FLGenWeb Contacts:
Jeff Kemp
Assistant State Coordinator:
Tricia Aanderud

The history and people of Florida are as varied as the five flags that have flown over our state: Spanish, French, English, Confederate and United States of America. We have the oldest city in the United States at St. Augustine and the latest adventures at Kennedy Space Center, from which all US manned space flights depart. Tourism is King in Florida, with Disneyworld, Seaworld and Universal Studios in Orlando drawing more visitors each year than any other resort area in the country. But water reigns supreme, for recreation today and the transportation of yesteryear. In addition to the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Gulf of Mexico on the west, Florida holds Lake Okeechobee, the second largest body of fresh water in the U.S. From the marshland of the Everglades, to the thousands of lakes, rivers, canals and creeks throughout the state -- there are stories that go with each.
Florida agriculture provides the country with citrus, winter vegetables, sugar cane, milk and cattle.
The people range from thriving former Cubans in the south to some of the country's major retirement communities in the central area, to Old South elegance in the North Florida panhandle. Despite a population of about 18 million people, fourth largest and growing, we gain new residents every year. Florida is a dream of rest and retirement for some, opportunity for others, and for some -- our past.
The purpose of FLGenWeb is to preserve and educate the public about our rich heritage and to help families discover their ancestors.
Our Neighbors:
Florida's neighbors to the north are
Alabama and
Please visit their sites for more information on their resources.
