Pages 641-649  ======   ======  Volume Map  





      Town of Suffolk having been burnt by the enemy, the justices of Nansemond authorised to appoint a place for holding courts 110. −− Lots in, where houses have been burnt by the enemy, exempted from taxes 190. Lots in Norfolk, Portsmonth and Suffolk, the houses and improvements on which were either burnt by the act of convention of 1776, or by the British army since, exempted from taxation 323.
      Duty on sugar imported 511.
      Swamps, marshes and sunken grounds, preemption of, in owners of contiguous highlands 61. How grants for, obtained 62.
      Land bounty to chaplains, surgeons, and surgeons' mates 141.
      Land bounty to chaplains, surgeons, and surgeons' mates 141.
      Surplus lands, within bounds of patents, how grants for obtained 62. Remedy of land-holders unjustly vexed 63.
      Certain houses and tenements in Alexandria, vested in John Sutton 372.
      Surveyors and their deputies, how appointed and qualified 53. Penalty for sale of office 53. How chief surveyor may
locate his own warrants 56. Notice of survey 56. Effect of party's failing to attend 56. When principal to direet deputy to survey 57. Chain-carriers to be sworn 57. Surveys how made and bounded, 57. −− Plat and certificate, when and how made 57. −− Returns to William & Mary college 57. Clerk of county court and surveyor not to be resisted 58. Penalty on surveyors for neglect 58. Surveyor's office, how examined 58. Fees of surveyors 126, 230. Who shall attend surveyors of roads 164. Penalty on delinquents 164. −− How recoverable 165. Penalty on surveyors for failure of duty 195. Deputy surveyors, how appointed 353.
      Surveys before the establishment of the commonwealth's land office, what declared valid 35, 36. Proviso 37. Notice of surveys, how given 56. Effect of party's failing to attend with chain-carriers and marker 56. When principal to direct deputy to survey 57. Chain-carriers to be sworn 57. Surveys, how made and bounded 57. Plat and certificate, when and how made and disposed of 57. −− When to be returned to land office 58. Inclusive patents, how obtained 63. Further time allowed for returning surveys and plats 237, 403. County courts in the Kentucky country, authorised to direct





surveys to poor persons, actual settlers, not exceeding 400 acres to a family 431. −− When surveys shall be made of entries for land on the eastern waters 486.
      Swamps, marshes and sunken grounds, pre-emption of, in owners of contiguous high lands 61: How grants for, obtained 62:
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, revived & amended 290: Fees altered 290: Penalties altered 291:
      See Ordinaries.
      Penalty on tavern keepers permitting gaming in their houses 206.
      Commissioners of tax and assessors to be convened 10: −− Oath of commissioners of tax 10: Their duty in assessing lands, lots in town, &c. 10. Oath of assessors 11. Poll-tax on slaves 12. Tax on money 12. ON tobacco exported 12. Assessments when returnable 13. Appeals when heard 13. Lists of taxable property when delivered 13. Distress for taxes 13. Sheriff refusing collection, ipso facto deprived of office 13. What paper money receivable in taxes 13. Allowances to commissioners of tax, assessors, and their clerks encreased 14. Surplus of proceeds of sales, for taxes, how disposed of 14. Tax payable in commodities 79.
Places of deposit, how fixed 79. Commissaries of tax, their appointment and duty 79. On non-payment of tax in commodities, to be paid in money 80. Power of distress 80. Commissioners and commissaries of tax, their duty, allowance, and liabilities 80. Additional taxes 166. Poll-tax, who exempted 166. Tax on slaves 166. On carriages 166. Duty of commissioners of tax and assessors, in furnishing lists to sheriffs 166. Power and duty of sheriffs in the collection 167. Commissions 167. Allowances to commissioners and assessors 167. Bonds by sheriffs 167. Penalty for concealing tithables and taxable property 168. Appropriations to meet requisitions of congress 168. Duty on liquors foreign and domestic 168. Duty on goods imported 169. Exceptions 169. Exceptions 169. Mode of collection 169. Duty on goods brought into this state for sale 170. Duty on stock in trade of retailers of goods 170. Provision where retailers are about to remove 170. Penalty for removing without giving notice 171. Penalties, how recoverable 171. When the poll-tax, and on carriages, payable into the treasury 171. Remedy against sheriffs and collectors for failure of payment 172. Five eighths of tobacco in money appropriated as a fund for borrowing money, for the United States 182.





Standard for adjusting value of principal and interest 183. Forms and marks of treasurer's certificates, and mode of assigning them 184. Counterfeiting certificates, punishable with death 185. Deficiency, if any, to be made good, and how 185. Appropriation of the other three eighths 185. Estimates of tobacco to be published, and transmitted to collectors; and how they shall be appointed and accountable 185. The tax payable in money instead of tobacco, according to what estimate 186. May be distrained for 186. Collectors shall settle their accounts, with commissioners of tax, when and how 187. Duty of assessors 187. Remedy against delinquents 187. Application of the money borrowed 188. Owners of certificates not to be of the grand jury for estimating tobacco 188. Operation of act partly suspended 188. Additional taxes on property, money & cattle 189. ON ordinary licenses 189. Lots in Norfolk and Suffolk, the houses of which have been burnt by the enemy, exempted from taxes 190. Taxes may be paid in advance 190. Form of receipt 190. Such receipts receivable in taxes with interest 190. And the holder entitled to a discount at the nominal amount 190. How transferable 191. Forging, counterfeiting, &c. such
certificates, how punishable 191. −− Acts imposing treble taxes on persons refusing to take the oath of allegiance repealed 194. Such taxes, when and how reimbursed 194. Penalty on sheriffs and collectors for misapplying public money 199. How recoverable 199. Failing to make up an account, and produse the money collected when required by the commissioners, incur a weekly forfeiture 200. Commissioners shall not be sureties for collectors 200. Proceedings in prosecutions under this act 200. Remedy by motion against sheriffs 200. Twenty per cent interest upon judgments by motion 201. Taxes applicable to the redemption of the paper money called in 242. Further taxes 242. Commissioners and assessors to meet and class the lands 242. their oath on that occasion 242. General oath of assessors 243. Rule if a difference of opinion between them 243. Tax on money, tithables, servants, carriages, spirits, marriage and ordinary licenses 244. Price of waste lands raised; that and taxes, in what money to be paid 245. Tobacco, hemp, flax, and flour receivable in taxes, and at what rate 245. If taxes deficient, assembly will provide other adequate funds 246. Assessors, their duty 246. Commissioners, their duty 246. Sheriff or collector, when to distrain and





account 247. Accounts to be returned by commissioners to the auditors 247. Allowances to commissioners and their clerks, and to assessors 247. The money called in to be burnt 248. new emission of paper money, & taxes pledged for redemption of principal and interest 248, 251. All other taxes, except specific, to cease in December 1781, 252. Commissioners to act two years 252. Commissioners to be annually appointed, but to assess once in two years 252. their allowance 252. Penalty on commissioners, assessor and sheriffs for neglect of duty 252. Bonds to be annually taken of the sheriffs by the courts 253. High sheriff's remedy against deputy for taxes and damages 255. Provided judgment had been obtained against the high sheriff for the damages 255. Oath to be taken by sheriffs as to taxes 255. Sheriffs once a month to account with and shew money collected to commissioners 255. Commissioner's duty therein and allowance 256. Penalty on sheriffs misapplying public money collected for taxes 256. Sheriffs' commission for collecting taxes 257. Act subjecting retailers of goods to taxes repealed in part 271. Act authorising payment of taxes in advance repealed 271. new taxes 280. Window tax 280. Tax on conveyances 281. −− On tobacco exported 281. −−
Tax or duty on liquors imported 283. Regulations for collecting 283. If taxes prove unproductive, then the capitol and palace in Williamsburg, and the public lands in James city, and on the eastern shore to be sold 285. −− Further time allowed to pay taxes in certain enumerated commodities, called the specific tax 292. Taxes payable on assessed property 322. −− All other taxes to cease except specific 322. Certain lots in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk exempted from taxes 323. Also certain persons on the eastern frontier 323. Taxes, for additional troops, how collected 329. −− Taxes for redemption of new emission of paper money 349. Further time allowed to pay specific tax 357. Solicitor general appointed for the more effectual collection of the taxes 358. Tas on militia in actual service suspended 395. Further time allowed to pay specific tax 435. Tax on tobacco exported 476. −− Poll-tax payable in commodities 490. Tax in bacon, for each free person 490. Commissioners to receive taxes, how appointed 490. Penalty on commissioners refusing to act 490. Bonds to be taken of commissioners 491. Places of deposit, how notified 491. Storage, how procured 491. Commodities dischargeable in money, at what rate 491. Distress, when and how to be





made 491, 492. Commissioners to make return to court, to executive, and auditors 492. To obey orders of executive 492. −− Sheriffs allowed a further time to collect and account for taxes of 1781, 494. −− Judgments against sheriffs, suspended and damages remitted 494. Act for ascertaining certain taxes and duties, and for establishing a permanent revenue 501. −− Commissioners of the tax, how appointed 501. their oath 501. Their dnty 501. Lands and lots to be valued without regard to buildings 502. Rules of Oct. 1777, chap. 2, to be observed 502. How vacancies in commissioners supplied 502. Penalty on proprietors failing to give account of lands 502. −− Commissioner's duty in returning list of lands to the clerk 503. And the clerks therein 503. Allowance to commissioners 503. To clerk and sheriff 503. Penalty on sheriff, justice, clerk, and commissioner, for neglect of duty 503. How recovered and appropriated 503. Two sets of commissioners, where two battalions of militia 504. The taxes, on lands, pol-tax, slaves, horses, cattle, carriages, billiard tables, and ordinary licences 504. Justices to be appointed to take the lists of taxable articles 504. And return them to the clerk 504. Clerk's duty
therein 505. His allowance, and penalty 505. Penalty on justice failing 505. And on proprietors, overseers, &c. for failing to give in accounts of taxable property 505. How this penalty may be saved 506. Bonds for collection, to be annually taken of sheriffs 506. And a copy sent to the auditors, which shall be evidence 506. When the taxes to be collected 506. When distrained for 506. −− When and how sheriff to advertise and sell 507. Directions, in case of lands distrained 507. Penalty for unreasonable seizures or distresses 507. Sheriff when to account and pay taxes 507. −− How to account, and his commissions 507. Insolvencies, how allowed 507. How provided against 507. Motion 507 Damages 508. −− How taxes may be paid 508. What proportion of land tax in gold or silver, and what in certain paper money 508. −− Other taxes payable in specie, tobacco, hemp or flour 508. Warehouses for hemp, where established 508. Inspections of flour, where established 509. Power of governor, &c. to appoint other places 509. Treasurer to deliver lists of receipts to the governor, who shall direct the sale of the commodities 509. Directions for appointing inspections of flour 509. At what places 509. Tax on patents for land exceeding





1400 acres, except bounties to officers 510. Duty on vessels 511. On spirits & wine imported 511. On sugar and coffee 511. On all other goods imported 511. Masters of vessels importing goods when and how to report 511. −− Dutiable goods not to be landed before entry 512. −− Nor till duty paid, or bonded, and permit obtained −− goods landed otherwise, forfeited 512. Same regulations as to goods imported by land 512. How casks of liquor to be entered 512. Penalty for making a false entry 513. −− If duty not paid, or bonded in ten days after entry, collector may enter vessel and seize the goods, and in two days sell as much as will pay the duty and charges 513. −− Penalty on collector receiving a bribe, or conniving at a false entry 513. And on person offering a bribe 514. Collector, by warrant from a justice, accompanied by constable, may break open any house in the day time, to search for goods, for which duty is not paid or secured 514. In suits and seizures the proof shall lie upon the claimer of the goods 514. −− Master may detain goods consigned, till duty paid, or security given 514. Directions in case of transportation of goods imported, to another dist. 515. Premium for paying dut. in imported money 515. Proceedings on bonds
for duties 515. Allowance to collectors 516. Who are to account and pay half yearly 516. Forfeitures appropriated 516. Lands, &c. seized, to be sold on credit, if they will not sell for three-fourths of their value 516. All things in any prior act, for imposing taxes, except specific, repealed 517.
      All paper money emitted by this state, or by congress declared a legal tender 398. −− Paper money emitted at the session of May 1781, declared a legal tender 429. Paper-money no longer a legal tender 456.
      Irregular tenements in Richmond, how to be laid off 318.
      Act for punishing certain thefts and forgeries 93. Stealing or taking by robbery, certain bills of credit, treasury notes, certificates, or warrants, felony without clergy 93. Forging or counterfeiting certain warrants, treasury notes, &c. felony without clergy 93. −− Having in possession instruments for forging or counterfeiting 94. Proceedings against offenders 95. Persons suspected of having forged or counterfeited notes how apprehended 96. Rewards for apprehending 96. So much of act of May 1779 as respects the punishment of certain thefts and forgeries made perpetual 378.





      See Ordinaries, and page 145.
      To court of appeals, how appointed and tenure of office 91.
      Tax on tobacco exported 12: −− Fees of inspectors of tobacco 76: Their books to be always open 76: To give receipts for tobacco passed, without any exception against losses 76. To find hands 76. Fees for turning up tobacco 76: Refused tobacco may be picked 77: When inspectors to account for tobacco remaining, and how such disposed of 77. Insufficient warehouses, how repaired 77: Houses, prizes, &c. appropriated for picking tobacco 78: Inspection fees 78: Wages of members of general assembly payable in tobacco 30, 104, 229: Price to be estimated by grand jury, at general court 30, 104, 229: Salaries and allowances of inspectors of tobacco encreased 180: Inspection at Warwick, in Chesterfield county revived 181. Tobacco fees, how payable in money 232. Tobacco receivable in taxes, and at what rate 245. Salaries of inspectors of tobacco rated in tobacco 272. Inspectors to give bond 274. Penalty for acting without 274: Inspection fees 274. Storage and reprizing 274. Grand jury to fix the value of tobacco
salaries and fees in money 274. Tobacco on board vessels in bulk or parcels forfeited 274. Exceptions 275. −− Penalty 275. Inspectors giving receipts for tobacco not passed, or dealing in tobacco, penalty for 275. Penalty on inspectors failing to attend warehouses 275. If warehouses burnt by enemy, public not liable 275. Remedy, by proprietors, against inspectors for rents 275. County of Elizabeth city to recommend two inspectors annually 275: No two inspectors at same warehouse, to perform militia duty at same time 276. The one to perform, to be decided by lot 276. Proviso as to warehouse in Alexandria 276. −− Salaries of judges of high court of chancery, general court, and admiralty rated in tobacco 277. A jury to estimate the value of the tobacco in money 277. Salaries of governor, members of council, treasurer, attorney general, auditors, commercial agent, commissioner to the navy, commissioner of war office, an clerks payable in tobacco 278. Value of tobacco in money estimated by grand jury 278. Tax on tobacco exported 281. Wages of scouts rated in tobacco 287. How estimated in money 287. Salaries and allowances of inspectors encreased 355. Cary's warehouse discontinued 357. Act concerning inspection of tobacco further





continued and amended 474. Meriwethers, Machodack and Glasscock's warehouses revived 474. Rockett's warehouse established 474. Amount of inspectors' salaries at the different warehouses, payable in tobacco 475: Tax on tobacco inspected 476: Storage altered 476: If inspection fees insufficient for rents and salaries, the inspectors to pay the rents, and receive no more for their salaries 476: Fees for re-prizing 476: County courts to re-build warehouses destroyed by the enemy 476: Inspectors may be recommended at any time 476: Inspection at Waddy's, in New Kent, and Warwick in Chesterfield revived 477: Inspectors salaries 477: Warehouse at Cabin Point discontinued, and may be established at Low Point 477: Warehouses in Manchester being burnt by the enemy, commissioners to rent houses 477: Tobacco remaining in warehouses discontinued to be sold by commissioners to tax 477: So much of act to encourage importation of salt, as exempts importer from tax on tobacco exported, repealed 478: − Treasurer authorised to borrow money, tobacco, hemp, or flour 481: Interest at six per cent on commodities, & 100 for 90 on money 481. −− Receipts receivable in taxes as their denomination represents 482: Tobacco fees to
be paid in money at 12s. 6d. per hundred 489: Taxes payable in tobacco 508:
      Certain trustees authorised to pay to William Todd, the proceeds of the sale of his entailed lands 103.
      ====== The provision of the act here referred to, being leveled at a class of people, known by the popular appellation of tories, the subject matter cannot be indexed under a more appropriate head, although the term does not occur in the act itself.
      The following crimes injurious to the independence of America, but less than treason, are declared to be misdemeanors punishable by fine and imprisonment, viz.
To maintain or affirm, by writing, printing, or open preaching, or by express speaking, that the United States, or any or either of them, ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain, or to acknowledge the king to be the lawful sovereign of the United States; or to acknowledge him or herself his subject; or to attribute to the king or parliament any jurisdiction or power in this commonwealth; or to withdraw any person from their allegiance to the commonwealth, or promise allegiance to the king; or to discourage enlistments, or the military service,





or advise to submit to the enemy; or to wish health or success to the king 268-270. When subject to martial law 310: Executive may constitute special courts for trial of tories 387, 415: May be apprehended and confined, or bahished 414. Felony without clergy to return 414.
      Town of Boonsborough, in Kentucky county established 134. Louisville, at the falls of the Ohio, in Kentucky county, and Harrisonburg, in the county of Rockingham established 293.
      Board of trade constituted 15. Vacancies, how supplied 15. Oath of members 15. Duty and powers of board 15. −− Their proceedings subject to controul of executive 16. −− How monies drawn from treasury 16. Where to sit, & how convened 16. Oath of secrecy 16: Board of trade to transmit articles for accommodation of army 72. Delegates to congress restricted from engaging in trade 113. Their oath to that effect 113. Salary of members of board of trade and their clerks 118, 219. Acts establishing a board of war and a board of trade repealed 291. Commercial agent, commissioner of the navy, and commissioner of the war office appointed 292.
      To inquisition of escheat, how
to be heard 116. Mode of proceeding thereon 153.
      Crimes injurious to the independence of America, but less than treason, defined & punished 268. Executive may constitute special courts for trial of 387.
      Salary of treasurer 118, 219, 278, 493: Treasurer constituted judge of counterfeit paper money 271. His power to deface counterfeit notes 271. When he may call to his assistance two of the auditors 272. Salary of treasurer payable in tobacco 278: Value of tobacco in money estimated by grand jury 278: Treasurer authorised to borrow money, tobacco, hemp or flour 481: Interest at six per cent on commodities, and 100 for 90 on money 481: Receipts receivable in taxes as their denomination represents 482: Salary of treasurer in specie 493:
      See Paper money.
      Stealing, taking by robbery, forging or counterfeiting treasury notes, death without clergy 93: Having in possession instruments for forging or counterfeiting 95: Persons suspected of having forged or counterfeited notes, how apprehended 96:
      Penalty for felling a tree into a road, and not removing it,





or to kill trees near the road 368.
      See See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, revived and amended 290. Fees altered 290. Penalties altered 219.
      Act for protection and encouragement of commerce of nations acknowledging the independence of the U. States of America 202. Consuls received; their previleges and powers 202. How aided in execution thereof 203. Property belonging to, how recovered 218. Punishment of those asserting that the United States ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain 268. −− Or acknowledging their sovereignly or himself as subject 269.
      Act to prevent forestalling, regrating, engrossing and public vendues further continued 157, 425. Duty on goods sold at auction 158. Vendue masters prohibited from bidding on goods exposed by them to auction 158. Exception 158. Vendue masters, how appointed and qualified 158.
      Allowances to veniremen attending the general court in criminal cases, what and how paid 96. Payable in specie, what 489.
      See Navy.
      Duty and liability of commanders of vessels, in relation to deserters 264. Duty payable on vessels 511.
      Vestries empowered to levy and make assessments for salaries in arrear to ministers of the church of England, on repeal of the act for the support of the clergy; for complying with legal engagements, and providing for parish poor. −− 198. −− Vestries in several counties dissolved 288. Overseers of poor to be elected for three years 288. Overseers of poor to be a body politic and corporate, and succeed to the powers and duties of vestries and church-wardens 289.
      Remonstrance of Virginia, to Congress, on the subject of her north-western boundary 557. Resolution of Virginia for ceeding her north-western territory 564.
      See Army.
      On continental establishment, pay of officers and soldiers, made equal to specie 462. −− Further tract of territory alloted for, in lieu of that fallen into North Carolina 465. −− When and how their lands surveyed 466. On state establishment, their pay and subsistence to be made equal to continentals 467. Also their land bounty 467.





Virginia line on continental establishment, to be recruited for two years or the war 499. Soldiers enlisted, entitled to same bounty and immunities as other continentals 497.
      Volunteers to be raised 18. −− Organization of officers and staff 19. Pay and rations 19. bounty, and term of service 20. Volunteers for western frontiers 20. Where posted, and term of service 21. Pensions, and provision for wives and indigent parents 21. −− Land-bounty to volunteers under Col. George Rogers Clarke 26. Volunteer cavalry to be called into service 312. To be credited to their division of militia 312. Governor and council authorised to raise volunteers, in case of invasion 389.
      See Gaming.
      Penalty on those who play or bet on games or wagers 205.
      Wages of members of general assembly, in tobacco, how estimated and paid 30, 104, 229. Wages of members of congress 75. Acts fixing allowance of members of general assembly, explained and amended 137.
      Drivers of waggons in continental service exempted from militia duty 177. Waggons for militia ordered to South Carolina, how provided 224. Pay for waggons 224:
Waggons procured by impressment 335: Waggons for the army, how furnished by the several counties 342: Further time allowed for furnishing waggons 393: Waggons and horses, how supplied for the southern army 482: How disposed of 483:
      His mulatto man William Beck emancipated 211:
      See Army.
      Board of war constituted 17: −− Vacancies, how supplied 17: Oath of members 17: Their duty; subject to direction of executive 17: Where to sit, & how convened 17: Commissioner of the navy, and their clerk appointed by them 18: Oath of secrecy 18: Act concerning officers, soldiers, sailors and marines 23: Bounties 23: Land bounty, pensions 24: Half pay 25: Recruiting officers 25: Land bounty to volunteers under col. George Rogers Clarke 26: To soldiers for protection of Illinois 27: Land bounty to those who enlist for the war 27: Other troops to be raised 28, 32: Pay and emoluments 34: Act for more effectually supplying officers, soldiers and sailors, with articles for their comfortable accommodation 71: Board of war to furnish lists of articles for accommodatton of army 72: duty of board of war to ascertain wants of army 73: One 25th man of the





militia to be drafted for eighteen months 82: Salary of members of board of war, & their clerks 118, 219: Of how many members board of war to consist 198: One to be inspector of military stores and provisions 198: Their proceedings to be submitted to governor and council for approbation 198: How the board of war convened 198: Militia embodied for relief of South Carolina 221: Act for speedily recruiting the quota of this state for the continental army 257: Salary of commissioner of war office and clerks rated in tobacco 278: Value of tobacco, in money, estimated by grand jury 278: Acts establishing a board of war and a board of trade repealed 291: Commercial agent, commissioner of the navy and commissioner to the war office appointed 292: −− Powers and duties of commissioner of war more accurately defined 426: Commissioner of war to discharge duties of adjutant general's department 428: Military commissions to issue from war office 428: Salary of commissioner of war 428: Address of the general assembly of Virginia to congress, on the alarming situation of the southern states, as it regards the operations of the enemy 539:
      Tobacco warehouses, when insufficient, how repaired 77: −− If warehouses burnt by the
enemy, public not liable 275: Provision as to warehouse in Alexandria 276: Cary's warehouse discontinued 257: Meriwether's Machodack, & Glasscock's warehouses revived 474: Rockett's warehouse established 474: County courts to re-build warehouses destroyed by the enemy 476: Inspection at Waddy's in New Kent, and Warwick in Chesterfield revived 477: Warehouse at Cabin Point discontinued, and one may be established at Low Point 477: Warehouses in Manchester being destroyed by the enemy, commissioners to rent houses 477: Tobaccoes remaining at warehouses discontinued, to be sold by commissioners of tax 477: −− Warehouses for reception of hemp, for taxes, where established 508: Inspections of flour, for taxes, where established 509: Power of governor and council to establish other places 509:
      Land warrants, how obtained, located and executed 52: −− Exchange warrants 52. New warrants, when land lost by caveat 59: Assignable 60. −− Stealing or forging land warrants, felony without clergy 65: Stealing, taking by robbery, forging or counterfeiting certain warrants, death without clergy 93: Proceedings against offenders 94: −− Penalty for opposing execution of treasury land warrants





by force, violence or threats 162: Jurisdiction of a single magistrate encreased, in a ration with the depreciation of paper money 352: Paper money receivable for land warrants 457: Within what time military warrants to be located 485: Military warrants, under the former government 485: Not necessary to exchange warrants for military service last war 487.
      Letter from general Washington, on the subject of succours to be sent to the southern states 575: Letter from Gen. Washington to the governor of Virginia 581.
      Regiment for defence of western frontiers 215: Regiment under colonel George Rogers Clarke to be completed for defence of the western frontiers 389.
      Tax, payable in wheat 490.
      Provision for widows, wives, and children of the British subjects, out of their estates escheated 71. Allowance to widows and aged parents of soldiers dying in service 262. Half pay to widows and children of offices dying in service 374.
      Provision for wives, and indigent parents of volunteers lost in the service 21. For widows, wives, and children of
British subjects, out of their escheated estates 71. All acts empowering county courts to provide for the wives, parents and families of soldiers repealed 212. Proviso in favour of those in indigent circumstances 212.
      Sergeant of Williamsburg same power to distrain for militia fines as sheriffs 85. Court of admiralty to sit at Williamsburg 136. Capitol and palace in Williamsburg to be sold, in the event that taxes prove unproductive 285. −− During the prevalence of the small-pox in Williamsburg, the justices of James City authorised to hold their courts any where in the county 458.
      Wills destroyed by the enemy, in offices of the county courts, attested copies to be again recorded 453. How far evidence 453.
      Tax on windows 280.
      Towns of Winchester and Alexandria incorporated 172. −− Officers, how elected 178. −− Style of corporation 173. −− Mayor, recorder, &c. how qualified 173: How long mayor eligible 183: Judicial and ministerial powers of mayor, recorder and aldermen 173: Powers of sergeant 174: Limitation of jurisdiction 174: Market days 175: Officers, how removable





for misconduct 175: Vacancies, how supplied 175. −− Penalty for refusing to execute office to which elected 175. Common council, how summoned 175: Town of Winchester incorporated in same manner as Alexandria 176: Style of corporation 176: Jurisdiction 176.
      Duty on wine imported 511: −− How casks of wine entered 512.
      Allowances to witnesses attending the general court in criminal cases, and how paid 96: Witnesses attending superior courts 127: Or inferior courts, or upon surveys 127: Witnesses allowances 231: Allowance to witnesses, in specie 489:
      Instructions to delegates in congress on the subject of having the yeas and nays published 545.


List of Errata in the Tenth Volume of
Hening's Statures at Large.

Errata noted by Robert G. Scott and A. L. Botts.
Page   57 

line 21 from top, insert "the" between the words "or & "bounds."
4 from top, for "judicial" read "juridical."
third of title to act, for "purcasing" read "purchasing."
  17 from top, "legislation" in original "litigation" in copy.−−
      This seems to be a mistake in the original.
   6 from bottom, in title of act, for "bordlick" read "publick."
  18 from top, for "estate" read "estates."
   6 from top, for "impededed" read "impeded."
   top, for "clerks" read "clerk."
  13 from bottom, for "brin" read "bring."
   7 from top, for "reouired" read "required."
   7 from bottom, instert "if" at the end of the line.
   4 from top, for "purpose" read "purposes."
  10 from bottom, for "judged" read "adjudged."
  10 from top, for "or" read "and."
Errata noted by Peter V. Daniel and Robert G. Scott.
Page   331

9 from bottom, omit the word "said" between "the" & "first."
9 from bottom, for "dy" read "by."
3 from bottom, for "have" read "are."
At the end of the bottom line insert "the service of."
30 from top, for "exempt" read "exempted."
bottom, for "this state" read "the state."
10 from bottom, strike out "a" before "lawful."
8 from top, insert "the" before "paper."
bottom, for "the state" read "this state."
6 from top, for "this state" read "the state."
The error cited on page 369 is actually on page 368, (twice)
The error cited on page 384 is actually on page 385.


  Pages 641-649  ======   ======  Volume Map  
