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      To be furnished to judges of court of appeals 525.
      See Army.
      State troops transferred to continental establishment 338. Entitled to same pay and emoluments as those in continental service 338.
      Of England, prior to 4 James I. adopted 127.
      Public storehouses established at Cave's warehouse, at the head of Potowmack creek, for the reception of naval stores 235. Land vested in commonwealth 236.
      Vestry of Stratton Major, in King & Queen, dissolved 317.
      Right of, how exercised during the interregnum 54. Special privilege in Fincastle and district of West Augusta 58. For members to generel assembly, under the constitution 114, 115. qualifications of electors in Kentucky, Washington and Montgomery counties, which were formed out of Fincastle 260. So, as to Ohio, Yohogania, and Monongalia, which were formed out of the district of West Augusta 264.
      Suspended against militia, while in service 294. by British subjects suspended 380. Transferred from old general court to high court of chancery 396. To new general court 402.
      Premium for 72. To be at disposal of committee of safety 94.
      Process against governor, councillor, and sheriff 403.
      How obtained, in general court 412, 413. Judgment on reversal 413. From court of appeals 524.
      How appointed 10, 18, 79. Their pay 14, 23, 82.
      How appointed 10, 18, 79. Their pay 14, 23, 82.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Various regulations concerning 250−256.
      New taxes imposed on carriages 65. On tithables 65. Land-tax 65. Lists of taxable property, when given in 65. Taxes to be collected, tho' lists not given in 66. Land-holders in Fincastle and West Augusta to pay, tho' no patents obtained 66. Taxes, how collected and distrained for 66. When payable into the treasury 66. Taxes on ordinary licences, marriage licences, law process &c. 66. Sheriffs to give bond 67. Remedy, by motion against sheriffs 67. Additional poll-tax 144. Additional land-tax, whether patented, or in Fincastle and West Augusta unpatented 144. Taxes, how collected 144. New taxes on carriages, tithables and lands 220.





Lists of taxable property, when and how given in 220. Effect of failure 220. Landholders of certain counties, entitled to vote at elections, to pay a land tax for lands unpatented 221. Remedy by distress 221. Taxes on ordinary and marriage licences 221. Law process 221. Sheriff to give bond 222. Remedy by motion against sheriffs 222. Taxes reduced, and collection postponed 225. Taxes on various articles 349. Double tax on those refusing to take the oath of allegiance 351. Certain property exempted from taxes 351. Commissioners of tax, how appointed 351. Their oath and duty 352. To appoint assessors 352. Oath & duty of assessors 353. Subjects of taxation 353. Silver plate restraint in the valuation 355. Settlements on the western waters, subject to taxation 355. Settlement rights 356. Land-tax proportioned between landlord and tenant 356. If paid wholly by tenant, he may deduct landlord's proportion out of the rent 357. Appeal from assessors to commissioners 357. Sheriffs to give bond 357. On failure courts to appoint collectors 358. Copy of bond evidence 358. Lists in order for collection, when to be delivered by commissioner 358. Distress & sale when and how 358. Land tax due by proprietors residing out of the county 358. Quitrents abolished, except in the Northern Neck 359. Deduction allowed in land tax,
to the amount of quitrents payable in Northern Neck 359. Such deductions to be certified to the sheriff of Frederick and levied on proprietor 359. Arrears of quitrents how collected from sheriffs, & others 359. Duty of late auditor and receiver general to furnish lists 360. Lands on Western waters not subject to payments of arrears of quit rents 360. Late receiver general to pay over funds in his hands to treasurer 360. Lord Fairfax to furnish commissioners with rent roll 361. Sheriffs to account with commissioners of tax 361. Duty on tobacco exported 361. Naval officers and clerks when to account with treasurer 362. Penalty for failing to account 362. For accounting and failing to pay 362. When sheriff to account with commissioners of tax 362. Penalty for neglect 362. For accounting with commissioners and failing to pay to treasurer 363. Motion against, trial, evidence, judgment 363. Penalty on sheriff failing in his duty respecting the election of commissioners, and on commissioners refusing to serve 363. Commissioners and assessors vacancies in offices of, how supplied 363. Penalty on assessor refusing to act and his reward for acting 364. Penalties for various offences 364. How recovered and appropriated 365. Waste lands, when liable to assessment 365. Repeal of former taxes 365. Appropriation





of taxes 365. Treasurer to keep distinct accounts of the several taxes &c. 366. Empowered to borrow on certain terms 366. Repayment when 366. Forging or counterfeiting certificates how punishable 366. Treasury notes or paper money may be emitted 367. Time of redemption 367. Punishment for counterfeiting 367. Tax on process, in high court of chancery 399. In the general court 418. Additional taxes and subjects of taxation 548. Commissioners and assessors to meet and confer together, and adopt some general mode of valuation 549. Number of assessors limited 549. Commissioners to fix compensation for extraordinary trouble of assessors 549. How books of commissioners and assessors to be made out 550.
      See Taxes.
      Taxes on land between landlords and tenants proportioned 356. If paid wholly by tenant may be dedueted out of rent 356.
      Paper money a lawful tender 747, 224, 288, 298. Tender and refusal an extinguishment of the interest 298. How tender may be made in certain cases 298.
      Certain lands of the estate of John Thornton, and Judith Banks, vested in trustees, to be sold, and the monies laid
out in the purchase of other lands 573.
      To general court 403. To court of appeals 524.
      Lists of, how taken 166. Penalty on justices, owners and overseers in relation thereto 166. Tax on 220. Public levy on tithables 369.
      Tobacco debts, how discharged, during the discontinuance of the inspection laws 96. Quality of tobacco rendered in payment to be determined by neighbours 97. Payment of reuts and levies to be made on plantation of debtors 97. Salaries of ministers, not compounded for in money, to be paid in tobacco at his house 97. Additional allowance to collectors 97. County courts and vestries to appoint certain places, at which all levies in tobacco are to be paid 133. Temporary revival of inspections of tobacco, during the war 153. Various regulations concerning, chiefly extracted from former laws 153−164. No tobacco to be exported to Great Britain, or its dominions 164. Late duty on tobacco exported to cease 162. Tobacco burnt or destroyed by floods, while under the care of the inspectors, the owner to bear the loss 162. Ordinance regulating tobacco payments repealed 163. Act concerning, amended 331. Transfer, when to be accounted for, and how sold 331. Inspectors





to account for tobacco saved 331. Currency of certain notes 331. Landing at Bray's removed 332. Other warehouses established 331. Additional rent for tobacco remaining over twelve months 333. Tobacco stolen without default of inspectors, owner to bear the loss 333. Penalty on masters of vessels, on board of which tobacco is bound in parcels 333. Inspection fee to be paid at passing the tobacco 333. New duty on tobacco exported 361. Tobacco fees payable in money, at 12s. 6d. per hundred 369. Warehouses established at South Quay, and Hobb's Hole 400. Tobacco for exportation to be first inspected at warehouse 482. No tobacco to be taken on board vessels, unless in hogsheads and inspected 482. Oath required of master of vessel 483. Penalty on master of vessel, for breach of this act 483. Penalty on others, not servants or slaves 484. Penalty on servants or others for taking on board tobacco in parccls 484. Exceptions 485. further exceptions 485. Privilege of inhabitants of Fleet's Bay and Warrasqueak 485. Manifests 486. Felony to put on shore tobacco carrying to warehouse, or open hogshead, and take tobacco thereout 486. Exceptions 486. Damaged tobacco how managed 487. Light hogsheads, when delivered out 487. Warehouses at what places 487. Rents of warehouses 489.
Expenses of wharves & new warehouses, how reimbursed 489. Warehouses already built, how rented 490. New ones, how erected 490. Proceedings thereon 490. Tenure of new warehouses 491. Tenure of warehouses already built 491. Inspectors to report to court, condition of warehouses 491. Proceeding thereon 492. Penalty on county courts for failure of duty 493. Restrictions, as to houses, orchards, &c. 493. Inspectors not to keep hogs at warehouse 493. How lands revested in the proprietor 493. How he may lose it, by failing to build 493. Waste or destruction in warehouses, proceedings on 494. Scales & weights 494. Inspectors, how appointed 495. Additional inspector 496. Penalty on inspectors accepting reward for resigning 496. Justice, an inspector, not to vote in nomination 496. Inspectors in office, may act without new commissions 496. Inspectors to take inventory of tobacco on hand 497. Bond and security by inspectors 497. Their oath 497. Inspectors, when to attend 498. Further duties of inspectors 498. Hands to be kept by inspectors 499. Refused tobacco picked or burnt 499. Pickers, how appointed 500. Compensation and duty 500. How removed 500. Transfer receipts, form of 501. Currency of such receipts 501. Allowance 502. Weight of hogsheads 502. Fees for inspecting





prizing, and nails 502. Allowance for shrinkage 502. Remedy against inspectors failing to deliver tobacco 503. Tobacco, how to be given 502. Inspection fees 503. Penalty for changing tobacco 503. Pickers, how paid 504. How tobacco to be prized 504. Size of hogshead 504. Penalty on inspectors for delivering tobacco without order 504. On receipts for tobacco not passed 505. Transfer, how converted into crop tobacco 505. Transfer tobacco, when to be sold 505. When inspectors to account with treasurer 506. Inspectors to deliver treasurer account of tobacco shipped 506. Duty of justices in preventing exportation of tobacco not inspected 507. Tobacco undemanded, in warehouses, how disposed of 508. Inspectors ineligible to general assembly 508. Not to interfere in elections 509. Not to deal in tobacco 509. Inspectors not to receive any fee or reward, except allowed by law 509. Penalty for giving receipts for tobacco not received 510. Salaries of inspectors 510. Power of justices to detect misconduct in inspectors 511. Inspectors, how removed from office 512. Levies and officers fees, how & when payable 512. Currency of notes 512. Levies and officers fees, when payable 514. Distress for 514. When sheriffs to account for and pay 514. If warehouses burnt, loss repaid by general assembly 514.
Inspectors indemnified 514. Provided receipts be not of older date than 12 months 515. Proprietors not to use warehouses 515. Penalty for making fires near warehouses 515. Or building wooden chimnies near 515. Books, how kept by inspectors of tobacco shipped 515. Manifests 516. To forge, counterfet, or alter tobacco notes, felony, without clergy 516. Certain other offences felony 517. Lost notes, how restored 517. New inspectors to give receipts to their predecessors 517. Owners of light tobacco entitled to free use of prizes 518. Inspectors not to convert draughts to their own use 519. Book of inspectors 519. Inspectors to give receipts for tobacco when brought in 519. Penalties, how recovered and appropriated 519. Special bail required 520. Tobacco, at inspections discontinued, how disposed of 520. Limitation of this act 521. Tobacco exported to French West India islands exempted from duty 551.
      Justices of Southampton authorised to erect toll bridges over Nottoway river 586. Tolls 587. Remedy for exceeding legal 587. Tolls how appropriated 587.
      See Enemies.
      Ordinance for establishing a mode of punishment for the enemies to America in this colony 101−106. Amended 130.





Act for the punishment of certain offences 170.
====== The perpetrators of the offences enumerated in these or- ordinances, and acts are not, in terms, called tories, but it is well known to have been the popular epithet bestowed on all such characters.
Town of Patesfield, in Isle of Wight, established under the Act for Ports, &c. being partially abandoned, lots undisposed of vested in trustees to be sold 240. Proceeds to be paid to county of Isle of Wight 240. Town of Bath at Warm Springs, in Berkeley established 247. Warm Springs, except one, vested in trustees 248. Lots how sold conveyed and improved 247. Effect of failure to improve 249. Swine not to run at large 249. Town of Scottville established at Powhatan courthouse 323. Lots how disposed of 324. Town of Effingham established at Cumberland courthouse 324. Lexington established at Rockbridge courthouse 422. Moorefield, in Hampshire county established 425. Lots how disposed of 425. Conditions 425. Power of trustees 425. Privileges of inhabitants 426. Forfeiture for not building 426. Further time allowed purchasers of lots, in town of Bath, to build thereon 460. Town of Abingdon, in Washington county established 555. Lots, how disposed of 555. Conditions 556. Power of trustees as to boundaries &c. 556.
Privileges of inhabitants 556. Lots forfeited by failure to improve 556. Power of trustees to prevent trespasses on the streets &c. 557. Vacancies in trustees of unincorporated towns, how supplied 560. Martinsburg, in Berkeley county established 569.
      Treason defined 168. Evidence, punishment 168. Dower saved 168. Dower saved 168. No corruption of blood 168. Pardon only by general assembly 168.
      See Loan Office.
      To give bond 70. In what sum 70. Vacancy in office of treasurer, how supplied 71. How appointed, under the constitution 118. Resignation of Robert Carter Nicholas esqr. recited, and his faithful discharge of his duties as treasurer 199. Treasurer appointed, pursuant to the constitution; his powerr and duties 199. His salary 199. Vacancy in office how supplied 200. His bond 200. Oath of treasurer 200. Accounts, how kept 200. Penalty for misapplication of public money 201. Accounts, how examined 201. Treasurer to receive all the funds in the hands of the late receiver general 360. His duty to keep distinct accounts of taxes &c. 366. Salary of treasurer encreased 435, 521. Treasurer established judge of forged or counterfeited paper money or certificates, and autborised to deface them 544.





      See Paper Money.
      Treasury notes or paper money to be emitted 67. Death to counterfeit 69, 134, 148, 224. A further emission 145, 223. A lawful tender 147, 223. A further emission, in aid of the loan office 287. Forging or counterfeiting, how punishable 289, 367. A further emission authorised 367, 456, 480. Act more effectually to guard against counterfeits 341.
      Vacancies in trustees of towns not incorporated, how supplied 560.
      Value of property of Robert Tucker, in Norfolk, destroyed by order of convention, to be ascertained 466.
      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Various regulations concerning 250−256.
      Loan office established 283. Same remedy given to United States against public defaulters, as to this state 463. −− Treasurer authorised to pay this state's quota to congress, when demanded 550.
      Vagabonds, how dealt with 216. When they may be put on board the armed vessels 217. Or other labour 217. Wages, how applied 217.
      Public vendues prohibited 383. Exceptions 384.
      In criminal cases, how summoned 416. Their allowance 416. Fine for non-attendance 416. Their attendance to be entered 418.
      For court of oyer and terminer, how issued 307. For general court 416.
      No vessel to be deemed of the built of this commonwealth, until registered 190. Form of register 190. Transfer of vessel to be endorsed by naval officer, on the register 191. Fees for register 191.
      See Parishes.
      Lands and slaves, in York, purchased for a vineyard, under the direction of Andrew Estave, to be sold 239.
      Commissioners appointed to extend the boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina 561. Report of commissioners 562, note.
      How manned 196.
      Act to enable the officers, & encourage the soldiers of the Virginia line, to continue in the continental service 565. A present of six months pay 565. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices 566. Pensions to widows of officers and soldiers who are slain, or die in the service 566. This act, as to pay and groceries, in part suspended 580.





      Disbanded, on completing battalions of minute men in their respective districts 24. Commissioners to settle their accounts 70. How certified and paid 71. Volunteers accepted, in lieu of militia 292. Volunteers encouraged, to avoid a draft for continental service 342. Encouragement to volunteers to join the army, under general Washington 345. Time of service, and organization 346. Volunteers to be raised to join the grand army 445. Various regulations concerning 445−449.
      Of delegates to congress 73, 299, 388. Wages of members of general assembly encreased 466. Travelling expenses 466. Wages encreased 558.
      Revolutionary. −− See Army.
      Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient force, for defence of colony 35−49. Commissioners appointed to settle accounts of militia, on an expedition against the Indians −− Their pay −− Provision for wounded officers and soldiers, also for paying the regulars and minute-men. −− New taxes imposed. −− Emission of paper money authorised 61−71. Ordinance providing arms & ammunition 71. For raising an additional number of forces 75−92. For augmenting 9th regiment of regulars; providing a force for defence of the frontiers; and raising six
troops of horse 135−138. Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient force for defence of colony, amended 132−141. Certain defects in ordinance for raising six troops of horse, supplied 141. Six additional battalions, on continental establishment to be raised 179−184. Act making further provision for internal security and defence of the country. −− Fortifications. Three battalions for garrison duty. − Marines, when taken for garrisons. −− Virginia fleet. Said duck, how procured. −− Artillery company raised in Alexandria 192−198. Ordinance fixing stations of troops repealed 210. Term of enlistment of troops on continental establishment altered from during the war to three years 213. The same pay and bounty, except in land 214. Provision for defraying expenses of erecting fortifications 219−225. Act for more speedily completing the quota of troops in this state, for the continental army 275−280. Encouragement to militia to procure recruits 275. Apprentices and servants may be recruited 275. Drafts resorted to 276. Act to discourage desertion, &c. 289. Act for speedily recruiting the Virginia regiments on continental establishment, and for raising additional troops of volunteers 337. Governor and council and others indemnified for removing and confining suspected persons 373. Commissioners appointed to





investigate the rise and progress of disaffection near Fort Pitt 374. Clothing for troops provided by seizure of goods 375. Embargo laid on exportation of provisions, to enable the public contractors to obtain a supply for the army 385, 386. Governor authorised to send assistance to a sister state, on an invasion 428, 442, 477. Volunteers to join the grand army 445. Regiment of horse to be raised 449. Battalion of infantry for garrison duty 452. Act to enable the officers of the Virginia line, and to encourage the soldiers to continue in the continental service 565. A present of six months pay 566. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices 566. Pensions to widows of officers & soldiers who are slain, or die in the service 566. The last act as to pay and groceries, in part suspended 580. Agents commissioned to seize grain and flour for the armies and navies of the United States, & the French squadron 584. How doors of forestallers, engrossers & monopolisers may be broken, to seize grain and flour 584. Act for speedily recruiting the Virginia regiments on continental establishment 588.
      Temporary revival of several warehouses for reception of tobacco, during the war, 153. Public storehouses established at Cave's warehouse, at head of Potowmack creek,
for reception of naval stores 235. Landing at Bray's removed 331. Other warehouses established 331. Warehouses established at South Quay, and Hobb's Hole 400. Warehouses, under general inspection law 487. Rents of 489. How built 490. Tenure of 491. Inspectors to report to court condition of 491. How lands revested in proprietor 493. Waste or destruction in, proceedings on 494.
      Town of Bath, at Warm Springs in Berkeley county established 247.
      Forging or counterfeiting certain warrants and certificates, how punishable 302. Provision for wife and children out of estate of offender 303. Attainder no corruption of blood 303.
      Washington, Kentucky & Montgomery counties formed out of Fincastle, which became extinct 257. Boundaries 257. Court days 258. Qualifications of electors 260. Boundaries between counties of Montgomery & Washington altered 330. Court day of, altered 430. Vestries of Hanover & Washington, in counties of King George & Westmoreland dissolved 526. Part of Hanover parish added to Washington, and part of Washington to Hanover 526. Glebe of Washington to be sold 526.
      Special qualifications of electors in 58, 114.





Land holders in, to pay taxes, tho' no patents obtained 66, 144. Boundary between county of Augusta & district of West Augusta ascertained 262. Counties of Ohio, Yohogania, and Monongalia formed out of district of West Augusta 262. Qualifications of electors to general assembly 264.
      Settlements on Western waters, subject to land tax 355. Settlements rights, what 356.
      Part of Westmoreland county added to King George, and part of King George to Westmoreland 432.
      Vestry of Westover parish, in Charles City, authorised to sell their land on which poor house is erected 228.
      Pensions to widows of officers and soldiers who have been slain or died in the service 345, 566, 589.
      Provision, for wives, children & aged parents of poor soldiers, while absent 279. For wives and children of persons convicted of forgery or counterfeiting certain warrants and certificates 303. So, for those whose husbands have died or been slain in the service 344. For wives and families of volunteers 449.
      Election of delegates, to convention for, during the interegnum, how conducted 55.
Deprived of representation by operation of 5th article of constitution 55, 114. Professors & students, organized into a militia 313.
      Militia of, distinctly organized 33, 313. Minute companies in, how disposed of 140. Court martial to assess fines, instead of the court of Hustings 140. Militia officers in 313. Their oath 313. Subject to general militia laws 313. Court of Hustings, to take bond of their serjeant, for the collection of the taxes 468.
      Lands and slaves, in York, purchased for a vineyard, under the direction of Andrew Estave to be sold 239.
      How summoned to general court 410. Depositions, de bene esse 410. Single witness 410. Witnesses refusing to testify 411. Who may not be a witness 411. Witnesses failing to attend 411. Witnesses privileged from arrests 411. Their allowance 411. Three witnesses to one fact 412. In criminal cases, how summoned 416. Their attendance to be entered 418.
      Style & test of, under the constitution 118.
      Counties of Yohogania, Ohio, & Monongalia, formed out of the district of West Augusta 262. Boundaries 263. Court days 263. Qualification of electors to general assembly 264.



In Volume Ninth of Statutes at Large.

Page    23




line 13 from top, for "palces" read "places."
13 from top, for "necessary" read "necessity."
 2 from top, for "ommitted" read omitted."
 3 from top, for "the constitutional" read "a constitutional."
13 from bottom, for "convention" read "conventions."
 3 from top, last word, for "of" read "for."
13 from top, for "brigadiers-generals" read "brigadiers-general."
 7 from top, after "convention" insert "assembled."
 4 from top, between "with" and "consent" insert "the."
 6 for "An officer" read "Any officer."

 9 & 10 from bottom, dor "coltor" read "collector."
 5 from top, first word, for "of" read "for."
11 & 12 from bottom, for "civized" read "civilized."
20 from top, before the word "that" strike out "and."
11 from top, for "the" convention, read "this."
12 from top, insert "before" between "been" and "paid."
14 from bottom, for "name" read "named."
17 & 18 from bottom, for "ordinance" read "ordinances."
 5 from bottom, for "an act" read "any act."
13 from bottom, strike out the word "the" before "authority."
11 from bottom, for "in" the counties, read "for" the counties.
12 from top, for "clear" read "clean."
17 from bottom, for in "the right" read "in right."
 2 from top, for "person" read "persons."
14 from bottom, for "where" read "were"
20 from top, for "proportion" read "proportions."
top line, strike out the three first words, being a repetition.
first line of act, for "situations" read "situation."
12 from top, for "places" read "place."
11 from bottom, for "as the taxes" read "as of the taxes."
 2 from bottom, for tithable" read tithables."
    8 from top, for inflected" read "inflicted."
 4 from top, for "in" read "into."
10 from top, insert "the" between "or" and "pre-emption."
16 from top, for "enchancing" read "enhancing."

18 from top, for "unvoidable" read "unavoidable."
 8 from bottom, for "sign" read "signed."
17 from top, for "discharge" read "discharged."
 2 from top, in the title, for "Nattaway" read "Nottoway."
14 from top, insert "the" between "of" and "brigade."
14 from top, insert "said" between "the" and "king."
 3 from bottom, insert "may" between "many" & "refuse."
17 from top, for "and" read "or" between "August" and "September."
Top line, for "neither" read "either."
3 from top, for "offices" read "office."

In the title, for "in" the county, read "of" the county.
22 from top, for "so affect" read "to affect."


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