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County Coordinator:  Adoptable

1921-22 ST. CLOUD CITY DIRECTORY (city description only)
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1921-22 St. Cloud, Florida

Source: "Kissimmee - St. Cloud, Florida City Directory and Osceola County Gazetteer," 1921-1922

"The Wonder City"

Good soil.
A hospital.
Two banks.
Good water.
A city park.
Good hotels.
Good climate.
An ice plant.
A newspaper.
Three garages.
A public library.
Well kept stores.
A telephone system.
An American Legion.
A cold storage plant.
Ample fire protection.
A good school system.
A moving picture show.
Good sanitary conditions.
Musical and Dramatic Club.
Three miles of paved streets.
The name of the "Wonder City."
People from every state in the Union.
Twenty-five miles of cement sidewalks.
The largest G. A. R. Post in the South.
An active and Live "Ten Thousand Club."
Good facilities for hunting and fishing parties.
The best railroad passenger depot of its size in the State.
Municipality owned electric lighting, water and sewage system.
Within its limits the finest natural bathing beach in the State.
A lake that has no comparison in the State, with the probability of a twenty-mile boulevard.
Good lands for farming, ideal lands for orange groves, which can be obtained at reasonable prices.
Direct connection with the EAst and West coasts of Florida on a hard surfaced highway by the most practical, tangible, feasible and most southern cross-state route.
A curb market is held, twice a week, on Tuesday and Saturdays, where fresh vegetables can be procured at reasonable prices at all seasons of the year.
The following lodges: Masonic, Odd Fellos, Woodmen, Eastern Star, Rebeccas, as well as branches of the Army and Navy Union, Women's Relief Corps, and a Ladies' Improvement Club.
For further information write,

Chamber of Commerce, St. Cloud, Fla.

Transcribed and donated by Lisa Slaski, a member of the Genealogy Club of Osceola County, 2006