Whatcom County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "Sk - Sp"
SLABY, Antone (d. 1903)
SLADE, Gladys (d. 1903)
SLADE, Lynn (d. 1914)
The death of Lynn, the nineteen months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Claude P. Slade, occurred at Roberts, Idaho, last Thursday, April 16, after a brief illness that baffled the best medical skill. The little one was a particularly bright and winsome child and his death has irreparably saddened the hearts of the young parents and other relatives. The body was brought from the Idaho home of Mr. and Mrs. Slade, on Monday, to the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pace, parents of Mrs. Slade, where funeral services were held at ten o'clock Tuesday morning, the Rev. Herbert Jones officiating. The tiny casket was surrounded by beautiful flowers, sent by sympathizing friends. Interment was in Lynden cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 23, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.SLADE, Rolland G. (d. 1911)
Saturday Rolland G. Slade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slade, died at his home in Lynden. He was buried Sunday, the funeral services being held at the Methodist church. Rolland was born July 22, 1893, in Lynden, and in the Lynden public schools he received most of his education. He was preparing to return to the Wilson Business College, where he had taken some work, when he was taken sick. While camping at Birch Bay he caught cold and was taken sick. This trouble finally settled in his bowles and he died from acute pertinitus. He would have finished his course in the business college in two months more. Rolland was a good boy and a great comfort to his parents who have the sincere sympathy of their many friends and acquaintances in Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 7, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.SLADE, Thomas (d. 1904)
THOMAS SLADE PASSES AWAY. Thomas Slade died yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the family residence, in the Slade block, on Elk street. His death was due to heart failure. Mr. Slade had been troubled for years with a weak heart, but his death came suddenly and was a great shock to his family and friends. He came to Bellingham in 1889, since which time he has taken a prominent part in all the affairs of the city and has been one of the most active of our citizens in forwarding the growth of Bellingham. He always had the fullest confidence in the future of this community. He was one of the earliest and one of the strongest advocates of the consolidation of the Bay cities; and he lived to see the accomplishment of this great step toward the upbuilding of the great city on Bellingham bay, which had been his dream from the first.
Succumbed to Heart Failure Yesterday Morning-Came Here in 1889, Was Twice Mayor of New Whatcom-A Prominent Attorney and Real-Estate Dealer.
Short Sketch of His Career. Mr. Slade was born at Fall River, Mass., March 9, 1834. He was graduated at Brown university, Providence, R. I., and entered the practice of law in St. Louis in 1859. In 1865, he moved to Bloomington, Ill, continuing the practice of law there, and establishing in connection therewith, the loan business, commencing as early as 1885 to loan money in Spokane, Wn., on both farm and city property, through an agency there which he has continued since. In 1888 he paid a visit to Washington and was favorably impressed and enthusiastic over the future of the state. After visiting Puget Sound and the various cities of the state he firmly believed that the city on Bellingham Bay would some day be the greatest in the state. Pinned to this faith, he never changed his opinion, and never failed to present this view whenever opportunity presented itself, whether in personal conversation or in writing to his clients; friends or the press. He probably influenced more capital and people to locate here than any other citizen; especially from Illinois, as directly and indirectly he brought the McLean county colony here, including some of the leading citizens of the town.Mr. Slade was always interested in educational work, and during his residence in Bloomington, Ill. served Supreme Judge H. E. Hadley read law in the office of Mr. Slade, and was associated with him in partnership in the practice of law in Bloomington, from 1877 to 1889, and at the solicitation of Mr. Slade moved to Whatcom, where again he formed a partnership with Mr. Slade. L. H. Hadley also joined the firm, which was known as Slade, Hadley & Hadley. Since 1891 Mr. Slade has devoted most of his attention to the extensive loan and investment business which he has built up. He was elected mayor of the city of New Whatcom and served two years, 1893 and 1894, zealously guarding the city's best interests and conscientiously fulfilling the duties of the office, and retaining the full confidence of his fellow-workers and the community. He was married in 1865 at Bloomington, Ill., and leaves a widow and two children-Walter B. Slade, who is associated with him in business, and a daughters, Mrs. Alma E. S. Johnson, who resides in Boston, Mass. Two brothers and a sister also survive him. The funeral will take place from the residence in the Slade block, Saturday afternoon, and will be attended by the Whatcom County Bar Association, of which deceased was a member.
(From The Daily Reveille, February 11, 1904) Copied by Merrily Lawson.SLATER, George (d. 1908)
George Slater, a pioneer of Whatcom county of fifty years' residence, died Saturday morning at 9:30 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Jones, near Marietta, at the age of 82 years. He had been ailing for the past two months, having suffered a slight paralytic stroke about February 1, and had been confined to his bed during the past two weeks. Death was due partially to senility.
Mr. Slater was born at White Lea, Northumberland county, England, February 23, 1826, and came to the United States first in 1849. Later he returned to England, where in 1851 he married Miss Elizabeth Metcalf, of Durham county, England. He returned to this county in 1853 and came to Bellingham bay in 1858, remaining until 1873, when he moved to his farm near Ferndale. He lived there until the death of his wife, which occurred August 31, 1897. Mr. Slater was the father of nine children, only four of whom survive him, three sons, John, Henry and Thomas Slater, and one daughter, Mrs. John X Jones, of Marietta. There are also remaining twenty-two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. Slater came to this county in 1858 and has made his home here ever since. For many years he resided near Ferndale, but during the last five years he has lived with his daughter at Marietta. He came to this country from England, and with the exception of his own family, leaves no relatives in the United States. Mr. Slater was well known and highly respected by all the settlers of Whatcom county. He lived an industrious, modest, honorable life, and raised a large and prominent family.
The funeral services were held at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday last, at the residence of Mr. John Slater of this town. Rev. Williams, of Trinity church, Bellingham, preached the sermon and a select choir from the same church furnished the music. Dr. Wm. Welch also sang a very beautiful solo. There was a large attendance of old-time friends from various parts of the county. The remains were laid to rest beside his wife and children in Enterprise cemetery, who have preceded him.
(From The Ferndale Record, May 22, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SLATER, George W. (d. 1904)
VETERAN DIES FROM APOPLEXY Yesterday at about thirty minutes past noon George W. Slater of Geneva, Lake Whatcom, died suddenly in the Borgeson cafe on Elk street of apoplexy. He had entered the cafe to see Mr. Borgeson and expired without warning a few moments after his entrance. Coroner Gifford was called and decided that no inquest was necessary. Deceased was 62 years of age, and came to this county from Wisconsin three years ago. He was an old soldier and a member of the G. A. R., having been a private in Co. K, 39th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Besides his wife Mr. Slater leaves six children - Geo. A. Slater and Mrs. Maude Wolf of Wenatchee, Warren Slater and Mrs. Alice Hubard of Lake Whatcom, Frank Slater of Enterprise, and Willie Slater, residing with his parents. The body lies at the funeral parlors of W. H. Mock & Son, and the funeral arrangements are held pending the reply of absent members of the family, who have been notified by wire.
(From The Daily Reveille, July 6, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.SLATER, John (d. 1932)
Head of Old Settlers' Association Called at Age of 66John Slater, president of the Old Settlers' Association of Whatcom county, and one of Whatcom county's outstanding pioneers, died late Tuesday night at St. Luke's hospital, where he had been a patient two weeks. He was 66 years of age and had been for many years one of the most active and influential community workers of Ferndale and vicinity, where he had lived all his life. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Ferndale Congregational church. The pastor, the Rev. Floyd C. Green, will officiate. Burial will follow in Woodlawn cemetery under the direction of the Monroe mortuary.John Slater was a son of the Northwest, being born in Nanaimo, B. C., July 7, 1865. His parents were residents of Whatcom county, his birth in Canada occurring while his mother was there on a visit. He was reared on his father's farm and received a public school education. For many years he farmed in Whatcom county, and at the time of his death owned a farm of 160 acres. In 1905 Mr. Slater retired from farming to move to Ferndale, where he became one of the sponsors of development in that community. He became vice-president of the First National bank of Ferndale upon its organization, and remained in that position the remainder of his life. For many years he was connected with the Mount Vernon Condensery company.
On March 24, 1886, he married Miss Inda Mayfield, who survives. She came to Whatcom county in 1884. Her mother was one of the first white women to live in Ferndale, and Mr. Mayfield was one of its earliest merchants. The couple had four children, of whom one was Glenn Slater, overseas World war veteran and former county auditor, who died in March, 1929. The others were Mrs. H. L. Hughes, Ferndale; Mrs. H. J. Hammer, Mount Vernon and Mrs. Gerald Hawley, Arlington. Other surviving relatives include Henry Slater, former Bellingham councilman, and Thomas Slater, Los Angeles, once street commissioner and water superintendent here. Both are brothers. A niece is the wife of County Auditor G. P. Kincaid. Mr. Slater was past master of Ferndale grange and was long a member of the Ferndale school board. He held membership in the Ferndale Odd Fellows lodge and the Bellingham Kiwanis club. Always interested in pioneers of the county and their affairs, Mr. Slater aided in the formation of the Old Settlers' Association of Whatcom county. He was elected president of the association at its annual meeting last summer, after having served as president during the unexpired term of the late "Jim" Wilson. Prior to that he was treasurer and vice-president. He accepted the presidency last August with the understanding that he would serve only one year.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 27, 1932)SLATER, Robert (d. 1911)
Sad Death of Robby SlaterBy the accidental discharge of a shotgun, held in the hands of the older, Robert Slater, son of George Slater, one of the deceased pioneers of the county, was instantly killed Monday morning at 5:30 o'clock at the family home near the county poor farm. The news of the tragedy comes as a shock to the many friends and of the family throughout the county. Shortly after sunrise Robert and George Slater, accompanied by Elwyn Shields, a Ferndale boy, prepared to go out into the fields hunting. All three went to the barn, where the guns had been placed in the granary the night before. Robert, the youngest of the brothers, drew his gun out first and was standing with his back to the granary. George, the older brother, started to draw his gun out of the box, when the trigger caught in some unknown way and the weapon was discharged. The contents of the barrel struck Robert in the back of the head, tearing away part of his skull and causing instant death. The guns had been heedlessly (sic) loaded the night before. The boys had planned some early shooting this morning, before the time for leaving for school at Ferndale. Conscious of the unintentional part he played in [this] horrible tragedy, George, the older brother, is grief-stricken and cannot be consoled. After the accidental shooting the coroner was notified and investigated later in the morning.Robby Slater, as he was known to his playmates, would have been 15 years of age on Thursday of this week. His brother, George, is 17 years old. The two lads were in the prime of health, were happy companions growing up into strong men. Robby last week entered the first year of High School in Ferndale. The boys are nephews of Tom, Henry and John Slater, all prominent citizens of the county. Tom Slater is now Bellingham's street commissioner. The father of the two boys is dead and the mother is now Mrs. F. W. Mitchell. It was at the Mitchell home that the tragedy occurred early last Monday morning. The funeral was held at the family residence one-half mile west of the Poor Farm, at 10 o'clock Wednesday forenoon, and although the morning was very rainy and stormy, the rooms of the residence were filled with the relatives, friends and schoolmates of the deceased, who had come to pay their last respect, for Robby was loved by all who knew him, and he had hosts of friends. The Casket and the room were banked with wreaths and bunches of flowers brought by sympathetic friends, among which was a wreath tied with the High School colors and sent by his fellow students in Ferndale High School. Rev. Holcombe of the Ferndale Congregational Church conducted the funeral services, and his remarks were well chosen, well received and appreciated by all present. After the services, interment of the remains was made in Woodlawn Cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, September 15, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.SLATTERY, Dennis J. (d. 1909)
Dennis James Slattery, aged 59 years, died at the family residence, 1530 Elk street, this morning, at 5 o'clock, after an extended illness with Bright's disease. Mr. Slattery was a well known bricklayer and stone cutter of this city, having engaged in contracting quite extensively during his residence here. He came with his family to the former city of Fairhaven from Cincinnati, Ohio, more than nineteen years ago. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Phoebe Slattery, and three sons, Thomas Slatterly, who is connected with the reportorial staff of the American Printing company; John Slattery, private secretary to Mayor John F. Miller, of Seattle; and William B. Slattery, who is engaged in business in this city. Mr. Slattery was a member of Whatcom tribe, Improved Order of Red Men; Columbia court No. 5, Foresters of America, and Bellingham Bay union No. 9, bricklayers and masons, which union he organized. The body lies at the private receiving rooms of W. H. Mock & Sons, in the Maple block. Funeral announcements will appear later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 26, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.SLEASMAN, Mary (d. 1929)
Mary, widow of Peter B. Sleasman, passed away at 4 o'clock the afternoon of Tuesday, January 15, just one week later than the passing of her husband. She was 83 years of age. The Sleasmans homesteaded on a 160-acre tract some 45 years ago, coming from Minnesota to Nooksack, where they lived with their growing family for several years. Later they purchased a ranch southeast of Sumas, where they lived until two years ago, when they bought them a little home on Cleveland avenue and moved there where they both passed away, being cared for by their daughter, Mrs. Seigel and her husband.
The Sleasmans were real pioneers of the Nooksack vicinity, as at the time of their homesteading but a trail led through the woods from Bellingham over which flour and other provisions were carried by Mr. Sleasman, often on his back and later on his horses back. There were fourteen children born to this couple. Five daughters and five sons survive: Mrs. N. Erb, Maple Falls; Mrs. Dora Rerford, Bellingham; Mrs. Sarah Harn and Mrs. L. Siegel, of Sumas. The sons: William, of Powell Butte, Ore.; John, of Pacific Beach, Wash.; Nathaniel, of Loos, B. C.; Nels and Charles, of Sumas vicinity. Thirty-nine grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren. J. C. Gillies took charge of the body and funeral services were held today (Thursday) at 1 o'clock in the Gillies chapel. Interment was made at the Nooksack cemetery with the Rev. J. B. Keepers, of the Advent Christian church, officiating.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, January 17, 1929 - newspaper has wrong year on it) Submitted by site coordinator.SLOTEMAKER, Cornelius (d. 1919)
To pay their respects to a pioneer of the Lynden district, a host of friends gathered Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral services for the late Cornelius Slotemaker, who passed away Saturday noon as the result of a severe attack of pneumonia. Rev. E. Breen conducted the services. Mr. Slotemaker was born Mar. 8, 1839, at Noord Scharwouden, Netherlands. He was married in 1862 to Aagje Keppel. The couple emigrated to the United States in 1883 with their two children, Mrs. H. Spaan and John Slotemaker, and their adopted child, Mrs. P. De Vries. They made their home at Orange City, Iowa, and moved to Lynden in 1900. Five years ago, Mrs. Slotemaker passed away at the age of 75 years.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 20, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.SMALLEY, Jacob J. (d. 1920)
J. J. Smalley passed away at his home in Lynden Friday, following an illness of a considerable period. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted funeral services Sunday afternoon from the Knapp Funeral Parlors. Mr. Smalley was 72 years old. He was born in West Orange, N. J., and spent the greater part of his life in Illinois. He was a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Smalley was a printer by trade. He moved to Washington in 1900. He is survived by a daughter, Miss Marguerite Smalley, of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 2, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.SMEADLEY, Josiah (d. 1929)
VETERAN IS CALLEDRev. Josiah Smeadley, Civil War Fighter, Is Summoned.Josiah Smeadley, a veteran of the civil war, died at a local hospital early today, aged 93 years. He saw service in Company 150, Second Battalion, Volunteers of Illinois, enlisting in August, 1861, and being honorably discharged in 1864. Following the Civil war, Mr. Smeadley entered the ministry. In 1891 he came to Bellingham, where he had lived thirty-eight years. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ella Deeds and Mrs. Letta A. Oliver, city; one son, C. C. Smeadley, Chambers Prairie, Wash.; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Harlow mortuary, with the Rev. M. L. Goff officiating. Interment will occur in Bay View Cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 19, 1929) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SMITH, Alfred M. (d. 1913)
Alfred M. Smith, aged 67 years, passed away very suddenly at his home at Lake Samish, Wednesday, April 30. He had resided at the place of his death for more than eighteen years, and came to Bellingham twelve years previous to taking his residence up at Lake Samish. Mr. Smith's death came without warning Wednesday morning. He had been reading from a book while his wife was in the garden, and upon her return to the house she discovered her husband's dead body resting in the chair where he had been sitting, his eyes closed as if he had dropped to sleep, his book lying at his feet. He had passed away without a struggle.
Smith was born in the state of Ohio, and his parents passed away when he was an infant in arms. He was married in 1888 to Susie J. Lines, daughter of Robert and Susannah Lines, of South Bellingham, who survive him. He leaves no near relatives. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence Friday forenoon, May 2, at 9:30 o'clock, the Rev. J. C. Wright, of Lake Samish, officiating. Interment is to be made at Bay View cemetery, where the committal service will be conducted by Rev. James M. Wilson, pastor of the Fairhaven Presbyterian church. The funeral car will leave from Harris avenue and Fourteenth street, South Bellingham, upon the arrival of the funeral cortege from Lake Samish. Mock & Harlow, 1051-1055 Elk street have the arrangements in charge.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 1, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Alice (d. 1909)
Mrs. Alice McComb Smith died in this city at 9:30 o'clock last Tuesday morning. In December the grim reaper cut down Judge Henry A. Smith and grief hastened the death of the devoted wife.
Mrs. Smith was born June 11, 1849, in Quincy, Ill. In 1868 she was married to Judge Smith. They remained in Quincy until 1873, when the young couple came West and located at a point above the present Smith home at Mountain View. An ideal spot was sought by them and in a beautiful section of Whatcom County near Birch Bay they selected a home, where they lived until Judge Smith's health began to fail about two years ago. In and around Mountain View Mrs. Smith was held in the highest esteem, as was the case throughout the county, where she had a host of friends who at different times during the last thirty-six years have enjoyed the hospitality of the Smith home. Mrs. Smith was a lady of culture and refinement and gifted with excellent literary abilities.
Deceased was one of the charter members of the Congregational church at Mt. View. She is survived by seven children, four daughters, Elizabeth of Ferndale, Mrs. Laura March and Mrs. Carrie March of Anacortes, Mrs. Alice Lampman of Blaine and three sons, Robert of Blaine, Albert of Mountain View and Charles of Bellingham; two brothers, Harry and Charles McComb of Seattle; a niece, Mrs. J. L. Starck of Bellingham, and a nephew, C. E. Smith of Bellingham, and grandchildren. The funeral services were held at the Congregational Church in this city Thursday at 1:30 p. m., Rev. William Orr Wark of Bellingham officiating. The attendance was large and the floral offerings profuse. The interment was made in the family plot in Mt. View Cemetery under the direction of Monroe & Jackson.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 12, 1909)Submitted by Gayle McCotterSMITH, Alpheus L. (d. 1908)
Alpheus L. Smith was born in Highgate, Vermont, November 22, 1835 and died at his home on California creek Friday morning, June 5, 1908. Early in life Mr. Smith moved from his native state and settled in New York, from there moving to Adams county, Wisconsin, where he married Miss Arminda Kennison who survives him. The family lived for a time in Iowa and moved to Martin county, Minnesota, going from there to Wisconsin. In 1889 Mr. Smith came to Blaine and since then has made his home in this vicinity. Mr. Smith is survived by a widow and four children: Mrs. Roy Ramage, of Napavine, Mrs. H. A. Cramer, of Portland, Oregon; Dell Smith, of Ferndale and George Smith lives at the old home place on California creek. Funeral services were conducted last Sunday and the remains were laid to rest under the ritualistic services of the Grand Army, of which order Mr. Smith was a member.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 12, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.
Mr. A. L. Smith, 18 years a pioneer of Whatcom county, died at his residence near Blaine last Friday, at the ripe age of 74 years. The deceased was well and favorably known in the county and the funeral was largely attended. The interment took place at Blaine cemetery. The four surviving members of the family were present, as follows: Mrs. H. A. Cramer of Portland, Mrs. R. C. Ramage of Napavine, Wash.; Del Smith of Ferndale and Geo. Smith of Blaine.
(From The Ferndale Record, June 12, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Arminda (d. 1919)
Mrs. Arminda Smith, one of the early settlers of Blaine died at the home of her daughter in Bellingham Sunday at the age of 85 years. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church here Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Pollock officiating and burial make in the Blaine cemetery. Mrs. Smith came to this state from Wisconsin in 1889 and lived here ever since. Her husband, A. L. Smith, passed away in 1907. Six children were born to them, four of whom are living: Delbert L. of Anacortes, Mrs. R. C. Ramage of Seattle, Geo. W. of Blaine and Mrs. Marietta Cramer of Bellingham.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 27, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Benjamin F. (d. 1909)
The remains of B. F. Smith, of 2513 G street, who died August 28, at Fort Steilacoom, Wash., were received last evening by Undertaker H. O. Bingham. Mr. Smith is survived by Mrs. Matilda Smith, widow, three sons, Charles S., Robert B. and Pitt S. Smith, two daughters, Misses Nola D. and Hazel V. Smith, all residing in Bellingham, C. K. Smith, of Lynden, and M. F. Smith, of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. M. E. Dimmick, Black River Falls, Wis.; Mrs. S. E. Miller, Hexton, Wis., and Mrs. R. S. Taylor, of Anacortes, Wash. The funeral car will leave the corner of G and Dock streets at 1:45 tomorrow afternoon to convey the family and friends of the deceased to the funeral parlors of Undertaker H. O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, where the funeral services will take place at 2 o'clock, Rev. Cooper, pastor of the Broadway United Presbyterian church, will officiate. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery. By request of the family the G.A.R., of which Mr. Smith was a member, is invited to attend.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 1, 1909) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SMITH, Bertha M. (d. 1905)
The funeral of Bertha M. Smith, wife of David B. Smith, who died at the family residence 1123 Indian street Thursday evening, was held from the parlors of W. H. Mock & Sons, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. C. E. Todd, of Trinity M. E. church, assisted by Rev. Miller of Seattle, officiated. The Trinity church choir furnished the music. Interment took place in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of Geo. W. Mock. The deceased has been a resident of Whatcom county for twenty-two years, coming here from Texas when but two years of age. Mrs. Smith was the youngest daughter of Mrs. Fred Wendt, now a resident of Aurora, Ill. Besides the husband, the deceased left a daughter four years of age and a baby girl but four weeks old. The funeral was largely attended by the friends and neighbors of the deceased and the many floral offerings were of rich design.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, April 11, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Charles O. (d. 1919)
Charles O. Smith, civil war veteran and for twenty-nine years a Bellingham resident, died today about noon at his home, 1532 Humboldt street, at the age of 83 years. He was a well known figure in this city and had many friends. Mr. smith was a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 31, I. O. O. F., J. B. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., and of the Christian Science church. The survivors are three sons and four daughters: C. M. Smith, manager of the Bellingham Bay Improvement company; Del R. Smith, of Blanchard; Paul R. Smith, of Ikitan, Alaska; Miss Clara Smith, principal of the Roeder school; Mrs. George H. Butters, Olalla, Wash.; Mrs. Ella S. Brisbin, Bellingham, and Mrs. F. H. Vanderhoof, of Blaine. The funeral will be held Monday at 10 a. m. at Harry O. Bingham's parlors, with Christian Science services. The body will be taken to Seattle for cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 5, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Edward H. (d. 1913)
Edward H. Smith, aged 70 years, passed away at a local hospital Sunday, June 1, after a few weeks' illness. Mr. Smith had been a resident of Whatcom county for several years living alone on his farm near Everson. He is survived by only one daughter, whose present address is unknown. The funeral service will be held Thursday, June 5, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Rev. Edwin S. Secrest, pastor of the Knox street Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 4, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.
[Was he the Edward H. Smith who had a Civil war pension, Washington State, serving 5th IL Co. G?]SMITH Fred B. (d. 1927)
Fred B. Smith, 80 year Old War Veteran, Passes Fred B. Smith passed away at his home here at 3 o'clock last Thursday afternoon. He had not been well for several months and about a week before his death, apparently had a stroke of paralysis, which caused his death. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and burial was made in the Blaine cemetery under the direction of Purdy & Sons' Funeral Home. Peace Arch Post No. 86 American Legion took a prominent part in the funeral, attending in a body and at the cemetery, Legion men fired a final salute and sounded "taps." The remnants of the dead man's comrades of the Civil war attended with their wives. Deceased is survived by a daughter, Mrs. William Hayden, of Tenino, Wn., a son, Charles Smith, residing in Ohio, and two sisters in the East. He enlisted from the state of Rhode Island in the Civil war in Battery A, Light Artillery and served during the war. For a number of years he has taken a prominent part in Reynolds Post No. 32, G. A. R. here and at the time of his death was adjutant of the post. Born at Worcester, Mass., Feb. 5, 1847, he came to Blaine in 1898 and has spent nearly all of the time since, here.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, July 14, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Fred H. (d. 1908)
Funeral services for Fred H. Smith, who died at St. Luke's Hospital Thursday evening, were conducted at the chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple Block yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. A. W. Cheatham, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, being the officiating clergyman. The casket was completely buried with beautiful floral offerings. Several friends of the Smith family came from Blaine to attend the funeral. The body was shipped to Seattle, accompanied by the young man's mother, his brother, George R. Smith, and a number of friends. The body is to be cremated this forenoon, and the ashes will later be sent to Minneapolis.
(From The American Reveille, September 13, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, George F. (d. 1907)
George F. Smith died last evening at a few minutes before six o'clock. Mr. Smith had been in poor health for years and last winter went to Seattle where he underwent a surgical operation for stomach trouble. He appeared to gain some after the operation, but his disease had gone so far that recovery was impossible. Mr. Smith came to Blaine during the boom days from Minneapolis. He had been a railway engineer in the east; but entered business life when he came to Blaine and for the past seventeen years has conducted the Blaine Bar, which he sold to Louis Ottestad last month. For twenty-four years, Mr. Smith was a member of North Star Lodge No. 6, I. O. O. F., of Minneapolis, and funeral services will be under the auspices of that order tomorrow, conducted by Rev. C. J. Leonard. The remains will be taken to Seattle on the 5:30 train tomorrow afternoon to be cremated.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 22, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Harriet E. (d. 1918)
Harriet Elizabeth Smith, wife of Elmer B. Smith of this city, passed into the great beyond last Saturday morning, May 25th, in Seattle. She has been very poorly for the past two years, following a general breakdown, and the end was not unexpected although it came with crushing effect on the loved ones and friends. The funeral services were held from the chapel of the undertaking parlors in Lynden Monday afternoon, O. Congdon officiating, and interment took place in the Lynden cemetery.
Harriett Elizabeth Cruikshank was born in Hennepin county, Minnesota, October 19, 1874. She came to Washington with her parents in October, 1903, and was married to Elmer B. Smith in Seattle June 15, 1909. They moved to Blaine in October, 1912, and have lived here since. No children were born to this union. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, holding membership at Buffalo, Minn. In addition to the sorrowing husband, there are left to mourn her departure from this life her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cruikshank, both of Lynden, and two brothers, Frank Cruikshank of Lynden, and Wilmer Cruikshank, of San Francisco, Cal.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 31, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Henry (d. 1914)
Mr. Henry Smith, aged 68 years, passed away at his home, 2518 Peabody street, Thursday, November 26, after a brief illness. Mr. Smith had resided in Bellingham for about fifteen years and has a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will deeply mourn his loss. He was a veteran of the Civil war, and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucinda Smith, and eight children, three of whom reside in Eastern states. Those residing near by are Mrs. A. A. Rickerson, Mr. Jerritt Smith, of Bellingham; Clinton Smith, of Stanwood; Mrs. Holton, of Anacortes, and Mrs. Alice Lee, of Echo, Ore. The remains are being cared for at the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1219 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 27, 1914) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SMITH, Henry A. (d. 1908)
Judge Henry Albert Smith was born March 2, 1845, in New York City. At the age of 7 years his family moved to Mendon, Ill. There he assisted his father on the farm for twelve years, when he left for Quincy, Ill., serving an apprenticeship as a carriage maker. In 1868 he was married to Alice McComb. He plied his trade as expert carriage maker five years in Quincy, when himself and young bride determined to bid adieu to the scene of their youthful days and follow the star of empire that led so many brave pioneers to the land of the West.
Their itinerary westward led them to Whatcom County, of which glowing reports had been received. Landing in the village of Whatcom that nestled in the cove near Whatcom Creek Falls, the sturdy homeseeker began to search for a homestead. His path led in the direction of Ferndale, and he selected an ideal spot toward Birch Bay at a place later christened as Mt. View, where stakes were set for a home for himself and family. The Smith farm is one of the historic spots in Whatcom County. Amiability, hospitality and happiness reigned at that home and the reputation spread far and wide. Friendship for Judge Smith and family sprang up in all parts of the county. During the thirty-five years' on the original homestead this brave pioneer hewed out a home, but declining health of the last year forced him to establish a home in Ferndale, where he formed a partnership with William S. Tucker in the real estate and insurance business.
He had held many positions of trust during his residence in the county. In the early eighties he served several terms as county commissioner, was deputy county assessor six years, served as justice of the peace of Ferndale precinct many years and always a believer in educational advancement of children held the position of school director year by year since his location on the old farm. Judge Smith was one of the honored members of the Old Settlers' Association of Whatcom County, and served several terms as president and director of the association. His name is one of the few on the roll of honor list of the real, typical pioneers. He had always maintained a deep interest in the association picnics that are held annually in Pioneer Park, Ferndale, and added much to the collection of data and historical facts for the Historical Record that is being prepared by the association for the benefit of future generations.
Deceased was one of the founders and an active worker and member of the First Congregational Church of Ferndale. He is survived by a widow and seven children, four daughters, Elizabeth, of Ferndale, Mrs. Laura March and Mrs. Carrie March, of Anacortes; Mrs. Alice Lampman, of Blaine; (one daughter, Nellie Mills, deceased); three sons, Robert of Blaine, Albert of Mountain View, and Charles of Bellingham; five sisters and two brothers, of Illinois; a niece Mrs. J. L. Starck, of Bellingham; a nephew, C. E. Smith, of Bellingham, and five grandchildren. The funeral services of Henry A. Smith were held at the Congregational Church in this city last Friday at 1 p. m., Rev. Wm. Orr Wark, of the Congregational Church in Bellingham, officiating. The attendance was so large that only a portion of the people could gain admittance to the church. The interment was made at Mt. View Cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 25, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Ira (d. 1920)
Ira Smith, well known Bellingham resident, and twice a candidate for nomination to the city council, on the republican ticket, died this morning at his home, 1412 Humboldt street, at the age of 70 years, after about seven weeks' illness. Mr. Smith came to Bellingham from Alpena, Mich., in 1902. He was a member of the Bellingham carpenter's union and of Rising Star Lodge No. 202 I. O. O. F. Last year and two years prior thereto he was a candidate from the Third ward for nomination to the city council. The survivors are the widow, seven sons, one daughter and three brothers. The sons are: Lewis, Hobart L., Frank and Vernon, all of Bellingham; Ur and Reuben, Detroit, and Roy, living in Oregon. The daughter is Mrs. Earl Geer, Bellingham, and the brothers are F. R. Smith and Allen Smith, Bellingham, and Ur Smith of Port Townsend. Funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 25, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Jacob S. (d. 1939)
Dr. Jacob S. Smith, 64, who retired as Whatcom County commissioner in January of this year, died at home early Thursday morning after a lingering illness. As a doctor, World war veteran and public officer, Dr. Smith became prominent during the thirty-six years of his residence here. He was born in Campbellsburg, Kentucky, in 1875 of a pioneer family, son of Judge Jacob S. Smith of Henry county. He was graduated from the Louisville Medical College and took numerous post-graduate courses. As first lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps he saw active duty with the sanitary train of the Sixth division of the U.S. Army in France. At the time of his death he was a lieutenant colonel in the Medical Reserve Corps. Dr. Smith was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a charter member of the Albert J. Hamilton Post of the American Legion, and past president of the Bellingham Rotary club.
In 1934 Dr. Smith became milk and meat inspector for the City of Bellingham and served in that position until he was elected county commissioner and while serving the city, he devoted much of his time to providing free medicine and hospitalization for under privileged citizen of the county. At one time he conducted the Bells Free Clinic and was instrumental in bringing about improved conditions in the county hospital. Dr. Smith worked hard for the building of a tuberculosis hospital in this county, but did not realize his ambition. Surviving relatives are the widow, Susan Rucker; a daughter, Mrs. Rogan Jones; a son Jacob Ladd; a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law and four grandchildren, all of Bellingham, and a sister, Mrs. Lillie Chilton, of Campbellsburg, Kentucky. The remains are resting at the funeral home of Harlow-Hollingsworth where services are being arranged.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 14, 1939)SMITH, James E. (d. 1938)
SMITH, James P. (d. 1923)
James P. Smith, aged 57 years, passed away at a local hospital Thursday morning, March 8, after a short illness. Mr. Smith had resided in Bellingham and Whatcom county for the past thirty-five years, and was president of the Grandy Lake Shingle company, of Concrete, Wash. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maud O. Smith; eight sons, Elmer, of Concrete; John R., Ralph W., Richard B., Ernest, Bernard, Paul and Wallace, all of Bellingham; one daughter, Mrs. Richard Hofstad, of Alaska; two brothers, George William, of Ferndale, and Martin, of Kent, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Sophia Pendergast and Mrs. Minnie Williams, of Kent, and his mother, Mrs. Anna Hansen, also of Kent. Mr. Smith was a member of the Danish Brotherhood, No. 155, of Bellingham. The body lies at the Harlow mortuary home, Forest at Holly, and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 8, 1923)SMITH, Jane (d. 1905)
Mrs. Jane Smith was born in Copley, Summit county, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1830. Her maiden name was Davis. She was married at her home in Copley to Erastus Smith, March 2, 1851. They soon went to Illinois, also lived inn Iowa, afterwards again in Ohio, where her husband died in 1873. A few years after that she went to Michigan, where she lived several years, owning a nice home near Flint, Genesee county. She came to Enterprise, Wash., in 1891, where she resided until her death, which occurred in Ferndale, July 31, 1904. Her age, therefore, at the time of her death was 74 years, three months and nineteen days. She was the mother of seven children, four of whom are living: Mrs. Hodgson, of Enterprise; Mrs. Johnson, of Greenwood; Mrs. Craine, of Evergreen, and one son, Sidney Smith, of Bellingham. She had fourteen grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She was a member of the Whatcom County Holiness Association. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Kallgren, of Ferndale, and interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, August 10, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Jeremiah M. (d. 1918)
Jeremiah Smith, who has lived on a farm near Lynden for the last ten years, passed away Friday at the age of 82 years. In the presence of a large crowd of friends who had gathered to pay a last tribute to "Uncle Jerry," funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Methodist Church, Rev. W. O. Bonadom officiating. Mr. Smith was for thirty-one years a member of the Modern Woodmen, and the Lynden lodge turned out in a body, and read their ritual at the cemetery.
Jeremiah M. Smith was born in Maine March 12, 1836. At the age of three, his parents came overland in a wagon to Illinois, where he resided until 1893, when he removed to Iowa, and thence across the continent to Washington in 1907. He was married in 1860 to Miss Huldah M. Bixby, who passed away in 1904. To them was born one child, Luella M. Smith of Lynden. One the evening of March 12, his eighty-second birthday, at a dinner given in his honor by Mr. and Mrs. George Handy, he was stricken with his last illness. On March 15, at 4 a. m., he quietly fell asleep for the last time.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 21, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, John H. (d. 1920)
Civil War Veteran Passes Away at age of Eighty-Seven John H. Smith, Civil War Veteran, died at his home in north Lynden early Monday morning. His death was caused mainly by old age and by heart trouble, resulting in shortness of breath with which he had been suffering for more than a month. Mr. Smith died at the ripe old age of eighty-seven years, six months, and eighteen days.Mr. Smith was born September 11, 1832 in Bartholomew County, Indiana. After removing to Woodford County, Illinois, at the age of three, and to the Miami Reservation at the age of twelve, he came to the State of Wisconsin, where he resided until the Civil war broke out. He enlisted in Company B, 20th Wisconsin Volunteers. During the war he received three gunshot wounds, and took part in four battles. He came to Lynden from Wisconsin five years ago, and was a member of the Lynden G. A. R. His passing is mourned by a large circle of friends. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Sarah Ingalls, Mrs. Ella Foster and Mrs. Lena Wilson, all of Lynden, one brother, Jas. M. Wilson, and one sister, Annie Norris, both of Le Farge, Wisconsin, five grandchildren, Henry Wilson, in U. S. Marines, at present in Cuba, Mary Benson, of Alger, Washington, Mrs. Frank Booman, of Wisconsin and Joe and John Wilson, of Lynden, and four great grandchildren. The regular G. A. R. funeral services were held in Knapp's parlors Tuesday afternoon in the presence of a large number of sympathetic friends of the bereaved relatives. Interment was in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 1, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, John R. (d. 1941)
SMITH, John S. (d. 1914)
COUNCILMAN OF FIRST WARD IS DEAD Succumbing to bronchial pneumonia, which followed a general physical breakdown three weeks ago, City Councilman John S. Smith, representative of the First ward, died at 5:45 o'clock this morning at his home, 2400 Elm street. The physical decline of the councilman was watched for the last four days by two attending physicians, who made heroic efforts to save his life, but only succeeded in prolonging it for a few hours. Councilman Smith was 63 years and 2 months old, and hi age counted against him in his struggle for return of health. The remains were embalmed this morning at the family home, and will remain there until satisfactory arrangements can be made for the burial. It is expected that the funeral will occur on Thursday morning, but Undertaker H. O. Bingham says that nothing definite has been arranged.
Rev. H. W. Randolph, of the Tacoma First Methodist church, formerly pastor of the First Methodist church here, will come to Bellingham to conduct the funeral services, as he was the pastor who received Councilman Smith into the local church, of which the latter has remained a member ever since. A great following of city and county officials will also be present at the funeral services, as the late councilman was a conspicuous figure in public affairs of Whatcom county and this city since 1898, at which time he became county assessor. In this office he served four years, and with the exception of a two-year term, he has been connected with the assessor's office as a deputy until his recent illness.
With his family, consisting of his wife and daughter, Miss Grace Smith, Mr. Smith came to Whatcom county twenty-four years ago. He was a native of England and is also survived by two brothers, who reside there, and a sister who is due to arrive in Bellingham tomorrow morning. The sister left England two weeks ago, to come here and establish her home with her brother. Had her journey not been broken on the way out, she would have arrived before his demise.
Having lived twenty-four years in Whatcom county and sixteen years in Bellingham, Councilman Smith was well-known in official and family circles for his excellent qualities of heart and hand, and he leaves a host of friends to mourn his death.
This morning Mayor J. P. DeMattos said that the members of the city council will assemble to pay their last respects to the memory of the departed councilman upon the morning of the funeral. The present arrangements are for the councilmen to officiate as honorary pallbearers, and in any event the councilmen and city officials, together with a number of the county officers, will attend the funeral services in a body.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 30, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, John W. Macrae (d. 1937)
John W. Macrae Smith, age 71, passed away at his home on the Marietta road Tuesday following a short illness. Mr. Smith had been a resident here for the past forty-nine years, operating floral gardens on his place. He was an attendant at the St. Paul's Episcopal church. Surviving are the widow, Edith Jean, at home; three sons, William, John and Fred Macrae Smith, Bellingham; two daughters, Mrs. William Riffe and Mrs. Hurley Buckner, Bellingham; three grandchildren; four brothers, Dr. A. Macrae Smith, and Harry C. Smith, Bellingham; David S. Smith, Vancouver, B. C., and James MacDonald Smith in Japan; one sister, Miss Julia C. Smith, Bellingham. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home where services will be conducted by Dean Thomas DeWitt Tanner, Thursday, June 24, at 1 p. m. , followed by cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 22, 1937) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Julia (d. 1903)
IN MEMORIUMJulia M. Perkins was born in the state of New York June the 4 th , 1849 and departed this life at her home in Whatcom, March the 13 th , aged 57 years, 9 months and 12 days. She was united in marriage with Frank Eugene Smith June 8, 1875. They removed from New York and settled on Orcas Island in this immediate neighborhood in 1890 where they resided for some eight years. From here they removed to Whatcom, their present home. To them were born 5 children. The first died at the age of a few months. Two sons and two daughters still live and are with us today with the father to mourn the loss of the wife and mother. Her death was sudden and unexpected at the time. She was found dead in her bed by her daughter Friday morning. At some hour in the night the weary wheels of life stood still and Mrs. Smith was dead. The immediate cause of death was doubtless heart failure. She had suffered with heart trouble for about a year which had followed a severe attack of pneumonia and seemed liable to die at any time. It was really unexpected when it came. She was a loving, faithful, devoted wife. For twenty-seven years she was the delight and joy of the household dividing the sorrow and doubling the joy of her husband. She doted upon her children, loved and cherished them as only a mother could. She ever labored to remove the thorns and briers from their path way regardless of the fact that her own hands might be bleeding and torn. The children in turn delighted to honor their mother, rendering cheerful obedience to her commands and minister as they could to her comforts. It was a happy household where love reigned supreme. How happy is that home where each one loves and is loved by all the rest. But death loves a shining mark and has entered that circle and has borne away its center of light and love and that home can never be in the future what it has been in the past.Mrs. Smith was reared and trained by a Christian mother and was a firm believer in Christianity and attended church services when she could and always had her children attend the Sabbath school and church services. Such was her manner of life while she lived in your midst as well as elsewhere. She never formally connected herself with any branch of the Christian church. In this her life fell short of what it otherwise might have been. Hers was a beautiful life, so much so that she was highly respected by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and four children with a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss of her religious experience. We leave her in the hands of a merciful God who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind. To the bereaved husband and sorrowing children we can sympathize with you, mingle our tears with yours, and pray for you; but God alone can help you He is more to you than any earthly friend, can comfort and sustain in the deepest sorrow and the sorest trial and bring you triumphantly to himself at last. A FRIEND
Card of Thanks - Mr. F. E. Smith, Marion E. Smith, Bert E. Smith, Mrs. J. E. Iotte, Nettie Smith
(From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, March 25, 1903) Submitted by Linda Lawson.SMITH, Marie C. (d. 1929)
SMITH, Martin V. (d. 1916)
Martin Van Buren Smith was born in New York state, March 26, 1841. He enlisted in Co. I, Ninth Reg., Heavy Artillery, Aug. 12, 1861 and was honorably discharged July 6, 1865. In 1873 he was married to Elma Richmond, who passed beyond about three years ago. For many years Mr. Smith was a resident of Blaine and an active worker in the Baptist church, but for the last two and one-half years he made his home with his niece, Mrs. T. A. Curtis of Lisbon, N. D., where he passed away Nov. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis accompanied the remains to Blaine and many here joined with them in mourning the loss of one who had served so faithfully his country and his God. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church and conducted by Rev. W. A. Shanks.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 8, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Mary E. (d. 1921)
Mrs. Mary E. Smith, wife of Sidney A. Smith, of Ten Mile district, passed away Monday evening, February 7, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Florence Ashton, 2638 Humboldt street. The deceased had been in poor health for several months and confined to her bed for the past four months. She was born at Mentor. O., July 12, 1859, and had been a resident of Whatcom county for the past thirty-two years, the past seven residing in the Ten Mile district. Besides her husband, Sidney A. Smith, she leaves to mourn her departure three daughters, Mrs. Grace Linley, of Seattle; Mrs. Mamie Morrison, of Prince Rupert, B. C., and Mrs. Florence Ashton, of Bellingham; also one son, Sidney S. Smith, of this city; three grandchildren and one brother, Robert Hodgson, Bellingham. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, February 10, at 1:30 p. m. from the funeral parlors of Wickman-Whitfield 1146 Elk street. The Rev. W. F. Reagor, of the First Christian church will officiate. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 8, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Mary Ellen (d. 1931)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith, aged 74 years, beloved wife of Harvey W. Smith, passed away at the family home, 2514 Dean avenue, Wednesday morning, September 2, (1931 ) after an illness of about four months. Surviving relatives, besides her husband, are seven sons, Henry Noble and Wid Noble, Nashua, Iowa; Ben Noble and Claude Noble, Charles City, Iowa; Joseph A. Noble, Everett; and Wesley Noble and Roy Noble, residing in this city; three daughters, Mrs. Alva Jones, Charles City, Iowa; Mrs. Vern Knight, Waverly, Iowa, and Mrs. Ernest A. Kreiger, Oak Harbor, Ohio; two stepsons, Clyde S. Smith, Port Angeles, and Winfred G. Smith, Allen and one step-daughter, Mrs. Cora Noble, city; forty grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Smith was a member of the First Presbyterian church and a past president of the Woman's Relief corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, and had resided in Bellingham for the past eight years. The body rests at the Homer Mork [Mark] Mortuary, at Cornwall avenue and Halleck street, where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, September 4, at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. J. R. Macartney, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Ezra Maurer, pastor of the First Evangelical church.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 3, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Milton (d. 1924)
Milton Smith, Civil war veteran, passed away Thursday morning at his home in Ferndale. He would have been 80 years old on May 31. He had lived in Whatcom county since 1889. Surviving him are two daughters and four sons, Mrs. Ida Montgomery of Enterprise, Walter Smith, of Ferndale and Irving Floyd Smith of Bellingham live nearby. Another son, Frank, lives in Pennsylvania and a daughter, Mrs. Amy Watson, lives in California. At press time funeral arrangements had not been made. The remains are being cared for by Geo. A. Monroe.
(From The Ferndale Record, April 25, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Nancy A. (d. 1914)
Mrs. Nancy A. Smith, aged 74 years, wife of Mr. Charles O. Smith, residing at 1532 Humboldt street, passed away at the family residence Tuesday, April 7, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Smith had been a resident of Bellingham for about twenty-five years. She had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who, with the surviving relatives, will deeply mourn her loss. She is survived by Mr. Smith, three sons and four daughters - Milton and Paul of Bellingham, and Dell Smith of Blanchard. The daughters are Mrs. W. I. Brisbin, Miss Clara Smith, of Bellingham; Mrs. George Butters, of Sumas, and Mrs. F. H. Vanderhoof, of Woodruff, B. C. Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 9, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Miss Moore, first reader for the First Church of Christ, Scientist, will officiate. The remains will be removed the same evening to Seattle for incineration.
(From the Bellingham Herald, April 8, 1914)SMITH, Peter (d. 1923)
SMITH, Reuben P. (d. 1924)
VETERAN IS CALLED Reuben P. Smith, thirty-five years a Bellingham resident and a civil war veteran, died Sunday morning at his home, 1703 James street, at the age of 87 years. He was a retired farmer and many years ago lived on the Axton road. In the Civil war he served in the eighteenth regiment, company B, Iowa, between 1862 and 1865. He had been married to his widow, Mrs. Mary Smith, since 1859. Aside from the widow, the survivors are three sons, E. F. Smith and R. O. Smith, of Bellingham, and H. M. Smith, of Portland; five daughters, Mrs. Nettie Cook, Mrs. Jessie Scrivener, Mrs. _. D. Prouty and Mrs. Myrtle Clendenen, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Madge Steel, of Kansas; thirty-three grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Arthur C. Harlow's mortuary Tuesday at 3:30 p. m. with the Rev. George Martinich officiating. Officers of J. B. Steadman Post, No. 24, of the G. A. R., will conduct services at the chapel and members of the Sons of Veterans will be the pallbearers. Interment will take place at Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 28, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, Richard L. (d. 1891)
SMITH, Sidney A. (d. 1925)
Sidney A. Smith, aged 69 years, passed away at Bremerton, Wash., Monday morning, May 11, after several weeks' illness. Mr. Smith had been a resident of Bellingham and Whatcom county for thirty years. He was a member of Whatcom lodge No. 151, Free and Accepted Masons of Bellingham. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Grace Linley Lawson of Santa Monica, Cal.; Mrs. Florence Ashton of Bellingham and Mrs. R. C. Morrison of Aberdeen, Wash.; one son, Sidney Sherman Smith of Santa Monica, Cal.; one sister, Mrs. Alta Crane of Yakima, Wash.; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body will be received by the Home Mark mortuary, 1146 Elk street, where funeral services will be held Thursday, May 14, at 10 a. m. with the Rev. J. C. Harrison, pastor of the Garden Street M. E. church, officiating, followed by the ritualistic services of Whatcom lodge No. 151, Free and Accepted Masons, at the graveside. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 12, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.SMITH, William G. (d. 1940)
WILLIAM G. SMITH, PIONEER, CALLED William G. Smith, county pioneer, passed away Monday night in a Bellingham hospital at the age of 80 years. He first came to the county in 1880, homesteading near Wahl on Ten Mile creek. He moved to Seattle in 1889, returning to Ferndale twenty-four years ago. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Weirauch and Mrs. Minnie Van Demark, Ferndale, and Mrs. W. L. Maxfield; one son, George C., Ferndale; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Prenderghast and Mrs. Charles Williams, Kent; one brother Martin C., Kent, and seven grandchildren. Last rites will be conducted by the Rev. F. M. Nitz, Friday at 1 p. m., in the Monroe chapel Ferndale, with burial following in the Woodlawn cemetery. Mr. Smith was a charter member of Danish Brotherhood lodge No. 29, of Seattle. The lodge will have charge of graveside services.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 12, 1940)SNELLING, Harris W. (d. 1925)
One of Three Surviving Civil War Veterans at Sumas Goes to Last RestSumas, June 22--Funeral services were held Friday afternoon for Harris W. Snelling, veteran of the Civil war, who passed away at his home here early Thursday, after an illness of several weeks. Services were held at the Gillies undertaking parlors with Rev. Mr. Merrin, who is conducting special services in Lynden, and Rev. E. Allcroft of the Vancouver, B. C., Pentecostal church officiating. Mr. Snelling was one of the three surviving Civil war veterans in Sumas. The others are E. R. Hopkins and George Stambaugh. Mrs. Snelling survives her husband. Three sons also survive.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 22, 1925) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SNIDER, Abraham M. (d. 1923)
A. M. Snider called Abraham M. Snider, for 25 years a resident of the county, most of the time in Blaine, passed away last Friday morning at the home of his son, J. W. Snider, in Bellingham at the age of 83 years. Mr. Snider had been sick only a short time before his death. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church here Sunday at 12 o'clock with Rev. Squire officiating. Deceased was born June 10, 1839, at Marysburg, Ontario. He is survived by three sons, John W. of Bellingham, James, of Williston, N. D., and William of Seattle, and two daughters, Mrs. John Huffman of Fairmount, S. D., and Mrs. A. Arrowsmith of Siseton, S. D. Mr. Snider was an honorable man in all his dealings and held the respect of all who knew him.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 8, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.SNIDER, Edna J. (d. 1922)
Mrs. Edna J. Snider passed away at her home here Snuday (sic) from heart failure. She had not been very well all winter, but not ill. She laid down to rest and told her daughter that she was about to pass on and expired shortly after. Funeral services were held at the home yesterday afternoon at 2:30 in charge of the Christian Scientists, and interment made in the Blaine cemetery in the family lot. Deceased was born in Iowa. She came to Blaine with her husband, who died here several years ago, about 19 years ago. She was 72 years and 6 months old. There are left to mourn her death two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Bunting of California, and Mrs. Guy Millspaugh of Seattle; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Wells of Blaine and Mrs. Mable Durr of Lincoln, Neb.; two brothers, Frank Potter of Aberdeen and George Potter of Blaine; also a grandson, little Chas. Bunting.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 17, 1922) Submitted by Gary Young.SNIDER, Martin L. (d. 1917)
The death of M. L. Snider, for nearly 15 years a resident of this city, and loved and respected by everyone, occurred on Friday morning last at his home here. For the past three years he has been an invalid as the result of a paralytic stroke. His strength gradually failed until the final end came as if entering a sleep. The funeral services were held at the home on Saturday according to the tenets of the Christian Science faith, of which society he was a member.
Martin Luther Snider was born in Henry, Illinois, Sept. 5, 1846. He removed from the place of his birth with his parents when he was but eight years old to Alden, Iowa. In 1864 he enlisted in the 12th Iowa regiment, Company A, later advancing to a corporal, and served until the end of the war. He was married to Miss Enda Potter in 1868. Three children were born to this union - Mrs. Mildred Bunting of Juneau, Alaska, Mrs. Margaret Millspaugh, of Seattle, and Francis Luther Snider, now deceased. In 1893 he moved to Denver, Col., and from there came to Blaine in 1903.
He was a member of Reynolds Post G. A. R., of Blaine, and for the past eight years was a member of the Christian Science Society of this city. Mr. Snider was a man of quiet disposition and a solid citizen. He stood for the right many times in this city when if meant a sacrifice, and those who knew him best learned to love him because of his staunch integrity and good citizenship.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 9, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.
SNOW, Charles T. (d. 1917)
Died, at his home, 4043 Eighth avenue, N. E., Seattle, Wash., on January 41st (sic), Charles T. Snow, in his 86th year. Charles T. Snow was born in Lincoln, Maine, Nov. 1, 1831. In 1854 he removed with his family to Minnesota, where they settled on a farm in what is now the township of Otsego. For a number of years Mr. Snow engaged in lumbering on the upper Mississippi and Rum rivers. Later he took over the management of the home farm, where he continued to live until his removal to this state in 1904. He was active in local politics in his home town, holding at different times nearly every office of trust in the community, and was town clerk and recorder for 21 consecutive years.
After coming to Washington he lived in Blaine for several years, but for the last five years has made his home in Seattle. In 1886 he was married to Ada M. Cooley and is survived by his wife and seven children, five of whom were present at his funeral - H. H. Snow of Blaine, C. A. Snow of Mount Vernon, Mrs. Wm. Bouck and Mrs. P. L. Scheyer of Sedro-Woolley, and Myra L. Snow of Seattle. Two sons - Leon E. Snow of Otsego, Minn., and Richard L. Snow of Minneapolis, Minn., were not able to attend. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon last from the Bleitz & Rafferty undertaking parlors in Seattle. The floral offerings were beautiful.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 9, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.SNOW, Elizabeth C. (d. 1918)
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Snow, aged 51 years, passed away at a local hospital on the evening of Sunday, June 16, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Snow had been a resident of Deming for the past sixteen years, where she has a host of friends who will mourn her loss. Mrs. Snow was a member of the Tribe of Ben Hur of Deming, and is survived by one son and two daughters: DeWitt Snow, of Deming; Mrs. B. F. White, of Kendall, and Miss Loammie Snow, Deming; two sisters and three brothers also survive, Mrs. J. A. West, Deming; Mrs. L. Beene, State of Mississippi; R. R. Boren, Deming; William and James Boren, residing in the South. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, June 18, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. from the Presbyterian church of Deming. Interment in the Deming cemetery under the direction of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Bellingham. Image
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 17, 1918)SNOW, George W. (d. 1914)
DEMING, May 2. - George W. Snow, for many years a resident of this community, but who during the few years last past has been living in or near Bellingham, died from cerebral apoplexy on Thursday of last week at the state asylum for the insane at Fort Steilacoom, to which institution he was admitted about two months previously. The body was shipped to this place by was of Bellingham and the funeral ceremonies were performed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Alexander, pastor of the Deming and Acme churches, officiated at the last sad rites, interment being had in the Odd Fellows' cemetery here, whither the remains were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and old-time friends.
Mr. Snow was born in Guntown, Miss., February 4, 1866, being in his forty-ninth year at the time of his death. At the age of twenty-six he was married to Miss Lizzie Boren, sister to our fellow townsman, Postmaster R. R. Boren. Of this union four children were born, all of whom, with the mother, are still living. Three sisters also survive him and his friends were legion. Early in life Mr. Snow united with the Missionary Baptist church of which he was a member until the end. He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Tribe of Ben-Hur.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 2, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.
SNOW, Margaret E. (d. 1928)
Mrs. Margaret E. Snow passed away last Tuesday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Allen, on California creek. She was 79 years and 3 months old. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the Methodist church here with Rev. T. H. Jorgenson officiating and arrangements in charge of Purdy's Funeral Home. The body was shipped to Winlock, Wash., for burial. Margaret E. Laymance was born in 1848 in Morgan county, Tennessee. She was married to Joseph Snow in 1865 and they came to Washington in 1888, where they resided for many years near Winlock. For the past 12 years deceased made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Allen, near Blaine. Eight children were born to the above union, five of whom still survive as follows: Mrs. W. R. Allen and I. T. Snow of Blaine; R. J. of Bellingham; J. W. of Hoquiam; and J. H. of Tacoma, also 37 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, March 1, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.
SNYDER, Frank H. (d. 1914)
Frank H. Snyder, aged 38 years, a well known resident of Wickersham, Wash., passed away at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Snyder, of Wickersham, Sunday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock, death being due to pneumonia. Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder came to Wickersham with his parents more than sixteen years ago from Peru, Ind. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Frank H. Snyder, and his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Snyder, and a large circle of friends. Mr. Snyder was a member of the M. W. A. of Acme, L. O. O. M. No. 493, Bellingham, Wash., and K. O. T. M., Wickersham, Wash. Funeral services will be held at the home of his parents in Wickersham Tuesday at 11 o'clock, the Rev. J. M. Clos officiating. Interment will be made in the family lot in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of Undertaker Arthur C. Harlow. The funeral car will meet the 1:35 Northern Pacific train at Silver Beach, conveying the funeral party to the cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, June 30, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.SO RELLE, Belle (d. 1931)
Pioneer Teacher of Bellingham Passes - Rites Dated Following a year's illness, Mrs. Belle SoRelle, who taught in Bellingham's first school, at the corner of Maple street and Cornwall avenue died Monday night at her home, 2214 E street. Death - which she cheated recently - finally assigned the last lesson. She cheated it when, lying on the bed from which she did not rise, she signed several weeks ago the register of the teachers and students of the school, which Will D. Pratt, school board secretary, prepared. That she be permitted to sign the register was one of her final wishes.Mrs. SoRelle was born January 11, 1864, in Wheeling, Virginia, and came to Bellingham forty-four years ago. She married George M. SoRelle, also a pioneer school teacher here, in 1887, the same year she came to Bellingham. Four children were born, one of whom, Lillian, died in infancy. the three surviving are Mrs. Vivian SoRelle Williams, New York City; Mrs. Mildred SoRelle Barnhart, Okanogan, and a son, Wily A. SoRelle, Los Angeles. Six grandchildren survive. Mrs. SoRelle died at her home, 2214 E street. Her final years were spent as a clerk in the South Bellingham postoffice, where she served twenty-four years, retiring in November, 1930. Her husband died in 1921. She was a member of the Garden Street M. E. church and the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Homestead No. 195, and the United National Association of Postal Clerks. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home Wednesday at 1 p.m. The Rev. O. A. Quall, pastor of the Fairhaven M. E. church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. James M. Wilson, minister of St. James Presbyterian church. Burial will follow in Bay View cemetery. The pallbearers will be Ray Tiberghein, Carl Nelson, Frank Adams, Clarence Gaasland, Elliott Gaasland and Jack Robinson.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 10, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.SORENSON, Caren C. (d. 1913)
Caren Christina Sorenson, aged 19 years, passed away at St. Luke's Hospital, May 7th, at 4 o'clock. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Sorenson; four brothers and three sisters, Alice, Thelma, Elanora, Christian, Thorwald, Carl, Henry, and grandfather, Mr. H. C. Hoff, all residing at Lawrence, Wash.; also her grandmother, Mrs. Jacobina Sorenson, in Norway, and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services will be conducted from the Emmanuel Lutheran Church at Lawrence, Saturday afternoon, May 10th, at 2 o'clock, Rev. Geo. O. Lane, pastor of the Zion Lutheran Church officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Lawrence cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 8, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.SORENSON, Cathrine (d. 1897)
The death of Cathrine Sorenson wife of Eiler Sorenson occurred in this city, Saturday, Oct. 16, 1897, from a hemorrhage. The deceased whose maiden name was Cathrine Olson, was born in Denmark, Europe, May 26, 1862, and at the time of her death was in her 35th year of age. She was married to Eiler Sorenson in California, Oct. 2, 1888. As an issue of the marriage she leaves one child, a son, who is in his seventh year of age. She was a devoted wife and a loving and affectionate mother. Her life was an exemplification of genuine christianity. She loved her home. To here it was a realm of endless bliss. Truly womanly she found in her home life the opportunity for the highest and grandest accomplishments of womanhood. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church last Sunday forenoon. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Wadsworth. The remains were interred in the city cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 22, 1897) Submitted by site coordinator.SORENSON, Minnie (d. 1932)
Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Sorenson, 69, widow of the late N. P. Sorenson, who passed away at her home, route 1, Bellingham, yesterday will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Laurel Baptist church. Interment will be at Woodlawn cemetery under direction of the Monroe mortuary, Ferndale. Mrs. Sorenson, who was a member of the Laurel Baptist church, is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. I. Satterthwaite, of Lynden, and Mrs. Ralph K. Minor, Everett; six sons, Robert L. and Bert N. Sorenson, route 1, Bellingham; Captain Edgar P. Sorenson, of the U.S. air service, Philippine islands, Ernest M., of Chehalis, Leslie S. of Montesano, and M. Howard, of Lynden; one brother, C. C. Larson, of Ferndale, and one sister, Mrs. Lars Larson, of Albert Lea, Minn.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 25, 1932)SORENSON, Theodore (d. 1914)
Theodore Sorenson was born in Kyernle, Norway on January 22, 1852 and departed this life at Nooksack, Wash. on March 14, 1914 aged 62 years 1 month 22 days. In 1871 he came to America and settled in Kansas. September 20, 1882 he was married to Miss Belinda Peterson, who survives him, they continued their residence in Kansas until 1906 when they moved to Wash. and settled on a farm 2 miles from Nooksack, where the family still lives.
Mr. Sorenson was a constant sufferer from heart trouble for seven years, but on last Friday he became dangerously ill. Miss Anna, the only daughter, who is engaged in Deaconess work in Seattle was hastily summoned. She reached home Saturday afternoon. The end came peacefully Saturday evening; with his wife and children, except the eldest son, Albert, who lives in Kansas, gathered about him, he called them each by name and bid them good bye. Since his boyhood days he has been a member of the Lutheran church. The funeral took place from the M. E. church, Tuesday forenoon, Rev. E. O. Harris, officiating; interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery.
(From The Nooksack Reporter, March 20, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.SORNBERGER, Cynthia (d. 1935)
SOUTHERN, Katheryn Matilda (d. 1924)
Katheryn M. Southern age 34 years wife of Wesley Southern passed away in San Francisco, CA June 16, 1924, after an illness of six weeks. Mrs Southern was a resident of Whatcom county the past 23 years having been born in Canistota, SD Jan. 31, 1890. Mrs. Southern was the daughter of Adam and Alice Rauch of Deming, WA. During her residence here she was active in the affairs of the Lutheran Church and had been studying theology in CA. She is survived by her husband Wesley, her parents of Deming, two brothers Stanley and Henry Rauch, and six sisters Arletta Rauch, Alice Martin, Gertrude McComas and Elizabeth Jones all of Whatcom county, Bertha Hughes of Aberdeen, WA, Marie Clark of Portland, OR. The body has been transported to Bellingham for internment at Bayview cemetery.
Submitted by John RauchSPAULDING James C. (d. 1927)
Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the Methodist church for the late James C. Spaulding, who passed away at his home Sunday morning. Rev. T. L. Blaisdell officiated. The following tribute to Mr. Spaulding was prepared by Rev. Blaisdell:
J. C. Spaulding was born at Bath, Me., March 13, 1846. He was a volunteer soldier of the Union Army during the Civil War and became a loyal member of the G. A. R. He spent 22 years of his early life in Wisconsin. He was married to Miss Emily Hulbert in August, 1889. From this union there were two children, Mr. C. A. Spaulding, who is now a resident of Sacramento, Calif., and Mrs. Henry Everson of Chicago, who passed away in Nov. 1903, and two grandsons, Harold and Edward of Chicago. Mr. Spaulding was married to his second wife, Miss Eva S. Pike, a daughter of a Methodist preacher, on Jan. 1, 1902, at Woodlake, Minn. The family came west in 1889 and settled in Lynden. Mr. Spaulding joined the First Methodist church of Lynden Dec. 4, 1889. Thirty-seven years he was privileged to be a loyal and devoted member to this organization. During this period he held the office of treasurer for twenty-six years and served faithfully in several other capacities in the church. He was always an ardent follower of Christ and a tireless worker in the church and his kindly spirit radiated good cheer and good will to all. During his declining years he grew exceptionally mellow in spirit and faced the grim reaper with a smile of confidence.
The little children were especially drawn to him, and he usually had his favorites who would greet him on Sunday morning with an air of anticipation, as he so often carried some sweets in his pocket to attract the little busy bees. He suffered a handicap of impaired hearing during the last few years which interfered with his ability to enjoy the preaching services to the greatest extent, and yet despite this fact he was quite regular in his Sunday worship. Mr. Spaulding will be greatly missed in the community and in the life of the church. His many friends of the faith wish to convey their deep sympathy to the bereaved members of the family for the loss of a devoted husband and a most gracious father.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 1, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.SPEIRS, George (d. 1930)
Well Known Business Man Succumbs to Long IllnessGeorge Speirs, for many years one of Bellingham's leading businessmen, being known chiefly for his operation of a printing establishment, and who during A. M. Muir's term of mayor was a member of the city water board, died Sunday at his home, 2515 Cornwall avenue. Mr. Speirs had lived here forty-one years and was 74 years of age. He had been ill three months. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, holding his membership in Scotland. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home Wednesday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. James M. Wilson officiating. Interment will occur in Bay View cemetery. Surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. M. Maud Speirs; one daughter, Mrs. John A. Graham, and one grandson, George Speirs Graham, Bellingham; one brother, A. Speirs, Glasgow, Scotland, and one sister, Mrs. Annie McLaughlan, Peachland, B. C.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 7, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.SPEIRS, Robina W. (d. 1926)
Mrs. Robina Wright Speirs, aged 68 years, beloved wife of George Speirs, passed away at the family home, 2515 Cornwall avenue, Saturday evening, July 24, after an illness of two months. Mrs. Speirs had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-eight years and was a member of the First Congregational church, and leaves a host of friends who will sadly mourn her passing. Surviving her, besides the husband, are one daughter, Mrs. John A. Graham; one grandson; George Speirs Graham of this city; one brother, John Wright of Edinburgh, Scotland, and one sister, Mrs. Harriet Dempster of Lynnwood, Cal. The remains are resting at the family home and are being cared for by the O. R. Hollingsworth funeral home, 120-122 Prospect street, where funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon, July 27, at 2 o'clock with the Rev. Frank Arthur Butler, pastor of the First Congregational church officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 26, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.SPEIRS, Sarah E. (d. 1933)
SPOHN, Thomas J. (d. 1931)
Thomas J. Spohn, 84 years, died at his home here on Fourth street last night at 10 o'clock after a long illness, a trained nurse having been in charge for the past month. Mr. Spohn was a pioneer of this state, coming to Washington from Nebraska over 38 years ago. He was born in Dayton, Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lena Spohn, one sister, Mrs. Laura J. Bright of Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Spohn had been engaged in the real estate business for the past ten years. Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 25, at 2 P. M., at E. E. Purdy & Sons Funeral Home chapel, Rev. Clarence B. Seely, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, October 22, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.SPRING, Edith (d. 1936)
Mrs. Edith Spring passed away Friday, August 21, at 6:20 p.m. at St. Luke's hospital, Bellingham. Mrs. Spring was a daughter of the late Mrs. Sarah Cure, one of the early settlers of this state, and a homesteader at Mosquito Lake. She and her husband, Herbert H. Spring, who died in the late fall of 1934, at Wenatchee, Wash., resided for several years on what was known to the old timers of this community, as the Larson homestead. They have made their home in Wenatchee for the past eight years, where Mr. Spring was prominent as a roofing and building contractor. Mrs. Spring had been in ill health for some time. She was in Deming visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Hatton, when stricken, arriving here June 2nd.
Mrs. Spring was born in Coffeyville, Kansas in 1878 and was 58 at the time of death. Funeral services were held in Wenatchee at the Jones & Jones Chapel, remains being attended by Harlow & Hollingsworth of Bellingham Monday morning, Aug. 24 at 10:30. The Wenatchee Chapter of the Eastern Star jointly with the Royal Neighbors were in charge of the funeral services and there was a large attendance of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Spring was laid to rest beside her husband at Green Acres cemetery in Wenatchee. She is survived by her son, John Walter Nelson, granddaughter, Miss Betty Nelson; sisters, Mrs. Lee Hatton and Mrs. Bell Sorensen; and brother, M. Walter Cure. Image
(From the Deming Prospector, August 28, 1936)