Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Mott - Quick


Mott, Leander H. Niemann. 0. C. Ostoff, C. E. Phelan. Dr. Leo
Moyer, Jack Niemann, Carl Ott, Otto Phelps, Earl
Mueller, Bob Niemann, Max Outka, H. F. Phelps. F.
Muhl, George Niemoth, Wm. Page. Fred A. Phillips, Bert
Muhl, Harry Nietfeld, Dick Page, Merle Phillips, Victor
Muirheari, Bob Ni&sen, Fred Page, Ted Piephart, Fred
Mulick, J. E. Nitzel, J, H. Pahl, W. H. Pierpont, 0. E.
Mullen, E. J. Noel, Gordon Paine, H. B. Pierpont, H. R.
Mullen. Wm. P. Noid, L. F. Paine, I. E. Piersol, M. R.
Muller, Edward Nordseth. R. E. Paine, Bayard H., Jr. Pinkston, C. A.
Muller, August Novilsky. Henry Pappas, Tom Pizer. Phil
Muller, Louis Noy, Dr. M. J. Paproki, Mike Plank, Chas.
Murie. Frank Nunnenkamp, Ernst Parks, Leonard Plejdup. J. L.
Murphy, Jerry Nye. Hubbard Parks, Dr. L. H. Pletcher, H. L.
Murphy. T. W. Parry, Leslie PI etc her, Stanley
Murphy, Ray Oaley, Lynn M. Parsons, W. H. Plummer, K. D.
Murphy, R. E. Ober, M. L. Partridge, H. L. Plummer, Wm.
Murray, T. B. O'Brien, Archie C. Partridge, S. W. Plymale, L. E.
Murray, F. W. O'Brien, J. B. Partridge, J. W. Plymale, John
Musselman. fi. R. O'Brien, Ted Patterson, Harry Plymale, W.
Myrnerg, Buck Ocker, A. K. Paulk, Jerry Pollard, A, B.
Myers, R. E. O'Conneil. Don Paulman. Harry Pollock, August
Myers, Geo. W. O'Connor, Glenn Paulsen, Albert E. Polzel, Howard L.
Myers. Get). Odin, Pete Paulsen, Gus Polzel, S. G.
Myers, John Odum. Dick Paulsen, H. H. Poole. Alvin E.
Myers, E. M. Ogden. Herwin Paustian, John Popejoy. Loren
O'Hara. M. J. Pearson, Wm. Post, Ed
Nagelstock, E. A. O'Keefe, F. C. Pease, H, S. Post, R. H.
Nath. Hans Oldfather, Glenn Pedersen, F. Potter, F. C.
Naumann, Otto Oliver, C. A. Pedersen, F. K. Potter. Henry
Nay, C. W. Oliver. Elmer Peeks, H. D. Potter, Jim
Neff, D, B. Oliver. J. V. Pelter, Bob Poullos. Alex
Nelson, Harry Oliver, Harold Pepper, F. A. Poullos, James
Nelson, E. F. Olsen, A. L. Pepper, W. B. Poullos, Steve
Nelson, Norman D. Olsen, Frank I. Perkuhn, Emil L. Poullos. Nick
Nelson, L. R. Olsen. H. A. Perl, Herbert Poullos, John A.
Nelson. Lars 0. Olson, B. A. Perrine. A. C. Poulson. Dan
Nelson, Herman Olson, Jack Perrine, Clair Powell, Ray
Neumann, Gus Olson, Edmund Perrine, Clyde Powell, C. T.
Neumayer, L. Olson, V. C. Perron, E. Powell, Perry A.
Newell. A. B. Olson. Jack Perry, Chas. E. Powell, Wm. H.
Newell, Paul Olson, M. E. Pershall, Ross V. Powell, Walt
Newman, Ed Oilman, Raymond J. Pesek, John Preisendorl, Ed
Neyhart, A. C. Omer, C. E, Pelers, Harry
Nichelson, Bill Omer, Woodrow Peters, Julius Preisendorf, Harry
Nicholas, Vern O'Neill, Arthur Peters, Lao Preishnfn, Louis
Nicholas, Floyd O'Neill, W. F. Peters, Virgil Preiss, H. C.
Nicholls, H. C. Opp, Christian Peters, Wm. Preston, E. H.
Nichols, Dr. H. C. Opp, Erhard, Jr. Petersen, C. C. Preston. Phil
Nickolson, John Opp, John, Jr. Petersen, H. L. Price, J. C.
Nickolson, Or/ille Opp, Wm. Petersen, Frank Price, Everett V.
N led felt. Albert Opper. Marvin L. Petersen, Walter Prince, Harold
Niehaus, Kenneth Orndoff. Ted Peterson, Carl
Nielsen, Gilbert Orndoff. Edward Peterson, Chris Proctor, Vie
Nielsen, John Orndoft, John Peterson, Clyde Pronske, K. 0.
Nielsen, N. E. Orendorff, Don Peterson, Fred C. Pulliam, Dick
Nielsen, Chris Orr. F. V. Peterson, 0. Pumel, Lee M.
Nielsen. Harry Orr, Willard Pfautsch, Ed Putman, D. M.
Nielsen, H. L. Osborn. Albert Pfluckhahn. Frank
Nielsen, John F. Osborn, H. 0. Pbeif, John Quick, Earl, Jr.
Nielsen, Bat Osborn, Fred Phelan, Harold Quick, E. M.
Nielsen, Vitus Osborne, D. B. Phelan, J, T. Quick, Cleon

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