Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Hardman - Jonas


Hardman, J. H. Herr, T. Hoogner, Forrest Jackson, Fred
Harfst, Waller Herzberg, Bruno Horn, O. J. Jackson, Virgil
Hargens, W. Hesselgesser, Roy Horstman, Henry Jacobs, Roy
Hargens, Delbert Hearing, J. H. Horstman, Wm. J. Jacobsen, August
Hargens, Lawrence Heusinger, Louis Horstman, Walt Jacoby, Fred
Hal-man, Rev. C. B. Heyde, Albert Horth, Judge R. R. Jacoby, Henry
Harman, U. M. Heyde, Bud Horton, Geo. James, A. V.
Hams, W. T. Heyde, Geo. Hose, Martin James, Don
Harris, A. M. Heyde. L. W. Hosier, Geo. James, Irvin L.
Harris, Oscar Hicks, C. F. Houser, C, W. James. J. H.
Harris, Janeral Hicks, Frank Houser, G. H. James, P. F.
Harris, K. T. Hicks, J. B. Howe, H. F. Jamson, Jim
Harris, Carl Higgins, Dr. J. E. Howell, C. L. Jamson, Nick
Harris, W. S. Higgins. Pat Hoye, J. E. Janes, Pete
Hart, T. D. Higgins, Ray Hoyt, J, T. Janovic, Francis
Harter, Jack G. Hilbert, W. B. Hruza, Frank J. Jarman, Clarence
Hartley, C. L. Hildebrant, ____ Hubbell, G. T. Jarmin, Harry
Hashberger, L. D. Hill, Ed Huebner, Chas. Jarvis, Hal
Hassel, George Hiller, R. C. Huebner. Don Jawlsen, Elmer
Hassel, Harry Hilley, B. V. Huclker, E. O. Jenkins, Bill
Hassel, W. Hilty, Virgil Huemke, Ferdinand Jenkins, D. C.
Hasselmann, Herman Hindmarsh, G. Hueser, Bob Jenkinsan, A. J.
Hatcher, O. R. Hintz, John Huffman, Earl Jenneman, Frank J.
Hatfielrf, Dr. H. R. Hinz, Bill Huffman, Roy Jensen, Harry
Hatfield, Cecil Hitchler, F. A. Hughes, Earle C. Jensen, L.
Hatfield, Ira E. Hitchler, Nick Hulett, H. L. Jensen, Robert
Hatten, Dean A. Hoag, M. E. Hullinger, A. W. Jensen. Jens D.
Hatten. Dick Hoare, Geo. N. Hulme, Cecil Jensen. S. P.
Haugh, Cecil Hodges, Elmer Humpal, L. J. Jess, Henry
Haurey, H. W. Hodges, L. Humphrey, Geo. H. Jessen, Edwin
Hausmann, Fred Hodges, M. H. Humphrey, Leslie M. Jessen, Theo,, Jr.
Havens, Rex E. Hodgson, Clyde Hundelt, Theo. Jessup, W. C.
Haynes, A. D. Hodgson, Elmer Hunt, Lloyd Jessup, U. S.
Haynes, Merle A. Hodgson, H. P. Hunt, Vic Jpehnck, Carl
Healy, C. R. Hodgson, Steadman Hunter, H. Joehnck, Henry
Heapy, Forrest Hoekstra, C. S. Hunter, Jack Johansen, Silas
Heapy, Marvin O. Hofferber, Jotin Hurley, G. W. John, Clinton E.
Heaton, C. V. Hoffman, A. C. Hurtz, Dan John, Frank
Hee, Harry Hoffman, C. F. Husbands, Bud Johnson, V. M.
Heesman, Dick Hoffman, G. I. Huston, Paul C. Johnson, A. C.
Hehnke, Bill Hoffman, John Huston, Forest L. Johnson, A. H.
Hehnke, Carl Hofvechten, Harold Huston, Forest, Jr. Johnson, A. W.
Hehnke, Fred E. Hogan, E. H. Hutchison, Thomas Johnson, C. S.
Hehnke, John Hoge, John Hutton, R. W. Johnson. E. D.
Hehnke, Herman Holden, Ed Hutton, Virgil Johnson, Frank C.
Hehnke, Oscar Holder, C. M. Huwaldt, Edward Johnson, H. M.
Heiberg, Emil H. Holder, J. A. Hyde, H. M. Johnson, J. C.
Heidkamp, Gottlieb Holland, Jack Hyde, Leo Johnson, Dr. Earle
Hencfershott, Clarence E. Okla. City Ball Club Hyslop, M. T. Johnson, Geo. C.
Hendershott, L. E. Holling, Henry Johnson, L. A.
Henderson, E. R. Holling, Gus lams, Thomas Johnson, Leonard F.
Hendrickson, Carl Hollingiworth, ____ Ingalls, Ray Johnson, Lloyd
Hendrix, Jim Hollrich, Geo. Inman, M. L. Johnson, O. W.
Henesey, Harry Holmberg, Paul C. Irvin, Frank Johnson, Roy M.
Henninpsen, I. H, Holmes, E. G. Isaak, E. A. Johnson, T. W.
Henry, O. A. Holmes, Oscar Isdel, E. C. Johnson, Walter
Hepp, Anton W, Holmes, Pat Ivers, C. E. Johnston, E. B.
Herman, W. J. Holroyd, L. C. Ivers, Wm, Max Johnston, Frank A.
Herman, Al Holtz, L. V. Iverson, Elmer C. Johnston, Geo. A.
Herrmann, Larry Holz, G. W. Johnston, R. O.
Herndon, R. A, Homan, I. T. Jablonski, Ed Jails, Hunk
Herr, Dan Hombath, W. H., M. D. Jackman, C. E- Jonas, George H.

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