MONTPELIER. Pages 251-574
[ 251-299 ] [ 300-349 ] [ 350-399 ] [ 400-449 ] [ 450-499 ] [ 500-549 ] [ 550-574 ]
be looking for some bold and startling thoughts, or some
brilliant or learned display of language, in a man, to make good in him their
preconceived notions of intellectual greatness. And should they see him take
up a subject in a simple, natural manner, analyze it, reject all the
fictitious, retain all the real, arrange the elements, and, thus clearly
proceeding, at length reach the only just and safe conclusion of which the case
admits, they would, perhaps, feel a sort of disappointment in not having seen
any of the imposing mental machinery brought into play, which they supposed
would be required to produce the result. Demagogues might indeed make use of
such machinery, but a truly great man, never. For it is that very simplicity
and clearness of mental operations which can only make an intellect efficient,
safe and great. Grasp of thought, penetration and power of analysis, are the
expressions generally used in describing a mind of the character of that of
Judge Prentiss. But they hardly bring us to a realization of the extremely
simple and natural intellectual process, through which he moved on,
self-poised, step by step, with so much ease and certainty to the impregnable
legal positions where he was content only to rest. And to have fully realized
this, we should have listened to one of his plain but luminous decisions, on a
case before supposed to be involved in almost insuperable doubts and
perplexities—perceived how, at first, he carefully gathered up all that could
have any bearing on the subject in hand; how he then began to scatter light
upon the seemingly dark and tangled mass; and then, how, segregating all the
irrelevant and extraneous, and assorting the rest, he conducted our minds to
what at length we could not fail to see to be the truth and reality of the
case. That Judge Prentiss possessed, besides his profound knowledge of the law
as a science, a finely-balanced and superior intellect is unquestionable; and
that it became so, in the exercise of those peculiar traits we have been
attempting to describe, need, it appears to us, to be scarcely less doubted.
In person, Judge Prentiss was nearly 6 feet high,
well-formed, with an unusually expansive forehead, shapely features and a clear
and pleasant countenance, all made the more imposing and agreeable by the
affable and courtly bearing of the old school gentleman.
In his domestic system, he was a rigid economist, but ever
gave liberally wherever the object commanded his approbation. Let a single
instance suffice for illustration: Some years before his death, his minister
lost an only cow; and the fact coming to his ears, he ordered his man to drive,
the next morning, one of the cows he then possessed, to the stable of the
minister. But strangely enough, the cow selected for the gift died that night.
He was not thus to be defeated, however, in his kind purpose; for hearing that
the minister had engaged a new cow, at a given price, he at once sent him the
amount in money required to pay for it.
Judge Prentiss has gone; but the people of the town, which
had the honor to be his home, will cherish his memory as long as they are
capable of appreciating true excellence, and be but too proud to tell the
stranger that he was one of their townsmen.
At the October session of the United States District
Court, following the death of Judge Prentiss, after a suitable annoucement by
the district attorney, and the delivery in court of eloquent tributes to the
character of the deceased, by the Hon. Solomon Foot, and the Hon. David A.
Smalley, the new judge, the following preamble and resolutions were
entertained, and ordered to be placed upon the records of the court, as
"an enduring evidence of the high veneration in which his memory was held
by the Bar":
WHEREAS, the Hon. SAMUEL PRENTISS, late Judge of the
District Court of the United States for the District of Vermont, having
departed this life within the present year, and the members of this Bar and the
officers of this Court entertaining the highest veneration for his memory, the
most profound respect for his great ability, learning, experience and
uprightness as a Judge, and cherishing for his many public
and private virtues the most lively and affectionate
recollection, therefore,
That his uniformly unostentatious and gentlemanly deportment, his assiduous
discharge of his official duties, his high sense of justice, his unbending
integrity, and the exalted dignity and purity of his public and private
character, furnish the highest evidence of his intrinsic worth, and of his
great personal merit.
That the District Attorney, as Chairman of this meeting of the Bar, communicate
to the family of the deceased a copy of these proceedings, with an assurance
of the sincere condolence of the members of the Bar and the officers of this
Court, on account of this great and irreparable bereavement.
That in behalf of the Bar and the officers of this Court, the Honorable the
Presiding Judge thereof be, and he is hereby, respectfully requested to order
the foregoing preamble and resolutions to be entered on the minutes of the
daughter of the late Edward Houghton, Esq., of Northfield,
Mass., was born Mar. 6, 1786, and received a good English education for the
times. She married Samuel Prentiss, Esq., in 1804, and settled down with him
for life in the village of Montpelier. Here she became the mother of 12
children, George Houghton, Samuel Blake, Edward Houghton, John Holmes, Charles Williams, Henry Francis,
Frederick James, Theodore, Joseph Addison, Augustus, Lucretia and James
George H. Prentiss died soon after arriving at maturity
and settling down in his profession, which, like that of all the rest of the
brothers who reached manhood, was that of the law. Augustus, and Lucretia, the
only daughter, died in infancy.
The cares, labors and responsibilities of the wife are
generally, to a great extent, mingled with those of the husband. Much less than
usual, however, were they so in the case of Mrs. Prentice. In consequence of
the close occupation of the time of her husband in his crowding legal
engagements when at home, and his frequent and long-continued absences from
home in the discharge of his professional or official duties, almost the whole
care and management of his young and numerous family devolved on her. And those
who know what unceasing care and vigilance, and what blending of kindness,
discretion and firmness, are required to restrain and check, without loss of
influence, and train up with the rightful moral guidance, a family of boys of
active temperaments, of fertile intellects and ambitious dispositions, so that
they all be brought safely into manhood, will appreciate the delicacy and
magnitude of her trust, and be ready to award her the just meed of praise for
discharging it, as she confessedly did, with such unusual faithfulness and
with such unusual success. Mrs. Prentiss died at Montpelier, June 15, 1855, in
her 70th year.
It would be difficult to say too much in praise of the
character of this rare woman. She was one of earth's angels. In her domestic
and social virtues; in the industry that caused her "to work willingly
with her hands;" in "the law of kindness" that prompted her
benevolence, and the wisdom that so judiciously and impartially dispensed it;
together with all the other of those clustered excellencies that went to
constitute the character of the model woman of the wise man—in all these Mrs.
Prentiss had scarce a peer among us, scarce a superior anywhere. She did
everything for her family, and lived to see her husband become known as he
"sat among the Elders of the land," and her nine surviving sons, all
of established characters, and presenting an aggregate of capacity and good repute
unequalled, perhaps, by that of any other family in the State, and all praising
her in their lives. These were her works, but not all her works. The heart-works
of the good neighbor, of the good and lowly Christian, and the hand-works that
looked to the benefit and elevation of society at large, were by her all done,
and all the better done for being performed so unobtrusively, so cheerfully and
so unselfishly.
D. P. T.
Oh, many a spirit walks the world unheeded,
That, when its veil of sadness is laid down,
Shall soar aloft with pinions unimpeded,
Wearing its glory like a starry crown.
—Julia Wallace.
Born in Westford, Mass. Mar. 13, 1766, when about 12 years
of age left Westford, to live with his uncle in Plymouth, N. H., for about 6
years, receiving only the advantages of a common school education, and at 18
commenced and served a 3 years' apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade, with
James Sargeant, of Plymouth, after which he worked one year for his master for
$150, and then continued at his trade nearly 5 years in the vicinity, when he
relinquished for good his trade and entered the store of Mr. Mower Russell in
Plymouth, but soon removed to Thetford, Vt., where in 1803 he opened a store.
In June 1804, he married first. He had no children by this marriage. In 1812,
he married second, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Jacob Burnap D. D. of Merrimac,
N. H., by whom he had 2 sons, Charles and George W. In 1814, 15, 16, Mr. Reed
was elected town representative of Thetford and received 5 more elections in
the next 7 years. In 1818, 19, he was elected one of the Judges of Orange
County Court. Having been very successful in trade in Thetford and closed up
business there, he removed to Montpelier in 1827. In 1830, 31, 32, he was
elected Judge of probate for the district of Washington County, and in 1834,
was chosen one of the Council of Censors to revise the constitution of the
State, and in 1840, one of the presidential electors who threw the vote of
Vermont for General Harrison, and he was county treasurer for almost the last
30 years of his life. His second wife, who shared his cares and his fortunes
through nearly the most active period of his life, and who was the mother of
his children, died and he married her sister, Miss Lucy Burnap, for his third
wife, who dying soon after, he married his fourth wife, Miss Frances M. Cotton,
daughter of the Hon. John Cotton of Windsor, who, with a daughter, still
survives him.
Judge Reed at his death, Feb. 6, 1859, left a handsome
fortune, and, what is far better, a character which his descendants may be
proud to contemplate. Of him, his personal peculiarities and general character,
it was said, in a tribute from a discriminate source, which appeared in one of
our public journals at the time of his death,—"He was a gentleman of the
Old School, precise and methodical in his habits; of noble presence and
demeanor; honest and sincere in all his dealings; reserved and prudent in his
speech, sagacious and comprehensive in his views, of resolute and unflinching
perseverance, and wise and ample generosity."
This single sentence finely embodies the whole of his
general character, yet some of its peculiar traits may be more definitely told.
Among which was beside his unbending integrity his particular and nice
conscientiouness. But the way in which Judge Reed effected the most good, and
for which, doubtless, he will be the longest, and by the largest number
remembered, was assisting indigent, but promising young men in obtaining an
education. When, in about middle life, he found he had accumulated a property
which afforded a yearly surplus over the economical support of his family, and
the probable expense of educating his children, he, as he once told a friend,
began to feel it his duty to bestow at least a good portion of that surplus on
objects calculated for public good. And distrusting the wisdom of many of the
schemes of benevolence in vogue, on which others were bestowing their
charities, he for some time cast about him for a system by which to bestow his
money so that it might conduce to the most benefit to individuals, and through
them to society at large. And he soon settled on loaning to any poor young man,
showing promise of usefulness, such sums of money as he should need to carry
him through College, without requiring, any security for the payment of the
amounts advanced, and leaving the payment a wholly voluntary matter with the
beneficiary,. And having made known his intentions, And finding no lack of
applications, he at once put his system in practice, and nobly persevered in
keeping it up to the last year of his life, and till the number of young men
educated through his means amounted to more than twenty, among whom are
to be found some of the most eminent men of the country,
ornamenting the learned professions, or adding dignity to the official
positions to which their merits have raised them.
Other wealthy men may have been as benevolent, others as
patriotic, in bestowing money for temporary purposes, but few can boast of
having originated, and so persistently maintained, for so long a peiod, a
system of benevolence so wise and noble, of such wide spread, happy influences
which have flowed from the one which stands associated with the memory of the
late Joseph Reed.
was born at Hamstead, N. H., May 26, 1795, and came with
his father, Captain Thomas Reed, and family to Montpelier in 1804. From 1804 to
about 1812, he for the greater part of the time, attended the academy in
Montpelier, and made such proficiency, and exhibited promise of so much
executive talent, at 16, he sucsessfully taught one of the largest and most
forward winter schools in his town, and soon after went to Fort Atkinson, N.
Y., and became a clerk in the store of Mr. Gove, while the American Army was
wintering there in 1813. When the army retreated southward, he followed it to
Plattsburgh, where it took its final stand, and remained with it in the
capacity of sutler till the battle of Plattsburgh, September, 1814, at which he
was present. The following winter he taught school in Grand Isle County; after
which he commenced the study of the law in the office of the Hon. Dan Carpenter
of Waterbury; the spring of 1819, was admitted to the Bar, and, during the
following summer, went West and settled for practice in Troy, Ohio; remained
about 5 years, collected in his earnings, and invested them in flour, which he
put on board one of the flat boats of the Ohio, and sailed down
to Natches, sold it, and with the proceeds in his pocket, returned on
horse-back through Tennessee, Kentucky and Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, and
then by other conveyance to his old home in Montpelier, where he went into
partnership with his brother, Thomas Reed, Esq., who had already opened a law
office in the village. This partnership lasted about 20 years, and was attended
throughout with unusual pecuniary success. The Messrs. Reed did a very large
business, mostly in collecting and in honorable speculations, acting as
advocates in the courts but little more than in the management of their own
cases. They invested largely in the stock of the first and second Bank of
Montpelier, and bought out nearly all the stock of the old Winooski Turnpike,
which they eventually sold out at a good bargain to the Vermont Central
Railroad Company. They also became extensive land owners in this and several of
the Western States, and their purchases of this character all turned out, in
the aggregate, very profitable investments.
Mr. Reed was elected, by general ticket, a member of our
Council of Censors in 1841; was one of the delegates of Vermont to the
National Convention which nominated Gen. Winfield Scott for President, and was
for many years considered one of the most influential politicians in the State.
In 1851, 52, he was by a large majority elected representative of Montpelier
in the legislature, and on the establishment of the Vermont Bank, in 1849, was
chosen its first president and retained in the office till his death.
Mr. Reed was an unusually energetic, stirring business
man; but business and money-making were evidently not the only objects of his
life. He was ever public spirited, entering into, and often leading in, all
enterprises designed for the public good and the social, religious and educational
interests of his town, with his usual zeal and energy; and was always quite
ready to help on all such movements by liberal subscriptions. He perhaps should
be considered the foremost in bringing about our present Union School. He gave
$1000 towards the building to be erected on its establishment. He died
suddenly, and almost in the prime of his life, of inflammation of the lungs,
while on a journey to the West, June 15, 1856, and now
sleeps in our new Green Mount Cemetery, which he took so
much pride in planning and ornamenting.
son of Captain Samuel Upham, was born in Leicester, Mass.,
Aug. 5, 1792. In 1802, his father and family removed to Vermont, and settled on
a farm near the Centre of Montpelier, where, from 10 to about 15 years of age,
he worked on the farm, only attending the winter schools of the common school
district in which he resided; when he met with an accident, which apparently
gave a new turn to his destinies for life:—while engaged about a cider mill,
his hand so caught in the machinery, and all the fingers of the right hand,
were so crushed that they had to be amputated even with the palm. This, unfitting
him for manual labor, led his father to consent to what had before been his
wish, the commencement of a course of education, preparatory to the study of
the law. Accordingly he attended the old academy, at Montpelier, a few terms,
and then, with the late Reverend William Perrin of Berlin for a fellow
student, pursued the study of Latin and Greek, about one year, with the
Reverend James Hobart of Berlin. In 1808, he entered the office of the Hon.
Samuel Prentiss, in Montpelier, as a law student; and, after pursuing his legal
studies there about three years, he was admitted to the bar, and soon went into
partnership in the practice of the law with the Hon. Nicholas Baylies. After
continuing in partnership with Mr. Baylies a few years, he opened an office
alone in Montpelier; and from that time, until his election to the United
States Senate, he, either alone or with temporary partners, continued in the
constant and successful practice of his profession, the business of which was
always more than ample enough to require his whole time and attention. For the
first thirty years of his professional career, Mr. Upham, with the exception of
only one instance, steadily declined the many profers of his friends for his
promotion to civil office, though his opportunities for holding such offices
included the chance for a seat on the bench of our Supreme Court. The excepted
instance was involved in his consent to run as candidate for town
representative, in 1827; when, though the majority of his party was a matter of
much doubt, he was triumphantly elected. In 1828, he was re-elected, and in
1830, received a third election, serving throug all the three terms to the
entire satisfaction of his constituents, and therein exhibiting talents as a
public debator which gave him a high position in the Legislature. In the
presidential campaign. 1840, he, for the first time, took an active part in
politics, and, to use a modern phrase, stumped nearly the whole State, making
himself everywhere known to the people by the peculiar traits of his popular
eloquence, and he doing efficient political service in favor of the election of
General Harrison. In 1841, he was elected to a seat in the United States
Senate; and in 1847, was re-elected to the same distinguished office, and died,
at Washington, before the completion of his last term, Jan. 14, 1853.
In his professional career, to which the main energies of
his life were devoted, he became widely known as one of the best advocates in
the State. He was, indeed, what might be called a natural lawyer, and the
practice of his profession seemed to amount to almost a passion with him; and,
even in his youth, even before he commenced his legal studies, he would often,
it was said, leap up from his dreams in his bed, and go to pleading some
imaginary law case. And, what he determined to be, that, he became, one of the
most successful jury lawyers to be found in any country. Never hesitating for
word, and fluent almost beyond example, the style of his speaking was rapid,
thoroughly earnest. and often highly impassioned, and so magnetic was that
earnestness and seeming confidence in his case, and so skilfully wrought up
were his arguments, that bad indeed must have been his side of the question, if
he did not command the sympathies and convictions of a good part, if not all,
of the jury.
As a statesman it ill befits us to judge
him, while those, who spoke by more authority, and from
better opportunities, have so well and fully done so. At the time the customary
resolutions, on the occasion of his death, were introduced in Congress, Senator
Foot, in his obituary address, said of him:
"His impaired health, for some years past, has
restrained him from participating so generally and so actively in the discussions
of this body, as his inclination might otherwise have induced him to do, or his
ability as a public debator might perhaps have demanded of him. Nevertheless
his speeches on several important and exciting public questions, have the
peculiar impress of his earnestness, his research, his ability and his
patriotic devotion to the best interests of his country. A striking example is
furnished of his fidelity to the trust committed to him, and his constant and
patient attention to his public duties here, in the fact, which I had from his
own mouth, that during the ten years of his service in this body, he never
absented himself from the City of Washington for a single day, while Congress
was in session, and never failed, while the condition of his health would
permit, of daily occupying his seat in the Senate."
Senator Seward said:
"WILLIAM UPHAM was of Vermont: a consistent exponent
of her institutions. He was a man of strong and vigorous judgment, which acted
always by a process of sound, inductive reasoning, and his compeers here will
bear witness that he was equal to the varied and vast responsibilities of the
Senatorial trust. He was a plain, unassuming, unostentatious man. He never
spoke for display, but always for conviction. He was an honest and just man.
He had gotten nothing by fraud or guile; and so he lived without any fear of
losing whatever of fortune or position he had attained. No gate was so strong,
no lock so fast and firm, as the watch he kept against the approach of
corruption, or even undue influence or persuasion. His national policy was the
increase of industry, the cultivation of peace, and the patronage of
improvement. He adopted his opinions without regard to their popularity, and
never stifled his convictions of truth, nor suppressed their utterance, through
any fear or favor, or of faction; but he was, on the contrary, consistent and
As pilot well expert in perilous wave,
That to a steadfast starre his course hath bent."
Mr. Upham's best known speeches in the Senate are his
speech on Three Million Bill, delivered March 1, 1847; on The Ten
Regiment Bill, and the Mexican War, delivered Feb. 15, 1848; on the Bill
to establish Territorial Governments of Oregon, New Mexico and California,
delivered July 28, 1848; on the Compromise Bill, delivered July 1 and
2, 1850.
These were all published in pamphlet form, as well as in
all the leading political papers of the day, and at once received the stamp of
public approbation as elaborate and able efforts. But besides these, and
besides also the numerous written and published reports he made during his Congressional
career, as chairman of committee on Revolutionary Claims, on the Post
Office and Post Roads, and of other committees, Mr. Upham made many
other speeches on various subjects, which, though less extensively circulated
perhaps, than those above enumerated, yet received almost equal praise from
high quarters.
Of the latter may be cited, as an instance, his speech in
opposition to the Tariff bill of 1846; and to show the approbation with which
it was received, at the time, among distinguished men, we are permitted to copy
a characteristic note from Mr. Webster, which was sent Mr. Upham, the evening
after the speech was delivered, and which, after his death, was found among his
private papers:
EVE., July 26, 1846.
My Dear Sir:—If
you could conveniently call at my house, at eight or nine o'clock in the
morning, I should be glad to see you for five minutes. I wish to take down some
of your statements respecting the market abroad, for our wool. Following in
your track, my work is to compare the value of the foreign and home markets.
truly, DANIEL
If I had the honor of being a correspondent of Mrs.
Upham, I should write
to her to say, that you had made an excellent speech. The
point, of the duty of government to fulfil its pledges, so frequently and
solemnly made, was exhibited in a very strong light. D. W.
A friend wrote that the Senator ''was keenly sensible of
the dignity of his office, and careful in the discharge of its duties, and from
his constancy, industry, and integrity, he was one of the most useful members
of the senate."
Sarah Keyes, wife of the Hon. Senator, was born in
Ashford, Conn. She was a sister of Mrs. Thomas Brooks of Montpelier, the
grandmother of Gen. W. T. Brooks, the distinguished commander of the Vermont Brigade
through part of the war of the Rebellion, and while with her sister here,
became acquainted with Mr. Upham, with whom, at the early age of 19, she united
her destinies for life. Many a public man has been left to regret that he had
not a partner who, by her personal attractions, wit and conversational powers,
was fitted to sustain herself in the social circles into which his high
position brought him. Not so Mr. Upham; his wife, who usually attended him to
Washington, readily and gracefully sustained herself among the best society
congregated at the National Capital, and was ever, at home or abroad, the
cordial, sparkling, intelligent woman, and eminently popular. Each successive
season for years, and after her own family had grown up, the young people of
Montpelier were indebted to her, more than to any other lady at the Capital,
for her inexclusive hospitalities, and efforts that never wearied, to promote
their happiness and culture; for the numerous pleasant parties at which, with
the approbation of her liberal, warm-souled and congenial husband, she
delighted to gather them at her house, within her beautiful home, under her
charming influence. Her very presence was refining and a delight. A lady so
charitable, magnetic and influential is a great gift to society. Such was Mrs.
Upham, as still remembered by numerous friends, and what to her surviving
daughters is more precious, and for the example of women more beautiful, she
was no less marked and excellent in her every-day life of family duties and
cares and affections—the wise and able woman in her own house. The richest
fruit must ripen and fall. After her husband died, though of a buoyant disposition,
and striving hard to bear her loss with Christian resignation, she soon began
to droop, and on the 8th of May, after, 1856, followed him to the grave,
mourned by her children and many friends. The portrait of Mrs. Upham in this
volume was copied from a painting done shortly after her marriage, while that
of the Senator was taken many years later. E.
P. W.
oldest son of Senator Upham, was born in Montpelier, April
3, 1817, admitted to the bar there, and soon thereafter removed to Ohio, where
he gained a large and lucrative practice, and ultimately rose to the head of his
profession in that State, ranking, wrote a biographer, "with Chase,
Stanton, Corwin, Vinton, John A. Bingham, and others." This statement has
been confirmed to the writer of this note by a judge of an Ohio court, in which
Mr. Upham practiced. He died Mar. 22, 1865, and a handsome monument was erected
to him by the bar of Stark Co., O. E.
P. W.
the second son of Senator Upham, was born in Montpelier,
April 3, 1819, and was educated there. In 1852, he entered the U. S. Navy as
Paymaster, and by his conduct so far won the confidence of the department
that he was assigned to duties of a confidential character. He died suddenly
at Montpelier, June 10, 1868. His wife, Mrs. Abbie E. Upham, did not long
survive him. E. P. W.
who was Sarah Sumner, oldest daughter of Senator Upham,
was born in Montpelier, and MARY ANNETTE, youngest daughter of Senator Upham,
resides with her. Both of these ladies have inherited all the beautiful graces
and the remarkable characteristics of their mother, and are favorites as well
in the Capitals of Vermont and the Nation, as elsewhere. They are both still
living, [1881.] E.
P. W.
was born in Randolph, Feb. 24, 1797. His father, who died
in 1799, had given him to his uncle, Jonathan Peckham, who, dying about 1805,
appears to have commended the boy to the care of Capt. John Granger, of the
same town, and with that gentleman he resided till 1813, when he went to
Woodstock to learn the tanner's trade. He did not remain long there, however,
before sickness compelled him to return; and his illness settling into
protracted feeble health, he made Mr. Granger's house his home for the next 4
years. But during this time the invasion of Plattsburgh by the British
occurring, and Capt. Lebbeus Egerton, of that town, having raised a company of
volunteers to go to the rescue, young Miller, sick or well, determined on
joining the expedition, which, nevertheless, turned out to be a bloodless one;
for the company had not quite time to reach the scene of action before the
battle was over, and the enemy had beat a retreat; when they all returned to
Randolph, with no other glory than that which arose from this good showing of
their patriotic intentions. Whether this incident started in Miller a taste
for military affairs, or whether he began to feel farming would prove too tame
an occupation for him, is not fully known; but certain it is, as early as 1817,
he resolved to change his mode of life, and went to Marblehead, Mass., where a
company of United States troops were stationed, and enlisted as a common
soldier in the army. He continued in the service about 2 years, being a part of
the time stationed on our northern frontier, when, his health again failing,
he procured a discharge, and returned to Randolph, where he attended the
academy of that town, and soon began to fit for college. After diligently
prosecuting his studies here till the summer of 1821, he entered Dartmouth
College; but, for some reason, left in the course of a few weeks, and joined a
class, of like standing as the one he had been in at Dartmouth, in the
University of Vermont. At Burlington College, he steadily pursued his studies,
advancing with the rest of his class, to almost the last year of the prescribed
course of collegiate requirements, when, May 24, 1824, the college buildings
accidentally caught fire and were totally consumed, and with them a portion of
the public library and the private books of the students, among which were
those of Mr. Miller.
He was now afloat again; but does not appear to have long
hesitated in making up his mind upon a course of action for his immediate
future. The struggles of Greece for liberty had by this time become the theme
of every American fireside, and the appalling woes her people were suffering
from the remorseless cruelties of their turbaned oppressors, had already
enlisted the sympathies of every American heart that could feel for anything.
As might be expected of one of Miller's warm and patriotic nature. his
feelings had been among those of the first to be aroused at the recital of
these tales of outrage. But heretofore he had been engaged in the
accomplishment of the task before him—the completion of his college course. He
thought it hardly worth his while now, however, at his age, to enter a new
college for this purpose, and, if not, his time was on his own hands. Why,
then, should he not go to succor the oppressed, as well as other patriotic
Americans who had already sailed for Greece, or were intending shortly to do
so? With the question, came the decision.
He knew there was in Boston an association of wealthy and
influential gentlemen, styled the Greek Committee, who had been selected to
receive and appropriate contributions for the Greek cause, by purchasing
needed munitions, or by furnishing the means of transit to those who. without
such means, were willing to volunteer their personal services in behalf of the
oppressed. But he must first obtain an introduction to them; and for this
purpose he went to Gov. Van Ness, at the destruction of whose house by fire, a
short time before, he knew he had performed an important and dangerous service
in rescuing valuable property from the flames. The Governor, who never forgot a
benefit, wrote a letter, not only of introduction, but of warm recommendation
of Mr. Miller, to
the Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop, and the Hon. Edward Everett,
the President and Secretary of the Greek Association, who, in their turn, gave
him letters to the President and leading members of the Greek Government, at
Missolonghi, and furnished him withal, with over $300, to enable him to pay
his passage, equip himself with a good personal outfit, and have money left for
exigencies that might arise after he had reached his destination; when he, with
other American volunteers, sailed for Malta, Aug. 21, 1824. After reaching that
place, and spending a few weeks, and at some other of the neighboring islands,
he proceeded to the fated Missolonghi, and enquired out the house which Lord
Byron, then very late deceased, had made his headquarters, and which had been
retained for the ordinary meetings of the members of the government of Western
Greece. Here he encountered Dr. Mayer, who was a root of the fighting stock of
William Tell, of Switzerland, and had, for several of the last years, been one
of the bravest and most useful of the European volunteers in Greece. Mr. Miller
presented his credentials to the Doctor, and was promised an early
presentation to members of the government. He was also invited to take up his
quarters in that house, and having been shown a room where he might take a
little of the repose he so much needed, he wrapped his cloak around him, threw
himself down on the floor, and was soon asleep. Before long, however, he was
awakened by the entrance of a man already widely known through Europe and
America. This was Gen. George Jarvis, a son of Benjamin Jarvis, of New York,
who held a situation under the U. S. Government in Germany, were the son was
born, educated and reared to manhood. He entered the Greek service in 1821, and
continued in it through the whole of that memorable struggle, passing through
every grade of military office to the rank of brigadier general of Lord Byron's
brigade, and seeing, probably, more fighting, and undergoing more suffering
and hardship than any one of all the heroes of Greece. He and Mr. Miller appear
to have almost at once made the discovery that they were congenial spirits, and
a mutual friendship and respect sprang up between them, which soon resulted in
Mr. Miller's appointment as one of the General's staff officers, with the rank
of colonel in the Greek service.
It is not our purpose to follow Colonel Miller through the
various hardships he endured through the next 2 years of that wild and bloody
conflict, nor enumerate those feats of arms which seem so to have awakened the
admiration of the Greeks, and caused him to be known among them by the peculiar
name of The American Dare Devil. Let an instance or too, which we have
had from his own lips, serve as a specimen of his many personal risks and
escapes, as well as of his individual daring.
On one occasion, when he was stationed in command of a small
band of soldiers in a walled garden, a few miles from Napoli, he suddenly
discovered the place to be surrounded by a force of some thousand Turkish
troops. Knowing that the instant the weakness of his band was discovered they
would all be sacrificed on the spot, Col. Miller at once resolved on the desperate
expedient of a sally right into the mouth of the lion, and calling on his band
to follow at his heels, he dashed out into the midst of the closely investing
foe, firing his girdle full of pistols, and slashing about him with his sword
as he went, with such fury as to astonish the Turks, who supposing, of course,
the garden to be full of Greeks, about to scatter death among them from behind
the walls, instantly became panic struck and fled.
Another instance of a similar character occurred in a
different part of the peninsula, when Gen. Jarvis and Col. Miller, with a small
force, being unexpectedly beset by a large body of Turkish cavalry, were wholly
cut off from their companions, and, as their only chance of escaping with life,
were compelled to run for a piece of woods at thy top of a hill a fourth of a
mile distant. But this only resort came near proving a fatal one. A large
squad of the mounted fiends pursued them, and were all within pistol shot,
while the woods were yet too far distant to be reached by them.
They supposed there was but a moment more for them in this
world; but they resolved that that moment should not be passed unimproved.
They suddenly wheeled round, drew up their pieces, and fired directly into the
faces of their pursuers, who, in surprise at the strange act, came to a dead
halt, and the next instant turned and fled, doubtless believing that they would
not take such a stand unless there lay concealed in the borders of the woods a
force of their foes, from whom it was their wisdom to escape while they could.
The first of these instances we find in substance related
in Post's Visits to Greece and Constantinople in 1827, and also in Dr.
Howe's History Greece, and the latter, not before named in history, is
doubtless an equally veritable incident.
Besides the many personal encounters and skirmishes with
the foes of Greece, of the character of those just described, Col. Miller was
an active participant in several important engagements, in which his gallantry
appears to have attracted favorable notice. Among these we find one handsomely
alluded to in the lately published volume of "Travels in Greece and
Russia," by Bayard Taylor:
At the end of the Argive plain is the little village of
Miles, where Ypsilanti gained a splendid victory over the troops of Ibrahim
Pacha, and Col. Miller greatly distinguished himself.
But the most continuous, the hardest and most important of
Col. Miller's military services in Greece were in the terrible twelve months'
siege of the ill-fated Missolonghi, one of the most wealthy and populous towns
of the Grecian peninsula. We have space only to give a general idea of the
character of this siege; and this idea will perhaps be the best given by a
letter from Dr. Mayer, of whom we have before spoken, and who was one of the
130 persons perishing in the last defense of the place, written within three
days before his death; and in another letter from Colonel Miller himself to Edward
Everett, after Missolonghi had fallen, and he had escaped with the remnant of
the besieged, as he has described, out of the city, but not out of danger:
The labors which we have undergone, and a wound I have
received in the shoulder, which I am in expectation is one which will be my
passport to eternity, have prevented me till now from bidding you my last
adieus. We are reduced to feed on the most disgusting animals; we are suffering
horribly from hunger and thirst. Sickness adds much to the calamities that
overwhelm us. More than 1740 of our brothers are dead. More than 100,000 bombs
and balls, thrown by the enemy, have destroyed our bastions and our houses. We
have been terribly distressed by cold, and we have suffered great want of food.
Notwithstanding so many privations, it is a great and noble spectacle to
witness the ardor and devotedness of the garrison. A few days more, and these
brave men will be angelic spirits, who will accuse before God the indifference
of christendom for a cause which is that of religion. All the Albanians who
deserted from the standard of Reschid Pacha have now rallied under that of
Ibrahim. In the name of all our brave men, among whom are Noto Botzaris,
Travellas, Papodia Mautopolas, and myself, whom the government has appointed
generals to a body of its troops, I announce to you the resolution, sworn to
before Heaven, to defend, foot by foot, the land of Missolonghi, and bury
ourselves, without listening to any capitulation, under the ruins of this city.
History will render us justice; posterity will weep over our misfortunes. I am
proud to think that the blood of a Swiss, of a child of William Tell, is about
to mingle with that of the heroes of Greece. May the relation of the siege of
Missolonghi, which I have written, survive me. I have made several copies of
it. Cause this letter, dear S——, to be inserted in some public journal.
This beautiful and touching letter to a friend has been
preserved in the History of Greece. Col. Miller's letter, which was also
embodied in the same history, is as follows:
3, 1826.
Honored and Dear Friend:—It
is with emotions not to be expressed, that I now attempt to give an account of
the fall of Missolongli, and the heartrending situation of ill-fated Greece.
Missolonghi fell into the hands of the Turks, eight days since, after a gallant
defense of eleven months and a half. When we take into consideration the means
of its defense, and the
overwhelming numbers that approached it by sea and land,
there cannot be a doubt but that its resistance rivals anything of the kind
either in ancient or modern times. The particulars of its fall are enough to
draw tears from the most obdurate and unfeeling heart, and will bring into
action the energies of the Christian world, if, indeed, such a world can be
said to exist. Pardon me, my dear sir; the agonies of my mind cause the
expression; for who can believe, that, in an age like this, if there are Christians,
infidels should be allowed to butcher an entire population?
Missolonghi contained over 8,000 inhabitants at the time
of its surrender, or rather of its destruction. There were no more than 3,00o
capable of bearing arms; the rest were women and children. We were reduced to
the last extremity for provisions, having eaten all the mules and horses which
were in the place, when the gloomy inhabitants were cheered by the arrival of
the Greek fleet; but alas! the gallant Mianlis found the Turkish force too
strong for his little squadron. After sustaining considerable loss in three attempts
to break through the Turkish fleet, he retired. The inhabitants of Missolonghi
were now driven to desperation. They knew of the unhappy fate of those who had
been taken at Aurtolico, and of the outrages the Arabs would commit if the
place should capitulate. They took a horrid but glorious resolution of blowing
into the air their wives, daughters and sons. I call it glorious, because the
women desired it; and there was no possible way of preventing the Arabs from
committing outrages upon the women and boys, if they once should get them into
their power. They all assembled at the old Turkish Seraglio. Their husbands and
brothers, after laying a train of powder, embraced them for the last time, then
giving them matches, left them to set fire to the train. The men then prepared
themselves for cutting their way through the Turkish camp, sword in hand. And
out of the 3,000, only 1,000 are said to have escaped.
There is the greatest sorrow here, women beating their
breasts, and asking every Frank they meet, "if all the Christian world has
forsaken them?" I must close this hasty scrawl, for my heart is too full
to write more. I lost all my articles of European clothing at Missolonghi. But
this is nothing. If I am happy enough to escape, I shall go to Smyrna.
My regards to Mrs. Everett. I am thankful it is not for
her to endure the distress of the fair, but ill-fated daughters of Greece.
I am, dear sir, with due respect, your humble servant, J. P. MILLER.
This was the last of all systematic resistance the poor
Greeks were able to make; and they remained in their desolated country, a
subdued, but not conquered people, till the Christian nations having been
aroused, the naval victory at Navarino secured the independence of their
country. But the people, in the meanwhile, were in a starving condition; and
Col. Miller, after lingering there till fall, came here to the United States to
arouse his countrymen to the work of contributing for supplying of their wants.
Arriving here in November, he lectured through most of the Northern and Middle
States with that object; but in Feb. 1827, while thus engaged, he was appointed
by the N. Y. Greek Committee to the agency of going to Greece and superintending
the distribution among the suffering inhabitants of that country of a cargo of
provisions that had been already collected for them. He went, was gone about a
year, and discharged his duty to the full satisfaction of the friends of Greece
here, as the proofs, published with his journal by the Harpers of New York,
after his return, abundantly make manifest. The aggregate value of the
provisions and clothing distributed by him in Greece was over $75,000. Yet it
was found to be well for the beneficiaries that he could act both in the
character of almoner and soldier with equal efficiency. For, when he arrived in
Greece, he was beset by sharpers and mercenary villains of all kinds, who
insolently demanded portions of his cargo in despite all his judicious rules
for distribution; and in one instance a scheme was laid to get possession of
his whole store, and it would probably have been successful, as well as the
less bold attempts of the kind, but for the decisive stand and personal
intrepidity of Col. Miller, who, on such occasions, would throw off the
character of the almoner as quick as the Quaker did his coat, draw sword and
pistols, and drive the lying knaves from his presence.
Among the things which were destined to become permanent
remembrancers of Col. Miller's expedition to Greece, was the adoption and
education of a Greek
orphan boy, Lucas Miltiades, who, after having received
through his childhood and youth from the Colonel all the privileges and
affectionate care and kindness which a father could have bestowed, removed West
soon after reaching his majority. And Lucas Miltiades Miller has now become,
through the advantages thus received, and his own capacity, energy and
enterprise, one of the most respected, wealthy and influential citizens of
Lucas M. was the younger of two brothers brought to this
country by Col. Miller and Dr. Russ, the intimate friend of the former, and one
of the most cultivated, noble and efficient of all his compatriots in the Greek
Another momento was what now should be considered an
antiquarian relic of great interest—nothing less than the veritable sword which
Lord Bryon wore in his Greek campaign. Lord Bryon gave this sword to a young
Greek named Loukas, a Captain in his legion, who afterwards was shot dead in a
sortie from the Acropolis at Athens; and being found with his sword knotted to
his wrist, was carried into the fortress. When the sword and his clothing were
sold for the benefit of his sisters by the English Consul of Poros, who was requested
to take charge of the effects of the deceased, Col. Miller, being present at
the sale, purchased the sword and brought it home on his second return. He
loaned it to a Mr. Castanis, a native Greek lecturer, by whom it was carried
back to Greece, and for a long time was supposed to be lost. But when, a few
years since, Col. Miller's daughter, who in the meantime had grown to womanhood
and married Mr. Abijah Keith, of Montpelier, visited Greece with her husband,
and while there receiving the flattering attentions of the many who called on
her in manifestation of their gratitude for what her father had once done for
them, for their relatives and for their country, she learned the whereabouts of
Mr. Castanis and this sword, and soon recovered it. And being at the house of
the now celebrated George Finlay, of Athens, known not only as Lord Byron's
early British associate in Greece, but as the learned antiquarian, and
historian of the different eras of Greece, he at once identified the sword, and
gave Mr. and Mrs. Keith the following certificate, which we copy from the
original in their possession:
Mr. and Mrs. Keith have just shown me the sword which Col.
Miller purchased at Poros, at the sale of the effects of Captain Loukas:—This
sword I have seen in Lord Byron's possession, before he gave it to Loukas; and
I was present at Poros when it was sold.
Athens, 17 January, 1853.
Dr. Russ, who has already been mentioned, and who is
still living in New York, will also attest to all the material facts above
The identity of this sword, which has an Asiatic
inscription on the blade, with Byron's initial and a crown engraved on the
hilt, is thus placed beyond a cavil.
Soon after his second return from Greece, Col. Miller came
to Montpelier, and took up his permanent residence, passed through a regular
course of legal studies, was admitted to the bar, and opened a law office in
the place in company with Nicholas Baylies, Esq.
In June, 1828, he married the daughter of Capt. Jonathan
Arms, a capitalist. In 1830, '31 and '33, he was elected the representative of
Berlin, within whose borders he was then residing with his father-in-law, Capt.
Arms. During the session of the legislature of 1833, Col. Miller introduced the
following resolution:
WHEREAS, slavery and the slave trade, as existing in the
District of Columbia, are contrary to the broad declaration of our Bill of
Rights, which declares that liberty is the inalienable right of all men; and
whereas they are a national evil, disgrace and crime, which ought to be
abolished; and whereas the power of legislation for that District is with the
Congress of these United States, therefore,
Resolved, the
Governor and Council concurring herein, that our Senators in Congress be
directed, and representatives in Congress be requested, to use their endeavors
to effect the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of
This preamble and resolution, which we have copied at
large, not only because
Col. Miller was the mover, but because they constituted
the first anti-slavery movement in the legislature of Vermont, were, after
lying on the table some weeks, called up by Mr. Miller, earnestly supported by
him, and,—that being long before it was good policy for leading politicians to
support anti-slavery resolutions,—opposed by Mr. Foot, of Rutland, who moved
to dismiss the resolution. The House, however, refused to dismiss it, by 20 majority,
but consented to refer it to the next session, when it was finally dismissed
by 15 majority.
From about this time, however, Colonel Miller gave his
almost undivided attentions and sympathies to the cause of antislavery,
lecturing in all parts of the State, and not only bestowing his time and
labors, but a large amount of money for its advancement. And it probably is not
too much to say that no man ever did as much as Col. Miller, in building up the
anti-slavery party of Vermont, and putting it on that onward march and steady
increase, which raised it to a power that made it necessary for the dominant
party, as a matter of self-preservation, to adopt its principles and take all
its members into political fellowship.
In 1840, Col. Miller, one of the two Vermont delegates,
attended the World's Anti-Slavery Convention, in London, where he appears to
have been much noticed by Daniel O'Connell, Lord Brougham, and other leading
men of the kingdom, to whom he had formerly become known by his championship of
oppressed Greece. He took a prominent part in the debates of this celebrated
convention. And, in glancing over the volume of its proceedings, published the
next year in London, we are unable to perceive why his speeches do not
honorably compare with the majority of those of the many very able men of whom
that body was composed.
As a public speaker, Col. Miller was off-hand, bold and
earnest, appearing more solicitous of bringing out his principles with effect,
than of draping his thoughts with the graces of oratory. And in his manners in
private life, he exhibited the same characteristics by which he was known in
all his public actions—a fearless utterance of his opinions, and a straightforward,
unstudied frankness, united with a soldierly bearing, which, with the affectedly
refined, was considered as approaching the borders of roughness. As a citizen,
he was public-spirited, without vices, and benevolent to a proverb. He always
had around him half a regiment of the poor, or poor tenants, who came not to
pay him rents, but to obtain additional favors; and the fact that both these
classes continued to throng him through life is sufficient evidence that they
never went away empty handed. He must have given away, during his residence in
Montpelier, in private charities, in the furtherance of the anti-slavery cause,
and in aidance of educational or benevolent institutions, the largest part of a
handsome fortune, receiving in return nothing but the good name he carried to
his grave.
He died prematurely, in consequence of an accidental
injury to his spine, Feb. 17, 1847, leaving a wife and one child, the daughter
to whom we have before alluded, Mrs. Abijah Keith; and he now sleeps on the
boldest point of yonder Green Mount Cemetery, beneath the massive, square,
rough granite obelisk, so typical, in many respects, of his Roman virtues and
strong traits of character.
[Sarah Arms, the widow of Col. Miller, died in Chicago,
Dec. 22, 1864, aged 76. Her remains were brought back to Montpelier, and
interred in Green Mount Cemetery, by the side of her renowned and honorable
HON. D. P. THOMPSON.— [For biographical sketch of Mr.
Thompson, see Berlin, page 69 of vol. iv, this work.]
was born at Montpelier, Jan. 3, 1834. He was the oldest
son of the late Hon. Daniel P. Thompson. He fitted for college at the
Washington County Grammar School, and entered the University in 1849;
graduating in 1853. He studied law at Montpelier, and was for two years clerk
of the House of Representatives, and
removed in 1856 to New Yolk to practice his profession,
where he acquired a good position. Mr. Thompson was a man of fine literary
attainments and very social tastes. On the night of Feb. 6, 1871, on his way to
Albany to argue a case before the Court of Appeals, he was instantly killed by
a disaster to the train at New Hamburgh, N. Y. Mr. Thompson married a daughter
of the late Dr. T. C. Taplin, of Montpelier, and left two children.
DANIEL. G. THOMPSON, youngest son of the late Hon. D. P.
Thompson, is now practising law in New York city, being the junior member of
the legal firm of Jordan, Stiles & Thompson, the senior of which is Hon.
Edward Jordan, late Solicitor of the Treasury.
and Member of Congress, and forty years a resident of Montpelier.
request of the Bar, read betiire the assembled Court, — His Honor, Asahel Peck,
On the 28th day of December last, in a neighboring state,
amid the friendless associations of a strange city, Hon. LUCIUS B. PECK died
of paralysis, in the 65th year of his age. On the 29th his remains were brought
to his old home in Montpelier, and on the 30th , at the Pavilion Hotel, they
were viewed with sorrow and regret by his old friends and fellow townsmen. On
the 31st, at 4 o'clock, P. M., we attended his funeral in a body; we heard
pronounced the touching and impressive words of the Episcopal burial service;
we listened to the solemn chant of anthems breathing forth in melodious numbers
consolation to the living and blessings upon the dead, and as the lingering
twilight of the departing year faded away in the west, we silently and
mournfully followed the remains of him whom we respected and loved, and
deposited them within the cold walls of the tomb.
To-night, in pursuance of a time-honored custom, we meet
to testify our respect for our eminent friend, and upon me has been imposed the
grateful duty, not to pronounce his euology, but to speak of those qualities of
mind and heart which rendered him so popular with the Court, so respected by
the public, so dear to us all.
Lucius B. Peck was the son of General John Peck, and was
born in October, 1802, at Waterbury, in this county. He lived there until he
was nineteen years of age, when, having finished a preparatory course, he was
admitted as a cadet to the Academy at West Point, July 1, 1822, where he stayed
one year. Although he was studious and scholarly, and took a high rank in his
class, he was compelled to resign on account of ill health. His resignation was
accepted Aug. 15, 1823. The following year, having regained his health, he
entered the office of Hon. Samuel Prentiss as a student-at-law.
From those who were his fellow students, I learn that here
he first began to develop those powers of clear discrimination and accurate
judgment for which he was afterwards so much distinguished.
After about one year spent in laborious toil under the
guiding hand of Judge Prentiss, he went into the office of Hon. Denison Smith
of Barre, where he completed his studies and was admitted to the bar in this
county at the September term, 1825.
He immediately formed a partnership with Mr. Smith, who,
at this time, was advanced in years, and with a large practice. The duties that
this connection imposed upon Mr. Peck were arduous, but exceedingly beneficial.
He felt these responsibilities and labored like a Hercules to be equal to them.
His modesty of manner excited sympathy, and his clearness of mind challenged
attention. While the old clients of Mr. Smith at first naturally doubted his
untried hand, acquaintance soon begot familiarity, and familiarity confidence,
and in a few years, we find Mr. Peck in the full tide of successful practice in
Orange and Washington counties.
So great was the confidence of the public, that at this
early age, soon after he commenced practice, he was sent to the Legislature as
the representative of Barre.
Though he talked little, he always talked well. His
deference to the opinions of others was always marked, and generally he found
greater pleasure in being an attentive listener than a noisy debator.
About 1827, Mr. Smith died, and soon afterwards Mr. Peck
removed to Montpelier, and continued the practice of law here from that time
till the time of his death. From the time Mr. Peck removed to Montpelier his
practice was constantly increasing. He began to be generally known over the
State; in Orange county, he was engaged in almost every case.
Dillingham, Upham and Collamer also practiced there,—all
men of superior ability. Pitted against each other their wits were sharpened
and the traces always kept tight. The sharp retort, the fiery sarcasm, the
nervous energy of Mr. Upham found their match in the cool, deliberate, mental
power of Mr. Peck; they were generally matched against each other.
It should be remembered that courts are not now what they
were then. There were no railroads then; local attachments and feelings were
stronger than now. The county seat was to the county a center to which all eyes
were turned on court day. The hotels were filled, the court-house jammed with
an interested and partisan audience, who were keen to sympathize with and
applaud any happy hit which came from the lawyer who vindicated the cause in
which they happened to believe. Thus emulation was created; each lawyer knew
what was expected of him. He stood not in representation of his client alone,
but he stood to vindicate a just cause and hurl back all anathemas that
trenched upon the rectitude of the intentions of his client, his witnesses and
friends. The opposing counsel stood as gladiators, determined to win or die.
Mr. Upham was the senior of Mr. Peck, but he had for him a
profound respect; after the battle was over they were the best of friends. They
were wholly dissimilar. Mr. Upham was fiery, impetuous and headstrong. Mr. Peck
was slow, deliberate and argumentative, but as he proceeded the hearers felt
that a strong mental power was operating to instruct the understanding and
convince the mind.
Mr. Upham's power lay in his extreme earnestnesss, his
biting denunciations, and often his eloquent appeals to the passions or
prejudices of his hearers.
Mr. Peck's lay in the candor and fairness of his
statement, and the matchless elimination of truth from falsehood.
These very dissimilarities in their characters
contributed to make them friends, and the more that each recognized in the
other what was wanting in himself.
There was Dillingham, too, the last of them now living,
whose emotional countenance and musical voice, notwithstanding the fire of Mr.
Upham and the candor of Mr. Peck, were very apt to snatch the verdict from both
if he could only get the close of the case.
It was with such men, and amid such surroundings, that Mr.
Peck practiced from the time he came to Montpelier down to about 1845. To hold
any position of equality with such men, he was obliged to labor incessantly.
But this he always did cheerfully, for he loved his profession.
About 1830, he married the daughter of Ira Day, Esq., of
Barre, who was then one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the
State. For a few years they boarded, and then he went into the house which he
continued to occupy up to the time of his wife's death, in 1854. After his marriage,
the charms of domestic life added to his happiness, and the years flew swiftly
I have it from his own lips that these years from 1830 to
1845 were the pleasantest of his life. And his old friends remember with
great pleasure the generous hospitalities which were so gracefully dispensed
by him and his accomplished wife during these years. Happy in his home, and
successful in his profession, Mr. Peck was content, though still aspiring.
About this time he was retained as general counsel for
the Vermont Central Railroad through the influence of Gov. Paine, who had a
thorough appreciation of his safe and reliable legal advice, and from that time
to the time of his death, he continued their counsel. But though overwhelmed
with professional business, Mr. Peck, after 1845, mingled
to some extent in politics. From 1847 to 1851, he represented this district in
Congress. While there he formed many valuable acquaintances, and among those of
whom he was most accustomed to speak, were Daniel S. Dickinson and Gov. Marcy,
for with them in particular, he was on intimate and familiar terms.
His congressional career was satisfactory to his
constituents. He was respected and honored by all who knew him, and in all the
speeches which he made there is the same precision and accuracy for which he
was noted at home. But I think political life was distasteful to him.
He was essentially a man of habit. His profession was the
profession of law. He had become habituated to the routine of that kind of
labor, and when he stepped into a new arena he felt that he had strayed from
home, and I think his mind ever turned from the dissipations of the fashionable
life of Washington with fond regret to his quiet home among his friends and the
green hills of Vermont. Indeed, he has told me this in substance, many times,
and that the greatest mistake of his life was in going to Washington at all.
Probably, however, when he resumed the practice of law on his return from
Washington in 1852, his reputation received additional lustre by reason of his
congressional life. Since 1852, there have been few large suits in the State in
which he has not been retained.
Mr. Peck was United States District Attorney under
President Pierce, and was once or twice nominated by his party as Governor of
this State. From 1859 to his death, he was president of the Vermont &
Canada Railroad.
But his fame rests in his professional life. And here it
was that he desired to have it rest. It was to this that he bent his energies;
here was his ambition, and it cannot be doubted that at last he stood without
his peer, princeps inter principes.
Quintilian tells us that a successful lawyer must be a
good man. By this I suppose is meant that he must have a character for
integrity which will inspire confidence. Mr. Peck had this in a remarkable
degree. Everybody believed not only in his ability, but also in his honesty.
His word was law. Hence his opinion was sought from far and near. Every client
he ever had was sure to return in new emergencies, and, when he again
departed, it was with renewed and enlarged confidence.
His kindness and patience in listening to the tedious and
almost senseless recital of imaginary wrongs by moneyless clients is also
worthy of remark. In the very height of his professional reputation, I doubt if
he ever refused to counsel a client, however poor he might be, or however
small the controversy, and I need hardly say in this presence that such
controversies are sometimes as intricate and difficult of solution as they are
petty and insignificant in magnitude.
He was seldom if ever angry—never abusive. I can safely
say that I never knew him to speak ill of any person. I do not doubt he had his
dislikes, but if he had he kept them to himself. He had no petty jealousy of
his brethren at the bar. He never believed it necessary to success that it
should be built upon the ruins of his fellows. "With malice toward none
and charity for all," his ambition was to rise by his own merit, and give
others the same opportunity.
His courtesy, too, to the younger members of the bar has
become proverbial. For many years his position has been commanding; his
opinion was therefore sought by those younger than himself. Who of us does not
remember his forbearance and patience?
Mr. Peck was slow in forming his opinions. Every loop-hole
in a question was revolved over and over in his mind before any definite
conclusion was announced. A leading though homely maxim with him was, "Be
sure you are right, and then go ahead!" He believed in the advice of
Polonius to his son:
Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in,
Bear it, that the opposer may beware of thee.
He was peaceful in his habits, and for many years past has
been more inclined to
advise settlements than to bring suits. His friends were
few, but as a general rule very select. These he bound to his heart with hooks
of steel. In this connection I cannot refrain from speaking of his reticence.
By those who did not know him well, this has been taken for coldness. But it
was very far from that.
Mr. Peck was one of the most sensitive men I ever knew;
hence he was never obtrusive. His sensibilities were delicate, and his
apparent reserve was the result of a retiring modesty, rather than coldness of
heart. He was, on the contrary, I confidently affirm, one of the
kindest-hearted men I ever knew. If he did a favor, it was quite as apt to be
behind your back as to your face. If he bestowed charity it was with no
ostentation. If done at all, it was because it was proper and right; not
because it might or might not be talked about.
I have already alluded to the force of habit upon him.
When once the wheels were in the groove, it was difficult to get him out of it.
I remember well when we moved into our new office, about 1860. Many a time have
I known him to pass by to the old office, and never discover his error until he
had got to the stairway or the door. It was many months before he felt at home
in our new quarters, and I believe his old sign never came down from over the
old office until within two years.
Mr. Peck never pressed a debtor; I never knew him to dun
one, even. But, while he never troubled others, he was always prompt in his
engagements, and they were fulfilled with no quibbling, no misunderstandings.
In short, he had a homely, old-fashioned honesty, and he was particularly
attracted towards one who had the same. His dealings with other members of the
bar were of the same character; he was open, frank, straightforward, and he was
never found in any different position to-day from what he was yesterday. Hence
his word was a bond.
He delighted in the practice of the law, not so much in
the contentions of the forum, as in the law as a science. His mind, whether in
or out of court, was ever dwelling upon it; he thought of nothing else, cared
for nothing else. Here was his heart, and here was he also. He had a mind and temperament
peculiarly adapted to the scientific investigation of legal principles. For
his mind, being active and strong, gave him great power of analysis, and his
temperament being slow and cautious, no conclusion was announced until the
analysis was complete. His chief excellence consisted in his power to separate
and distinguish things essential from things of circumstance, and here he
himself could only be his parallel. His clear discrimination easily penetrated
the small clap-trap with which some lawyers attempt to conceal, rather than
elucidate the truth, and having a clear understanding himself, he could make it
clear to others also.
Mr. Peck was not a man of great general learning, or high
scholarly culture; his reading was generally, though not always, confined to
the leather-bound volumes of our office; there he revelled in perfect
contentment. And as each new volume was issued, he drank from the clear
fountains of the law, and renewed again his acquaintance with old and familiar
principles as applied to new cases.
He never indulged in satire or sarcasm; at most, it could
only be called a pleasantry. His kindness of heart forbid that he should wound
the feelings of others.
He never ventured upon flights of imagination or sketches
of fancy. He considered them as but small aids in the elucidation of truth,
and when these arts were opposed to him, they faded away into the thin air of
nothingness as he exposed their worthlessness. For want of these arts it has
sometimes been said that he was not a great jury advocate. If by this is meant
he was not brilliant in his conceptions, and swift and rapid in that kind of
imagery which captivates the fancy and pushes the mind momentarily from its
true balance, I agree to it, but if the art of good advocacy consists in
convincing the understanding and riveting the mind upon the vital and
centralizing points of a case, then, I think, he was a great jury advocate, and
his great success in this regard is the best proof of
the truth of it. It should always be remembered that
after the advocacy is over, comes the rigid, unbending charge of the court. The
minds of the jury quickly regain their equanimity, and return to the pivotal
points in the case.
But however this may be, his preeminence in the Supreme
Court for more than twenty years has never been questioned. It was remarked by
Chief Justice Redfield, many years since, that he was the model lawyer of the
State, and one of the most scholarly and appreciative of our present judges has
often said that no man helped the court like Mr. Peck. The expression is
peculiarly appropriate; for, to help the court implies ability and willingness
on his part, and confidence and trust on theirs. When Mr. Peck arose, he stood,
not the friend of his client alone, but also the friend of the court. Instantly
they would lean forward to catch the measured tones of his voice, as principle
after principle was announced, constituting an unbroken chain of logical
deduction, never diverging or diffuse, but ever aiming at a given result, and
when the conclusion was reached, he always sat down. There was no repetition,
no tautology.
His appearance here was always quiet; his style of address
conversational. With great deference on his part, he and the court seemed to be
conferring together. He was recognized their equal, and he never abused the
high compliment. Hence the weight of his character gave great force to his
arguments. He was a man of few words, but they were spoken with great precision
and measured accuracy.
In recent years I think he has not been accustomed to rely
upon cases to any great extent. When a cause was to be argued, his first
question was, what is right? and he never would fail to find some legal principle
which would adapt itself to his view of the case. He never believed law was a
code for the advancement of legalized trickery, but that in its proper
administration, it was co-extensive with the highest morality, and productive
of the purest justice.
With such a head and such a heart, Mr. Peck practiced for
40 years in the courts of this State. True to his clients, true to the court,
loved by the bar and respected by the public, he leaves behind him a reputation
whose lustre will illumine these altars of justice so long as the votaries of
the law shall study it as a science, or practice it with fidelity. The future
law student will find our reports full of the imprints of his masterly mind,
and will read with unceasing delight those pages in which legal principles
have been so moulded under his guiding hand as to adapt themselves justly to
the ever-varying and changing circumstances of life.
The barbarous conception of the poet, that
The evil that men do, lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones,
will find no verification in his case.
His gentleness, his courtesy, and the noble qualities of
his heart will be remembered by all of us who are living, and the monuments of
his learning, spread all over our jurisprudence, will be remembered by those
who come after us.
But, may it please the court, he is gone from us now; his
labors are over, his destiny accomplished. Placidly and calmly he has laid off
the armor of life. The armor was battered and worn; it had been through many a
battle, for he had fought a good fight. Truthfully and appropriately may we
apostrophize it,
Bruised pieces go
Ye have been nobly borne!
Mr. Peck, said the Hon. Timothy P. Redfield on this
occasion, was the veteran leader of this bar, and for more than a quarter of a
century had stood among the foremost of his profession in the State.
He was also a model in courtesy and urbanity in court. He
loved and honored, but never, by a professional act, degraded the profession;
and his kindness and courtesy were extended alike to his brethren and the
court. As a mere lawyer, it is not probable this bar will soon find again so
perfect a model.
He was in attendance upon the last session of this court,
in his usual health. At
the General Term of the Supreme Court, in November, he had
the responsible care of a large number of important cases, and it was observed
that he exhibited. more than his accustomed elasticity and vigor. A few days
afterwards, while upon professional business in the city of Lowell, Mass., he
was suddenly stricken, and lingered, with the windows of his intellect
darkened, until the 28th of December, when the light went out.
[Of the resolutions on his death, passed by the bar, we
most admire:]
That we respected him for a modesty that never assumed, and a courtesy that
never gave offense; we loved him for his honesty; we admired him for his
learning; and that in all these characteristics, so happily united, he has
left us a rare example.
Stoddard Colby was the second son of Capt. Nehemiah Colby,
born at Derby, Orleans County, Jan. 1816.
In 1829, he began fitting for college in the office of the
late Judge Redfield, who had then commenced the practice of the law, in the
little village of Derby Center, in which Capt. Colby was the chief citizen and
Stoddard was an easy and ready scholar, and acquired
language, especially, and its use, with great facility. Judge Redfield, fresh
from college attainment, undulled by professional labors, was to young Colby a
thorough teacher in the Greek and Latin languages. Colby entered the freshman class
of Dartmouth College in the fall of 1832, and, in due course, graduated in the
summer of 1836. He was among the few best scholars in the class; was, without
question, elected one of the Phi Beta Kappa members from his class,
which comprise the best recitation scholars, not exceeding one-third of the
whole number in the class. He was a good recitation scholar in all departments;
but his special gifts were in the languages; and as a ready writer and debater,
he was among the best. After his graduation, he studied law in the office of
the late Senator Upham, at Montpelier, and was admitted to the bar in Orleans
County, at the December term, 1838, and entered upon the practice of his
profession at his old home in Derby Center. He was elected representative from
the town of Derby in the year 1841, on the democratic ticket, although a large
majority of the voters of Derby were, at that time, Whigs; which shows that
personally, Mr. Colby was highly esteemed by the citizens of his native town.
He practiced his profession at Derby with all the success
in business that could be expected in the limited sphere in which he
necessarily moved in that place. The first case he argued in the County Court
was in behalf of his uncle, Dr. Moses F. Colby, in the famous suit, Nelson
v. Colby, for malpractice as a surgeon in treating the fracture of the neck
of the thigh bone of the plaintiff's wife. The theory of the plaintiff's case
was that Dr. Colby had needlessly confined his patient in splints, till her
health gave way, and she became insane, in consequence of the treatment, when,
in fact, there had been no fracture. The surgeons of the plaintiff claimed that
such a fracture could seldom be united, by a bony union, in persons of the
patient's age; and if so, with shortened limb, and imperfect motion, and that
in Mrs. Nelson's case there was no shortening of the limb; "and perfect
symmetry of motion."
Mattocks, Cushman, Bell, and the late Judge Smalley,
giants in those days, were all engaged, and took part in the trial, and young
Colby opened the argument to the jury, in the defence. By the argument he
established a reputation as a good advocate, which followed and adhered to him
for more than 20 years of his professional practice in this State. He always
used choice and beautiful language; was facile in illustration, and in figures
of speech, and ever ready in wit and sarcasm. His client after three jury
trials was cast in that first suit; and while the suit was pending on exceptions,
and petition for new trial in the Supreme court, Mrs. Nelson died, and it was
then ascertained that the limb had been fractured, and the fragments had united
in a perfect bony union; and the plaintiff discontinued his case from the
Mr. Colby removed to Montpelier in 1846, and soon after
formed a law partnership with the late Lucius B. Peck. The law firm of Peck
& Colby was then a leading firm in the important legal business of the
State, and continued so till 1863, when it was dissolved, and Mr. Colby was
made Register of the Treasury, and removed to Washington. He continued to hold
this position in the Treasury until his death, in the fall of 1867. He died at
Haverhill, N. H., and was buried in the beautiful cemetery on the highlands,
near Haverhill Corner.
Mr. Colby was twice married. His first wife was Miss
Harriet E. Proctor, the eldest sister of Gov. Proctor. She perished on the
ill-fated steamer, Henry Clay, which was burned on the Hudson River. He
afterwards married Miss Ellen Hunt, who survives him. By the first marriage he
had four children, two of whom survive; and by the second marriage, two
He will be remembered by his intimate friends and
acquaintances for his genial wit and fertile resource in conversation, and the
rich-garnered treasury of story and anecdote.
But his reputation as a public man must rest, mainly, upon
the character won in the varied and various tilts in the legal tournament,
during the practice of a quarter of a century at the bar of Vermont. In that
tournament, he was conceded to be one of the most brilliant advocates at the
bar of his native State. He had no evil habit—no tarnish upon his good name;
was for many years a consistent member of the Protestant Episcopal church; and
died, seemingly, before his work was finished, at the age of 52.
our most venerable citizen, said the Watchman, in a
notice of his death, one who for his age, character, and fidelity as the ruler
of his house, well-deserved the title of patriarch, died at Montpelier,
Sabbath morning,—Aug. 19, 1866—in his 90th year. He was born in Hollis, N. H.,
Nov. 1776; served an apprenticeship as printer with Amos Farley and Rev.
Leonard Worcester in the office of "Isiah Thomas, the father of
printers," at Worcester, Mass., entering the office at the age of 15, and
at 21, (says Col. Hopkins in a notice of Mr. Goss in the Boston Journal,) he
went to Boston and purchased a second-hand press and other printing materials,
to set up business for himself. Setting his face toward Vermont, he arrived
with his scanty outfit at Peacham, on the 24th of Jan. 1798, and for want of
better accommodations, established his office in a small school-house, a
building scarcely large enough, as he used to say, to seat 20 children, and 8
days afterwards, issued the first number of the Green Mountain Patriot,
a paper which he edited and published 9 years, in company with Mr. Farley—firm
Farley & Goss—when he removed his print-office to Montpelier," [see
Walton, page 291,] and commenced the Vermont Watchman. Selling the Watchman
in 1810, to the late Gen. E. P. Walton and Mark Goss, (a younger brother,) both
of whom were apprentices to Farley & Goss, he engaged in paper-making,
which he continued for many years at Montpelier. Ardent in temperament, clear
and strong in convictions of duty, everything entered into he prosecuted with
energy and zeal. In the church and Sabbath-school no one was more earnest and
faithful. We think he has served more years. in the Sabbath school than anybody
within our knowledge, unless it was his friend and brother in the church, the
late Col. Asahel Washburn. Next best he loved his country, and from youth till
he had reached almost a century of years, George Washington was his model of a
statesman, with his announcement of whose death in his paper, appeared from
his pen:
DEC. 11, 1799.
Why do these mournful accents flow,
Why drops the unavailing tear,
What dire event, what fatal blow,
Which thus excites a pang severe?
In sad responses echoes through the skies.
Columbia's Parent, Friend and Savior dies!
'Tis true, alas! too true, we mourn
The exit of our Hero Chief;
While on celestial pinions borne
He soars aloft o'er pain and grief;
Yet grateful millions will their loss deplore,
Till time's extinct, and virtue is no more.
In him those charms that bind the heart,
And tranquilize the human mind,
Beam'd sweet effulgence thro' that part,
Which now is to the tomb consign'd.
In scenes of joy, in days of gloomy strife,
Benign and calm the Hero pass'd through life.
No monarch on his shining throne
Can, justly, equal honors claim;
His modest worth resplendent shone,
Unrivall'd on the lists of fame.
Nor lives the man, with grief Columbia cries,
So good, so kind, so temp'rate and so wise.
O, could Columbia's deepest groan,
Re-animate his slumb'ring clay,
No longer would affliction's moan
Pervade a realm so lately gay.
But prayers, nor tears, nor virtuous deeds could save,
Nor magic arts can raise him from the grave.
Then cease to mourn the great mans fate,
Let Heaven's superior will be done;
And future heroes imitate
The matchless deeds of Washington;
Who once our troops to splendid vict'ry led,
Established peace, but now, alas, is dead.
Mr. Goss was a contributor to the Poets and Poetry of
Vermont, revised edition.
During the years of the rebellion, his heart was with his
country. It was a habit with him to visit the old "Watchman" office,
ever to him a an endeared spot, twice a day to get the latest war news.
"On one of his last visits, he submitted a patriotic poem," says the
editor, "which was to have been published, but he took it back to make
some changes in it, doubtless, forgot it we now regret its loss." We
think, perhaps, we have found the poem. The following, contributed by his
daughter, was among his last, it not his last, poetical efforts:
Old Gov. Wise is all in a foam
Because his black cattle to Northern States roam,
And bids us poor Yankees to send them all back,
Without e'en a bloodhound to scent out their track.
But humanity says, no, let them rest here a while,
And their fears of re-capture in slumbers beguile.
But when they revolve to quit the straw as their bed,
Just stuff their old pockets with dried beef and bread,
And bid them go forward alone, in the night,
With the star in the north as their guide and their light,
To degree 45 near the line of the State,
And the beautiful plain of Canada East,
Where prudence suggests a permanent stand,
Quite removed from the lash of the slave-driver's hand.
And here let them test, and effectually prove,
The obvious fact—a pleasant remove.
Samuel Goss was one of the first persons with whom the
Editor of the Gazetteer became acquainted in Montpelier. We have of him a
special remembrance, and for him—as he was then in his fine, ripe old age—a
special reverence. The few last years of his life he suffered much, it is
recorded of him, from the infirmities of age, and prayed for patience to wait
his change, and went gladly to his rest. He was buried with Masonic honors,
from the residence of his son-in-law, Hon. O. H. Smith, in Green Mount
Cemetery, in the spot selected by himself, almost side by side with his ancient
colleague and pupil, Farley and Walton.
For 60 years he had been a worthy and prominent citizen of
the place. "His life has extended over three generations of men," .
. said the Rev. Dr. Lord in his
funeral discourse, "and he was ever one of the first in all excellent
enterprises and institutions, and one of the last to withdraw his hand. He
began life for himself in Peacham, about the close of the last century. He
established in that place a paper which he published and edited, doing all the
work with his own hands for several years. He was a nervous and vigorous prose
writer, and often enriched his columns with poetic effusions of no mean merit.
When he removed to this town, it was in its infancy. He brought with him his
press and his paper, and the developed energies of a confident, earnest,
self-reliant Christian man. He conducted his paper, as its early copies will
show with a marked ability. He held a sharp and trenchant pen, never forgetful
of Christian principles and Christian charity, however, but the faithful index
of a clear, acute, active and intense perception. . . .
. . Long after he was 70 years of age, he was
wont to labor with his hands through the whole day, and in the evening give himself
to some Christian work, or while away time with his book or his pen. But however
much he was interested in all public affairs, I think he most of all delighted
in the welfare and upholding of the church. He was one of the seventeen who
organized and constituted the first Congregational
church in this town. He was the first clerk, and its
records were kept by his hand and attested by his name. No name, unless it be
the pastor's, appears there so often as his. There was no trying duty of his
profession he ever sought to avoid, and no fitting and beneficent work he did
not eagerly perform. • •
• A teacher in the
Sabbath-school for 35 years, his name was always fragrant in it like ointment
poured forth."
Of the 17 original members of the Congregational church,
he was the last survivor but one.
Samuel Goss was the son of John and Catherine (Conant)
Goss, the second of 10 children, the eldest being John, Jr. Samuel Goss
married, June, 1803, Mary French, born Oct. 1784; children: Wm. A., Benjamin
F., Mary, Mary W., Eliza, Samuel P., Lydia French, Lucy A., John, and Samuel
French. Mrs. Goss died Oct. 27, 1861. Of the children, only two are living,
Mrs. O. H. Smith, of Montpelier, and Samuel F. Goss, of Chicago.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Goss, son of Samuel, born in Peacham,
1806, brought to Montpelier in 1808, was brought up in this town, and prepared
for business in the store of Roger Hubbard, (now deceased.) He went from here
to Northfield, and was several years in successful business connection with
Gov. Paine; from thence to Waterbury, Brandon and Vergennes, where as
elsewhere, he was an energetic man of business, and zealous in benevolent and
religious enterprises. He died in Vergennes in 1878. His disease, of the
brain, had the peculiarity to bring out vividly, almost to the exclusion of
his bodily sufferings, his early boyhood, the lessons of his parents and the
Sabbath-school. Hour after hour, he would repeat from the Scriptures and hymns
of youth, at the same time recognizing every attention. He was exceedingly
courteous and grateful to his attendants during his long 5 months' illness,
withal as vivacious and cheerful as in his most fortunate days. It was sad to
see mind and body slowly, but surely wasting away, but comforting to see he
recognized no sorrow. He was buried in the family lot in Montpelier Green Mount
Mrs. LUCY A. (Goss) COBB, the youngest daughter of Samuel
Goss, died in Kalamazoo, Mich., 1879, of whom the local paper speaks as a most
estimable woman.
was born in Thetford, Oct. 1798, came to Montpelier about
1830; studied law in the office of Judge Prentiss, admitted to the Bar in 1825,
and remained in Judge Prentiss' office 2 years after. In his earlier
professional years, he repeatedly served as assistant clerk in the House of
Representatives; was State's attorney 3 years, ending in 1844; justice of the
peace 25 successive years; 40 years a constant attendant upon the services of
the Congregational church in this village, and during a quarter of a century
led its choir. Of his professional ability, the fact that his name appears in
the court records for 25 years preceding 1860, as counsel in nearly all the
cases of those days, is conclusive proof.
July, 1860, at White River Junction, arising at midnight
in the hotel, without a light, to take a train north, he stumbled against a
piece of furniture and fell, striking a wardrobe on the back of his neck.
Every physical power from his neck downwards was instantly paralyzed, but his
vocal organs and every faculty of the mind remained in active play. To Dr. Dixi
Crosby's remark that he had about one chance in one hundred for recovery, he
promptly replied, "I'll take that chance!" In the course of a year,
his will power and wonderful vitality so far triumphed, he resumed practice in
his office as a counsellor, though his right side remained permanently
paralyzed, and for 18 years longer, under difficulties that would have appalled
a less resolute man, plied his profession with energy and industry. Late at
night, the light shining from his office window, on the second door of the
building at the corner of Main and State streets, frequently told of the old
painstaking faithfulness triumphing over his infirmities.
He was one of the organizers of the
Montpelier Gaslight Company, and an officer in it several
years; his was the second house in Montpelier piped for burning gas. He also in
its early days devoted much time to the affairs of the Vermont Central R. R.,
losing, like many others of the early friends of that road, many thousand
dollars. For several of his last years, from age and infirmities, be was not
able to attend to business, and died at his home at the ''Riverside," in
1881, in his 83d year. He was the oldest surviving member of the Washington
County Bar except Hon. Paul Dillingham, of Waterbury.
He married, in 1830, Mary Warner, daughter of Samuel Goss.
They had 4 children: Chas. F., who was graduated at Dartmouth in 1854; studied
law in his father's office; removed to Michigan, and died at the age of 31;
another son, who died in infancy; and two daughters, both married and live in
Montpelier—Ellen J., wife of C. J. Gleason, and Lucy A., wife of Chas. A. Reed.
The widow of Mr. Smith still resides at the
"Riverside," Nov. 1881.
Mr. Smith was also an honored member of Aurora Lodge, No.
22, F. & A. M. The following is from the record book of the Lodge:
Oramel Hophins Smith,
in Thetford, Vt., Oct. 16, 1798;
at Montpelier, Vt., January 23d, 1881;
82 yrs., 3 mos, and 4 days.
with Aurora Lodge, No. 22, F. & A. M.
12, 1853.
Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Vt.
of Aurora Lodge, No. 22,
December 4, 1854, to December, 1857.
the sound of the gavel in the East."
Obituary in the Vermont Watchman.]
was born at Hamstead, N. H., Mar. 29, 1793. He was a son
of Capt. Thomas Reed, and came with his father to Montpelier in 1804, where he
resided until his decease. He was by profession a lawyer, and at his decease
the oldest attorney in the court in this County; though for many years prior to
the first stroke of his disease —some five years prior to his death, and from
which he never rallied—he had not been an active practitioner at the bar. For
the last 20 years, his active labor was mainly as a farmer, a pursuit in which
he took much delight, and which he thoroughly understood, as indeed, he understood
everything which he undertook to do. During the last 5 years he was an invalid,
and for 3 years was withdrawn from all business, the slow progress of his
disease undermining a naturally vigorous constitution until April 18, 1864,
when another shock of paralysis rendered him unconscious, and he remained in
that state until he quietly passed away on the 19th.
For more than 40 years he was one of the leading citizens
of our town.
His early life was, in many respects, a severe struggle
with adverse circumstances. He held himself not at all obliged to fortune or
the favor of any one, for the success he achieved, and he became austere,
almost combative in his manner. He despised all shams. Humbugs stood no chance
under the severe scrutiny of his eye and the arrows of his searching interrogation.
His sagacity was seldom at fault. Few of his ventures failed of returning with
profit. He exacted of others what he was always ready to yield to them, equal
and exact justice. No deserving charity, no worthy enterprise ever sought his
aid in vain. Many hearts have been warmed by unobtrusive gifts from his hand,
for which he would not patiently listen to thanks.
He had a capacious intellect. His mind was as stalwart and
vigorous as his body, and he never allowed either to become enervated by
idleness. His reading was varied and thorough. There were few subjects with
which the general scholar is familiar that he had not searched. He never
forgot anything of value to him, whether he had found it in books, or in
observation, which with him was never superficial, but always critical and
complete. He believed what was worth knowing at all was worth knowing well.
His learning was accurate and full, his opinions well matured,
deliberate and precise. We have regarded Mr. Reed as
mentally one of the strongest men in the State, and if he had early had the
advantages of a complete education, and had given his great force of character
and strength of will to intellectual pursuits, he would undoubtedly have
reached the first rank among the intellects of Vermont, if not of New England.
He was one of the strongest, most honest and most worthy
citizens of Montpelier. He belonged to a generation which is now nearly gone,
the men whose energy, strong will, business activity, commercial sagacity,
integrity and generous enterprise, have made our town what it is. Of his
cotemporaries, many have gone before, and few remained to attend at his
funeral. Well will it be for us all, if we, like Mr. Reed, do our work well,
and leave a fragrant memory to be cherished by those who shall one day take our
by E. P. Walton.
The foregoing just tribute to Col. Reed, appeared in the
Green Mountain Freeman, and was doubtless from the pen of the late Hon. Daniel
P. Thompson. It should be added, that as a banker for many years Col. Reed was
at the head of the financiers of the State, an acknowledged authority, from
which there was no appeal; and as a writer on political questions, he was caustic
in controversy, sure of his facts, and powerful in argument. On the record of
the old bank of Montpelier will be found a very able and conclusive argument
against the free banking act, which grew out of the party clamor of
"Smilie and bank reform"; but the following extracts of a letter to
Stephen Foster, Esq., of Derby Line, written Dec. 6, 1855, are given as
evidence of Col. Reed's wisdom and prudence as a banker:
"Keep in mind always that if you have good security
for all your loans your bank can't fail, nor the stockholders fail to get good
"When a man comes by other banks to yours for a loan,
you may know that he has borrowed as much as he is entitled to from his capital
or that he is discredited at home.
"Keep in mind the fact that many men are made great
and rich by distance, and you may be sure that if any go by other banks to do
business at yours, that they go there because they are obliged to, and not from
"If a man asks you for a loan whom you don't know
to be responsible, the only safe way is to consider him good for nothing and
take security accordingly. Charitable presumption and banking presumption in
regard to men are entirely different: the charitable presumption in regard to
a man that you don't personally know about, is always that he is good and rich;
but the banking presumption is that he is good for nothing —and the
cashier who does not act by this rule will first or last, if not constantly, be
a loser by his error.
"Have no dealings with a stranger in buying drafts or
checks of him unless he can refer you to some responsible man in the
neighborhood as to his character.
"Never take a draft of anybody without its being
first accepted, unless it is otherwise secured than by the drawer's name— and
never do so if you know the drawer to be good, for how do you know be will accept?
Many buyers of produce, wool, &c., will often present such drafts, and if
the cashier takes them, he has no security but the drawer, and he is often a
stranger. Many banks have lost by such carelessness.
"In fine, pay out no money but on security of more
than one name—and never regard as security an endorser or undersigner who is
connected with the principal as partner, or one who must fail if the principal
"Banks, being allowed to take only six per cent,
can't afford to lose anything, and therefore it is expected by their customers
that perfect security will be required—and if any one objects to this,
there is a double reason why you should require it of him. Many men, who are
known to be good, think they should not be asked to give security for what they
want to borrow—but such can have no difficulty to find security, and they
should be required to find it, otherwise you will find it difficult to get
security of those who are more doubtful, and be subject to
the charge of partiality. Security, Security, Security, that is the main
thing—and mind always to have the security taken before you let the money go.
It is scarcely ever got afterwards."
Mr. Reed was commissioned Colonel of Vermont militia Aug.
11, 1825, by Gov. Van Ness; and honorably discharged June 27, 1827, by Gov.
The late Daniel Baldwin, shortly before his death, said to
the writer of this note, that he regarded Col. Reed as being, intellectually,
the strongest man that Montpelier has had. Mr. Reed was certainly pre-eminent
in his chosen role as banker, but not superior to many others in other professions.
It is doubtless true, however, that if he had adhered to the profession of the
law, and limited himself as counsellor in the supreme court and cases in
chancery, he would have reached a very high rank. The severity of his manner
and speech unfitted him for a jury trial. He always won by honest force, if he
did win, and not by suavity or trickery.
information furnished by the family.]
ISAAC RICKER was born in Dover, N. H., Christmas day,
1784. Here his early years were passed, and from Dover he enlisted in the old
N. E. 4th Reg. Infantry, U. S. A., in 1811, and was in the service all through
"the last war with Great Britain," as the old soldiers of 1812, I
have noticed, in speaking of it, almost invariably style the war of 1812, '14,
with England. He was under Col. Boyd, and the regiment was called the best in
the United States at that time. He was also under Harrison when he took command
at Cincinnati. Boyd's regiment was with Gen. Harrison when he won his brightest
laurels. Capt. Ricker was there, and led his company in to the battle of Tippecanoe.
His weight being 200 at this time, tall and massive, he
was an imposing looking and bold officer.
The Indians surprised them, as is well known, that night.
He was in Hull's army when he surrendered at Detroit his brave soldiers to the
English, and he, like all the rest of Hull's infamously sacrificed men,
suffered more in his imprisonment, following thereupon, than has ever been
written. He was 7 years in the United States service, and never got scratch,
wound or pension, though his widow, a second wife, has had one for about 2
years past. After the war he was, for about 2 years, a recruiting officer of
the U. S. A.
He came to Montpelier in 1817, and settled on the site
where is now the residence, store and shop of his son, Rufus Ricker, merchant
tailor, State street, just opposite the post-office. He was deputy sheriff of
the County and constable some years. Capt. Ricker was a staunch Democrat.
"He fought too many years for the whole country to be anything else,"
says his son.
We were told by an old native citizen of this County, at
Burlington, the other day —Mr. Leonard Johonnott—that Captain Ricker and
Senator Upham were particular friends; that he always worked enthusiastically
and efficiently in any election for Upham. "Why," said his old Barre
neighbor, "any history of Montpelier village of 50 years ago, without
Capt. Isaac Ricker, would be no history at all." He cared little for town
offices, or political honors for himself, but was all alive and energetic for
his friends. And yet says one who knew him best in Montpelier, "he was a
man who did not usually talk much; he had been under military tactics too long;
but a prompt man when he did take hold, and acted with so much integrity as a
sheriff, and so kindly, he was uncommonly respected and trusted by those he
took into custody."
Captain Ricker married, first, Nancy Dame, of Rochester,
N. H. She had 7 children, of whom Rufus R. Ricker, Francis Derancis Ricker and
Mrs. Priscilla Holmes, widow of Edwin C. Holmes, are now living here. Another
son, George P. Ricker, was for many years engaged in business in town, and died
from accident, in August, 1851. His first wife dying, he married, about 1828,
Loramie W. Hart, of Burlington, who survived him, and still lives in
Montpelier. She had two children:
Harrison Hart Wright, now living in San Francisco, a
'49er, one of the pioneers of that State, born in Montpelier; and a son of 12
years, who died of typhus. Capt. Ricker died July 16, 1837, and is buried in
Green Mount Cemetery.
was born in Salem, Mass., Nov. 1785: removed to Mount
Vernon, N. H., in 1812, where he married, that year, Eleanor Dodge, and they
came to Montpelier in 1819, where they resided the remainder of their days. Mr.
Needham was a cooper by trade, which vocation he followed through life. He was
a man of brain, a great reader, and kept himself thoroughly acquainted with
the affairs of the country. Politically, he was a Democrat, an ardent worker
and earnest supporter of his party, which was in a majority in town in his day.
For 25 years he wielded an influence in town, either at town or State
elections, far greater than any other man. He never, however, aspired for
office. Repeatedly, he was asked by his party to accept of their nomination of
him as their candidate for town representative, which was equivalent to an
election, but always refused to accept of it. Of town offices, he was for
several years a justice of peace, selectman, and overseer of the poor; the poor
being bounteously cared for under his management. He also held the office of
first jail commissioner many years. In all of the offices held by him, he was
faithful to their trust. He died June 12, 1872, in his 87th year, leaving 2
sons, Algernon Sydney, for many years a sea captain, now residing in
Montpelier, and Daniel, residing in Barre. His wife, Eleanor D., died Oct. 9,
1880, in her 93d year. C.
obituary by Hon. Joseph Poland and Col. H. D. Hopkins.]
AARON BANCROFT was born in Wood End, now within the
present limits of Boston, Mass., Feb. 2, 1784. He was one of a family of 12
children, and a son of Samuel Bancroft, who was a brother of the Rev. Dr. Aaron
Bancroft, of Worcester, Mass., father of George Bancroft, the historian; being
a direct descendant of Thos. Bancroft, a Puritan, who landed in Boston in 1632.
Aaron, the subject of our sketch, was married in 1804, to
Anna Foster, of Wood End, and removed to Montpelier in 1813. He began work at
his mechanical trade, that of a shoemaker, which he followed uninterruptedly
until he was 84 years of age, when, by an accidental fall, he received
injuries which disabled him from further service. In 1813, the year he came to
town, the old Elm Street Cemetery was opened, and he was soon after made its
sexton, the duties of which office he faithfully performed for nearly 50
years, until July, 1857, when the new cemetery, Green Mount, was occupied,
having been dedicated the previous year. What a tale of mortality could the
old sexton tell:
"Nigh to a grave that was newly made,
Leaned a Sexton old on his earth-worn spade;
His work was done, and he paused to wait
The funeral train through the open gate,
A relic of by-gone days was he,
And his locks were white as the foamy sea;
And these words came from his lips so thin,
'I gather them in, I gather them in.'
"I gather them in for man and boy;
Year after year of grief
and joy;
I've builded the houses that lie around
In every nook of this burial ground;
Mother and daughter, father and son,
Come to my solitude, one by one,—
But come they stranger, or come they kin,—
I gather them in, I gather them in.
"Many are with me, but still I'm alone,
I'm king of the dead—and I make my throne
On a monnment slab of marble cold,
And my sceptre of rule is the spade I hold.
Come they from cottage, or come they from hall,
Mankind are my subjects — all, all, all!
Let them loiter in pleasure, or toilfully spin—
I gather them in, I gather them in.
"I gather them in—and their final rest
Is here, down here, in the earth's dark- breast!'
And the Sexton ceased, for the funeral train
Wound mutely o'er that solemn plain;
And I said to my heart, When tints is told,
A mightier voice than that Sexton's old
Will sound o'er the last trump's dreadful din—
'I gather them in, I gather them in!' "
In 1819, when the old brick church was erected, he was
made its sexton, in which capacity he officiated for two score of years. In
"form and feature" he was the exact representation of his office,
gray, bowed, kind, slow-spoken and courteous. In his earlier day, he possessed
great physical strength and muscle even up to the
age of 50; he repeatedly bore off the palm in wrestling
matches and foot-races. He was also endowed with a remarkable memory, which he
retained to the last. To him we are indebted for the record of the vital
statistics of the town, making a list of about a thousand deaths, which he kept
for 40 years, until 1857, since which time the Stale law has required the
registration of all deaths by the district clerk.
In 1804, Mr. Bancroft and his wife united with the
Congregational church, of which they remained faithful members till their
death. Mrs. Bancroft died in Oct. 1865, aged 82; and Mr. Bancroft, Mar. 26,
1872, aged 88 years. That he was a sincere Christian, no one ever doubted who
knew him, for his daily life gave uniform testimony to the genuineness of his
profession. His Bible was his daily food, even upon his dying bed, and he found
great comfort in the songs of Zion, which he always clearly loved, until the
summons came. Artless and as trustful as a child, faithful to all his trusts,
cheerful under the worst trials, a peacemaker everywhere, pure in heart and
exemplary in life, Aaron Bancroft may well be said to have lived and died an
honest man.
He reared a family of 5 sons and 3 daughters Aaron, Sarah,
Henry, Mary, Edward C., Daniel Foster, Eliza and Charles E.; two more died in
infancy. All now are deceased but two, Daniel Foster, now residing in New York
city, and Mrs. Mary Rogers, in Cabot. The sons all learned various mechanical
trades, which they followed through life, all being superior workmen at their
several trades.
born in Connecticut in 1767, married Rhoda Barber, of
Simsbury, Ct., and came to Montpelier in January, 1798. He was present and cast
his vote in the first town meeting held in Montpelier. He first settled in the
part now called East Montpelier, where he lived for 40 years, when he removed
to Montpelier village, where he died in 1846, during the session of the
legislature here, aged 79 years, and was buried in the old Elm Street Cemetery.
He is remembered by his descendants as a large man, almost of heroic size, a
kind old gentleman, fond of a joke and of his grandchildren. He and his wife
lived happily together 48 years. They had no sons, but a family of 5 daughters,
four of whom married: Mary, A. Sidney Wing, of Montpelier; Rhoda, General
Humphrey; Amanda, another Mr. Humphrey; Fanny, Loomis Palmer.
Rhoda Barber, born in Simsbury, Ct., Nov. 17, 1798,
immediately after her marriage with Lemuel Brooks, Jan. 1798, came to
Montpelier. There were but two framed houses at that time, and the frame of
another, in the old town of Montpelier, comprising the present Montpelier and
East Montpelier. The frame was that of the Cadwell house, still standing at the
head of State street, that became and continued for many years to be the most
spacious and elegant private dwelling in town, and the quarters of successive
governors of the State. When Mrs. Brooks first saw the frame, it was surrounded
by the stumps and trunks of trees that had been cut down to open a site for the
building. Mrs. Brooks went to the farm of her husband, now in East Montpelier,
where they remained till their removal to this village in 1838. After the death
of Mr. Brooks, she resided with her son-in-law, Loomis Palmer, until her death,
Dec. 21, 1873, aged 85 years.
Mrs. Brooks was large and elegant in person, of perhaps
the finest English type of beauty; dignified in her manners, genial in her
temper, and of great intelligence. Mr. Thompson was largely indebted to her for
material for his history of Montpelier. A lady of a well-ordered life, whose
Christian faith was illustrated by hospitality and charity; whose end was more
than beautiful. Awaking without sickness on the morning of the anniversary of
her husband's birth, she calmly told her daughter that she was going, and
entered at once upon the way from earth to Heaven.
brother of Lemuel, settled in Montpelier not far from the
time that his brother did.
Children of Thomas and Roxa Brooks: Delorma, Lemuel,
Keyes, Mary, Melancthon, Sarah, Lorenzo, Joseph, Harriet, Thomas, Roxa.
One after another the now thinly scattered band of our
first settlers are all fast passing away. Of the earliest pioneer settlers of
Montpelier, Jonathan Shepard went to his long rest July 26, 1863. He was born
in Haverhill, Mass., June 31, 1772, and at the age of 21, came to Montpelier,
where, for the first two or three years, he was in the employment of the first
settler, Col. Jacob Davis, being constantly engaged with others of the
Colonel's band of hardy laborers in clearing up the lands now constituting the
site of our flourishing village. After a few years, he married a Miss Burdick,
of Waitsfield, who died of spotted fever in 1810, and a few years subsequently,
he married the widow of Wm. Hutchins, many years since deceased. His first
"pitch" was on the lands afterwards known as the Silloway farm, near
Henry Nutt's. Soon selling this, however, he purchased the well-known valuable
farm lying around the month of Dog river, which he held till a few years ago,
when it passed into the hands of his son, George C. Shepard, Esq. While
carrying on this farm, he became the occupant of the Hutchins', or Farmers'
inn, which, to the very general acceptance of the public, he kept for nearly 30
Mr. Shepard was never known as an office-holder: for,
though often offered them, he uniformly declined all offices. He was a man of
much decision of character—of great energy, of fine business capacities, and
from the first has been among our most active and enterprising citizens, and by
these qualities, he accumulated a very handsome property; and what is better,
he was an honest man, ever regarding his word as sacred.—Obit.
Joseph Howes, born in Lebanon, Conn., March 28, 1783, died
in Montpelier, April 26, 1863. He was descended from one of the early puritans
who settled in Plymouth County, Mass. Judge Howes came to Montpelier with his
wife in 1808, both remained there during their lives, and both were among the
members of the First Congregational church, now commonly known as Bethany
church, at its organization in 1810, of which they were ever faithful and
highly-honored members. Judge Howes was intelligent, decided and immovable in
his religious and political opinions. Beginning as a Jeffersonian Republican,
he, with the most of that party in Vermont, supported John Quincy Adams for
president in 1824, and after Gen. Jackson's election in 1828, adhered
successively to the National Republican, Whig, and the modern Republican
parties. He was patriotic, served nearly two years on the frontier as adjutant
in the war of 1812–'15, and served so well that a commission in the regular
army was offered him, which he declined on account of the pressing needs of his
young family. In Sept. 1814, however, he started for Plattsburgh as second
lieutenant in the volunteer Montpelier company, a roll of which, in his
hand-writing, has been found among his papers. He represented Montpelier in the
Legislature of 1813, and while holding that office, left for military service
on the frontier; was also a Judge of Washington County Court, 1819 to 1827; and
served several years as surveyor of public buildings, his duty being to provide
for sweeping, heating and lighting the State House, and furnish stationery for
both Houses. His bill for these services in the session of 37 days in 1825 was
$68.71, $3 of which only was for his personal service—less than $2 per day for
all, which is less than the daily pay now of a page. He was also long engaged
in the most responsible town offices,—moderator, selectman, overseer, and
magistrate. He was thoroughly conscientious in the discharge of all his public
and private duties—severely just as against himself, and severely censorious of
all wrong; but he was also generous to those who had wronged him.
PATTY WILDER, daughter of Abel Wilder, of Norwich, and
grand-daughter of Lieut. Gov. Elisha Payne, of Lebanon, N. H.,
was born in 1786, married Judge Howes in 1808, and died
January 20, 1871. While her husband was of a severe type, she was gentle, mild,
charitable, and these mingled qualities made a household of obedient and
affectionate children, of whom there were nine, to wit: William, born April 21,
1809, went to Prescott, Wis., about 30 years ago, became mayor of the town, and
was judge of probate for his district several years, and until his death;
Almira, widow of Lieut. Gov. David M. Camp, of Derby; Joseph Wilder, born Nov.
5, 1812, was a merchant and sheriff of this county in 1849: [for more, see ante,
pages 394—396.] George, born Nov. 14, 1814, was a merchant, cashier of the Bank
of Montpelier from 1841 to 1858, and State treasurer 1847 to '53; Sarah
Sophia, born July 27, 1817, married E. P. Walton, Jr., June 6, 1836, and died
Sept. 3, 1880; Solon, born Aug. 6, 1819, died in early manhood; Martha is widow
of Rev. Calvin Pease, Professor and President in the University of Vermont, and
at his death pastor of a Presbyterian church in Rochester, N. Y.; Henry, born
March 7th, 1826, died in childhood; and last, Henry, born Apr. 30, 1829, was
for some years a cashier, and since 1865 has been employed in the National
Treasury and Interior Departments.
Judge Howes was a blacksmith, and I have a very fine
engraving of the interior of a blacksmith's shop, which I have always called my
wife's coat of arms. E. P. W.
from an obituary by Dr. Sumner Putnam.]
Julius Yemans Dewey was born in Berlin, Aug. 22, 1801; his
father, Simeon Dewey, being among the first to settle in that town, coming from
Hanover, N. H., nearly l00 years ago. Julius was one of a family of 8 children,
and very active when a lad, not only working upon the farm, but traveling about
the country, both on foot and on horseback, as an assistant drover. But in his
nineteenth summer, one-half day's work, which consisted in loading and pitching
17 loads of hay, determined his choice of a profession, from the fact that for
a long time afterward he was sick with pain and inflammation in the hepatic
region, from which, however, he finally recovered, and outlived all the members
of his father's family. Having acquired a good preliminary education at the
Wash. Co. Gram. School, he studied medicine with Dr. Lamb., a celebrated
practitioner in those days, resident at Montpelier, and in 1823, received his
degree from the medical department of the Vermont University, and commenced
practice at Montpelier. In consequence of his activity, intelligence and
skill, he soon acquired a large professional business, and June 9, 1825,
married Miss Mary Perrin, daughter of Zachariah Perrin, of Berlin. The fruit of
this union was 18 years of happy domestic life and 4 children: Chas. and Edward
Dewey, of Montpelier, Geo. Dewey, of the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Dr. Geo. P.
Greeley, of Nashua, N. H. Furthermore, these years were crowned with
professional and financial success, but all too soon, the faithful wife and
mother was called from her earthly home, and the circle thus painfully broken,
remained severed about 2 years, when it became restored by a second marriage
with Mrs. Susan L. Tarbox, of Randolph, an estimable lady, who brought with her
an excellent daughter, now the wife of his oldest son, which arrangement
proved very happy in all respects.
Though brought up in a family the heads of which were
rigidly Puritan, Dr. Dewey chose the Protestant Episcopal church, in which he
was long a faithful office-bearer, a liberal supporter and an influential adviser,
especially against the modern fashions which find no countenance except in the
Roman churches. In politics, he was ardent and intelligent, and to him, perhaps,
quite as much as any other one, is to be ascribed the defeat of the
anti-masonic Gov. Palmer in 1835, and the subsequent success of the Whig and
Republican parties in Vermont; yet he was never an office-seeker, but acted
simply upon his convictions of what was best for the State and the nation.
In 1850, Dr. Dewey, with others, or‑
ganized the National Life Insurance Company of
Montpelier, and soon became its president and chief manager, and so remained
until his death. Under his auspicious management, in 27 years, the company has
acquired a large number of policy-holders, presenting a record of success
unequalled, and worthy the confidence and patronage of those who desire at
death to doubly ensure, if possible, a legacy to their families. Indeed, amid
the financial ruin and distress prevalent, this noble monument of his provident
care and industry affords relief to many a worthy debtor, and stands against
the invasion of want as a bulwark to many a widowed and orphaned home.
In 1854, being deprived by death of a second wife, at 53
years of age, apparently in the prime of life, and by nature strongly inclined
to make the best of life and its blessings, especially the endearments and
comforts of home, he fortunately married Mrs. Susan E. Lilley, of Worcester,
Mass., a beautiful and excellent woman, who also brought with her a beautiful
daughter, now the wife of his second son, and for the last 20 years made his
home a paradise, until his final departure shrouds it in mourning, (1876.)
During his last years, his relations as husband, parent
and grand-parent were eminently happy. I have heard him remark that few men had
been so unfortunate as himself in the loss of excellent wives, and that no man could have been more
fortunate in replacing them. He was very strongly attached to home and its
endearments—his wife, children and grandchildren, and they always received
from him the kindest attention, care and provision; and, in return, he
received from them, and carried with him at his departure, their utmost love,
confidence and respect.
Dr. Dewey was eminently a strong, self-made man,—a person
who thought carefully, intelligently and broadly; consequently, every
enterprise to which he put his hands, proved a success. Education, the church,
all forms of public welfare— town, state and national, as the foundation and
defense of home, social order, progress and wealth, were near and dear to his
heart, and always received his cordial support. During a long and active life,
his ability and integrity reached and maintained the highest standard.
Socially, he was friendly, open and cheerful.
On the 20th of May, 1876, he partook of a hearty dinner,
over-exercised, and became much excited in discussion. Immediately, symptoms
of disturbed digestion began, and a bad night followed, the pulse soon falling
to 28 or 30 per minute. This state continued until the morning of the 29th, at
3:30 o'clock, when, in full consciousness, in the 76th year of his age, the
heart instantly ceased to beat, the countenance flushed, soon became full and
dusky, efforts at respiration ceased almost immediately, consciousness was
gone, and the paleness of death settled over the features.
"Soul, thought, will, ideation—
All, so quickly severed
From their loved abode—
O, who may or e'er can,
The mystery of life,
Of death, illume, unveil,
To the mourning circle
Left behind?"
was born in Pawlet, in 1786, and his literary remains
show him to have been educated. He studied medicine with Dr. Oliver Harmon, of
Pawlet, attended medical lectures at Dartmouth College, and began practice in
Fairfield before he graduated. Remaining there some time, he moved to
Cambridge, and from Cambridge to Barton in 1814, and in 1822, returned to
Dartmouth, and received his diploma. He continued to practice in Barton and
vicinity till 1836, where he acquired great reputation as a physician and
surgeon, being called at times a distance of 50 miles to perform capital
operations. He was also the first, or one of the first, to call attention to
the American hellebore or veratrum viride in practice. In the winter of 1835
and 1836, he attended medical lectures at Philadelphia, with a view of set‑
tling in Montpelier, which he did in 1836, his name and
reputation soon following, if it had not already preceded him.
Located at Montpelier, he was at first shunned by many on
account of his reputed skepticism; but being a large, gentlemanly appearing
man, of dignified presence, destined to excite attention and command respect
or fear anywhere, he soon became a leading practitioner in the town and
surrounding country.
Dr. Adams was a man of literary taste, and having long
been esteemed an infidel or atheist, he, in 1843, at the request of friends,
published a book entitled "Theological Criticism," which entitles
him to rank with Paine and Ingersoll in their estimate of the Bible, the
church and the clergy. But only as respects these points did his skeptical
philosophy seem to touch his heart, as the following may tend to show: When he
first came here, a leading church felt it a duty to circulate papers asking
its members to sign their names promising not to employ him professionally.
After a time, the same men, one a deacon, who circulated the first paper, came
to him with a subscription paper to help repair the church, to which appeal he
replied, "God forbid that he should so misapply his money. He much
preferred to give it to the poor and needy whom he knew."
All of those formerly acquainted with him here, with whom
I have conversed, declare the Doctor to have been a very benevolent, generous,
honorable, kindhearted man. Says one, "He lived more practical
Christianity daily, than any other man in town." When a poor man asked him
for his bill, he would say, "How much money have you?" "O, not
much!" would be the reply. "How many children have you?"
"Four or five," as the case might be "Well, then, you will want
all the money you have, and more too; here, take this," handing out five
dollars, perhaps. Also, every now and then he would buy a web of calico,
cotton cloth, or whatever he thought might be needed, and slyly hand it in at
the back door of the poor. On the other hand, of the usurious rich, he would
take a good bill, but no more than professional, saying to himself, if I get
the money, I shall give some of it to the needy, and that they will not do if
they keep it. A lady, whose family physician he had been, said, ''do not have
it go into his biography that he was an infidel, for he was not. See the lines
he composed on the death of my daughter," handing me the long-preserved
lines, full of beautiful sentiment:
O, God! forgive us the distrust
Deep agony hath wrought,
Of dispensation doubtless just,
With hidden mercies fraught.
But when an idol is removed,
Although from earth to Heaven,
Our hearts rebel, that one so loved
Should have been lent, not given.
O, hard, and harder yet to bear
The cross we now sustain;
While memory will not forbear
To ambrotype our pain.
We own that we should be resigned,
And put in God our trust;
Yet human selfishness is blind,
Nor sees that God is just.
Hence, we should solemnly invoke
The Faith too seldom giv'n,
That sees this mercy in the stroke,
A soul transferred to Heaven.
It is said that he and Dr. Shelton, Rector of the
Episcopal church in this place at that time, were on particularly good terms,
often joking and bantering each other— Shelton often inviting Dr. A. to attend
church, while he would as often contemptuously decline to so misspend his
time. But Dr. S. having prepared a sermon for him, continued to invite him to
church, and at last he came, when the usher seated him well up in front. Dr. S.
now took from the drawer his long-prepared sermon, on the text, "The fool
hath said in his heart, there is no God," and delivered from his pulpit a
powerful discourse, which Dr. A. seemed to take pretty much to himself,
meanwhile, sitting uneasily in his seat, and sweating profusely. The old Doctor
had a good mind to be mad, but then he concluded to blow it off.
Dr. Adams was a musician, and also made violins, which are
said to have challenged the admiration of Ole Bull. Ole Bull called on him
when here, and he and the Doctor had some music.
He was twice married, and a daughter of his now resides in
Barton. He died Dec. 17, 1858, of pneumonia, aged 72, with a clear intellect,
and when asked if he died as he had lived, answered, "If there is a
Christian's God, I am not afraid to trust myself in his hands."
from memoir in Transactions of the Vermont Medical Society.
was born Apr. 24, 1796, at Chester. During his minority,
he resided at the home of his father upon the farm, and acquired at the common
school and Chester Academy sufficient education to become a successful teacher.
He read medicine with Dr. Bowen, attended lectures at
Woodstock, and after, at Brown University, R. I.; where he graduated, and
commenced practice in Tunbridge in 1823. About the same time, he married Miss
Nancy Atherton, of Baltimore, by whom he had two sons, who are now alive, and
one of whom succeeded him in business in this town, and is now in full
practice. In 1837, his first wife died. After this he married Miss Amanda
Chapman, of Tunbridge, who died in 1841. His third marriage was to Mrs. F. A.
C. Harvey, of Cabot, who survived him.
Having practiced his profession successfully 33 years in
Tunbridge, he came to Montpelier, and bought out Dr. Orrin Smith, and soon
acquired a good practice, showing himself, in the 10 years which he resided
here, to be a careful, judicious physician, a good surgeon, a friendly, generous,
and strictly honorable man. Without sickness, warning or premonition, he died
instantly, Jan. 8, 1867, in his 71st year, while unharnessing his horse after a
long ride; it was supposed of apoplexy, as several of the family had died from
that cause.
The high estimation in which he was held in every respect
may be inferred from the following extract from a daily paper published in
Montpelier at the time of his death. "He removed," says the editor of
the Freeman, "to Montpelier in 1856, where for his high reputation
as a skillful surgeon and physician, and his excellences as a citizen, ever
ready and zealous. In every good work, he was highly esteemed. Though far
advanced in years, he seemed to be physically and intellectually vigorous, and
to the last was actively engaged in his profession. His death is, therefore, a
severe loss to his family, to the medical profession, and to the community.
They find consolation in the remembrance that his life had been one of great
usefulness, founded upon his firm conviction of the genuineness of practical
Christianity. In reproachable in all his relations in life, invaluable as a
friend, of most excellent example as a citizen, and performing with scrupulous
fidelity and with untiring labor every prompting of the warmest and kindest
heart, he was in all his life the truest type of the upright, benevolent,
beneficent man. Others have left us more noted, perhaps, for talents and high
position before the public, but never one more missed and mourned than is, and
long will be, this worthy, active, and intelligent Christian physician.
Ever humane and self-sacrificing, he as cheerfully
bestowed his professional aid on the poor, when he never asked or expected pay,
as on the wealthy and influential; and it has been this noble trait, in addition
to his fine social qualities, his entire sincerity and sterling worth as a man,
which has so widely endeared him to all classes of people in this region of
country. He once told a friend that he wanted no higher fame, and no better
reward, than to have it thought and said at his death, that he sincerely
endeavored to do all the good he could, and to be a kind and honest man.
Chauncey Moore Rublee, son of Luman and Mrs. Luman
(Burbank) Rublee, was born at Montpelier, Nov. 25, 1823. At fourteen, he left
the Academy in this place, and became a clerk in the drug store of E. H.
Prentiss, and, after 2 years' service, began the study of medicine with Dr.
Charles Clark; attended medical lectures, and graduated at Woodstock, after
three years' study. In Dec. 1848, he sailed for
Paris, and writes to his friends of the passage: "We
had but two storms, and I assure you I never wish to witness another I wished
myself in Vermont. When I saw the noble ship in which I was about to sail,
lying at the dock, it did not seem for it to be blown about by the wind, but
after getting out to sea, I realized what the wind and waves could do, and then
the ship appeared to me as it was—a mere egg-shell dancing upon the water. On
reaching Paris, I hired a room, furnished with everything necessary, and a femme,
as they are called here, to take care of it; for which I pay $6 per month, and
I get my food where I please. I devote considerable of my time at present, to
learning to speak French, and am able to talk a little." Again: "In
the fore part of the day, I am either at the lying-in hospital with Paul
Dubois, or in the surgeons' hospital with Velpeau; in the fever hospital with
Louis, or at the venereal hospital with Ricord. Paul Dubois is considered the
most able man in his hospital in Paris. I had a letter of introduction to him.
He received me very kindly, and offered me any assistance he could render. He
speaks English very well."
In the same letter he writes of the Revolution of 1848:
"The Frenchmen have accomplished a great work, drove Louis Phillip from
his throne, . . . and proclaimed France a Republic, in the
presence of 700,000 people." Of the Socialist Insurrection which followed
in June, he wrote Aug. 6: "Several pieces of cannon were stationed near
the street where I live, and it was one continual roar. After each shot, a load
of wounded would be carried by my window. Of 400 in one command, all killed but
30. Next morning I went to the dead house where the killed were deposited
before burial—a sad picture—fathers and mothers after their sons, sisters for
their brothers, and when they found them, it would seem as if they would die
with sorrow."
On returning to Montpelier, he began practice, and soon
married Miss Sarah E. Clark, daughter of Dr. Charles Clark. In 1855, he moved
to Boston, to engage in city practice, but before long his health began to fail;
it never had been strong, and while at Boston he bled at the lungs two or three
times, which induced him to return to Montpelier, where he continued to do
office business, making a specialty of diseases of the eye and ear, and surgical
cases. In the winter of 1860, he spent 3 months in Paris, by which his health
was improved.
He had one son, Chas. C. Rublee, M. D. Dr. C. M. Rublee
was a clear-headed, energetic, honorable man, a good physician and surgeon,
and accumulated property from the practice of his profession, though his body
was weak and infirm. He kept office hours 5 years after he was unable to walk
any considerable distance, seldom, or never, mentioning his own sufferings and
infirmities. During the last month of his life he was confined to his room, his
cough becoming worse, prostration rapidly increased, and death came to his
relief Jan. 26, 1870.
son of Samuel and Martha Richardson, was born in Orange,
Vt., in 1824, and died of cerebral apoplexy, in Winona, Minn., June 5, '74. At
an early age, having shown an aptitude for learning, he was fitted for college
at Thetford Academy, and entered Dartmouth, where he remained to the end of his
junior year; on account of ill health he was obliged to omit the senior year; but
left college with a good reputation for scholarship and moral character.
After regaining his health, he commenced the study of
medicine in the office of Dr. Taplin, of Corinth, Vt., and attended lectures
at Pittsfield, Mass., graduating in 1849. Subsequently, he graduated at the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York city, and entered Bellevue
Hospital, where he remained one year as house physician.
In Oct. 1850, he married Miss Cynthia P. Stewart, and in
1851, commenced the practice of his profession in East Montpelier, removing to
Montpelier in 1856, where for 11 years he enjoyed a large and lucrative
practice. By rigid economy and
close attention to business, he acquired a very
respectable competence.
In 1866, becoming tired of riding over the adjacent hills
at all hours of the day and night, realizing, as only a physician can, the
magnitude of the burden as age advances, which many times is a thankless task,
he determined to remove to a more densely populated country, and, after
traveling through the Western States, he purchased a residence in the beautiful
city of Winona, Minn., on the westerly bank of the great Mississippi, where,
surrounded by his family, possessed of urbanity and great good sense, he
enjoyed the confidence and respect of his neighbors and towns-people and the
profession to which he belonged, as well as that of those who sought his
counsel and advice.
was born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 8, 1767, and died in
Montpelier Dec. 29, 1861, in his 95th year. About the time Vermont declared her
independence, the church in Connecticut, which ruled that State, commenced a
persecution of the brethren who preferred the Cambridge Platform, which drove
several clergymen and many excellent men into other states. Several of the
fugitives came to Vermont and New Hampshire and settled in or near the
Connecticut river valley, and among these was the Hon. Elisha Payne, who was
very influential in effecting the two unions of New Hampshire towns with
Vermont, and for a time held the offices of Lieut. Governor and Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court of Vermont, though residing in what is now Lebanon, N. H.
Capt. Jewett commended himself to Gov. Payne so well that
he won the Governor's daughter Ruth, born at Plainfield, Conn., July 9, 1770,
and married her Dec. 10, 1793, at Lebanon. From this marriage came the son,
whose notice follows, and two daughters who were long ornaments in the society
of Montpelier: Julia Jewett, widow first of Chester Hubbard, a successful
merchant, and last of Hon. Augustine Clarke, who was State Treasurer; and Eliza
S. Jewett, widow of the Hon. William R. Shatter, of Townshend. Mrs. Clarke died
June 1, 1881, at the age of 87 years. Mrs. Shafter is still living.
Capt. Jewett came to Montpelier in 1807, and resided there
until his death, always highly respected for perfect probity, and generosity
beyond his means in behalf of the best interests of the community. I remember
him as a well formed man and dignified and gentlemanly in his demeanor —
qualities which contributed to his election to the captaincy of the Washington
Artillery. This company was specially incorporated as the Governor's guard,
consisted of picked men, and was entirely independent of other military
organizations. The dignity of a Captaincy in such a company was equal to that
of a Major General of the militia. Indeed, on election day the Captain was
quite as great in the eyes of the customary crowd as His Excellency the
Governor, His Honor the Lieut. Governor, the Honorable Council, and the General
was born in Lebanon, N. H., June 5th, 1801, and married
Miss Julia Kellogg Field, daughter of the late Hon. Charles K. Field of
Brattleboro, Jan. 15, 1861. He was the only son of Nathan and Ruth Payne
Jewett, and he has an only daughter who bears her grand-mother Jewett's name.
Col. Jewett at 15 years was apprenticed to the late Hon.
Daniel Baldwin as a clerk in the mercantile business, and after service for six
years he engaged in trade for himself successfully, in the firms of Hubbard
& Jewett and Jewett, Howes & Co. On retiring from that business he was
interested in the construction of a portion of the Vermont Central Railroad,
and of the Great Western from Suspension Bridge to Hamilton, Ontario.
Later he engaged in agriculture, purchasing the beautiful
farm on the Winooski, in the south-west corner of the town, on which the first
settlement was made. He has greatly improved that farm and other lands in his
possession. It is however for Col. Jewett's active exertions, by his
personal influence and very generous contributions for
the good of his town, to churches, State houses, and other things touching the
interests of his neighbors, that he will long have "a name to live."
His integrity and reputation as a financier are fully
attested by the offices he has held. He was a bank director in Montpelier for
42 years; president of the State Bank (Montpelier) 6 years; State
Treasurer—1846 and 7, and town representative in 1855. He was also Presidential
Elector at large in 1872. Some of the services of Col. Jewett, in getting up
the Vermont Central Railroad, have been already noticed in the history of
Montpelier, but one incident remains to be recorded. The Vermont Central
Railroad never could have been built without a connecting road in New
Hampshire, and the dominant party in that State was hostile to railroads. A
committee of Central men, of which Col. Jewett was one, was therefore sent to
Concord to wait upon the legislature and secure a charter. A scheme was
arranged by Franklin Pierce, soon afterwards President, Judge Upham and
others, to have charters granted on condition that no railroads should be built
except on the consent of a board of commissioners, who of course would be of
the dominant party. Col. Jewett therefore ensconced himself at the Democratic
head-quarters and soon prevailed upon an influential anti-railroad man to
accept the office of commissioner, and the charter was granted. Soon afterwards
Col. Jewett assisted in Gov. Paine's flank movement in favor of the Fitchburgh
line, when the Railroad Commissioners hastened to approve the charter of the
Northern N. H. Railroad Company.
Col. Jewett derives his military title from having been,
with Gov. Charles Paine, on the staff of Maj. Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton.
E. P.
If intelligent and successful devotion to the highest
interests of a community for the best portion of a more than average life
entitles one to grateful mention when the record of that community is made up,
then surely does the subject of this sketch deserve a no mean place upon the
roll of honor of Montpelier.
SAMUEL WELLS was born in Milton, Chittenden County, Vt.,
Sept. 23, 1822. His father, William Wells, was a respected farmer of that town,
and a veteran of the War of 1812, having served five years as a
non-commissioned officer. The record says: "He was in the expedition which
invaded Canada under Gen. Scott, and participated in the battles of Chippewa,
French's Mills, and the siege and capture of Fort Erie. He was also one of the
survivors of the memorable charge at Lundy's Lane, under Col. Miller, when
two-thirds of the attacking force was cut down."
Samuel was the eldest of seven children, five of whom died
in childhood. With no educational advantages in early life but the common
schools of that day, these were so prized and utilized as to enable the farmer
boy himself to become a successful teacher at the early age of 18. Subsequently
he entered the law office of Hon. A. G. Whittemore, of Milton, where he not
only completed his course of legal studies, but, better still, became so thoroughly
imbued with the high-toned professional practice and honorable business habits
of the distinguished gentleman with whom he studied, as to furnish him a model
in all his subsequent life. While studying law he also acquired a knowledge of
practical surveying, which was of great service to him in after years.
After admission to the bar in Chittenden County, Mr. Wells
opened an office in Bakersfield, Franklin County, where he practiced his
profession for some two years. During this period he interested himself in the
subject of fire insurance, and finally became impressed with the advisability
of the farmers of the State effecting insurance by themselves, and thus
avoiding liability for the more hazardous classes of fire risks. Accordingly,
in October, 1849, he came to Montpelier, and after enlisting other parties, an
application was made to the legislature, then in session, for an act to
incorporate the Farmers' Fire Insurance Company. The application was
strenuously opposed in various quarters, but finally
prevailed, and on the day succeeding its passage the company was organized.
At this organization Mr. Wells was chosen Treasurer and also a Director of the
company, both of which positions he continued to hold by unanimous annual
elections for 28 years, and until the day of his death. With a single
exception, there was not another instance of like service in the history of the
company. With that exception, not one of the original Directors remained in
office, and ten out of the fifteen had long before passed away.
With his company organized, Mr. Wells entered at once upon
the discharge of his official duties with all the ardor of his nature, and in
an almost incredibly brief period of time the "FARMERS' MUTUAL"
became one of the established and honored institutions of the State. It was
both the pride and monument of all his after life. Its management led him to
visit all sections of the State, and he thus became more generally and
favorably known than falls to the lot of most of our public men. Of the three
thousand losses which the company sustained prior to his death, he doubtless
personally adjusted more than one-half, and no party ever had reason to accuse
him of injustice or trickery. Of all the moneys which he recieved and disbursed
as treasurer of the company— amounting to nearly a million of dollars— not a
single dollar was ever misappropriated to his personal advantage or diverted
from its legitimate use.
But fidelity to these public trusts by no means
circumscribed or measured the extent and value of his services to the immediate
community in which he lived. With a generous spirit, and a ready and skillful
hand, he welcomed all the broad and varied duties of the good citizen. His own
limited advantages for early education led him to devise liberal things for
the youth of later generations. The long and bitter struggle which finally
resulted in the establishment of Montpelier's excellent Union School, was
inaugurated by Mr. Wells and three or four associates, and the almost endless
and delicate labor required to supersede the time-honored district system by
the infinitely better plan of union and gradation, with all the
legislation needful to render it complete and harmonious, devolved more
largely upon him than upon any other one individual. And for several years
after the new system was adopted he afforded it the benefit of his aid and
counsel as a member of the prudential committee. The same is true of the
excellent Fire Department, which has been maintained during the last 25 years.
An entire re-organization was effected, improved engines purchased, new
companies formed and equipped, and a new departure in discipline and efficiency
taken, largely through his instrumentality. For several years he held the
responsible position of chief engineer, and was a leading actor in this
department long after failing health warned him to desist.
In 1870, in consultation with others, he procured the
chartering of the Montpelier Savings Bank and Trust Company, of which he
was one of the corporators—an institution now, (1881,) with more than half a
million dollars of deposits and capital. In 1874 he obtained the charter of
the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company, with a view of providing
insurance in home companies for such classes of property as could not be
insured in the Farmers' Company, and which had hitherto been compelled to seek
accommodation largely outside of the State. In this company he was an active
director until his death.
In 1872 he became impressed with the absolute need of a
better water supply for the village, and with such aid as he could command,
secured the consideration of the subject at the annual village meeting of that
year, which resulted in the appointment of a committee to examine and report
upon the desirability of the general project, and the comparative merits of the
several sources of supply. Mr. Wells was chairman of that committee, and much
time and labor were expended in the examination of localities, analysis of
waters, survey of routes, and estimates of the cost
of material and construction—all of which was submitted in
an exhaustive printed report at the annual village meeting of 1873. That
report strongly recommended that the supply be taken from Berlin Pond brook,
and that the work be undertaken at once; and the reasons given for that recommendation
have never been controverted. When the village finally decides to meet this
imperative necessity—and it is believed that that time is in the very near
future—it will be found that the work is all plainly mapped out in Mr. Wells'
report of 1873.
Charters for the Montpelier Manufacturing-Company
and also the Pioneer Manufacturing Company, were prepared and their
enactment procured by him, the establishment of which have added largely to
the population and industrial interests of the town; and if all the benefits
anticipated therefrom have not been realized, it is solely because the monied
men of the place persistently withheld their pecuniary aid and fostering care.
Mr. Wells also actively aided in the work of securing the Wells River railroad,
and expended no little time and labor in efforts to secure other, in some
respects better, connecting railway lines. He was principally instrumental in
the purchase and fitting up of Village Hall, which has ever since not only
supplied an essential need, but proved a source of no small profit to the
village; also the Town Farm, where our poor, whom we "always have with
us," find a comfortable asylum. And while acting as one of the
"Fathers of the town," which he did for several years, it is far
within the truth to say that more was accomplished by way of opening new
streets, improving old ones, extending and repairing sidewalks, providing
suitable drainage, and improving the external and sanitary condition of the
village, than was ever effected in the same length of time before or since.
These, and nameless kindred enterprises, show the creating, shaping and
fostering hand of Mr. Wells, and generations yet to come will share the benefits
of his generous and self-denying labors. Nor did he shrink from assuming his
full proportion of the burdens of these public improvements, for the records of
each one will testify to an outlay of time, labor and money which furnish the
best possible guaranty of good faith, and which show a degree of liberality
entirely disproportioned to his means. And while the more conservative portion
of the community looked upon some of his enterprises as visionary and
impracticable, time is rapidly demonstrating that his only misfortune was to be
but a tithe as far in advance of the times as his critics were in the rear.
Though the general practice of the law was abandoned on
coming to Montpelier, Mr. Wells nevertheless retained his connection with the
bar, making a specialty of insurance law and practice. He was industrious and
thorough in the preparation of his cases, and sought for the solid ground of
equity, which he regarded as the very essence of law. Some points of insurance
law of the first importance became permanently settled through his instrumentality.
In politics Mr. Wells was an unwavering Democrat,
thoroughly imbued with the principles of the schools of Jefferson and Jackson.
He was unskilled in the party tactics of modern times, and might well have
said, with Addison:
who will the artful shams—not I."
However, he followed the fortunes of his party, and the esteem
in which he was held by his associates is well certified by his having been
made at different elections their candidate for Congress, State Treasurer and
Presidential elector, and also chosen a member of the State Committee and
chairman of the District Committee. He was also made a candidate for various
county offices. His party being uniformly in the minority, however, he received
no elections to office save such as were conferred by his political opponents;
but in such esteem was he held that for many years he was chosen a selectman,
town agent and justice of the peace.
The leading traits of Mr. Wells' character were well
stated by one of the local papers at the time of his decease:
"Montpelier had no better citizen than Samuel Wells.
Honest in all his convic‑
tions and actions; public-spirited and liberal in all
projects for the general good; favoring all improvements that promised to
enhance the prosperity of the town; very generous in aiding all objects of charity;
ever ready to assist those who were trying to assist themselves; careful in
forming opinions, and then courageous in avowing and standing by them; a
considerate and kind-hearted man, a true friend, an excellent neighbor, an
affectionate husband and father, he was one of those whose true worth will be
more and more realized as time develops what was lost when he was taken. His
proudest monument will be that all are fully justified in speaking well of him,
and that he was really an honest man "the noblest work of God." Than
this, no higher eulogy can be given any man."
Though not a communicant, Mr. Wells was a habitual
attendant and liberal supporter of Bethany church. For many years he served
upon its prudential committee, and had the custody, as surveyor, of its church
In Sept. 1854, Mr. Wells was married to Mary P. Leslie, of
Newbury, who, together with two daughters, survives him, a son having died in
Jan. 31, 1878, before completing his 57th year, Mr. Wells
died—prematurely, as the record runs and as the world judges; but
"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not
In feelings, not in figures on a dial.
. . .
. . . . . He
most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best."
Judged by this standard,
"The hand of the reaper
Sought the ears that were hoary."
J. P.
son of Reuben Spalding of Sharon, born 1790, died April
26, 1870, in his 81st year. He came to Montpelier in 1813, and entered into
trade for himself, and afterwards was a partner in the firms of Chester Hubbard
& Spalding, Langdon & Spalding, Langdon, Spalding & Co., and John
& Charles Spalding, retiring from mercantile employments in 1840, after
which he spent much of his time in agricultural pursuits. He married a daughter
of Hon. Salvin Collins, who bore him two sons and three daughters, John and
Eliza now [1881] only surviving. Judge Spalding was a large and good looking
man, of a kind disposition, and excessively affectionate to his children. His
integrity was undoubted, and so earned for him the responsible offices which
he held. He was some time Director and President of the old Bank of Montpelier,
and also President of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Judge of
Washington County Court 1840, and State Treasurer 1841 to 1846.
was born in Lebanon, N. H., Oct. 11, 1801, died in
Montpelier Nov. 13, 1865. He came of good stock, which contributed many good
men to this State, Lieut. Elihu Hyde having served as representative for
Lebanon in our Legislature 1781, under the second union with New Hampshire
towns, and been commissioned as a magistrate. Maj. Hyde came to Montpelier in
1828, and lived there until his death. The following account of his business
life, and beautiful tribute to his character, from the pen of the late Hon. C.
W. Willard, written in Nov. 1865, will make the best biography of this worthy
"Some 35 years ago Major Hyde came to Montpelier and
embarked in mercantile business, which he followed without interruption and
with well-merited success up to the time of his death—at which time he was
senior partner of the firm of Hyde, Foster & Co., a house of the first
respectability and prosperity. The gradual but steady success which attended
the business life of Mr. Hyde through all those years which brought vicissitudes
to perhaps most of his cotemporaries, was the result of no tricks of trade or
hazardous speculation; but the legitimate fruit of enlightened judgment and
honorable dealing. And his example in this respect, now bequeathed to the
junior members of the firm, is a rich legacy in itself, and a sure harbinger of
success if properly followed.
"But Mr. Hyde's business habits in no degree rendered
him indifferent or narrow- minded in respect to the best interests of our
community. No man among us more heartily seconded all enlightened plans to
promote the material interests and pros‑
perity of the town—to improve our schools —to build and
support our churches—to meet the calls of general benevolence and charity, and
especially to supply the necessities of the poor.
"In his political associations Mr. Hyde was a
life-long democrat; but with him democracy meant patriotism, and
he refused to follow any banner but the flag of his country. And during the
late war no man in the community labored more earnestly or contributed more
freely than he to furnish men and means for bearing that loved banner onward to
victory and peace. Thank God that he lived to see the desire of his heart
"Mr. Hyde himself was no stranger to bereavement.
Death had repeatedly visited his family, and stirred to their very depths the
deep fountains of his nature. But his great, loving heart, so susceptible of
grief, turned as if by superior attraction to the still greater and more loving
heart of the Father of us all; and here he found, not only consolation in his
grief, but a firm foundation for his religious creed, in the confident belief
that the Infinite God, who desires the salvation of all, will bring them in His
own good time and manner to the joys of His heavenly home.
"The home of Mr. Hyde was proverbially the abode of
hospitality and good cheer. Here all ages and conditions found a companion and
friend. Here the benevolence and geniality of his nature were fully developed,
and from this central sun influences of love and good will radiated through all
the community. To his beloved family the loss is unspeakable — inconceivable.
We offer no word of consolation, for vain is the help of man. The profound
respect and sympathy of the community was appropriately manifested on the
occasion of the funeral, by the closing of our places of business, and the
attendance of a large concourse of people to mingle their tears with the
bereaved, and testify their grief that the manly form, the pleasant smile and
the cheering voice of our departed friend would be seen and heard among us no
more forever.
"As we conveyed the mortal remains of our departed
brother to their chosen resting-place in our beautiful Cemetery, toward the
close of a pleasant autumn day, with the partially-veiled sun sinking
tranquilly to his rest, and committed "earth to earth and dust to
dust," commending his spirit to Him who is the Resurrection and the
Life,—we could but inwardly exclaim—
thy virtues with the living.
And thy
spirit ours."
Maj. Hyde first engaged in the bakery business as junior
member in the firm of Cross & Hyde, and this was followed by the large
mercantile business above alluded to. He left, surviving, a son, Edward D.
Hyde, who has succeeded to his father's business, and two daughters—all borne
to him by Sarah L., youngest daughter of the late Jacob F. Dodge of Montpelier.
The death of James Tottingham Thurston, long a resident
of Montpelier, demands of the public journalist more than the mere mention of
his decease; and perhaps here, even more than ordinarily happens with men of
equal worth, because he never by any ostentation of virtue seemed to challenge
commendation, is it proper that we should recognize the value of a life
singularly industrious, honest and temperate, successful in its connection
with business interests and public concerns, dear to those who had the pleasure
of his friendship, and made happy by the love of those who enjoyed the
affection of his home.
Mr. Thurston was the son of Moses Thurston and Hannah
Bolton Thurston, and was born in Cambridge, Vt., Feb. 19, 1818. His father was
a farmer, and the education of which the son had the benefit at home was only
such as a youth of quickness of intellect could obtain in the common schools of
the town, at a time when such schools could hardly be called institutions of
learning, but only served to give boys an acquaintance with the rudiments of
knowledge. He came to Montpelier when he was 15 years of age, living with his
brother-in-law, Henry W. Sabin, and serving part of the time as his clerk,
attending for two or three years the district school
during the winter months, and possibly a term or two at the academy. His after
life, however, served to show how little the fitness for responsible positions
and ability to do well everything that a prominent business man and citizen has
to do, depends upon the learning of the schools. In 1838, he was employed as
clerk in the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company, where he performed his
work so satisfactorily, that in 1842 he was made treasurer of the company. This
position he occupied—with the exception of a period of 14 months in 1850-51,
when he acted as secretary of the National Life Insurance Company—for 32 years.
At the time he was made treasurer, Daniel Baldwin was president of the company,
and such men as Joseph Reed, Joseph Howes, John Spalding and George Worthington
were active directors. The company then, though well established, was doing a
small business in comparison with what it afterwards commanded, and no small
share of its subsequent success is due to the faithful and intelligent labors
of its treasurer. In 1874, Mr. Thurston was made president, succeeding Mr.
Baldwin, who had held the office 34 years. In 1877, he resigned the office on
account of his increasing infirmity, which made even its lightest duties a
severe tax upon his strength.
Mr. Thurston was, besides his connection with the Fire
Insurance Company, a director of the National Life Insurance Company from 1852,
until his death, and for nearly the whole time a trusted and
continually-consulted member of its financial committee. He was also a
director of the First National Bank of Montpelier from its organization, and
his acquaintance with men and affairs and his prudent judgment made him a
valuable officer. He was at different times clerk, selectman and lister of
Montpelier, and latterly for many years a favorite presiding officer in town and
public meetings.
In politics Mr. Thurston was, until 1861, a democrat, and
associated with such democrats as Paul Dillingham, Daniel Baldwin, Chas. G.
Eastman, T. P. Redfield, Charles Reed, John A. Page, Stephen Thomas and W. H.
H. Bingham. He was the candidate of that party for state treasurer from 1856
to 1860. Since the commencement of the rebellion in 1861, he has acted and
voted with the republican party. He was not, however, either as democrat or
republican, a zealous partisan, but always held his opinions of public men and
measures subject to his intelligent estimate of their real worth without much
respect for their party labels.
Mr. Thurston united with the Congregational church in
Montpelier, where he had formerly worshipped, in 1858, was a member of its
communion at his decease, and a regular attendant upon its services when his
health permitted. His religion was a matter of judgment rather than of emotion,
a belief in the present value of an upright life rather than in the saving
power of ecstatic states of mind or unreasoning faith in creeds—in short, an
intelligent, consistent, exemplary, practical christianity, a christianity
that believes the road to Heaven should be traveled not on Sundays alone, but
on other days in the week as well.
In 1843, Mr. Thurston was married to Fanny W. Witherell,
of Montpelier, who died in 1865, leaving one son, John B. Thurston, now a
respected citizen of Montpelier. Afterward, Mr. Thurston married Mrs. Sevira J.
Currier, of Montpelier, who survives him. His home was a delight to him and to
those under its roof, a place to which he always turned with fondness and
longing when away, a home now darkened by the shadow of death.
It may justly be said of Mr. Thurston's life that it was
calm and steady, flowing like the current of a river that, between even banks,
keeps its quiet course to the sea. He was a conservative rather than a
reformer, but conservative more in action than in thought, as often happens
with men of a temper seldom stirred by the heats of passion or emotion; but no
genuine reform that commended itself to the
sober judgment ever lacked his sympathy or support. Rev.
Mr. Hincks, in remarks at the funeral service, said that Mr. Thurston was not
aggressive in his religion; and he might have said with equal justice that he
did not belong to the aggressive type of man. He was not of the men who found
states and conquer kingdoms, but of the other equally valuable men who hold
fast the progress already made, yet never refuse to advance when new ideas open
the way. He had a lively sense of humor, a rare appreciation of the ridiculous,
was a keen observer of men, enjoyed a good story and told one exceedingly
well, and was genial and witty as well as philosophic and thoughtful in
conversation. He was quick to see the force of logic, just and intelligent in
his estimate of his associates and the men of his time, always giving
countenance and aid to every work that met his approval, liberal in
contributions to all benevolent objects, ready to aid with his labor and his
purse every enterprise that contributed to the growth, the reputation and the
influence of his town, faithful to his many friends, and not unjust to his few
enemies. He had a judicial temper of mind, that peculiar excellence which
commands respect rather in the long run than in moments of excitement and the
heat of controversy, that calmness that not seldom frets impatient minds because
it does not jump with their conclusions and run with their speed, but which
always proves its worth and vindicates itself as time wears on. He loved life,
and had joy in living. In his long struggle with disease, he would gladly have
welcomed returning health, for the delight he always found in seeing the faces
and hearing the voices of his friends, for his love for the sweet pleasures
which nature in a hundred ways offered to him, and for the sense of being a
part of a living, moving world. Yet he met his death patiently, without vain
regrets, mourning most of all that with those he loved so well he should no
more from our breezy hills look out on the fair pictures that summer and autumn
spread over our mountains and along our valleys, nor hear the "various
language" which nature addresses to him who, in love of her, "holds
communion with her visible forms."
The writer of this notice cannot forbear adding to this
imperfect sketch an expression of his own high esteem for Mr. Thurston, and
his sense of personal sorrow at his death. An acquaintance for more than a
score of years, much of the time familiar and friendly, had revealed many of
his excellent qualities of mind and heart, but three months spent last winter
with him in a far-away, sunny valley of the Ozark mountains, and the daily delights
of a cordial, frank, confiding companionship, ripened this friendship of so
many years into a warm personal attachment that will ever be a treasured
memory to him who survives.
From the Resolutions passed by the Vt. Mutual Fire
Ins. Co. after his death, we give:
Be it resolved, we
deeply feel and mourn the loss of James T. Thurston, our true friend and
associate, whose upright deportment, integrity of character, good judgment and
usefulness as a citizen endeared him to all, especially to us who knew him so
well. May his many virtues be ever cherished by us, and be an example for
those that follow him. May we remember in the words so often quoted by him,
" 'Tis not all of life to live, nor all of death to die."
And from the resolutions passed by the National Life
Insurance Co:
that we sincerely mourn and profoundly regret the death of our friend and
associate, James T. Thurston, whose quick perception, great caution, sound
judgment, unblemished character, and perfect integrity, together with other
credit- able qualities of his head and heart, have endeared him to us for many
years. His many virtues will be long remembered by us the survivors. "May
he rest in peace."
an article by Hon. CHARLES W. WILLARD in the Green Mountain Freeman of
March 1, 1876.]
Joseph Wilson Wheelock, who died at his home in Berlin,
Feb. 23, 1876, was born in Eden. His father, Martin Wheelock, had 5 sons and 2
daughters. Joseph had a common school education, and when
about 18 entered the office of the St. Albans
Messenger, learned the printer's trade; remained till Aug., 1847; then
worked at his trade in the office of the Green Mountain Gazette, at
Bradford about 5 years, and came, Feb., 1852, to Montpelier, as foreman into
the office of the Green Mountain Freeman, of which the late Hon. D. P.
Thompson was proprietor and editor, and remained in charge of that office, as
foreman, during the proprietorship of Judge Thompson, and that of S. S. Boyce,
and from April, 1861, to Jan., 1869, while Mr. Willard owned the paper. Mr.
Boyce, during his ownership of the Freeman, purchased the subscription
list, and became the publisher of the Vermont Christian Messenger, and
the Messenger has been published at the Freeman office since that
time. Jan., 1869, Mr. Wheelock became a half owner of the Freeman and Messenger
subscription list and printing establishment, and from that time had the
entire management of the business of the office, and the practical management
of the papers until Jan., 1873. when he purchased Mr. Willard's remaining interest
in the business, and became and remained managing editor and proprietor until
his decease.
Mr. Wheelock's active life was in the printing office, and
was identified with his craft. Few men have had a busier life, or one into
which more work has been crowded. For many years subject to an infirmity
which made office work often painful, he never shirked any of the responsibilities
of his position, but often insisted, against the remonstrance of his employers
on undertaking work that could only be done by giving his own labor at unusual
hours. In that respect, he always held his personal comfort subordinate to his
devotion to the business in hand. He seemed more solicitous to make his
service for others profitable, than to spare himself, and when he became owner
of the printing establishment, almost for the first time began to take an
occasional rest from the exacting duties of the office; yet never, until
compelled to keep away by his final illness, quite surrendered an immediate
supervision, as in the former days when, as foreman, no detail of the work
escaped his notice, and his hand was ready at the case, at the make-up, or at
the press, as the exigency might require.
He seemed to have no ambitions outside of his profession;
yet he had, undoubtedly, the aspiration of the true men of his profession to
become the owner and manager of an influential newspaper, and he deservedly
reached that position. But, unfortunately, his strength was then too much
broken by the gathering forces of the disease that he had fought against so
stoutly for years, to admit of his doing for the papers he managed, what he
would otherwise have done. He appeared to anticipate this, and hesitated as to
the purchase of Mr. Willard's half of the paper, because he feared his health
was gradually but surely failing him, and finally made the venture rather to
establish his sons in business than on his own account. With the valuable
acquaintance with public men and public affairs which his long connection with
a newspaper at the Capital of the State gave him, and with the higher education
as an editor, which an intelligent man gets in a printing office better than
anywhere else, Mr. Wheelock was as well fitted to be the manager of a leading
Vermont newspaper as any person in the State; but the printing department drew
him quite too much away from the editorial room for his own reputation as a
writer and editor. While Mr. Willard was editor of the Freeman, Mr.
Wheelock wrote many articles for which others got undeserved credit, some of
them having been copied as widely and with as much appellation as anything ever
written for the Freeman. His style as a writer was clear, graceful in
turn of expression, and forcible and potnted enough to leave no doubt of his
meaning, a compliment that cannot always be paid to editorials in either
country or city newspapers. He had, moreover, what his readers will call to
mind, a vein of wit and humor in idea and expression, which made some of his
descriptive articles highly enjoyable, and established for
him a reputation among his contemporaries as one who had few equals and no
superiors in that really difficult, yet very popular kind of newspaper writing.
If he had devoted himself, as he was often advised, more to editing his paper
and less to printing it, he would have achieved a reputation second to that of
no editor in the State, and would very likely have prolonged a life in a large
degree useful to his friends and to the public.
Mr. Wheelock's residence, for most of the time he was
connected with the Freeman, was just on the south side of the Winooski
river in Berlin. He was for a long time clerk and treasurer of that town, and
represented it two years in the legislature. He was one of the most trusted
advisers of the authorities of the town, was ever solicitous for its interests,
and, apparently without effort to become so, was influential in all town
matters. In the politics of the town and of the county his judgment and advice
were always prudent and wise, and were listened to and followed as often and as
far as those of any other man. A robust common sense, a quick understanding of
men, a plain and direct method of dealing with men and measures, a
faithfulness and integrity in his associations which made others believe in him
and trust him, were the elements of character which gave him strength with his
fellows, and won for him the good name which he enjoyed and merited, but he was
almost bashful in his modesty, and was best known for the really strong man he
was by his intimates and those who sought his advice. *
* * The struggle and the pain, as well as the
joy and hope, of life for him are over, while yet he was scarcely past the
prime of his years; but he performed each day the duty the day brought with it;
and what better epitaph can the longest life win for its close?
Mr. Wheelock married Laura E. Phillips, who survives him,
and he leaves two sons and a daughter trained to his own calling. *
* *
the Green Mountain Freeman of Wednesday, June 9, 1880.]
Mr. Willard died Monday night, at twenty-five minutes
after twelve. Sunday he was about his room, as he has never failed of being for
years, though his hold on life has been so slender, but began failing, and from
that time sank rapidly. His mind had all its native clearness till within three
or four hours before his death, when he became unconscious.
Charles Wesley Willard was the son of Josiah Willard and
Abigail (Carpenter) Willard, and was born in Lyndon, June 18, 1827. He
graduated at Dartmouth college in 1851, and soon after leaving college, came to
Montpelier, where he studied law in the office of Peek & Colby, and was
admitted to the Washington County Bar in 1853. He became a partner of Ferrand
F. Merrill for a time after his admission.
In 1855, '56, he was secretary of state, and after that
declined a re-election. In 1860, '61, he was a member of the senate for this
county. In the latter year, he became editor and proprietor of the Freeman,
and so remained until 1873. About 1865, he for a time was in Milwaukee, Wis.,
in the editorial chair of the Sentinel. And during his later years his
pen has not been idle, as some of the leading journals of the country could
say. The columns of this paper have also been favored now and then by good
doctrine and wise words over his well-known initials.
In 1868, Mr. Willard was elected to congres, and
represented this district from Mar. 4, 1869, to Mar. 4, 1875. He was laborious
in legislation, as in all things, and his congressional work told on his
constitution, and since his retirement he has been in very delicate health.
Visits to Colorado and elsewhere failed to reestablish his health. But he was
not a man to give up or rust out, and last year he accepted an appointment as
one of the commissioners to revise the statutes. Col. Veazey, the other
commissioner, having gone upon the bench, the burden of the work fell upon Mr.
Willard. He took it,
and the work was done and well done— the copy all
prepared, and about three-fourths of it put to press under his supervision—before
he was taken away. He liked to work; like any good workman he knew he could do
good work, and we rejoice to know that the activities of the past year cheered
his last days with the thought and knowledge that he was yet doing a man's work
among men.
Of Mr. Willard's home life here in Montpelier, among his
neighbors and friends, we need not speak. He was known of his townsmen, and
many more had personal knowledge of his straightforward kindness than the
casual observer of his reserved ways would ever suspect. He was a member of the
Bethany Congregational church. In 1855, he married Miss Emily Doane, daughter
of Hezekiah H. Reed. Mrs. Willard has left with her four children: Miss Mary,
Ashton R. (who graduated at Dartmouth last year), Eliza May, and Charles
Wesley. Mr. Willard leaves a brother, A. J. Willard, of St. Johnsbury, and a
sister, Mrs. Hannah Flint, of Concord, N. H., surviving him.
To say the things that should be said of Mr. Willard, we
are not able. To say the truth, and not to say that which to those who did not
know him might seem to come from affection instead of judgment, from the heart
and not from the head, is a hard task. But the people of Vermont, and
especially those who for so many years knew through the columns of this paper
Mr. Willard's every day thoughts, will make no mistake in this matter. They
will know that when it is said he was the "first citizen of the
State," the words are words of truth and soberness, and not those of
over-zealous friendship.
He had their well-deserved esteem, confidence, and indeed
affection. The qualities that gave these to him were not those of the
"magnetic" order. He captivated by no studied arts, by no assumed
effusiveness of manner, but rather in spite of the total lack of those too
common attributes. He was refined, scholarly; in manner as in mind, he was the
Mr. Willard had this good judgment of his fellow-citizens,
and with it their affection, as any one may find who will go among the people
of the State in the villages and on the farms, because of the honesty of his
purpose and of his act, because of his fearlessness in maintaining what he
thought was right and because of the strength which was in his fearless blow. A
private citizen in after years, and holding to life by the lightest thread, he
was looked to for counsel by those in the full strength of manhood, and honored
by a following of his thought which fails to come to most of those in high
places. His later life taught well the lesson that "the post of honor is
the private station."
To give even the briefest history of Mr. Willard's work
would require much time and labor. To give even what he did while in congress
the merest mention would require time and space and study that are not at
command. He was a careful legislator, and one whose counsel bore fruit in the
halls of legislation when given.
When he spoke, he spoke for effect on legislation, and
that, at times, he was overborne was because he stood up against friend and foe
when he thought what they wanted was wrong. Had he always thought with his
party, had he always consented to costly schemes which fellow-members urged, instead
of always standing for what he believed was right, and trying to head off
unnecessary appropriations, he might have been more popular in congress—he
could not have been more useful. But he did as he did, and he did well. For it
is better to have lived as he lived, to leave as he left a good name, that will
for many a year be held as the synonym of that which is pure, right and devoid
of fear or shadow of turning—a name that represents an ideal manhood—than to
have had continuance in or accession of public station. His life was an honor
to his State and a good to those who knew him.
in every sense of the word a Vermonter, was born in
Bridport in 1797, his life thus dating back almost to the birth of the State.
He came to Montpelier in 1826,
and went into the employ of Watson Jones, who was then
running a line of stages between Montpelier and Burlington. At that time the
line between Montpelier and Royalton was opened by Ira Day, of Barre, and Samuel
Blodgett, of Royalton. Day and Cottrill soon bought out Jones, and together
established what became the great central stage route through the State, and
the main thoroughfare for travel between Montreal and Boston, and continued
such until the advent of railroads in this part of the State. He was an
extensive mail contractor, favorably known at the Post-office Department at
Washington. While engaged in the stage business, he purchased the Pavilion
hotel at Montpelier, which he kept until 1856, when he sold it to Col.
Boutwell. Mr. Cottrill then purchased the residence next east of the Pavilion,
which he owned at the time of his decease, and where he resided until 1861,
when he, in company with other gentlemen, contracted to carry the United States
mail from Kansas City to Santa Fe. He was at Kansas City, Mo., in the active
superintendence of this line of stages, when he was attacked by a remittant
fever, which terminated fatally, Oct. 1864.
He married in 1822, Catherine Couch of Bath, N. H., a lady
possessing in a remarkable degree the administrative ability which made her
celebrated as a hostess, to which she added a frankness and heartiness of
manner, which seemed to have no disguises, to despise pretence, and to be open
as the day. She died at Montpelier in 1861.
Mr. Cottrill was a successful man, and a person of
superior common sense. Whatever he did, he did well, and had not much patience
with one whose work was not done thoroughly and on time, and yet, never
hurrying, never appearing anxious or excited—a reticent, self-reliant man.
As host of the Pavilion he was best known, both in and out
of the State, far and wide, as the prince of landlords, and whose hotel was the
traveler's as well as the sojourner's home. He seemed like a gentleman of the
olden time, stately, yet not even cold in aspect, of unruffled temper and
wonderful self-possession. He made for the Pavilion a most excellent character,
and he got for himself, by his connection with it, a respect wider than the
State, and eminently deserved.
In Montpelier he was much esteemed. Almost the whole of
his active life was passed here, and he was identified with all the interests
which have aided to make the town what it is. His means, which his business
sagacity and ability enabled him to accumulate, were spent liberally. He gave generously,
but without ostentation, to every deserving charity, and to all benevolent and
religious institutions; and he was a ready helper of all public improvements. — Watchman
JED. P. C. COTTRILL, son of Mahlon Cottrill, born in
Montpelier, graduated at Burlington College in 1857. He now lives in Milwaukee;
his profession, the law. Of him the Milwaukee News says, "he
confessedly stands among the foremost at the bar of Milwaukee County."
And he was "at the 13th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Free
Masons of Wisconsin. June 9. 1874, elected Grand Master." The productions
from his pen, in the reports of the committee on foreign correspondence of the
Grand Chapter of Wisconsin, are among the ablest and best in American Masonic
The other children of Mr. Cottrill are William, a famous
hotel-keeper in the west; George, a lawyer in New York city; Lyman and Charles.
was born in Barre, Feb. 5, 1802. He was early in life
thrown upon his own resources, and thus acquired self-reliance, energy and
perseverance. Having learned the spinner's trade, he followed it in Hartland
and afterwards in Strafford. Then going to Thetford, he bought an interest in a
carding and cloth-dressing establishment, the buildings of which were swept
away by a great freshet in 1828, leaving him penniless. From 1830 to 1837, he
was engaged in mercantile pursuits in West Fairlee. Meeting with poor success
he tried hotel
keeping, dial in Lebanon, N. H., later in Chelsea, where
he remained 5 years. He came to Montpelier in 1846, and leased the Union House,
Which stood on ground now occupied by the Church of the Messiah. Ten years
later he became proprietor of the Pavilion, and for about 12 years served as
its landlord. Then he rented it to others; but it remained in his possession
till his death, March 27, 1874.
His first wife was Miss Jerusha Peabody of Reading, by
whom he had three children, two of whom are now living,—Harry Sylvester, and
Elizabeth Jane, the wife of Hon. T. R. Merrill. His second wife, married a
short time before he came to Montpelier, was Miss Eliza Burbank, a sister of
the late Silas Burbank of this place. She is yet living.
For nearly a generation Col. Boutwell was actively and
prominently identified with the interests of Montpelier. His position as
landlord of the leading hotel brought him into contact with large numbers of
influential men; and his physical and mental characteristics were so striking
that those who met him once were not likely to forget him. For almost half a
century he was connected with the Masonic Order, and he held many positions of
honor in that fraternity. From his youth he was an outspoken Universalist,
although not trained in that faith; and after having for many years assisted in
the maintenance of churches not of his choice, he rejoiced in the opportunity
of joining with others in organizing the Church of the Messiah, in Montpelier,
of which he continued to be, during the rest of his life, one of its most
enthusiastic and generous supporters. Goddard Seminary, in Barre, was largely
indebted to his munificence. The Vermont Conference Seminary in Montpelier came
in for a share of his benefactions. His hopefulness and energy, and resolution,
did much to make the Wells River Railroad an assured fact. He was a man of
remarkable force, both mental and physical; he belonged to the class of
inspiring men, men who communicate their own strength to others; he was a man
"born to command," a fact recognized in his election to the colonelcy
of a regiment of militia. In him we saw that paradox in humanity, a young
old man, whose three score and twelve years strove in vain to quench the
fire of his youth; for, though for a year he had been somewhat enfeebled,
still he kept about his business till within some two weeks of his death, and
did not take his bed till his last day.
He was a man in whom there was no lukewarmness; he was
always either cold or hot, a hearty hater and an ardent lover, a man of impulse,
intensity, impetuosity, a man of head-long self-forgetting generosity, a
quick-responding friend of the poor and needy, always vulnerable in his
sympathies, a hater of cant, and shams, knaveries and deceptions, quick-witted
and keen; often coarse of speech, but kind of heart; as one said of him,
"made up rough side out;"—a man whose deed was frequentiy better than
his word. In truth his word sometimes repelled men. He was often more forcible
than polite, and no doubtfulness of mind, or fear of man ever led him to stop
the current of his vehement speech till he could substitute a smooth phrase
for the rough one that was on his tongue's tip. But those who knew him well
discerned the man through the manner, and honored the rugged
honesty, the bluff benevolence, the thorough-going truthfulness, the unawed
independence, and the deep tenderness, too, which characterized him.
He was descended from Joseph Peck, who was in the
twenty-first generation from John Peck of Bolton, Yorkshire county, England.
Thus the genealogy of the Pecks has been traced as far back as, and probably
farther than, that of any other Vermont family. Joseph Peck, the American
ancestor of the subject of our notice, came from Hingham, England, to Hingham,
Mass., in 1638. Asahel, third son of Squire Peck and Elizabeth Goddard, was
born at Royalston, Mass., in Sept., 1803, and brought by his parents about 1806
to Montpelier, who settled in what is known as East Montpelier. Receiving
the discipline of a farm until he was of age, the benefit
of the common school, and fitting for college at Washington County Grammar
School, he entered the University of Vermont, but in his senior term left
college for a course of study in the French language in Canada. The incipient
eminent judge and governor entered then upon the study of the law with his
oldest brother, Nahum Peck, of Hinesburgh. Asahel Peck's name as attorney, at
Hinesburgh, appears in Walton's Register for 1833, when he was thirty years of
age. In that year he removed to Burlington, where all his professional life was
spent. Doubtless his progress at the bar was slow, as he was not a man to push
his way, but to honestly win it by merit. Indeed, a characteristic of him is
that he was slow in everything, but in the end he was almost always sure to be
right, and that he regarded as the only point worth gaining. He was a thorough and
patient student, and a conscientious lawyer and judge. Possessing a tenacious
memory, he held all that he had secured in years of study, and could instantly
bring his great store of learning to bear upon any legal question presented to
him. Touching his abilities as a lawyer, we cite an incident that occurred
several years ago: The late Rufus Choate, who will be remembered as one of the
most eloquent and eminent lawyers of Massachusetts, met Mr. Peck as an
antagonist at the trial of an important case, and at its conclusion Mr. Choate
was so astonished to find such a lawyer in Vermont, that he went to Mr.
Peck and urged him vehemently to remove to Boston, assuring him that he would
win fame and fortune. No inducement, however, could move Mr. Peck; having once
made up his mind, nothing could change it. Burlington he had selected as the
place to practice his profession, and Burlington it must and should be, and
was. Of his reputation as a lawyer and judge, an eminent member of the bar
declares that no man in New England since Judge Story has equalled Judge Peck
in his knowledge of the common law of England and the law of equity. As
Governor, we can bear testimony that he was one of the very best that Vermont
has ever had—thoroughly independent, prudent in every act, and carefully inspecting
the minutest detail of everything presented for his official approval. Mr. Peck
was a judge of the Circuit Court from 1851 until it ceased in Dec., 1857, and
of the Supreme Court from 1860 until 1874, when, it being understood that he
had retired from the bench to a farm in Jericho, to renew the employments of
his youth, he was elected Governor for the term 1874-1876. He was never
married. Since leaving the executive chair, he has been often employed as
counsel in important cases; and doubtless, had his life been spared, would for
some years more have shown himself as a grand master of the law. In speaking of
the probable action of the Republican state convention of 1874, at which Judge
Peck was nominated for Governor, the WATCHMAN spoke of him in the following
terms, which his course while in the gubernatorial chair fully vindicates:
"The State would be honored by his selection for it. So long as Vermont
designates such men as he is for its highest offices, it is not liable to the
old Tory reproach against Republican government, which condemned republics not
because the people elected their officers, but because they elected unworthy
and ignoble men to office.' He would be a worthy successor in the executive
chair of Moses Robinson, Galusha, Palmer, Tichenor, Skinner, Williams, Van
Ness, Royce and Hall, who were his predecsseors on the bench. His name will evidently
harmonize the diverse interests of the Republican party, and will reconcile all
differences. It is not merely unobjectionable. It is in every respect honorable
and fit to be made. His nomination would be followed by a triumphant
Gov. Peck was a citizen of Montpelier 1855 to 1875, and
from that time resided on his farm in Jericho, where he died May 18, 1879. E. P. W.
by request.]
Hon. E. P. WALTON: Dear Sir—I thank you for the
interest you are taking
for the memory of my late brother, Gov. Peck. And withal
you will recollect that he had A. M. added or prefixed to his name by the
University of Vermont, and LL. D. by Middlebury College, and which is written
on his $700 granite monument at Hinesburgh, and whose attachment to the people
of Montpelier was never abated or withdrawn.
Yours Truly,
the obituaries in the Argus and the Watchman at the time of his
Mr. Bancroft, who contributed much to make the town of
Montpelier everywhere honored and honorable in business and financial circles,
was born in Plainfield, this county, Mar. 20, 1809. At three years of age he
lost both of his parents, and was brought up by Arthur Daggett of East
Montpelier. He went to Massachusetts at 16 years and learned the stone-cutter's
trade; worked in the Navy Yard at Charlestown; went to Norfolk, Va. Navy Yard
and worked for a time, and returned to Montpelier. He engaged with his
brother, Watrous, on the stone work of the second state house, afterward
burned. Much of that exceptionally fine work, which was so much admired, was
wrought by his hand. After this, he formed a partnership with Geo. P. Ricker,
and after the death of Mr. Ricker with E. C. Holmes, terminating after 25 years
by the death of Mr. Holmes in 1870. The firm has since been C. Bancroft
& Son—Arthur D., the oldest son, being the partner. In 1839, Mr.
Bancroft married a daughter of Col. Cyrus Johnson of Berlin, who was the
mother of his children, and died Sept. 15, 1856. Feb. 3, 1858, he married
Margaret Wallace, widow of John McLean, Esq., of Cabot, and sister of Dr. M. P.
Wallace, who survives him. Of his 6 children but one survived, Frederick W.; of
the others, but two reached the age of maturity, his daughter Jennie, who
married a Mr. Scott and died about two years after her marriage, and his oldest
son, Arthur D.
From his youth up, Carlos Bancroft was one of the leaders
of the Democratic party here. Besides repeatedly filling various town offices,
selectman, &c., he had, for many years, been an acting director and
vice-president of the Farmers' Insurance Co., and a director of the Montpelier
National Bank; both were benefited largely by his prudent counsel and sound
judgment. Though entirely successful in business, he never accumulated a dollar
but by honorable dealing. His word was never called in question, and his
opinion in matters of business generally put an end to all controversy. He was
one of the building committee of Christ Church, where he attended worship. In
one word, as a citizen, neighbor, and friend, he was a man of large worth.
He died of the insidious, slow old-fashioned consumption;
so insidious that none suspected the familiar face of one so universally known
and respected would be so soon removed from our thoroughfares and business
places. Monday evening, he retired apparently in his usual health, for the
last few months not his former robust health, a state of increasing feebleness,
but which did not debar him from attention to his business. Early the next morning,
he had a coughing fit in which he ruptured a blood-vessel; hemorrhage ensued
and before the physician could be summoned he was dead. Age 67, Oct. 24, 1876.
ARTHUR DAGGETT BANCROFT, son of Carlos, who had all the
traits of his father, inherited consumption and died at 37. He was one of the
selectmen of the town, much esteemed by his townsmen in life, and left a very
handsome estate. He married Juliette, daughter of Algernon S. Camp, formerly
of Montpelier, now of Chicago. They had children, who with his widow reside at
Some sixty years ago Erastus Watrous, the hatter, lived on
Main street, a very intelligent man, who worked quietly away at his trade many
years, died Dec. 16, 1828, aged 54, and was buried in Elm street cemetery.
Mrs. ERASTUS WATROUS was a lady of much natural talent,
and handsome personal appearance. At the visit of Gen. Lafayette to
Montpelier, in 1825, she was
selected and made the welcome address to the French
general in behalf of the ladies of Montpelier. She died July 4, 1832, aged 40.
CHARLES WATROUS, a son of the hatter, born in Montpelier,
graduated at Middlebury in the class of 1817. He read theology in Montpelier
for a year after, and then learned the printer's trade of Walton; but soon
after went South, where he taught for a short time, and then relinquishing teaching,
worked at his trade for short intervals in different States. He at length
became deranged, or partially so. While insane, he wrote and published in Troy,
N. Y., a book on the craft and dangers of masonry.—For title of his work see
Montpelier bibliography by Gilman, page —. Soon after the issue of his book, he
returned to Montpelier, where he stayed only a few months, and went to Concord,
N. H., where he died, about 1835, by his own hand.
ERASTUS B., son of Erastus, Sen., a stirring character,
went to New Mexico and became immensely rich. He is supposed to be still
SOPHIA WATROUS, daughter of the hatter, was born in
Montpelier, and resided here till her marriage with Mr. Bemis, when she removed
to Northfield, where she resided the last twenty years or more of her life. She
embraced the Spiritualist belief some years before her death. She and her
husband have both been deceased some years, now, and are buried at Northfield.
Before her marriage, while she resided at Montpelier, she published a small
volume of her poems, which had the honor at least of being the first volume of
poems written and published in the county. From Mrs. Sophia Watrous Bemis'
little book, "The Gift," and
the prettiest lines, we think, she ever wrote, a mortuary poem:
Child of misfortune, few have shared
Such love as was
thine own;
And all along thy rayless path
A guiding star,
it shone.
Affection changeless in excess
When love and
pity meet;
And find on earth a resting place,
A mother's breast
the seat.
It asks no aid of outward charms
Nor e'en the
light of mind;
It then becomes a holy thing;
But few the
pearl can find.
Such love was thine, and earth is poor
The precious
gift to buy;
It woke with thy young dawning life
And caught thy
dying sigh.
And tender lives thy cherished thought
Within that
mother's breast;
Affliction marked thy course on earth,
Heaven guard thy
peaceful rest.
The imbecile was her brother. We are told the family were
all odd or singular in their ways; yet streaked with talent.
They are all gone and have left no descendants but
Erastus B. ED.
a native of Connecticut, came to Montpelier at an early
day, married the youngest daughter of Col. Jacob Davis, and engaged in the
hatting business with Erastus Watrous. He became a prominent man; was high
sheriff in 1814, representative, 1819, councillor, 1827 to 1831, and judge of
probate, 1840. Retiring from the hatting business to agriculture, on the farm
now largely occupied by State, High and Middlesex streets, and residing in the
present dwelling of Charles A. Reed, he was largely employed in the settlement
of estates. He was a deacon of the First Congregational [Bethany] church from
Feb. 7, 1812, for about half a century, when he removed to Irasburgh, where he
died, and also his two sons, John and Hon. George, Jr., who was representative
and senator from Orleans County.
formerly a member of the New Hampshire Conference, was
born in Gloucester, R. I., May 14, 1802, and died in Montpelier, Feb. 1, 1881,
in his 79th year. When about ten years old, his father moved to Sutton, Vt.,
where he lived until he was about thirty years of age. Early converted, in
default of any Methodist society in his immediate community, he was for a
season a member of the Freewill Baptist communion. His religious views,
however, being Methodistic, of the most pronounced type, he subsequently
connected himself with the Methodist church, and after spending several years
in teaching, entered the
itinerant ministry of that denomination, joining the New
Hampshire Conference at a time when it included all the territory of Vermont
east of the Green Mountains.
During the earlier period of his ministry he preached at
Greensboro, Troy, Westfield, Walden, Cabot and East St. Johnsbury, touching,
meantime, the top and bottom of the toils and trials, joys and triumphs, of the
itinerancy in very difficult fields at that early day. About forty years ago he
moved, with his family, to Newbury, to give his children the benefit of the
old Newbury Seminary. During his residence of fifteen years, or more, at that
place, he supplied several churches in the vicinity of Newbury, also devoting
much time to teaching. In the year 1855 he removed to Montpelier, and for
several years supplied churches at East Montpelier, Wright's Mills and Berlin.
He was the "stated supply" of the latter charge, indeed, for nine
consecutive years, during much of that time occupying, with his venerable
mother, the old parsonage, and performing most acceptably all the duties of the
pastorate. During the past ten or twelve years he has spent many months, from
time to time, in the family of his son-in-law, the writer, and will be well remembered
at Monson, Brookfield, Danvers, and especially at Milford—supplying with great
acceptance, during the writer's pastorate at the latter place, the adjacent
Mendon charge for the space of one year. For the last four or five years of his
life, "in age and feebleness extreme," he "halted feebly to the
tomb," tenderly cherished and cared for in the home of his son, Col A. C.
Brown, Montpelier.
Of the life, gifts and activities of Father Brown, much
might be said. He was an instructive, sensible, and sympathetic preacher, and a
most successful pastor. Very tall, and large and massive physically, his
personal appearance, with his flowing, patriarchal beard, was very impressive.
Exemplary in all his walk and and always ready for every good work in the
interest of religion and humanity, being particularly ardent and active on
temperance lines, he commanded the universal and affectionate esteem of all
classes of citizens in the several communities where he labored. No teacher, or
preacher, perhaps, was ever more fondly regarded or tenderly remembered. Hence
his services to preside at weddings and on funeral occasions were in constant
requisition. The aged were wont to seek his companionship, while the young and
those in middle life looked to him for counsel; and even little children always
had a glad word and a pleasant smile for Father Brown, cheering his last days
by gifts of flowers, not more fresh and fragrant than the innocence and love of
their sweet young lives that prompted these gifts. He warmly appreciated and
very gratefully remembered all the kind and thoughtful attentions of neighbors
and friends during his declining years.
Though his life of nearly fourscore years brought to him
his full share of burden- bearing, and responsibility, and physical suffering,
and sorrow, he never wavered in his convictions, or shrank from any post of
duty when clearly presented to him. Not only so, but endowed by nature with a
fine vein of humor, his strong religious trust conspired with his very genial
temperament to enable him, in the midst of all his troubles and sorrows, to
maintain an untroubled serenity and cheerfulness. He was one of the sunniest
and most kindly of men. Father B. was a great Bible reader, having, in the
course of his life, read the Sacred Volume through scores of times. His
favorite text, and one which in his later days he has been often heard, and
with great fervor, to repeat, was: "I have been young, and now am old, yet
have I never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." —
Ps. 37:25.
Over a quarter of a century ago Mr. Brown buried the
companion of his youth. Three out of five children survive him. In the weakness
of his last days he was constantly "waiting and watching" for the moment
that should announce his happy release. Very quietly at last, as if he had laid
him down to sleep, he entered into his final rest. Rev. N. Fellows, his pastor,
on the occasion of his funeral, which was