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      Trial by, in court of admiralty, when to be 101. Courts and juries ex officio, to take notice of act of limitations on store accounts 134.
      Jurisdiction of, encreased in a ratio with the depreciation of paper money 352. Justices to be appointed to take lists of taxable property 504. And return them to the clerk 504. Penalty for neglect of duty 505.
      Commissioners appointed for marking and opening a road over the Cumberland mountains to Kentucky 143. Guard for protection against Indians, how procured 144. −− Certain escheated lands, in Kentucky county, vested in trustees for a public school 288. Kentucky county divided, and Jefferson, Fayette, and Lincoln formed, and Kentucky county became extinct 315. Surveyor of Kentucky, where to reside, and his duty as to entries for land 317. County courts in the Kentucky country authorised to direct surveys to poor persons, actual settlers, not exceeding 400 acres to a family 431. County courts in district of Kentucky authorised to hear and determine land claims left unfinished by the commissioners 436. Register to issue grants thereon 437. Register of the land office to appoint a deputy to reside in the Kentucky country 445. His duties 445.
      Punishment of those asserting that the United States ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain 268. Or acknowledging their sovereignty, or himself a subject 269. Or who shall wish health or success to the king 269. Jurisdiction of offence 269. Charge to grand jury 270. When security may be required 270. Sentence to be published 270. Limitation of prosecution 270. Power of justices 270.
      Kitt, a slave, the property of Hinchia Mabry, emancipated for his meritorious services in discovering counterfeiters of money 115.
      Laboratory and magazines to be provided 302. Lands, how acquired 302.
      Promised to soldiers, sailors, & marines 24. To volunteers under colonel George Rogers Clarke 26. To soldiers for protection of Ilinois 27. To those who enlist during the war 27. To troops for protection of western & eastern frontier 34. On what evidence land bounties obtained 51. Officers and soldiers, in service, allowed further time to prove their claims for settlement rights, and improvements on lands 132. Land bounty to chaplains, surgeons and surgeons' mates 141.





Proportion of land bounty to officers and soldiers 160. −− Rights of those slain, or dying in service devolve on their heirs or legal representatives 161. Bounty to sailors & marines for defence of eastern frontier 298. Land bounty 300 acres, to soldiers who have enlisted, or shall enlist, and serve to the end of the war 331. Land bounty to general officers 375. Legal representatives entitled to bounty 375. Land given to Baron Steuben 375. Further tract of territory allotted to officers and soldiers, in lieu of that fallen into North Carolina 465. When and how their lands may be surveyed 466. State troops, as to land bounty, made equal to continentals 467. Resolution extending land bounty to certain officers and officers 539.
      See Lands.
      Land office established 50. Register appointed 50. General court yearly to cause land office to be examined, and certain warrants, &c; cancelled 64. Fees of register 127.
      Act for adjusting titles to lands, &c. previous to establishment of commonwealth's land office 35. Surveys, what declared valid 35. Proviso 37. Under what rights and in what manner grants shall be made 37. Rights claimed under certain orders of council, and a royal
proclamation, declared void 38. Except actual surveys, & except the Dismal Swamp 38. Settlement rights upon the western waters 38. Provision for families settled in villages or townships 39. −− Settlement and pre-emption rights defined 40. Grants for, how obtained 40. Locations by officers and soldiers on lands of settlers void 41. −− What locations entitled to preference 41. Warrants re-entered 41. Composition money, in what cases to be paid 41. Agreements between companies claiming under orders of council, and purchases regulated 42. Commissioners for adjusting and determining claims to lands on the western waters, how appointed, their oath, duty, power, and modes and rules of proceeding 42, 43, 44. −− Conflicting rights, how adjudged by commissioners 45. Judgment final between parties to trial 46. Certificates of settlement & pre-emption, how given 46. Fees therefor 46. Commissioners to return lists to register 46. Duty of commissioners in relation to land adjudged against companies 47. In what cases rights adjudged against companies forfeited 47. Allowances to commissioners, clerk, and sheriff 47. Within what time caveats to judgments of commissioners may be entered in general court 48. Certain land claims to be laid





before court of appeals & there decided 48. Proviso in favour of officers and soldiers 49. Register's duty in recording land warrants, and making out grants 49. Caveats depending before the revolution, how proceeded on 49. Act for establishing land office, &c. 50. Register, how appointed and qualified 50. Vacancy, how supplied 51. Copies attested by him as good evidence as originals 51. Land bounties, upon what evidence obtained 51. How title to unappropriated lands may be obtained 52. −− Land warrants, how obtained, located and executed 52. Exchange warrants 52. Surveyors and their deputies, how appointed and qualified 53. Penalty for sale of office 53. Locations how to be made 54. Time for surveying when appointed 54. No entry admitted, without a warrant, except for settlement rights 54. Certain tracts of country excepted from location 54. Resolution reserving lands, for officers & soldiers 55, note. How a chief surveyor may locate his own lands 56. Notice of survey, how given 56. Effect of party's failing to attend with chain-carriers & marker 56. When principal to direct deputy to survey 57. Chain-carriers to be sworn 57: Surveys, how made & bounded 57: Plat and certificate, when and how made and disposed
of 57: Returns to William & Mary college 57: Clerk of county courts, and surveyor, not to be united 58: Penalty on surveyors for neglect 58: Surveyor's office, how examined 58: Plat and certificates when to be returned to land office 58: Causes of caveat 58: Proceedings upon caveats 58: New caveats, for what causes allowed 59: Costs on caveats 59: New warrants, where lauds lost by caveat 59: Duty of register in relation to exchange, renewed, or execution of warrants 59: Warrants and certificates of survey assignable 60: form of grant or patent 60: How executed and recorded 61: −− Grants to heirs and assignees 61: Within what time copies of plats and certificates may not be delivered 61: Swamps, marshes and sunken grounds, pre-emption of, in owners of contiguous high lands 61: Grants for, how obtained 62: Surplus lands, within bounds of patents, how grants for, obtained 62: Remedy of land holders, unjustly vexed 63: −− Method of rectifying mistakes in bounds, and obtaining inclusive patents 63: General court yearly to cause land office to be examined, and certain warrants, &c. cancelled 64: Treasurer to give bond to account for money accruing under this act 64: Quit-rents and reservations in the royal grants abolished 64: Petitions for lapsed land





abolished 65: Stealing, forging, counterfeiting, &c. land-warrants, felony without clergy 65: Lands of British subjects vested in commonwealth, by escheat 67: Grants for escheated lands, how obtained 68: How lands acquired for public buildings, in Richmond, and paid for 87: Exclusive right of commonwealth to purchase lands of Indians asserted 97: Certain lots of William Grayson severed from the town of Dumfries 102: Certain trustees authorised to pay to William Todd, the proceeds of the sale of his entailed lands 103: −− Vestry of Russell parish, in county of Bedford, authorised to sell their glebe 109: Glebe of parish of St. Anne, in Albemarle, to be sold, and money divided between parishes of St. Anne and Fluvanna 112: Inquests, on escheated lands, how taken 116: How long lands to remain in hands of escheator before granted 116: Escheated lands, when sold 116: Certain persons authorised to convey to John Fox certain entailed lands, sold as the state of Sarah the wife of John Rootes 120: Officers and soldiers in service, allowed further time to prove their claims for settlement rights and improvements on lands 132: Warrants to issue to Charles Simms, for certain lands on the Ohio rive rand Rackoon creek 139: Land bounty to
chaplains, surgeons and surgeons's mates 141: Certain certificates receivable in payment for treasury land warrants 148: Loan office certificates with interest receivable for waste lands 148: Reservation of lands for officers & soldiers 159: Penalty on settlers not removing from the reserved lands 159: Proportions of land bounty to officers and soldiers 160: Rights of those slain or dying in service devolve on their heirs or legal representatives 161: −− Settlements on north west side of the Ohio reprobated and prohibited 161: Settlers may be removed by military force 161: Exceptions 161: Penalty for opposing execution of treasury land warrants by force, violence or threats 162: Civil officers to suppress force 162: Rights for land under the proclamation of 1763, how authenticated 177: Powers of commissioners for adjusting claims to unpatented lands extended 178: Pre-emption warrants may be issued to actual settlers, on credit, if unable to pay the state price 178: But grants not to issue until payment of purchase money 178: Provided that this privilege shall extend to actual settlements only 179: Certificates for settlement and pre-emption rights not to be granted, unless to persons who have taken the oath of allegiance to this commonwealth 179: −−





Exception as to inhabitants of disputed territory between this state and Pennsylvania 179: How grants for lands surveyed under orders of council, on the eastern waters may be obtained 179: Caveats on surveys before establishment of land office, ho proceeded on 179: Glebe of Drysdale parish in Caroline and King and Queen counties to be sold 210: Lands on the bay of Chesapeake, the sea shore, or shores of rivers and creeks, heretofore held as common, not to be granted 227: Further time allowed for returning surveys and plats 237: Further time allowed to the western commissioners 238: Further allowance to them and their officers 238: Tax upon litigants encreased 238: Further time to enter warrants on pre-emption certificates with surveyor 239: All claims within the territory claimed by Pennsylvania suspended 239: Further time to return pre-emption certificates, and providing in case of their loss 239: Lost warrants, how renewed 240: Regulations concerning warrants for military service under the proclamation of 1763 240: Further regulations 240: Price of waste lands raised 245: In what money payable 245: −− Capitol and palace in Williamsburg, and the public lands in James city and on the eastern shore to be sold,
in the event that taxes prove unproductive 285: Certain escheated lands in Kentucky county vested in trustees for a public school 287: Act concerning escheats and forfeitures from British subjects suspended, as to lands in Henry and Amherst, conveyed by John Harmer to Walter King Cole and George Harmer 300: Land bounty, 300 acres, to soldiers who have enlisted, or who shall enlist and serve to the end of the war 331: Deputy surveyors how appointed 353: Caveats allowed against the judgments of the commissioners 354: Further allowance to commissioners and their attendants 355: Certain houses and tenements in Alexandria vested in John Sutton 372: Land bounty to general offices 375: Bounty in lands encreased to other officers 375: Legal representatives entitled to bounty 375: Land given to Baron Steuben 375: Powers of commissioners for adjusting claims to unpatented lands, extended; also further time allowed for obtaining warrants upon certificates for pre-emption rights, and to return surveys to the land office 403: The issuing of patents suspended 422: County courts in the Kentucky country authorised to direct surveys to poor persons, actual settlers, not exceeding 400 acres to a family 431: Allowances to commissioners





for adjusting titles to lands encreased 436: Tax on suitors encreased 436: −− County courts in district of Kentucky authorised to hear and determine land claims, left unfinished by commissioners 436: Register to issue grants thereon 437: Register of the land office to appoint a deputy to reside in the Kentucky country 445: −− His duties 445: Charles carter, esq. the surviving trustee of William Byrd, esq. authorised to convey lots and lands held under Byrd's lottery & a deed of trust 446: Further tract of territory allotted to officers and soldiers in lieu of that fallen into North Carolina 465: When & how their lands may be surveyed 466: State troops, as to land bounty, made equal to continentals 467: Certain lands whereof Burgess Ball is seized as tenant for life, vested in trustees to be sold, and the monies laid out in other lands 470: Power of commissioners for adjusting claims to lands further continued 484: Further time to obtain warrants upon certificates for pre-emption rights, and enter them with the surveyor 484: Further time to obtain warrants upon certificates for pre-emption rights, and enter them with the surveyor 484: Allowance to commissioners & attending officers 484: Tax on litigants 485: County courts to hear and determine disputes in surveying pre-emption rights 485: Within what time military warrants to be located 485: Military
warrants under former government 486: When surveys shall be made of lands on the eastern waters 486: Orders of council for land on the eastern waters to be valid 486: Patents to issue as usual notwithstanding the act of May 1781, chap. 9, 487. −− Register to allow five months for the late occlusion of the courts 487: Not necessary to exchange warrants for military service last war 487: −− Henry McCabe authorised to sell certain lands in Loudoun and lots in Leesburg for payment of the debts of his father Henry McCabe, dec'd. 488. Lands and lots to be valued, for taxation, without regard to buildings 502. Rules of October 1777, chap. 2, to be observed 502. Penalty on proprietors failing to give account of lands 502. Commissioners duty in returning list of lands to the clerk 503. And duty of clerks therein 503. Directions in case of lands distrained 507. Tax on patents 510. Lands, &c. seized for taxes, not to be sold, if they will not bring three fourths of their value 516. Resolution extending bounty in lands to certain officers and soldiers 539.
      How lands assessed for taxes 10, 502. Commissioners & assessors to meet and class the lands 242. Lands and lots to be valued without regard to buildings 502. Penalty on





proprietors failing to give account of lands 502. Duty of commissioners and clerk 503. Tax on lands 504. How distrained and sold for taxes 507, 516. Tax on patents 510.
      How obtained, located & executed 52. Exchange warrants 52. New warrants when lost by caveat 59. Assignable 60. Stealing or forging land warrant felony without clergy 65. Certain certificates receivable in payment for treasury land warrants 148. Loan office certificates with interest receivable for waste lands 148. Penalty for opposing execution of treasury land warrants 162. Lost warrants, how renewed 240. Price raised 248. paper money receivable for land warrants 457.
      Petitions for lapsed land abolished 65.
      Stealing land-warrant, felony without clergy 65. So, as to certain warrants, certificates, bills of credit, treasury notes, &c. 93.
      By what laws court of admiralty governed 98. Provision where regulations of congress conflict with laws of state 98.
      Lead mines the property of John and Mead Anderson, to be assessed for taxes, according to the value of the soil only 193.
      Two legions to be raised 391. Number, officers and staff 391. Pay and emoluments 392. Exempted from drafts 410. Term of service 411.
      Boundaries of parishes of Amherst and Lexington, in the county of Amherst altered 369.
      In court of admiralty, rules for filing 100.
      Marriage licence or publication of banns necessary, except between quakers and menonists 362.
      Limitation of actions on store accounts 133. Delivery of articles to be dated 133. Penalty for post-dating 133. −− When limitation to commence 134. Courts and juries ex officio to take notice of this act 134. Time taken out of act of limitations 423.
      County, formed from Kentucky 315. Boundaries 315. Court days 315.
      Duty on liquors foreign & domestic 168. Mode of collection 169. Tax on liquors imported 283. Regulations for collecting 283. Duty on spirits and wine 511. How casks entered 512.
      Treasurer authorised to borrow money, tobacco, hemp or flour 481. Interest at 6 per





cent on commodities, and 100 for 90 on money 481. Receipts receivable in taxes, at their nominal amount 482.
      Commissioner of loans to remove his office to Richmond 309. Vacancy in office, how supplied 309. Loan office certificates, for paper money called in, to be delivered by the treasurer, at the rate of one for a thousand 456. −− When redeemable 456. Interest payable annually 456. Payments on certificates to be endorsed 457. Transferrable by assignment only 457.
      Of lands, how to be made 54. Time for surveying, when appointed 54. No entry admitted without a warrant, except for settlement rights 54. Certain tracts of country excepted from location 54. How chief surveyor may locate his own lands 56. Notice of survey, how given 58. How surveys executed 56, 57. Within what time military warrants to be located 485.
      Pay of look-outs 85.
      Penalty for instituting a lottery 206. Charles Carter, esq. the surviving trustee of William Byrd, esq. authorised to convey lots and lands held under Byrd's lottery and a deed of trust 446.
      Town of Louisville, at the falls of the Ohio, in Kentucky
county established 293.
      Act providing for support of idiots and lunatics further continued 204, 424. Further allowance for support of patients 204.
      Kitt, a slave, the property of Hinchia Mabry, emancipated for his meritorious services in discovering counterfeiters of paper money 115.
      Henry McCabe authorised to sell certain lands, in Loudoun, and lots in Leesburg, for payment of the debts of his father Henry McCabe, dec'd. 488.
      Lands of, in Kentucky county, escheated to commonwealth, vested in trustees for a public school 288.
      Lands of, in Kentucky county, escheated to commonwealth, vested in trustees for a public school 288.
      Charitable donation of Archibald McPherson, to trustees of Fredericksburg, transferred to the corporation 442.
      Laboratory and magazines to be provided 302. Lands, how acquired 302.
      Jurisdiction of, extended in a ratio with the depreciation of paper money 352.
      Disaffected person confined by





order of executive not to be set at liberty by bail, mainprize, or habeas corpus 414.
      See Emancipation.
      Additional bounties to marines 23. Land bounty 24. Pensions 24. Exemption from personal taxes 24. Goods at stipulated prices 24. Bounty to mariners for protection of eastern frontier 298. Major of marines, how appointed 313. Entitled to same pay, &c. as in land service 467.
      Hospital for seamen established by a duty on seamen 385. −− Where situated 386.
      Market days in Alexandria and Winchester 175. Market in Richmond, located below Shockœ hill 317. Market days in Fredericksburg 441.
      Who may celebrate the rites of matrimony 361. Former marriages by dissenting ministers confirmed 361. Exception in case of incest 362. −− No marriage (except between quakers and menonists) but on licence or publication of banns 362. Penalty 362. −− Fees 362. Certificates of marriage to be returned to clerk of court and recorded 362. Penalty on ministers or clerk of quaker society failing to transmit certificate 363. County courts to licence dissenting ministers to marry,
not exceeding four of one sect 463.
      Tax on marriage licenses 244.
      In court of admiralty, how appointed 99. Tenure of office 99. His fees 232.
      Swamps, marshes and sunken grounds, pre-emption of, in owners of contiguous high lands 61. How grants for, obtained 62.
      In case of invasion or insurrection, those who act as guides or spies, or furnish the enemy with provisions, or encourage desertion, or dissuade the militia from opposing the enemy, or give the enemy intelligence, or aid or comfort the enemy, declared subject to martial law 311. How tried 311. Sentence not to be carried into execution, until approved by the govern & council 311. Articles of war to be published 311. Martial law declared within twenty miles of the American army, or the enemy's camp 411.
      When articles of confederation ratified by Maryland 548. −− Declaration of Maryland, on the subject of the western territories 549. Instructions of the general assembly of Maryland to her delegates, in congress 553.
      Money arising from sales of estate





of John Meacom, which was forfeited and paid into the treasury, on his conviction and execution for the murder of one of his own slaves, directed to be repaid to his widow and children 350.
      Quakers or menonists drafted, exempted from personal service, but a substitute to be provide at the expense of the society 261, 314, 334, 417. May marry without licence or publication of banns 362.
      Military agents to be appointed 71. Their duty and compensation 71.
      One of the members of the board of war, to be inspector of military stores and provisions 198.
      Within what time military warrants to be located 485. Military warrants under the former government 485. Not necessary to exchange warrants for military service last war 478.
      One 25th man of militia to be drafted for eighteen months 82. General musters, twice a year 83. Courts martial 83. Fines on officer & soldiers 83. Disobedience how punishable 83. Misbehaviour in bye-standers and others 84. Officers refusing to march 84. Pay of scouts 85. Serjeant of Williamsburg the same power
to distrain as sheriffs 85. Drivers of waggons, in continental service exempted from militia duty 177. Militia ordered to relief of South Carolina 214. Militia embodied for relief of 214. Place of rendezvous 222. How organized 222. Discretionary powers given to the general 222. Pay, rations,&c. of the militia called into service 223. Troop of cavalry, how formed 223. Horses, how furnished 224. Waggons provided 224. Pay for waggons 224. Bounty 224. Money advanced 224. Officers to allot the militia for service 225. Fines on officers and privates for various delinquencies 225. −− Refusing to march 225. Mutiny and desertion 225. Provision for families of poor persons called into service 225. Governor or commanding general to direct the rendezvous of the militia ordered to the relief of South Carolina 229. One 15th man of the militia to be furnished for the continental army 258. Militia to be laid off into divisions and each division to recruit a man 258. If not recruited in 30 days to be drafted 259. Term of service 259. Substitutes admitted 259. −− Bounty 260. A division or draft producing a deserter relieved from service 261. Act exempting millers and persons employed in iron works (except for the public) from militia duty repealed 262. −−





No two inspectors of tobacco at the same warehouse to perform militia duty at the same time 276. The one to perform, to be decided by lot 276. Militia of certain counties called out for defence of eastern frontier 296. Governor and council empowered to call out militia and appoint officers of experience 310: −− To march the militia out of the state 310: Rendezvous of militia 313. Subject to continental articles of war 314. −− To be tried by militia officers only 314. Quakers & menonists, on what terms exempted 314: Person enlisting a soldier for the war exempted from all further drafts or militia duty 337: Tax on militia in actual service suspended 395: Act for ascertaining number of militia in the state 396: Returns of strength of militia to be forthwith made 396: Penalty on officers for neglect 396: Artificers employed at iron works exempted from militia duty 397: Act continued 425, 444: Governor and council may order out particular officers to command the militia 414: Persons opposing the laws for calling out military force, declared civilly dead 414: Militia in actual service subject to articles of war 416: − Failing to appear at rendezvous when ordered to march, or find a substitute, declared a regular soldier for 6 months 417: Rules as to substitutes 417:
Quakers or menonists not compelled personally to serve, but a substitute provided at expense of society 417: Penalty on militia deserting 418: Militia officers, how arrested and tried 419: Pay of militia, when in actual service 419: Their certificates receivable in taxes 419: Death to counterfeit them 420: Tour of duty, what 420: Further encouragement to apprehend deserters 420: Courts to nominate militia officers without regard to seniority 420: −− Fines encreased 421: New draft of militia, in what cases 421: Pay of militia heretofore called into service, how regulated 483:
      Act exempting millers and persons employed at iron works (except for the public) repealed 262.
      Reservations of royal mines, in grants, abolished 64:
      Salaries of ministers of church of England further suspended 111: All acts providing salaries for ministers repealed 197: Vestries authorised to levy and make assessments for salaries in arrear, for complying with legal engagements, and for providing for parish poor 198:
      See Tories.
      Certain crimes injurious to the independence of America, but less than treason, declared misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment 268, 269:


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