Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


The citizens of Hall county, Nebr., have a better diversion than the eternal talk of the depression. Twenty-one hundred strong have joined the whisker club to grow suitable facial adornment for the seventy-fifth anniversary celebration of the settlement of the county.

The styles include every sort of hirsute decoration from the graceful Van Dyke to a tangled mass of shrubbery that will hide the most sinister expression or most villainous features.

And the best part of it the Nebraskans say, it works. The depression has been dealt a severe blow. The people are too

busily engaged in laughing at the appear-ance of their friends and neighbors and attempting to identify old friends to waste a breath on hard time talk.

Elkhorn had a sight of one of the members of this club when Wm. Hansen of Grand Island visited with his mother, Kareen Hansen. He boasted a flea-bitten moustache and a Jew beard that showed signs of gaining for him the name of Bar-barossa. We have a suspicion that "Bill" took a trip out here for the sole purpose of showing off his facial culture although he pleaded business.-Elkhorn-Kimballton (la.) Review.

Lieutenant Governor Ted Metcalfe Files Suit

Representative Charles Jackman was no-tified about July 1, by the law firm of Patrick G. Smith, Omaha, that he was the defendant in a libel suit for $100,000.00 ... an outgrowth of the Hall County Whisker Club's activities.

Lieutenant Governor Ted Metcalfe was named as the  plaintiff.  He  based his action on an Associated Press dispatch in which Mr. Jackman is quoted

as accusing the lieutenant governor of failing to pay for his membership badge in the Whisker Club. Mr. Metcalfe denies this charge, stating that he paid Mr. Jackman the money on a recent visit to Grand Island, during which he was a 'Dutch' guest at a meeting of the Limburger Lilies.

Describing the attack upon Mr. Metcalfe as "disgraceful, diabolical and unwarranted," Mr. Metcalfe's attorneys insist that their client, as a direct result, has been rendered extremely nervous, so much so that he is unable to shave himself without drawing blood, and resulting in his whiskers having grown to enormous length; that he has suffered great and excruciating mental and physical pain and anguish; that the control of certain bodily functions has been impaired; that he has become unpatriotic in the sense that he wishes the Fourth of July never would come; that his previous pleasant, jovial disposition has been turned into one of sourness and bitterness, none of which is attributed to politics.

Jackman Not Worried

To all of which Representative Jackman pouts up his chest like an army balloon and says: "Let them come, I'll let Ted bring his own judge, and his own jury, as well as his own attorneys, and we'll decide the issue." Mr. Metcalfe may be right, Mr. Jackman adds, but apparently he doesn't know how a whisker court in the colony of bearded men takes care of its distinguished perpetrators of tonsorial injustice.

Mr. Metcalfe, the patriotic speaker for the Fourth of July program, entered into the spirit of the celebration and Whisker club by nourishing a Vandyke which passed the most exacting requirements of the Whisker club.



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