Pages 631-640  ======   ======  Pages 650-664  





      Quitrents abolished 64.
      Penalty for putting up any thing to be raffled for 206.
      Liquors, &c. at ordinaries, may be rated twice a year 146: −− Table of rates to be set up in ordinaries 147. Penalty for omission, or for exceeding legal rates 147.
      Where deeds, wills, judgments, decrees or orders have been destroyed by the enemy, attested copies to be again recorded 453. How far evidence 453. Fees of clerks 454. For perpetuating testimony, executive to appoint commissioners 454. How to take depositions and where to return them 454. Power to appoint a clerk 454.
      Recruiting officers, how appointed 25. Their powers, duty and compensation 25. −− Enlistments by county lieutenants, how long to continue 117.
      Penalty for selling recruits 336.
      Of land office appointed 50. −− Vacancy, how supplied 51. −− Copies attested by him, as good evidence as originals 51. His duty in relation to exchange, renewed, or executed warrants 59. Register of court of admiralty, how appointed 99. Tenure of office 99. Fees of register of land
office 127, 230. his fees for public services 230. Register of the land office to appoint a deputy to reside in the Kentucky country 445. His duties 445.
      Act to prevent forestalling, regrating, engrossing & public vendues further continued 157, 425.
      Reservations of royal mines, quit-rents, and all other reservations in grants abolished 64.
      Resolution, reserving lands for officers and soldiers 55, note.
REVENUE −− See Taxes.
      Seat of government removed to Richmond 85. Ground appropriated for public buildings 86. Land, how acquired and paid for 87. Richmond to be enlarged 88. Court of appeals, high court of chancery and general court to be held at Richmond 152. Commissioner of loans to remove his office to Richmond 309. Act for locating the public squares and enlarging the town of Richmond 317. Capitol and public buildings located on Shockœ hill, market below the hill 317. Commissioners may vary the form of the square 318. Irregular tenements, how to be laid off 318. Streets enlarged 318. −− Houses on streets to remain for twenty years 318. Discretionary power as to streets





for ascending and traversing hills 318. Injury to individuals, how ascertained & paid 318. Town of Richmond enlarged 319. Provision for improving navigation of Shockœ creek 319.
      Her slave, Barber Cæsar alias John Hope, emancipated 211.
      Lands on shores of rivers not to be granted 227.
      Commissioners appointed for marking and opening a road over the Cumberland mountains to Kentucky 143. −− Guard for protection against Indians, how procured 144. Who shall attend surveyors of roads 164: Penalty on delinquents 164: How recoverable 165: Penalty on surveyors for failure of duty 165: −− Person exempted by former act remain so 165. Court of Greenbrier authorised to have a waggon road opened from their waggon road opened from their court house to the eastern waters 367: Act suspended 444: Penalty in tobacco on overseer 368: On masters or overseers failing to send 368: And on others compelled to work on roads 368: −− Penalty for felling a tree into a road and not removing it, or killing trees near the road, or making a fence across, or to cut, pull up, destroy or deface a direction stone or post 369. Overseers exempt from working on other roads 369:
On presentments, the fine to the use of the county 369:
      Of certain bills of credit, treaury notes, certificates or warrants, death without clergy 93.
      Certain persons authorised to convey to John Fox certain entailed lands, sold by trustees as the estate of Sarah the wife of John Rootes 120.
      Reservations of royal mines, in grants, abolished 64.
      Vestry of Russell parish, in the county of Bedford, authorised to sell their glebe 109.
      Tax, payable in rye 490.
      Additional bounties to sailors 23. Land bounty 24: Pensions 24. Exemption from personal taxes 24: Goods at stipulated prices 24: Act for more effectually supplying them with articles for their comfortable accommodation 71: Bounty to sailors, for protection of eastern frontier 298. Entitled to the same pay, &c. as in land service 467.
      Of clerks in Auditor's office, increased 107. Salaries of ministers of Church of England, further suspended 111. Salaries of governor, councillors, treasurer, auditors, members of board of war, of





trade, judges, attorney general, clerks of board of war and trade 118: All acts providing salaries for ministers repealed 197. Vestries authorised to levy and make assessments for salaries in arrear, for complying with legal engagements, and providing for parish poor 198: Salaries of treasurer, governor, members of council, judges, auditors, members of board of war, and of trade, attorney general, clerks of council, and clerks to auditors, and boards of war and trade, encreased 219: Salaries of inspectors of tobacco rated in tobacco 272: Salaries of judges of high court of chancery, general court and admiralty rated in tobacco 277: A jury to estimate the value of the tobacco in money 277. Salaries of governor, members of council, treasurer, attorney general, auditors, commercial agent, commissioner of the navy, commissioner of war office, and clerks payable in tobacco 278. Vague of tobacco in money estimated in money 278. Salaries of officers of government, how liquidated 433: Grand jury to settle difference of exchange 433. Salaries of inspectors of tobacco at the different warehouses, payable in specie 475, 477. −− Salaries of offices of civil government, to be paid quarterly in specie 493: Salary of governor, council, judges,
treasurer, attorney general, auditors, commercial agent, and commissioner of war office, solicitor general, and clerks 493: Salaries from July 1781, to be made good 493.
      Of escheated British property, how conducted 68: Of perishable goods by order of court of admiralty 100. Of goods condemned 101:
      Embargo laid on salt 149. Penalty for breach 149: In what cases exportation of salt permitted 149: Bond to compel compliance with law 149: −− Indemnification of governor and others, acting under a resolution prohibiting the exportation of salt 150: Premium for importation of salt 150: How obtained 150: −− Drawback on exportation 151: Former act for supplying salt repealed 151: Corn may be exported in exchange for salt 377: So much of act to encourage importation of salt, as exempts importer from tax on tobacco exported, repealed 478:
      See Depreciation, & page 465, 472.
      Certain escheated lands, in Kentucky county, vested in trustees for a public school 288:
      Pay of scouts 85: Wages of scouts rated in tobacco 287: How estimated in money 287:





      Lands on sea shore not to be granted 227.
      Great seal for the commonwealth, to be provided by the executive, device and motto thereof 131: Lesser seal to what acts afixed 132:
      Seamen deserting, how apprehended 203: Impressment of seamen authorised, under certain restrictions 380: Pay of seamen 380: Officers and seamen entitled to the whole of any prize taken 381: Clothing and necessaries how provided 381: Pay of officers & staff 381: Courts shall bind out at least one half their male orphans to the sea 385: Hospital for seamen established by a duty on mariners 385:
      Act for removal of seat of gogernment 85: Ground in Richmond appropriated for public buildings 86: Capitol for the general assembly 86: Halls of justice for the courts 86: House for executive boards 86: Governor's house 86: Directors of public buildings 86: Land, how acquired and paid for 87: Richmond to be enlarged 88: Directors to make returns to clerk's office of Henrico 88: Temporary houses to be provided 88: Jail of Henrico to be enlarged 88: Proviso as to contracts and expenditures 89: When the courts and general
assembly to sit at Richmond 89:
      Serjeant of Williamsburg the same power to distrain for militia fines as sheriffs 85:
      Settlement rights, on the western waters, recognized in the land law 38: Provision for families in villages or townships 39: Settlement & pre-emption rights defined 40: −− Grants for, how obtained 40: Locations by officers and soldiers on lands of settlers void 41. Officers and soldiers in service allowed further time to prove their claims for settlement rights and improvements 132: Settlements on north west side of the Ohio reprobated and prohibited 161: Settlers may be removed by military force 161: −− Exceptions 161: Pre-emption warrants may be issued to actual settlers, on credit, if unable to pay the state price 178: But grants not to issue until payment of the purchase money 178: Provided that this privilege shall extend to actual settlements only 179: Certificates for settlement & pre-emption rigghts not to be granted, unless to persons who have taken the oath of allegiance to this commonwealth 179: Exception as to inhabitants of disputed territory, between this state and Pennsylvania 179:





      Refusing to undertake collection of taxes, ipso facto deprived of office 13: Serjeant of Williamsburg the same power to distrain for militia fines as sheriffs 85: Sheriff to attend court of appeals 91: Allowance to sheriffs attending the general court in criminal cases, what, and how paid 96: Allowance altered 489: duty of commissioners of tax and assessors in furnishing lists to sheriffs 166: Power and duty of sheriffs in the collection 167: Commissions 167: −− Bonds by sheriffs 167: Remedy against sheriffs & collectors for failure to pay 172: Penalty on sheriffs and collectors for misapplying public money 199: How recoverable 199: Failing to make up an account and produce the money collected when required by the commissioners, incur a weekly forfeiture 200: Commissioners shall not be sureties for collectors 200: −− Proceedings in prosecutions under this act 200: Remedy by motion against sheriffs 200: Twenty per cent entered on judgment by motion 201: When sheriffs to distrain for taxes and account 247: −− Commissioners of tax to settle with sheriffs, and transmit account of settlement to auditors 247: Penalty on sheriffs for neglect of duty as to taxes 252: Sheriffs annually to give bonds to the courts 253:
High sheriff's remedy against deputy for taxes and damages 255: Provided judgment had been obtained against the high sheriff for the damages 255: Sheriffs once a month to account with, and shew money collected to the commissioners 255: Commissioners duty therein, and allowance 256: Penalty on sheriffs misapplying money collected 256: Oath of quarter masters and commissaries as to application of public money confided to them 256: Sheriffs' commissions for collecting taxes 257: Sheriffs allowed a further time to collect & account for taxes of 1781 494: Judgments against sheriffs suspended and damages remitted 494: Goods imported by land to be entered with the sheriffs 500: Penalty on sheriffs for neglect of duty, in relation to appointment of commissioner of tax 505: −− Bonds for collection to be annually taken of sheriffs 506: A copy sent to the auditors which shall be evidence 506: When to collect taxes 506: −− When and how he may distrain for taxes 507: Directions in case of lands distrained 507: Penalty for unreasonable seizures or distresses 507: Sheriff when to account and pay taxes 507: How to account 507: Commissions 507: Insolvencies how allowed 507:





How proceeded against for failure 507. Motion 507: Damages 508:
      Provision for improving the navigation of Shockœ Creek 319.
      Lands on sea shore, or shores of rivers and creeks, not to be granted 227.
      Penalty for cutting, pulling, destroying, or defacing a sign post on roads 369.
      So much of an act as imposes a penalty for asking more for any article in paper money, than in gold or silver, repealed 125. What proportion of land tax payable in gold or silver 508.
      Warrants to issue to Charles Simms, for certain lands on the Ohio river and Rackoon creek 139.
      Tax on slaves 12, 166, 189, 244, 504. Kitt a slave, the property of Hinchia Mabry, emancipated, for his meritorious services in discovering counterfeiters of paper money 115. John Hope, alias Barber Cæsar, a slave of Susanna Riddle, William Beck, a mulatto belonging to Thomas Walker, jr. and a mulatto girl, Pegg, the property of Lewis Dunn, emancipated 211. Citizens of South Carolina and Georgia authorised to remove their
slaves into this state 307. −− How long to remain, and under what circumstances they may be sold 307. Ned and Cate, slaves of Henry Delony and Benjamin Bilberry, emancipated 372.
      During the prevalence of the small pox in Williamsburg, the justices of James City authorised to hold their courts any where in the county 458.
      Additional bounty to 23: Land bounty 24. Pensions 24. −− exemption from personal taxes 24. Goods at Stipulated prices 24. Land bounty to volunteers under Col. George Rogers Clarke 26. −− To soldiers for protection of Illinois 27. To those who enlist during the war 27. −− Locations by officers and soldiers on lands of settlers, void 41. Resolution, reserving lands for officers and soldiers 55, note. Act for more effectually supplying them with articles for their comfortable accommodation 71. Soldiers te be drafted for 18 months 82. Officers and soldiers in service, allowed further time to prove their claims for settlement rights, and improvements on lands 132. Penalty on settlers not removing from lands reserved for officers and soldiers 159. Proportions of land bounty to officers and soldiers 160. Rights of those slain or dying in service, devolve on their heirs or legal





representatives 161. All acts empowering county courts to provide for wives, parents and families of soldiers, repealed 212. Proviso in favor of those in indigent circumstances 212. Allowance to widows, aud aged parents of soldiers dying in service 262. Land bounty, 300 acres, to soldiers who have enlisted, or shall enlist and serve to the end of the war 331. Sick soldiers provided for 335. −− Pay of soldiers to be made equal to specie 374. Officers appointed to recruit soldiers for two years or the war 433. −− Recruiting expenses, how paid 434. Bounty and immunities 434. From what time pay of soldiers in the Virginia line on continental establishment, to be made equal to specie 462. Auditors to adjust their accounts according to a scale of depreciation, and give printed certificates, payable with interest 462. Also, of officers and soldiers dead 462. Or out of the service, for the time they served 463. Auditors to return a list of certificates to treasurer 463. Future pay of soldiers to be in specie 463. Certificates to be received on sales of forfeited estates 464. If sales paid for in specie, that to be reserved for redeeming certificates 464. Scale of depreciation 465. Further tract of country allotted for officers and soldiers in lieu of that
fallen into North Carolina 465. When and how their lands may be surveyed 466. Pay and subsistence of state troops to be made equal to continentals 467. State cavalry entitled to same advantages as infantry 467. Officers and seamen in the navy, same as in the land service 467. Tobacco received for confiscated estates, to be sold, and the money to redeem certificates 467. Within what time military warrants to be located 485. Soldiers enlisting for two years or the war, entitled to same bounty and immunities as other continentals 499. Resolution extending land bounty to certain officers and soldiers 539.
      Solicitor general appointed 358: His oath 358: His duty 359: Motions against delinquents 359: To take advice of attorney general 360: To appoint a clerk 360: Solicitor's allowance 360: Salary of solicitor general in specie 493:
      Executive authorised to sent assistance to our sister state of South Carolina 214: Militia and state troops to be sent 214: Militia embodied for relief of 221: Citizens of south Carolina and Georgia authorised to remove their slaves into this state 307: −− How long to remain, and under what circumstances they may be sold 307:





      Paper money called in, and funded at the rate of one dollar in specie for a thousand in paper 456: Military pensions payable in specie 461: pay and subsistence of officers and soldiers made equal to specie 462: Future pay in specie 463: Scale of depreciation 464, 472: Salaries of inspectors of tobacco payable in specie 475: Naval officers' fees, in like manner 479. Tobacco fees to be paid in specie 489: Allowances to sheriffs, venire men and witness payable in specie 489: Salaries of officers of civil government to be paid quarterly in specie 493: What proportion of taxes payable in specie 508:
      See Commodities, Taxes.
      Tax payable in certain enumerated commodities 79: Places of deposit 79: Commissaries of tax, their appointment and duty 79: On non-payment of tax in commodities, to be paid in money 80: −− Power of distress 80: Commissioners and commissaries of tax, their duty, allowances, and liabilities 80: Further time allowed to pay taxes in certain enumerated commodities, called the specific tax 292, 357, 435: Persons liable to tax, in certain enumerated commodities, who have had their grain impressed for the use of the army, entitled to a discount as to so much 404: Penalty on commissioners &
receivers of specific tax, for neglect of duty 405: Judgment on motion without notice 405: How judgment rendered 405: Damages 405: Remedy by commissioners against receivers 405: Poll-tax, payable in grain 490: −− Tax in bacon, for every free person 490: Commissioners to receive taxes, how appointed 490. Penalty on commissioners refusing to act 490: −− Bonds to be taken of commissioners 491: Places of deposit, how notified 491: Storage, how procured 491: −− Commodities, dischargeable in money, and at what rates 491: Distress, when and how to be made 491: Commissioners to make return to court and to executive and auditors 492: To obey orders of executive 492: Power of sheriffs to distrain, and his liability 492: What proportion of specie tax may be paid in tobacco, hemp or flour 508: Treasurer to deliver lists of receipts to governor, who, with advice of council, to direct sale of commodities 509:
      Act prohibiting distillation of spirits from corn, wheat, rye, and other grain repealed 112: Tax on spirits 244. Duty on spirits and wine imported 511. How casks entered 512:
      Justices of Spotsylvania authorised to hold their courts at house of John Holladay 228.





STAFF.−−−See army.
      Justices of Stafford county empowered to ascertain centre of county, by actual survey, for the purpose of erecting a court house 108. Commissioners appointed to ascertain centre of county of Stafford 370.
      Glebe of parish of St. Anne, in Albemarle to be sold, and money divided between parishes of St. Anne & Fluvanna 112.
      Parish of St. Asaph formed from Drysdale, in Caroline and King and Queen counties 209. Boundaries 209. −− Glebe of Drysdale parish to be sold, and money divided between parishes of Drysdale and St. Asaph, in proportion to the value of the two churches 210. So much of this last act as directs a valuation of the churches repealed 213.
      Of cases for court of appeals, rules concerning 92.
      See Army.
      State troops sent to assistance of South Carolina 214: Officers of the two state regiments, empowered to re-enlist their men 214: New organization of state troops 215: Officers in state line reduced 449: Regiments consolidated 449: their pay made equal to continentals 467: Also their land bounty 467.
      Trustees of town of Staunton, displaced 119. How others elected 119. Their powers 119. To repair streets and construct aqueducts 119. −− To assess taxes on the inhabitants 119. How taxes collected 119. Collector to give bond 119. Penalty for misapplication of taxes 120. −− Hogs not to run at large in town 120. Proviso 120.
      Act of 1748 prescribing method of proving book debts or store accounts, repealed 133. −− Limitation of actions on store accounts 133. Delivery of articles to be dated 133. Penalty for post-dating 133. When limitation to commence 134. −− Courts and juries bound, ex officio, to take notice of this act 134.
      Streets in Richmond enlarged 318. Houses on streets to remain 20 years 318. Discretionary power as to streets, for ascending and traversing hills 318. Injury to individuals, how ascertained and paid 318.
      Land given to Baron Stuben 375.
      Substitutes, per drafts, how admitted 259. −− Quakers or Menonists drafted, exempted from personal service, but a substitute to be proved at the expense of the society 261, 417. rules as to substitutes 417.


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