Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


That darling child Prosperity annexed a more or less legal father and mother, as Miss "Reedice" Alter, charming young "deb" of this city, was joined in the shackles and chains of matrimony to Ed L. Brown, promising young fruit peddler, on the court house steps, shortly before two o'clock, Saturday, July 2.

But it was not without anxious moments and some difficulty that Parson Benjamin J. Cunningham tied the knot.

The procession started from the Koehler hotel and, to the strains of a stirring wed' ding march, played by the Dutch band, passed quickly along the streets to the steps.

There they paused, and for the first time someone raised the question of the groom.

As cries of "where's the groom" began to be wafted here and there, on the gentle breeses, two "Daniel Boones," Zed Fitch and Otto Dudschus brokfe through the crowd with papa firmly in their grasp. Each carried high powered rifles, in addition, to be sure that the unwilling groom did not make an exit.

The marriage lines were spoken, in fact they were shouted-marriage lines never before heard in these parts by human ear. Things progressed smoothly, with the exception of a break or two for freedom by the groom, until that portion of the ceremony dealing with who or who does not have any objections to the marriage.

There appeared on the scene one, John Booster, better known as one of the Harri-son boys, who alleged before the assembly that he had all prior claims on the said "Reedice" Alter. Just what anyone would want with a bride, with such a bouncing youngster as Darling Prosperity on his hands, is more than anyone in the crowd could guess.

Not only had the fickle young bride pursued him, Booster alleged, but proposed to him, and what's more he pro-

duced a witness to prove it. Did he get justice? He did-they booted him off the steps pronto and the marriage went on.

But it developed that the esteemed Mr. Brown wasn't entirely out of the woods himself, there appearing on the scene a widow, a bearded widow, one might say, who strangely resembled a certain police judge in this city. She was accompanied by two of her offsprings, the latter appearing to have been left out in the sun a little too long for the good of that school girl complexion.

Did the widow get justice, even after she produced a written offer of marriage from the said Mr. Brown? Yeah-just like Miss Alter's old flame.

Having disposed of all conscientious and otherwise objections, the Parson Cunning-ham hurried on to a grand conclusion and the honor and good name of our Nell vindicated before one and all.

Boeing Plane Exhibit

Through the efforts of the Aviation Committee of the Whisker Club, and the Chamber of Commerce, the United Air Lines, of which the Boeing Air Transport is a subsidiary, were prevailed upon to have a tri-motor Boeing sixteen-passenger mail and transport plane on the local airport for the celebration, July 4 and 5.

The Boeing company stated: "It is not the policy of our company to participate in such activities as your celebration. However, the officers of our company appreciate very much the interest of the Whisker Club in supplying a field for our exhibit. We are further appreciative of the Chamber of Commerce's efforts in keeping the Grand Island airport free of excess snow during the past winter, thus expediting travel on our air lines. The entire attitude of the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce is the one factor that justifies our making an exhibit for the Grand Island Anniversary Celebration.



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