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Guide to Key West, Part IV

A Guide to KEY WEST; Monroe Co, FL
Contributor: Joy R. Fisher <sdgenweb AT>
Date Contributed: 18 Jun 2010
A Guide to KEY WEST
Compiled by workers of the
Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration
in the State of Florida

Sponsored by the Florida State Planning Board

HOWARD O. HUNTER, Acting Commissioner
FLORENCE KERR, Assistant Commissioner
ROY SCHRODER, State Administrator
All rights are reserved, including the rights to reproduce this hook or parts thereof in any form
Copyright 1941 by the Florida State Planning Board

Part IV - Bibliography
Brief History of Churches in Florida. Abbe Press, St. Leo, Florida. 1923.
BRIGHAN, A. P. and MCGARLAND, C. T. Brief Description of Industries.
    American Book Co., N. Y., 1916.
BROWNE, JUDGE JEFFERSON B. "Across the Gulf by Rail to Key West."
    National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic Society,
    Washington, D. C. June, 1896.
BROWNE, JUDGE JEFFERSON B. Key West, The Old and the New. The
    Record Co., St. Augustine, 1912.
BRYSON, THOMAS J. Pan-American Highway. Key West Citizen, 1932.
CAPPICK, MARIE. "Key West's Aquarium," Paths, a monthly magazine.
    The Artman Press, Key West, March, 1934.
CAPPIC, MARIE. "History of Key West, Chock Full of Romance." Key
    West Citizen, 1930.
CASTANEDA, TIBURCIO P. La Explosion del Maine, y La Guerra de los
    Estados Unidos con Espana. La Moderna Poesia, Habana, 1925.
CHAPIN, GEORGE M. Biography of Noted Key Westers. S. J. Clarke Publishing
    Co., Chicago, Ill., 1914.
CHAPIN, GEORGE M. History of Florida. S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.,
    Chicago, Ill., 1914.
CHAPIN, GEORGE M. Florida: Past, Present and Future.  S. J. Clarke
    Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill., 1914.
COOPER, ELIZABETH. "See Dreams." Society Pictorial Magazine, Miami
    Beach, Florida, February 12, 1933.
CUTLER, HARRY GARDNER. History of Florida, Past and Present. Lewis
    Publishing Co., Chicago and N. Y., 1923.
DAVIS, RICHARD  HARDING. The Cuban and Porto Rico Campaigns.
    Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1898.
ENGLAND, GEORGE ALLEN. "The Name was Mudd." The Reader's Digest.
    Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, N. Y., August, 1934.
EVANS, REAR-ADMIRAL ROBLEY D. A Sailors Log. D. Appleton and Co.,
    N. Y., 1901.
Federal Writers' Project. Works Progress Administration.  lorida: A
    Guide to the Southernmost State. Oxford University Press, N. Y., 1939.
    600 pp., maps, illus., chronology, bibliography, index.
FIELDER, R. H. Fishery Industries of the United States. Appendix II to Report
    of U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1935. Government Printing Office,
    Washington, D. C., 1935.
FLINTHAM, L. S. "Key West Convent Hospital." Messenger of the Sacred Heart,
    vol. xxxiv, no. 5. Apostleship of Prayer, N. Y., May, 1899.
Florida Poets. Henry Harrison, N. Y., 1931. Anthology.
GIFFORD, DR. JOHN C. Southern Florida. Press of Judd and Detweiler,
    Washington, D. C., 1904.
GIFFORD, DR. JOHN C. Florida Keys, Dept. of Agriculture Tallahassee, Florida, 1935.
GIFFORD, DR. JOHN C. "The Florida Keys." National Geographic Magazine.
    National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C, January, 1906.
"How Key West Looked Shortly After The Civil War." Harper's Weekly,
    April 18, 1874.
JUDD, F. L. Inside Channel, Bahia Florida to Key West—Intra Coastal
    Waterways. Key West, 1932. Mimeographed copy of document and chart of the
    inside water route from Miami to Key West.
Key West Citizen, Key West Advertiser. Newspaper published during the
    Spanish-American War, 1898.
Key West Guide Book. Key West Administration, 1935.
"Key West Industries." Key West Morning Journal (Citizen). January 24, 1913.
Key West in Transition. Pamphlet. Published by Key West Administration, 1934.
LOVERING, F. W. Reporter in Paradise. Key West Sunprint Co., Inc., Key West, Florida, 1935.
MALONEY, WALTER C. History of Key West, Florida. Advertiser Printing House,
    Newark, N. J., 1876.
MANN, M. G. Over-Sea Highway Guide and Directory. Ketchings-Cornell,
    Key West, 1928.
MINER, ROY WALDO. "Exploring the Andros Coral Reef." The Tropic Magazine,
    vol. xi, no. 5, The Tropic Publishing Co., Miami, Florida, March, 1926.
MOWRY, HAROLD, and TOY, L. R. Miscellaneous Tropical and Sub-Tropical Florida
    Fruits. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, University of Florida,
    Gainesville, 1931.
MUNROE, KIRK. Brethren of the Coast—A Tale of West Indian Pirates. Charles
    Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1900.
MUNROE, RALPH M., and GELPHIN, VINCENT. The Commodore's Story.
    Ives Washburn, N. Y., 1930.
"New Deal in Key West, The. Florida Motorist. October, 1934. Florida
    Motorist Publishing Co., Miami, Florida.
New Yankee Doodle for the Ladies of Key West, A. Key West. c. 1861.
    Poem written on stationery  bearing cut of  Fort Jefferson,  Dry
PATTERSON, MISS ETTA.  "Key West. A Visit Before the Fire." The
    Graphic News, Key West, April 17, 1913.
RANSON, R. Florida Chronology. Booklet, Florida Historical Society, 1930.
RERICK,  ROWLAND H.  Memoirs  of Florida.  The  Southern Historical
    Association, Atlanta, Ga., 1902.
ROLO, JUAN PEREZ. Mis Recuerdos. Florida Printing Co., Key West, 1928.
"Roman of the Wrecker." Florida Keys Sun, Key West, 1930.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. Thompsons Marine Curios: Sponges. Key West, 1934.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. "Amans Vitam, or A Key West Madness."
    Lyric Invaders, anthology. Henry Harrison, N. Y.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. "A Tree Parade in Key West." Paths, a
    monthly magazine. Sun Publishing Co., Key West, May, 1934.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. "On Entrance to Key West via Boulevard."
    Sunday Daily News. "Miami Muse" column, N. Y. Laramore, editor. Miami,
    Florida, June, 1932.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. In An Old Key West Garden. The Poet's
    Forum. The Scroll Press, Howe, Okla., March, 1934.
RUSSELL, HILDEGARDE OTT. Daggers In A Star. Henry Harrison, N. Y., 1930.
SABATINI, RAFAEL. Captain Blood. Grosset & Dunlap, N. Y., 1922.
SABATINI, RAFAEL. Captain Blood Returns. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and
    N. Y., 1931.
SCHROEDER, WILLIAM C. Fisheries of Key West and the Clam Industry
    of Southern Florida. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 962,
    Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1924.
SIMPSON, CHARLES TORREY. "The Cultivation of Palms in Florida." The
Tropic Magazine. The Tropic Publishing Co., Miami, Florida, March, 1926.
SINGLETON, STEPHEN COCHRAN. Florida Showers. Miami Post Publishing
    Co., Miami, Florida, c. 1928.
SMALL, JOHN K. Historic Trails, by Land and by Water. John K. Small,
    N. Y., 1921.
SMALL,  JOHN K.  The  Land where Spring Meets Autumn. John K.
    Small, N. Y., 1924.
SMALL, JOHN K. Plant Novelties from Florida. Reprinted from Bulletin
    of the Torrey Botanical Club, N. Y.
SMALL, JOHN K.  The Silver Palm Coccoihrinax Argentea. Reprinted
    from Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, N. Y., 1924.
SMALL, JOHN K. Vegetation and Erosion on the Everglades Keys. John
    K. Small, N. Y., January, 1930.
WATERS, DON. "Rambling Through Florida's Keys." Motor Boating
    Magazine. International Magazine Co., Inc., N. Y., May, 1934.
WATKINS, J. V. Compiler. Herbaceous Perennials. University of Florida,
WHITE, T. Our War with Spain. J. S. Quiegler Co., Chicago, 1898.
WHITEHEAD, W. A. Notice of Key West for John Rodman, Esq., St.
    Augustine, Key West, December, 1835.
WHITEHEAD, W. A. Map of the Town of Key West, together with the
    Island. Key West, 1829. Hand copy, 1887, by Mason Marino, of
    original 1829 map.
WILLIS, J. A. Compiler. The New and Greater Key West. Privately
    printed Booklet, Key West, 1914.
WIRGIL, T. H. Boom in Paradise. Sunprint, Key West, Florida, 1932.