Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Rain, illness of victims, and excusable business combined to prevent full enjoy ment of the indignities heaped upon smooth-faced men convicted of sedition against the kingdom of Whiskerdom at Doniphan Saturday night, June 25, but, in spite of these handicaps, one of the largest Saturday night crowds in recent years was on hand to see what happened in the southside village. And enough happened to make the evening worth while.

A Woman in the Case

Franklin Shehein, convicted of placing the wishes of a young lady, or a group of young ladies, paramount to the advisabili' ty of sprouting hair on his chin, was excused temporarily from doing an hour's sitting and fishing on the intersection of main street with a side street, because of illness. Gene Gregg, delegated to do a traffic officer assignment, at an intersection one block east of the site of Shehein's dry-land fish pond, pleaded that the time set took him away from his business at the busiest hour of the week, and a stay of execution was granted to Gregg.

Ideal Summer Costume

Horror of being left so far behind his younger opponent that he might be classed as "distant," prompted I. D. Brewer to lasso Everett Kingston a few minutes prior to the sprint up main street, and the slight-built Kingston found himself towing the much heavier Brewer. Kingston's persistent attempts to break or stretch the rope produced an all-in effect before the end of the 100-yard sprint, however, and the towing was reversed before the end of the race. Kingston wore his B. V. D's, an under-slung derby hat, and his far reaching exhaust pipe, while Brewer was garbed in a pair of street pajamas.

Quigle Enjoys Breakfast

Charles Hank Quigle, accused of failing to grow whiskers on his chin, or their first

cousins on his dome, and guilty beyond the fuzz of a doubt, disposed of a full box of corn flakes as he sat in front of the Burger store. He wore a placard bearing the words, "I am a dummy," and his attire told the sad state of affairs to those who could not read. Quigle ate the corn flakes leisurely, without benefit of milk, cream or sugar, but seasoned with lime, and his willingness to share his breakfast food with boys who crowded close to him to admire and envy his capacity, was commendable.

Wolf in Sleeps Clothing

Ernest Lepin, hardware merchant garbed in ladies pajamas and sunbonnet, edged his way through crowds of curious shoppers and visitors. The sleeves of a blue shirt covered Lepin's arms, and told of lack of confidence in warmth of ladies' garments alone.

A truck bearing George Weaver, Oscar Henry, Donald Underwood and George Harding, all of whom appeared to have temporarily joined the Sunbonnet club, cruised up and down main street several times early in the evening.

Some Victims Evade Law

Not all of those indicted at the kangaroo court Tuesday evening could be brought to trial, several of the culprits acting on a hunch and hightailing it to parts unknown earlier Tuesday evening. Complete conversion of some of the "skippers" was a subject of conversation Saturday evening, some of the business men, whose absence Tuesday night was noticeable, later expressing a desire to be brought before the Whisker club judiciary, it is said. Whether this should be done was a debated question, some of the Whiskerites being of the opinion that greater indignities should be heaped upon them, at a future session of court, and others expressing the opinion that opportunity should knock but once.



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