Green Rives of Dinwiddie County Virginia

Transcribed from book written by John R. T. Rives


William Clay Dwiggins, b. July 10, 1914, at Petersburg, Tenn. Married Jane Anne Fuller at Rowayton, Conn., January 5th, 1954. Issue:


(1) Anne Fuller Dwiggins, b. Sept. 5th, 1954.
(2) Pamela Moore Dwiggins, b. April 13, 1956

  (2) Capt. Charles Anderson Dwiggins, b. Feb. 28, 1917, Petersburg, Tenn. Unmarried. Is in terested in a citrus grove at Lake Gibson, Lake land, Florida. Resides at Washburn Hotel, Lake land, Florida.


  Annie Lee (Moore) Dwiggins married second Giles McQueen, Birmingham, Ala., June, 1927. No children.


  Annie Lee (Moore) McQueen married third Frederick P. Fariss, April 20, 1930 at Birmingham, Alabama. No children. She is a widow and resides at Ridgeley Apartments, Birmingham, Ala.


  Thomas David Moore, b. Oct. 16, 1893 at Peters burg, Tenn. (He died Dec. 1953.) Married Lucile Shofner, March 24, 1914. Issue:
    (1) Hilda, b. Jan. 30, 1915.
    (2) Adelade, b. Oct. 24, 1917.


I. WILLIAM BUCHANAN MOORE, SR., married second Louise Nolen. Issue:

(4)   Elizabeth Cullen Moore, b. Sept. 17, 1901. Mar ried Samuel Harness of Hopkinsville, Ky. Both deceased.
(5)   William Buchanan Moore, Jr., b. Sept. 16, 1902 at Petersburg, Tenn. Married Lynn Cole, Aug. 24, 1934. Issue:
    (1) William B. Moore, III, b. July 29. 1941.
    (2) Charles Ray Moore, b. Jan. 25, 1944.
(6)   Mary Frances Moore, b. August 5, 1907. Mar ried Henry Wyatt, Sept. 1, 1928. Issue:
    (1) Mary Louise, b. June 1, 1935.
    (2) Richard Henry, b. March 7, 1937.
    (3) Susan Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1944.

I. WILLIAM BUCHANAN MOORE, SR., married third Emma (Morgan) Cunningham, a widow, January 15, 1927. No children. He died Nov. 23, 1933 at Petersburg, Tenn. His widow resides at Petersburg, Tenn.

II. TOMMY ANNA MOORE, b. August 5, 1864, m. Jan. 8, 1890 A. H. Wert. She died 1898 at Petersburg, Tenn. Issue:


A. H., Jr., b. Oct. 1890, d. July 25,


Fanny M., b. Dec. 27, 1892, m. Maurice V. Griffin. Resides 1034 Harrison St., Denver, Colorado.


Lawrence M., b. Sept. 21, 1897.

VI. WILLIS GREEN RIVES, b. at Dinwiddie County, Va., Sept. 21, 1821, d. Dec. 27, 1860 at Petersburg, Tenn. He was listed as one of the founders of Petersburg Lodge, 123, Free and Accepted Masons, Feb. 2, 1846. He affiliated with this Lodge March 21, 1853, and was elected Senior Warden on June 20, 1853; he was in good standing when he died. He was a prominent and well-to-do planter, living near Belleville, Lincoln Count y, Tenn. He was married twice; his first wife was Margaret Hall. There was no issue by this marriage. The second wife was Virginia Fonville, and had one child:

A WILL . . . .

Willis Green Rives made his will which was recorded in the Court House at Fayetteville, Lincoln County, Tennessee, Dec. 26, 1860. Taken from the records in the Court House, Fayetteville, Lincoln County, Tennessee.

WILLIS G. RIVES: I make this my last will and testimony. My debts are to be paid. I give to my wife, Virginia Rives, all of my household and kitchen furniture. The remainder of real estate and personal belongings, to be sold and equally divided between my wife, Virginia and my child, N. S. B. Rives, except a negro boy, Cephus, for my wife and child.

I want the guardian of my child N. S. B. Rives, to see that he has a good education and if the interest on one-half of my estate is not sufficient to complete his education, he can use as much of the principal as necessary for education.

I give and bequeath to Brother Henry H. Rives, and wife, Catherine H. Rives, my entire interest in a negro man named Asbury.

I hereby appoint H. M. Blake and Jeff M. Stone, my executors.

I. Willis G. Rives, declare this to be my last will and testimony. This on 26th day of Dec. in the year of our Lord, 1860.

Signed W. G. Rives Witness:

W. Hugh McTeir
William R. Hanaway




(1) Neil Smith Brown Rives, b. Sept. 27, 1848 at Petersburg, Tenn., attended the local schools and later moved to Kankakee, Illinois, where he was employed by his uncles, Benjamin Watkins Leigh Rives and William Fonville, in the mercantile business. He later returned to his former home at Belleville, Lin coln County, Tenn., and rose to a position of some emminence in his community, serving a term in t h e Tennessee Legislature, 1893-94. He died in the prime of his man hood and in the midst of a useful life the result of a pistol fight with one Jim Buntley over a line fence. His death occurred May 24, 1896, near Fayetteville, Tenn. He married in 1868 Eliza Jane Dollins, Lincoln County, Tenn., daughter of Joel Mallory and Margaret (Summerford) Dollins of Belleville, Tenn. He joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Nov. 5, 1871 at Petersburg, Tenn. Issue:

(1) VIRGINIA DOLLINS RIVES, b. July 21, 1873, m. James Dudley Cole of Belleville, Tenn., 1895. Came to Texas in 1901 (Fort Worth) . Issue:

(1) William Rives Cole, b. March 3, 1902, m. Clara Frances Coleman, July 8, 1920. He is an accountant. They are members of Presbyterian church. Reside 1026 Elberta, Houston 4, Texas. No children. He is a member of A.F. & A.M. Lodge 198.


(2) James Dewey Cole, b. May 12, 1904, m. Thresa McSpadden, Dec. 8, 1921. No children. He is a railroad clerk. Military Record, W. W. I, Europe; Member of A.F. & A.M. Lodge 198


(3) Rev. Ernest Wilson Cole, b. June 8, 1906. M. Lola Merle Smith, Dec. 28, 1933 of Dallas, Texas, daughter of E. A. Smith and his wife, Clara McCain of Nevada, Texas. They reside at 6434 Lindyann Lane, Houston 8, Texas. He was educated at Ft. Worth, Texas Central High School, Class of '24, and TCU, Ft. Worth, Texas AB, 1928. Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Chicago, B. D. University of Colorado, T.H.D., 1936. Presbyterian Minister at Winchester, Tenn., Tulla homa, Tenn., Clarksville, Texas, Childers, Texas, and Houston, Texas. Pastor of the Woodland Presbyterian Church, 2930 Michaux St., Houston Texas. Is a mem ber of Rotary (President of Rotary Club) at Childers, 1952, and active in Boy Scout Work, on National Coun cil. Lt. Col. U. S. Army. Entered service 1941, active until 1945. Served with Infantry as a Chaplain in the Pacific; has three battle stars, commendation ribbon, bronze star medal for service in Leyte, P. I. Active in reserve, will complete 20 years in 1961. Is a member of Friendship Lodge No. 16, A. F. & A. M. Issue:

    (1)  James King Cole, b. Sept. 30, 1937. Student in the School of Engineering, University of Texas.

(4) Virginia Dollins Cole, b. July 10, 1909, m. Edwin T. Law, 1940. No children. Resides at 2528 Cheltanham Road, Toledo 6, Ohio.

(2) MILTON JACKSON RIVES, b. April 19, 1875, d. Dec. 15, 1902.

(3) NELLIE ELIZA RIVES, b. Jan. 1, 1878, m. April 30, 1899, Hastings Ladd, a farmer of Allisona, Tenn. (Nellie Eliza Ladd is deceased) . Issue: (1) Ross H. Ladd, resides 1111 North Aster A-2, Milwaukee, Wis.

(4) WILLIS NEIL RIVES, b. Dec. 3, 1879, d. Nov. 25, 1941. Unmarried.
(5) CHARLES ROSS RIVES, b. Oct. 8, 1882, m. Eliza beth Wright, Dec. 20, 1905. He was killed by a mule Feb. 13, 1922. Issue:

(1) Frank Lewis Rives, b. May 20, 1906, d. Feb. 7, 1934. Educated in Belleville, Tenn: High School, 1916-22, Lincoln County High School, 1922-25. Member of Literary Society. Class orator. A Cumberland Presby terian. Bryson College, 1925-28, Member of debating society, "Know The South" orator. George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn., Bachelor of Science, June 7, 1929. Principal of History, Boonville, Tenn. High School, 1929. A Democrat, active in the 1928 campaign. Superintendent of Cumberland Presby terian Sunday School. President Young Peoples Society of church. Member of Phi Sigma Fraternity, National Honorary Organization. Unmarried.


(2) Elise Rives, b. Jan. 24, 1908, m. Charles Cunningham Dec. 20, 1924. Issue: (1) Mary Alice Cunningham, b. Feb. 27, 1937. (2) Charles Cunningham, b. Oct. 24, 1942.

(6) CORA EUGENIA RIVES, b. Nov. 20, 1884, m. June 7, 1903 to James Crane. Issue:
  (1) Thelma Crane, b. Aug. 15, 1905. m. Walter Stone, Dec. 9, 1922. Issue: (1) Betty Ann Stone, b. Dec. 24, 1924.
  (2) Annie Neil Crane, b. Jan. 5, 1908, m. Jepp Collier Sept. 23, 1926 Issue:
    (1) Carolyn Collier, b. July 27, 1927
    (2) Mary Neil Collier, b. Dec. 14, 1932.
    (3) James Collier, b. Aug. 21, 1934.
  (3) Sarah Carlene Crane, b. May 24, 1910, m. George Waid. Issue: (1) Katherine Waid, b. May 11, 1927.

(4) Bernice Eugenia Crane, b. Oct. 3, 1912, m. Bryant Armstrong, Nov. 26, 1932. Issue: (1) Wm. Harold Armstrong, b. Oct. 5, 1935.

(7) ELIZABETH RIVES, b. April 23, 1887, d. Oct. 15, 1913. Never married.

(8) JOEL MALLORY RIVES, b. Sept. 24, 1890, m. Nov. 26, 1919 to Gladys Petty. Died Feb. 13, 1946. He was a successful planter residing at Route 5, Fayetteville, Tenn. He was helpful in furnishing data regarding his father and grandfather. Issue:


(1) Evelyn Louise Rives, b. Sept. 10, 1920, m. Robert Vance, Aug. 15, 1938. Issue: (1) Sandra Kay Vance, b. Sept. 28, 1939. (2) Robbie Lynda Vance, b. Jan. 20, 1946. Resides Fayetteville, Tennessee.

  (2) David Fonville Rives, b. Aug. 9, 1939.

(9) ETHEL EDNA RIVES, Jan. 25, 1893, m. William Collier, Sept. 22, 1915. Issue:

  (1) Charles Rives Collier, b. Oct. 7, 1916.
  (2) Elizabeth Ann Collier, b. Oct. 14, 1922.

FRANCES MARKHAM RIVES, daughter of Green Rives, born about 1823, in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, married Robert Latta Neely, of Sumner County, Tennessee, who enlisted at an advanced age in the Confederate Army, was taken prisoner and died at Camp Chase, Ohio. Frances Rives Neely died in Huntsville, Alabama (unable to get the date of her marriage or death) .

  (1) Louise Neely
  (2) Eliza Virginia Neely
  (3) George Mitchell Neely

(1) LOUISE NEELY, daughter of Frances M. (Rives) Neely, b married Wyatt Henry Harrison, at Columbia, Tennessee, Issue:



 Benjamin Harrison, died in early childhood.


 Frances Mai Harrison, b. April 12, 1870 at Columbia, Tenn., married June 12, 1894, Edward A. Beaven of Bardstown, Kentucky and Mobile, Ala., in the Methodist Church. He died 1917 and she died January 1, 1936. Issue:

  (1) Eugenia Beaven, b. d.
  (2) Elise Mattingley Beaven, b. Dec. 12, 1896 at Mobile, Ala., married George Gormly Beall, of Toledo, Ohio and Asheville, N. C., Nov. 20, 1922, at Evergreen, Alabama. Reside at 3615 Brook Road, Rich mond, Virginia. Issue:
    (1) Mai Beaven Beall, b. Dec. 3, 1923, in Evergreen, Ala., m. Robert Emil Kuenning, of New Bremen, Ohio, in Richlands, Virginia, May 1, 1948. They reside at 111 South Main Street, New Bremen, Ohio. Issue:
    (1) Robert Emil Kuenning, b. April 21, 1951.
    (2) Virginia _Elise Kuenning, b. May 18, 1952.
    (3) Mark David Kuenning, b. April 7, 1955.
    (4) Eric Alan Kuenning, b. June, 1957.
    (2) Sarah Myrna Beall, b. Oct. 23, 1935, in Ashe ville North Carolina, married Robert R. Moore, Jr., Dec. 14, 1957, at the St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Rich mond, Virginia. Reside at 3615 Brook Road, Richmond, Virginia.
  (3)  Virginia Beaven, b. d. Evergreen, Ala.
  (4)  Edward Allen Beaven, Jr., b. Jan. 22, 1904. Married Christine McReynolds of Starkville, Miss., May 16, 1936 in the Methodist Church. No children. Occupation is insurance business. Resides at 113 Jonathan Lane, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
  (5) Mitchell Neely Beaven, b. Jan. 6, 1906. Un married. He is a Methodist. Resides at 534 Cherokee Street, Hampton, Virginia.
  (6) Horace Harrison Beaven, b. July 1, 1909. Mar ried, March 15, 1939, to Lucy Ann Gordon of Mobile, Ala., Presbyterians. He is a Manufacturer's Agent and resides at 4314 Estes Road, Nashville, Tennessee. Issue: (1) Lucy Gordon Beaven, b. August 18, 1949. (2) Horace Harrison Beaven, Jr., b. Nov. 17, 1950.
  (7) Charles William Beaven, b. March 25, 1912, married Nov. 6, 1948 to Mary Jasperson, of Corpus Christi, Texas. He is a Pediatrician; they reside at 2208 Chesapeake Blvd., Hampton, Virginia and are Methodists. Issue:
    (1) Susan Mary Beaven, b. Aug. 11, 1949.
    (2) Betsy Elise Beaven, b. Feb. 2, 1951, d. Feb. 16, 1954.
    (3) Nancy Harrison Beaven, b. March 10, 1952.
    (4) Christina Beaven, b. June 30, 1953.
    (5) Charles William Beaven died at infancy.
    (6) Sarah Lee Beaven, b. Oct. 1, 1956.
(2) ELIZA VIRGINIA NEELY, daughter of Frances M. Rives and Robert Latta Neely. She married Thomas Edward Pride of Decatur, Ala. She died  Issue:
  (1) Mitchell Pride.
  (2) Thomas Edward Pride (unable to get further information.)

(3) GEORGE MITCHELL NEELY, son of Frances M. Rives and Robert Latta Neely, b. Oct. 28, 1856 in Athens, Alabama. He organized the firm of Neely-Harwell & Company, in Nashville, Tennessee and became a prominent citizen and successful merchant in that city. Exemplifying in his life the public spirit which has so constantly characterized the Rives family of which he was a member. He served for twenty-five years as Trustee of Vanderbilt University. He married on Nov. 9, 1887, Mamie Carnes Robertson, daughter of Dr. John S. and Nannie (Carnes) Robertson, who, after her husband's death in 1922, made a gift to Vanderbilt University of an auditorium to be known as the George Mitchell Neely Memorial Auditorium which was dedicated in 1925 at the Semi-Centenial Celebration of the establishment of the University. Members of the Rives and Neely family were in attendance. Mrs. Neely, at her death, willed everything in his estate to Vanderbilt University, including her home.

Mamie (Robertson) Neely, wife of George Mitchell Neely, was a lineal descendant of James Robertson, founder of Nashville, Tennessee, and his wife Charlotte Rives, of Northampton, North Carolina. Charlotte Rives married January 21, 1768 in Wake County, North Carolina, James Robertson (b. June 24, 1742) in Brunswick County, Virginia.



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