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Courtesy of Duke Vickrey
Allanton. A postoffice on St. Andrews Bay in Washington county,
60 miles south of Vernon, the county seat. Mail daily.
Allanton Lumber Co. general store
Anderson. Population 75. On St. Andrews Bay, in Washington county, 32 miles south of Vernon, the county seat and 48 from Chipley, the nearest banking point. Rural delivery from Southport.
Bahoma. Populated place. Latitude 304853N, Longitude 0853029W.
Bells Mill. Populated place. Latitude 303944N, Longitude 0853429W.
Bennett. Population 38. In Washington county, 25 miles south east of Vernon,
the county seat, and 20 miles northwest of St. Andrew, the nearest banking town, Youngstown, on the A B
& St A R R, is the nearest rail approach. Mail daily. C T Bennett, postmaster.
Atkins & Son, saw mill
Bennett C P, millwright and machinist
Hobbs G W, turpentine
Padgett J W, grist mill
Pinckney W A, general store
Poster J M, turpentine
Bradford. Populated place. Latitude 303919N, Longitude 0853306W.
Brock Crossroad. Populated place. Latitude 304126N, Longitude 0853746W.
Bunker Donation. Populated place. Latitude 303153N, Longitude 0855210W.
Callaway. A rural postoffice in Washington county on Laughton's Bayou, 45 miles south of Vernon, the county seat and 90 from Pensacola, with which place it is connected by steamboat line. Mail daily. M N Carlisle, postmaster.
Caryville. Population 1000. On the L & N R R in Washington county,
_5 miles northwest of Vernon, the county seat and 100 from Pensacola. Tel W U. Exp Southern.
Allen A W, general store
Brown H H Turpentine Co
Charles L L, Justice of the Peace and Notary
Harris J T, general store
Hinson G W & Co, general store
Kirkland T S & Co. turpentine
May A D, turpentine
Miller Bros. general store
Miller G C Dr, drugs
Miller T J jr (est), general store
Parish & Moody, turpentine
Sessoms E M & Co, naval stores
Sykes & Lindsay, naval stores
Wood G E Lumber Co
Wood-Lindsay Co, turpentine
Chipley. Population 1200. An incorporated city on the L & N R R, in Washington county,
16 miles north-east of Vernon, the county seat. Has Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches,
2 banks, 2 hotesl, and 2 newspapers, the Banner and Washington Verdict. Tel W U. Exp Southern.
Telephone connection. John S Alley, postmaster.
Alford Bros Co. S A Alford pres, A A Hyers jr vice pres, Alexander Sessions sec and treas naval stores
Alford S A, pres The Glen Land Co. and Alford Bros Co, vice pres Chipley State bank and Dekle Land Co
Barfield Margaret Mrs, general store
Blake B & Co (Mrs Berta Blake, Miss Maggie Daniel), ladies furnishings
Bowen James T, notary
Brinson Henry, cigars and tobaccos
Britt John T, naval stores and Mayor
Brith Mitchell, tailor
Bryant Wm, meats
Buck Marcus G, dry goods, shoes and notions
Butler Major Wm O, attorney-at-law
Callaway F B, ins agt
Campbell & Dekle Co, E N Dekle pres, J D Campbell sec and treas, general store
Carmichael A D, lawyer
Chipley Banner, W W Jones editor
Chipley Gin Co (E N Dekle, A D Campbell, W O Butler jr), lumber mfrs and cotton ginners
Chipley Hardware Co, E M Pender pres, W D Owens jr vice pres, J B Glen jr sec and trea
Chipley Hotel, Mrs L O Shivers propr
Chipley State Bank (Capital $25,000.00), C B Bunn pres, S A Alford vice pres, C V Royster cashier
Clark & Elliott (J T Clark, C H Elliott), meats
Cook Samuel A, general store
Cook W W, city clerk, treas and tax assessor
Cook & McRae (Buell Cook, L D McRae), lawyers
Dekle E N, pres Dekle Land Co, First National Bank and vice pres The Glen Land Co
Dekle Land Co, E N Dekle pres, S A Alford vice pres, W O Butler jr sec and treas, farm and timber lands
Dunn-Coleman Co, C B Bunn pres, W E Coleman sec and treas, hardware
Dunn C B, pres Chipley State Bank, Dunn-Coleman Co, also notary
Ennis & Coleman (L W Ennis, T B Coleman), furniture
Farrior Drug Co (J R and W L Tarrior)
Farrior Henry, marshal and tax collector
Farrior Hugh, dentist
Farrior John B, druggist
Farrior Joseph R, physician
Farrier & Allen (J B Farrior, C G Allen), pool
First National Bank, (Capital $50,000.00), E N Dekle pres, W O Butler Jr cashier
Glen J B, sec and treas The Glen Land Co
Glen Land Co The, S A Alford pres, W D Owens and E N Dekle vice prests, J B Glen sec and treas, real estate
Grace Wm H, physician
Harrell Rufus U, livery
Harvey Wm W, grocer
Hawk F C Rev (Baptist)
Helton T L, mgr Washington County Collection Agency
Horne Mary, music teacher
Horne Richard C, hardware
Hudson George W, general store
Jones Daniel J, attorney-at-law
Jordan Lucille, music teacher
Kinney Wm G, tailor
McGeachy John R, general store
McGeachy J S, physician
McGeachy Stephen E, druggist
McKinna Agnes, dress maker
Mays J C Rev (Baptist)
Minchin & Co (J E Minchin, W B Anderson), gents furnishing
Mizell Live Stock Co, C F Mizell mgr
Myers A A jr, vice pres Alford Bors Co
Newsome Sydney O, mgr west Florida Tel Exchange
Newton Henry H, r r, express and tel agt
Nowlin A E, ice dealer
Owens W D, vice pres The Glen Land Co
Pelt Frank F, grocer
Peters Bros (W D and H W), barbers
Peters James K, grocer
Peters Wm D, pool
Richardson L & E Misses (Louise and Elizabeth), milliners
Royster C V, cashr Chipley State Bank
Sanders Sidney, meats
Schell Joseph P, postmaster
Schell Wm J, grocer
Sessons Alexander, sec and treas Alford Bros Co
Standerfer Eb, jeweler
Standerfer Eb Mrs, milliner
Taylor Wm E, carriage mfr and dealer in agricultural implements
Tiller Robert E, dentist
Waller Annie Mrs, restaurant
Washington County Collection Agency, T L Helton mgr
Washington Verdict, C E Wilson editor and propr
Wells Harry H, lawyer
Wells T L & Bro (T L and A L), general store
West Florida Telephone Exchange, S O Newsome mgr
Whiddon Hotel, Mrs S A Whiddon propr
White Thomas D, grocer
Williams R C Rev (M E Church South)
Wilson Frank C, physician
Conrad. In Washington county. Has rural delivery from Caryville
Cook. A country postoffice in Washington county, 50 miles southeast of Vernon, the county seat, and 95 from Pensacola, with which place it is connected by steamboat line. Mail daily
Coosada Old Town. Historical populated place. Latitude 303801N Longitude 0855400W.
Crystal Lake. Populated place. Latitude 302639N, Longitude 0854119W.
Destin. Population 70. On Choctawhatchee Bay, in Washington county, 90 miles southeast of Vernon,
the county seat. Has a Congregational church. Mail tri-weekly
Marler Wm, general store
Dixonville. Populated place. Latitude 305911N, Longitude 0870228W.
Duncan. In Washington county, 10 miles northeast of Vernon, the county seat, and 6 from Chipley,
the nearest banking and shipping point. Mail twice daily
Everett Mill Co
Rooks Bros, turpentine
Ebro. A country post office on the Choctawhatchee river, in Washington county,
19 miles southwest of Vernon, the county seat, and 35 from Chipley,
the nearest banking point and rail approach. Mail daily
Ebro N S Co, general store
McCormick J A, general store
McKinnie J W, grocer
Econfina. A rural postoffice in Washington county, 20 miles southeast of Vernon,
the county seat, and 26-1/2 south of Chipley, the nearest shipping point. Mail daily
Gainer R L, general store
Five Points. Populated place. Latitude 304247N, Longitude 0854505W, located north of Vernon along State Road 280.
Fountain. Population 200. In Washington county, 23 miles southeast of Vernon,
the county seat, 24 from Chipley and 28 from Marianna, all of which places afford banking facilities,
and 12 from Maxwell Landing on North Bay, the usual shipping point. Telephone connection. Mail, daily.
Morgan M Fraiser, postmaster
Cartwright J R, grocer
Enterprise Lumber Co
Fraiser M M, Notary Public and general store
Lambert Robert, general store
Spann Bros, saw mill and turpentine
Gay. A country postoffice on St Andrews Bay, in Washington county, 34 miles south of Vernon, the county seat and nearest banking point. Mail daily
Gilberts Mill. Populated place. Latitude 303804N, Longitude 0852933W.
Grantham. Populated place. Latitude 303025N, Longitude 0853535W.
Greenhead. Populated place. Latitude 303017N, Longitude 0853936W, located north of Sand Hills (Bay County) along State Road 77.
Hinsons Crossroads. Populated place. Latitude 304008N, Longitude 0855033W.
Holmes Valley. Populated place. Latitude 303437N, Longitude 0854435W, located on State Highway 279. Founded in 1848. Named in honor of Creek Indian Chief Holmes, who was killed there by federal troops.
Hulaw. Populated place. Latitude 304646N, Longitude 0853330W.
Johnson Crossroad. Populated place. Latitude 304347N, Longitude 0853949W.
Live Oak. Populated place. Latitude 303447N, Longitude 0855153W.
Macom. Populated place. Latitude 303443N, Longitude 0853752W.
Millers Ferry. Populated place. Latitude 303421N, Longitude 0855040W.
Millville. Population 1,800. On the St. Andrews Bay, in Washington county,
45 miles south of Vernon, the county seat, and 51 south of Chipley the nearest banking point.
Mail daily
Brake & Gray, general store
Cotton Charles, general store
Covington W H, turpentine
Daffin J H & Co, livery
Evans H C, general store
Gann E H, general store
German-American Lumber Co
Henderson R M, general store
Lewis R H, drugs
Moore, S F, general store
Parker M Mrs, millinery
Porter & Porter, grocers
Russ Bros, grocers
Murfee. A country postoffice in Washington county, 25 miles south of Vernon,
the county seat. Ship via St. Andrews. Mail weekly
Murfee J G, grocer
New Hope. Populated place. Latitude 303441N, Longitude 0854832W, located on State Road 79.
Nixon. Population 150. On St. Andrews Bay, in Washington county, 31 miles south of Vernon,
the county seat, and 37 from Chipley, the nearest banking point. Has Missionary Baptist and Methodist churches
Williams John H, grocer
Noles. Population 400. In Washington county, 15 miles south of Vernon,
the county seat, and 28 from Chipley, the nearest banking point and rail approach. Mail, tri-weekly.
Mary E Varnum, postmaster
Alabama and Florida Lumber Co
Denton J D, general store
Rook T J, turpentine
Sharp & Johnston, turpentine mfrs
South Port Lumber Co
Varnum J B, general store
Norum. A recently established postoffice in Washington county
Parker. On the shore of St. Andrew Bay in Washington county, 50 miles south of Vernon, the county seat and 110 from Pensacola. Telephone connection. Mail daily.
Poplar Head. Populated place. Latitude 304306N, Longitude 0853851W.
Red Head. Populated place. Latitude 302912N, Longitude 0855031W, located north of Ebro on State Road 79.
Southport. Population 65. A recently established postoffice in Washington county.
Banking town is Chipley.
Anderson C S, general store
Anderson J W, general store
Corley J S, confectioner
Sale-Davis Co, naval stores
Southport Lumber Co, saw mill
Southport Timber Co, naval stores
Stuart Z, grocer
Tiller & Blackwell, general store
Sunny Hills. Populated place located north of Greenhead on State Road 77.
Sylvania. Populated place. Latitude 303701N, Longitude 0854029W.
Vernon. Population 200. The judicial seat of Washington county, is located on Holmes river,
115 miles east of Pensacola, and 16 from Chipley, the nearest rail approach and banking point.
Mail daily. L D McFatler, postmaster
Barfield C F, grist mill
Brock J E, hotel
Brock & Brock, general store
Brooks R L, general store
Brooks & Godwin, general store
Burdenshaw J W, blacksmith
Carter J T, pool room
Davis J W, blacksmith
Dawkins N G, physician
Gilbert W J, general store
Hinson H, hotel
Howell J W, general store
Hutchinson I A, lawyer
Jackson J G, turpentine
Jackson J L, general store
Johnson C C & Co, turpentine
Johnson Mrs M C, millinery
Johnson & Moody, saw mill
Jones J M, general store
McFatter S D, general store
Melvin C R, general store and barber
Morris A E & Son, general store
Parish Bros, general store, gin mill
Porter Bargain Co, general store
Reynolds J E, general store
Roche E A, general store
Ships A J, general store
Skipper L M, general store
Vernon Cash Store, drugs
Wausau. Population 100. In Washington county, 8 miles east of Vernon, the county seat,
and 12 from Chipley, the usual banking and shipping point. Has Methodist and Baptist churches.
Mail stage daily to Vernon. Telephone connection. M Glen, postmaster
Barfield John J, general store
Barrow J J, general store
Cox J J, general store
Everett E W jr, general store
Glen M, general store
Grubbs C A, turpentine
Owens & Parish, general store
McInnis & Co, turpentine
Porter J E, general store
Pritchard Glendon, blacksmith
Tiller & Co, general store
Wausau Lumber Co
Wausau Mercantile Co, general store
West Bay. Population 75. On the North Arm of St. Andrews Bay, in Washington county,
30 miles southwest of Vernon, the county seat, 49 from De Funiak Springs and 18 from St. Andrews,
the usual shipping point. Mail tri-weekly. W M C Rodgers, postmaster
Foxworth A, fish
Huet G W, general store
Hutchison P N, hotel and general store
Rodgers W M C, grocer
West Bay Naval Stores & Lumber Co
Wetappo. On St. Andrews Bay, in Washington county, 70 miles southeast of Vernon,
the county seat. Mail daily. Rural delivery to Saunders
Dyer & Kimmiller, saw mill
Whitehead Crossroads. Populated place. Latitude 304216N, Longitude 0854604W.
Youngstown. Population 25. A country postoffice in Washington county.
Chipley is its banking point
Dixie Naval Stores Co
Porter C M, general store
Compiled 2020 Aug 25, from USGS GNIS, Wikipedia, and extractions from 1907 Florida Gazetteer and Business Directory.
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