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United Spanish War Veterans newspaper articlesSource: The St. Cloud Tribune, St. Cloud, Florida, Thursday, 26 Dec 1935 United Spanish War Veterans James S. Reamer, James P. Kenney, Walter Shaffer and George B. Harris were mustered in Frederick Funston Camp No. 22 at the meeting of Dec. 16th. John Burns and E. E. Leilner were admitted by transfer from Washington D. C. and Fostoria, Ohio, respectively. During the past year twenty-four members have joined the Camp by transfer or muster. The Camp will hold a joint installation with the Ladies Auxiliary, the evening of January 6th, 1936, Wm. G. Hankins, Jr., vice cammander of the Department of Florida having been designated as the installing officer. The Military Order of the Serpent will hold a meeting at Altamonte Springs the thrid Saturday in January. Method of securing entrance to the hospital and domicile at Bay Pines was explained and discussed by Captain C. E. DeGroff and Comrade Milbrodt. There will be a pound party in the Auxiliary hall Thursday afternoon. Morin M. Hall, Co. A. 34th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, is a new arrival from Grand Rapids, Michigan and resides at 1221 Minnesota Ave. Oter recent arrvials and visitors are M. A. Benson, Troop C and H, 1st U. S. Cavalry, Andrews, N. C.; John M. Buckley, Co. D. 1st W. va. Vol. Infantry, Monongahela, W. Va.; J. A. Phelps, Co. H, 3rd U. S. Infantry, resides Kissimmee, Fla.; Allen Myers, Co. B, 12th U. S. Infantry, resides 1018 Carolina Ave.; Tilden Bess, Sergeant, Co. B, 32nd U. S. Vol. Infantry, resides Tampa; J. M. Quard, Co. A. 1st S. Dakota Infantry, Tampa, Fla.; Wm H. Deal Troop G., 4th U. S. Cavalry, Dallas, Pa., resides 511 Penn. Ave.; Robert H Gibson, Troop C., 6th U. S. Cavalry, 1814 Conn. Ave.; John Kallnermet, Lakeville, N.Y.; James F. Kenney, Co I, 13th U. S. Infantry; Owen McGinty, Co. G, 21st Kansas, Co. G, 40th U. S. V., 1015 Maryland; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson, 2nd Illinois Infantry, melbourne, Fla; Henry Seidel, Co. I, 29th U. S. Infantry, 1315 Penn. Ave.; Harry C. Van Velde, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, 1572 N. Y. Ave.; A. N. Wales, Co. E, 16th U. S. Infantry. Source: St. Cloud Tribune, St. Cloud, Florida, Thursday, 9 Jan 1936 Spanish Veterans News Notes of Interest United Spanish War Veterans who have arrived in St. Cloud since the last report are: W. G. Morperd, Co. H., 11th U. S. Vol. Infantry; H. M. Garver, Ardmore, Kansa; Aker D. McNew, Co. C, 44th U. S. Vol. Infantry, Traylors Camp; Daniel D. Rooney, B Troop, 7th U. S. Cavalry, K Troop, 11th U. S. Cavalry, resides 1117 Wisconsin Ave., St. Cloud; H. V. Stauffer, Co. M, 12th U. S. Infantry, Pitcairn, Pa. Frank A. Smith, Co. F, 157th Indiana Infantry, South Bend, Ind; Thomas Whiston, Co. E, 4th Pennsylvania Infantry, 3435 W. Clearfield, Philadelphia, Pa. Michael Quirk has left for Tampa. C. R. Murphy has returned to Cuba, Ill. and Roy W. Goddard of Warren, Ohio, has gone to the hospital at Bay Pines, quite seriously ill, for treatment. The Shawnee Mission Chapter of Future Farmers of America, forty-five in number, were the guests of Frederick Funston Camp No. 22 on the night of Dec 20, when they occupied the quarters of the U. S. W. V. for the night. Wm. G. Hankins, of Kissmmee, junior vice commander of the Department of Florida, has been designated, and has accepted the appointment, as installing officer for the installation of officers for the coming year on January 6th, 1936.
Frederick Funston Camp and Auxiliary No. 22, U. S. W. V. joined together in their annual installation ceremonies, an outstanding social occasion of the year in Spanis veteran circles, on Monday evening this week at the Spanish Veterans' building. The assembly hall was filled to capacity. Following the regular business session of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Helen Ellis, president, invited the "men of '98" to join the Auxiliary for the special ceremonies of installation. Star Jasmine and Japanese tomato rose were used to decorations. Department junior vice commander, W. G. Hankins, officiated most efficiently at the installation of Camp officers. Mrs. Lula Mae Davis graciously acted as installing officer for the officers of the Auxiliary. The following were installed as officers in Frederick Funston Camp No. 22: commander, Edd George; senior vice commander, Gabe White; junior vice commander, J. W. Duggleby; adjutant, J. A. Henderson; quartermaster, Godfrey Ashbaker; chaplain, Thos. C. tucker; officer of day, T. A. Bare; officer of guard, Andrew J. Muir; patriotic instructor, Joseph A. Davis; surgeon, Thos. C. Tucker; sergeant major, Harry Day; quartermaster sergeant, Wm. McCubbin; historian, C. E. DeGroff; senior color sergeant, M. J. Finneran; junior color sergeant, P. J. Kelleher. Committees appointed for the camp were: recruiting committee - Dr. C. E. Athey, James Garrett; sick committee - James Garret, Gabe White. Four new members were received into the camp. At the conclusion of the installation of Funston Camp officers, the new commander, Edd George, gave an interesting talk, dwelling with reminisces of the Camp since its organization in December 1926. Mr. George is a charter member and has been a member continuously since the organization of the Camp. The new officers of the Auxiliary are: president, Mrs. Lilie Crocker; senior vice president, Mrs. Mary George; chaplain, Mrs. Lula Davis; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Claudia Smith; historian, Mrs. Lillie Finnegan; conductor, Mrs. Cassie Bare; assistant conductor, Mrs. Apero Athey; guard, Mrs. Rhoda Marshal; assistant guard, Mrs. Bessie Ford; secretary, Mrs. Sarah McMullen; treasurer, Mrs. Melissa Dey; color bearers, Mrs. Viola Milbrodt, Mrs. Mona Johnson, Mrs. Bertha Muir and Mrs. Marie Poore. Mrs. Lilie Crocker gave and interesting and constructive talk on the work of the coming year. Mrs. Carrie Tucker presented flowers to Mrs. Davis, installing officer, and Mrs. Davis presented the past president's pin to the retiring president, Mrs. Helen Ellis. A handsome table lamp was presented to Mrs. Ellis from the members of the Auxiliary, the presentation being made by Mrs. Tucker. After the joint ceremonies a delightful social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the Auxiliary with Mrs. Davis and members of her committee in charge. Transcribed and donated by Lisa K. Slaski, a member of the Genealogy Club of Osceola County, 2010 |