Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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researched by Cathe Ziereis




662 PAGE 


Supervisors of Oconto County, and secured the first village charter; the first Sabbath-school started here was established in his house, in the Winter of 1830 and 1831, he passed from the mouth of the Menomonee River to Green Bay; there was no settlements then at Big or Little Pensaukee, there was a small mill owned by John P. Ort, of Green Bay; this mill was situated at the mouth of the Oconto; no other occupants there. At Peshtigo there was a small mill controlled by Col. Jones; at Menominee, the only settlement there, was an Indian trader, named William Farnsworth and Mr. Jacobs, of Green Bay, who kept a small store, and ran a small water saw mill. In 1855, Mr. Hart took the census of Oconto County, there being only 415 in 1860, he again took the census, which was 1530; the only communication at that time from Oconto to Green Bay was by boat. 

JAMES HENNINGSON, sawyer at Holt & Balcom's Mill, is a native of Denmark ; came to Oconto in 1870; in 1872 commenced work for this company. He was married, in 1874, to Charlotte Wilhelmin, who was born in Denmark. They have one child, Anna. Mr. H. is a leader of the Danish Lutheran Society. 

E. B. HULBERT, superintendent box department of the Oconto Company, is a native of Saratoga County, N. Y; came to Green Lake, Wis., in 1867; followed farming there about four years; in 1871, he came to Oconto, and secured employment with this company at general work; he was afterward placed in charge of loading cars; continued in that capacity till 1874, when he was promoted to his present position. 

J. B. HUME, with Oconto Company, is a native of Ireland; came to Muskegon, Mich., in 1871; followed the lumber business there till 1876, when he came to Oconto he has had charge of the lumber department of the Oconto Company for the past three years; is ex-secretary of the Masonic Lodge. 

FELIX JOHNSON, proprietor Beyer House, Oconto, is a native of New Brunswick; came to Oconto in 1868; ran a billiard hall till 1876, when he took charge of the Beyer House, which he managed till March 8, 1881, when this house was burned; he is new rebuilding near the same locality ; his held the office of Alderman. 

HUFF JONES, Register of Deeds, Oconto, is a native of West Virginia, in 1832, he came with his parents to Mackinaw ; in 1835, they came to Green Bay, Wis.; removed to Oconto in 1845 ; since 1846 he has resided here ; from that time till 1870, he has been engaged in the lumber business; he was elected Register of Deeds in 1870, which office he has since held; in 1846, his father, David Jones, built a water mill, now owned by McDonald & Co.; they built the first steam mill on the river, now owred by Jacob Spies ; this mill was built in 1850; manufactured about 5,000,000 feet each season. 

GEO. D. KNAPP, dealer in groceries and provisions, flour, feed etc., Oconto, is a native of Jefferson Co., N. Y.; came to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1860; after remaining a short time returned to his native county; July, 1863, he came to Oconto, worked in McClellan's mill some time; a few years later he opened a small store on the South Side; moved to his present locality about 1874; he is now carrying a fine line of goods and doing a business of about $50 a day. When he came to Oconto he had but $7.00; this business he has built up by his own industry. 

MOSES LAFFAW, engineer at Eldred & Son's mill, Oconto, has been with them since 1874. He was born in Brown County; enlisted in 1864 in CO. G, 41st Wis. V. I., and served eight months, until the close of the war. 

LEVI LANE, billards and saloon, Oconto, born in 1849, in the city of Calais, Me,; in 1851. came with his parents to St. Clair Co., Mich., where he followed the river and lakes till 1875, when he came to Oconto , ran this saloon three years for J. Spies; he then bought out the business and has run it since. Married, in 1879. to Anna Flattery. She was ban Oconto Falls. They have one son, William H.

F. W. LEE, principal of the High School, Oconto, is a native of Livingston Co.,N.Y. He graduated from Colgate lnstitute and at Barraboo in 1872; came to Oconto in 1875; has held the position he now fills since then. The number, of scholars under his charge average from eighty to ninety, He has three assistants. 

FRANK LEROY, Marshal of the city of Oconto, is a native of Canada; came to Oconto, with his uncle, in 1857. In 1880, he was elected Constable, and in 1881, was appointed, by the City Council, Marshal. Mr. Leroy has been engaged in keeping hotel for the last three years. 

CHARLES LIPPERT, Oconto, proprietor of Luxemberger House, I born Jan. 18, 1848, in Luxemburg ; in 1867, came to Oconto, and run a wholesale liquor store about fourteen months; he then started this house, which he has since kept. Married, in 1871, to Mary Hertges; she was born in Luxemberg. They have three children, Joseph, Mary and I Frank. 

CHARLES LYNES, manufacturer of all kinds of wagons, sleighs, etc., Oconto, has the leading establishment of the kind in the city. Is a  native of England, and came to Oconto in 1872. He established his present business in 1875, and employs four men. 

GEORGE LYNES,  lumberman,  residence  First street,  Oconto,  is  a  nattive of  England;  came  to Oconto  in  1857 ;  was  elected  and  served  two

terms as Alderman from the East Ward. He was one of the charter members of Lodge 130, I. O. O. F., in Oconto.

H. McDONALD, lumberman, Oconto, is a native of Canada, and came to Oconto in 1875. 

W. J. McGEE, ex-Chief of the Fire Department, contractor and architect, Oconto, is a native of St. Andrews, N. B.; came to Oconto in 1867 ; served as Chief of Fire Department about five years; elected 
Alderman in 1873, and re-elected from time to time, serving eight years in all. Is a member of the School Board, on which he has served six years. 

THOMAS McGOFF, Sheriff Ocanto County, also proprietor of livery and sale stable, and handles all kind of farm machinery. He is a native of Canada, and came to Oconto in 1864; was elected Sheriff of the county in the Fall of 1875, and holds the same office at the present time. 

M. A. McGINNIS. assistant teacher at the high school, Oconto, is a native of Outagamie County. He attended school at Appleton and Menasha, and began teaching in 1872; came to Oconto in 1876, and been engaged in the same school for the past four years. 

A. M. MARTINEAU, City Clerk, Oconto, is a native of Sturgeon Bay, Wis. When a child he came with his parents to Oconto. His father carried on a general merchandise business here. He assisted in the store, and has always followed this business. For the last four years he has been in the employ of Holt & Balcon. He was one year agent of the Goodrich Transportation Company. Was elected City Clerk in March, 1881. 

JAMES MEGAN, proprietor Travelers' Home, Oconto, is a native of Canada. Came to Oconto in 1873 and has since run this house, which he owns. Married in 1872 to Catharine Hartigan. She was born in Canada. They have five children, two sons and three daughters. 

THOMAS MILLIDGE, dealer in general merchandise, Oconto, was born Jan. 24, 1828, in New Brunswick. In 1849 he came to Oconto; worked by the month at lumbering, afterward jobbing in logs. In 1856 he opened a general merchandise store, commencing with a very small stock, now doing a business of about $20,000 a year. He has been President of the Village Board. Has been Deputy Postmaster. Agent for steamers, and member of the Board of Supervisors. E. G. MULLEN, station agent forthe N. W. Railway Company, Ocon- to, is a native of New York State, and came to the city in March, 1872. Was employed as assistant at the station up to April, 1874, when he took charge of the station and has continued in the position to the present time. He has four men to assist him in his duties. 

JOHN NOONAN, Chief Engineer Oconto Company, is a native of Chicago. At the age of nineteen years he came to Oconto ; worked for Holt & Balcom at the blacksmith trade. In 1865 he returned to Chicago and worked for Coan & Tenbroeke: one year. In 1866 he came again to Oconto. Since then he has been in the employ of this company. In 1860 he was placed in charge of this department, which position he has since held.  In 1871 he, with Peep, Minor & Taylor, started a foundry and machine shop. He has always been connected with this business, although it has undergone many changes since then. Since the Summer of 1880 the business has been carried on by Noonan & Halbach. He was the first engineer of the fire department and served three years. Is now engineer of the Slam Fire Engine No. 2. 

P. O'KEEF, M. D., Oconto, is a native of Canada and graduated at Victoria University, May, 1869; began practice at East Saginaw, Mich., remaining there five years; returned to Canada and was in practice there for one year; in February, 1875, he came to Oconto, and has followed his profession since. 

W. G. OLTVER, dentist, Oconto, graduated at the Philadelphia Den- ml College in 1861, also at New York Dewitt College in 1865. He is a native of Philadelphia. Came to Oconto in the Spring of 1873, and has been in practice since then. When the hospital train was organized, under Dr. McLean, Dr. Oliver volunteered, and was with them for a few nonths. 

LOUIS P. PAHL, brewer, Oconto, was born Oct. 13, 1833, in Wurtemburg, Germany. May 10, 1854, came to New York City; thence to Albany, N. Y., where he remained one year. In I855, came to Milwaukee, worked in Schlitz & Blatz brerery about one year; then came toGreen Bay and worked in brewery about three months; then worked for Gardner & Co., in the lumber business, about fifteen months; then event to Chicago, where he remained a short time ; went to Two Rivers, Wis., and worked in a brewery about one year. In 1858, he came to Oconto, formed a partnership with Anton Link & Co., in the brewing business. this partnership continued five years. Since then Mr. Pahl has conducted this business alone. When he came to America he had but $2.5o. He is now doing a business of $15,000 to $20,000 a year. He has been Township Supervisor, City Treasurer three terms, member of the Assembly one term and County Supervisor several terms. 

E. F. PARAMORE, M. D., Oconto, is a native of Ohio, and graduated at Cincinnati in 1856. Commenced practice in Valparaiso, Ind., remaining until 1857, at which  time  he  came  to  Oconto.   Enlisted,  May