Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Willis - Zylman


Willis, P. D. Wilson, Orville Wolbach, Edw. Vankton, Fred
Willman, Dan Wilson, T. C. Wolfe, Charles H. Yates, Buss
Willman, Chas. F. Wilson, Walter Wolff, E. F. Vates, W. L.
Willman, Dave Wilson, Wood row Wolford. Walter Yoekey, H. W.
Willman, Wm. Windolph, Albert Wolski, Franz Yocum, Bert
Willman, W. H. Windolph, Alfonzo Wood, C. A. Yocum, Dudley
Williams, C. E. Windolph, Hugo Wood, F. H. Yocum, Don
Williams, Charles Windolph, Walter Woodbum, Alfred Yocum, Ed
Williams, E. O. Wingert, W. R. Woodburn, Frank Yost, George A.
Williams, Guy Winkler, Ned Woodtiead, W. M. Young, Donald
Williams, J. A. Winkler, Walter Woodin, Dr. J. G. Young, Roy
Williams, M. Winn, D. F. Woodruff, Dr. R. C. Youngson, Elmer
Williams, R. C. Winn, O. K, Woods, W. W. Yungblut, C. L.
Williams, Thos. Winn, H. O. Woodward, Archie
Wiriiamson, Geo. Winters, Chick Woodward, Howard Zieg, H. P.
Williamson, O. M. Wise, Howard Woodward, Lloyd Zimmerman, Bus
Williamson, Wayne Wise, L. F. Woolever, Raymond Ziner, Wilbur
Wilson, Arthur Wise, V. F. Wray, Chas. E. Zlomke, Herm
Wilson, Andy Wiseman, A. S. Wright, Fred A. Zlomke, Otto, Jr.
Wilson, C. L, Wiseman, M. L. Wright, H. J. Zlomke, H. E.
Wilson, Earl Wittenmeyer, Van P. Wunderwald, H. F. Zlomke, L. A.
Wilson, J. F. Wohl, Wm. Zuehlke, L. A.
Wilson, M. D. Wolbach, Emil Vancey, Dale Zylman, Clarence

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A Letter From The Whisker Club President

To the Members of the Whisker Club:

I welcome the opportunity afforded me by the publishers of this book to express to you my personal appreciation for the wonderful assistance and co-operation extended to me during the preparation and celebration just passed. It proved to be the most successful ever held in this section of the country.

Nothing would be more enjoyable than to be able to personally thank each of you, but with a membership in numbers far beyond my wildest expectations, that would be impracticable. So I take this method of extending to you my very best thanks.

At the recent meeting of your Board of Directors, it was unanimously decided to keep the organization intact. Please keep your Whisker Club badge as an evidence of your membership, it will be required for admission to all contemplated future activities of the Club, of which you will receive due notice.

Assuring you it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you, and with kind personal regards to you all, I am,

Faithfully yours,



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