Transcribed and posted by BILL This site is exclusively for the free access of individual researchers. * No profit may be made by any person, business or organization through publication, reproduction, presentation or links to this site. researched by Cathe Ziereis |
16, 1861, in Co. H, 4th Wis.
V. I., for one year. The regiment was then transferred to cavalry. He served
about three and one-half years. After his return he stopped at his former
home and followed the practice of medicine about two years, and in the
Fall of 1866 returned to Oconto, where he has been practicing since. At
the age of seventeen, he enlisted in Co. F. Ohio Reg. U.S. V., under Col.
Curtis, and served in Taylor's line in the Mexican War. Was at the battle
of Buena Vista and Monterey, and served the term of his enlistment-cne
B. PERRY, proprietor of saloon, Oconto, is a native of New York State. Came to Oconto in the Spring of 1870, and was engaged in lumbering up to 1877, when he started in his present business. T. H. PHELPS, book-keeper for Holt & Balcom, Oconto, is a na- tive of Massachusetts. Came to Oconto in 1863. He has served as President of the School Board for a number of years, and has been in the eml,loy of this company since his arrival. W. H. PHILLIPS, livery, Oconto, is a native of Huron Co., Ohio. In 1873, came to Oconto ; followed lumbering and jobbing in logs, etc. In the Spring Of 1873, he opened a livery; commenced with one pair of horses. One of these horses he still owns, and is now thirty-one years old. He has owned this horse since a young colt. This livery now consists of twenty-two horses and twelve buggies. He owns six improved farms; one of these farms consists of 320 acres. He also owns eight dwelling houses in Oconto: his residence, the city hotel, four stores, a saloon building and barber shop. When he came to Oconto he had nothing, and worked for $14 a month by the year, and has acquired all of this property by his strict attention to business. G. T. PORTER, contractor, Second street, Oconto, is a native of Maine. Came to Oconto. October, 1857. Was elected County Supervisor and served two years, has served as Alderman of the City Council six years, also as a member of the Board of Education for two years. Enlisted in 1868, in Co. H, 39th Wis. 1. V., and served till the close of the war. G. A. PRELL, dealer in dry goods, boots, shoes, groceries, etc., Oconto, was born in Jefferson Co., Wis. Came to Oconto, May, 1875, and established his present business at that time. Was elected Alderman from the North Ward, April, 1879, and served for three years. Is a member of the Turners' Society.
working and laying up a stock
of health in the Summer, and strengthening his mental caliber in the Winter
by attending school. Thus profitability engaged until he reached his majority,
he taught school for a short time and then, in the Spring of 1857, commenced
to read law with F. W. Filkins, at Burnside, Albany Co. N. Y. He afterward
removed to Albany, and completed his legal studies with Thomas Smith, on
of the most celebrated lawyers of the state of New York. In 1859, at Albany,
he was admitted to practice in all the courts of the State. After practicing
his profession one year in the East, he removed to the West, and settled
in Oconto Wis., in April 1860. He at once opened a law office and soon
brought himself into favorable notice. He was elected several time
to the office of District Attorney in Oconto County, was choisen Mayor
of the city three terms, was called to the position of County Judge in
1877 and again in 1881
ALBERT RICHARD, Proprietor of
Richard House, is a native of Green Bay, Wis. In 1860, came to Oconto,
worked in the mills avout three years, afterward he ran the lath
mill, in about 1863 he commensed jobbing and putting in logs for Talton
Jones, continued at theis till 1865 when he commensed the hotel business,
which he has since followed. He built this house in 1872, the dimensions
are 52x80 feet, three stories, cost about $4,000. He has been Alderman
of the West Ward three years also Assessor one year.
H. M. ROYCE, merchant and Chairman of the County Board, was born in Clinton, Oneida Co., Oct. 11, 1825. When about years of age, he came with his parents to oberlin, Ohio. He attended school and assisted his father at farming until 1853, when he removed to Green Bay, Wis. Here he remained a year, engaged in surveying lands, while he settled in Oconto. Mr. Royce followed this same occupation here about four years. In the Fall of 1857, he established himself in the general merchandise business, with W. L. Newton. Purchasing Mr. Newton,s interest in 1864, he has conducted the business alone since. He was burned out in 1875, but was soon on his feet again, removed into his present concenient quarters. Mr. Royce has held important public positions. In 1860-61, he was elected the Deputy County Treasurer and Village Treasurer two terms in 1867. !8768; was elected the first County Treasurer of Oconto in 1869, and represented his district in the Assembly of 1874. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors for a number |