Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "Li-Ly"

LIBERTY, Desary (d. 1908)

D. Liberty who has been sick for some time and who for several months has been gradually growing worse, quietly passed away at his home near Everson, at about eleven o'clock yesterday morning, July 3th (sic) [9th], at the advanced age of 75 years. Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church at 10 a. m. tomorrow, July 11th. Interment in *Nooksack cemetery. Mr. Liberty leaves to mourn his death a loving and devoted wife; four sons, Eugene of Portland, Ore., and Charles, Hercule and William of this place, and two daughters, Mrs. Will Storrey of Lynden and Miss Clara of this place. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community. --Everson Valley Home.
*He is listed in Lynden Cemetery records.
(From The Lynden Tribune, July 16, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

LICHTENBERG, Isaac J. (d. 1905)

Judge I. J. Lichtenberg, of Lopez island, died at the St. Luke's hospital at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Death was due to a liver complaint. The patient was brought to the hospital last Wednesday afternoon; and everything possible done to relieve his suffering; but the malady was beyond cure.

Judge Lichtenberg was 60 years of age. He was a veteran of the civil war, having served in a New York cavalry regiment, sacrificing a leg at the Wilderness in the service of his country. He came West in 1887, removing to Seattle, and was the first superior judge of King county. After the admission of Washington to the union. At the end of his term, in 1897, Judge Lichtenberg retired from the law and moved to a farm on Lopez island, where he spent the remainder of his days.

His passing removes one of the prominent figures of the Northwest. He had a considerable acquaintance in Bellingham, having address the old Commercial club on one occasion. His great desire was to bring San Juan county into closer relations with Bellingham. He leaves a wife at Lopez, and a son, Benjamin, who is in charge of the United States revenue launch Guard at Friday Harbor. Two brothers in New York City also survive him. The body, it is expected, will be shipped to New York City, the judge's old home, tomorrow.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, September 5, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIKINS, Elizabeth (d. 1908)

Bellingham again suffered the loss of an old pioneer when Mrs. Elizabeth Likins passed away at the family residence, 310 Prospect Street, last night. Mrs. Likins came to Bellingham from California about twenty-four years ago and leaves the following three sons and two daughters to mourn her loss: C. T. Likins, W. E. Likins, J. L. Likins, of this city; Mrs. Alice Armstrong, of Portland, and Mrs. R. J. Oshey, of Seattle. Mrs. Likins was born in Tennessee in 1853, and was well known in this vicinity. A. R. Maulsby is in charge of the body and will complete the funeral arrangements today.
(From The Morning Reveille, August 19, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIKNES, Ole (d. 1913)

Ole Liknes, age 22 years, was accidentaly drowned July 30. He is survived by parents, five brothers and five sisters, of Karmo, Norway, and one brother in Canada and one uncle Lars Olson, 1542 Iron street, this city. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon, August 3, at 2 o'clock, from the parlors of A. G. Wickman, 1146 Elk street, Rev. Hans H. Holte, pastor of the United Lutheran church, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. The funeral car will leave from Humboldt and Lake streets at 1:45 p. m. for the convenience of relatives and friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 2, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDAL, Joseph (d. 1909)

Drowned Off Log Boom
Joseph Lindal, an employe of the Morrison Mill Company, was drowned Friday last off the log boon of the company. It is supposed that the accident occurred during the noon hour, as he was not seen during the afternoon by his fellow workmen. The foreman at the mill talked with Lindal at noon, and thought it nothing strange that he was not at work during the afternoon. His coat and dinner pail was missing from its usual place and his apron, which he wore while at work, was hanging up, indicating that he might have got sick and went home. Saturday morning, however, word was sent to the foreman by Mrs. Lindal that her husband had not been home that night. Investigation was immediately made with the result that his body was soon found lying under an immense fir log in about two feet of water. The dead man had his coat on as if he had run out on the boom for something. The body was recovered shortly before noon on Saturday when the incoming tide floated the large log. Coroner Wear came up from Bellingham in the afternoon, but held no inquest, as the case was plainly an accident. The supposition is that Lindal fell in some way and struck his head, stunning him, or fainted, as the water is not over 4 1/2 feet deep here at high tide. It was seem impossible that he could have drowned otherwise. The deceased was about 38 years of age and leaves a wife and four children. He carried $1,000 in the Independent Order of Foresters of which he was a member. The funeral services were held from the M. E. church Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. B. Seely, and the burial made in the Blaine cemetery. The stricken family has the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of husband and father.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 12, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDAL, Thorsteinn T. (d. 1908)

Thorsteinn Thorsreinson Lindal died at his home on H street, Monday morning of cancer of the stomach after an illness of about three months, during which time he had been confined to his bed. Mr. Lindal was about 45 years of age at the time of his death and leaves a wife and five children as follows: Mrs. John Solomon of Point Roberts and four sons, Larus, John, Walter and Thors__einn, who are at home. The deceased was a member of the Court of Blaine No. 4187, I. O. O. F., of this city, in which he carried insurance to the amount of $1,000. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of the lodge, assisted by Rev. J. A. Sigurdson of Seattle, and the burial made in the Blaine cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, September 4, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDBERG, Edwin O. (d. 1919)

LINDBERY, Charles A. (d. 1918)

Captain Charles A. Lindbery, of the 601st regiment of engineers, stationed at Camp Lee, Va., died yesterday of pneumonia, according to a telegram received from his widow today by her mother, Mrs. S. Larson, 1123 Twenty-first street. Mrs. Lindbery is now en route to Bellingham with the body. Lindbery had a short time before suffered a broken arm while attempting to save the life of a comrade, it is said, and contracted pneumonia while in the hospital. Captain Lindbery, who was serving as county engineer when he enlisted, left Bellingham early in January for Camp Laurel and his office here has since been filled by J. C. Hills, of Blaine. He had been elected to that office in 1916 and he held the same position four years previously, beginning in 1910. He also served as city engineer in Bellingham in 1914 and 1915. He had had previous military experience, at one time being captain of company M, Second Washington infantry. He was a graduate of the engineering course of the Washington State university, which he entered after graduating from the Whatcom high school in 1896.

A card received by Captain Lindbery's father, dated May 22, state that he had been transferred to Camp Lee from Camp Laurel to serve as instructor on account of his broken arm. He was 38 or 39 years of age and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lottie Lindbery, whom he married two years ago, his father, A. Lindbery, of Bellingham; two sisters, Mrs. S. Keihl, of Seattle, and Miss Jennie Lindbery, who is in the government service at Bremerton, and by one brother, Alexander Lindbery, now at San Luis Obispo, Cal. No arrangements for the funeral have been made.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 28, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDELL, Blanche (d. 1920)

Mrs. Blanche Lindell, aged 24 years, passed away at the family residence, 2717 Humboldt street, on the evening of Tuesday, February 24, after an illness of ten days. Mrs. Lindell had resided in Bellingham nearly all her life and is survived by her husband, Carl E. Lindell; one son and one daughter, Carrol and Pearl; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mehan, of this city; five sisters and one brother, Alfred Mehan, of this city; Mrs. T. H. Bates, Ketchikan, Alaska; Mrs. T. C. Bates, Everett, Wash.; Mrs. David Hamil, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Will Everett, Sumas, Wash., and Miss Aonia Mehan, of this city; an infant daughter of one day will be buried with Mrs. Lindell. The remains are being cared for at the new funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street. Funeral announcements will be make later. Mrs. Lindell is also survived by one aunt, Mrs. N. O. Hughley, Vancouver, B. C.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 25, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDERMAN, Bina A. (d. 1910)

Bina Agnes Linderman was born at Brownsville, Mitchell county, Iowa, on January 19, 1884, and died at Pleasant Valley, Wash., June 15, 1910, aged 26 years, 4 months and 25 days. On April 27, 1903, she was married to Guy Linderman and with him moved to North Dakota, where the most of her married life [was] spent. Early last fall she, with her husband and little ones, came to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. F. Doane. For some months she had been feeling well, but her friends were not anxious and her death so suddenly came as an unlooked for and crushing blow. Mrs. Linderman came into our midst a stranger, but by her kindly, cheerful disposition she won the love of all who came into close contact with her. Her home life was beautiful and it is there the blow falls the most crushingly. She leaves three small children, the oldest of whom is six years, her husband, mother, sisters and brothers, besides many friends here and in her old home to mourn her loss. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved ones.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 24, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDERMAN, May (d. 1903)

LINDGREN, Alexander (d. 1938)

LINDGREN, Anna M. (d. 1921)

Mrs. J. A. Lindgren of Ferndale passed away at the family residence Tuesday morning, August 30th at 4:30, at the age of 71 years. Mrs. Lindgren formerly lived in Bellingham where she leaves many friends. She leaves to mourn, her husband, J. A. Lindgren, two sons, Rev. Axel Lindgren of Cambridge, Minn., formerly pastor at Bellingham; Mrs. Gustoff Lindgren of Bellingham, and two daughters, Mrs. Emil Lindley of Bellingham and Hildur Levida Lindgren at home, and ten grandchildren and other relatives. Funeral services were held Thursday, September 1, at 2 p. m. at the Ferndale Swedish Baptist church, conducted by pastor Rev. J. A. H. Rosendahl, and burial took place in Bay View cemetery, Bellingham, under the direction of Geo. A. Monroe.
(From The Ferndale Record, September 2, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDQUIST, Carl A. (d. 1909)

A pitiful death was that of Carl August Lindquest (sic) who died at the Miller Hotel last Friday morning. He was on his way home from Bremerton where he was recently married and where he had been employed until that preventable disease consumption laid him low. The young man formerly lived with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lingquist (sic) whose home is near the river and the Guide Meridian road. He had been working in Bremerton for some time. A few weeks ago his brother Alfred got word that he was very low and that he was homesick. He went to Bremerton and was returning with his wasted brother and the young wife when death overtook Carl in Lynden. The patient was so weak when he reached Lynden that he had to be born on a stretcher to the hotel. It was late and it was decided to keep him in town until morning, and a room on the ground floor was provided for him. All night he was in a serious condition and morning found him too weak to survive the coughing. The funeral was held Sunday from the Knapp Brothers' undertaking parlors.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 18, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDSAY, Charles B. (d. 1905)

Charles B. Lindsay, aged 43 years, died at his home, 515 South Elk street, this morning at 1 o'clock, after an illness of about seven weeks. He has resided with his family in this city six years, coming here from Idaho. Owing to his failing health, he took a trip to Spokane two weeks ago, where he had been visiting his mother, expecting that the change would prove beneficial. Instead of gaining strength on the trip, he rapidly failed, and returned to his home in this city Sunday accompanied by his mother. Mr. Lindsay leaves a wife and four children besides his mother, Mrs. E. L. Forbes, of Spokane, and three sisters, Mrs. C. S. Patton and Mrs. Mary E. Hunt, residents of Bellingham and Mrs. L. A. Mason, of Republic, Wash. Mr. Lindsay was a member of Fairhaven Lodge No. 56, K. of P., and also belonged to the Rathbone Sisters. The body lies at the private receiving rooms of W. H. Mock & Sons pending the completion of funeral arrangements, which will be announced later.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, September 5, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDSEY, Jasper N. (d. 1917)

The death of J. N. Lindsey was briefly announced in these columns last week, having occurred last Friday morning. The funeral services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Long officiating. The deceased was the last of the charter members of the Blaine Methodist church and had always been a faithful member. Interment was made at the California creek cemetery beside his wife and two children.

Jasper Newton Lindsey was born at or near Peoria, Illinois, April 4, 1838, and was two days over 79 years of age at the time of his death. He served during the Civil war and received an honorable discharge. In 1863 he was married to Miss Prusilla Rupper in the state of Iowa, and in April, 1971 (sic), landed at Drayton Harbor near Blaine, being one of the earliest settlers in this section. Seven children were born to this union, five of whom are still living, as follows: C. M. of Blaine, J. W., J. B., F. J., and Mrs. Eva Root of Marysville, Wash. There are 12 grandchildren. Mrs. Lindsey, wife of the deceased, died in 1901.

The deceased lived for many years on his homestead at Hillsdale, later moving to Blaine. For many years he was engaged in logging operations and during his lifetime saw much of the ups and downs of life, the depression in the early 90's sweeping much of his holdings from him. He lived a consistent Christian life and had always been greatly interested in church work. Up to this winter he had enjoyed robust health for his years, but when finally compelled to take to his bed, decline was fast and certain, and he gradually weakened until summoned too his reward.
(From The Blaine Journal April 13, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINDSEY, Priscilla E. (d. 1902)

On last Saturday morning there passed from this life one of the very first settlers of the California creek settlement, Priscilla E. Lindsay (sic) wife of J. N. Lindsay, known and loved by all has gone to her reward in the Great Beyond. She was born in the state of Ohio in the year 1841 and when yet a little girl moved with her parents to the state of Indiana. Soon after this they moved to Bennavista county Iowa. It was here she grew to womanhood and in the year 1861 on May 8th she was married to J. N. Lindsay. The young couple then moved to Jo Davis county Ill. and remained there about one year when they returned to Franklin county Iowa. They in the year 1868 moved from this place to Elk Point, S. Dak., a place then away out on the frontier. In the year of 1871 Mr. Lindsay came via California to old Semiahmoo and located a homestead up on California creek and in the settlement. The following year his family arrived on the bay and since that time Mrs. Lindsay has been a resident of this place. Seven children were born to her of whom five survive her. The eldest girl and youngest son have been dead some years. Those living are McKendree C., James W., John B, Fred J. and Eve M. all of this city. Mrs. Lindsay was one of the best of ladies and mothers and her death is not only a loss to the family but to the entire community and all the old settlers will miss her and to the bereaved husband and family their hearts go out in deep sympathy. The funeral occurred on Sunday from the M. E. church of this city and was one of the largest attended in the history of the place. Rev. McGill said the funeral oration and paid a glowing tribute to the life's work of the deceased. The pall bearers were of the old settlers and were: D. S. Miller, Byron Kingsley, E. A. Boblett, E. Holtzheimer, S. P. Hughes and James Cain. The body was placed at rest in the California creek cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 16, 1902) Submitted by site coordinator.

LINNELL, Mathilda (d. 1909)

LINSE, William E. (d. 1932)

William Edward Linse, aged 86 years, passed away at his home, 1218 Indian Street, Saturday evening, June 25, after a brief illness. Mr. Linse had been a resident of this city for the past forty-three years, and leaves to survive him; his widow, Mrs. Ottilie Linse; and three daughters, Mrs. William Laue, Mrs. Cecil A. Morse, and Mrs. Adolph L. Rank; also six grandchildren, all of this city. At the time of his death, Mr. Linse was a member of the Garden Street Methodist Church, and the G. A. R. Private funeral services were held this afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. Thos. W. Jeffrey, pastor of the Garden Street Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was made in the Bay View Abbey. The active pallbearers were: C. A. Horst, A. L. Rank, William Laue, Gaylord Laue, Kenneth Horst, and Cecil A. Morse.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 27, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.

LITTLE, Newton C. (d. 1918)

Newton C. Little, age 76 years, passed away at his home at Geneva on the morning of Thursday, September 12, after an illness lasting more than one year. Mr. Little, with his family, had resided at the place of death for the past six years, during which time he had made many friends who will mourn his loss. For a number of years he was a member of Bird Island lodge No. 144, F. & A. M., Bird Island, Minn. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the G. A. R. at Everett. Those who survive him are Mrs. Little and one daughter; Miss Edith K. Little, of Geneva. There are also four sisters and one brother residing in Minnesota. The remains are being cared for at the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 12, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

LITTON, Martha (d. 1914)

Mrs. Martha Litton passed away at the home of her son, Clyde, here at 8:15 Monday evening at the age of 87 years, 10 months and 24 days. Funeral services were held from the undertaker's in Bellingham at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and interment made in Bay View cemetery there in the grounds of the Women's Relief Corps, of which she was a member.

Martha Allison was born at Zanesville, O., June 3, 1826. At the age of 3 years she moved to New Philadelphia, Ill., and in 1837 to Jacksonville, Ill. August 28, 1842, in the latter city, she was married to Washington Litton, residing there two years, when they moved to Glasgow, Iowa, and lived twenty-eight years. It was during this period of her life that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows conferred upon her the Rebekah degree, remaining a consistent member of the order until her death. In the early 70's her husband died. In the year 1872 the family moved to Ness City, Kan., and in 1893 emigrated to the state of Washington, remaining a year at Cheney and a year at Everett, thence to Bellingham, and in 1901 to Blaine, where she has resided since.

She was the mother of nine children, six of whom still survive her as follows: James B., of Lynden; William D. and Ben D., of Grove City, Kan.; Mrs. Belle C. Jordan, of Beloit, Kan.; Harry, of El Centro, Cal., and Clyde W., of Blaine. She was a member of Deborah Rebekah lodge No. 50, of Blaine, and while her membership record is not clearly established, she is believed by many to be the oldest Rebekah in the state of Washington.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 1, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIVELTON, Currie (d. 1924)

Currie Livelton, aged 24 years, passed away at a local hospital Thursday afternoon as the result of an accident. Mr. Livelton had been a resident of Bellingham for the past two months, and is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Livelton of Niobe, Alberta, Canada; four brothers, John, Lars and Bernhardt of Niobe, and Olaf of Bellingham; and six sisters, Agnes and Jenny Livelton of Bellingham, and Mrs. Margaret Forseth of Seattle; Ruth Livelton and Mrs. Caren Forseth of Niobe, and Annie Livelton, also of Niobe. The remains are resting at the O. R. Hollingsworth funeral home and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 28, 1924) Copied by Merrily Lawson.

LIVERMORE, Ephriam W. (d. 1919)

E. W. Livermore, well known well driller and for 26 years a Bellingham resident, died last night at his home, 1112 Jersey street, at the age of 61 years, after a long, hard fight against cancer of the stomach. No one ever put up a pluckier fight against insidious disease than he and to the last he directed in a general way his work which sometime ago he placed in control of his sons. He lived in the county for thirty years, four being spent in Wickersham. He was born at Augusta, Wis., May 20, 1858. The survivors are his widow, four daughters and three sons: Miss Maud Livermore and Mrs. Ella Steffler, Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Effie Van Vleck, Seattle; Miss Leona Livermore, Bellingham, and Flint, Chester and Archie Livermore of this city. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence. Christian Science services will be used. The body will be shipped to Seattle for cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 16, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIVINGSTON, Eugene D. (d. 1922)

Eugene Delbert Livingston, station agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way at Lynden, passed away Saturday morning, July 8, at the family home in Lynden. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Nettie Livingston and one daughter, Izetta, who were with him at the time of his demise. He was a mason and a member of the Royal Arch, holding his membership at Omro, Wisconsin. The deceased was a resident of Bellingham for a number of years, being engaged in the undertaking business. He was well known throughout the county, and leaves numerous friends to mourn his loss. The remains are being cared for by the Whiefield-Mark company and will be shipped on Tuesday to Seattle, where interment will take place. The funeral will be held at the Bonny-Watson parlors on Wednesday afternoon.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 10, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIVINGSTON, Isiah (d. 1919)

Isiah Livingston, one of the early settlers of Blaine, passed away Monday following an illness of six weeks. He was beyond 79 years of age and death was due to the infirmaties of old age. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Cofer officiating, and burial was made in the Blaine cemetery beside his wife who preceded him many years ago.

Isiah Livingston was born in St. John's, New Brunswick, May 30, 1840. He came to Minnesota in 1869 and in 1872 was married to Miss Lucy A. Pomeroy. They came to Blaine over 25 years ago. Mrs. Livingston passed away more than 20 years ago. Decesed was a member of the Baptist church and the Orangemen lodge and served on the city council and school board with honor and credit during his residence here. He was a great lover of flowers and in the days when he was able to give it attention, his flower garden was a bower of beauty. Kindly and affectionate in disposition, he was always ready to help his fellow man in every way possible. There are left to mourn the passing of father, two children, Mrs. Evan Williams and Lester Livingston and two grandchildren, Miss Anwylyd and David Williams.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 5, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

LIVINGSTON, Lucy A. (d. 1890)

LLEWELLYN, J. T. (d. 1908)

J. T. Llewellyn, an old resident of Whatcom county, died suddenly at his county home near Paradise, this country, yesterday afternoon of heart trouble, which was thought to have been caused by the extreme heat of the day. Mr. Llewellyn was assisting in harvesting hay, Mr. Burnham, a neighbor and much younger man, doing the greater part of the work. He remarked to his companion that the heat of the barn was excessive, and that he believed he would rest for a time, while Burnham went back to the field. As he remained longer than was thought necessary, Mr. Burnham returned and found him dead. Doctor Hood was summoned, but life was extinct. He had previous attacks of heart trouble many times, and his demise was not startling to the members of his family.

The deceased was 60 years of age, his widow and three daughters survive him. Miss Sadie Llewellyn is a teacher in the Columbia school in Bellingham while Miss Maud and Miss Cora Lewellyn reside at the county home. He was a member of the Masonic lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., of Bellingham. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 10 o'clock at the Woodlyn Baptist church. Rev. Thomas Cornish officiating. The burial ceremony was attended by the members of the F. & A. M. of Bellingham at Bay View cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 24, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

LLOYD, Kenney (d. 1914)

Kenney Lloyd, who came here four months ago from Alberta, Canada, died Monday at his home on E street from heart trouble. The deceased was ill when he came here and has gradually failed since. He was born in Cape Breton, N. B., 63 years ago. When 10 years old he left home and has followed railroad work and the lumber camps since. Five years ago he took up a claim in Alberta, which he sold a few months ago and came to Blaine. He purchased the old Oullette property on E street east of the old railroad track. He leaves a wife, a daughter, Lillis, aged 14 years, a married daughter from a former marriage, and a step-son, Henry Grant, who resides here. The funeral was held from the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. R. C. Hartley officiating. The services were well attended and many floral offerings were brought by sympathizing friends.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 22, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

LLOYD, William W. (d. 1915)

For twenty-five years a resident of the county and one of the oldest Masons in the state, Dr. William W. Lloyd, died at the age of 96, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Browning, 1124 Key street, at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. The ages man's death was daily expected nearly a year ago, but he clung tenaciously to life until senility carried him away. Dr. Lloyd was well known in this city, where he was a practicing physician for several years, and in Sumas, where he followed his profession later. He retired from active life a number of years ago.

Dr. Lloyd had been a Mason for sixty-three years, holding his membership at the time of his death in Fidelity lodge No. 105, Sumas. He was also a member of Immanuel Baptist church of Bellingham. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. M. E. Browning. The funeral will be held this morning at 10:45 o'clock at Bingham's parlors, the Rev. Edward A. Gottberg, pastor of the Immanuel Baptist church officiating. At Bay View cemetery, where interment will be made, services will be conducted by Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44. Many Sumas Masons are expected to be present. The body will be laid beside that of the doctor's wife, who died some years ago at the age of 87 years.
(From The American Reveille, February 23, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOCHHEAD, Elizabeth L. (d. 1918)

Mrs. Elizabeth L. Lochhead, a resident of Everson and vicinity for the last twenty-six years, passed away at St. Luke's hospital, Bellingham, January 22, at 3:30 p.m. after a brief illness. Her death comes as a great shock to her many friends in Whatcom county and elsewhere. Mrs. Lochhead was born September 23, 1867, in Salem, Mo., later moving to Kansas with her parents, where in 1882 she was married to J. M. Lochhead, who died at Everson in August, 1905. There are left to mourn her death two sisters, Mrs. C. M. Covert, of Elgin, Ill., and Mrs. W. S. Hoover, of Plattensburg, Mo., two brothers, Elwood and William Warner, of Everson; two nieces, Miss Effie Herrick and Mrs. R. E. Duvall, of Everson, and one nephew, C. Herrick, East Burnaby, B. C. Funeral services will be held on Friday, January 25, at 1:30 p.m. in the Presbyterian church at Everson, the pastor, Rev. Thomas, officiating. Interment will be made in Nooksack cemetery.
Name also spelled LOCKHEAD
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 24, 1918) Submitted by Linda Locheed

LOCKE, William F. (d. 1937)

LOCKHART, Chester W. (d. 1931)

Chester W. Lockhart, aged 52 years and a resident of this city for twenty-six years, passed away at a local hospital this morning, March 26, (1931) after an illness of ten days' duration. Mr. Lockhart for the past year or more has been head salesman for the Home Petroleum Company, and at the time of his death was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No. 2198 this city. He leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Viola E. Lockhart, 2230 Utter street; two sons, Ival E. and Omer P. and a daughter, Miss Helen Z. Lockhart, all of Bellingham; two brothers, Charles and D. W. Lockhart, residing in the East; one sister, Mrs. Julia Holmes of Spokane, and two grandchildren. The body rests at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, Holly at Forest street, where funeral services will be held Sunday, March 29, at 3:30 p.m., Rev. Canon E. B. Smith, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating, and interment will take place in Greenacres Memorial Park.

LOFGREN, Elsie (d. 1919)

Mrs. Lofgren Ferndale Pioneer, Passes Away
Last Friday, August 1st, occurred the death of Mrs. I. O. Lofgren, of the Alder Grove district, a resident of this section since 1891. She was 79 years of age, having been born in Vestermorrlands Lan, Sweden, May 8, 1840. She came to America with the rest of her family in September, 1890 and came to Ferndale in January of the following year. She was united in marriage to Mr. I. O. Lofgren, May 22, 1861. To this union were born six sons, now all dead, and one daughter, Mrs. P. J. Friberg, of this place. Mrs. Lofgren was converted and baptized and united with the Swedish Baptist Church in August 1865, and since that time has been very active in Christian work. She was a loving and devoted mother and faithful companion, and besides the husband and daughter leaves a host of warm friends who will mourn her loss. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Swedish Baptist church under the charge of Rev. Rosendahl, and interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 8, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOGAN, Jessie (d. 1898)

DIED. - In this city on Saturday last, of measles, Jessie Logan, aged 11 years. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Logan, well known residents of Hillsdale, and was an exceptionally bright and industrious lad. He had nearly recovered from an attack of his affliction, when a relapse took place settling in the head, causing his demise. A father, mother, four sisters and four brothers are left to mourn the loss. The remains were deposited in the cemetery at California creek on Sunday last, amid a large concourse of friends and relatives, the Rev. W. E. Dawson officiating.
(From The Blaine Journal, May 20, 1898) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOGAN, William (d. 1929)

Came To This Section in 1883 And Was Among First Birch Bay Settlers
William Logan, one of the earliest settlers of the Blaine district, and a Civil war veteran, passed away last Thursday morning at his home in Bellingham, at the advanced age of 95 years. He had been sick two weeks before his death, but up to that time had enjoyed remarkable health for his age. Funeral services were held here at Purdy's chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment was made in California creek cemetery almost within sight of the old homestead where he had lived for so many years. The pallbearers were Joe Elliott, Lester Livingston, E. H. Bruns, Dan Holzer, F. W. Agee and J. H. Penno.

Deceased was born on the Isle of Man in January, 1834. In the year 1856 he came to this country, and as a Union sympathizer in Missouri at the outbreak of the Civil war he was taken in the roundup by Confederates and imprisoned. Escaping later, he enlisted in the Union cavalry at Kansas City. While in the service he suffered a broken leg and spent nearly a year in a hospital, later being employed as a guide for Union troops in Missouri.

In the year 1870, Feb. 5th, he was united in marriage to Ann Radcliff, who passed away here Nov. 14, 1922. Mr. Logan came to Bellingham Bay from Kansas City in the spring of 1883 and filed on a homestead east of Birch Bay and south of Blaine, where he made his home until 1920, when he retired and resided in Bellingham since. He conducted what is said to be the first blacksmith shop in Whatcom county at his home and for many years served as blacksmith for the Alaska Packers Association. Surviving are three sons, Edward of Bremerton, and Harry and Lester of Eaton, Wash.; three daughters, Mrs. A. J. White of Blaine, Mrs. A. T. Congdon of Seattle and Mrs. Thomas Allen of Blaine; besides 25 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. One son, Robert, was killed in the World War. Mr. Logan was admired for many good traits. His word was as good as a gold bond among those who knew him and he was respected and honored by a legion of old friends in this section.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press August 1, 1929) Submitted by site coordinator.

LONBERG, Linda L. (d. 1945)

LONG, Ada E. (d. 1923)

Miss Ada E. Long, of Pleasant Valley, died at the family home Wednesday morning after an illness of about two years. She would have been 24 years of age on July 29, the day following her death. Miss Long was the daughter of the late David Long and Mrs. Long and was born at Custer, having lived in Whatcom county all her life. After completing high school she attended Bellingham State Norman school. Besides her mother, the deceased is survived by four brothers, Walter, Thomas, Elmer and George. An uncle, Ed Long, resides near Ferndale and is employed in the Carnation factory here. She has three aunts, two residing in British Columbia and one in Alberta. Funeral services are to be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Pleasant Valley church, with Rev. Wright in charge. Interment will be made in Enterprise cemetery, under direction of George A. Monroe.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 20, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.

LONG, David (d. 1921)

CUSTER, WN., July 13. - David Long, for over thirty years a resident of Custer vicinity, passed away at the family home Tuesday morning, after ten day illness with typhoid fever. David Long was born seventy four years ago in Ireland and came to America in his young manhood. He served in the Civil War as a private in Company C, 45th Regiment of Illinois Infantry, receiving an honorable discharge at the close of the war. He was a member at the time of his death of the Bellingham G. A. R. Post, a Past Grand Master of Custer I. O. O. F. No. 204, also a member of the Odd Fellow Grand Lodge going from Custer as a delegate to the last annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, which was held in Spokane in June. He was also a director of the Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co. He is survived by his widow, and four sons, Walter, of Everett; Thomas, who lives near the old home; Elmer, a volunteer in the U. S. Navy during the World War, but who is now at Camp Kearney, California, for treatment and George Long, who lives at home. There are also several grandchildren. Services were held at the home at 1 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, with the rev. Roe Wright, pastor of the Pleasant Valley Congregational church, in charge and Custer Odd fellow Lodge No. 204, taking charge of the services at the grave in Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 15, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

LONG, Ira (d. 1902)

Ira Long, the son of Dave Long an old pioneer of Birch Bay, was caught in the machinery at Woolridge's mill yesterday and killed instantly. Just how the sad accident happened no one knows. He was employed at piling blocks and had stepped around in another part of the mill and was caught and killed as stated. The first intination of the accident was when Chas. Thompson the sawyer heard something heavy strike the floor. He looked and saw the end of a belt flying in the air and at once pulled the "safety string" and stopped the mill. It was then that the horror stricken man saw the terrible accident that had occurred. It seems that the young lad had gone over to this part of the mill and in some unaccountable way his coat had been caught by the belt. The body was turned rapidly about the shaft, his head striking a heavy fir board. A large cut was made across the entire top of the head and the skull was fractured. His leg was also broken. The lad was dead before anyone reached him. The clothing was torn almost entirely from his body. He was a good industrious lad and one that everybody like, and his untimely death is mourned by the entire community. It is a most grievous blow to his parents and family and the sympathy of all goes out to them in their bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 21, 1902) Submitted by site coordinator.

LONGDON, Jane (d. 1916)

Mrs. Jane Longdon, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Deming, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Hoag, Sunday morning. Mrs. Longdon, who was 86 years old, was born in England and has lived in Deming for the past twenty-five years. The funeral took place at the residence, Rev. McElmon, of Bellingham, presiding. She was buried in Bellingham. Mrs. Longdon is survived by two children, Mrs. James Hoag, of Deming, and Mr. Cliff Longdon, of Blaine.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 16, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOOMIS, Andrew J. (d. 1915)

The final summons came to A. J. Loomis at his home in Blaine, Thursday morning last, June 3, after a short illness. He had been failing in health steadily for several months, due to general decline on account of his advanced age. The funeral services were held in the Christian Science rooms Monday afternoon and the remains placed in the family tomb in the Blaine cemetery. The services at the cemetery were in charge of his comrades of Reynolds Post G. A. R.

Andrew J. Loomis was born in Hillsboro, Missouri, in 1833. He was a direct descendant of Joseph Loomis, who was born in Essex county, England, in 1590, and sailed from London in 1638 for America and settled on land at Windsor, Connecticut. The old Loomis home built at that time (1638) is still used for reunions of the family. In 1855 Mr. Loomis was married to Miss Ellen C. Smith, of Peoria, Ills., who passed away at Santa Clara, California, in 1876. Eight children were born to them, four of them still living as follows: Charles A. and Effie K. of Blaine, Lester G. of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Minnie E. McGuire of San Francisco, Calif. Also a great-grand-daughter, Edith V. Williams, survives.

In 1861 Mr. Loomis volunteered among those who answered Lincoln's first call for 75,000 volunteers, enlisting at Peoria, Ills. In 1863 he went to California, sailing from New York by was of the Isthmus of Panama, and returning from California in 1864, he moved to Omaha, Nebraska territory. Here he saw the first rails laid for the construction of the Union Pacific railroad across the western part of the country. At that time he was largely interested in the mercantile life there.

In 1874 he moved with his family to San Francisco and then to Los Angeles, and later had mining interests at Reno, Nevada, where he resided for a time. In 1883 Mr. Loomis came to Blaine and took up a homestead near Haynie, a part of which he still owned at the time of his death. Later on he moved into Blaine and lived in retirement. He was much devoted to cultivating roses and flowers because of his love for them, and until his strength forbid, his flower garden was a beautiful sight. He was a loyal comrade, and a member of Reynolds Post, G. A. R. In his passing to the great and unknown beyond, his fellow comrades have lost a faithful and honorable comrade and the community an honored and respected citizen.
(From The Blaine Journal, June 11, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOOMIS, Edith (d. 1931)

At her home on Peace Portal Drive in Blaine Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, occurred the death of Mrs. Charles A. Loomis. The deceased had been in poor health for the past several years, but had been bedfast with her last illness for about a month. Edith Emolyne Vaillancourt-Loomis was born at Lebonnaire, Canada, July 22, 1862, and departed this life at her home in Blaine, Whatcom county, Washington, Friday, September 13, 1931, at the age of 69 years, 1 month and 26 days. She was united in marriage to Charles A. Loomis at Reno, Nevada, in the month of November, 1879, and in 1890 the family moved to Blaine where they have since resided with the exception of several years spent in Seattle, Washington, 1908 to 1915. She was the mother of one daughter, (Iola Vaillancourt Loomis), Mrs. Burdett Williams, who preceded her in death 25 years ago. Mrs. Loomis was a charter member of the P. E. O. society of Blaine and the members attended the funeral services in a body. A woman of fine qualities, she was greatly loved and appreciated by all who knew her and will be greatly missed from her large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Her husband, Charles A. Loomis, together with four sisters, Mrs. Iola Krim of Stockton, Calif., Mrs. Minnie Marie Doyle, of Susanville, Calif., Mrs. Ada Craig of Los Angeles, Mrs. Edna Christensen of Seattle; one granddaughter Mrs. Harriet Williams of Los Angeles, Calif., and one son-in-law Burdett L. Williams, of Detroit, Mich., survive her. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the E. E. Purdy & Sons Funeral Home chapel. Rev. Clarence B. Seely, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, read the service and offered the prayers. Favorite hymns were rendered by a quartet, consisting of Mrs. Don E. Wilson, Mrs. Abbie Brown, Albert Still and John Still, with Mrs. Robert Shaw at the piano. Many friends gathered at the chapel and the floral offerings were very beautiful. The remains were placed in the family vault at the Blaine cemetery under the direction of E. E. Purdy & Sons Funeral Home. Casketbearers were A. Gloslie, Clayton Milhollin, August Levien, Charles Rosbough, Elmer Bennett and Arthur H. Pratt.
(From The Blaine Journal, September 24, 1931) Submitted by John Rausch, typed by Merrily Lawson.

LOOMIS, Effie K. (d. 1930)

Miss Effie K. Loomis passed away last Friday in a Bellingham hospital following an illness of several years. She was taken to the hospital some time ago, but had occupied her home here up until that time. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Purdy's chapel with the Rev. Floyd C. Green officiating, and burial took place in the Blaine cemetery. Deceased was born in Morton, Ill., Nov. 3, 1859, and came to Blaine from Los Angeles, Cal., 20 years ago, making her home here since. Surviving are two brothers, Chas. A. of Blaine and L. G. of Los Angeles, and one sister, Minnie E. McGuire, of San Diego, Cal.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, September 4, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOOP, Alfred (d. 1913)

Mr. Alfred B. Loop, aged 73 years, passed away at a local hospital at an early hour Tuesday, May 10, after a lingering illness. Mr. Loop had been a resident of Whatcom county for the past 33 years and of the City of Bellingham for 15 years. He was a member of the J. R. Steedman post No. 14, G. A. R. The surviving relatives are: His mother, Mrs. Clara Loop, 91 years old; his widow, Mrs. Martha Loop; seven sons and two daughters, D. J. of Maple Falls; Bruce Bellingham; Archie E. Raymond, Wash.; R. H. of Getchel, Wash.; Harvey of Bellingham; H. Enzo, Shelton, Wash.; and C. Chris Loop of San Diego, Cal.; Mrs. Bland Borgress, Coquitlam, B.C.; Mrs. E. Pepper, Canyon City, Ore. The funeral service will be held Thursday, May 22, at 10 o'clock a.m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry G. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, and will be conducted by the reader of the Church of Christ Scientist, after which the remains will be shipped to Edison, Wash. for interment.
(From The American Reveille, May 21, 1913) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

LOOP, Elizabeth M. (d. 1922)

Mrs. Elizabeth May Loop passed away early Sunday morning, March 5 after an illness of several years. She had been a resident of Bellingham for a number of years, being a graduate of the Whatcom high school and a student of the State Normal school. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pratt, 906 High street; one sister, Miss Harriet Pratt, and one brother, Will D. Pratt, all of this city; besides a large circle of friends. Funeral services will be held Tuesday from the chapel of Arthur C Harlow, 1055 Elk street, with the Rev. B. K. McElmon officiating, assisted by Rev. H. Sumner Templeton, of the First Presbyterian church, after which interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 6, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOPAS, Agnes L. (d. 1911)

Mrs. Agnes Lee Lopas was born in Wilmington, Dela., August 13, 1846, and died November 13, 1911, age 61 years and 3 months. Mrs. Lopas was [typing errors] to Edwin Lopas. Five children were born to this couple, four sons, Harry, Joseph, John and Frank, and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Garlie, all of whom survive her. Mrs. Lopas moved to Whatcom county April 14, 1878 and settled on a farm in this neighborhood, and has resided there continuously. She was loved and respected by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, Edwin Lopas, four sons, a daughter and several grandchildren, a number of brothers and sisters and a host of friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Holcomb at the Mennonite church, while the interment took place in the Mountain View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, Mountain View section, November 19, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOPAS, Edwin (d. 1925)

Edwin Lopas, Whatcom county pioneer for the past forty-eight years, a man characterized by his friends as generous, always ready to help those in need, and a real booster for his community and county, died Tuesday night in Yakima at the home of his son, John C. Lopas. Mrs. Lopas was with him on the visit. Altho definite arrangements had not been made by today, the funeral is expected to be held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The sons in Yakima want the funeral to be held from the home, but it is believed it will be held at a nearby hall or church, to accommodate his many friends who might want to attend. Rev. J. W. Moles of Custer will conduct the service. The body was shipped from Yakima this morning and was due here tonight, George Monroe will have charge.

Mr. Lopas was born in Devonshire, England, in 1846, coming to America three years later. He came to the Mt. View district from Quincy, Ill., in 1877, locating where his present home is. He was in the shingle business for years, conducting three mills on Mt. View, retiring in 1917. James Clayton, who knew Mr. Lopas when a boy at Quincy, characterized him today as a generous man, always ready to help some one or some organization, which needed help; a man who never let others know what kindness he had done. He recalled just lately Mr. Lopas had aided an old friend so he could have an operation. County Commissioner Ed Brown characterized Mr. Lopas today as one of the best booster for good roads, Whatcom county has ever had. He recalled that Mr. Lopas was elected county commissioner in 1885, and acted as chairman, serving in that capacity for two years.

As chairman, Mr. Lopas let the first contract for the clearing and grubbing of the Northwest Diagonal road from Bellingham to the county poor farm, which is the present road. Later he got up a petition to have the road from the Ferndale bridge approach planked to Lake Terrel on the Mt. View road. This was turned down. He then circulated a petition and was enabled to have a contract let under the Donohue law to build the Mt. View road to Olson Corners. This was the first county contract won by Charlie Lind. As soon as paved road became popular, Mr. Lopas petitioned to have the Mt. View road paved under the Donohue law. This petition was opposed by some taxpayers and some personal enemies. He then asked the county commissioners to pave a mile stretch of the Mt. View road from Ferndale. The commissioners told Mr. Lopas that they would do this, if Mt. View township would straighten out the road. Mt. View turned this down, so Mr. Lopas deposited $2000 in the First National Bank, Ferndale, to pay the cost of straightening the road, with the understanding that the county would pave the mile. The Skagit Construction Co. straightened the road and graded it. The paving was granted thru his influence. Mr. Lopas gave instructions to the bank that no one should know who put up the $2000 to pay for the work. That was the type of man he was.

Mr. Brown, in recalling the many philanthropic acts of Mr. Lopas, told how he had learned that the wife of one of his filers was not strong, and could not do the family washing. A washing machine was delivered to that home in a few days, the name of the donor unknown.

Edwin Lopas is survived by his wife, Annie, whom he married here; a brother, Henry in Los Angeles; & sister, Mrs. Ed Brown, Custer; four sons, Harry, Joe and John of Yakima, and Frank of Mt. View; a daughter, Mrs. E. L. Garlick of Mt. View; nine granddaughters, five grandsons and four great grandchildren. He was a stockholder and director of the Northwestern National Bank of Bellingham, a member of the Knights of Pythias, and active in the construction of that building.
(From The Ferndale Record, October 29, 925) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOPAS, Joseph (d. 1899)

The Reveille received a short dispatch from Ferndale last night announcing the death from pneumonia of Joseph Lopas, Sr., at his home in Mountain View, Monday, July 3, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Lopas was one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of the county. He was born in Devonshire, England, nearly 76 years ago, but his home has long been in America. He has been a resident of Whatcom county for seventeen years, having settled near Mountain View when the county was young in civilization. There, though the preparing of a home was hard work in those days, Mr. Lopas found time to do good to those around him. He was a sincere Christian and a strong advocate of temperance. His health, strength and brightness of intellect were remarkable in one of his age up to the time of his last illness; he was more sprightly than a man of fifty. Mr. Lopas will be long remembered with reverence and love by many friends of both early and late years. Mr. Lopas leaves two sons and one daughter, the latter being Mrs. Ed. Brown, of Custer. Mrs. Lopas died about eight years ago. The funeral will occur at the family residence at Mountain View on Wednesday at 2 p.m. All friends are invited to be present.
(From The Blaine Journal, July 7, 1899) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOPAS, Mary (d. 1891)

LORING, Barnes (d. 1918)

In the presence of a large gathering of friends, funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Knapp's funeral parlors for the late Barnes Loring, pioneer of Whatcom County and former postmaster of Lynden, who passed away Friday night at the age of 87 years and 27 days. The Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. Mr. Loring was born in Bergin, Genessee County, New York on Jan. 12, 1831. He had lived in Whatcom County continuously since 1887, and had scores of friends in all section. During the Cleveland administrations, he was appointed postmaster, and served for eight years.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 14, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

LORING, Lucile P. (d. 1912)

Lucile Paulina Loring was born June 11, 1905 and died January 25, 1912 aged six years, seven months and fourteen days. She had been ill for two months, and death was due to Bright's disease. As little Lucile saw the light of day at the home her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Erz, Sr., in Lynden, and then closed her eyes in death at their home in Bellingham. The funeral services were conducted by the the Rev. Jones at the Methodist church, in Lynden, last Saturday morning. A choir composed of Mrs. Fountain, Miss Cole, Messrs. Edson and Knapp, with Mr. Harlan Hall as organist, rendered appropriate music. The little one was laid to rest in the Lynden cemetery. Lucile was a great favorite with everyone, and a real ray of brightest sunshine in the homes of her parents and relatives. Two days before she died, she said, "Every body loves me" and this was indeed so. She had attended Columbia school in Bellingham for fourteen weeks, and to think that she was old enough to go to school and study was a great joy to her. Her death has saddened the hearts of all who knew her, and her many friends extend to the sorrowing father, mother, and little brother, as well as other relatives, their heartfelt sympathy.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 1, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

LOTT, Nettie M. (d. 1926)

Nettie Maria Lott, Aged W.C.T.U. Member, Passes Early Today
Mrs. Nettie Maria Lott, 73, a member of the W.C.T.U. and of the First Evangelical church, died at her home, 1315 Roland street early today. She had lived in this city 23 years. She is survived by her husband, Isaac S. Lott; one son, Fred W. Lott, Bellingham; two daughters, Mrs. Lena P. Bambrey, Bellingham, and Mrs. May Lillie Zettle, Lynden; eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. One of the grandchildren is Henry Howard, secretary of the Y.M.C.A. at Raymond and formerly a secretary at the Bellingham Y.M.C.A. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mark's mortuary, with the Rev. H. E. Bashor officiating. Interment will follow in Bay View Cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 29, 1926)

LUBY, Mathew H. (d. 1940)

LUKE, Frank (d. 1928)

Frank Luke, pioneer citizen of this section and one of the old settlers of the Kendall district, passed away at his home in Deming on Friday of last week, June 22. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church at Lynden under direction of Hollingsworth-Trester Funeral Home Tuesday morning, Father Benedict of Lynden, officiating. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery in Bellingham. Mr. Luke had been a resident of Deming for the past eleven years, and is survived by his wife, Mary; twelve sons, John of Tacoma; Frank of Port Angeles; Laurence of Seattle; Harold, Emil, Fred, Philip, Andrew, William Framingo, Tony Framingo, all of Bellingham; four daughters, Mrs. Clara Okee, Olympia; Mrs. Laura Beasley, Mrs. Alice Johnson and Mrs. Pete Shaudney, all of Bellingham, and several grandchildren.
(From The Deming Prospector, June 29, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.

LUMBART, Charles (d. 1926)

Funeral services for Charles Lumbart who passed away last Thursday, April 9, 1926, at his home in Sedro-Woolley, after a short illness of six days with pleurisy and pneumonia, was held last Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the chapel at Sedro-Woolley. Beautiful songs were rendered by the choir, and his fellow workmen acted as pallbearers. Interment was made in the Sedro-Woolley cemetery.

Mr. Lumbart was born in Sedalia, Missouri, September 16, 1889, and the death of his father in 1898 left him and his mother sole support of themselves and five sisters, until he was 27 years old when he was married to Miss Rena Bell, of Everson, in 1916. Then Mr. and Mrs. Lumbart moved to Maple Falls, where he resided for five years and both of their children were born here. Later they moved to Sedro-Woolley where he was employed as a moulder in the steel and iron works at that place for four years.

He leaves a widow, Mrs. Rena Lumbart, two children, Mona Ella, 9 years old, and Harry David, 7 years old; mother, Mrs. Ella Harrington and step-father, Harry Harrington, both of Everson; five sisters, Mrs. Lydia Wiltfong, of Bellingham; Mrs. Bertha Wallace, of Tennessee; Mrs. Mildred Sturgeon, of Sedro-Woolley; Mrs. Florence Herrington, of Nooksack; a number of nephews and nieces and also a host of friends to mourn his departure.
(From The Deming Prospector, April 16, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

LYLE, Everett C. (d. 1935)

E. C. Lyle, Landscape Artist, Taken by Illness
Everett Campbell Lyle, 69, 2801 Sunset drive, well known civil engineer, died at his home Friday night after an illness of about two months' duration. A resident of Bellingham for the past forty-three years, Mr. Lyle spent many years in landscape work and was in charge of the laying out of many of the city's garden and park plots. He was a charter member and first president of the Bellingham Lawn Bowling club and a charter member of the Broadway United Presbyterian church. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lura C. Lyle; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Gates, of Pomeroy and Miss Elsie Lyle, city; a son, Roland Lyle, city; a grandson, Loren Lyle, city; a sister, Miss Jennie Lyle, city, and a brother, Harry A. Lyle, of Canada. The body rests at the Homer Mark mortuary. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 26, 1935) Submitted by site coordinator.

LYLE, Sarah A. (d. 1905)

Mrs. Sarah A. Lyle, who died at her home No. 2507 Lynn street on Monday, April 3, was buried in Bay View cemetery on Wednesday, April 5. The funeral services were held in Broadway Presbyterian church of which she was a charter member, and a large number of friends assembled to pay the last tribute of esteem and affection. Mrs. Lyle was the youngest daughter of the late Hugh Morrison and his wife Isabel McIntosh, of Invernessshire, Scotland. She was born in New Brunswick and was the widow of the late James Lyle, of the same province. She leaves a daughter, Miss Jennie Lyle, of the Columbia school and two sons, Henry A., in business in Nova Scotia, and Everett C., well known in this city; also a brother, Rev. Donald Morrison, St. John, New Brunswick. She was a woman of noble Christian character, a devoted mother, a kind and sincere friend and of her it may truly be said, "She hat done what she could."
(From The Bellingham Reveille, April 7, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

LYNCH, James (d. 1913)

James Lynch, until recently a prominent farmer residing near Ferndale, and one of the best known pioneers of the county, died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in St. Luke's hospital, from illness superinduced by advanced age. He was a sailor on the bark Powhatan, which made regular trips to Bellingham, or Sehome, as it was then called, and on one of these trips Mr. Lynch decided to cast his fortune with the other pioneers of the Northwest. He never married, but has relatives residing in Rhode Island. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Mock & Hill undertaking parlors.
(From American Reveille, August 16, 1913)

LYON, Clare (d. 1908)

When cerebro-spinal meningitis entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Lyon, living on the Marietta road, nine months ago, it was to claim as its victims every child in the family. Friday it accomplished its purpose when the third and last child, Clare, aged 9 years succumbed to the dread disease. For nine months Clare battled hopelessly with the malady, but he was doomed to tread the shadows that long ago enveloped his brothers. Every effort was made to save the lad and to relieve his sufferings, which were intense.

The Lyon boys were taken with the disease when it spread in Bellingham, creating here a scare that prevailed at the same time in other Coast cities. Each of the boys was attacked about the same time. The first to die was Luttie. One week later he was followed by his brother, Herbert. Then Clare, alone except for his fond parents, fought manfully the resistless approach of death. Probably no other youth in Whatcom County ever suffered with cerebro-spinal meningitis so long as he. The funeral will be held at Maulsby's undertaking parlors, 1219 Dock Street, Tuesday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Butters, of Marietta, will officiate. Interment will be made in Bay View Cemetery.
(From The American-Reveille, October 4, 1908)

LYSLE-JENKINS, Mamie (d. 1893)

The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Mamie Lysle-Jenkins were held at St. Paul's Episcopal church, on Walnut street, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The interior of the church had been beautifully draped and hung with appropriate flowers and the church was crowded with many friends and the relatives of the deceased. It was a sombre (sic) scene and the funeral ceremony of the Episcopal church was impressively rendered under the direction of Rev. D. L. V. Moffett, rector of St. Paul's. The remains willl be taken to Coupeville on the North Pacific this evening and the lifeless clay will be interred on Whidby island, where the life was given.

Mrs. Jenkins was born on Whidbey island, May 13, 1860. A few years later her parents moved to Kentucky, but after residing there several years, the family returned to the Sound and Mr. Lysle became the owner of the Lysle donation claim, Fairhaven. Ten years ago, Mr. Lysle died and Mrs. M. F. Lysle, the widow, has lived in Whatcom with her four children ever since. George F. Lysle, the oldest son, resides in Fairhaven. He has served a term as county commissioner. The late Mrs. Jenkins was one of the most ardent and untiring workers in Friendship lodge, No. 46, I.O.G.T., of which she was a charter member. She served in the territorial legislature in 1887 as a journal clerk and earned an enviable reputation for punctuality and conscientiousness in her work. Miss Lysle was married to Capt. Geo. A. Jenkins April 25, 1891, and their home has been that of a happily mated couple. She will be buried in the family burying ground at Coupeville.
(From The Bellingham Bay Express, July 14, 1893) Submitted by site coordinator.

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