Pages 620-630  ======   ======  Pages 641-649  





      Resolutions on the subject of the navigation of the river Mississippi 537, 538:
      See Paper-Money.
      Tax on money 12, 189, 244. −− Treasurer authorised to borrow money, tobacco, hemp, or flour 481: Interest at six per cent on commodities, & 100 for 90 on money 481: −− Receipts receivable in taxes, at their nominal amount 482: Provision for paying duties in imported money 515:
      Part of the county of Augusta added to Monongalia 114: −− Another part of Augusta added to Monongalia 351:
      To inquisition of escheat, how to be heard 116: Mode of proceeding thereon 153:
      Remedy against sheriffs by motion 172, 200, 507:
      Mutiny and desertion, how punishable 225, 334: Power of executive to call out military force to suppress mutiny or resistance to the laws for recruiting this states quota of troops for the continental army 387: Persons opposing the laws for calling out military
force, declared civilly dead 414:
      Justices of Nansemond authorised to appoint a place for holding courts; the town of Suffolk having been destroyed by the enemy 110.
      Act appointing naval officers, further continued 122, 304: −− Their fees 122: Fees and bonds altered 304, 305: Masters of vessels, when to report 122: Naval officer of district of south Potowmack to appoint a deputy to reside at Alexandria 208: Duty of naval officers in relation to deserters 265: Naval officers' fees encreased, and payable in specie 479: Bonds to be taken by naval officers altered 479. Bond and penalty in specie 480: When masters of vessels to make report and entry 480: Forfeitures for breach 480: Naval officers to reside within their districts 480: Naval officers to receive the duties in their districts 500: Goods imported by land to be entered with the sheriffs 500:
      Commissioner of navy appointed by board of war 18: Act to enable governor and council to supply armies and navies of United States & their allies with grain and flour further continued 107, 142, 426: Navy board discontinued 123: New organization





of the navy 217: Certain specified vessels to be sold 217: Proviso 217: Certain specified vessels to be retained 217: Prison ship, and boats 217: Salary of commissioner of the navy rated in tobacco 278: Value of tobacco, in money, how estimated 278: Commissioner of the navy appointed on the abolition of the boards of war and trade 292: Navy to be equipped and manned for protection of eastern frontier 297: naval force to be fitted out for the defence of the eastern frontier 379: Impressment of seamen authorised under certain restrictions 380: Pay of seamen 380. Officers and seamen entitled to the whole of any prize taken 381: Clothing and necessaries, how provided 381: Pay of officers and staff 381: −− Duties on goods imported to support the navy 382: How collected 383: Encouragement to masters of vessels to make a true entry 384: Regulations of congress adopted for trial of offences 384: Allowance of pay master 384: Two gallies to be built on the same construction as those at Philadelphia 385: Courts shall bind out at least half their male orphans to the sea 385: Hospital for seamen established, by a duty on mariners 385: Where hospital situated 386: Officers of navy reduced 450: But officers for look-out boat liberty retained 450: Staff of navy
discharged 450: Executive authorised to fit out a naval force of four gallies 458: −− Officers and men of navy entitled to same pay, &c. as in land service 467:
      Ned a slave the property of Henry Delony emancipated 372:
      Thomas Nelson, jun. esq. late governor, having been compelled from necessity, to perform many acts of government, without advice of council, such acts legalized, and he fully indemnified 478.
      Act of the legislature of New York, to facilitate the completion of the articles of confederation by a cession of her western territory 560.
      Acts imposing treble taxes on persons refusing to take the oaths of allegiance repealed 194.
      Lots in Norfolk and Suffolk, the houses on which have been burnt by the enemy, exempted from taxes 190. Lots in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Suffolk, the houses and improvements on which have been either burnt by the act of convention of 1776, or by the British army since, exempted from taxes 323.
      Resolution respecting claimants to lands, affected by running the boundary line between





North Carolina and Virginia 541. Representation to North Carolina, on the subject of titles to land, which may fall into that state, by the extension of the boundary line 543.
      Duty of escheators, in northern neck, to be performed by sheriffs 69. Northern neck excepted out of act for appointment of escheators 115.
      Papers relating to the cession of the north western territory 547. Letter from the president of congress to the several states 548. Declaration of Maryland 549. Instructions of the general assembly of Maryland to her delegates in congress 553. Remonstrance of Virginia 557. Act of the legislature of New York 560. Resolution of Virginia for ceding her north western territory 564.
      Oath of fidelity, form of 22. −− Oath of governor 22. Of privy councillor 22. Oath of any other 23. Solemnities and form, instead of oaths 28. −− Oath of judges of court of appeals 90. Of court of admiralty 98. Oath of delegates to congress not to engage in trade 113. Oath of commissioners of tax and assessors 242, 243. Of sheriffs as to taxes collected 255. Oath of quarter master and commissaries as to application of public money confided to
them 256. Oath of inspectors of flour 497. Oath of commissioners of tax 501.
      Tax, payable in oats 490.
      Half pay for life promised to officers who continue in service toll the end of the war 25. Recruiting officers, how appointed 25. Their powers, duty and compensation 25. Locations, by officers and soldiers, on lands of settlers, void 41. Resolution, reserving lands for officer and soldiers 55, note. Act for more effectually supplying them with articles for their comfortable accommodation 71. −− Officer of militia refusing to march, to serve as a soldier for 6 months 84. Officers & soldiers, in service, allowed further time to prove their claims for settlement rights & improvements on lands 132. Penalty on settlers not removing from lands reserved for officers and soldiers 159. −− Proportions of land bounty to officers and soldiers 160. Rights of those slain or dying in service devolve on their heirs or legal representatives 161. Continental officers of this state to be reduced 373. Officers to supply themselves with clothing 374. Their pay and rations to be made equal to specie 374. Half pay to widows and children of officers dying in service 374. −− Paid by scale of depreciation 374. Officers to have half pay





for life 374. Land bounty to general officers 375. Bounty in lands encreased to other officers 375. Legal representatives entitled to bounty 375. Governor and council may order out particular officers to command the militia 414. Militia officers, how arrested and tried 410. Courts to nominate militia officers, without regard to seniority 420. Officers appointed to recruit men for two years or the war 433. Recruiting expenses, how paid 434. Bounty and immunities 434. Officers of the state line reduced 449. Regiments consolidated 449. −− Officers of navy reduced 450. From what time pay of officers of Virginia line on continental establishment made equal to specie 462. Auditors to adjust their accounts, according to a scale of depreciation, and give printed certificates payable with interest 462. Also of officers and soldiers dead 462. Or out of the service for the time they served 463. Auditors to return a list of certificates to treasurer 463. Advance to officers 463. Future pay in specie 463. Officers to account for money advanced 463. In what manner 464. And for clothing 464. Certificates to be received on sales of forfeited estates 464. If sales paid for in specie, that to be reserved for redeeming certificates 464. Scale of depreciation 465. Further tract
of territory reserved for the officers and soldiers, in lieu of that fallen into North Carolina 465. When and how their lands may be surveyed 466. Return to be made of state officers and their merit 466. Their pay and subsistence to be made equal to continentals 467. Also their bounty in land to be surveyed as the regulars 467. Cavalry the same advantages as infantry 467. Officers and seamen of the navy, same as in land service 467. Tobacco received for sales of confiscated estates, to be sold and the money to redeem certificates 467. Within what time military warrants to be located 485. Resolution extending land bounty to certain officers and soldiers 539.
      Settlements on north west side of the Ohio reprobated and prohibited 161. Settlers may be removed by military force 161. Exceptions 161.
      Orders of court, destroyed by the enemy, in office of county courts, attested copies to be again recorded 453. How far evidence 453.
      See Council.
      Orders of council for lands 36, 38, 42, 48, 179, 486.
      Further penalty for keeping ordinary contrary to law 145. Offenders twice convicted may be committed 145. −−





Grand juries to be charged 145. Prosecutions to be tried speedily and may be ordered by justices 145. May be bound to the behavior or committed 146. Proviso in favour of brewers and distillers 146. Liquors, &c. may be rated twice a year 146. −− Table of rates to be set up in ordinaries 147. Penalty for omission or for exceeding legal rates 147. Tax on ordinary licenses 189, 244, 504. −− Penalty on tavern-keepers permitting gaming in their houses 206.
      Courts, below the falls of the rivers, to bind out at least one half their male orphans to the sea 385.
      Of Roads −− See Roads. Of the poor −− See Poor.
      Vestries in several counties dissolved, and overseers of the poor to be elected for three years 288. Overseers to be a body politic and corporate, and succeed to the powers & duties of vestries and church-wardens 289. Vacancies how supplied 289. Elections how made 289. Penalty on sheriffs failing to hold elections triennially 290. Former vestries to account with overseers 290.
      Palace in Williamsburg to be sold, in the event that taxes prove unproductive 285.
      Receipts for certain emissions called in, receivable in taxes 13. Further emissions authorised 31. Stealing, taking by robbery, forging or counterfeiting, death without clergy 93. Having in possession instruments for forging or counterfeiting 94. Offenders, how proceeded against 95. Persons suspected of having forged or counterfeited notes, how apprehended 96. So much of an act as imposes a penalty for asking more for any article in paper-money, than in gold or silver, repealed 125. State's quota of continental money and all state paper money to be called in & destroyed 241. Taxes applicable thereto 242−−248. the money called in to be burnt 248. New emission of paper money 248. When redeemable 248. Interest to be paid annually 248. Restraint in issuing the bills 248. Provision for redemption of bills 248. Forging or counterfeiting how punishable 254. −− Treasurer constituted judge of counterfeit paper money 271. His power to deface counterfeit bills 271. When he may call to his assistance two of the auditors 272. −− Further emission of paper money authorised 279. Forty-for-one notes 280. New taxes for redemption of notes 280. Forging or counterfeiting death without clergy 286.





Treasurer to exchange paper money 321. This money declared a tender at one for forty 322. Also the money issued by another act of May 1780, 322. Appropriation of this money 323. Further emission of treasury notes or paper money 347. One-for-forty money 348. Taxes for its redemption 348. Forging or counterfeiting death without clergy 349. Forging or counterfeiting paper money of this state or of congress, death without clergy 397. −− All paper money emitted by this state, or by congress declared a legal tender 398. −− further emission of paper money authorised 399. One-for-forty money 399. Paper money paid into the treasury to be burnt, except two emissions 400. Act of May 1780, for calling in this states quota of continental money repealed 412. Old money not a legal tender 412. But receivable in taxes 413. No more of this money to be paid out of the treasury 413. Paper money emitted at May session 1781, declared a legal tender 429. Forging & counterfeiting, how punishable 429. Further emission of paper money authorised 430. −− One-for-forty money 430. −− Paper money called in and no longer a tender, except for taxes 456. To be returned to treasurer and destroyed 456. Not returned, forfeited 456. Loan office certificates
for paper money returned, to be delivered by treasurer at the rate of one for a thousand 456. When redeemable 456. Interest payable annually 456. Payments on certificates to be endorsed 457. Transferrable by assignment only 457. Paper money receivable for land warrants 457. Repeal of former laws 457. Contracts in paper money, to be settled by a scale of depreciation 471, 472. What proportion of paper money receivable in taxes 508.
      Proclaimed to deserters who return to their duty 265. Punishment of those who neglect the offered pardon 266. Pardon granted to those persons in the county of Henry, Bedford, Pittsylvania, Botetourt, Montgomery and Washington, who have taken the oath of allegiance to the British king, since 1776, or enlisted themselves or others in his service, on their taking the oath of allegiance to this commonwealth 324. Benefit of this act extended to certain persons now in the public jail 325.
      Allowance to widows and aged parents of soldiers dying in service 262.
      Vestry of Russell parish, in county of Bedford, authorised to sell their glebe 109. Glebe of parish of St. Anne in Albemarle, to be sold and money





divided between parishes of St. Anne and Fluvanna 112. Vestries empowered to levy and make assessments for salaries of ministers of church of England in arrear, for complying with legal engagements, and providing for parish poor 198. Parish of Drysdale in Caroline and King and Queen divided, and St. Asaph formed 209. Boundaries 209. Glebe of Drysdale parish to be sold, & money divided between parishes of Drysdale and St. Asaph, in proportion to the value of the two churches 210. So much of this last act as directs a valuation of the churches repealed 213. Vestry of Albemarle parish in county of Sussex dissolved 366. Boundaries of parishes of Amherst and Lexington, in the county of Amherst altered 369.
      Punishment of those asserting that the United States ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain 268.
      Form of grants or patents 60. How executed and recorded 61. Issued to heirs and assignees 61. Inclusive patents, how obtained 63. Patents for escheated lands how obtained 68. The issuing of patents suspended 422. Patents to issue as usual, notwithstanding the suspension 487. Register to allow five months for the occlusion of
the courts 487. Tax on patents for land, exceeding 1400 acres, except bounties to officers 510.
      Half pay, for life, promised to generals, field officers, captains, subalterns, chaplains, physicians, surgeons, & surgeons' mates 25: Pay of militia sent to relief of South Carolina 223: Pay of officers to be made equal to specie; also soldiers pay 374: Half pay to widows and children of officers dying in service 374: Half pay to officers for life 374: Pay of seamen 380: Pay of officers and staff of the navy 381: Pay of militia when in actual service 410: Their certificates receivable in taxes 410: Pay of militia heretofore called into service how regulated 483:
      Paymaster general of army and navy discharged 450.
      Pegg a mulatto girl belonging to Lewis Dunn emancipated 211:
      All claims to land, within the disputed territory, with Pennsylvania suspended 239: Papers on the subject of the disputed boundary between Pennsylvania and Virginia 519: Resolutions for appointing commissioners 520: Correspondence between Pennsylvania and Virginia Commissioners 521-532: Argument of commissioners for





southern and western boundaries of Pennsylvania 533. Ratification of agreement by Pennsylvania 534: Conditional ratification by Virginia 535:
      Promised to volunteers 21: To soldiers, sailors and marines 24: Pensions payable in specie 461:
      To inquisition of escheat, how to be heard 116.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Act for inspection of, revived and amended 290. Fees altered 290. Penalties altered 291.
      Plats and certificates of survey, when and how made 57. −− When returned to land office 58. Assignable 60. Within what time plats and certificates may not be delivered 61. Further time allowed for returning surveys and plats 237.
      Poll-tax on slaves 12, 166, 244. On free men and slaves, payable in grain 490. On free men, payable in bacon 490. Poll-tax in specie 504.
      Parish poor provided for by vestry, on repeal of the act for payment of the salaries of the clergy of the church of England 198. Vestries in several counties dissolved, & overseers of the poor to be elected for three years 288. −−
Overseers to be a body politic and corporate and succeed to the powers and duties of vestries & churchwardens 289. Vacancies, how supplied 289. Elections how made 289. Penalty on sheriffs failing to have elections triennially 290. Former vestries to account with overseers 290.
Act for inspection of pork, beef, flour, tar, pitch and turpentine revived & amended 290. Fees altered 290. Penalties altered 291.
      Lots in Norfolk, Portsmouth, & Suffolk, the houses and improvements on which were either burnt by act of convention in 1776, or by the British army since, exempted from taxation 323.
      Penalty for post-dating store accounts 133.
      Rules of practice, in court of admiralty 100.
      Pre-emption and settlement rights defined 40. Warrants re-entered, when 41. Pre-emption warrants may be issued to actual settlers on credit if unable to pay the state price 178. But grants not to issue until payment of the purchase money 178. Provided that this privilege shall extend to actual settlers only 179. Certificates for settlement and pre-emption rights





not to be granted, unless to persons who have taken the oath of fidelity to this state 179. Except as to inhabitants of disputed territory between this state and Pennsylvania 179. Further time to enter warrants on preemption certificates with surveyor 239, 239, 484. Further time to return pre-emption certificates,& providing in case of their loss 239, 403, 484. County courts to determine disputes in surveying pre-emption certificates 485.
      Governor & council authorised to establish a printing press, with an able editor, firmly attached to the independence of the United States 313.
      Governor & council authorised to employ an able printer, firmly attached to the independence of the United States 313.
      Salary of member of privy council 116. Salary of councillors, in specie 493.
      Officers and seamen entitled to the whole of any prize taken 381. Congress authorised to impose a duty on goods and prizes 409. This act suspended 451.
      Lands how acquired by 36, 37. What proclamations recognized in the land law 36, 37.
What proclamations declared void 38. Rights to land, under the proclamation of 1763, how authenticated 177. Regulations concerning warrants for military services under 240. Governor & council may, by proclamation, change the time and place of holding courts 407. Courts held under proclamation not one of the two for trial or discharge of criminals 408.
      Personal property of those joining the enemy, how secured 92: when disposed of by escheator 93: Public property belonging to this State, or United States, how recovered from those who have the unlawful possession 218.
      One of the members of the board of war, to be inspector of military stores and provisions 198. Commissioners to procure provisions for the army, by purchase or impressment 233: Stipulated prices 234: Certificates therefor, when and where payable 234: In what cases doors may be broken 235: Storage and transportation of provisions, how provided for 236: Forging or counterfeiting provision certificates, how punishable 236: Power of governor and council to procure provisions, &c. for the army, extended 312: Act for procuring a supply of provision for the use of the army, revived and amended 344: Prices of





provisions 346: Further time allowed for furnishing provisions 393.
      In court of admiralty, rules concerning 100.
      Ground in Richmond appropriated for public buildings 86: Capitol, for the General Assembly 86: Halls of justice for the courts 86: House for executive boards 86: Governor's house 86: Directors of public buildings 86: Land, how acquired and paid for 87: Directors to make returns to clerk's office of Henrico 88: To provide temporary buildings 88: Public buildings in Richmond located on Shockoe hill 317.
      Jail of Henrico to be enlarged and used as a public jail 88. −− Act empowering the governor and council to superintend & regulate public jail, further continued 106: Judges of general court to have direction of public jail, and make allowances to keeper 157.
      Public lands in James City and on the Eastern shore, and capitol and palace in Williamsburg, to be sold, if taxes prove unproductive 285.
      Articles belonging to this State, or the United States, how recovered from those who have the unlawful possession 218.
      Act for locating public square,
and to enlarge the town of Richmond 317: Capitol and public buildings located on Shockoe hill, Market below the hill 317: Commissioners may vary the form of the square 318: Irregular tenements, how to be laid off 318. Streets enlarged 318. Houses on streets to remain 20 years 318: Discretionary power as to streets in ascending and traversing hills 318: Injury to individuals, how ascertained and paid 318. −− Town of Richmond enlarged 319. Provision for improving navigation of Shockoe creek 319.
      Discontinued, and clothier general appointed 374.
      Quakers or menonists drafted, exempted from personal service, but a substitute to be provided at the expense of the society 261, 314, 334, 417. May marry without license or publication of banns 362.
      Oath of quarter masters and commissaries, as to application of public money confided to them 257: Governor and council may discontinue state quarter-masters and transfer powers to continental staff 415: Executive may state quarter-masters 449: Surplus stores transferred to similar continental officers 450:
      His duty to report to the war office 427.


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