Many transcribed newspaper articles and obituaries are available at USGenWeb® Archives - Volusia County Florida
Sheriff's Sale - Edward Morgan ijs Plantiff and W. H. Clay is defendant
Homestead Notice - Thomas J. Hinson, Sen. ... James M. DeWitt, W. A. Eubanks, Solomon Holland,
W. B. Holland, all of Altoona
Homestead Notice - Thomas J. Hinson, Jr.
Homestead Notice - Eliza Eubanks, ... T. J. Hinson, Sen., T. J. Hinson, Jr., of Altoona, Fla.,
Jesse Tiner of Ponceannah, Fla. and Nathan Norton of Fort Mason, Fla.
Homestead Notice - Francis J. Hinson ... Solomon Holland, S. H. Pike, W. B. Holland, all of
Altoona, Florida, and James Drowdey of Umatilla.
Homestead Notice - Wm. M. Hamilton, ... Harmon Brown, Benjamin Cook, G. W. Lancaster, Robert
Cook, all of DeLand, Fla.
Administration Notice - estate of James Patterson, late of Volusia County, Florida, deceased.
John Bain, Administrator.
commissioner's Sale - estate of John Lorrain
Administration Notice - estate of Douglas Dummett ... Anna Dummett, Administratrix
Local - Mr. Gillen Busick, of Wabash, Ind., has purchased twenty acres from Mr. Gillespie for a
At the conference held in Ocala, the Rev. W. Williams was appointed minister for Enterprise
Messrs. W. D. Neff and C. M. Buell, of Ottawa, Illinois, with their friends are spending the
winter at their Spring Garden home.
Mrs. Van de Griff, formerly of St. Louis, Mo., has purchased the improved forty acres, on Lake
Lelia, from Mr. Wickham.
Mr. A. H. Stockton has now got into his comfortable and commodious new store and hangs out his
card in our advertising column.
Mr. Sandord Honeywell, of Wabash county, Indiana, has purchased the improved forty acres of Mr.
Robert Cook's homestead for $1,500.
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Hull, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have arrived. Mr. Hull has a fine young orange
grove coming on, near this place.
Mr. Robert Cook has purchased the place formerly the property of N. C. Hall, near Volusia and
will reside there in future, having sold out all of his homestead here.
Mrs. T. E. C. Brinley has improved so much in health since her arrival here that Mr. Brinley has
purchased a lot in town, and will begin at once to erect a residence.
Mr. George A. Brown, of Louisville, Kentucky, contemplates purchasing a tract of land and
putting out an orange grove.
Mr. C. R. Bloomer, of this place, is in possession of a copy of the Boston Gazette and Country
Journal, ...
Mrs. Hildreth & Co., will be prepared to receive their friends and patrons in their new
store, the last of this week. All are invited to call and examine their stock. Miss Jewett will also
organize her class in English on Monday January 10th, the class to meet in the back room of the
The following are now stopping at the DeLand Grove House: J. W. Hartley, New ALbany, Ind.; Miss
Lucy A. Fiddis, Owego, New York; O. R. Crockett, Norway, Maine; T. E. C. Brinley, wife and daughter,
Jno. Kay, J. D. Hegan, Louisville, Kentucky; S. Shepherd, and wife, Georgetown, Tenn.; A. A.
Leverich, Brooklyn, New York; O. N. Hull, and wife, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; E. B. McConahy, Chicago,
Illinois; J. B. Bradley, wife and child, Oliver Lobdwell, Greenfield Hill, Conn.
Homestead Notice - Madora A. Branch, widow of James C. Branch, ... Daniel Bennett, J. D. Broome,
Robert Shields, James Shields, all of DeLand, Fla.
Extracted 25 Sep 2019 by Norma Hass. The many advertisements were not captured.
Daytona Electric Co., J. B. Garrison
N. Erickson, cabinet maker, wood worker
Bond Lumber Company, R. J. Malby, manager
C. Nash & Son, galvanized iron tank, tin roof, hat air furance, other metal necessities
R. D. Taylor, electrical contractor
Hankins, the druggist, at the place where Volusia meets Beach
Council Business - Alderman Heymann protests costs of shelling of Beach Street; Henry T. Titus tendered his resignation as fire chief; Oscar Michael submitted an offer of placing marl on Ridgewood Avenue; Mayor Greene was authorized to use the police power to remove the boat house at the foot of Third avenue; ...
Fire Escape Installed at Local Opera House - Graham Thompson last week ...
Colonel and Mrs. W. M. Shaffner went to Orlando to spend Thanksgiving with Prof. C. A. Dudley and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jones, accompanied by Miss Alvie Canova, who has been visiting with them, went over to Palatka Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Canova.
Married at Rose Bay: Will Reside in Daytona - George W. Fulce, of this city, and Miss Ida Snow, of Rose Bay, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Snow, of Rose Bay, last Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, Rev. J. L. Pattillo, of Port Orange, officiating. The bride may be claimed as a Daytona girl, as her early years were spent in this city, her parents being among the first settlers of Daytona. The groom is a brother of Mrs. W. W. Ledwith and the young couple will make their home on West Orange Avenue.
C. W. Branch, of Daytona Beach, had a narrow escape from death or serious injury last Saturday morning. ... Mr. Branch was thrown to the ground, but escaped with mothing worse than some painful scratches and bruises. The buggy was pretty badly damaged.
Manager George W. Herbert will present the dainty comedienne, Virginia Milliman and company at the Daytona Opera House ...
Ormond -
Our old friends the Abbotts are nicely housed for the winter in the Mason cottage.
Harry Wardwell, of Swampscott, Mass., is back again, stopping at Mildred Lodge. ...
Miss Alice McNary, who has been visiting friends north during the summer, returned Tuesday.
Walter Freck arrived from New York this week.
Mrs. L. S. Hall went to Jacksonville on Tuesday to meet a daughter of her late husband, Fred
Hall. Miss Hall arriaves from Minneapolis, and will spend the winter here.
Mrs. Webster, a former winter resident of Ormond, is with us again. She will spend the winter
with Mrs. Carrie Pitts, on Granada avenue.
Miss Bessie Sawyer, our popular music teacher, has returned from St. Louis, where she has been
spending the summer with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Sawyer.
The Four Hundred met with Mrs. Smyth on Friday last. After viewing the new cottage, Connecticut,
one of the finest on the river front, they sat down to a repast of good things, which the hostess is
noted for spreading before her guests.
A. G. Wetherbee and F. Colby went to Daytona on Monday, in the launch, Wachusett - just a
business trip.
In honor of Mrs. W. A. Anderson the Misses Abercrombie last Saturday afternoon very delightfully entertained at the Despland cottage at five hundred and bridge. Mrs. Anderson, Miss Evelyn Clark and Mrs. Milligan assisted in the receiving line. Miss Mae Jolley was awarded the first bridge prize, and Mrs. Graham Thompson the second. Miss Harry took home the first five hundred prize, while Miss M. Ella DeVoy was the winner of the second. Delicious refreshments consisting of home-made candies, cakes, ice cream and coffee were served. Mrs. Despland was the caterer.
In a recent meeting of the Parliamentary Club of the Daytona High School resolutions were passed tendering a vote of thanks to Mr. William Roxby for presentation of a picture taken of the laying of the cornerstone of the new building; also, to Miss M. Ella DeVoy for geological specimens which she so kindly furnished for the school. The school has received pictures in teh past from George H. Munroe and A. Benedict; geological specimens from Miss Jennie Stewart, and in their new building will have ample room for any suitable pictures, or books, that will add to the usefulness of the library. Signed A. W. Shaw, President, Ruby Douglass, Sec.
Mrs. C. R. M. Sheppard returned Friday afternoon from Enterprise, where she had been visiting with relatives.
City Hotel, Geo. H. Matthews, proprietor
The Howard, John C. Howard, proprietor
The Cleveland, Mrs. Delmore and daughter
Conrad Grocery Co., E. T. Conrad & Co's old stand.
Cottages for Rent, Conrad-Oates Realty, Title, and Insurance Company
Adam Schantz Electric Light Plant, E. L. Gunn, general manager
Extracted 25 Sep 2019 by Norma Hass from Page 1 only of 4 pages. Image courtesy of ChroniclingAmerica.
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