Pages 629-638  ======   ======  Pages 647-657  





      See Pork, Beef, &c.
      Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Various regulations concerning 250−256.
      Pittsylvania county divided and Henry formed 241. Boundaries 241. Court days 241. Court houses of Pittsylvania and Henry fixed 242. Court day of Pittsylvania altered 580.
      Tax on tithables 65. Additional tax 144, 220.
      Commissioners of tax, in Botetourt parish, to provide for the poor, there being no vestry 527.
Commissioners to ascertain losses sustained by burning houses at Portsmouth, by troops of this commonwealth 428. Vestry of Portsmouth parish, in Norfolk county, dissolved 526.
Inspectors of, how appointed 250. Barrels, how stamped 251. Penalty for neglect 251. Casks for flour, how branded 251. Flour of what quality, and how packed 252. Penalty 252. Tare of casks 252. Penalty for false 252. Review 252. Manifests 252. Flour, in carriage 252. Search for unlawfully shipped 252. Penalty 253. Weights and measures, when adjusted 253. Millers not to be inspectors 253. Nor deal in flour 253.
Penalty for altering or counterfeiting brand 253. Size & quality of barrels of pork and beef 253. Of tar, pitch, and turpentine 253. Oath of exporters of flour 254. Contents of barrels 254. Penalties, how recoverable 254. Appeal allowed 254. Oath of seller or exporter 255. Penalty for false oath 255. Duty of naval officers 255. Shipped unlawfully, may be seized 255. Duty of coopers 256. Penalty for neglect 256. Penalties, how recovered and appropriated 256.
      Public storehouses established, at Cave's warehouse, at head of Potowmack creek, for reception of naval stores 235. Land vested in commonwealth 236.
      Powhatan county formed from Cumberland 322. Boundaries 322. Court days 323. Town of Scottville established at Powhatan courthouse 323. Lots how disposed of 324.
      Rules of practice, in high court of chancery 391−394. In the general court 408, 409.
      By grand juries, how made 417. Process on presentments 417.
      To be annually chosen 116. When to act as lieutenant-governor 116. In his absence and that of the governor, the eldest privy councillor to act as lieutenant-governor 212.





      Late sheriff of, authorised to hold an election for delegates, notwithstanding his sheriffalty has expired 230.
      Place for holding courts, in Princess Anne county, removed to Kemp's landing 577.
      Governor and council authorised to direct allowances to prisoners confined in the public jail 478.
      How chosen under the constitution 116. Their duty 116. Continuance in office 116. Their pay 116. Their oath 120. When oath to be taken by first members 120. In absence of governor and president of the council, the eldest privy councillor acts as lieutenant-governor 212. Process against a councillor 403. Salary of member of council encreased, and to be divided among those who attend, or shall be in Williamsburg ready to attend, but prevented by sickness 435, 521.
      Of non-resident femes covert, how made 208. Former acknowledgments confirmed 209.
      Effect of, from general court 413.
      Militia, called into service, exempted from civil process 294. From high court of chancery, rules for issuing and returning 380. From general court 403. Against governor, council,
and sheriffs 403. On presentments 417.
      After pluries, in general court 408.
      To court of admiralty, how qualified 203.
      Of Northern Neck, liable for amount of quitrents, credited in land-tax 359. His duty to furnish commissioners of tax, with rent roll 361.
      Embargo, on exportation of pork, beef, and bacon 385. Provisions purchased by any person more than sufficient for the consumption of his family, may be seized, for the use of the army 386. Governor and council empowered to lay an embargo, on exportation of provisions 530. May permit exportation to inhabitants of U. States in real distress 532. Further punishment of forestallers and engrossers 581. Provisions bought to sell again liable to seizure 582. Punishment of those pretending to be agents of the United States, in purchasing provision, in order to evade the law 582.
      To court martial, his appointment 272.
      Summary remedy against, by motion 300. Public contractors, summary proceedings against, in behalf of the commonwealth 300. Remedy in behalf of contractors against





others 301. Same remedy given to United States as to this state 462.
      Governor and council authorised to superintend the public jail, and direct allowances to prisoners, and compensation to keeper 478.
      Keeper of public jail, his duty, allowance and privilege 418. Governor and council may direct compensation 478.
      Exempted from militia duty 34. To be enrolled, but not obliged to attend musters 139. Quakers and menonists drafted, exempted from personal service, but substitutes to be provided by an equitable assessment on the whole society 345.
      To enure to the commonwealth 127. Quitrents abolished, except in the Northern Neck 359. Deduction allowed in land-tax, to the amount of quitrents there payable 359. such deductions to be certified to sheriff of Frederick, and levied on Proprietor 359. Arrears of quitrents, how collected from sheriffs and others 359. Lands on Western Waters not subject to payment of arrears of quitrents 360.
      How appointed 10, 18, 79. Their pay 14, 23, 82. In the militia, when called out 296.
      How appointed 79. Their pay 82.
      Act compelling overseers of mills on Rappidan river to make slopes for the passage of fish repealed 579.
      Duty of late receiver-general to furnish commissioners of tax, with balances due from sheriffs, for quitrents 359. To pay over all the funds in his hands to the treasurer of the commonwealth 360.
      Making up, in high court of chancery 395. In general court 410.
      Recusants, or those refusing to take the oath of allegiance to be disarmed 282.
      No vessel crossing the seas to be deemed the built of this commonwealth, until registered 190. Form of register 190. Transfer of vessel to be endorsed by naval officer, on the register 191. Fees for register 191. Register to court of admiralty, how appointed 203. His fees 206.
      Who deemed a regrater 382. How punishable 383. Further definition and punishment 581, 582.
      See Army.
      Two regiments of regulars to be raised 9. Number, and officers 9. Staff 10. Officers, how appointed 10. Enlistments to be in districts 10. Commissions and rank of officers according to priority in completing





their companies 11. Vacancies in officers and privates, how supplied 11, 12. Terms of enlistment 12. Pay, when to commence 12. Who may not be enlisted 12. Arms, &c. how furnished 12. Riflemen 13. Medicines, &c. 13. Two companies for protection of western frontiers 13. Pay of officers and privates 14. Pay of staff 14. Tents 14. Pensions 14. Camp equipage, provision, &c. how furnished 14. Paymasters, their appointment and duty 15. Army subject to controul of committee of safety 15. Provision for paying regulars 64. Two former regiments augmented 75. Six additional regiments to be raised 76. Number, officers and staff 76. German regiment, where raised 76. Another regiment for Accomack and Northampton 76. Number, officers and staff 76, 77. Generals and staff to command the nine regiments 77. General officers appointed by congress, field officers by convention, captains and subalterns by county and district committees 77, 78. Officers may recruit in any part of the colony 78. County and district committee to appoint rendezvous, provide for reviewing recruits and grant certificates, in order for commissions 79. Regimental staff, how appointed 79. Vacancies in officers and soldiers, how supplied 80, 81. Terms of enlistment, and mode of discharge 81. Pay, when to
commence 81. Arms, &c. how furnished 81. Hire for arms, &c. furnished by soldiers 82. Clothing, how furnished 82. Additional rifle companies, & where raised 82. Pay of officers, soldiers and staff 82. Encouragement to enlist 91. Bounties 92. Exemption from personal taxes 91. Pensions promised 91. The 9th regiment to be augmented 135. Additional forces on continental establishment to be raised during the war 179. Altered to three years 213. Officers and soldiers of Virginia line encouraged to continue in continental service 565. A present of six months pay 566. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices 566. Pensions to widows of officers and soldiers, who are slain or die in the service 566.
      Toleration in matters of religion enjoined by the bill of rights 111, 112. All acts of parliament punishing religious opinions, &c. declared void 164. Dissenters exempted from levies for support of the church 164. Glebes, &c. saved to the parishes 165. Donations held sacred 165. Question between general assessment and voluntary contributions deferred 165. Act making provision for the clergy suspended 166.
      By the constitution 114. When a corporation's right shall cease 114.





      Of officers of militia, when called into service, how treated 293.
REVENUE−See Taxes.
      Act for revision of the laws 175. Committee, how appointed 177. Their powers 177. Vacancies, how supplied 177. Further powers 177. Bills to be passed by general assembly 177.
      Half an acre of his land vested in James Hunter, for the purposes of his iron works 305.
      In what counties to be raised 13. Additional rifle companies 82.
      Declaration of rights prefixed to the constitution of Virginia 110−112.
      May be committed, in taking paper money 303.
      Rockbridge county and parish formed out of Augusta and Botetourt 421.
      Rockingham county and parish formed out of Augusta 420. Boundaries 420. Court days 421.
      Commissioners appointed to establish a manufactory of sail duck 197. Appropriation 197.
      Act providing salaries for support of clergy of court of England suspended 166, 312, 387, 469, 578. Salary of treasurer 199. Of speakers of senate
and house of delegates 213. Of judges of admiralty 219. Of judges of high court of chancery 390. Of judges of general court 418. Salaries of governor, members of council, treasurer, attorney-general, and auditors encreased 435. Salary of clerk of high court of chancery 459. Of inspectors of tobacco 510. Salaries of governor, members of cooncil who attend or are in Williamsburg to attend, but prevented by sickness, treasurer, judges of the high court of chancery, and general court, attorney-general, auditors, and commissioners of the navy encreased 521.
      Salt works to be erected at the public expense 123. Duty of managers 123. Salt, how disposed of 124. Bounty upon salt to private adventurers 125. Lands for erection of salt works, how acquired 125. Power to former commissioners superseded 125. Premium to managers 125. Managers of salt works, in Elizabeth City, Gloucester, and Accomack, appointed 310. Their powers and duties 310. Managers in Isle of Wight, Nansemond, and Northumberland 310. Manager in York 311. Salt to be removed to place of safety 311. Compensation of managers 311. Premiums, to private adventurers for making salt 311. Salt, how distributed and at what price sold 311. Embargo





laid on salt 533. Penalty for attempting to export it 533. How salt engrossed may be seized and disposed of 533. Proviso 534. Penalties for refusing to execute the law 535. Provisions of this act extended to exportation of salt to Eastern Shore 535.
      Premium for 72. To be at disposal of committee of safety 94.
      How provided at warehouses 494.
      Town of Scottville established at Powhatan courthouse 323. Lots how disposed of 324.
      When appointed, on western frontier 294.
      Governor and council may issue commissions without a seal until one is provided 211.
      For Virginia fleet, how raised 196. Seamen classed 196. Their pay 197.
      How chosen, under the constitution 117. His oath 121.
      How formed, under the constitution 114. Number of members, their qualifications, by whom and how chosen 114. Their oath 120. Counties arranged into districts for choosing senators 128. Voters by whom to be summoned 129. Times of election 129. Sheriffs and clerks to compare polls, and return senators 130.
Wages and allowance of senators 130. Salary of speaker of senate and house of delegates 213.
      Settlements on Western Waters, subject to land tax 355. Settlement rights, what 356.
      Of British property 377. Of British debts 379.
      How appointed 10, 18, 79. Their pay 14, 23, 82.
      Fines incurred by, how paid 32, 271. Not to be enlisted, except apprentices 81. Oath of master of vessel to prevent carrying out of the state 187. Servants, how enlisted 275. Imported servants, or those obliged to serve to 31 years of age, not to be enlisted 592.
      Name of Dunmore county changed to Shanando, now called Shenandoah 424. Court days 424. Jurisdiction of court, & officers civil and military not affected by the change 424.
      See Mecklenburg.
      To give bond for collection of taxes 67, 222, 357. Remedy, by motion, against 67, 222. County courts to appoint sheriffs, during the interregnum, instead of recommending them to the governor 23. How appointed under the constitution 117. Sheriffs in office to act, until others can be recommended and qualified 169. Conveyances of lands by commissioners





and sheriffs, under judgments and decrees confirmed 210. Sheriffs to give bond for collection of taxes 357. On failure, courts to appoint collectors 358. Copy of bonds evidence 358. Sheriffs To account with commissioners of tax 361. When to account 362. Penalty for neglect 362. For accounting with commissioners, and failing to pay to treasurer 363. Motion against, trial, evidence, judgment 363. Penalty on sheriff failing in his duty respecting election of commissioners of tax 363. To give bond, for collection of levies 370. Process against sheriffs 403. Remedy against sheriff, as to bail 405. Sheriffs remedy against defendant 406. Their duty to collect fines 419. penalties of sheriffs' bonds encreased 468. When sheriffs to account for, and pay levies and officers fees 514. Sheriffs, when required by churchwardens, to collect and account for parish levies, in the same manner as county 527. Damages against sheriffs for failing to pay taxes 549. Bonds of sheriffs, in what penalty 550.
      Drafts of single men, to complete the regiments, on continental establishment 339. Mode of drafting 341, 342.
      Taken in arms, &c. how disposed of 106. Owners to be paid by treasurer 106. Oath of masters of vessels to prevent
carrying slaves out of the state 187. Tenants of lands or slaves in fee taille, to hold them in fee simple 226. Emancipation of certain slaves by a codicil annexed to the will of John Barr, deceased, confirmed 320. This act not to be drawn into precedent 321. Further importation of slaves prohibited 471. Penalties 471. Slaves so imported, declared free 471. Exceptions 472. Further exemptions 471.
Act compelling owners of mills on Rappidan river to make slopes for passage of fish, repealed 579.
      Licence to inoculate, how obtained 371. Regulations for preventing infection 371. Penalty for breach 371. Duty of physicians and others to give notice, by advertisement, of small-pox, at place of inoculation 372. Penalty for neglect 372. Person who has not had the small-pox intermixing with patients, how dealt with 372. Penalty for wilfully spreading the infection 373. How recoverable & appropriated 373.
See Army.
      Regulars, two regiments to be raised 9. Number 9. Enlistments to be in districts 10. Terms of enlistments 12. Who may be enlisted 12. Their pay 12, 14. Oath of regular soldiers 36. Oath altered 87. Apprentices and servants may





be enlisted 275. Soldiers, how far free from arrests 276. Summary mode of discharge 276. Restrictions in issuing writs against soldiers 276. Drafts, to complete this state's quota 278. Provision for wives, children, and aged parents of poor soldiers 279. soldiers supplied out of public stores, at prime cost 279. Encouragement to soldiers in the Virginia line, to continue in the continental service 565. A present of six months pay 566. Groceries furnished at stipulated prices 566. Pensions to widows of those slain, or who die in the service 566. The last act, as to pay and groceries, in part suspended 580.
      Justices of Southampton authorised to erect toll bridges over Nottoway river 586. Tolls 587. Penalty for exceeding legal tolls 587. Tolls, how appropriated 587. Receiver of tolls, how appointed 587. Remedy against for failing to pay 588.
      Governor authorised to send assistance to, on an expected invasion 477.
      Commissioners appointed to extend the boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina 561. Report of commissioners 562, note.
      Of senate, and of house delegates, their salaries 213.
      How taken in general court 406. How excepted to 406. How special bail may surrender principal 406. How special bail may surrender principal 406. Principal surrendered after judgment, how kept 407.
      Distillation of spirits, from corn, wheat, rye, and other grain prohibited 476.
      Place of holding courts in Spotsylvania county altered 558.
      Vestry of St. Anne parish, in Albemarle, dissolved 442.
      Parish of, empowered to fix the rates of paying their levies in tobacco 238.
      Vestry of, in Prince Edward, authorised to sell their glebe 440.
      Vestry of St. Paul's parish, in Hanover, authorised to sell their glebe 443. Vestry of, dissolved 525.
      Vestry of St. Stephen's parish in Northumberland, dissolved 526.
      See Army.
      Regimental staff to regulars 10, 76, 183. How appointed 10, 79, 183. their pay 14, 82. Staff of state artillery 279.
      Places for holding courts in Stafford and King George counties, how fixed 227. Boundaries of Stafford & King George altered 244.


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