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      Co-operation from land and naval force from France expected 257. Provision for recruiting the continental army, in consequence thereof 257. Deserters from army or navy of our allies, how apprehended 267.
      Town of Fredericksburg incorporated 439. Officers, how elected 439. Designation of officers 440. Style of corporation 440. Corporate powers 440. Officers, how qualified 440. Limitation of office of mayor 440. Territorial limits of jurisdiction 440. Judicial and ministerial powers 441. Civil jurisdiction 441. Powers of corporation to erect public buildings, to pass by-laws, to assess taxes 441. Market days 441. −− Penalties for refusing to execute office 442. Officers, how removed for misconduct 442. Vacancies, how supplied 442. Common council, how convened 442. Property heretofore vested in trustees, particularly the donation of Archibald M'Pherson, transferred to the corporation 442.
      Regiment for defence of western frontiers 215. Act for putting eastern frontier in a posture of defence 296. Further act for defence of eastern frontiers 379. Regiment under col. George Rogers Clarke to be completed for defence of western frontiers 389.
      From justice in other states, how apprehended in this and delivered up 130.
      Two gallies to be built, of the same construction as those at Philadelphia, by order of congress 385.
      Contracts to pay money, &c. won by gaming void 205. −− Conveyances to secure money, &. so won, enure to the benefit of the loser's heir 205. −− Penalties on those who play at games or wagers 205. Penalty on tavern keepers permitting gaming at their houses 206. Power of justices of the peace to bind gamesters to their behaviour 206. Lotteries and raffling prohibited 206. Charge to grand juries 207.
      When to sit at Richmond 89. −− Salary of judges 118. Fees of clerk 127. Act appointing place for holding general court further continued 128. General court to sit at Richmond 152. To have direction of public jail, and make allowances to keeper 156. −− Sheriff of Henrico to summon a grand jury for general court 228. Salary of judges rated in tobacco 277. A jury to estimate the value of the tobacco in money 277. Allowance to clerk of general court for ex officio services 378. Grand juror dying or taken sick, after sworn, so that he cannot





attend, his place may be supplied by a by-stander 401. −− One judge or more of general court may adjourn 402. Provision in case of the grand juror being taken sick during the present term 402. Governor empowered to rent a house for confining certain prisoners 402. One judge of general court may qualify the auditors of public accounts 402. Special courts may be constituted by governor and council, with same powers as general court, as to criminal matters 415. No discontinuance of general court or its proceedings in consequence of a failure to hold a term 421. Terms of, altered 455. Salary of judges, in specie 493.
      Citizens of South Carolina and Georgia authorised to remove their slaves into this state 307. How long to remain, & under what circumstances they may be sold 307.
      Vestry of Russell parish, in county of Bedford, authorised to sell their glebe 109. Glebe of parish of St. Anne, in Albemarle to be sold, and money divided between parishes of St. Anne and Fluvanna 112. Glebe of Drysdale in Caroline and King & Queen counties to be sold, and money divided between parishes of Drysdale and St. Asaph, in proportion to the value of the two churches 210. So
much of the last act as directs a valuation of the churches repealed 213.
      Christopher Godwin re-vested of his house, &c. in Nansemond, leased to John Hamilton, who had joined the enemy 207.
      So much of an act as imposes a penalty for asking more for any article, in paper money, than in gold or silver, repealed 125. What proportion of land tax payable in gold or silver 508.
      Justices may bind gamblers to the good behaviour 206.
      Sale of perishable goods, when ordered in court of admiralty 109. Sale of goods condemned, in what cases ordered 101. Duty on goods imported 511. Various regulations for collection of duties 511, 512.
      Seat of government removed to Richmond 85. Ground appropriated for public buildings 86. Capitol for the general assembly 86. Halls of justice for the courts 86. −− House for executive boards 86. Governor's house 86. Directors of public buildings 86. Land, how acquired and paid for 87. Richmond to be enlarged 88. Temporary houses to be provided 88. −− Jail of Henrico to be enlarged 88. Proviso as to contracts





and expenditures 89. When the courts and general assembly to sit at Richmond 89.
      See Executive.
      House for governor, to be erected at seat of government, in Richmond, 86: Governor and council authorised to lay embargoes, 105, 140, 306: −− Acts giving certain powers to governor and council further continued 106: Act empowering governor and council to superintend and regulate the public jail further continued 106: Act to enable the governor and council to supply the armies and navies of the United States, and their allies, with grain and flour, further continued 107, 142: −− Salary of governor 118, 219. Acts giving further powers to governor and council further continued 141: Governor and others indemnified for acting under a resolution prohibiting the exportation of salt 150. Salary of governor rated in tobacco 278. −− Value of tobacco estimated by grand jury 278. Extraordinary powers given to the governor and council 309: −− Power to call out militia and appoint officers of experience 310: To march the militia out of the state 310: Governor and council authorised to confine or remove disaffected persons 310: In case of invasion or insurrection, those who assist the enemy subject to martial law 310: Sentence
not to be carried into execution, until approved by the governor and council 311: −− Articles of war to be published 311: Powers of governor and council as to a supply of provisions extended 312: −− Governor and council authorised to establish a press, with an able editor, firmly attached to the independence of the United States 313: −− Act giving further powers to the governor and council, revived and continued 386: −− Empowered to call out military force to suppress mutiny, or resistance to the laws for recruiting this states quota for the continental army 387: May constitute special courts for trial of treasons, &c.; in case of invasion or insurrection 387: Governor & council may by proclamation change the time and place of holding courts 407: Extensive powers of governor and council in calling out the forces and resources of the state 413: To impress property 413: To order out particular officers 414: To apprehend disaffected persons, who are denied bail, mainprize or habeas corpus 414: −− To send such persons within the enemy's lines 414: To banish others 414: Felony without clergy to return from banishment 414: Persons opposing the laws for calling out military force, declared civilly dead 414: Special courts may be constituted by





governor and council, with same powers as general court, as to criminal matters 415, 460: May discontinue state quarter masters and commissaries, and transfer their powers to continental staff 415: Rules in impressments under this act 416: Governor & council authorised to fix the value of provisions impressed for the use of the army 437. Act empowering governor and council to lay embargoes repealed 443. Governor and council authorised to fit out a naval force of four gallies 458. Governor Nelson indemnified 478. Salary of governor, in specie 493.
      An act to enable governor and council to supply armies and navies of United States and their allies with grain and flour further continued 107, 142, 426. Act prohibiting distillation of spirits from corn, wheat, rye, and other grain repealed 112. Poll-tax, payable in grain 490.
      At general court to estimate price of tobacco payable to members of general assembly 30, 104. To be charged on the act concerning ordinaries &c. 145. Act to suppress gaming to be given in charge to grand juries 207. Sheriff of Henrico to summon a grand jury for the general court 228. Grand jury to fix the value of tobacco salaries and
fees, in money 274, 278. −− Grand juror dying or taken sick, after sworn, so that he cannot attend, his place may be supplied by a by-stander 401. Provision in case of the grand juror taken sick during the present term of the general court 402. Grand jury to settle value of salaries of officers of government 433. Valuation of tobacco fees, by grand jury, repealed 489.
      Under what rights, and in what manner grants shall be made for lands surveyed previous to the establishment of the commonwealth's land office 37. Form of grant or patent 60. How executed and recorded 61. Grants to heirs & assignees 61. Inclusive patents how obtained 63. Quit-rents and reservations in the royal grants abolished 64. −− Grants for escheated lands, how obtained 68. The issuing of grants suspended 422. Tax on patents for land, exceeding 1400 acres, except bounties to officers 510.
      Certain lots of William Grayson, severed from the town of Dumfries 102.
      Punishment of those asserting that the United States ought to be dependent on the crown or parliament of Great Britain 268. Or acknowledging their sovereignty, or himself a subject 269.





      County court of Greenbrier authorised to have a waggon road opened from their court house to the eastern waters 367. Act suspended 444.
      County, formed out of Brunswick 363. Boundaries 363. Court days 363.
      Suspended as to disaffected persons confined by order of the executive 414.
      Half-pay, for life, promised to generals, field officer, captains, subalterns, chaplains, physicians, surgeons, and surgeons' mates 25. Half-pay to widows and children of officers dying in service 374. −− Officers to have half-pay for life 374.
      For superior courts, to be erected in Richmond 86. Land, how acquired and paid for 86.
      The court house in Hampton being occupied by the troops of our allies as a hospital, the justices of Elizabeth City county authorised to hold their courts at any other place in the county 495.
      Act concerning escheats & forfeitures from British subjects suspended, as to lands in Henry and Amherst conveyed by John Harmer to Walter King Cole and George Harmer 300. Slaves sold as
the escheated property of John Harmer, and purchased by the public, restored to George Harmer 371.
      Town of Harrisonburg in Rockingham county established 293.
      Hemp receivable in taxes, & at what rate 245, 508. Treasurer authorised to borrow money, tobacco, hemp, or flour 481. Interest, 6 per cent on commodities, and 100 for 900 on money 481. Receipts receivable in taxes 482. Hemp receivable in taxes 508. −− Warehouses for, where established 508.
      Jail of Henrico to be enlarged 88. Sheriff of Henrico to summon a grand jury for general court 228.
      When to sit at Richmond 89. Salary of judges of 118. Act appointing place for holding high court of chancery, and empowering it to appoint serjeant at arms further continued 128. High court of chancery to sit at Richmond 152. Salary of judges rated in tobacco 277. A jury to estimate the value of the tobacco in money 277. Terms of, altered 455. Salary of judges, in specie 493.
      See Roads.
      Horses belonging to this state, or United States, how recovered





from those who have the unlawful possession 218. For cavalry ordered to relief of South Carolina, how furnished 224. Waggons and horses for the southern army, how procured 482. How recoverable 482. Waggons and teams, how disposed of 483. Governor and council authorised to appoint persons to purchase waggon horses 483. Tax on horse, in specie 504.
      Hospital for seamen established by a duty on seamen 385. −− Where situated 386.
      Act providing for support of idiots and lunatics further continued 204, 424. Further allowance for support of patients 204.
      Act establishing county of Ilinois further continued 303. Accounts of Ilinois department to be settled by auditors 388.
      Importation rights, for lands, recognized in the land law 35, 37. How grants for, obtained 37.
      Provisions for use of the army procured by purchase or impressment 233. In what cases doors may be broken 235. −− Waggons procured by impressment 335. Impressment of seamen authorised under certain restrictions 380.
Governor and council may authorise impressments for the use of the army 413. Rules in impressments 416. County courts to receive claims for property impressed for the use of the army 468. No claim for property impressed to be allowed, unless passed by the court, and certified to the general assembly 469. −− Except as to certain provision certificates 469. All impresses prohibited, except by warrant from the executive, or by sheriffs bringing criminals to jail 496. Proceedings on illegal impresses 496.
      Method of rectifying mistakes in bounds, and obtaining inclusive patents 63.
      Indemnification of governor & others for acting under a resolution prohibiting the exportation of salt 150. William Campbell, Walter Crockett and others indemnified for suppressing a conspiracy and insurrection 195. Governor Nelson indemnified, for acts of his administration without his council, resulting from necessity 478.
      Consuls from such states as acknowledge the independence of America how received; deemed subjects or citizens of the states by whom appointed; guilty of crimes against this state shall be remanded to their sovereigns for punishment 202. Their powers 202.





In execution thereof, how to be aided 203. Crimes injurious to the independence of America, but less than treason, defined and punished 268.
      Tax, payable in Indian corn 490.
      Exclusive right of commonwealth to purchase land of Indians asserted 97.
      State infantry reduced 215.
      Injunctions to inquisitions of escheat, how and for what causes obtained 155.
      How to be taken by escheators 116. Remedy in case of inconsistent or untrue inquests 117.
      How allowed to sheriffs, in collection of taxes 507.
      Of tobacco, their fees 76. Their books to be always open 76. To give receipts for tobacco passed, without any exception against losses 76. Inspectors not to deal in tobacco 76. To find hands 76: −− Fees for turning up tobacco 76. Refused tobacco may be picked 77. When inspectors to account for tobacco remaining, and how such to be sold 77. Inspection fees 78. Salaries and allowances of inspectors encreased 180. One of the members of the board of war to be inspector
of military stores and provisions 198. Salaries of inspectors of tobacco, rated in tobacco 272. Inspector to give bond 274. Penalty for acting without 274. Grand jury to fix tobacco salaries and fees in money 274. Inspectors giving receipts for tobacco not passed, or dealing in tobacco, penalty for 275. Remedy by proprietors against inspectors for rents 275. −− County of Elizabeth City, annually to recommend two inspectors 275. No two inspectors, at same warehouse, to perform militia duty at the same time 276. The one to perform, to be decided by lot 276. Salaries and allowances of inspectors of tobacco, at the different warehouses, payable in specie 475. May be recommended at any time 476. Inspectors of flour, how appointed 497. Their fees and oath 497.
      Instructions to delegates in congress, on the subject of having the yeas and nays published 545.
      Wm. Campbell, Walter Crockett and others indemnified for suppressing a conspiracy and insurrection 195. In case of insurrection, what persons subject to martial law 314. Governor and council may constitute special courts for trial of offenders 387.





      Corps of invalids, for guards & garrison duty, established 348.
      In case of invasion or insurrection, those who act as guides or spies, or give intelligence to the enemy, or assist them, &c. subject to martial law 310. Governor and council may constitute special courts for trial of offenders 387.
      Act exempting millers and persons employed at iron works (except for the public) repealed 262. Artificers employed at iron works exempt from militia duty 397. Act continued 425, 444.
      Jail of Henrico to be enlarged and used as public jail 88. −− Governor authorised to rent a temporary jail, the prison in Richmond being too small 402.
      Public lands in James city, and on the eastern shore, & capitol and palace in Williamsburg to be sold, in the event that taxes prove unproductive 285. Justices of James city authorised to hold their courts any where in the county during the prevalence of the small-pox in Williamsburg 458.
      Formed from Kentucky 315. −− Boundaries 315. Court days 315.
      Resolution approbatory of the
conduct of Thomas Jefferson, esq. while governor of Virginia 568. Communication from governor Jefferson to the general assembly of Virginia 570.
      Of what judges court of appeals constituted 90. Precedence of judges 90. Oaths of judges 90. Judges of admiralty, their number, appointment, oath, and penalty for acting without oath 98, 99. Present judges confirmed in office 101. Salary of judges 118, 219, 493. Judges of superior courts authorised to make allowance to their officers 118. Of general court to have direction of public jail, & make allowances to keeper 156. −− Salaries of judges of high court of chancery, general court, and admiralty rated in tobacco 277. A jury to estimate the value of the tobacco in money 277. Judges may adjourn their courts if they think they cannot sit with safety 408. Salary of judges, payable in specie 493.
      Judgments destroyed, by the enemy, in office of county courts attested copies to be again recorded 453. How far evidence 453.
      Of court appeals 90. Of court of admiralty 98. Of a single magistrate encreased 352.


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