WWI Service Cards M - Z

Branch Rank Service # Race Last Name, First Name Middle Name Residence City, State
Army  Private 1352036 W Machin, Oscar  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1863565 W Maine, Morris  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1415448 W Malone, Archie  Key West , Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1415135 W Malone, Berlin Richard Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 3rd Class 'F' 1415609 W Maloney, Norma Antoinetta Key West , Florida
Army  Private 722095 W Marero, Herbert B Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1416114 W Markovitz, Isidore  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883934 W Markovitz, Philip  Key West , Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1416498 W Marrero, Angelo  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1352035 W Marshall, Thomas  Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 1st Class 1418598 W Martinez, Henry  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 'F' 1419609 W Masters, Edna Beatrice Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant -none- W Matchett, John Frazier Key West, Florida
Army  Private 813665 C Mayo, Willie  Key West, Florida
Navy  Boatswains Mate 1st Class 1334508 W Mc Carty, Samuel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 3rd Class 1329573 W Mc Gee, Ernest  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1335724 W Mc Killip, Gilbert  Key West, Florida
Army  1st Sergeant -none- W McCaffrey, Charles  Key West, Florida
USMC  Sgt Maj 150911 W McDonald, Allan Joseph Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 788426 C McDuffie, Crane S Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2908922 C McDuffie, Rudolph C Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 3665030 C McGee, Earle L Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 2nd Class 1334417 W McIver, Joseph Bachman Islamorada, Florida
Army  Private 2910002 C McKinczie, Benjamin  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W McKinney, Frank  Key West, Florida
Army  Mus 2cl 4186495 C McKinney, Henry T Key West, Florida
Army  Maj -none- W McLaren, John  Key West, Florida
Navy  Boilermaker 1338187 W McMahon, Edward Maurice Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 789001 C McNeal, Charles  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Mecerra, Louis  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1873916 W Mena, Frank  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 722081 W Mena, Victor L E Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Yeoman 1424454 W Mendelsohn, Hannah  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1864631 W Milard, Birton C Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1862219 W Milian, Thomas  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Miller, Prince Albert Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1431208 W Milton, George  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1687729 C Mingo, Reynold  Key West, Florida
USCG  Water Tender A -none- W Mingo, Thomas  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2908925 C Minnis, Percy I Key West, Florida
Navy  Ensign -none- W Moffat, Charles Victor Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849500 W Monroe, Fred Enoch Key West, Florida
Navy  Boatswains Mate 1st Class 1434337 W Monsalotage, William Herman Key West, Florida
Army  Cook -none- W Monsalvatge, Paul R Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1434270 W Montecino, Carlyle Joseph Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1434282 W Montejo, Bienvenido  Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 4135227 W Montgomery, Nelson B Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1 Class-F 1436212 W Moore, Thelma Louise Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4135228 W Mora, Huel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant -none- W Morgan, Charles  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883933 W Moss, Edgar L Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 3276387 W Moss, Henry B Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 2953389 C Moss, Joseph B Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Electrician Radio 1439861 W Mott, Charles Roy Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1441970 W Mumford, Edward James Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 789218 C Munnings, Robert A Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1861700 W Munos, Antonio  Key West, Florida
Army  2nd Lt Sanitary -none- W Murray, James Edward Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1352031 W Myers, Leon  Key West, Florida
Navy  Band Master 1237192 W Nash, Charles James Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Navarro, Raymond G Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 4186548 C Nealy, Albert V Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4072234 C Nealy, James  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4186553 C Nealy, Samuel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1567192 W Nee Noda, Isabel Pauline Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 1st Class 1238972 W Nelson, Herman  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849497 W Niles, Charles Leslie Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1243738 W Nooney, Leroy Earle Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1149015 W Nottage, Austin James Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1883936 W Nottage, Jerome  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1352474 W Nuell, Paul  Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 2nd Class 1244536 W Nunez, Horacio  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883937 W Nye, George Hyatt Key West, Florida
Army  Cook 1862226 W Ogden, David  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 814839 W Olive, Paul  Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 1st Class 1849498 W Oliveros, Gordon Granger Key West, Florida
Navy  Electrician 3rd Class General 1744564 W Osterhoudt, Nicholas Latham Key West, Florida
Army  QM Sgt 721508 W Ostram, Jlmer L Key West, Florida
Army  2nd Lt Inf -none- W Otto, Joseph  Key West, Florida
Army  2nd Lt AS 2484936 W Otto, Thomas Osgood Key West, Florida
Navy  Boilermaker 1743071 W Owens, William Arthur Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3277475 W Page, Carl Byrne Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 3rd Class 1265480 W Palmer, Ellie Deane Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3284618 W Papy, Frank W Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Yeoman 1522348 W Park, Fannie  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1522255 W Park, Lizzie Ellen Key West, Florida
Army  Cook 1351983 W Parks, Leroy J Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1352524 W Parks, Roy C Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1352057 W Parrott, Milton  Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1878526 W Pastorini, Arthur  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1347199 W Pearce, Arthur C Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1525634 W Pearce, Carrie  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276408 W Pearlman, Julius  Key West, Florida
Army  -none- 1352047 W Pent, Norman  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 55674 W Perez, Charlie E Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 1st Class 1528623 W Perkins, Charles Alex Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687723 C Perkins, James J Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1626652 W Perkins, John Alexander Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 789046 C Perkins, Percy  Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant -none- W Petersen, Cornelius Lassiter Key West, Florida
Navy  Landsman for Yeoman 4067002 W Petersen, Violet Elizabeth Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Pierce, James E Key West, Florida
Navy  Carpenter -none- W Pierce, Leo Malcolm Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883922 W Pierce, Lewis E Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 3rd Class 1849539 W Pinder, Arthur  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1339231 W Pinder, Douglas  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 814833 W Pinder, Fitzroy W Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849667 W Pinder, Frank  Key West, Florida
Army  Wagoner 3276412 W Pinder, George M Key West, Florida
Navy  Electrician 2nd Class Radio 1268474 W Pinder, John William Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Carpenters Mate 1533227 W Pinder, John William Key West, Florida
Navy  Boatswains Mate 1st Class 1533226 W Pinder, Newton  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1849691 W Pinder, Steadman James Key West, Florida
Army  Cook 3276411 W Pinder, William I Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1351956 W Piodela, William H Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4462886 W Pitts, Charlie Anders Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4462976 W Pitts, Theodore R Key West, Florida
Army  Maj MC -none- W Plummer, George Rochefoucauld Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Pharmacist Mate 1534291 W Poe, James Wesley Key West, Florida
Army  Lt Col -none- W Porter, Joseph Y Key West, Florida
Army  Maj MRC -none- W Porter, Joseph Yates Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1352052 W Quesada, Oscar  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883923 W Quetglez, Miguel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4462759 W Quinan, Edward B Key West, Florida
Army  Private 788977 C Quintana, Alexander  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883924 W Rabagny, Edmund  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1 Class Cook -none- W Rahmings, Felix Albott Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687711 C Ramas, Raoul  Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant Commander -none- W Ramey, Edwin Staples Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1860667 W Recio, Bolivar Thomas Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687712 C Reckley, James  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789307 C Reid, John  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3040116 W Renedo, Jose Manuel Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Renvill, Arthur Clark Key West, Florida
Army  -none- -none- W Rice, George T Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1860325 W Richardson, Mervin Fulwood Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3875756 W Richardson, William G Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1st Class 1771020 W Ritter, Angela Hayman Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849474 W Roberts, Abraham  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1836924 W Roberts, Agatha Anna Key West, Florida
USCG  Cook -none- W Roberts, Arnold Alexander Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1837272 W Roberts, Arry Hastings Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Roberts, Arthur Ernest Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1352055 W Roberts, Bazelle  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Roberts, Bernard  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1861702 W Roberts, Bertram O'Brien Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789039 C Roberts, Carlyle  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 2670300 W Roberts, Charles Soundstrum Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1166268 W Roberts, Eustac  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 2670298 W Roberts, Everett Alonzo Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2910001 C Roberts, Hansel E Key West, Florida
Navy  Cabin Cook 1837263 W Roberts, Harry  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 2953390 C Roberts, James B Key West, Florida
Navy  Gunners Mate 1st Class 1837444 W Roberts, John Nathaniel Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1837356 W Roberts, Leonard  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276495 W Roberts, Nall Orion Key West, Florida
USCG  Cook -none- W Roberts, Perry  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883928 W Roberts, Phillip B Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4484165 W Roberts, Roy  Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Carpenters Mate 1837625 W Roberts, Samuel Wineral Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Boatswain 1837643 W Roberts, Thomas Eugene Key West, Florida
Navy  Ship Fitter 2nd Class 1849473 W Roberts, Thomas Henry Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 650463 W Roberts, Thurman E Key West , Florida
Army  Sergeant 1858736 W Roberts, Veral C Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1351974 W Roberts, Waldron E Key West , Florida
Army  Private 4484163 W Roberts, William H Key West , Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 1st Class 1838556 W Robinson, Julian  Key West, Florida
Navy  Painter 2nd Class 1849472 W Rodgers, Samuel Larson Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 3486882 W Rodriguez, Ramon S Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1839436 W Rogers, Samuel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2343532 C Roker, Percy J Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789014 C Roll, Fred  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4492526 C Rolle, Theophilus T Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Romaguera, Francisco  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 1st Class 1840894 W Romaguera, Joe  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849494 W Romero, John Joseph Key West, Florida
Navy  Gunners Mate 2nd Class 1842183 W Rose, Reuben Howard Key West, Florida
Army  Mus 1cl 1350577 W Rosenthal, Sam  Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Russell, Bertram  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1352056 W Russell, Cecil C Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 1st Class 1845997 W Russell, Charles Franklin Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1687714 C Russell, Cleveland  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3023597 W Russell, Edward G Jewfish, Florida
Navy  Chief Yeoman 1846142 W Russell, Hilda  Key West, Florida
Navy  Carpenters Mate 2nd Class 1849488 W Russell, James  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1846278 W Russell, Joseph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1st Class 1846291 W Russell, Juliette  Key West, Florida
Army  2nd Lt Inf -none- W Russell, Melvin Earl Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276487 W Russell, Philip B Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1350774 W Russell, Rafael  Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Russell, Ralph B Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1352045 W Russell, Reno  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687710 C Russell, Robert  Key West, Florida
Army  Cook 1351982 W Russell, Victor  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1846880 W Russell, Willard Frazier Key West, Florida
Navy  Water Tender 1846977 W Ryan, Joseph Thomas Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1901176 W Sabins, Myrtle Archer Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1861699 W Sacr, Rogelio  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3023808 W Salgado, Fidel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1902167 W Samber, Lawrence Allen Key West, Florida
Army  Bugler 2358716 C Samber, Nathaniel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687726 C Samber, Rudolph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849493 W Sampson, James  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1902591 W Sanchez, Carlisle Overton Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 1st Class 1902607 W Sanchez, Fidel Edward Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1902648 W Sanchez, Warren Raymond Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4492519 C Sanders, William  Key West, Florida
Army  1st Lt -none- W Sanderson, Charles Winfred Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant jg -none- W Sandquist, Oscar Adolph Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1849492 W Sands, Alfredo  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 294967 W Sands, Alton E Key West, Florida
Army  1st Sergeant 1351953 W Sands, Atwood G Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Machinist  1903078 W Sands, Charles Berlin Key West, Florida
Army  Mess Sgt 1351985 W Sands, Herman  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1352058 W Sands, Howard J Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849491 W Sands, John Wesley Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1904012 W Sands, John Willard Key West, Florida
Navy  Ward Room Cook 1904026 W Sands, Lester Jerome Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1350925 W Santini, Godfrey  Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Boatswain 1904377 W Santini, Guy Felix Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3040088 W Saunders, Berge  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3588494 W Saunders, Clarence L Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789055 C Saunders, Frank  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 722094 W Saunders, Henry F Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 1st Class 1905104 W Saunders, Maxwell  Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant Commander -none- W Savage, Henry Porter Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 2nd Class 1905942 W Sawyer, Amos Leland Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1368428 W Sawyer, Charles  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 4308999 W Sawyer, Charles E Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687718 C Sawyer, Donald  Key West, Florida
Navy  Ward Room Cook 1905606 W Sawyer, George  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3040225 W Sawyer, George M Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2907268 C Sawyer, Glenward  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 1351966 W Sawyer, Leon  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2908482 C Sawyer, Leon L Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4484166 W Sawyer, Melvin G Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1905699 W Sawyer, Norberg  Key West, Florida
Navy  Coxswain 1905709 W Sawyer, Ralph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1905729 W Sawyer, Rupert  Key West, Florida
Navy  Coxswain 1905760 W Sawyer, William Benson Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant -none- W Schmucker, George Bertram Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Scott, Ernest Alfred Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1913071 W Scott, John Velock Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2908486 C Scott, York F Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1916359 W Seymour, Jennie Lucille Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1 Class-F 4067006 W Shanahan, Jeanette  Key West, Florida
Navy  Landsman for Machinists Mate-Aviation 1917023 W Shannahan, Napoleon Bonaparte Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant Commander -none- W Sharpley, Aaron Eugene Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1918106 W Shaw, Harold Rexford Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 1st Class 1919131 W Shelton, Silas  Key West, Florida
Navy  Plumber and Fitter 1849490 W Shephard, Adam James Key West, Florida
Army  Capt Inf -none- W Sheppard, Arthur Horatio Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4484164 W Simmons, James  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1925430 W Skelton, Richard Curry Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 2681282 C Skinner, Alfred  Key West, Florida
Navy  Oiler 1925169 W Skinner, Joseph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Ward Room Cook 1925235 W Skinner, Thomas C Key West, Florida
Navy  Water Tender 1925580 W Skornik, David  Key West, Florida
Army  Master Elec 315833 W Slusser, Walter F Key West, Florida
Navy  Ensign -none- W Smith, Charles Earl Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1352068 W Smith, Hansel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Machinist  1929500 W Smith, Harvey Morgan Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849489 W Smith, John  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4101056 C Smith, John  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4185555 C Smith, Joseph A Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2953391 C Smith, Lester L Key West, Florida
Navy  Coxswain 1930649 W Smith, Paul  Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Commissary Steward 1931774 W Smith, Walter William Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 3rd Class 1849487 W Solomon, Harold John Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3284149 W Sorando, Charles  Key West, Florida
Navy  Baker 1 Class 1935521 W Spencer, James Ross Key West, Florida
Navy  Baker 1 Class 1935529 W Spencer, John Cornelius Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1883927 W Sterling, Bartes  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 1st Class 1941661 W Stevens, Loy Aloysious Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 1st Class 1941924 W Stevens, Zeno  Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 1607208 W Stewart, Alexander  Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 1st Class 1915844 W Stickney, Gaston  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1 Class-F 1943534 W Stockwell, Gladys Austin Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 1st Class 1174083 W Suarez, J  Key West, Florida
USMC  Major -none- W Sullivan, Raymond Brooks Key West, Florida
Navy  Cabin Steward 1948314 W Summons, James Alexander Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789269 C Sumner, Daniel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789267 C Sumner, Thomas  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849486 W Sweeting, David  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 2nd Class 1949896 W Sweeting, John Fredrick Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Sweeting, Joseph W Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849485 W Sweeting, Reginald  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1949899 W Sweeting, Whelock  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3040086 W Syford, Burnell  Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 3276432 W Symonette, Charles Demeritt Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinists Mate 1st Class 1746010 W Symonette, Irvin Orlando Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 721695 W Tanner, Lee  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4186554 C Taylor, Jerry  Marathon, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1036337 W Taylor, Lawrence Alexander Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Boatswain 1036662 W Taylor, William Acey Key West, Florida
Army  -none- 1172783 W Taylor, Willie  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2921454 C Thomas, George  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1039501 W Thomas, Hazel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1039992 W Thomas, Sidney  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Thompson, Charles Henry Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3023809 W Thompson, Christopher F Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849511 W Thompson, Edward  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1856752 W Thompson, Edward R Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276452 W Thompson, H B Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1st Class 1040829 W Thompson, Karl Osbern Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276455 W Thompson, Leslie Eugene Key West, Florida
Army  Private 814089 W Thompson, Paul O Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1040786 W Thompson, Philip George Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 1st Class 1041103 W Thompson, Risbah  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687715 C Thompson, Rudolph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1041049 W Thompson, Samuel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2921455 C Thompson, William  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4186515 C Thurston, Fred  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2921456 C Thurston, George  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 4484167 W Tift, Hilton H Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276454 W Tift, Milton  Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- C Tompkins, Fred  Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 3rd Class 1074090 W Torres, J  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 5133847 W Trevor, Jeremiah J Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 1st Class 1849510 W Trout, William Hurbert Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276453 W Turner, James A Key West, Florida
Navy  Carpenters Mate 1st Class 1849512 W Turner, James Madison Key West, Florida
Navy  Ships Cook 2nd Class 1048213 W Turner, Joseph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Seaman 1048895 W Tyner, Carl Leon Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Urrutia, Michael  Key West, Florida
Army  Bugler 789044 C Valdeas, Juan  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2921460 C Valdes, James D Key West, Florida
Army  Private 789300 C Valdez, Alberto R Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1338426 W Valdez, Andres Manuel Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883926 W Valdez, Johnie  Key West, Florida
Navy  Boatswains Mate 1st Class 1148906 W Van Grieken, Simon  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 722088 W Vazquez, Manuel G Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883930 W Velasco, Antonio  Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Electrician Radio 1340838 W Velasco, Julius Arnold Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 4186494 C Verona, Edward  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1340981 W Verona, Reginald  Key West, Florida
Navy  Coxswain 1373323 W Villanueva, J  Key West, Florida
Navy  Electrician 1st Class Radio 1341838 W Villareal, Dewey Reginald Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4484168 W Villareal, Edward L Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 4308726 W Voght, Leroy  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 467161 C Wade, Bob W Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4186493 C Walker, Nathaniel  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 2nd Class 1628131 W Walterson, Violet Vendaline Key West, Florida
Army  Mus 1cl 3199077 C Ward, Edward L Key West, Florida
Navy  Ensign 1629295 W Wardlow, Charles Henry Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 3rd Class 'F' 1629955 W Warren, Elise Helen Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant jg -none- W Washington, Charles Sidney Key West, Florida
Army  Sup Sgt 1351959 W Watkins, George P Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Machinist  1630784 W Watkins, John Benjamin Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4462955 W Watkins, Joseph N Key West, Florida
USCG  Quartermaster -none- W Watkins, Whitmore Carlyle Key West, Florida
Army  1st Sergeant 1351955 W Watkins, William W Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276465 W Watler, Malcolm M Key West, Florida
Navy  Plumber and Fitter 1849504 W Watson, Buie  Key West, Florida
Navy  Engineman 2nd Class 1631188 W Watson, George Gray Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Boatswain 1631878 W Weatherford, Edgar Millard Key West, Florida
Army  Private -none- W Weatherford, Henry P Key West, Florida
Navy  Quartermaster 1st Class 1631706 W Weatherford, Johnnie F Key West, Florida
Navy  Boatswains Mate 1st Class 1631892 W Weatherford, Thomas Eugene Key West, Florida
Navy  Quartermaster 1st Class 1631706 W Weathersford, John Frank Key West, Florida
Army  Private 721660 W Wedgick, Peter  Key West, Florida
USCG  Wardroom Steward -none- W Weech, William  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 2nd Class 1635480 W Welters, Lambert  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4087605 C West, Samuel  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4462797 W Whalton, Stephen Frank Key West, Florida
Navy  Machinist Mate 1st Class 1171394 W White, Herbert Francis Key West, Florida
Army  Wagoner 1861360 W White, Jake A Key West, Florida
Army  Private 4135940 W White, Mitchell  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1883939 W White, Ralph  Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1639633 W Whitehead, Alfred  Key West, Florida
Navy  Engineman 1st Class 1640463 W Wickham, Horace Wesley Big Pine Key, Florida
Army  Private 1352073 W Wiggins, Elmer  Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849507 W Williams, Alexander  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1357257 W Williams, Carlisle E Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1642951 W Williams, David  Key West, Florida
Army  Capt ASSC -none- W Williams, Donald Blaine Key West, Florida
Army  Private 2921478 C Williams, George A Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849506 W Williams, James Lafayette Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849505 W Williams, James Lincoln Key West, Florida
USCG  Steerage Cook -none- W Williams, Johanathan Vlock Key West, Florida
Navy  Apprentice Seaman 1849508 W Williams, John  Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1st Class 1351987 W Williams, Joseph  Key West, Florida
USCG  Boy 1st Class -none- W Williams, Lewis Theodore Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 2953392 C Williams, Willie  Key West, Florida
Navy  Ship Fitter 1st Class 1849509 W Wilson, Alexander  Key West, Florida
Army  Band Corp -none- W Wilson, Edward S Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1365872 W Wilson, George  Key West, Florida
Navy  Cabin Cook 1646534 W Wilson, Joseph Gray Key West, Florida
Navy  Lieutenant 1174147 W Wilson, Philip Aloysuis Key West, Florida
Navy  Cabin Steward 1345061 W Wilson, Walter Randolph Key West, Florida
Army  Private 1687725 C Winter, Livingston  Key West, Florida
Navy  Fireman 2nd Class 1148408 W Witham, Paul  Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 540263 W Witzig, Carl E Key West, Florida
Army  Lt Col Inf -none- W Wolf, Sam J Key West, Florida
Navy  Chief Store-Keeper 1649677 W Wolkowsky, Joseph  Key West , Florida
Army  Private 1340126 W Wood, Leslie E Key West, Florida
Army  Corporal 721967 W Woods, James W Key West, Florida
Army  Bugler 721641 W Woody, Thomas A Key West, Florida
Navy  Mess Attendant 3rd Class 1646909 W Wright, Jonathan  Key West, Florida
Navy  Yeoman 1 Class-F 1741971 W Young, Minna Martha Key West, Florida
Navy  Wardroom Steward 1742772 W Zacal, Juan Dado Key West, Florida
Army  Private 3276467 W Zaratte, Blas  Key West, Florida
Army  Sergeant 107999 W Zimmerman, George L Key West, Florida
USMC  Private 72051-157714 W Zimmerman, George L Key West, Florida