce the several acts for ascertaining taxes and duties into one act 112. Additional tax on land 112, 418. Poll-tax 113, 418. Tax on slaves, horses, covering horses, cattle, carriages, billiard tables and ordinary licences 113, 418. Justices to take lists of taxable property annually 113. How lists made out and returned to clerk 113:





Duty of clerk to make out three copies 114: Hos disposed of 114: His allowance 114 Penalty on clerk and justice for neglect 114. Lists of taxable property, how to be give in 114: Penalty for concealing property 115: How penalty may be saved 115. Sheriffs when to collet and distrain 115. Property liable tho' comprised in deed or mortgage 115: Manner of sale 115 As to lands seized 115. Proviso as to lands 116. Unreasonable distress, how punished 116. Sheriffs when to account and pay 116. How to account 116. Penalty 117. Power of the court to remit the damages and interest 117: How taxes may be paid 117. Rates of gold paid for taxes 117: How certain commodities received 118. Sheriff to return a list of payments to the clerk 119: A copy to be set up in the court house 119. −− Inspectors of flour to return lists monthly to the treasurer 119: Penalty for neglect 119. Treasurer to sell commodities 119. Courts to provide warehouses for hemp 120. And appoint receivers 120: Their duty and allowance 120. To give bond 120. Penalty on them and courts 120: Hemp and flour how to be weighted 121: Tax on certain patents 121: Tonnage on vessels 121: Duty on goods imported, and mode of collection 121, 126. What certificates not to be received
in taxes 126. What certificates receivable 127. Powers of courts and serjeants of Williamsburg and Norfolk 127: Tax on private acts of assembly 127. Deer skins added to commutables 128. −− This act to be given in charge to grand jury 128. Northern neck quitrents sequestered 128: Act for equalizing land tax 140: Collection of taxes postponed 169. Sheriffs to give bond where not already done 169: All specie warrants and militia certificates receivable in taxes 170: Sheriffs allowed to pay taxes in certificates for property impressed 184. Executions against sheriffs for taxes suspended 190. On what conditions 190. Benefit of act extended to all sheriffs owing a balance to the commonwealth 190. Hemp receivable in taxes, and at what rate 191. Certificates issued by the commissioners appointed to settle claims for property impressed for public service 192: Distress for taxes postponed 194: Sheriffs to collect although the term of their appointment receivable in taxes 202. Land tax appropriated 247. Slave tax 247: All other taxes 248: Tonnage duty 249. Auditors to furnish treasurer with distinct account of each branch of taxes 249: Collection of taxes postponed 268: Provision as to sheriffs bonds 268: New bonds by sheriffs 268.





Exempts from taxation 269. Tax on lands how regulated 269. County commissioners to correct mistakes of examiners, under the equalizing law, in the extension of taxes 269: Act allowing commutables for taxes repealed 289. Revived 299: Principal of officers certificates, not to be discounted for their taxes 290 If sheriffs fail to give security for taxes, a new sheriff to be appointed 307: Sheriffs to give receipts expressing how taxes paid 300: And return a list to clerk's office who shall set up a copy in court house 301. To pay commutables to treasurer 301. Penalty 301. Former payments in coin regulated 301. Tobacco payments restricted to certain warehouses 301; and hemp to certain places 301. Inspectors of flour to return accounts 302 Penalty 302: Treasurer to sell commutables 302. Courts to provide houses to store hemp, flour, and deer skins 302: −− And appoint one or two receivers at each place 303. Their duty 303. And allowance 303 To give bond 303. Penalty on courts failing 303. And receivers 303. How commutables to be weighed 304. Treasurer may receive partial payments 304. Hemp may be received by the purchaser 304. Proceeding thereon 304. −− What satisfaction shall be made by receiver 304. Repeal as to time sheriffs to account
and for additional session of general court 305. Sheriffs to account and pay the first of March next 305. Commutables not receivable after that day 305. Treasurer may receive them or not after first of April 305. How notice may be given to sheriffs and proved 306. Distress for taxes suspended 306. −− Receipts for hemp or flour, delivered under former law, not receivable for taxes 319. −− So, as to warrants to sheriffs, venire men and witnesses 319. Collection of taxes suspended 368, 376: Tax on law process, appeals, &c. 378, 438. On recognizances of special bail 378: On judgments or decrees 378. On deeds recorded 378, 439. On probats of wills or grants of administration 378, 439. On seals of court 378, 439. On notarial seals 440. On admission of attornies 378, 439. −− On transfer of surveyor's certificate for land 379, 440. On seal of state 379, 440. Appropriation of taxes 379. Delinquent counties compelled to pay the one eighth per cent. tax 390. Tax on lands included in patents, when payable 445. Patents for pre-emption rights and military bounties excepted 445. Appropriation of tax 445. Executive may remit damages against sheriffs for non-payment of taxes 463. Taxes distrainable for on the first of





August, and payable into the treasury on the first of November annually 540. Collection of taxes now due suspended 541. Executive may direct suspension of executions against sheriffs 541. Not to affect certain taxes 541. Taxes due from persons about to leave the county, may be recovered by attachment 542. Sheriff having given bond, may collect taxes, though his time expired 542. Where quitrents have been assessed in the Northern Neck, over and above the land tax, the amount to be refunded 543. No taxes to be assessed in the Northern Neck, more than those imposed by the equalizing law 543. Counties westward of the Blue Ridge, except Frederick and Berkeley may discharge certain taxes in hem 543.
      Admitted a citizen, on taking the oath of allegiance 316.
      Explanation of tithables 67. −− Lists of, to be taken for levies 290.
      May be tendered on executions 76. Treasury tobacco notes, payable to enlisted soldiers, receivable in taxes 94. Inspectors liable for tobacco lost, except by fire, floods, or the enemy 95. Storage on tobacco lying in warehouse more than twelve months 95. Export duty 95, 201, 203. Inspectors to give bond to account
for duty 96. Commissions 96. Clerks to transmit bonds to solicitor general 96. Remedy against inspectors by motion 96. Rents of warehouses destroyed or burnt by the enemy, applied to rebuilding them 94. If proprietors refuse to rebuild, courts may order it 97. Further time allowed to dispose of tobacco in warehouses discontinued 97. −− Warehouses at Pitt's landing and Fulgham's, revived 97. −− Inspectors to give receipts for tobacco as delivered 97. Appropriation of export duty 98. Fees of pickers and turners-up 98. Tobacco receivable in taxes 118. Act to amend and reduce the several acts for inspection of tobacco into one act 205. No tobacco to be exported, but in casks, and inspected 205. the oaths of masters of vessels intending to load with tobacco 206. Penalties 206. No tobacco to be taken on board any vessel in bulk or parcels 206. Penalties 206. Further penalties for taking on board tobacco, in bulk or parcels 206, 207. Provisos for sundry purposes 208. Proviso, as to Fleet's bay and Warrasqueake 208. Masters of vessels to give in upon oath a manifest of their tobacco when clearing out 209 Relanded tobacco must be at some public warehouse 209. Penalty for that or opening hogsheads and taking out tobacco 209. Exception as to





tobacco landed in distress of weather 209. Provision for tobacco damaged 210. Warehouses established 210. Rents of warehouses 211. Proviso as to wharves 212. Proprietors of old warehouses to let them to inspectors 212. Courts to direct the number and kind of new warehouses & wharves 212. And take bond with security of the proprietor if he chooses to build and let them 213. If he refuse, the land paid for and houses,&c. built at expense of the public and rents paid to the treasurer 213. −− Warehouses discontinued, how proprietors revested 214. Inspectors yearly to lay before the court an account of tobacco inspected and condition of the houses 214. Court may order houses to be repaired or secured, and new houses built if necessary 214. By the proprietor or public 215. Proviso for united inspections 215 Penalty on county courts for neglect 215. Conveniences not to be taken from proprietors 216. Nor inspectors to keep horses, cattle, or hogs, on the land 216. How proprietors may be restored to former estate 216. But if he again fails to build or repair, to be revested in the public 216. Waste or destruction of warehouses, how to be furnished 216. Scales and weights to be provided 217. And tried and repaired twice a year 217 −− Inspectors, how nominated
and commissioned 217. An additional inspector, and when to act 218. No inspector to take a reward for resigning 219. Penalty on giver and receiver 219. No inspector to vote in recommendation 219. Inspectors in office recommended to continue without new commissions 219. Inspectors to give bond and take an oath 219. Form of oath 820. Penalty 220. Time inspectors are to attend 220. −− Penalty for not attending 221. −− Tobacco to be entered as brought in, and viewed in due turn 221. Each hogshead to be uncased and viewed, and if found good, stamped receipts given 321. Form of the receipt, which is to be printed for crop tobacco 222. Where the inspectors disagree 223. What hands the inspectors shall keep 223. Inspectors or servants not to be concerned in picking tobacco 223. Refused tobacco may be picked 223. If unfit to pass, to be burnt 223. Pickers how to be appointed 224. Their oath 224. Allowance 224. Duty 224. Punishment for misbehaviour 224. Penalty for picking, without being so appointed, except by the proprietor, his hands or others 225. Overseers liable for tobacco refused and burnt 225. Form of transfer receipts 226. Their date and currency 226. −− Weight of tobacco prized in discharge of notes 226.       6s.





Inspection, and 3s. 6d. for prizing and nails 226. Allowance to be made for cask and shrinkage 227. Remedy against inspectors 227. How receipts are to be given for crop tobacco 227. Six shillings inspection tax to be paid by exporter 227. Penalty on inspectors changing tobacco 228. Or failing to deliver it, when demanded 228. To transfer crop tobacco 228. −− Rule as to paying pickers 228. Stemmed tobacco to be laid straight 228. Size of tobacco hogsheads 229. Penalty for delivering tobacco, without an order from the proprietor 229. And for issuing fictitious transfer notes, in suits for which the proof shall lie on the inspector 229. Inspectors to give crop notes in exchange for transfer 230. And in September court yearly account, and sell the tobacco for all notes outstanding 230. Also tobacco gained by allowance for shrinkage 230. To account with the treasurer upon oath, when and how 231. To return an account annually of all tobacco shipped, and the penalty 231. Naval officers on account of the tobacco entered, penalty 231. Proceeding where tobacco is about to be exported by water, uninspected 232. Old tobacco to be sold 233. Inspectors ineligible to general assembly 233 Other incapacities 234. Penalty on inspectors receiving other
gratuity than salaries 234 and on the person offering a bribe 234. Inspectors salaries 235. Method of detecting inspectors who shall not do their duty 236. How tobacco due for levies, clerk's, sheriffs, surveyors, or other officers' fees, shall be paid 237. When levies and officers' fees may be distrained for 238. When the sheriffs are to account 239 Warehouses burnt, the public to pay for the tobacco and inspectors indemnified 239: Exception 239. Warehouses not to be used for private purposes 239. No fire to be kindled in or near a warehouse 240, nor wooden chimnies built near 240. Inspectors to keep books &c. 240, and deliver manifests with each load of tobacco 240 Tobacco re-landed or put on board other ships 241. Death to counterfeit notes, &c. 241. Or to issue double notes for the same tobacco, or notes for tobacco not received 242. Method to be taken where receipts are lost 242. Penalty for false oath or producing a forged certificate 243. New inspectors to give their predecessors a receipt for the tobacco in the warehouses 243. Inspectors discharged on the delivery of tobacco 243. Prizes to be used in turn for prizing tobacco picked, or light hogshead 243 Penalty for taking and using drafts 244. Inspectors to prize light crop tobacco on request 244. To give notes in the





name of the owner, not the overseer 244. To give receipts for tobacco when brought 244 Penalties how to be recovered and applied 245. Masters of vessels sued may be ruled to bail 245. The act of October 1778, ch. 10, revised and continued till September 245. Exception 245. Other subsequent acts continued to same time 245. Inspectors indemnified 246. Warehouses to be discontinued October 1st, if the inspection tax does not pay the salaries and rent 246. Exception 246. Commencement of this act 246: Inspectors exempt from militia duty 246. Act making tobacco receivable in taxes repealed 289. −− Revived 299. New warehouses established 345. Courts to build warehouses and recommend inspectors 346. Currency of their transfer notes 346. Inspectors salaries 346. Inspection tax 346: Surveyor's, clerk's, sheriffs, and other officers tobacco fees, payable in money, at one penny half penny per pound 356, 357. Inspection at Dymer's warehouse in Lancaster revived 391: −− Petersburg warehouse, on land of Elizabeth Spencer and others revived 391. Salary of inspectors 391. Inspection at north and south Wicomico separated from any other 392: Inspectors' salaries there, and at Indian creek, Dymer's and Coan's 392. Inspections at College landing and York town 392.
Inspectors salaries 392. Commissioners appointed to ascertain losses of tobacco, by the burning of Rocky Ridge warehouse 393: Mode of proceeding 394. Oath of commissioners 394: Duty and compensation of inspectors 394: Additional duty on tobacco exported 394. Tobacco lodged in private warehouses how recovered 395: Inspection at Hood's warehouse, in Prince George, and at Kemp's in Middlesex revived 448: Manchester warehouse, in town of Manchester established 449. Warehouse on Portsmouth to be erected on land of Thomas Veal 449. Inspectors to give bond for payment of duty on tobacco 527: Commission for collecting 527: Penalty for failure to pay duties 527: No duplicate for tobacco note lost to be granted, until the lost note be advertised, and bond and security given 528. Penalty on inspectors and pickers of tobacco concerned in interest 528.
      Duty on tonnage of vessels 121: How tonnage ascertained 263: Act imposing duty on tonnage of Virginia vessels, and small vessels of Maryland repealed 289.
      Town of Greensville, at Buckingham court house established 29: Stevensburg in Culpeper 36: Lexington in Fayette





county, Kentucky 100. −− Lewisburg in Greenbrier county 139: Liberty in Bedford county 171: Kempsville in Princess Anne 270: Clarksville in north-western territory 336: Port Conway, in King George county 363: Kinsale in Westmoreland county 369.
      Transylvania seminary incorporated 283: Style of corporation 283: Corporate powers 283: Certain escheated lands of Robert M'Kensie, Henry Collins and Alexander M'Kee, vested in trustees 283: Capacity of trustees to take 283: −− Oath of trustees 384: Lands of seminary exempt from taxation 284: Professors, masters and students exempt from militia duty 284: Lands hereafter escheated in Kentucky to vest in trustees 285: Proviso 285. Power of trustees to erect buildings, and appoint professors 285. Salaries and tenure of office 285. Sessions of trustees, when and where to be held 285. Adjourned and called meetings 285: For what degree of absence, seat vacated 286: Number of trustees necessary for particular objects 286: Treasurer to give bond 286: His powers and liability 286: Examination of students 286. Degrees what and how conferred 287: Vacancies of trustees how supplied 287.
      Admitted a citizen, on taking the oath of allegiance 316.
See Pork, Beef, &c.
      An act for inspection of, continued 71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71, 195, 510. Penalties and their appropriation 71.
      Nathaniel Twining entitled to exclusive privilege of conveying persons in stage coaches for three years 395. Rates 396 Penalty for exceeding legal rates 396. Penalty on any other person for invading his privilege 396. Bond and security 396: further time allowed to give bond 468.
      County court of Stafford authorized to levy, upon parishes of St. Paul and Overwharton, tobacco due to Henry Tyler, late clerk 320.
      Judgment on motion against persons indebted to, or having effects of United States 32. Commissioners appointed to settle accounts between this state and United States, authorized to summon witnesses 33: Congress authorized to procure ten acres of land in this state, for the purpose of erecting a magazine 288. If none willing to sell, how it may be taken 288. Provision for paying this state's quota of debts contracted by United States 350: −− Congress authorized to lay duties and appoint collectors 350 Restrictions 351, 352. Congress empowered to restrict trade with subjects of powers,





with whom we have no commercial treaties 388.
      Auditors to issue warrants to veniremen attending general court, which shall be received in taxes 319.
      Foreign vessels restricted to certain ports 403: Ports designated 403: Duties payable at those ports only 408: Penalty for lading or unlading elsewhere 403: Not more than one third of crew of river or bay-craft, to consist of slaves 404: Suspension of act 404.
      Act dissolving vestries extended to other counties 62: Overseers of the poor, how to be elected 62. Their duty 63: −− Penalty on sheriff 63: Suits by or against churchwardens saved 63: Vestries to account 63.
See Army.−−Land Bounty.
      Deputation of officers to choose superintendants and appoint surveyors for locating and surveying lands given to officers and soldiers on continental and state establishments 309: various regulations 310, 311, 312.
      Three fourths of wages of members of general assembly to be paid for the present 280. Wages of delegates to congress 366.
      See Army.
      Three thousand troops, for the continental army, to be raised for three years or the war, by enlistment or draft 14, 15, 16. Mode of recovery of slaves, horses, and other property lost during the war 23. County courts to collect and state evidence of injuries from depredations of enemy 27. Acts respecting commissioner of war-office and commercial agent, repealed, and duties transferred to executive 133, 134. −− Proclamation of congress, declaring the cessation of arms, by sea and land 549.
      Rents of warehouses, destroyed or burnt by the enemy, applied to rebuilding them 96. If proprietors refuse to build, courts may order it 97. Warehouses at Pitt's landing and Fulghams, revived 97. Inspectors liable for tobacco lost, except by fire, floods, or the enemy 95. Warehouses for flour or hemp may be rented 99. Warehouses established, generally 210. Rents of warehouses 211. How warehouses erected and preserved 212, 216. Warehouses burnt, the public to pay for the tobacco 239. Warehouses not to be used for private purposes 239. No fire to be kindled near 240. −− Nor wooden chimnies built near 248. New warehouses established on the western waters,





at Portsmouth, and at Gibson's 345: Inspection at Dymer's warehouse in Lancaster, revived 391. Petersburg warehouse on lands of Elizabeth Spencer and others, established 391. Salary of inspectors 391. Inspection at north and south Wicomico, separated from any other 392. Inspector's salaries there, and at Indian creek, and Dymer's and Coan's 392. Inspections at College Landing and York town 392. Inspectors' salaries 392. Commissioners appointed to ascertain losses of tobacco by burning of Rocky Ridge warehouse 393. Mode of proceeding 394. Their oath 394. Duty and compensation of inspectors 394. Additional duty on tobacco exported 394. Tobacco lodged in private stores, how recovered 395. Warehouses for inspection of hemp, established 412. Inspection of tobacco at Hood's and Kemp's, revived 448. Manchester warehouse established 449. Warehouse in Portsmouth to be erected on land of Thomas Veal 449.
      Justices of Greenbrier county empowered to clear a waggon road from the Warm Springs in Augusta 131.
      What civil list warrants receivable in taxes 13, 170. Military warrants and certificates to be
received for land-warrants 22. Certificates and warrants receivable in taxes 94. To be divided by auditors, into small sums, for the conveniency of change 94. State or continental paper money to be received for land warrants 133. Interest warrants receivable in taxes 202. New warrants and certificates may be issued by auditors, where original lost 254. Oath and bond by applicant 254. Auditors to issue warrants to sheriffs, venire men and witnesses, which are receivable in taxes 319. Register of land office may receive surveys, though warrant not returned 372. Forging or counterfeiting certificates or warrants issued by congress or this state, death without clergy 495.
      Fifty shares in Potowmack company, and one hundred shares in James River company vested in Geo. Washington, esq. 525. Resolution for erecting a statue to Gen. George Washington 532: Inscription 532.
      Congress empowered to adopt countervailing regulations, respecting the British trade to the West Indies 313.
      Vestry of parish of Westover in Charles City, dissolved, and a new vestry to be elected 73: Further time allowed to elect vestry 112.





      Estate of Maurice Wheeler, convicted of murder and executed, vested in his widow and children 145.
      Allowance to wives, parents and families of poor soldiers 11.
      Court of hustings of Williamsburg, and the serjeant, the same powers as to taxes as county courts and sheriffs 68, 127: Capitol square & buildings in Williamsburg, vested in corporation for ten years, for a grammar school 152. −− Except the room for the court of admiralty 152: Militia to be armed 174. How organized 494: Prisoners taken on civil or criminal process in James City, may be committed to the public jail in Williamsburg 381: Court of hustings a court of record 386: −− May receive proof of wills and deeds 387: Lottery authorised 407.
      College, reservation of surveyors' fees for, from bounty lands 311: −− Palace lands, adjoining Williamsburg, the Vineyard lands, near Jamestown, and lots in Williamsburg, belonging to the public, vested in William and Mary university 406.
      Estate of Robert Williams vested in Mace Freeland, Spice
Pendleton & Elizabeth Jones 65.
      Indemnity granted to those who committed insult or injury to person of Joseph Williamson 373.
      Tax on probats of wills 378, 439.
      Court of hustings of Winchester to have exclusive power of licensing ordinaries and regulating them 34. Clerks to set up lists 34: Ordinary keepers incapable of acting as judges of hustings court 34: Certain lots of Thomas Edmondson annexed to town of Winchester 158.
      Duty on wine imported 121: −− Direction as to casks 123, 198: Act imposing duty on wine, repealed 289.
      May be summoned by commissioners appointed to settle accounts between this state and U. States 33: Penalty for not attending 33: Their allowance 33: Auditors to issue warrants to witnesses, attending general court, in criminal cases, which shall be received in taxes 319.
      Sales of two lots in Falmouth, and a tract of land on Stafford, made by Andrew Wodrow, adm'r of Alexander Wodrow, confirmed 150: Other lands





of Alexander Wodrow, remaining unsold, subject to future direction of general assembly 151.
      Additional rewards for killing wolves in certain counties 64.
      Trustees of town of Woodstock appointed 57.
      Admitted a citizen on taking the oath of allegiance; but ineligible to any office of trust or profit for four years 316.
      Commissioners of wrecks to be appointed on the sea, and bay shores 51: Their duty on intelligence that a vessel is stranded or in danger 51: −− Those who assist in saving a vessel or cargo to have a reward 52. And may retain vessel or goods till reward paid or secured 52: Reward how to be ascertained 52. Proceeding if the goods saved by not claimed 52: Penalty on those who intermeddle without power from the commissioners 52: Or hinder those employed in saving the goods 52: Or deface the marks 52: Commissioners may repel force by force 53: Goods carried from a vessel in distress and found in any pessons possession to be restored 53: Penalty 53: −− Death to make a hole in a vessel
in distress 53: Or steal pump, materials or goods, or do any thing tending to the loss of the vessel 53: Penalty on commissioner abusing his trust 53: And on constables and assistants for neglect 53: Act to be set up in court houses 53: Commissioners to give bond and security 53. −− If vessel totally lost goods to pay no duty 54: If vessel cast on shore and the damage on the goods not more than ten per cent goods to be entered and pay duty 54.
      Estate of Stephen Yancey, who was executed for murder, vested in his children 508: Saving the widows dower 509.
      Justices of York authorized to hold courts at any other place, in the county while the court-house in York-town is occupied by the troops of our allies 20. Trustees of town of York appointed 473.
      John Younghusband, a native of Great Britain, having evinced an early attachment to the cause of the United States, and treated some citizens of this commonwealth while in captivity and distress, with hospitality and friendship, permitted to return and become a citizen 154.


Errata in the Eleventh Volume of Statutes at Large.
Page 23,


line 20 from bottom, after "within" read "the" for "he."
line 18 from top, for "depennencies" read "dependencies."
line 14 from bottom, for "clerk" read "court."
line 18 from top, for "county" read "country."
line 9 from top, for "concealer" read "concealment."
Transpose the 6th and 7th lines, and, in the 6th line, for "other or" read "or other."
line 11 from top, for "offence" read "offences."
line 15 from top, for "this" read "his."
line 18 from top, for "is" read "if."
line 15 from bottom, for "An an" read "An act."
line 12 from top, for "no" read "not."
line 24 from top, for "legally" read "really."
line 15 from bottom, for "land" read "landing."
bottom line, for "hogsheads" read "hogshead."
line 15 from bottom, for "whars" read "wharfs."
line 16 from top, for "countries" read "counties."
top line, omit "to" after "moreover."
line 10 from top, insert "is" between "it" and "hereby."
line 5 from top, insert "such" between "establish" and "bye-laws."
line 10 from top, insert "to be" between "is" and "made."
last word in title, for "persons" read "purposes."
line 17 from bottom, before "any" read "of" for "or."
line 12 from bottom, for "removing" read "removed."
line 20 from top, for "residents of" read "resident in."
line 2 from top, insert "person or" between "any" and persons.
line 10 from bottom, insert "and" between "for" and "re-surveying."
line 9 from bottom, strike out "the" before "appointing."
line 9 from bottom, insert "a" before "notary."
line 9 from bottom, for "Rots" read "Ross."
line 6 from bottom, insert "is" between "as" and "before."
line 2 from bottom, for "survey" read "surveys."
line 21 from top, insert "per" before "month."
line 18 from bottom, for "provision" read "provisions."
line 19 from top, insert "at" before "any."
line 8 from bottom, for "catride" read "catridge,"
line 6 from bottom, for "indequate" read "inadequate."
line 4 from bottom, for "where" read "were."
line 4 from top, for "wanted" read "wanting."
line 15 from bottom, insert "of" after "directions."
line 2 from top, for "undertakers" read "undertakings."
line 5 from top, for "she" read "the."


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