Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club (1932)

This page is about a social organization called Whisker Club of Hall County, Nebraska.


Aha! Hall County has a new club. It's the "Whisker Club."

The idea of a whisker club was first mentioned in a letter by Leo Stuhr, and actively taken up by Dr. W. W. Arm.' smith, who proposed it in all seriousness and enlisted as a charter member. Here is the Doctor's challenge to all eligible whisker-growers in Hall County, addressed to the Daily Independent, Dr. Earle Johnson, and H. M. Augustine:

"Why not a whisker club for our historic gala days in July?" The writer has been privileged on two occasions to have been in the region of Deaclwood, S. D., near the time of their famous "Deadwood Days' celebration and it has impressed him that their bewhiskered citizenry have offered more in the matter of publicity for their celebration than any other single medium.

"I would like to suggest that this be considered by the committ"e in charge and that, pending its approval, publicity be given the matter in the local press. As a suggestion: Permit some of us who are interested to obtain several signed lists of members (bewhiskered aspirants). Publish this list, say for four consecutive days in The Independent, each day adding those new members as they line up with the idea.

"It is the writer's belief that 700 to 1,000 whisker boosters could be enlisted for our celebration.

"Respectfully submitted for your consideration.

Yours truly,

"P. S. Believe that a membership of at least 400 should be required to put this over."

Good Source of Revenue

Besides the valuable publicity, the committee on finances saw a possibility of no small amount of revenue. For example, arrangements were contem-

plated with the Carl son Mattress Works to handle the output of whiskers cultivated before July 5th.

Sam Bate already had a fine set of glossy whiskers; he was accorded the honor of being the first charter member. The original roster was:

No. 1-Sam Bate.
No. 2-Dr. W. W. Arrasmith.

Idea Meets With Approval

The idea of a Whisker Club met with instant approval and Dr. W. W. Arra- smith and Howard Augustine set about to formally found the club and draw up a set of rules.

After giving the situation their careful consideration, Grand Island's barbers gave their hearty endorsement to the proposition. "Let 'em grow!" was their exclamation of approval. To further express their eagerness to co-operate they sent the following letter to D. J, Traill, chairman of the promotion committee of the Hall County Celebration:
"Dear Mr. Traill:

"It is our desire to assist in putting over the 75th anniversary celebration, July 4-5, and we believe that the Whiskers club, which has been proposed, to be a very good publicity and advertising stunt in promotion of the celebration. We want to do everything we can to assist in sponsoring the celebration and every member of the Whisker club may feel free to come to us for advice as to shape and style of his whiskers. Our co-operation, in completing the rules and organisation, is herewith extended.

"As a thought of our co-operation we wish to submit the following:

O. K. Whisker club, let 'em grow, we want to boost everything that has to do with the big 75th anniversary and Fourth of July celebration. We want you to know we are with you 100 per cent, but fellows, don't forget the barbers."

Earl Talbot, President,
J. M. Sorensen, Secretary.



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