Whatcom County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "Se-Sj"
SEBERT, Frank (d. 1916)
The body of Frank Sebert, whose death occurred in a hospital at Tacoma Saturday April 1st, was brought here for burial, the funeral service was held from the Presbyterian church at Everson under the auspices of the W. O. W. and interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery. The deceased was a young man of sterling worth who numbered his friends by his acquaintances. He formerly lived with his parents on a farm east of town afterwards engaging in business in Everson but forced to give that up by the disease, a form of paralysis, from which he suffered for years and resulted in his death. A father, mother and two sisters remain to mourn his untimely death.
(From The Nooksack Reporter, April 17, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.SEEMAN, Christine (d. 1925)
CENTENARIAN DIES At the age of 104 years, Mrs. Christine Seeman, five years a Bellingham resident, who crossed the continent from Racine, Wis., when she was nearly 100 years of age, died Wednesday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson, 515 Irving street, after a brief illness. Mrs. Seeman came to the United States from Denmark in 1883. She was a member of the Danish Lutheran church. It is doubtful if anyone of greater age ever lived in Bellingham. She would have been 105 years on September 17. The survivors are the daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson; a half brother, living in Denmark; five grandchildren, of whom Mrs. Amelia Pease and Mrs. Jennie Brents live in Bellingham; sixteen great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Home Mark's Mortuary at 10:30 a. m. Friday, with the Rev. J. Torval Norby, pastor of the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran church officiating. Interment will occur in Bay View cemetery. (photo)
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 2, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.SEFTON, Frank (d. 1917)
After an illness of nearly a year, much of the time spent in great suffering, Frank Sefton, a resident of Nooksack since 1884, died at his Glen Echo home, Monday, January 22. The funeral service was held on Wednesday from the A. C. church, Elder S. P. Hayward, preaching the sermon. Interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery. Mr. Sefton was born in Clay county, Ill. nearly fifty five years ago. Besides his aged father, J. W. Sefton, three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Carman, of Seattle, Mrs. J. H. Elkin, of Brooks, Mont. and Mrs. W. B. Pritts of this place mourn his going.
(From the Nooksack Reporter, January 26, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.SEFTON, James W. (d. 1923)
J. W. Sefton passed away at his farm home at "Glen Echo" Friday evening August 24, after an illness of only a few minutes. Funeral services were held from the Advent Christian church Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. E. Lobb, pastor, preaching the sermon. Interment was made in the family plot in the Nooksack cemetery. He being the fifteenth civil war veteran to find a final resting place in this cemetery. Had he lived until the last day of December, 1923, Mr. Sefton would have been 88 years old as he was born at Greensburg, Indiana, on that date, 1835. He came to Nooksack in October, 1883 and used his soldier rights on the homestead he occupied at the time of his death. On the day of his death he joined members of the family at a picnic at Birch Bay and also made a trip to Blaine to see the Peace Arch. He returned at seven o'clock and expressed himself as having a very enjoyable day. About 10:30 o'clock the fatal illness struck and he passed on a half hour later. The survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Lou Pritts, of Nooksack, Mrs. James Elkins, of Brooks, Montana and Mrs. James Carman of Seattle.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, August 30, 1923) Submitted by Jim Berg.SEFTON, Mary Jane (Holiman) (d. 1913)
Aged Pioneer Passes AwayMary Jane Holiman was born October 27, 1834 in Rush Co., Indiana and died December 19, 1913 at 3 p. m. At Xenia, Illinois on November 24, 1860 she was married to James Walker Sefton. Coming to Whatcom Co. in 1884 they settled on the farm that was their home at the time of Mrs. Sefton's death, having lived there continuously for twenty-nine years. Mrs. Sefton had been in poor health for several years prior to her death. There are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother, an aged husband and four children, Mrs. W. B. Pritts and Mrs. James Carman, of Bellingham, Mrs. J. W. Elkins and Frank Sefton of Nooksack, also several grandchildren.
(From The Nooksack Reporter, December 19, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.SELIG, Weibke (d. 1908)
Mrs. W. C. Selig died at her home on Harrison avenue in this city at 8:45 last Monday evening, death resulting from old age. The remains will be buried Sunday or Monday and are being held awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Selig's only child, Mrs. Dawson, of Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs. Selig was born in Holstein, Germany, in 1825, came to America in 1859 and settled in Kansas. From the Kansas home Mr. Selig went to the war and was killed while in the service. After the war Mrs. Selig moved to Illinois and later went to Cheyenne, Wyoming, coming from there to Blaine about ten years ago.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 12, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SELLS, John A. (d. 1934)
John Alexander Sells, aged 73, passed away at his home, 2324 Cornwall avenue Thursday morning, April 12, following a brief illness. Mr. Sells had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-two years, during most of which time he was engaged in the hardware business. Deceased was mayor of Bellingham during the war period and was again honored with election to that position at the last city election and served in that capacity for the past three months. He was a member of Bellingham lodge No. 194, B. P. O. E. and of the Maccabees, of Montesano, also of the Gold Star Fathers of Bellingham, and leaves the following to survive: The widow, Mrs. Lulu E. Sells, three sons, Elmer, of this city, and John and William of Seattle; two daughters, Lulu Sells, Bellingham, and Mrs. William C. Eaton, Aberdeen; also one sister, Mrs. Sarah Hughes, Dallas, Texas. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, where they will lie in state Saturday between the hours of 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. with members of the police and fire departments serving as an honor guard. Funeral services will be conducted at the Harlow-Hollingsworth chapel Sunday, April 15 at 2 p. m. by Dr. John R. Macartney, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, followed by the ritualistic services of the Elks lodge No. 194. Burial will take place in Bay View cemetery. The following will act as honorary pallbearers: Dr. W. W. Balaine, Dr. Jacob Smith, Morgan Wheeler, Victor A. Roeder, Scott C. [?] and Henry Thiel. Active bearers will be Harold Stevenson, John E. McGinnis, Ira T. Jones, Max Laase, Andrew Austin and Gerald Gannon.
HEART ATTACK CLAIMS CITY EXECUTIVE John Alexander Sells, a leader of Democracy in Bellingham who was serving his second term as mayor of this city, died suddenly of a heart attack about 10:30 a. m. Thursday at his home 2324 Cornwall avenue. His death was unexpected, as he has been in generally good health and spent an active day at the city hall Wednesday. Dr. C. S. Teel, the mayors physician, said that Mayor Sells suffered a slight attack of stomach trouble Wednesday night, after a fairly hearty dinner. During the night his condition noticeably improved. About 10:30 a. m. Thursday he had s sudden heart attack. ..... A son, Leonard, died while serving with the United States army in France during the World war. ......Mayor Sells was born near Toronto, Canada, on November 16, 1861, and came to Hoquiam on Grays Harbor when a young man. He was one of the founders of Grays Harbor City and recently proudly recalled that he had presented that community with its first schoolhouse. Deciding upon his first fling at politics, he was chosen county auditor of the county and severed two terms in that office. It was in 1892 that he claimed Miss Lulu Hoffsmith as a bride at Hoquiam. Believing that the Bellingham Bay region had a great future, Mr. Sells brought his family here in 1903 and entered the hardware business. He was keenly interested in politics and was elevated to the mayor's chair in 1918 after serving on the city council in 1907-8-9 and 10. .....
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 12, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.SETTLES, Henry J. (d. 1929)
SETZER, Charles (d. 1911)
Charles E. Setzer, aged 75, and a resident of Lynden and Bellingham since 1872, was found dead in bed at the home of his son, John Setzer, 1467 Iron street, yesterday noon. Coroner Wear examined the remains and gave heart disease as having been the cause of death. Mr. Setzer retired as usual night before land, and as he has been in the habit of sleeping late nothing was thought of his non-appearance until about noon yesterday. At noon the son repaired to his father's room and discovered that the aged pioneer had died some time during the night. Mr Setzer is survived by nine children -- five daughters and four sons: Mrs. James Tullock, of Seattle; Mrs. Benjamin Norman, Otter, B.C.; Mrs. Bertha McDonald, South Bellingham; Mrs. Nettie Scott, Wallace, Idaho; Mrs. S. H. Prouty and Eleanor Setzer, of Bellingham; A. G. Brown, of Stanwood, a stepson, Henry M., John, and E. J. Setzer, all of Bellingham. The body lies in the undertaking parlors of H. O. Bingham. Interment will be at Lynden. The funeral services will take place tomorrow afternoon at the home of John Setzer, 1467 Iron street.
(From The Bellingham Herald March 9, 1911) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SETZER, Eleanor (d. 1906)
Mrs. Eleanor Setzer, aged 67 years, died this morning at her home at 1415 King street, after a short illness of heart trouble. Mrs. Setzer was born in Stickville, Ill., July 1, 1839 and came west in 1872 locating in Tacoma, living there one year, when she moved with her family to Orcas island, where she resided for 15 years. She was the second white woman on the island. She is well known in this and San Juan county, where she has lived during the past 30 years. In 1853 she was married to Evan Brown, and two children were born: Mrs. James Tulloch of East Sound, and A. G. Brown of Stanwood. She was married to Charles E. Setzer in 1861. Seven children by the second marriage are left to mourn the loss: Mrs. Benjamin Norman, of Otter, B. C.; Mrs. John D. McDonald, Mrs. Nettie H. Scott, Mrs. Homer Prouty, Mr. E. J. and Miss Eleanor A., of Bellingham; and husband, Charles E., who is now critically ill at his home in the city. She leaves nine children, twenty-four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Her death is the only one in her family in 53 years. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 16, 1906) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SEVEY, Sarah A. (d. 1912)
Mrs. Sarah Ann Sevey, mother of Mrs. A. D. Fish, died at the Fish home on Saturday at the age of seventy-one years. She had been ailing slightly for about a week, but did not take to her bed until twenty-four hours before the final summons came. Mr. Sevey died about three years ago and since that time Mrs. Sevey had made her home with Mrs. Fish and another daughter in Seattle. She was of a most kind and lovable nature, always in sympathy with the needs of others, and her passing will be a source of sadness to all who had the pleasure of knowing her. She is survived by three children, Mrs. A. D. Fish, of Lynden, Mrs. F. H. Ward, of Seattle, and Rollo Sevey, of Minneapolis, besides a sister in Maine. Burial will take place at Sedro-Woolley on Monday.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 2, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.SEVIER, Francis M. (d. 1912)
DEATH CALLS AGED PIONEERFrancis M. Sevier, a pioneer of Whatcom county and well known throughout this entire section of the country, died at his home, 1515 Moore street, last night at 9 o’clock. His death was caused by organic heart trouble. The deceased man was 69 years old and had lived in Whatcom county for more than thirty years. Mr. Sevier is survived by a widow, Mrs. Amanda Sevier, one son, Samuel Sevier, of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Sadie Listman, of North Yakima, and Mrs. Mattie Lae, of Tacoma; two brothers, Moses Sevier, of Hinton, Oklahoma, and Thomas Sevier, of Kansas, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Quigley, of Hiawatha, Kan. Funeral arrangements will be made following the arrival of the daughters, who are expected today. The body now lies at the undertaking parlors of Mock & Hill. Mr. Sevier was a member of Whatcom lodge No. 11, Knights of Pythias, and of Company No. 10, Uniform Rank K. of P. He was also a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the J. B. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 13, 1912) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.SHAFFNER, Lewis (d. 1937)
Lewis Shaffner, who had lived in Blaine for 46 years, passed away Wednesday, March 9, in the North Bellingham hospital. Mr. Shaffner had nearly reached the century mark, lacking about one month of being 99 years of age. He was born March 30, 1838, in New York. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Purdy & McKinney chapel, with Rev. Bertram Robins officiating. Burial was in the Blaine Cemetery. He is survived by a son, Philip Shaffner, of Blaine, three grandchildren, one great grandchild and one nephew.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 18, 1937) Submitted by site coordinator.SHAGREN, Hannah (d. 1919)
Lynden lost another of its honored pioneers this week, in the passing of Mrs. A. N. Shagren, who died at her home Saturday evening at the age of 78 years and 5 months. On Wednesday afternoon a host of friends gathered at Knapp's undertaking parlors to pay thier last tribute to Mrs. Shagren. She was laid to rest in the midst of an abundance of wreaths and flowers. Rev. W. O. Benadom officiated. About two weeks ago her long and useful career with hardly ever a touch of sickness was interrupted by serious illness.
Hannah Erickson Shagren was seventy-eight years and five months of age. She was born in Sallrup Skani, Sweden, Feb. 19, 1841. On August 15, 1883, she was married to Mr. Shagren in Eslof, Sweden. Mr. Shagren had some ten years previously taken up a homestead in the new world, and shortly after their marriage, she left her native home and emigrated with her husband to Lynden, Wash., where they made their home and engaged in farming continuously until 1901. In that year, she visited with her husband their old home for several months. After returning to Lynden, they gave up active farming and made their home in the city proper. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss one adopted son, Henry Shagren, who has been with them since childhood, two brothers in Sweden, Swan Norlin and Nels Ericson, and a nephew, Edward Norlin of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, July 24, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.
SHAW, Birney (d. 1922)
OLD SOLDIER PASSES Birney Shaw, Civil war veteran, who last Saturday told his family that if anybody inquired about him thereafter to tell them "simply that I love them," died at 9:15 o'clock this morning at his home, 811 McKenzie avenue, after a lingering illness. He had lived in Bellingham twenty-one years and for eighteen years was watchman for the Pacific American Fisheries. He was a member of the Fairhaven M. E. church and of C. R. Apperson post of the G. A. R. The survivors are the widow, Mrs. Laura C. Shaw; two daughters, Mrs. L. E. Platt and Mrs. F. M. Corey, Bellingham; one brother, Hira, of Denver; one sister, Mrs. John Oliver, Cayuga, New York; one nephew, Charles Park, of Seattle, and twelve grandchildren. The body lies at the Arthur C. Harlow mortuary home at East Holly and Forest streets.
Birney Shaw Answers Last Roll Call After Long Illness.Mr. Shaw was born on March 8, 1844, and saw very active service in the Civil war. He fought in the battles of Gettysburg, Antietam, the Wilderness, Chancellorsville and Richmond and was present at Appomattox, where Lee surrendered to Grant. He was a member of Company K, 111th regiment of New York State volunteers, enlisting as a private June 10, 1863, when 18 years of age, and being honorably discharged June 1, 1865, when he was a sergeant major. He was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry. Mr. Shaw attended the grand review of troops at Washington after the Civil war. In 1913 he was present at the fiftieth anniversary of the G. A. R. He was married in 1874, hence he had enjoyed practically fifty years of wedded life.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 14, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.SHAW, Laura (d. 1923)
SHAW, William W. (d. 1917)
William W. Shaw, aged 70 years, passed away at the Veterans' Home, Retsil, Wash., Thursday, November 22. Mr. Shaw had resided in Bellingham for about twenty years and has a large circle of friends who will mourn his loss. At the time of his death he was a member of the J. B. Steedman Post No. 24, G. A. R., the Broadway United Presbyterian church, the A. F. & A. M., St. Johns, Kan.; the Woman's Relief Corps, Women of the G. A. R. and the Daughters of Veterans, of Bellingham. Those who survive are two sons, A. E. Shaw, of Bellingham; M. G. Shaw, of Anchorage, Alaska; two brothers and one sister, residing in Pittsburg, Pa. Funeral services will be held Monday, November 26, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. John M. Shive officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 24, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.SHEFFER, Barbara A. (d. 1914)
Mrs. Barbara Ann Sheffer died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. G. Ryther, in Bellingham Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sheffer had been in her usual health and on Sunday morning had taken advantage of the beautiful Easter day to enjoy a long walk. Returning to her daughter's home she ate lunch and went to her room. Soon after, Mrs. Ryther was attracted to the room and found her mother in a dying condition.
Mrs. Sheffer was 71 years and six months old. With her husband, *W. V. Sheffer, to whom she was married forty-six years ago, she came to Bellingham from Missouri in the early days, they being among the first settlers in that part of the county. Mr. Sheffer died about five years ago. Mrs. Sheffer was of very gentle and uncomplaining disposition, and had many friends, in Lynden where she resided for several years, and in Bellingham and other parts of the county. She was the mother of twelve children, four of whom survive her. They are Mrs. Ryther, of Bellingham, Mrs. May Lang, of Port Townsend, Bert Sheffer and Joe Davis, both living in Idaho. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Lynden on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Herbert Jones officiating. Interment was in Lynden cemetery beside the bodies of her husband and daughter, *W. V. Sheffer and Mrs. R. E. Hawley.
*Nicholas V. Sheffer
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 16, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.SHEFFER, Matthew T. (d. 1927)
Matthew Thomas Sheffer, aged 81 years, beloved father of Mrs. A. L. Lambert and Melvin Matthew Sheffer, city; William Elmer Sheffer, Miles City, Mont.; Mrs. R. E. Lambert, Sumas, and Mrs. Olive Griffin, Wellington, Col., passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Lambert, Marietta road this morning September 8, after a brief illness. Mr. Sheffer had been a Bellingham and Whatcom county resident for the past fifteen years, and was a member of Eel River Lodge No. 510, F. & A.M., South Whitley, Ind. Also he was a Civil war veteran, having gone through the war with Company 2[I] 159[152] Regiment of Indiana Infantry and was honorably dischared August 30, 1865. The body rests at the O. R. Hollingsworth Funeral Home 120-122 Prospect St., and funeral announcements will be made later. Twenty four grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren also survive.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 8, 1927)SHELL, William (d. 1902)
SHELLHAMER, Kenton (d. 1924)
Kenton Shellhamer Succumbs to Accident Kenton Shellhamer, superintendent of Buffelin logging camp at Kulshan, was thought to be fatally injured at 10:49 last Saturday morning when the top of a spar tree broke off and he was struck by a guy line, fracturing his skull in two places. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital in O. R. Hollingsworth's ambulance and attended by Dr. E. L. Brinson, who gave first aid at the camp. One fracture was over the right eye and another in front of the left ear. One shoulder was bruised and there were minor bruises. Two other men were slightly injured.The injured man died Monday night. He was born in Big Rapids, Mich., March 3, 1889, and had lived in the county about ten years. The survivors are the widow, Mrs. Jennie Shellhamer; mother, Mrs. Catherine Shellhamer, of Sedro-Woolley; four brothers, and one sister, all living in Skagit county. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Harlow mortuary home, June 5, at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. J. C. Harrison officiating, followed by interment in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Deming Prospector, June 6, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.SHELTER, Jacob (d. 1925)
Jacob Shelter Is Buried At Woodlawn SundayJacob M. Shelter, age 66, a resident of this county for 42 years, died last Wednesday at North Bellingham. Funeral services were held Sunday with Rev. H. L. Allen in charge, interment taking place in the Woodlawn cemetery with George Monroe in charge. Mr. Shelter was one of the early pioneers of this section, and was identified for years with logging and farming work. He is survived by *two daughters and five sons of Bellingham, and three brothers, John, Marshall and William of North Bellingham.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 27, 1925;*he was survived by three daughters) Submitted by Hilda (Hemmingson) MeryhewSHIELDS, Conrad (d. 1901)
DEATH OF A PIONEER Died at his home Tuesday morning, October 29, 1901, an old pioneer, Conrad Shields Laurel, after about one year of unceasing suffering from an illness that could not be cured. Mr. Shields was born December 1, 1830, in Germany, where he lived until 1847, when he left his old home and sailed for America and landed in New York, where he resided eight years, removed to Minnesota in 1856, where he lived 17 years. In 1866 he served one year in the civil war. He left Minnesota for Washington in 1874, where the deceased has since resided. Mr. Shields was very much interested in the schools, having been a director for nearly 15 years. He was a highly respected citizen throughout the county. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, seven sons and three daughters. Funeral services were held at the residence Thursday last at noon, conducted by Rev. Monroe. Interment was made in the Paradise cemetery; witnesses by a large concourse of sympathizing friends.
(From The Weekly Blade, November 6, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.SHIELDS, Eliza J. (d. 1925)
Whatcom County lost one of its oldest pioneers Sunday, when Mrs. Eliza Jane Shields died at the family home at Enterprise. Mrs. Shields came to this county with her husband when it was a real wilderness 50 years ago. The two knew and have experienced all the troubles, hardships and also all the new improvements the county has seen. Mr. Shields died a few years ago.
Eliza Jane Wallace was born at Port Hope, Canada, Apr. 24, 1842, and died Aug. 30, 1925, being 83 years of age at the time of her death. She was married in Glen Huron, Ontario, Canada, to Henry Shields and to that union were born nine children, seven of whom are living: Robert J. and John G. of Enterprise, Mrs. Nellie Ellis and Mrs. Phoebe Ellis of Enterprise, Mrs. Jennie Bruns of Blaine, Mrs. Mary A. Hintz of California, and Wm. T. Shields of San Francisco.
In 1865, Mrs. Shields and her husband moved from Canada to Iowa, where they lived as pioneers for ten years. The journey to Washington in 1876 was made by train to San Francisco, then by sailing vessel to Bellingham, and in an Indian canoe up the Nooksack River to the present home near Ferndale. Her present home was carved out of the wilderness, and she was a true pioneer, being always ready to extend a helping hand to other settlers. Mrs. Shields was buried Wednesday afternoon at Enterprise Cemetery, services being held first at the family home in charge of Rev. J. W. Moles of Custer. George Monroe had charge of the interment. Pallbearers for the funeral were all old pioneer friends of Mrs. Shields, Ed and James Brown of Custer, Fred Garris of Bellingham, John Slater of Ferndale, John Akin of Bellingham and Byron Kingsley of Blaine. [Note: Funeral Home record lists her parents as David Wallace and Mary Bogget]
(From The Ferndale Record, September 3, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.SHIELDS, F. T. (d. 1900)
F. T. Shields, of Enterprise, aged 24 years and 4 months, died at the General Hospital, Seattle, Feb. 8th, of typhoid fever, after a week's sickness. He had been attending the Acme Business College. R. Shields, of Enterprise, left his brother's bedside Wednesday, with the physician's assurance of his being out of danger. On Friday a telegram brought news of his death. The body has been embalmed, and will be shipped to his parents in Glen Huron, Ontario. Mr. R. Shields and wife left Tuesday to perform this sad duty. Mr. F. T. Shields was a young man of good habits and excellent character, -- one of the finest young men in the community. He was a member of the Good Templars' lodge in Custer, and had been in the lumber and shingle business with his brother since coming to the West two years ago.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 16, 1900) Submitted by site coordinator.SHIELDS, Henry (d. 1913)
Another of the pioneers who opened up the rich heritage which now falls to the residents of Whatcom County has passed beyond the bourne of time. Henry Shields, one of the best known pioneers of this county, died at his home at Enterprise on Thursday of last week and was buried in the Enterprise cemetery on Saturday. Mr. Shields knew Whatcom County when its present splendid system of road existed only as trails. In 1876 he came to Ferndale and had to reach that locality, which was at that time scarcely more than a trading post, by means of a canoe propelled up the Nooksack River. There were trails running from Fairhaven but these were mere footpaths and the only way to transport provisions successfully was by means of a canoe. One of the first homesteads in the section of the country between Ferndale and Blaine was settled upon by Shields shortly after he came to Whatcom County. This homestead which literally was hewn out of the wilderness has become one of the best farms in the Northwest. Since he first cleared the space for his cabin in the woods, Mr. Shields lived continuously on the same homestead and his death took place there.
Mr. Shields was born in Ireland in 1840 and came to this country at an early age. He is survived by eight children and numerous other relatives. Four of the children live in Whatcom County and others being scattered in various parts of the West. -Herald.
(From The Ferndale Record, April 11, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.SHIELDS, John F. (d. 1902)
Funeral of Freddie ShieldsThe funeral of John Fredric Shields will take place at the Broadway United Presbyterian church this morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. W. R. Cox will preach the sermon. Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Cox will conduct the singing. The following boys will act as pall bearers: Gene Dickison, Orin Scovil, Roy Esterbrook, Tom Marsh, Dan Johnson, Everett Worthington. Rev. Cox will accompany the remains and sorrowing parents to Enterprise this afternoon and conduct a short service at that place, and six boys of Enterprise will act as pall bearers there. Freddie Shields was the eldest child of Robert and Gussie Shields. He was born at Enterprise April 22, 1888. Besides his parents, he leaves four little sisters and one brother to mourn his death. The frightful cause of his death calls out the sympathy of the entire community. Mr. Shields moved his family into the city from Enterprise a short time ago and is just completing a fine residence on Utter street, into which the family were just moving, when the explosion occurred, which caused Freddie's death -- a death which was to him a transition from a fine earthly home into the finest heavenly home -- the one which Jesus prepared for him. Just before his departure he spoke of the song "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and repeated the Lord's Prayer. He spoke a few words to his father; then his spirit went to God, who gave it. The Modern Woodmen will attend the funeral in a body.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 26, 1902)SHINTAFFER, James W. (d. 1907)
While rolling cannery piling into the bay near his home at Drayton last Tuesday morning, J. W. Shintaffer was caught by the logs and almost instantly killed. Mr. Shintaffer, with Fay Pratt, was engaged in getting out an order of piling. They had some eight or ten big sticks at the head of their rollway and were preparing to get them into the water about 150 feet down the hill. Earl Sheafe, who is teaching the Drayton school and boarding at Mr. Shintaffer's home, was assisting the men in the log rolling before opening his school and says that Mr. Shintaffer stepped on the logs which started to roll and in some manner caught him. His body was thrown into the air and when it struck the g round a large pile struck him in the back. The young men ran to the foot of the hill as quickly as possible and picking Mr. Shintaffer up carried hi to the school house, only a short distance away, and summoned a physician from Blaine. The accident occurred at 8:50 and at 9:35 Mr. Shintaffer died.
J. W. Shintaffer was born in Eldora, Hardin county, Iowa, on November 16, 1856. In 1878 he came to Kelso, Washington and has been in this state ever since, coming to Blaine about ten years ago. He was a hard working man all his life, and to quote the words of one of his Blaine friends "was a man who always stood by his friends." In 1880 he was married to Miss Maggie Aspinall who survives him. He leaves a widowed mother, several brothers and sisters, a wife, three daughters and twos sons to mourn his death. Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Episcopal church on Thursday afternoon by Rev. George A. Sheafe and the remains were laid to rest in the Blaine cemetery, under the auspices of the Yeoman and A. O. U. W. lodges. The esteem in which the dead man was held by those who knew him was shown by the many floral offerings used in the church and the large crowd that attended the services.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 26, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.SHOEMAKER, Benjamin P. (d. 1925)
RITES FOR PIONEERServices Held at Lynden For B. P. Shoemaker, Aged 87.LYNDEN, Feb. 14. - Funeral services were held Friday for B. P. Shoemaker, who passed away Wednesday at Soldiers' Home at Orting, at the age of 87 years. Mr. Shoemaker was a residen of Lynden for nineteen years, where he made many friends. He was born at Friendship Alleghaney [Allegany] County, N. Y., October 16, 1837 and died at Orting, Washington, February 11, 1925. July 20, 1862 at Three Rivers, Mich., he was married to Miss Ellen M. Eddy, who passed away February 21, 1915 in Lynden. To them were born three children. Mary, Benjamin J. and Clarence. The daughter, Mary Jackman still lives in Lynden. The two sons passed away in 1902 and 1922. Ten days after his marriage, Mr. Shoemaker responded to his country's call and served until the close of the Civil war. In 1888 he came with his family to Washington, living for a short time in Seattle and then for three years at La Conner. May 26, 1892 he came to Lynden where he spent nineteen years. Mr. Shoemaker is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. H. Jackman, six grandchildren, Mrs. Oul Helgath of Seattle, Mrs. Louise Orner of Corvalis, Ore., Mrs. Cora Altie of Newport, Ore., Mrs. Camilla Zimmerman of Tillamook, Ore., and Duane and Clarence Shoemaker of Wallport, Ore., and two great grandchildren. Interment was held in the family plat (sic) at the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 16, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.SHOEMAKER, Ellen M. (d. 1915)
Funeral services for the late Mrs. B. P. Shoemaker were held Thursday afternoon at the Methodist Church in the presence of a gathering that crowded the building. The Rev. Paul Ashby officiated. Many beautiful floral pieces were sent, among them a splendid tribute from the Eastern Star. Six members of the Masonic lodge acted as pallbearers. They were L. Engle, M. A. Hickey, George W. Palmer, D. W. Bender, C. M. Riddle and C. B. Bay. Three beautiful hymns were sung by a choir-composed of Mrs. Paul Ashby, Mrs. L. C. Wright, Miss Tromp, Messrs. Ed Edson and Frank Knapp, with Mrs. H. H. Jamieson as organist.
Mrs. Shoemaker passed away Feb. 23 after a long and useful life. Her maiden name was Ellen M. Eddy and she was born in St. Joseph, Mich., March 26, 1842. On July 20, 1862, she was married to B. P. Shoemaker, also of Michigan, and as a bride of two weeks, her husband was called to served in the Civil War. This separated them for three years. She was the mother of three children, Mrs. Mary Ellen Jackman, of Lynden; Ben Shoemaker, of Oakland, Ore., and Clarence, who died twelve years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker came to Washington on May 27, 1890, settling first in Skagit County, where they lived three years, coming to Lynden on May 28, 1893. In 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. Mrs. Shoemaker was an active member of the Eastern Star and the W. R. C. She made scores of friends, her greatest desire being to help young girls. A wide circle will mourn her loss.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 4, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.SHOOK, Herman J. (d. 1931)
Death called at a local hospital Sunday Evening for Herman J. Shook, who for years was roundhouse foreman here for the Northern Pacific railway. He was 59 years of age and had lived here twenty years. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home at 3 p.m., Wednesday, with the Rev. T. W. Jeffrey officiating. Burial will occur in Bay View Cemetery. Mr. Shook is survived by his mother, Mrs. A. C. Shook; four brothers, C. D. Shook, city; E. Y. Shook and A. C. Shook, Oklahoma, and S. W. Shook, Alhambra, Cal., and two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Patton, Portland, and Mrs. Nettie Blanchard, Kansas City, Mo.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 21, 1931) Submitted by Kolby LaBree.SHORT, Joseph A. (d. 1908)
WAR VETERAN DIES AT ADVANCED AGE Joseph Alexander Short, aged sixty-eight years, a resident of this city for nine years, and an enlisted hospital nurse during the civil war, died at the family residence, 1408 Humboldt street, this forenoon at 11 o'clock, after an illness of nearly one year. Mr. Short is a past post commander of the T. T. Minor post No. 55, Grand Army of the Republic at Winlock, Wash. He also holds a traveling card in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, dated at Baltimore, Md., May 13, 1869. He was a charter member of Monumental lodge No. 14, I. O. O. F. of Baltimore.Mr. Short is survived by his wife and eight children, the children being as follows: Mrs. Anna Elliott, Blanchard, Iowa; Mrs. Ida Drummond, Clever, Mo.; Mrs. Mattie Cox, Des Moines, Iowa; W. E. Short, Clarinda, Iowa; H. H. Short, Seattle; Dr. C. A. Short, a dentist of South Bellingham, and Mrs. H. L. Knight and Mrs. C. F. Trunkey, who are residents of this city. Mr. Short was ward master of the field hospital at the battle of Fredericksburg, during the civil war, and served with distinction in other capacities during the war. On one occasion he was detailed as pilot to pilot the steamer John A. Warner up the Potomac river, loaded with troops to join General Meade before the battle of Gettysburg. The body of Mr. Short lies at the private receiving room of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple block. The funeral announcements will appear later, upon the arrival of eastern relatives.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 18, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.SHOWERS, William (d. 1922)
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Bellingham for the late William Showers, former Lynden man, who passed away at his home at 1055 Elk Friday evening. Interment was made in the family plot at Lynden.
Mr. Showers came to Washington in 1886 and homesteaded near Lynden. He lived here until 1904, when he went to Bellingham and remained until 1901, when he moved to Lummi Island removing to Bellingham again in January 1921. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary L. Showers, of Bellingham. Two sons: Alva and Whitman, both of Bellingham; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Baughman, Mrs. Jessie Baughman and Mrs. Mary Hansen; two brothers, Alva Showers and Harvey Showers.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 23, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.SHUMWAY, Frances E. (d. 1928)
Mrs. Frances E. Shumway, beloved wife of George M. Shumway, passed away at the family home at a late hour Monday evening, June 18. Death came suddenly and was due to an acute attack of the heart. Mrs. Shumway was one of the original pioneers who settled in Deming with her husband thirty-one years ago, residing here continuously since that time and was one of our most estimable and valued citizens. Besides her husband she is survived by three daughters, Anna Lucile and Ethel Mae, of Seattle; and Georgia Lodema, at home; her mother, Mrs. Stoddard, and one brother, V. P. Stoddard, of Deming, and one sister, Mrs. John Robinson of Bend, Oregon. Mrs. Shumway was a member of the Baptist church of Bellingham, Victory Rebekah Lodge, No. 103, the W. C. T. U. of Deming, and the Whatcom County Dairymen's association. Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian church of Deming at one o'clock Friday afternoon, June 22, with Rev. A. Q. Quall of Bellingham conducting the services. Interment was made in the family plot in the Deming cemetery. The Prospector joins the many relatives and friends of the deceased in extending sympathy in their hour of sorrow.
(From The Deming Prospector, June 22, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.SHUMWAY, George M. (d. 1933)
SHUMWAY, Margaret C. (d. 1920)
PIONEER OF LYNDEN DISTRICT PASSES AWAY IN BELLINGHAMMrs. Margaret C. Shumway, a pioneer of the Lynden district, passed away Sunday evening in Bellingham after a long illness. A large gathering of friends attended the funeral services in Lynden Wednesday afternoon at Knapp's Parlors. Rev. E. C. Downing conducted the services. Mrs. Shumway had been a resident of the district for more than thirty years. She was born in Bath, Canada, and removed form there to the state of Minnesota. She was married 50 years ago to Stewart T. Shumway. She would have been 72 years Aug. 22. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. A. J. Blythe and Mrs. C. O. Thomas of Bellingham, Mrs. George Elder of Lynden; two sons, William of Omak, and Ray C. Shumway of Lynden; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Carver, Blaine and Mrs. Ellen Rutherford of Minnesota; four brothers, Joe, William and Robert Flemming of Minnesota and Jas. Flemming of Oregon, and sixteen grandchildren.
(From The Lynden Tribune, August 19, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.SHUTE, Fred V. (d. 1928)
DR. SHUTE CALLEDSuccumbing to a fractured leg, resulting shock and to acute dilatation of the stomach, believed to have been brought on by the shock, Dr. Fred V. Shute, for twenty-four years a practicing physician and former county health officer died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday evening, aged 48 years. Dr. Shute, who lived at 2700 Park drive, sustained a fracture of the left femur, or thigh, Friday night when the swivel chair in which he was sitting alone in his office in the medical building, overturned, throwing him backward. He managed to crawl to a lounge and there he lay all night, until found by the janitor. He was removed to the hospital, where he was attended by Dr. J. Reid Morrison. Dr. Shute is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nellie Shute; one daughter, Barbara Shute; one brother, Percy Shute, Boulder, Colo., and one sister, Mrs. Ethel Guise, Oklahoma City. He was a member of Elks lodge No. 194, all of the Scottish Rite bodies of Bellingham; Whatcom lodge No. 151, F. & A. M.; Nile Temple, A. A. O.N.M.S., Seattle; Whatcom County Medical society; Washington State Medical association and the American Medial association.
Arrangements for funeral rites for Dr. Fred V. Shute, who died Monday evening, were completed today. They will be conducted at the Harlow mortuary at 1:30 p.m. Friday. The Rev. Cannon K. B. Smith, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church will officiate, assisted by Miss Olive Stevens, of the Metaphysical society. Interment will occur in Bay View cemetery. The active pall bearers will be C. E. Abrams, Bert Handbloom, George Christie, Henry Jukes, A. S. Clark and Ralph Turner. The honorary pallbearers will be Dr. W. C. Keyes, Dr. F. J. Van Kirk, Dr. J. Reid Morrison, Dr. J. W. Goodheart, Dr. S. H. Johnson, Dr. L. P. McCalls. Surviving relatives in addition to those announced Tuesday are two sisters, Mrs. Charles Boettscher, Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Pearl Mitchell, Boulder, Colo. Dr. Shute was a member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, Whatcom council No. 1, in addition to the other fraternal societies announced Tuesday.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 19 & June 20, 1928)SIDEN, Anton O. (d. 1933)
Worker In Agate Bay Logging Camp Killed When Hit By Falling LimbAnton Siden, aged 51 years, 1905 James street, handy-man at the Arthur Knight logging camp at Lake Whatcom about two miles above Agate Bay, was instantly killed shortly before 9 o'clock Wednesday morning when the limb from a tree struck him. According to details received from Julius Tack, 2135 James street, brother-in-law of the victim, who also was working at the camp, Siden was helping Arthur Pearson, Lake Whatcom, when a tail-block uprooted. The tail-block, which was a large maple tree, fell toward the men; Pearson ran in one direction and Siden the other. A heavy limb from the tree struck Siden over the head, killing him almost instantly, according to Dr. C. S. Hood, county coroner. Logging operations were shut down at once and the men rushed to the body of Siden but found that he was dead. They carried his body a considerable distance to the railroad track where it was loaded on a push cart and wheeled to the road. An ambulance was summoned. There are seven men working at the camp at the present time which has been in operation since early in May. Siden was an experienced woodsman and, according to Dr. Hood, death was purely accidental. Siden's brother-in-law is a high rigger in the camp. Tack was not where he could see the accident but said he heard the whistle from the donkey engine blow to stop all operations and he realized something had happened.Mr. Siden is survived by his widow and three children, Edwin, Gordon and Winifred. He had resided in the city for the past twenty-five years. Mrs. Julia Tack is a sister. The body was taken to the Homer Mark mortuary where funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 22, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.SIGURDSON, Haladur (d. 1904)
On Saturday, May 21, Haraldur Sigurdson died at the home of his parents on Dakota creek, 2 1/2 miles south of Blaine. Bro. Sigurdson was born in Iceland in 1875. Emigrated to Manitoba, Canada when young and lived most of his short life in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he married Miss Sarah Swanson about seven years ago. Bro. Sigurdson was a printer by trade and followed that occupation until about five years ago health began to fail. Since that time he has gradually been growing weaker until Saturday when he was relieved of his pain by death. All these years Mrs. Sigurdson tended her husband with tender care and patience which only the love of a true woman can prompt. Bro. Sigurdson was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters in which order he carried an insurance of 100 dollars 500 of which he has received as a result of his disability. Bro. Sigurdson leaves to mourn; a widow, father, mother, three brothers, three sisters and many friends in Washington, Winnipeg and other parts of Manitoba. Our hearts are filled with sorrow at his departure, yet we rejoice to know he is now free from pain. May his memory long live in the hearts of his relatives and friends far or near.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 27, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.SIGURDSON, Hjortur (d. 1919)
The funeral of Hjortur Sigurdson, who passed away on October 2nd at his home on California Creek, was held from the Lutheran Church here Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Short services were held at 2:00 o'clock at the home, both conducted by Rev. Sig. Olafsson. The large concourse of neighbors and friends who gathered at the home and at the church to pay their last respects, was an indication of his widespread esteem in which the deceased was held. To have known him intimately was to honor and respect him.
Hjortur Sigurdson was born in Iceland, Sept. 17th, 1858. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Maria Sigurdar-dottir. They came to Canada in 1883 and lived at Argyle, Manitoba, until 1911 when they moved to Blaine and have resided here since. Six children were born to them, all of them grown to manhood and womanhood. They are as follows: Mrs. O. O. Runolfson, of Birch Bay, Mrs. Elmer Shulmier, of Drayton, Sigurdur of Saskatchewan, Canada, Oscar, of Crescent, B. C., and Mrs. L. B. Lindal and Mrs. J. W. Lindal, both of Blaine. All of the children were present at the funeral. The bereaved family have universal sympathy in the loss of a kind and loving husband and father.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 10, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.SIGURDSON, S. (d. 1903)
Died December 28, Mr. S. Sigurdsen (sic) at his residence two miles east of Blaine. The funeral took place at his residence the next day, A. Warren officiating. Deceased was a member of the Lutheran church, was a native of Iceland and 41 years of age. He came to Manitoba in 1888 and to Blaine last May. His old father is still living in Manitoba and a sister at Birch bay. The special sufferers who are left to mourn his loss are his wife and four small children who live on the little mortgaged ranch and who deserve the hearty sympathy and need the mortal help which can be given from those who are friends of humanity. It is hoped that the needed help will be liberally bestowed. The long sickness of the husband and constant labor and anxiety of the wife have greatly reduced her strength and ability to provide for their wants.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 1, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.SIGVALDSON, John (d. 1927)
John Sigvaldason (sic) passed away at his home in the south part of town Saturday night at 11 o'clock at the age of 90 years, 10 months and 17 days. Funeral arrangements were in charge of F. M. Perkins of the Blaine Mortuary and services held in the chapel Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with the Rev. H. E. Johnson officiating. Burial was made in the Blaine cemetery. Deceased was born in Iceland but has lived in Blaine for the past 20 years. The surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Sigridur Sigvaldson and seven children: Mrs. Emma Matson of Blaine; Elis of Point Roberts; Mrs. Helga Grimson of Saskatchewan, Canada; Svein of Los Angeles; Mrs. Thruda Lindburg of Skykomish; and Mrs. Vandina Johnson of Blaine; also 12 grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 24, 1927) Submitted by site coordinator.SIMONDS, John E. (d. 1913)
John E. Simonds, father of H. E. Simonds, of this city, passed away Monday at 11 o'clock. Death was due to aparalytic stroke which occurred some time Sunday night. Up to this time the deceased had enjoyed good health and the shock was great to the relatives and friends. The funeral services were held from the home of the son, H. E. Simonds, yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. John E. Simonds was born in Pittsfield, Me., October 27, 1840. In 1864 he was married to Miss Emily Smiley at Fairfield, Me., and resided in that state until last fall when they removed to this city to reside. There are left to mourn the loss of husband and father, the aged wife, Mrs. Emily Simonds, four sons, Herbert E., of this city; Harry L., of Port Townsend; Walter, of Pittsfield, Me.; and Frank, of Hoonah, Alaska, besides one brother, Daniel Simonds, of Madison, Me.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 25, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.
SIMONSON, Jesse R. (d. 1909)
Well Known Publisher of the Everson Valley Home Passes away Suddenly. Jesse Russell Simonson, editor of the Everson Valley Home died suddenly at his home in Everson last Sunday morning at 2:30 o'clock. The funeral services will be held in the Everson Presbyterian church, today, Rev. H. H. Mote officiating. Editor Simonson, though only 34 years of age was making himself a place in county journalism of the Northwest. His town was small and the patronage would not warrant him in publishing a paper as large and as full of news as some, but [what] he had was interestingly told, and he never neglected to boost for his town. We sometimes wonder if the work such as he was doing is appreciated. It should be and doubtless will be even if it has not been in Everson. Mr. Simonson was one of the original Cosgrove supporters in the county and had counted on some remembrance from the governor had the later but lived. He leaves behind him to mourn his death, besides a host of friends a wife, three young sons and an aged mother who was making her home in her son's house.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 29, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.
PUBLISHER OF VALLEY HOME DIES EVERSON, Wash., April 26. - J. R. Simonson, editor and publisher of the Valley Home, died here this morning of pulmonary tuberculosis. He leaves a widow and two children, the youngest a babe of six weeks. Mr. Simonson's illness was of very short duration. Three months ago he placed himself under the care of a physician, and a month later was directed to abandon his business, quit all work and live in a tent in the open. Very little improvement followed, and a move to Colorado was planned, the start being set for Friday last, but the trip was delayed by the illness of a relative who was to accompany him. Mr. Simonson hoped to made the journey to the Colorado plains and health this week, but death followed a hemorrhage at 3 o'clock this morning. Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church in Everson at 10:30 o'clock Thursday forenoon, the Rev. Dr. Henry Mott, officiating. The Odd Fellows will have charge of the funeral services. Interment will be in Nooksack-Everson cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 26, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.SIMPLOT, Benjamin F. (d. 1921)
Benjamin Franklin Simpot (sic), aged 78 years, passed away at his home on the Geneva road Saturday evening, June 18, after a brief illness. Mr. Simpot had been a resident of this city for the past twelve years. He leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Jane Simpot; six sons, Henry, John and Harvey, of Wisconsin; Joseph, Archie and Orrin Simpot, of this city; four daughters, Mrs. Eva May Smothers, Wisconsin; Mrs. Edna Griffieth, Geneva road; Mrs. Lottie Jacobs, of Ash Lake, Minn., and Mrs. Roche McCullaugh, of Geneva road, and thirty grandchildren. At the time of his death Mr. Simpot was a member of J. B. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., and Clara Barton circle, No. 41, Ladies of the G. A. R., Mr. Simpot having served with Company G, Fifth Wisconsin volunteers. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon, June 22, at 2 o'clock from the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, with the Rev. Duncan McPhail officiating, with the officers and members of J. B. Steedman post No. 24 giving their ritualistic services at the grave, which will take place at Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 20, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.SIMPSON, Harry (d. 1902) another image
SIMPSON, LeRoy (d. 1925)
PRINTER IS CALLED Leroy Simpson, sr., veteran printer of the old school and for two terms councilman from the Second ward, a position he filled until January 1, 1925, died Monday afternoon at his home, 2115 Young street, succumbing to a third paralytic stroke. He had been ill for many months as the result of his other two strokes. Death came about 3 o'clock, when, alone in the house, he was trying to put some wood in a stove. Mrs. Simpson found him dead a short time after she returned from an errand down town. Mr. Simpson was one of the best known and most popular printers in the Northwest.Born in Pennsylvania on October 10, 1859, he spent nearly half his 65 years on Bellingham bay, where until a few years ago he was actively engaged as a printer and proofreader. He was one of the best proofreaders in the profession. Mr. Simpson was experienced in job work and found employment in many of the local printing plants. Mr. Simpson's popularity is attested in part by his re-election as president of Bellingham Typographical Union No. 355 a number of times. One year he was elected international delegate. As a member of the city council Mr. Simpson was indefatigable in the service of his constituency. Being a printer on the retired list, he was always available and spent much of his time at the city hall or on some committee work. He remained active in this way until illness confined him to his home.
Mr. Simpson is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jennie Simpson; two sons, Leroy, Jr., a linotype operator on The Herald, and James B., also of Bellingham; one brother; James M., of Seattle; two sisters, Mrs. J. Long and Mrs. James Hannel, both of Seattle, and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Arthur C. Harlow's chapel Thursday at 10:30 a. m., with Dr. J. C. Harrison, pastor of the Garden Street M. E. church, officiating. Bellingham Typographical Union No. 355 will give its ritualistic service at the graveside in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 3, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.SIMPSON, William (d. 1895)
SINNES, Anna C. (d. 1911)
Anna Christina Sinnes, age 26 years, passed away at one of the local hospitals last Sunday morning. Mrs. Sinnes is survived by her husband, E. J. Sinnes; four children, Beatrice, 6 years old; Ellen, Myrtle, and Edna, 9 months old; two sisters and two brothers residing in Bellingham; one brother in Fairbanks, Alaska; also parents, two sisters and three brothers in Toten, Norway. Funeral services will be held November 5, at 11 a.m. from the family residence on the Deming road, Rev. T. J. Moen, pastor of the Free Lutheran church, officiating. Interment will take place in the Bethania cemetery, near Lawrence, at 1:30 p. m., under the direction of Undertaker A. G. Wickman.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 4, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.SIRES, John E. (d. 1935)
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