Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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researched by Cathe Ziereis




664 PAGE 



ber of terms, and has been its chairman for the past three years. Mr. Royce was married in 1863, to Miss Aurelia Peabody, of Green Bay, Wis. His second wife was a Miss Elizabeth Chryster, a native of North Hector, Schuyler Co., N.Y., whom he married in 1869. They have three children. 

FRANK RUELLE, saloon, Oconto, born March 24. 1827, in Belgium. Came to Green Bay in 1855, the following year he came to Oconto, worked in the mills till 186o. he then was appointed jail Keeper, had thisoffice about eighteen months. He enlisted in 1861, Co. G. 17th Wis. Inf., served about one year, was discharged on account of physical disability, returned to Oconto and again worked in the mill about two years. In 1865, he opened this saloon. He has been Village Trustee six years, he has been Alderman the past seven years - Republican. 

FRED SCHEDLER, proprietor of Funk's hotel, Oconto, is a native of Prussia. In 1863, came to Watertown, Wis., there attended school. In the Fall of 1864, he came to Oconto and engaged as clerk for Mr. E. Funk, at this hotel, continued in this capacity till 1872, when he rented the property which he has since run. Married in 1872, to Amelia Liese; she was born in Prussia. They have three children - two sons and one daughter. 

JOSEPH SEDMIHRADSKY, engineer at Holt & Balcom mill, Oconto, is a native of Bohemia. Came to America in 186o, and located Baltimore. In 1865, came to Manitowoc and settled at Two Creeks,was there and at other places up to 1873, when he came to Oconto, has been with this company since. 

F. G. SHANABROOK, head filer at Eldred & Son's mill, Oconto, was born in Williamsport, Penn.; came to this city in 1873; has been in the employ of this firm since he attended college at Gettysburg and studied for the ministry. When the war broke out, he enlisted, April 24. 1861, at Lock Haven, in the Rifle Guards, which afterward became Co. D, 7th Reg. Penn. Vol. Reserve; was in the service nearly one year after the close of the war. He carries several scars which he received in battle. 

D. SHARROW, proprietor of the American House, corner of Mc Donald and State road, Oconto, is a native of Detroit, Mich.; came to Oconto in 1857; established his present business August, 1878. 

JOHN SHERIDAN, dealer in hardware, stoves, and farm implements, Oconto, is a native of Canada West; came to Oconto in 1873, and engaged in lumbering up to the Fall of 1878, when he established his present business. He was in the Government service for about two years during the war. In the Spring of 1881, he was elected Alderman Trom the North Ward. 

PETER SHUFELT, foreman Oconto Saw Mill, is a native of Steuben Co., N. Y. When a boy he commenced working in a saw-mill, which he has since followed. In 1857, he came to Green Bay, Wis.; there he was employed at filing gang-saws, remaining there about one year; then removed to Stiles, where he was employed as foreman for Eldred & Balcom; remained in their employ four years. In 1861, he came to Oconto, and has since then been foreman of the saw-mill of the Oconto Company. 

WILLIAM K. SMITH, firm of Farnsworth & Smith, bankers, Oconto.

JOHN SIMON, miller for Oconto Company; born Jan. 12, 1853, in Denmark; came to Escanaba in 1870; worked for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad about five years. He then came to Oconto, and has had charge of the Oconto flour-mills since then, he having learned this business in Denmark with his father, who was also a miller; worked at this trade till he came to America. Married,in 1879,to Sophia Stone. She is a native of Norway; came to America when a child. 

THOMAS SIMPSON, lumber, Ocanto, is a native of New Bruns- wick -, came to Oconto in 1862, and has always followed the lumber business. He has been Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Clerk of the School Board. 

JACOB SPIES, manufacturer of lumber and dealer in general merchandise, Oconto. Is a native of Prussia. In 1849, came with his parents to Oshkosh, Wis. In 1856, he removed to Winneconne, Winnebago Co.; there started a meat market, which he has since followed. In the Fall of  1859, he came to Oconto, continuing this business. Commenced the manufacture of lumber in 1870. His mill has a capacity of five or six millions a year. Since coming to Oconto, he has been engaged in merchandising; enlarged his store in 188o. 

JOHN STRACK, saloon, Oconto. Is a native of Prussia. Born April 18, 1821. Came to Green Bay, Wis., in 1855, where he remained until the Spring of 1863, when he came to Oconto. Built his house in 1868, where he now resides. In 1879, be opened this saloon. Married, in 1853, to Mary Mies; she was born in Prussia. They have five children - Mary, Conrad, Kate, Nick and Lizzie. 


JOHN STRACK, saloon, Oconto. Is a native of Prussia. Born April 18, 1821. Came to
Green Bay, Wis., in 1855, where he remained until the Spring of 1863, when he came to Oconto. Built his house in 1868, where he
now resides. In 1879, be opened this saloon. Married, in 1853, to Mary Mies; she was 
born in Prussia. They have five children - Mary, Conrad, Kate, Nick and Lizzie. 

P. H. SWIFT, editorand manager of the Oconee County Reporter, was born in Topsham, Orange Co., Vt.,  Dec.  28,  1844.  His  parents  Henry   S.   and Diana  C. 
Swift,  came,  with  their  family,  to  Edgerton,  Rock Co.,  in  1853.  Young 
Swift  received  his  education  at  the  Academy  and  Teachers' 
Seminary,  in  Albion,  Dane  Co. He  did 
not complete  his  course,  however,  for 
his  blood   was  so  fired  at  the  firing 
upon  Ft.  Sumter,  that  he, with  about 
thirty  of  his  friends,  said  good-bye  to school-days  and  joined  the army.   Young  Swift,  then  in  his  eighteenth  year, 
enlisted  in  Co.  C,  11 Wis., V. I.,  in  June,  1861,  serving  in  the  armies  of    like     Missouri,      Tennessee, Trans-Mississippi ,  and the  Gulf.   From  the  ranks  he  was  promoted,  by regular  gradations,  to  the  captaincy,  receiving  his commission August,  1863. 
He  was  wounded  at  the battle of  Tupelo,  in  July  1864,  and  received  an honorable  discharge  from  the  service  in  the 


Winter  of  the  same  year .  Mr.  Swift  next 
studied  law  with Bennett  &  Norcross,  of  Janesville, being  admitted to  the  Bar  in  June 1867.  In  the  practice  of   his  profession   he  remained  one year  in   Waseca,  and some  years  at  Beaver  Falls,  Minn.  In  1870  the  St. Peter  district  returned  him  to  the  Legislature.  Two years   later   he   was   appointed   supply   clerk   for   the  Calumet  &  Hecla  Mining  Co.,  a  Michigan corporation.  In  December  of   1878, Swift commensed  his  newspaper  life,  at  Clinton,  Wis.,  by  the  publication  of  the  Rock  County Republican.  In  October,  1880   he  located  in Oconto  and  established  the  Oconto  Republican, which  wa s merged  into  the  Reporter  in  July,  1881.  Mr.  Swift  is  a  Mason,  a  member  of  the Temple  of   Honor,  and  a  strong  Republican. Although  comparatively  a  new  comer,  he  has   both  established  himself  and  his  paper  in  the confidence  of  the  Oconto  public. 

S. B. TALLMADGE,  dealer  in  fruit.,  candies,
nuts,  etc.   Is  a  native  of  New  Yor k State,  and came  to  Oconto  in  1869.  He  established  his present  business  in  1883. 

WILLIAM TAYLOR,  farmer,.  Little  River,  Township,  P.  0.  Oconto.  Is  a  native  of  Canada. Came  to  Oconto  in  1867;  worked   there  at  the lumber  trade  for  four  or  five  years;  since  then  he has  been  engaged  in  farming;  he  owns  a  farm  of eighty  acres.  He  is  Treasurer  of  the  School  Board.  Married  in  1872,  to  Sarah  Ann  Brockett; she  was  born  in  Wisconsin.  They  have  two  sons and  two  daughters. 

H. THIELE,  merchant  tailor  and  dealer  in ready-made  clothing.  0conto.  Was  born  in   Prussia.  Came  to  Milwaukee  in  1867,  and  to Oconto  in  1879,  when  he  established  his 
present  business.   Upon  arriving  in  Oconto, his  means  were  small,  and  by  close  application to  business  and  economy,  he  has  built  up  a  good  trade  and  carries  a  nice  stock  of  goods  in  his  line;  his  sales  amount  to  from  six  to ten  thousand  dollars  a   year. 

MICHAEL VOY,  river  overseer,  Oconto,
is  a  native  of  Ireland;  came  to  New 
York  with  his  parents  in   1834.  In  1847, they  came  to  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.;  there they  remained  a  short  time,  and  removed to  Milwaukee