Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


While Robert Wenger paraded the streets, bearing a placard advising one and all to see the city's new dummy, Phil Pizer stood in the center of the intersection of Locust and Third streets, to pay penitence for their respective crimes committed against the sacred honor and dignity of the Realm of Whiskerdom. A large crowd enjoyed the spectacle thoroughly.

Pizer, dressed in a feminine garment commonly described as a house dress or apron, and gaudily colored hat, made an impressive figure as a street dummy and incidentally the way he made traffic step around the corners would have done justice to a traffic cop.

These sentences were duly imposed at Burnett park, during one of the hilarious sessions of the kangaroo court, while an admiring multitude looked on.

Injustice Rules Court

District Court Judge R. R. Horth was the third victim of the court standing trial for the heinous crime'of displaying his face in public places in a clean shaven and downright naked fashion.

The judge was given sixty days on bread and water or a chance to pay it out at fifty cents a day. The judge must like his pork and beans for he handed over thirty dollars without a moment's hesitation. Yes, sir, thirty bucks in cold cash. It is doubtful if the crowd realized that much money was being flashed or a riot would have probably resulted.

Technically speaking, Mr. Piser was charged with about as dastardly a crime as can now be committed in or around Hall county. It was alleged that he first raised a beard, or a stubble, inducing and enticing other species of males, designated as husbands, generally speaking, to do likewise. When he had achieved his purpose it was further charged, he then shaved his face, or caused to have it shaved for his own glorification and amusement, at the expense of the tried and true brethren.

Insanity Questioned

As for Wenger, there seemed to be much conflicting evidence, but it developed that he had bartered for a membership button and with one Maurice Williams, for the sum of one cup of coffee, sugar and cream included, without having joined the club in the regular way.

Never in the history of Hall county has the truth ever been so carelessly handled before. "I'll promise to tell the truth, and the whole truth, and everything but the truth," swore everyone indicted-and a lot of others as well.

In the first case on the docket, that involving Judge Horth, witnesses testified that judicial strength and dignity would be gained by the judge in his duties about the court house, would he but raise a beard.

They even brought Samson into the argument, though under objections, the defense alleging that no one present knew of Samson except through hearsay while no sufficient foundation was laid to prove that Samson ever existed or that the prosecution was acquainted with the gentleman.

Other testimony was introduced to show that the judge, with a beard, would materially improve his golf game. As he now approached a ball, it was claimed, the ball would deliberately hop away from him. With a disguise such as a beard, the ball would be caught unawares, it was alleged.

Too Young For Whiskers

The defense fought vainly, claiming that the judge was only a young man and that by the time the next anniversary celebration would be held he would be right out in front with a beard that would do justice to a ruler of the House of David.

No one could remember just where or how the insanity plea came into the Bob Wenger case, but it did-and how. Medical authority of one kind and another, chiefly another, was offered, and accepted,



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