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History of Kissimmee
Osceola County, Florida


Source: "South Florida, its builders, its resources, its Industries and Climatic Advantages...," Tampa Daily Times, Tampa, FL, 1924

Kissimmee, Florida

Kissimmee, county seat of Osceola County, the Midway City on the shortest route between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, now offers to share its beauty, health, social advantages, high moral atmosphere, education and wealth making assets with good citizens everywhere.

A clean, well-administered commission-manager city government. A system of schools - high and graded - which is excelled by no city in the State. A climate that makes living a pleasure the year round. Pure water and cleanly surroundings, which make fevers and malarial affections unknown, fewer mosquitoes, ants and other insects than any other city even boasts of. Fine churches, fraternal organizations and civic bodies which unite in making the religious moral and social life all that can be desired.

The citizens of Kissimmee unite in extending the hand of welcome to law-abiding good citizens of this and other States, and invite those seeking either a home or a business investment to come and investigate Kissimmee's claims. Kissimmee is the center of the new winter trucking district of the State and adjacent to its limits are many hundred acres of the finest trucking lands available for development, at low cost for the land and for developments.

A channel for boats drawing four feet through beautiful Lake Tohopekaliga, the Kissimmee River, Lake Okeechobee and the State's great drainage canals, gives pleasant and ready water transportation to both the West and the East Coasts of Florida. Our lakes abound in the game - big mouth black bass and other fine fish, bear, deer, turkeys and quail are in abundance and easily reached in the hunting season. The strawberry industry which was started on a good sized scale two years ago has convinced the grower that this is a paying crop and it is estimated that the 1925 season will surpass the two seasons in production of strawberries grown at Kissimmee. The growing of citrus fruits is a big industry also, over 300,000 boxes produced in Osceola County last year.

This section has the soil that is particularly adapted to the growing of bananas and several growers report very satisfactory returns from this industry. a company has just been organized for the purpose of growing bananas and will plant 300 acres at once.

The contract has been let for the construction of two school buildings, including the high-school building which will give added facilities to the fast increasing attendance. A street paving campaign is now under way, and a bond election is to be called in June. Said election will call for the paving of eight miles of streets together with the bulk-heading improvements will give to Kissimmee an expenditure of over $400,000.00 for new developments and improvements to be put in force at once.

For further information address the Kissimmee Chamber of Commerce.

Transcribed and donated by Lisa Slaski, a member of the Genealogy Club of Osceola County, 2006