Oconto County WIGenWeb Project
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researched by Cathe Ziereis




665 PAGE 



in 1851, he came to this locality,  where he has since lived. .He has always been engaged  in raftingand superintending river work. He owns eighty arces of land. forty-four acres. of whichi, is in the city linits.  He has been Town Treasurer  of the t.he town of  Oconto;  has been three year, Alderman. 

CARRIE F. WATERS. teacher in the high school building, intermediate department, Oconto. She was born in  the Ci.ty of Oconto and and received her education in her native ctry. Began teaching in 1877 and has been in charge of the room she now occupies for three years.

W. H.  WEBSTER, attorney at law, was born in Farmington, Oakland Co., Mich., June 11, 1850; educated at Hilldale College, in that State; he graduated in the class of 1868. He then studied law In St. Paul with Brisbin,& Palmer and Lamprey Brothers, of that city, and was admitted to the Bar in 1871. In November of that year he commensed to practice that profession in Oconto, Wis., and has here continued since. In 1878, Mr. Webster formed a partnership with Alexander Brazeau, uder the firm name of Webster and Brazeau, of which he is still a member.

 WI LLIAM H. YOUNG. Mayor of the City of Oconto, was born in Woodville, Wilkinson Co., Miss., August 11, 1845. When the Ujnited States troops reached Baton Rouge, la., Mr. Young , then but a youth of eighteen , joined them, enlisting in Co. H, Wis., C. His company was attached to the 19th Army Corps, Department of the Gulf, being engaged principally in picket-duty at various points in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia. Mr. Young was mustered out as a first Lieutenant at Madison, in May 1865. He next located in Chicago, where he remained nearly a year, and completed a course in the Bryant & Stratton Business College. From Chicago he removed to Oconto, in 1866, and has resided here, having been connected with the Holt & Balcom mills during all this time.  He is now assistant manager of their business. Mr. Young's public life consists in his election to the Board of Aldermen, in Spring of 1874, holding that position five years, and his selection 
to the  Mayorality  in  1879-81.  Although  yet



comparatively a young man, his course from the first, whether  in business or local legislation, has been marked by ability and consistancy. Mr. Young was married to Mrs. Ellen E. Russel of Oconto, Jan. 1, 1872. They have one child, a daughter, Ina, six years old.


The principal villages and settlements in Oconto County are Pensaukee, Little Suamico, Oconto Falls and Stiles. The first two are on the line of the Chicago &, Nortbwestern Railroad. Pensaukee is twenty-five miles north of Green Bay, and was partially destroyed by a tornado, July 7, 1877. A large hotel, a saw mill, shingle mill and store, school-house and depot were blown down and a tug wrecked. The village is the center of a good farming country. F. B. Gardner operates a saw mill of 90,000 feet capacity. 

At Little Suamico, situated in the southern part of the county below Pensaukee, on the Little Suamico River, are two mills - Conn & Gardner's and Gross's - the former having a capacity of between 70,000 and 80,000 feet of lumber per day. 

In 1860, when Eldred & Balcom were operating their mills, Stiles was considered as promising a place as any in the county. One of the mills was burned, however, and the other abandoned, and the village fell back in the business race, Eldred & Son still operate a waterpower mill, and