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Pensioners - 1883

1st row: Certificate No…Name

2nd row: Post Office

3rd row: Cause for which pensioned

4th row: Monthly rate…..Original date


2139..............................Ellen M. Edgar

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: widow (Navy)

Monthly rate:    14.00….Original Date:   Jan 1876


…………………………..Sarah Richardson

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: widow (Navy)

Monthly rate:   20.00…..Original Date:  Feb 1874


…………………………..John Carroll

Cause for which pensioned: injury to abdomen (Navy)

Monthly rate:   6.00..…Original Date:  Dec 1871


136820………………Anne B. Morris

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: mother

Monthly rate: 8.00…..Original Date: Apr 1876


69554……………………Charlotte Smith

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: widow

Monthly rate: 8.00…..Original Date: Apr 1863


170419….....................Evaline Mary Jumstein

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: widow

Monthly rate: 8.00…..Original Date: Jul 1875


184786….....................James Curran

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: gsw face

Monthly rate:  2.00…..Original Date: Mar 1881


8781….........................Henry A. Crane

P.O.: Key West

Cause for which pensioned: injury to abdomen

Monthly rate:   8.00…..Original Date:  Oct 1869


67081….......................Max Erdmannodorf

P.O.: Myers

Cause for which pensioned:  gsw r. forearm

Monthly rate:   18.00…..Original Date:   --

Original Allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882.Volume V, 47th Congress, 2nd Session; Ex. Doc 84, Part 5
Transcribed by Gordon Byers, November 28, 2000.
All information was not included for all individuals in the original 1883 publication;
other errors and omissions could have occurred.
Updated 20 Jun 2010 by bjcb