MONTPELIER. Pages 251-574
[ 251-299 ] [ 300-349 ] [ 350-399 ] [ 400-449 ] [ 450-499 ] [ 500-549 ] [ 550-574 ]
Another source of expenditures liberally made has been the fire department. The Montpelier Fire Company was chartered Nov. 7, 1809, and consisted of the foremost men of the village. A fire engine was purchased, which has been carefully preserved ever since. Under the village corporation an efficient fire department was constituted, which at one time, by means of leading hose and water-tanks, was within the reach of every dwelling. Since that period, though the department has been maintained with six engines and a hook and ladder company, the erection of buildings in remote parts of the village has outrun the supply of water. Another good work which commended itself to the liberality of the town was the establishment of Green Mount Cemetery. It was founded by a former citizen of the town, Calvin Jay Keith, Esq., after he had ceased to be a permanent resident. It is now a noble monument to his memory.
It is in other and vastly wider fields, however, in which the leading men of Montpelier have stood foremost; enterprises affecting not the town merely, but the whole State, and other states and countries, and for which Montpelier has not yet claimed the honor that is justly due to her citizens. A consideration of these will fitly close a paper which has far outrun the original design of its writer.
First among the enterprises of general public interest was the Winooski Turnpike, extending from the terminus of [Elijah] Paine's turnpike, (at the line between Berlin and Montpelier,) to Burlington. This company was chartered Nov. 7, 1805. Two Montpelier men were in the list of corporators, to wit: Charles Bulkley, (whose business was in Montpelier, residence in Berlin,) and David Wing, Jr., who was then Secretary of State; and Parley Davis, of Montpelier, was one of the three commissioners appointed to lay out the road. Col. James H. Langdon and Capt. Timothy Hubbard were leading stockholders; and Mr. Hubbard for some years, and then Col. Thomas Reed until the Vermont Central railroad was constructed, were managers of the road. It was of great public convenience, and a valuable property to the company. This road and Cottrill's stage lines were famous in their day.
The earliest canals projected in which Vermont was interested, were the ship canal, projected about 1784 by Ira Allen, to connect the St. Lawrence river with Lake Champlain; and the Champlain canal, projected by Elkanah Watson and Gen. Philip Schuyler in 1792.* Otter Creek and Missisco rivers were made navigable for a few miles each. These for the western border of the State, while on the eastern border, the main work being at Bellows Falls, Connecticut river was made navigable for flat boats as far north as the mouth of White river, and in favorable seasons farther still. But for projected canals within the State, and across it from west to east, the chief honor is due to Montpelier men. A meeting of delegates from Chittenden, Washington, Orange and Caledonia Counties met at Montpelier, June 30, 1825, and appointed three commissioners to ascertain the practibility of opening water communication between Lake Champlain and Connecticut river. These were Araunah Waterman, John L. Woods and John Downer. They secured surveys in 1825, by Anthony M. Hoffman, of Swanton, John Johnson, of Burlington, and Araunah Waterman, of Montpelier, assisted by Sylvanus Baldwin, who was also of Montpelier. The surveys covered routes from Montpelier via White and Wells river; also from Montpelier to the present summit of the Vermont Central railroad at Roxbury; and from Lake Champlain to Montpelier. A report by Messrs. Waterman and Woods was made to Gov. Van Ness, Nov. 2, 1825, which was communicated to the General Assembly; and another report was made to the Governor, Jan. 18, 1826, by Mr. WATERMAN, to whom belongs, it is believed, the
* Gen. Schuyler wrote to Gov. Thomas Chittenden on this subject, Oct. 17, 1793. His letter is in vol. 24 of Vermont (Manuscript) State Papers, page 66.
chief honor of promoting the enterprise. This favorable report of Messrs. Waterman and Woods secured prompt action by the General Assembly, which, Nov. 17, 1825, requested the Governor to solicit the Secretary of War to direct suitable engineers to ascertain the different heights of land and the waters on the several routes in the State where it is contemplated to make canals or improve the navigation of rivers. In anticipation of favorable reports, the Onion River Navigation and Tow Path Company was incorporated Nov. 8, 1825; an act to provide for improving the navigation of the valley of Connecticut river was passed Nov. 9; on the 15th the Battenkill Canal Company, and on the 17th the Otter Creek and Castleton River Canal Company was incorporated. In response to the application of Gov. Van Ness, many surveys were made in Vermont by the U. S. Topographical Engineers. These included the Lamoille and Black rivers to Lake Memphremagog, and the Clyde and Passumpsic rivers; the Winooski to Montpelier, and from Montpelier by both White and Wells rivers to the Connecticut; while beyond the limits of Vermont surveys were made with a view of possibly finding feasible water communication between Lake Champlain and the Atlantic Ocean. These surveys were failures in respect to canals, but served efficiently in pointing the lines for the railroads which have been constructed since, or are now in the process of construction.
As in projected canals, so in railroads, Montpelier men were early in the field, and most efficient promoters, both in influence and money. The honor of first suggesting a connection of Boston with Lake Ontario by railroad is undoubtedly due to John L. Sullivan, a distinguished civil engineer of Massachusetts. This was in 1827, in letters addressed to the late venerable Elkanah Watson, of Port Kent, N. Y., a most efficient promoter of public enterprises of various sorts.* The honor of securing the completion of this great enterprise is doubtless chiefly due to the late Gov. Charles Paine; but the credit of indicating the line on which the work was actually constructed, and of instituting the measures which led to the realization of the work through the labors of Gov. Paine and his coadjutors, clearly belongs to Montpelier. The railroad line from Boston to Lake Champlain was first formally indicated by Mr. Sullivan; but in point of fact it was one of the lines which Waterman and Davis and Baldwin, of Montpelier, had indicated for canals in 1825; while from Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence at Ogdensburgh, Mr. Sullivan's line was by a transit of the lake from Burlington by ferry, and thence by rail up the valley of the Ausable; but on the 17th of Feb. 1830, the report of Gen. Parley Davis, of Montpelier, made to a convention of citizens of Washington and Orange Counties, indicated not only Mr. Sullivan's line, but substantially the line which was actually adopted—that is, from the lake "near Champlain, (N. Y.,) and thence in a direct route to Ogdensburgh." Now, in justice to other Montpelier men particularly, and to the town in general, other facts should be recorded.
The files of Montpelier newspapers, for the year 1830, alone contain railroad matter enough to fill at least two respectable volumes; and that was 4 years before the first locomotive had been brought into New England, and 5 years before the first New England road had been completed.
The discussion of the Boston and Ogdensburgh railroad question in the Watchman was begun earlier, but the first efficient action in Montpelier dates from Jan. 26, 1830; when, on hearing that the committee of the Massachusetts legislature had reported in favor of a railroad to Lowell, citizens of Montpelier met immediately, and appointed a committee to report upon the subject at an adjourned meeting on the 2d of February. That committee reported at the time appointed, and their report favored internal improvements generally, and specially a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh. The report concluded with
* Men and Times of the Revolution, or Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, page 512. In a report by the late Gen. Parley Davis, of Montpelier, made Feb. 17, 1830, the date of Mr. Sullivan's correspondence is assigned to 1826.
these, resolutions, and the meeting acted accordingly:
Resolved, That the public good requires vigorous and persevering efforts on the part of all intelligent and public spirited individuals, until by the enterprise of individuals, the co-operation of State Legislatures, or the aid of the General Government, the survey and completion of a route is established for a National Railroad from the seaboard at Boston, through Lowell, Mass., Concord in New Hampshire, and thence by the most convenient route through the valley of Onion river to Lake Champlain, and thence to the waters of Lake Ontario at Ogdensburgh, New York.*
Resolved, That the chairman and secretary of this meeting be authorized to call an assembly of the inhabitants of the county of Washington, at such time and place as they may think proper, to consult on this important subject, and to adopt such measures as may be deemed expedient.
Which is respectfully submitted.
E. P. WALTON, } Committee.
At this meeting, General Parley Davis, Joshua Y. Vail, Araunah Waterman, and Sylvanus Baldwin, Esqrs., were appointed a committee "to prepare a topographical and statistical statement of facts on the subject of a route for a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh;" and Hon. Daniel Baldwin was appointed an agent to represent the views of the meeting to the Massachusetts Railroad Association.
These were all Montpelier men, Lyman Reed being then a citizen. He had been a merchant in Boston previously, and has since been in Baltimore and Boston. He was zealous for the interests of Boston, and very well informed on the then new question of railroads. He prepared the first lectures on the subject for the Montpelier Lyceum; and then elaborated these into seven articles, which were published in Mr. Walton's newspaper, the then named Vermont Watchman & State Gazette.
The President, Capt. Timothy Hubbard, and the Secretary of the meeting, O. H. Smith, Esq., immediately called a meeting of citizens of Washington county and vicinity, which was holden at Montpelier, Feb. 17, 1830. Gen. E. P. Walton (senior) presided, and O. H. Smith, Esq., was Secretary. At this meeting the committee on topographical and other facts, through Gen. Parley Davis, submitted an elaborate report, which filled four columns of the Watchman & State Gazette. With the aid of knowledge derived from John L. Sullivan of Massachusetts, and John McDuffie of Bradford, as to routes in Massachusetts and New Hampshire; of other engineers as to both routes in New York; and the canal surveys and the personal knowledge of Davis, Waterman, and Sylvanus Baldwin, as to the routes in Vermont, the entire line from Boston to Ogdensburg was covered, and an array of favorable facts presented, which gave a powerful impulse to public opinion in all the States interested, and gained for its authors and Montpelier the highest credit.
Feb, 22, 1830, The Vermont Railroad Association was formed at Montpelier, of which all the officers were Montpelier men. They were: Timothy Hubbard, President; Joseph Howes, Vice President; Araunah Waterman, Joshua Y. Vail, Silas C. French, Ira Owen, Timothy Merrill, Directors; Daniel Baldwin, Treasurer; Lyman Reed, Recording Secretary; E. P. Walton, (Sr.,) Corresponding Secretary.
The first response to Montpelier was made on the 11th of March, 1830, by a meeting at Keeseville, N. Y., of which Elkanah Watson was chairman. The proceedings of the Washington and Orange County meeting at Montpelier on the preceding 17th of February, including the full report of Gen. Davis, were read. It was resolved "that we cordially concur in the sentiments disclosed in the proceedings of a meeting held at Montpelier, Vt., on the 17th ultimo;" and a committee, of which Mr. Watson was chairman, was "authorized to commence a correspondence with that appointed at the Montpelier meeting, and with any other similar bodies," and "with our national and state authorities." A copy of the proceedings, both of the Keeseville and Montpelier meetings, was sent to Hon. Isaac Finch, M. C., from
* In the Railroad Jubilee, Sept. 1851, this resolution was placed on one of the banners, with the names of the Committee appended, and it was styled "An extract from the First Report in relation to a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh, dated Feb. 9, [2,) 1830." —See Boston Railroad Jubilee, 1851, page 132,
New York, who was requested to invite the co-operation of the New York delegation in securing U. S. engineers to make surveys.
March 23, 1830, Ogdensburgh responded; Apr. 6, Concord, N. H., and on the 12th of May, Chittenden County entered spiritedly into the enterprise by a meeting at Burlington. That meeting:
Resolved, That we consider the public much indebted for the patriotic exertions of numerous associations of individuals on the contemplated route, and particularly to the gentlemen of Washington and Orange Counties for their elaborate and able report, and offer them our zealous co-operation in the laudable endeavor to excite attention and diffuse information on the subject.
The meeting most important in its result, however, was held at Malone, N. Y., on the 26th of May, 1830, of which a former citizen of Montpelier, George B. R. Cove, Esq., was an active member. The important feature in the proceedings was the suggestion of a General Railroad Convention, to consist of delegates from counties on the proposed railway route in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire. The proceedings of this meeting were published in the Boston Patriot, whose editor approved of the proposed General Convention, to be held at Montpelier, and in which Massachusetts also was to be represented, adding: "The Lowell road will be the beginning of the work, that before many years we hope to see extend to the Lakes." That work occupied 21 years.
July 4, 1830, Elkanah Watson submitted an elaborate and interesting report "to the gentlemen of the Boston and Ogdensburgh Railroad Committee for the Counties of Essex and Clinton, State of New York." Three facts from a man of so high repute must be recorded here. He first alluded to the purpose of the Keeseville meeting as being "to consult on the propriety of co-operating with our eastern brethren, more especially the patriotic town of Montpelier, in the State of Vermont, on the splendid project of a railroad from Boston to Ogdensburgh;" and then settled the question of priority, between himself and Mr. Sullivan, as to the first suggestion of the grand scheme, in these words: "It will be my fortunate lot, in character of an old and successful projector, to play the second fiddle, in figurative language. Mr. Sullivan opened the ball by a correspondence with me in 1827." And again: "Let me therefore bear testimony at the tribunal of this generation and posterity, that the credit is exclusively due to John L. Sullivan, Esq., a distinguished civil engineer, and son of the late Governor Sullivan, of Boston." The third fact is the statement that the circulars issued by the Malone Committee, for the General Convention at Montpelier, were prepared by Mr. Watson.
Oct. 6, 1830, the General Convention, consisting of delegates from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York—48 in all—was held at Montpelier. The president was Luther Bradish, of Moira, N. Y., afterwards of New York city, and president of the State Senate. The secretaries were Albe Cady, of Concord, N. H., and John Johnson, of Burlington, Vt., Surveyor General of the State. It was a body of able and earnest men, and interesting addresses were delivered by Elkanah Watson, of Port Kent, N. Y., and James Hayward, (engineer,) Henry Williams, (merchant,) and David Lee Child, (editor,) of Boston. An important communication from John L. Sullivan was read, and the Convention was closed by a speech by President Bradish. Two of Vermont's most famous railroad men 15 years afterward, appeared for the first time in that role in this Convention—Charles Paine, of Northfield, and Timothy Follett, of Burlington; one the first president of the Vermont Central Railroad Co., and the other of the Rutland and Burlington Co. The main business of the Convention consisted of six resolutions, raising the same number of committees for furthering the great project. In forming these committees the Convention went outside of its own body and enlisted eminent men in each State, such as Daniel Webster, Richard Fletcher, Amos Binney, and Robert G. Shaw, of Boston; Matthew Harvey, Samuel Bell, Wm. A. Kent, Chas. G. Atherton and Joseph Bell, of New
Hampshire; D. Azro A. Buck, Heman Allen, (of Milton and Burlington,) Timothy Follett, Dudley Chase, and Samuel Prentiss, of Vermont; and Richard Keese, Luther Bradish, Geo. Parrish, and Elkanah Watson, of New York. The scheme was an admirable one to enlist men wielding a powerful influence in the communities where they dwelt; but it was inefficient for concentrated action, by reason of the impracticability of ever bringing the committee-men together, and became illusory by depending upon the General Government to commence the work, at least by surveys, if not by aid in the construction of the road. The project was worthy of being treated as a national one; but success was not attained until all idea of even State aid was abandoned, and the heavy burden was cast upon individual enterprise through incorporated companies in the several States interested.
The first charter for the Vermont section of the road was passed Nov. 10, 1835, being an act to incorporate The Vermont Central Railroad Co. The commissioners for obtaining stock were John N. Pomeroy, Timothy Follett, John Peck and Luther Loomis, of Burlington; John Spalding, Timothy Hubbard and Jonathan P. Miller, of Montpelier; Amplius Blake, of Chelsea, Chester Baxter, of Sharon, and Lewis Lyman, of Hartford. The first meeting of the commissioners was held at Montpelier, Jan. 6, 1836, and the books for subscriptions to the stock were first opened at the same place on the next day. This attempt failed, as the originators of it expected it would fail. The purpose and effect was to show to Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York that Vermont was ready to co-operate, and would be ready when the time should come for practical action on their part.
The second charter of the Vermont Central Railroad Company passed Oct. 31, 1843. The commissioners were Charles Paine, of Northfield, John Peck and Wyllys Lyman, of Burlington, Daniel Baldwin and Elisha P. Jewett, of Montpelier, Andrew Tracy, of Woodstock, and Levi B. Vilas, of Chelsea; who were required to open books of subscription within one year at Montpelier, Burlington, and such other places as they might deem proper. This requirement was observed, but not until the spring of 1845 was the work of procuring subscriptions vigorously pressed. Preliminary to this, a Railroad Convention, consisting of delegates from various parts of Vermont and New Hampshire, met at Montpelier, Jan. 8, 1844. Hon. Charles Paine, of Northfield, was president; Hon. Elijah Blaisdell, of Lebanon, N. H.; Gen. Joel Bass, of Williamstown, Simeon Lyman, of Hartford, and Hon. Joseph Howes, of Montpelier, Vice Presidents; and Hon. Oramel H. Smith, of Montpelier, and Halsey R. Stevens, Esq., of Lebanon, N. H., Secretaries. Hon. Charles Paine, of Northfield, and Hon. Daniel Baldwin and Col. Elisha P. Jewett, of Montpelier, were constituted a Central Corresponding and Financial Committee, with authority to raise funds and procure surveys from Connecticut river to Lake Champlain, and to examine routes on the west side of the mountains. James R. Langdon, Esq., of Montpelier, advanced ten thousand dollars for the purpose, and the surveys were executed that season, and a favorable report made Nov. 20, 1844.
The commissioners appointed by the Central charter necessarily awaited the results of the surveys before pressing for subscriptions to the stock; but a further delay was occasioned by the neglect of the directors of the Concord, (N. H.,) road, chiefly, to secure the construction of what is now the Northern (N. H.) railroad. Assurances had been given by these directors, and a meeting of the active promoters of the Central road with the directors of the Concord road had been appointed at Lebanon, N. H. Gov. Paine, with several Montpelier gentlemen, attended on the part of the Central, but there was no appearance of the Concord directors. It happened that a meeting of the friends of the then projected Sullivan (N. H.) road had been fixed for the next day at Claremont. In this emergency, Gov. Paine requested Col. Elisha P. Jewett and E. P. Walton, Jr., of Montpelier,
to attend the Claremont meeting, and to pledge the Central road to a connection with the Sullivan, Cheshire and Fitchburg roads, thus forming a railway line through to Boston. This was done, and it proved to be a masterly stroke, forcing the construction of the Northern (N. H.) road, and securing ultimately the completion of the Cheshire, Sullivan, Vermont Central, Vermont & Canada, and Northern (N. Y.) roads to Ogdensburgh—a realization of the grand scheme suggested by Mr. Sullivan in 1826-27, and vigorously urged all along the line by the action of Montpelier in 1830. The Claremont meeting was April 30, 1845. Within the next fortnight the New Hampshire Railroad Commissioners reported in favor of permitting the construction of the Northern (N. H.) railroad from Concord to West Lebanon, and the Governor approved the report. On the 4th of June the directors of the Fitchburgh road voted in favor of a connection with the Central, and a circular to that effect was issued, signed by officers of the Fitchburgh, Vermont & Massachusetts, and Cheshire roads; and on the 10th of June the books of subscription to Central stock were opened in Boston. Thus rapid were the movements of all the lines concerned, after Gov. Paine's "flank movement" at Claremont—as famous, by the way, among railroad men then, as was Stannard's at Gettysburgh in army circles afterward.
The work of obtaining capital in Boston for the Central road was undertaken at a time apparently very unfavorable, by reason of sharp competition between the Central and. Rutland Companies in direct opposition to each other, as well as of the appeals for stock for the Cheshire, Sullivan, Northern, and other roads. The writer was an active participant in the struggle, and this is a fit occasion to express the opinion he has long entertained, that without a sharp contest and competition, the capitalists of Boston could not have been aroused and interested—especially those who had already invested in the Massachusetts roads that were to be connected with those to be built in Vermont—and the work would have been slow; perhaps a work of years. As it was, all of the then competing roads quickly obtained the capital requisite for organization, and all were speedily constructed—too speedily for economy.
The work of obtaining Central stock in Vermont was assigned to Hon. Daniel Baldwin, of Montpelier, who had able assistants, however, in the towns most interested, from Burlington to Windsor. Gov. Paine took the task of raising capital in Boston, and as his assistants engaged the services of James R. Langdon and E. P. Walton, Jr., of Montpelier,—Mr. Langdon as an eminent business man, and Mr. Walton to write for the press. As already recorded, the books were opened in Boston, June 10, 1845; on the 3d of July the first meeting of stockholders was called, and on the 23d of July the meeting was held and the Company legally and formally organized at Montpelier with a subscribed capital of two millions—the work of a month and a half. The amount obtained to that date in Boston was $1,500,000; and the amount obtained in Vermont was $500,000, of which $200,000 was subscribed in Montpelier. The whole amount of stock and bonds taken by Montpelier was near $400,000, and exceeded that sum in the opinion of Hon. Daniel Baldwin. Montpelier certainly was the leading town in the enterprise, and yet, unlike Northfield, St. Albans, and Burlington, it has received only such advantages from the road as were necessarily incidental. It has had merely the power to get on to the road and use it, through the disadvantages of a branch.
It is due to Gov. Paine and his coadjutors to say, that from the first, their objects were far-reaching and vast. It has already been stated that the necessities of the Central road led Gov. Paine to the adroit movement which forced the completion of the Fitchburg and the construction of the Cheshire, Sullivan and Northern (N. H.) railroads to meet the Central on the west bank of Connecticut river. But this was only a part of the scheme of Gov. Paine and his colaborers. One of the
first things done, on opening the Central books for subscription in Boston, was the construction of a map, prepared and published by the writer of this paper, which gave all the great western lakes and the bordering territory in the United States and Canada, and a table of the tonnage of all the U. S. collection districts on the Lakes, copied from the official report of the U. S. Secretary of the Treasury. This was a revelation of the vast internal commerce of our country, exceeding its foreign commerce. It was at first received with surprise and doubt, and it became necessary to confirm the table by placing an official printed copy of the Secretary's report in the Boston Exchange, for the inspection of the doubters. This was followed for nearly three months by a series of articles in the Boston papers, prepared by myself, for the purpose of magnifying the Central road as a necessary way for Boston to reach not only the local trade of Central Vermont, but also the immense commerce of the North-western States and Canada. This large view always prevailed in the Central councils, and it has been executed with wonderful success. The Central by its lease pushed the Vermont and Canada road to Rouse's Point, and the Northern N. Y. road to Ogdensburgh followed; then the Vermont and Canada was connected with Montreal and the Canadian system of railroads, of which it may be said that they owe much to the Vermont Central and managers of other New England roads. When the line from Boston to Ogdensburgh was assured, Gov. Paine and Central friends visited Sir Allan McNab, of Canada, and in 1857 a committee of Boston gentlemen, among them Central men, visited Lord Elgin, and made a tour from Hamilton to Quebec—the purpose of both being to urge the construction of railroads in Canada, which have since been completed. At a later date the Central Vermont managers established a line of steamers from Ogdensburgh to the head of Lake Superior, and out of that has grown the Northern Pacific railroad, which will speedily span the continent. Truly the suggestion of Mr. Sullivan in 1826-27, and the report of the three citizens of Montpelier in 1830, have been marvellously productive in developing the resources of this country and Canada, and supplying freight to the numerous steamers of Sir Hugh Allan and of the Cunard and other lines of ocean steamers. As the writer of this paper has lived to see these grand results, he cannot but regard his labor in Boston in 1845 as the greatest work of his life.
Only three of the fathers of the Vermont Central Railroad are now living, and these are all Montpelier men, to wit: Col. Elisha P. Jewett, commissioner under the second and actual charter, James R. Langdon, and E. P. Walton, Jr., until his father's death in 1855, and now E. P. Walton.
Notwithstanding the disappointment to the expectations of the town, the zeal and liberality of its citizens for public improvements have survived. Various railroad enterprises have been undertaken and charters obtained, but only one has been realized. The entire cash fund required for the construction of the Montpelier and Wells River railroad was $400,000, and of this $250,000 was subscribed, and more than $200,000 has been paid by Montpelier, more than half of the cash capital. The road, however, is not managed in the interest of Montpelier.
The last feature in railway construction is the Narrow Guage Road; and in this, as in the projected canals and the Boston and Ogdensburgh railroad line, Montpelier has been the pioneer town in Vermont. The matter was first discussed in Montpelier newspapers, and the first result was a meeting of citizens of Washington, Lamoille, Caledonia and Orleans Counties, at Albany, in March, 1872. In consequence of measures then set on foot, funds were raised, and surveys have been made from Montpelier to Canada line, embracing several routes in various portions of the intervening country. Notices for applications to the General Assembly for the charter of narrow guage railway companies from Canada line via Montpelier to Rutland, were the first published, and these have been followed by many other notices
in various parts of the State. It is the dawning of a new era in internal improvement, promising, by cheaply-constructed roads economically operated, to develop the resources of sections otherwise inaccessible to railroads, and to contribute to the prosperity of the through standard gauge roads by a large increase of their business. Whatever may be the faults or shortcomings of Montpelier in other respects, it must be conceded that the enterprise and bounty of its citizens have largely benefitted the State—far more largely the State than their own personal interests, or the interests of their town.
A few things have been accidentally omitted, and many purposely, which will be supplied by others. Of the things omitted is a notice of the State Arsenal buildings. During the war of the rebellion a necessity arose for hospitals specially adapted to cases of chronic diarrhœa. A medical commission was appointed by the U. S. Government, who made extensive explorations, and reported that a point in Minnesota, and what is now Seminary Hill in Montpelier, were the best in the country. The latter being most accessible, the State, under the advice of Gov. John G. Smith, erected commodious and admirably arranged hospital buildings, which were used until after the close of the war. Then, as compensation to the State, the Secretary of War assigned to Vermont arms, equipment and ammunition to the value of $600,000. This necessitated the erection of arsenal buildings, and these were located near the hospital. A large part of these military supplies have been sold, and the proceeds put into the State treasury.
Another omission was Prospect Park, located two miles east of the State-house, and in an admirable position for its scenery and accommodations for State and County Fairs. It is private property, owned by J. W. Brock, L. Bart Cross, and the estate of the late J. Warren Bailey, but it ought to become the property of the State Agricultural Society.
This imperfect record of Montpelier has far exceeded the design of the writer, and yet his purpose has been to be brief in respect to most matters already made public, and more elaborate in things never gathered in any previous history of the town. In the last field, the writer acknowledges his indebtedness for material aid to the Hon. Daniel Baldwin, the oldest resident of Montpelier, who recently died in his 90th year.
E. P. W.
October 10, 1881.
A post-office was first established at Montpelier, Apr. 1, 1798, and the first postmaster, Charles Bulkley, [see Judge Bulkley, Berlin, No. 1,] to Apr. 1, 1801; Timothy Hubbard, to Apr. 1, 1810; Sylvanus Baldwin, to July 1, 1813; Joshua Y. Vail, to May 15, 1829; Geo. W. Hill, to Feb. 11, 1837; Geo. W. Barker, to Dec. 26, 1840; Edwin S. Merrill, to Dec. 29, 1843; Geo. W. Reed, to May 8, 1849; Charles Lyman, to Apr. 28, 1853; Charles G. Eastman, to June 14, 1858; Timothy P. Redfield, to Apr. 2, 1861; James G. French, to Apr. 15, 1869; John W. Clark, to July 1, 1881; James S. Peck, present incumbent, (Oct. 1881.)
The Freeman's Press—A Democratic paper, published at Montpelier, was commenced in 1809, not in 1812 or 1813, as stated by Thompson in his history of Montpelier. The first issue was Aug. 25, 1809. A file of the "Freeman's Press" is in Mr. Gilman's library. It was printed by Derrick Sibley, and subsequently by Wright & Sibley, for proprietors, who appear to have been the leading Democrats of Montpelier and the neighboring towns. The "Freeman's Press" was the second paper published at the Capital. It is interesting as giving many quaint views of life and times in those early days, the advertisements, especially, possessing much interest.
The paper was devoted mainly to national politics, only a small space being given to local and State matters. This
file begins with No. 3, and embraces a period of about 2½ years. In the issue of Sept. 8, the first in this file, there are but 6 lines of editorial, and those relate to the State election returns, which are published in part. There are five advertisements. Forbes & Langdon advertise for their customers to pay up, and also that they had "just received from Philadelphia a quantity of Scotch snuff of superior quality." Charles Huntoon—not mentioned by Thompson—general merchant, "offers for sale at his stores in Montpelier and Berlin a general assortment of English and India goods, etc., etc., which he will sell for salts of lye, ashes, butter, cheese, beef cattle, and all country produce." George B. R. Gove—also not mentioned by Thompson—being about to leave Montpelier, offers for sale "one House and Store, with 5 acres of land within 100 rods of the State House, pleasantly situated in the centre of business, and is one of the best stands for a merchant in the State." This was the store on Main St., adjoining Bethany Church, with land attached. "Also an oil mill near Onion river bridge, also a gin distillery, new and complete, and a small farm in Berlin, and other lands." Dec. 15, 1809, we learn that Silas Burbank has purchased the oil mill of Mr. Gove, and wants flax seed, for which one gallon of oil, or one dollar in cash, will be given per bushel. October 13, 1809, Chester W. Houghton wants a few thousand bushels of potatoes delivered at his distillery, for which he will give in exchange 1 qt. of gin per bushel or 20 cents in English goods. Josiah Parks, bookseller, publisher, and justice of the peace, was a persistent advertiser, continuing through the entire file of papers. So also were Justin and Elias Lyman, merchants, of Hartford, Vt. In the paper of May 2, 1811, is the marriage by Josiah Parks, Esq., of Mr. Ezekiel P. Walton, printer, and Miss Prussia Persons. November 5, 1809, James Peck opens a martial music school. Dec. 2, 1809, Chas. Bulkley, agent for the trustees of Montpelier Academy, politely says:
The gentlemen and ladies of the vicinity are with pleasure informed that an additional room has been fitted up in the Academy, for the accommodation of a ladies' school. An instructor has been obtained, whose attainments are in every respect adequate to instruct in the several branches of reading, grammar, geography, painting, embroidering, and the various kinds of needle-work.
Sylvanus Baldwin, a stockholder in the paper, is a liberal advertiser of houses and lands for sale, and to be let, and of patent rights or sale. He is also interested in, and agent for, a cotton and woolen mill near "Paine's bridge." Jan. 1810, Thomas Reed continues the chair, cabinet and painting business, at his old stand. July 4, 1810, the Democratic Republican citizens of Montpelier, Calais, Marshfield and Plainfield, celebrated the 4th at Capt. Samuel Rich's, North Montpelier, and it would appear that the Federals did not celebrate the 4th of July in those days. Col. Caleb Curtis, of Calais, acted as Marshal, and Nahum Kelton, of Montpelier, as Assistant. "The Declaration of Independence was read, prefaced by some well-timed remarks by J. Y. Vail, Esq., a truly republican oration was delivered by Timothy Merrill, Esq., which did honor to his head and heart!" A sumptuous dinner in a grove with regular and volunteer toasts followed, Josiah Parks being Chairman of Committee on toasts, which latter expressed the usual Democratic sentiments of the time.
Jan. 1, 1811, "Found near the Academy last evening, a good bandanna handkerchief, which the owner may have by applying to D. Sibley." Jan. 7, 1811, "good stock of hay at $5.50 per ton, and cash, labor, pork, shingles, or grain, received in payment. I live on the West road in Calais, near Col. Curtis'." Signed, William Thayer.
Mar. 7, 181 Amos Bugbee, who is a machinist, and connected with the cotton and woolen factory before mentioned, offers for sale Dutch plows. Mar. 20, Josiah Fisk carries on the clothier's business, and does blue-dyeing at his shop in Montpelier.
May 30, 1811, the Press says, "we notice in the last Watchman the following: 'Our
glorious federal triumph in New York; the Clinton interest is no more.' This is not the first time the patrons of this paper have been egregiously imposed upon in this way. DeWitt Clinton is elected by over three thousand majority."
Nov. 11, 1811, brings the file near the war of 1812, and political feeling began to run high. November 7, 1811, Wright & Sibley purchase the entire stock of the "Freeman's Press" establishment, and are sole proprietors; and about this time they remove "to the chamber of the White Store opposite Major Langdon's," in the wooden building adjoining Bethany church, now occupied by Fisher & Colton, saddlery and hardware store.
Morse's tavern, sometimes called "People's Rest," appears to have been the usual place for citizen's meetings, etc.
We learn from Sylvanus Baldwin, postmaster at that time, that the mail facilities of Montpelier at this time were two mails per week each, from the South and West; and one mail per week each from the North and East. We notice that Washington news was from 20 to 30 days old when published in Montpelier.
The Freeman's Press was published till about the close of the war with Great Britain, 1815. After the suspension of the Press, there was no Democratic paper in Montpelier until
established by the HON. ISAAC HILL, of Concord, N. H. First No., Jan. 17, 1826, page-size 21x30 inches, enlarged to 24x36, Apr. 15, 1841. Mr. Hill placed his brother Geo. W. in charge as manager, under the firm of Geo. W. Hill & Co., with Horace Steele, editor, soon succeeded by Hugh Moore, Esq , of Concord, N. H., an educated and accomplished gentleman, who held the position several years, Mrs. Geo. W. Hill, a lady of culture and talent, rendering editorial service during the latter years of her husband's connection with the paper. From Apr. 30, 1827 to 1834, Mr. Hill was sole publisher, when, not satisfactorily succeeding, he sold to William Clark, some time foreman in the office.
Mr. Hill was postmaster under Gen. Jackson's appointment until after Van Buren's election, when soon after he retired to a farm in Lowell, Vt., and removed to Johnson about 1850, where he still resides, (1881,) a hale old gentleman of the "olden time."
Jeremiah T. Marston, who read law in Montpelier, and had just opened an office, became editor when Mr. Clark became proprietor. Mr. Marston continued editor only till Apr. 1, 1838, when he with Geo. W. Barker bought out Clark for $2,200. Mr. Clark removed to New York City, and became connected with the large printing house of Trow & Co., where he continued until the failure of his eyesight quite recently, when he retired from business, and resides, (1879,) in Brooklyn, N. Y. He married Fanny, dau. of Isaiah Silver, of Montpelier.
Mr. Barker, P. M. under Van Buren, after the "Hard-Cider-Log-Cabin" campaign of 1840, retired from newspaper business to engage in building railroads, and died not long since in Sheboygan, Wis.
The political aspect looked discouraging for a Democratic editor, but Marston, young and full of hope, determined to persevere—became sole proprietor and editor, brought out his paper enlarged at $1,200 cost, pushed ahead, and made the most lively, wide-awake and best looking paper in the State, until bought out in 1846 by Chas. G. Eastman and Jos. B. Danforth, the former, editor; the latter, manager. Mr. Marston accumulated during his connection with the paper $15,000 to $20,000. He removed to Madison, Wis., where he engaged in commercial and farming business. He married a daughter of Jacob F. Dodge, of Montpelier. They have 3 children. Mrs. R. W. Hyde, of this village, is a sister of Mrs. Marston. Mr. Marston has not taken an active part in politics since leaving Montpelier, but in the political upheavings since then he has somehow got
on the opposite side from where he used to be.
In July, 1851, Eastman bought out Danforth, and remained sole editor and proprietor until his death, Sept. 1860. [The biography of Mr. Eastman will he given in the history of Barnard, next vol.]
Mr. Danforth removed to Rock Island, Ill., where he published the Rock Island Argus, a Democratic paper, until recently, since which a "National Journal"—for whom farther, see history of Barnard, next vol.
Location of the Vermont Patriot: Westerly side of Main street, opposite Bethany church; wood structure, printing-office in the second story; rear part of first story occupied as a book-bindery by a Mr. Watson, who went to South Carolina and died there, and the front part for the post-office, kept by Mr. Hill. When the Southern and Western mails arrived, by stage, about the same time, 10 to 11 o'clock, A. M., the little room would be crowded to excess. After the mail was opened, Postmaster Hill would read out in a loud voice the address of every letter received, upon the conclusion of which there would be a stampede of those for whom there were no letters.
The Patriot was published here until it passed into the hands of Marston & Barker, when it was removed to State street, in the Ballou building, opposite First National Bank, where the printing-office was in the second story, Mr. Marston having a bookstore on the first floor, and a large reading-room, well supplied with newspapers, in the rear, for the benefit of any one who chose to use it. It was there the friends of the editor and Patriot gathered for news and political gossip. It was in this room the election of James K. Polk was first announced in Montpelier by a hurried scrawl from Hon. J. McM. Shafter, then Whig Secretary of State for Vermont, written at Burlington and forwarded by the stage-driver to Col. E. P. Jewett, it reading as follows: "New York gone! all gone! We have got to take Polk, Texas and the devil!" and we also got with Polk that vast and rich territory comprising not only Texas, but New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California, to which latter State, Mr. Shafter removed some 25 years ago, being now one of its prominent men. [See Shafter family in history of Athens, later in this vol.]
Eastman and Danforth on their purchase removed the Patriot office across the bridge to a wooden building, then standing on land now occupied by the easterly part of Union Block, opposite the westerly tenement of Walton block, where it remained during the publication by Eastman and by E. M. Brown. [For Col. E. M. Brown, see Woodstock in next vol.]
is the result of a union, early in 1863, of the Bellows Falls Argus with the Vermont Patriot—the former commenced in 1853, by Hiram Atkins, at Bellows Falls. The paper under its present title began with about 2,000 subscribers; office-room, 30 by 42 feet; presses, a small-sized "Ruggles" for job work, and Newbury cylinder for the paper; working force, three hands with the editor. It now employs one of each size of the Degener job-presses, Globe half medium, 1 hand press, 2 first class Cottrell & Babcock cylinder presses—one the largest press of any kind in the State (1881); office hands 20—on job-work 8 or 10; in outfit, type, etc., is in the very front of the printing establishments of the State. The work of the office goes all over the State, into each of the New England States, New York, Wisconsin, etc. Several thousand dollars value of paper, card, ink, etc., kept constantly on hand. All has gone on expanding. The large three-story building, opposite Bethany church, once familiarly known as the Lyman store, is now better known as the Argus and Patriot building, owned by its own editor and proprietor. From the time Mr. Atkins assumed control of the Argus and Patriot, every week has added new names to his subscription till the list is over 6,000. The Argus and Patriot has occasionally been published daily during sessions of the Legislature.
The publication of The Voice of Freedom was commenced January 1st, 1839, by Emery A. Allen and Joseph Poland as publishers, under the firm name of Allen & Poland. Hon. Chauncey L. Knapp, then holding the office of Secretary of State by favor of the Whig party, was employed as editor. The publication office was in the second story of the Barnes shop building, first door East of the Bishop hotel. In September of the same year Mr. Poland retired from the paper by reason of ill health, and its publication was continued through the year by Mr. E. A. Allen. At the beginning of the second volume the proprietorship passed to the State Anti-slavery Society, Mr. Knapp still remaining as editor. After a few months, more or less, the paper fell into the hands of Mr. Jedediah Holcomb, of Brandon, and was removed to that place, where it was subsequently discontinued. Mr. Knapp has been for many years the editor and publisher of the Lowell, (Mass.,) Daily Citizen, his son of late years having been associated with him in the business. Among other important positions he has filled are those of Clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Member of Congress from the Lowell district. Mr. Allen is a practicing physician in Randolph, Mass., and Mr. Poland is editor and proprietor of the Watchman & Journal, Montpelier.
Though an individual enterprise, the Voice of Freedom was regarded as the organ of the then recently formed Antislavery Society of the State, of which Rowland T. Robinson, of Ferrisburgh, was President, and Dr. J. A. Allen, of Middlebury, Secretary. As yet the antislavery sentiment of the State had not taken the form of political action, and only sought to promote its objects by moral and religious methods. But recent events had given a new impetus to the movement, and the roar of the on-coming tide which was destined to sweep American slavery out of existence, might already be heard in the distance. The celebrated controversy in Congress concerning the right of petition, with John Quincy Adams as its eloquent champion, was then at its height. The so-called "Atherton gag" had just been adopted by the national House of Representatives, whereby "every petition, memorial, resolution, proposition or paper, touching the abolition of slavery, or the buying, selling or transferring of slaves in any state, district or territory of the United States," was "laid on the table without being debated, printed, read or referred," and had produced such general indignation among all parties that the legislature of the State, in the fall of that year, by a nearly unanimous vote in both houses, had demanded the repeal of said obnoxious resolution, and instructed our Senators and requested our Representatives to labor for its repeal. They were also instructed, by the same legislature, to "use their utmost efforts to prevent the annexation of Texas and to procure the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia and the territories, and the slave-trade between the several states." Indeed, so far had Mr. Knapp, the editor of the "Voice," progressed in the direction of distinct political action that, the year following, when Harrison and Tyler were the Whig standard-bearers, he was waited upon by a delegation from the Whig State Committee with the intimation that the support of their presidential candidates was a condition precedent to his re-election to the office of Secretary of State. Whereupon he distinctly avowed that he would support no man for these high positions "with the smell of slavery upon his garments." The result was that Mr. Knapp was superseded the ensuing fall by Hon. Alvah Sabin, of Georgia, as Secretary of State.
was established at Montpelier, as the organ of the Liberty party, in January, 1844, by Joseph Poland, with Rev. J. C. Aspenwall, a Methodist preacher, as editor. Mr. Aspenwall retired in the fall of the same year, leaving the entire charge of the paper in the hands of the proprietor. A few months subsequently, Rev. C. C. Briggs,
a Congregational preacher and anti-slavery lecturer, became joint editor and publisher, the firm being Poland & Briggs. In May, 1846, Mr. Briggs retired, and the paper was conducted by Mr. Poland until January, 1849, with Mr. H. D. Hopkins as associate editor during the year 1848. The first of January, 1849, infirm health induced the proprietor to sell and transfer the paper to the Hon. Jacob Scott, of Barre, who had for some years been a leading man in the anti-slavery ranks, and a candidate for Lieutenant Governor and also for Congress. During the year 1849, Hon. Daniel P. Thompson became associated with Mr. Scott, and at the beginning of the succeeding volume he became sole proprietor and editor. In 1856 the paper was sold to Mr. S. S. Boyce. In 1861 the paper was bought by Hon. Charles W. Willard, who was its editor for twelve years thereafter, and who was sole proprietor until 1869, when he sold a half interest to Mr. J. W. Wheelock. In 1873, Mr. Wheelock became sole proprietor and editor, and so remained until his death in 1876, when he was succeeded by his son, Mr. Herbert R. Wheelock, the present proprietor and editor. The office of publication was first in the second story of the Lyman & King store, (now the Argus & Patriot building,) then in Cross' Bakery, in the rear of Babcock & Cutler's drug store, then in the second story of the Barrows & Peck hardware store, then removed to the new "Freeman Building" erected by S. S. Boyce, and subsequently to its present quarters. Of the several gentlemen connected with the Freeman from first to last, it is believed Mr. Aspenwall is dead; Mr. Boyce was engaged in the war of the rebellion, and has since resided in New York; Messrs. Scott, Thompson, Willard and J. W. Wheelock have deceased; Mr Briggs is a successful banker and manufacturer at Rockford, Illinois; Mr. Hopkins is living in Montpelier, but with impaired health, while the founder of the paper is now editor and publisher of the Watchman & Journal, at Montpelier—the office in which he learned the printer's trade when a boy.
As we have said, the Green Mountain Freeman was established as the organ of the Liberty party of the State, and for five years, and until the character of the party was somewhat "watered," to use a phrase current on change, by the absorption of the free-soil element of the Democratic party in 1848, it had the proud distinction of representing a political party which was never surpassed in any country or age for the purity of its principles and the uncompromising firmness with which it pursued its single purpose. Never had an organ a more intelligent and devoted constituency. At the date of its transfer to Mr. Scott in 1848 it had 4,000 subscribers. By the union that year with the free-soil portion of the Democratic party in the free states, and joining in the support of Martin Van Buren for the Presidency, the character of the party became less distinctively religious and more political; but the fundamental principle of the original organization was never lost sight of until, through the agency of the Republican party and the consequent election of Abraham Lincoln, the doctrine of our boasted Declaration of Independence was transformed from a cruel lie to a living truth. And the founder of the Freeman looks back upon his five years' labors in this connection as the crowning glory of his life.
Botanic Advocate. — A monthly, commenced about 1837, and continued about 2 years. By Drs. Wright and F. A. McDowell.
Green Mountain Emporium, and Litererary, Moral and Religious Record.—By J. Milton Stearns, 8 vo. monthly, 16 pages each; commenced November, 1838, continued only a short time, and moved to Middlebury.
Vermont Family Visitor—Commenced in 1845, and issued about a year only.
Vermont Temperance Star—Eight page quarto, monthly. Address, Geo. B. Manser. Vol. I, No. 6, is August, 1839, Montpelier, Vt.
The Watchword— A temperance paper. Editorial committee: Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, Rev. J. E. Wright, H. D. Hopkins, H. A.
Huse. Feb. 14, 1874. Only a few numbers issued.
Vermont Temperance Banner—Started in the fall of 1879, under the auspices of W. F. Scott and J. P. Eddy. One number published and then suspended for want of patronage.
The Vermonter—Fred. H. Kimball, editor and publisher, July, 1879. 4 pp. "The representative amateur paper of Vermont" published at present.
The Era, by Edward Clark, and the Echo, by Chas. F. Burnham, were started about 1875, while both editors were serving their apprenticeship in the Argus office. Of both papers, only one or two numbers were issued.
Young American, 1874—Wm. M. Kendall, Jr., printer and publisher. An 8 page paper, printed at Montpelier, while its editor was attending school; and after his education was completed, removed to its former place of publication, Lebanon, N. H., Mr. Kendall becoming the editor and publisher of the Dollar Weekly at that place.
Postage Stamp Reporter, 1877—C. F. Buswell, publisher. 8 pp. 7 x 5½. Issued monthly, devoted to stamp collecting, and discontinued on increase of postage regulation, with its Sept. No., 1877.
Green Monntain Boys. 1877—Tuttle & Dewey, publishers. 8 pp. 6 x 8, and issued monthly.
Winooski Impetus—Metropolis of Vermont, April 15, 1835, to March, 1836. 4 to. Published monthly by a society of young men.
The Montpelierian—Vol. 5, No. 1. Seminary Hill, Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 20, 1877. Published by the Literary Society of the Vermont Methodist Seminary. 4 to, p. 8, [4] Continued monthly.
[Editors and publishers now residing at Montpelier —E. P. Walton, retired; Joseph Poland, present proprietor of the Watchman; J. M. Poland, retired; Hiram Atkins, proprietor of the Argus, to whom we are indebted for the fine views of Bethany and Christ Church in No. 3 of the Gazetteer; H. R. Wheelock and H. A. Huse of the Freeman.]
Librarian of the Vermont Historical Society.
Montpelier has been prominent in the printing of books from an early period of its history; the number of book imprints issued from the press of this town, as shown in my bibliography of Vermont, a work in course of preparation, exceeds 800, including of course official publications for the State, which are probably more than half of the number.
The earliest Montpelier imprint I have met is a work compiled by Clark Brown with the title; "The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and of Vermont, also Washington's Farewell Address," etc. Printed by Benjamin H. Wheeler, for Brown & Parks, 1807. 16° p. 76.
Mr. Brown started the first newspaper in town, the "Vermont Precursor," which he published weekly. Nov. 1806 to Sept. 1807, when he sold out to Samuel Goss, who was at that time publishing a paper at Peacham.
Mr. Goss re-christened the "Precursor" as the "Watchman," numbering consecutively from the commencement of the former. In 1808, Mr. Brown delivered a Masonic Sermon at Danville: "The Moral and benevolent Design of Christianity and Freemasonry," etc. Danville: Ebenezer Eaton.
The following partial list of books and pamphlets relating in any way to Montpelier is of interest, as showing the class of literature circulated among the people, especially in the earlier history of the State; the list is compiled wholly from my bibliography of Vt.
The publications of the numerous institutions and organizations in the State, such as religious, educational, masonic, temperance, odd fellows, agricultural, medical, benevolent, military, railroads, insurance and others, for full lists of which see Walton's Registers, are omitted here as well also as all official State publications, and town reports, although Montpelier printers have had their full share of the printing of the above works. All the pub-
lications named were printed in Montpelier unless otherwise noted.
ADAMS, DANIEL. English Grammar. Published by L. Q. C. Bowles, 1814.
— Another edition, same publisher, 1817.
— The Scholar's Arithmetic. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1812.
ADAMS, F .W "Theological Criticisms." Published by J. E. Thompson, 1843. p. 216.
Mr. Adams was an eminent physician in Montpelier for many years, where he died in Dec. 1858, aged 71.
AIKEN, SOLOMON. "An Appeal to the Churches," etc., p. 120, printed by E. P. Walton, 1821.
ALLIS, Rev. O. D. Funeral Sermon on the death of Chas. M. Griswold, 1862. Printed at the Freeman office.
AUSTIN, Rev. SAMUEL. Election Sermon, 1816. Printed by Walton & Goss.
BALDWIN, DANIEL. Memorial Service, held in the Church of the Messiah, at Montpelier, Aug. 7, 1881. Printed, for private distribution, by Joseph Poland. 8° p. 18. [By Rev. J. Edw. Wright.]
See sketch of Mr. Baldwin, post.
BALLOU, ELI. Review of Rev. A. Royce's Sermon against Universalism. Printed by F. A. McDowell, Universalist Watchman office, 1838.
BARBER, E. D. Democratic Oration at Montpelier, 1839. Patriot office print.
BARRE. Reply of the people of Barre to the attack of Rev. A. Royce, 1845. Poland & Briggs, printers, p. 51.
BAYLIES, NICHOLAS. A Digested Index to Law Reports in England and the United States. Printed by Walton & Goss, 1814. 3 vols. 8° p. xiv, 545; vii, 455; vii, 509.
— An Esssay on the Human Mind. E. P. Walton, printer, 1820. 16° p. 216.
— A second edition. Same imprint, 1829.
BAYNE, THOMAS. Funeral Sermon on the death of Hon. Ira H. Allen, 1866. Walton, printer.
BENT, Rev. J. A. Thanksgiving Sermon at Stowe, 1854. E. P. Walton, Jr., printer.
BIBLE. I am informed that an edition of the New Testament was printed by the late Ezekiel P. Walton, at Montpelier, in the early part of the present century, but I have never seen a copy. Some thirty editions of the Bible and parts thereof have been printed in Vermont, mainly at Brattleboro, Windsor and Woodstock.
BOARDMAN, Rev. E. J. Immediate Abolition Vindicated. An address at Randolph, 1838. Walton & Son, printers.
BOYLE, Capt. R. Voyages and Adventures. Printed by Wright & Sibley. 12° p. 262.
BRIGHAM, G. N. Poems, 1870. 12° p. 187.
— Second edition of same, 1874, p. Cambridge, Mass.
BUCHANAN, Rev. C. The Works of. Walton & Goss, printers, 1813. 12° p. 369.
BUNYAN, Rev. J. The Heavenly Footman, 1811. Walton & Goss, printers. 24° p. 108.
BLISS, Rev. J. I. Funeral Sermon on Capt. L. H. Bostwick at Jericho, 1863. E. P. Walton, printer.
BURTON, Rev. ASA. False Teachers Described, a sermon at Thetford, 1810. Montpelier: Printed by Samuel Goss.
— Funeral Sermon on Mrs. Joram Allen, at Thetford, 1811. Wright & Sibley, printers.
— Funeral Sermon on Oramel Hinckley, at Thetford, 1812. Wright & Sibley.
BURTON, Rev. H. N. "Go Forward." A Missionary Sermon at St. Johnsbury, 1868. Freeman print.
BUTLER, J. D. See Article, Vt. Hist. Society.
CARPENTER, Hon. HEMAN. Family Re-Union, 1871. Polands' print.
CHALMERS, Rev. THOMAS. Discourses on Revelation. 2 vols. in one, p. 175 and 194, 12°. E. P. Walton, printer, 1819.
CHANDLER, Rev. A. Sermon at Waitsfield, 1826. E. P. Walton, printer.
CHANNING, Rev. W. E. Election Sermon in Boston, 1830. Reprinted by Geo. W. Hill, Montpelier.
CHRISTIAN PILGRIM, 18° p. 143. E. P. Walton, printer. Comical illustrations.
COBB, ENOS. An Exposition of Dr. Cobb's art of discovering the faculties of the Human Mind, etc. Montpelier, 1846. 12° p. 31.
COBURN, A. The Scholar's Teacher of Geography. Montpelier, 1838. p. 13.
DASCOMB, Rev. A. B. Memorial Record of Waitsfield, 1867. Freeman Print.
— Sermon on the death of Pres. Lincoln, 1865. Walton's Print.
DAVIS, HENRY. Election Sermon at Montpelier, Oct. 12, 1815. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 40.
DAVIS, Miss MARY E. [A native of Plainfield.] Poems. Argus & Patriot print, 1877. 12° p. 349.
DAY, NORRIS. A Lecture on Bible Politics. Montpelier, 1846.
DEAN, JAMES. Gazetteer of Vermont. Printed by Samuel Goss, 1808. 8° p. 44.
This was the first gazetteer of the State.
DEWEY, C. C. Woman Suffrage. Journal Press, Montpelier, 1869.
DOLPHIN, JAMES. Travels of, among the Indians, etc. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1812. 18° p. 72.
DOW, PEGGY, [Wife of the famous Lorenzo Dow.] Poetry. Printed by E. P. & G. S. Walton, 1818. 24° p. 160.
EARLE, JABEZ. The Christian's Looking-Glass. Walton & Goss, 1817. 18° p. 70.
EASTMAN, C. G. Sermons, etc., by Rev. J. Burchard.
Burlington, 1836. 12° p.
— Poems. Montpelier: Eastman & Danforth, printers, 1848. 12° p. 208.
— Second Edition enlarged, T. C. Phinney, publisher, 1880. 12° p. xxi and 233, with steel portrait and a sketch of the author.
See history of newspapers in Montpelier. [For biography of Eastman, see Barnard history in succeeding volume.—ED.]
ELLIOT, Rev. L. H. Sermon on the death of Rev. Dr. Silas McKeen, Bradford, 1877. Polands' print.
EMERSON, Mrs. LUCY. New England Cookery, etc. Montpelier: Printed for Josiah Parks, 1808. 18° p. 84.
Mrs. Emerson was a sister of the late venerable Thomas Reed, an early settler at Montpelier; he was the father of the late Thomas and Hezekiah H. Heed.
FOSTER, HOSEA B., of Berlin, Vt. Poems. Montpelier, Vt.: Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co , 1860. 18° p. 72.
FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. The Way to Wealth. Walton & Goss, printers, 1810. 18° p. 31.
— Life of Dr. Franklin. Samuel Goss, printer, Montpelier, 1809. 12° p. 202.
FRENYEAR, Rev. C. P. Funeral Sermon on the death of Wm. H. Carr, in Jamaica. Argus and Patriot print, 1870.
FROTHINGHAM, Rev. F. Dedication Sermon, Church of Messiah, Montpelier, 1866. Ballou, printer.
FULLER, Rev. ANDREW. Baptism. Printed by Samuel Goss, 1807. p. 15.
Perhaps the first imprint by Mr. Goss in Montpelier, as he purchased the "Precursor" in September, 1807. See ante, BROWN, CLARK.
— Another edition, 1814. Printed by Wright & Sibley. p. 16.
GALLUP, Dr. J. A. Address before the Vermont Medical Society at Montpelier, Oct. 10, 1822. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 26.
GESTRIN, Prof. C. E. H. Vacation Labors, 1879. Argus and Patriot print, p. 51.
GREENE, Rev. R. A. Funeral Sermon on the death of Mrs. James Nichols, of Northfield, March 6, 1876. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. 12.
GREEN MOUNTAIN EMPORIUM, and Literary, Moral and Religious Record. By J. Milton Stearns. Vol. 1, No. 8. Montpelier, June, 1839. Monthly. Allen & Poland, printers. RI 8° p. 15.
GREGORY, Rev. JOHN. Review of Bishop Hopkins, against Universalism. Montpelier: Wm. Clark, 1835. 8° p. 12.
— History of Northfield. Argus and Patriot print, 1878. 8° p. 319.
— An Expose of Spiritualism. Polands' print, 1872. 8° p. 104.
GRIDLEY , Rev. JOHN. History of Montpelier, in a Discourse in the Brick Church, Montpelier, Thanksgiving Day, Dec. 8, 1842. E. P. Walton & Sons, printers. 8° p. 48.
A valuable work, and very scarce.
— The Young Man Beguiled of his Strength. A Sermon at Montpelier, March 29, 1846. Eastman & Danforth, printers. 12° p. 21.
Mr. Gridley was pastor or the "Brick Church" Montpelier, 1841-46, when he moved to Kenosha, Wis., where he died Dec. 27, 1876, aged 80 years.
HADDOCK, Prof. C. B. An Address before the Railroad Convention at Montpelier, January 8, 1844. E. P. Walton & Sons, printers. 8° p. 24.
HALL, S. R. The Child's Assistant to Geography. Third edition, 1831. Montpelier: Published by J. S. Walton. 12° p. 75.
First edition was published in 1827, with same imprint. Many editions were afterwards published. An enlarged edition, revised by Rev. P. H. White, was published at Montpelier in 1864. by C. W Willard, and a third edition in 1874, of 280 pages, 12 mo., Freeman print. Another edition in 1878, same imprint, and the work is still in use in our public schools.
HARRISON, WM. H. Biographical Sketch of. Watchman Office, Montpelier, 1836. 12° p. 30.
HARVARD COLLEGE. Fourth Report of Class of 1861, J. Edward Wright, Class Secretary. Freeman print, 1878. 8° p. 30.
HERVEY. JAMES. Meditations, etc. Samuel Goss, printer, 1810. 12° p. 144.
HINCKS, Rev. J. H. "The Mission of a Child's Life." A sermon preached in Bethany Church, Montpelier, March 20, 1881. Printed for private distribution. Joseph Poland, printer. 8° p. 28.
Preached on occasion of the deaths of Mary, aged 7 years, daughter of Jas. W. Brock, Esq., and Clara, aged 13 years, daughter of J. Monroe Poland, Esq.
HOLMES, JAMES H. A Manual on Window Gardening. Montpelier, 1877. 12° p. 184.
HOOKER, Rev. E. W. Address on Sacred Music, at Castleton, 1843. E. P. Walton & Sons, printers. 8° p. r6.
HOPKINS, Rev. SAMUEL. The Evils of Gambling. A Sermon at Montpelier, April 19, 1835. E. P. Walton & Son, printers. 8° p. 22.
HOUSE, Rev. A. H. Conversation. A Sermon at Island Pond, Feb. 14, 1858. Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co. 8° p. 16.
HUTCHINSON, TITUS. Jurisdiction of Courts. Freeman print, 1855. 8° p. 15.
JOHNSON, JOHN. A Mathematical Question, propounded by the Vicegerent of the World. Answered by the King of Glory. Montpelier: Published by John Crosby, 1813. 18° p. 143.
JOHNSON, OLIVER. Address before the Vermont Anti-Slavery Society, at Middlebury, Feb. 18, 1835. Knapp & Jewett, printers. 8° p. 32.
JONES, CHARLES E. Life and Confessions of. Printed by Ballou, Loveland & Co., 1860. 12° p. 168.
JONES, HENRY. The seven Churches in Asia, the Millenial thousand years, etc. Knapp & Jewett, printers, 1834. 12° p. 70.
KELTON, C. G. The New England Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Published by Geo. W. Hill, 1829. 24° p. 168.
LAMB, LARNED. The Militia's Guide, etc. Printed by Samuel Goss, 1807. 18° p.
LINSLEY, D. C. Report of his survey of a road from the foot to the summit of Mount Mansfield, Oct., 1865 Montpelier. 8° p. 7.
LORD, Rev. WM. H. A Sermon on occasion of the death of Hon. John McLean. Preached in Cabot, Vt., Feb. 7, 1855.
— Remembrance of the Righteous. A Sermon on occasion of the death of Gen. Ezekiel P. Walton. Preached at Montpelier, Nov. 29, 1855.
— The Present and the Future. A Sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Lucretia Prentiss, wife of Hon. Samuel Prentiss. Preached at Montpelier, June 17, 1855.
— A Tract for the Times. National Hospitality. 1855. p. 48.
— Life, Death, Immortality. A Sermon on the death of Samuel Prentiss, LL. D. Preached in the Congregational Church, in Montpelier, January 18, 1857.
— A City which hath Foundations. A Sermon preached on occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Congregational Church in Montpelier, July 25, 1858.
— A Sermon on occasion of the death of Hon. Ferrand F. Merrill. Preached in the Congregational Church, Montpelier, May 8, 1859.
— A Sermon on the Causes and Remedy of the National Troubles. Preached at Montpelier, April 4, 1861
— A Sermon on occasion of the death of Rev. James Hobart. Preached in the Congregational Church, Berlin, Vt , July 18, 1862.
— In Memoriam. Address at the funeral of Mrs. James T. Thurston, Montpelier, April 3, 1865.
— The Uses of the Material Temple. A Sermon preached at the Dedication of Bethany Church, Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1868.
— Address and Services at the funeral of Dea. Constant W. Storrs, Montpelier, March 26, 1872.
—Woman's Mission for Christ. A Sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. James R. Langdon, at Montpelier, Aug. 3, 1873.
All of the above were printed at the office of the Vermont Watchman and State Journal.
— Sketch of the Life of Hon. Samuel Prentiss, published in the United States Law Magazine.
— Also, two or more articles in the Princeton Review.
LYMAN, ELIJAH. Sermon before the Legislature at Montpelier, Oct. 13, 1814, by Elijah Lyman, A. M., Pastor of the Congregational Church in Brookfield. Montpelier: Walton & Goss.
MANSFIELD, Mrs. LUCY (Langdon.) Memorial of Charles Finny Mansfield, comprising extracts from his diaries, letters, and other papers. New York: Baker & Godwin, printers. 1866. 8° p. 265 (2.)
Mrs. Mansfield, daughter of James R. Langdon, of Montpelier, was born in Berlin in 1841, and married the subject of this memorial in 1861. He died in 1861. Mrs. Mansfield has since married again, and resides in New York.
MARSH, Rev. SAMUEL. Message from God, etc. Montpelier, 1844. 8° p. 16.
— The Age of Prophecy. Press of Eastman & Danforth, 1848. 16° p. 16.
— National Prosperity. Montpelier, 1849. 16° p. 16.
— The Modern Colporteur Revival System. Press of Eastman & Danforth, 1849. 16° p. 142.
— Hard Questions Answered. Eastman & Danforth, 1849. p. 72.
— Universalism. Press of Eli Ballou, 1850. 16° p. 28.
— Reply to Ballou. Montpelier, 1850. 16° p. 32.
— Uncle Nathan. Ballou & Loveland, 1854. 16° p. 218.
MARSHALL, E. F. New Spelling Book. Published by E. P. Walton & Son, 1838. 12° p. 144.
MASON, JOHN. Treatise on Self Knowledge. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1813. 24° p. 194.
— The same. Published by E. P. Walton, 1819. 18° p. 177.
MCKEEN, Rev. SILAS. Civil Goverment a a Divine Institution. A Sermon before the Legislature, Oct. 9, 1857. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 34.
— A History of Bradford, J. D. Clark & Son, publishers, 1875. 8° p. 462.
MILLER, Col. JONATHAN P. The Condition of Greece in 1827-28, New York: J. & J. Harper, 1828. 8° p. 300.
— Letters from Greece. [By Col. Miller and others.] Boston, 1825. 8° p. 20.
[See D. P. THOMPSON'S History of Montpelier for a sketch of Col. Miller, also vol. II of this Gazetteer— History of Randolph.]
THE MINISTER preaching his own Funeral Sermon. Wright & Sibley, 1812. 24° p. 96.
MISCELLANEOUS. Memoirs of that truly eccentric character, the late Timothy Dexter, together with his last will and testament. Montpelier, 1808. Sabin's Bibliography.
— Records of the Montpelier Lyceum, 1829-1836. Manuscript, p. 353.
[Belongs to the Vt. Hist. Society.]
— Catalogue of books of the Montpelier Agricultural Society, n. p. n. d.
— Winooski Impetus. Metropolis of Vermont, April 15, 1835 to March 1836. 4° Monthly, by a society of young men.
— Services at the Dedication of Green Mount Cemetery, Sept. 15, 1855. E. P. Walton, Jr., printer, 8° p. 40.
— A Child's Book. Illustrated. E. P. Walton, printer. 32° p. 8. n. d.
— Reports of Town Officers in printed form, annually, since 1843.
— Act of Incorporation, By-Laws etc., of the Village of Montpelier, 1848. 8° p. 12. Editions of the same, 1855, 1864 and 1875.
— Village Reports, annually.
— Catalogue of the Sabbath School Library of the First Cong'l Church, 1861. Walton's print. 12° p. 18.
— In Memoriam of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hopkins, in Christ Church, Montpelier, 1868. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. 16.
— Illustrated Capital Advertiser, 1872. Argus and Patriot print. 8° p. 8.
— Reports of the Committee on Water Supply for the Village of Montpelier, 1873. Poland's print. 8° p. 20.
— Illustrated Circular of Lane Manufacturing Company, Montpelier, 1875. Argus and Patriot print. 12° p. 152.
— Exhibition of the New Organ in Trinity Church, Nov. 5, 1875.
— Webb's Montpelier Directory, 1875-6-7. 8° p. 50.
— Pocket Directory of the Village of Montpelier for 1877. Poland's Press. 18° P. 90.
— Montpelier Illustrated; with a brief sketch by E. P. Walton. In N. Y. Daily Graphic, Nov. 8, 1877.
— Montpelier Manufacturing Company's 20th annual catalogue, 1877. 8° p. 32.
— Montpelierian, vol. 5, No. I, Jan. 20. 1877. 4° p. 8 and (4.) Continued monthly by the Literary Societies of Methodist Seminary.
MOORE, Z. S. Sermon Oct. 6, 1813, at the Ordination of Rev. Jacob Allen at Tunbridge. Walton & Goss, printers.
MORTON. Rev. D. O. Wine is a Mocker: Sermon at Montpelier Oct. 16, 1828, at the formation of the Vermont Temperance Society. Printed by E. P. Walton. 8° p 16.
MURRAY, LINDLEY. The English Reader, 1823. E. P. Walton printer. 12° p. 262.
NEW ENGLAND Economical House-Keeper, and family Receipt Book. E. P. Walton & Sons, 1845.
NUTTING, RUFUS. Grammar. Third edition. E. P. Walton, printer, 1826. 12° p. 136.
— Fourth and fifth edition, same imprint, P. 144.
—Nutting's New Grammar. E. P. Walton & Sons, 1840. p. 184.
PALMER, E. F. The Second Brigade; or, Camp Life. E. P. Walton, printer, 1864.
PALMER, Rev. J. E. A Collection of Essays, etc. E. P. Walton & Son, 1836. 12° p. 306.
PARKER, Rev. DANIEL. A Sermon, Church Privileges, etc., at Brookfield, March 9, 1847. E. P. Walton & Sons. p. 19.
PEACHAM. Addresses at the opening of the Congregational Church at Peacham,
Sept. 28, 1871. Polands' print. 8° p. 66.
— Catalogue of the Library of the Juvenile Society at Peacham. Polands' print, 1881. 8° p. 24.
PEAKE, REBECCA. Trial of, for murder, at Orange County Court, Dec. 1835. E. P. Walton & Son, printers. 12° p. 88.
PECK, LUCIUS B. Speech in Congress, on Slavery in the Territories, April 23, 1850. p. 8.
— Proceedings of the Washington County Bar on the death of Hon. Lucius B. Peck, at March Term, 1867. Freeman print. 8° p. 20.
PERRIN, Rev. TRUMAN. Dietetics—Sound Health, etc. Freeman print, 1861. 8° p. 19. See History of Berlin, ante, p 63.
PERRIN, Rev. WILLIAM. The Accident; or Henry and Julia; and other poems. Walton & Goss, printers, 1815. 12° p. 64. See Hist. of Berlin, p. 62.
PETER THE GREAT. Life and Reign of. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1811. 12° p. 316.
PHINNEY, T. C. The Literary News. Monthly, May, 1878. 8° p. 8. For Sept. 1881. p.32. Continued.
POSTAGE STAMP REPORTER. C. F. Buswell, editor. Monthly, vol.. 1, No. I. Montpelier, January, 1877. 8° p. 8.
POWARS, GRANT. Oration at Thetford, July 4, 1812. Wright & Sibley, printers. 8° p. 16.
PRENTISS, Hon. SAMUEL. Oration at Plainfield, July 4, 1812. Walton & Goss, printers. 8° p. 39.
— Remarks in the U. S. Senate on Slavery in the District of Columbia, March 1, 1836. Washington: p. 14.
— Speech in the Senate, January 16, 1838, on the Vermont Resolutions on the admission of Texas, and the slave trade. Washington: 8° p. 10.
— Speeches in the Senate, March 2d and 30th and April 6th, 1838, on Dueling. Washington: 8° p. 19.
— Speech in the Senate, June 23, 1840, on the Bankrupt Bill. Washington: p. 20.
— Proceedings in the District Court, Oct. Session, 1857, on the Death of Judge Prentiss. Windsor: 8° p. 16.
PROCEEDINGS and Address of a Jackson Convention at Montpelier, June 27, 1828. Geo. W. Hill, printer. 8° p. 24.
PROCEEDINGS of the Montpelier, [Vt., Congregational] Association in Sept., in reply to annexed Statements of Henry Jones, against Freemasonry. Danville, 1830. 12° p. 22. See JONES, HENRY, ante.
PROGRESSIVE READER. Printed by Geo. W. Hill, 1833. 18° p. 216.
RAND, FESTUS G. Autobiography of; A Tale of Intemperance. J. & J. M. Poland. 8° p. 16.
RANDALL, Rev. E. H. Address on the death of President Lincoln, at Randolph, April 19, 1865. Walton's print. 8° p. 12.
RAWSON, Rev. NATHANIEL. Discourse at Hardwick, on the Sabbath succeeding his Ordination, Feb. 17, 1811. Printed by Walton & Goss. [See biography of, in Orleans Co. papers and items, vol. II, this Gazetteer.]
REDFIELD, Hon. ISAAC F. Charge to the Grand Jury in Washington County, November Term, 1842. Burlington : 8° p. 16.
See Gilman's Bibliography for a biog. sketch of Judge Redfield, and a list of his law publications. etc.
REDFIELD, T. P. Report on the claim of the Iroquois Indians upon the State of Vermont. 1854. 8° p. 40.
REED, GEORGE B. Sketch of the Early History of Banking in Vermont, Read before the Vt. Hist. Soc. at Montpelier, Oct. 14, 1862. 8° p. 28.
—Sketch of the Life of Hon. John Reed, of Boston. Boston, 1879. 8° p. 22.
Mr. Reed is a native of Montpelier; born July 28, 1829; son of the late Thomas Reed, Esq., an early and prominent citizen of the town. Mr. Geo. B. Reed has been for many years a law bookseller and publisher in Boston. He is well versed in the history of Vermont, and has been a liberal donor to the Vt. Hist. Soc.
RELIGIOUS COURTSHIP, [By Daniel De Foe.] Printed by Derrick Sibley, for Josiah Parks, 1810. 12° p. 348.
ROLLINS, E. E. Memorial Record of Greensboro Soldiers, 1861-5. Freeman print, 1868. 12° p. 77. [See Greensboro in vol. II, this Gazetteer.]
SANDERS, D. C. A History of the Indian Wars. Wright & Sibley, printers. 120 p. 319. 1812.
A very scarce work. Mr. Sanders was the first President of the University of Vermont. [See biography of, in History of Burlington in vol. I, this Gazetteer.]
SAVAGE, R. A. Memorial Record of the Soldiers of Stowe, 1861—5. Freeman Print, 1867. 12° p. 104. [See Stowe in vol. II, this Gazetteer.]
SCOTT, WALTER. The Lady of the Lake. A Poem. Wright & Sibley, printers, 1813. 18° p. 320.
SCOTT, WILLIAM. Lessons in Elocution, etc. Published by E. P. & G. S. Walton, 1818. 18° p. 383.
— Another edition, by E. P. Walton, 1820. 407.
SELECT SENTENCES. Printed for John Crosby, 1813. 18° p. 36.
SHELTON, Rev. F. W. Address at the funeral of Mrs. Upham, in Christ Church, May 11, 1856. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16.
Mr. Shelton was Rector of Christ Church, Montpelier, 1854-66; he was a pleasant writer, and published several volumes. besides numerous articles in the Knickerbocker Magazine. Mr. Shelton died at Carthage Landing, on-the-Hudson, June 20, 1881.
SHEPARD, SYLVANUS. The Phoenix Chronicle. The Bonfire, in which 450 books were burned. A View of Montpelier and all the country villages in the State. Printed for the author, 1825. 8° p. 18.
Mr. Shepard was an early settler of East Montpelier.
SHORT EXPOSE of the management of the finances of Vermont. Patriot office, 1844. p. 8.
SKINNER, Rev. WARREN. Capital Punishment. A Lecture before the Legislature of Vermont, and others, Oct. 26, 1834. Geo. W. Hill, printer. 8° p. 19.
— The Christian Ministry. A Sermon before the Universalist Convention at Montpelier, Jan. 17, 1833, at the Ordination of Rev. J. M. Austin. Geo. W. Hill. 8° p. 25.
SMITH, RUTH B., (of Newbury.) The Pension Case of the late Capt. James T. Smith. Polands' print, 1879. 8° p. 32.
SOUTHMAYD, JONATHAN C. Address before the Philological Society of Middlebury College, August 15, 1826. E. P. Walton, printer.
— Discourse at Montpelier, March 16, 1828, on the use of distilled spirits. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16.
SPALDING, Rev. GEO. B., D. D. God in the War. A Sermon at Vergennes, Nov. 26, 1863. Burlington: 8° p. 21.
— A Discourse commemorative of Gen. Samuel P. Strong, at Vergennes, Feb. 28, 1864. Burlington: 8° p. 22.
— A Discourse at Dover, N. H., May 18, 1873, on the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of that town. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 29.
— A Discourse Commemorative of Hon. John P. Hale, at Dover, N. H., Nov. 27, 1873. Concord, N. H. 8° P. 19.
— Relation of the Church to Children. A Discourse at Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 6, 1873. Bristol, N. H. 8° p. 12.
— The Dover Pulpit during the Revolution. A Discourse Commemorative of Rev. Jeremy Belknap, D. D., July 9, 1876. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 31.
— Semi-Centennial Discourse at Laconia, N. H., June 18, 1878, before the Conference Churches of Strafford County. Dover, N. H. 8° p. 20.
— Normal School Training. Address at Gorham, Maine, Dec. 26, 1878. Portland, Me. 8° p. 12.
— Address before the New Hampshire Sunday-School Convention at Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 6, 1879. Bristol, N. H. 8° p. 8.
Rev. Dr. Spalding is a native of Montpelier, son of the late James Spalding, M. D. He is pastor of the First Congregational Church, Dover. N. H., where he was settled in 1869. See Granite Monthly, vol. I, p. 197-9, for a biographical sketch.
SPALDING, JAMES R. An Address on Female Education at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1855. New York. 8° p. 28.
— An Oration at the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the University of Vermont, August, 1854. 8° p. 33.
Mr. Spalding, an elder brother of the above, died at the residence or his brother in Dover. Oct. 10. 1872. He was born in Montpelier, Nov. 15, 1821. Mr. Spalding was a gentlemen of fine culture and attainments. For many years he was an associate editor of the New York Courier and Inquirer, and he was mainly the founder of the Now York World newspaper in 1859; an appropriate tribute to the worth of Mr. Spalding, by Richard Grant White, was printed in the daily World of October 12, 1872.
STEBBINS, R. I Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Charles A. Allen, as minister of the Church of the Messiah, at Montpelier, March 1, 1865. Ballou, Loveland & Co. 12° p. 27.
STEELE, ZADOCK. His Indian Captivity, and an account of the burning of Royalton. E. P. Walton, printer, 1818. 12° p. 144.
STONE, J. P. A History of Greensboro, and the Congregational Church, 1854. E. P. Walton. 8° p. 40.
SWETT, JOSIAH. Sermon at the funeral of Mr. Sarah E. Weston, at West Randolph, Nov. 23, 1851. E. P. Walton & Son. 8° p. 24.
TEACHEM, Mrs. The Infant School Primer. E. P. Walton, printer, [1832.] 12° p. 24.
THOMAS, Rev. A. C. Analysis and Confutation of Miller's Theory of the End of the World in 1843. Eli Ballou, printer, 1843. 8° p. 30.
THOMPSON, DANIEL G. A First Latin Book, introductory to Ceaser's Commentaries on the Gallic War. Chicago, 1872. 12° p. 224.
Mr. Thompson is a native of Montpelier, son of the late Hon. Daniel P. Thompson, and resides in New York; he published articles on "Intuition and Inference." in the Mind, A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, London, July and October numbers, 1878.
THOMPSON, DANIEL PIERCE. [A partial list of the works by Judge Thompson may be found in this History under BERLIN, p. 69-72, vol. 4, together with a
biographical sketch. The works omitted in the Berlin article are given here.]
— The Adventures of Timothy Peacock, Esquire, or Freemasonry Illustrated. Middlebury, 1835. 12° p. 218. Published anonymously.
— Revised Statutes of Vermont, I vol. 1835.
— Address before the Vt. Hist. Society, 1850. Burlington. 8° p. 22.
— History of the Town of Montpelier to 1860, with Biographical Sketches. E. P. Walton printer. 80 p. 312.
Mr. Thompson's novels continue in demand, an edition by Nichols & Hall, Boston, 1876, in four volumes, contains: vol. I, "May Martin," "Guardian and Ghost," "Shaker Lovers," "Ethan Allen and the Lost Children," "The Young Sea Captain," "Old Soldier's Story," "New Way to Collect a Bad Debt," and "An Indian's Revenge," p. 380. Vol. 2, "Locke Amsden, or the School-master," p. 231. "The Rangers," 2 v. in one. p.174, 155. "Green Mountain Boys," vol. 4, p 364.
— Another edition of the above four volumes by the same publishers, 1881.
THOMPSON, GEORGE. Address to the Legislature and Citizens of Vermont, at Montpelier, Oct. 22, 1864. Freeman print. 8° p. 18.
THOMPSON, ZADOC. Gazetteer of Vermont. E. P. Walton printer. 1824. 12° p. 312.
THOMPSON, S. New Guide to Health, or Botanic Family Physician. Montpelier, Printed for the publisher, 1851. 12° p. 122.
THOUGHTS ON DIVINE GOODNESS. Printed by Geo. W. Hill. 1828, 12° p. 148.
THRESHER, LEONARD. The Family Physician, etc. Argus and Patriot print. 1871, 8° p. 406.
TRUAIR, Rev. JOHN. Sermon at Montpelier. March 7, 18I3. Walton & Goss.
— The Alarm Trumpet. Sermon at Berkshire, Sept. 9, 1813, on the war. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 27.
UNIVERSALISM. Form for Constitution and by-laws for the use of Universalist Churches, etc. Ballou & Burnham's press. 1851, 12° p. 16.
— Discussion on Endless Punishment, by Rev. Luther Lee, and Rev. Eli Ballou. Ballou & Loveland printers. 1857, 12° p. 84.
UPHAM, Hon. WILLAM. Speech in the U. S. Senate, March 1, 1847, on the three million Bill. Washington. 8° p. 8.
— Speech in the U. S. Senate on the Mexican War, Feb. 15. 1848. p. 19.
— Speech in the Senate, July 26, 1848, on the Compromise Bill. p. 7.
— Report on the Revolutionary Claims, Feb. 9, 1849.
— Speech in Senate, July 1 and 2, 1850, on the Compromise Bill. p. 16.
— Obituary Addresses on the death of Mr. Upham, delivered in the Senate and House, January 15, 1853. 8° p. 8.
[Vide biographical sketch post.]
UPHAM, WILLIAM K. Argument for Defendant in case Nathan Harris vs. Columbiana Co. Insurance Company, (Ohio), 1853. p. 11.
Mr. Upham was a native of Montpelier, son of Senator Upham, died at Canton, Ohio, Mar. 22, 1865.
WAIT, AUGUSTINE. Speech before the Brotherhood of St. Patrick, Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 24, 1862. E. P. Walton, printer. p. 20.
WALTON, Hon. ELIAKIM P. Speech on the Admission of Kansas, in the House of Representatives, Mar. 31,1858. Washington: 8° p. 15.
— Speech on Free Trade and Protective Tariff, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 7, 1859. 8° p. 14. Washington.
— Speech in the House on the State of the Union, Feb. 16, 1861. 8° p. 8.
— Speech in the House on the Confiscation of Rebel Property. Delivered May 24, 1862. 8° p. 15.
Mr. Walton edited and compiled a history of the Vermont Capitol, a book of 300 pages, printed in 1857. He delivered an address on the first Legislature of Vermont, before the Historical Society in 1878; also an address, "History of Early Printing in Vermont," before the Vt. Publlsbers' Association, at Bennington, August, 1877, which is printed in the "Centennial Proceedings at Bennington." But the crowning work of Mr. Walton is the editing and publishing of the eight volumes of the Governor and Council, so called. This is a work invaluable to every student of Vermont history, and its appreciation will increase as time passes. [A most satisfactory work—that Vermont Governor and Council —Ed.] Another work of great convenience to all Vermonters, as well as others, is, WALTON'S VERMONT REGISTER AND ALMANAC. This work, with which everybody in Vermont ought to be familiar, was published at Montpelier by the Walton Family, 1818-1867, and since then at Claremont, N. H., under the same old familiar title. There is an excellent sketch of Mr. Walton In my bibliography of Vt., which I will not mutilate by giving even an abstract in this place. See post. I do not speak of Mr. Walton's "History of Montpelier," prepared for Miss Hemenway's Gazetteer, as I have not seen it. It is proper to say a word in this place to prevent confusion, as to the same initials of the two Mr. E. P. Waltons, whose names occur so frequently in the imprints of this list. The father, Ezekiel Parker Walton, continued in the printing business at Montpelier, 1807-1853; the eldest son, Eliakim Persons Walton, became a partner with his father in 1833, under the firm name of E. P. Walton & Son. Later, one or two younger sons of the elder Walton became members of the firm, which then became E. P. Walton & Sons. Eliakim wrote his name E. P. Walton, Jr., until the death of his father in 1855.
WARING, GEO. E. Jr. Elements of Agriculture. S. M. Walton, 1855. 12° p. 288.
WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Valedictory Address. Walton & Goss, printers, 1812. p. 45.
WATROUS, Miss SOPHIA. The Gift. Poems. E. P. Walton & Sons, 1841. 12° p. 172.
WATTS, ISAAC. Twelve Sermons, Moral and Divine. Wright & Sibley, 1811. 12° p. 359.
— Psalms of David, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Walton & Goss, 1814. 18° p. 296, 259.
— Logic, or the Right use of Reason. E. P. Walton, printer, 1819. 12° p. 288.
WEBB, T. S. Freemason's Monitor. Walton & Goss. printers, 1816. 12° p. 312.
WEBSTER, NOAH. Spelling Book. E. P. Walton & Son, 1839. Another edition, 1844.
WHEELER, Rev. S. H. Memorial Sermon on Mrs. Betsey Carpenter, of Waterbury, Nov. 7, 1875. Press of J. & J. M. Poland. 8° p. 15.
WHEELOCK, Rev. EDWIN. Historical Sketch of the Town of Cambridge. Freeman print, 1876. 12° p. 15.
WHEELOCK, Rev. V. G. Revelation and Science Harmonize. A Sermon, 1869. Polands' print.
— Growth of the Gospel. A Sermon at Stanbridge, P. Q., 1871. Journal Steam Printing Establishment. 8° p. 12.
WHITE, Rev. P. H. Ecclesiastical History of Vermont. An Essay read at Newbury, June 21, 1866. Walton's print. 8° p. 7.
— Jonas Galusha. Memoir of, read before the Vt. Hist. Society, 1866. E. P. Walton, printer. 8° p. 16.
WILD, Rev. A. W. Funeral Sermon at Greensboro, July 10, 1864, on the death of E. E. Hartson and Horace Sutham. Freeman print. 8° p. 18,
WILLARD, Hon. CHARLES W. Speech in the House of Representatives, April 9, 1869, on the Cuban Question. Washington: p. 8.
— Cuban Belligerency, Speech in the House, June 15, 1870. Washington: p. 15.
— Interstate Commerce. Speech in the House, March 24, 1874. Washington: p. 25.
— Civil Service. Speech in the House, April 17, 1872. p. 8.
WILLIAMSTOWN. Methodism in. Historical Address, Dec. 19, 1880, by Rev, Mr. Bartlett. Messenger print. 12° p. 35.
WING, JOSEPH A. "Pluck," and Other Poems. Freeman print, 1878. 12° p. 252.
WORCESTER. Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths in, Oct. 1813 to June 1858. By S. S. Abbott. E. P. Walton, printer. 18° p. 31.
WORCESTER, Rev. LEONARD. Funeral Sermon at Hardwick, Aug, 30, 1814, on the death of Mrs. Lydia, consort of Samuel French, Esq. Walton & Coss. 8° p. 24.
— Sermon at Montpelier, Oct. 15, 1809. Peacham, Vt. Samuel Goss, printer. 8° p. 24.
— Appeal to the Conscience of Rev. Solomon Aiken. Printed by E. P. Walton. 8° p. 16.
WORCESTER, Rev. THOMAS. Serious Reasons against Triune Worship. Walton & Goss, 1812.
WRIGHT, Rev. CHESTER. Federal Compendium; an Arithmetic. Middlebury, 1803. 12° p. 108.
— Services at the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Wright at Montpelier, Aug. 19, 1809. Sermon by Rev. Asa Burton, Charge by Rev. Stephen Fuller, of Vershire, and the Right Hand of Fellowship by the Rev. Calvin Noble, of Chelsea. Peacham Printed by Samuel Goss, 1809. 8° p. 24.
— Election Sermon, 1810. Randolph.
— Funeral Sermon on the death of Sibyl Brown. Preached Jan. 11, 1811. Walton & Goss, printers. 8° p. 12.
— Sermon before the Vt. Bible Society at Montpelier, Oct. 28, 1812. Walton & Goss. 8° p. 14.
— Funeral Sermon, Dec. 27, 1813, on the death of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Jeduthan Loomis, Esq. Walton & Goss.
— Sermon before the Female Mission Society in Montpelier, 1816. E. P. Walton, printer. p. 14.
— Sermon at Middlebury, Aug. 16, 1814. Middlebury: 8° p. 16.
— Saints Resurrection. Sermon on the death of Geo. S. Walton, at Montpelier, June 10, 1818. E. P. Walton, printer, 8° p. 15.
— Address on the Death of Adams and Jefferson, at Montpelier, July 25, 1826. Printed by George W. Hill & Co. 8° p. 19.
— The Devil in the Nineteenth Century. Two Discourses at Hardwick, May 6, 1838. E. P. Walton & Son. 8° p. 21.
YALE, CALVIN. Some Rules for the investigation of Religious Truth. E. P. Walton, 1826. 8° p. 15.
— Sermon before the Vt. Colonization Society at Montpelier, Oct. 17, 1827. E. P. Walton. 8° p. 15.
YOUNG, SAMUEL. Oration at Bennington, August 16, 1819. Argus and Patriot print, 1871. p. 4.
See Article on Vt. Hist. Society for additional Montpelier imprints, etc.
It is deemed appropriate that a brief notice of the Historical Society shall be included in the history of Montpelier, for the reason among many, that its headquarters and library are located in this town.
The Society was incorporated by act of the general assembly, approved Nov. 5, 1838, under the name of ''The Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society;" the persons named in the act are Henry Stevens of Barnet, Oramel H. Smith, Daniel P. Thompson and George B. Mansur, of Montpelier.
By an act of the general assembly approved Nov. 16, 1859, the name of the Society was changed to "The Vermont Historical Society;" and by an act, approved Nov. 21, the same year, room No. 9 in the State Capitol was granted for the uses of the Society for its library and business purposes; the Society by permission also uses a large book case in room No. 12.
The first meeting of the Society was held at Montpelier, the third Thursday of Oct. 1840, at which the Society was organized, and Henry Stevens elected president and librarian, Geo. B. Mansur and D. P. Thompson, secretaries. At this meeting associate members were elected: Silas H. Jennison, Isaac F. Redfield, D. M. Camp, E. P. Walton, Daniel Baldwin, Geo. W. Benedict, Solomon Stoddard, and Norman Williams.
Mr. Stevens continued as president of the Society until about 1858, when he was succeeded by the Hon. Hiland Hall, who was president until Oct. 1866, when, upon his retirement, Rev. Pliny H. White was elected, and held the office until his death, April 24, 1869.
Hon. Geo. F. Houghton was elected president Oct. 19, 1869, and held the office until his death, Sept. 22, 1870; Rev. W. H. Lord was elected president in Oct. 1870, and held the office until Oct. 1876, when he declined further service; the present incumbent, the Hon. E. P. Walton, succeeded the Rev. Dr. Lord.
The librarians of the Society have been as follows: Henry Stevens, Esq., 1840—1858, Hon. Charles Reed, 1858, until his death, March 7, 1873; he was succeeded by Hiram A. Huse, Esq., until Oct. 1874, when the present incumbent, Mr. M. D. Gilman, was elected.
Among the most prominent and active workers in behalf of the Historical Society, should be mentioned, Henry Stevens Esq., Hon. Hiland Hall, Hon. Charles Reed, Rev. Pliny H. White, Geo. F. Houghton, Esq., and the Hon. Hakim P. Walton.
The annual meetings of the Society are held at Montpelier, Tuesday preceding the third Wednesday of October.
Persons desiring to become members of the Society can do so, on the recommendation of any member, and the payment of $2.00 for admission, and $1.00 per annum thereafter.
The Society at the present time, 1881, is in a flourishing condition; it has a system of exchanges and correspondence with all kindred societies in this country and some in England, besides a large correspondence and exchange with individuals.
The library is estimated to contain from 7000 to 8000 vols. of books, about 500 bound vols. of newspapers, and 12000 to 15000 pamphlets, besides a large quantity of manuscripts, letters, and historical curiosities.
A card catalogue of the bound volumes and newspapers has been completed, and all books received are added to the catalogue.
The Society has portraits in oil of Hon. Hiland Hall, Rev. W. H. Lord and Hon. D. P. Thompson, all presented to the Society, the two latter painted by Montpelier's native son, the distinguished artist, Thomas W. Wood, and by him presented to the Society.
As is the case with most libraries of the time in our country, that of the Historical Society has outgrown the room set apart for it, and is greatly in need of more space, which we trust will soon be provided in the proposed addition to the State Capitol.
The following list of publications by the Vermont Historical Society is thought to be complete:
* Address by James D. Butler, at Montpelier, Oct. 16, 1846; "Deficiencies in Our History." 8° p. 36. Montpelier: Eastman & Danforth.
* Addresses on the Battle of Bennington, and Life of Col. Seth Warner, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1848, by James D. Butler and Geo. F. Houghton. Burlington: 8° p. 99.
Address at Montpelier, Oct. 24, 1850, by Daniel P. Thompson. Burlington: 8° p. 22.
* Address, "Life and Services of Matthew Lyon," Oct. 29, 1858, by Rev. P. H. White. Burlington; 8° p. 26.
* Address, "The Marbles of Vermont," Oct. 29, 1858, by A. D. Hager. Burlington: 8° p. 16.
Constitution, By-Laws, Act of Incorporation, and catalogue of Officers and Members of the Society. Woodstock, 1860. 8° p. 16.
* Proceedings of 21st Annual Meeting, and Address by Rev. Joseph Torrey, "History of Lake Champlain," Oct. 16, 1860. Burlington: 8° p. 27.
Proceedings, Special Meeting at Burlington, Jan. 23, 1861. Burlington: 8° p. 7, 8.
Proceedings, Annual Meeting at Montpelier, Oct. 15 and 16, 1861. St. Albans. 8° p. 17.
Proceedings, Special Meeting at Burlington, Jan. 22 and 23, 1862. 8° p. 8. St. Albans.
Address on Town Centennial Celebrations. By Henry Clark, at Burlington, Jan. 22, 1862. 8° p. 8. St. Albans.
* Address by Henry B. Dawson on the Battle of Bennington, at Burlington. Jan. 23, 1861. Printed in Hist. Magazine, May, 1870; reprinted in Argus and Patriot, Montpelier, June 27, July 4, 11, 1877.
* Address, "Early History of Banking in Vermont," by Geo B. Reed, Oct 14, 1862. 8° p. 28.
* Address, "Gov. Philip Skene," by Henry Hall, of Rutland, at Windsor, July 2, 1863. Printed in (Dawson's) Hist. Magazine, vol. II, 2d series, p. 280-83.
* Address on Joseph Bowker, by Henry Hall, Special meeting at Windsor, July 1, 2, 1863. Printed in (Dawson's) Hist. Magazine, vol. II, 2d series, p. 351-54.
* Address, "Evacuation of Ticonderoga, 1777," at a Special Meeting at Brattleboro, July 17, 1862, by Henry Hall. Printed in (Dawson's) Hist. Magazine, August, 1869.
Proceedings at Brattleboro, July 16, 17, and at the Annual Meeting at Montpelier, Oct. 14, 1862. St. Albans. 8° p. 26.
* Address, "Secession in Switzerland," by J. W. DePeyster, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1863. Catskill: 8° p. 72.
* Address, "Life of Hon. Richard Skinner," by Winslow C. Watson, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1863. Albany: 8° p. 30.
* Address, "Edward Crafts Hopson," by Henry Clark, Jan. 25, 1865. Special meeting at Rutland. 8° p. 6.
* Address, "Charles Linsley," by E. J. Phelps. Special meeting at Brandon, Jan. 28, 1864. Albany: 8° p. 20.
* Address, "Battle of Gettysburgh," by G. G. Benedict. Special meeting at Brandon, Jan. 26, 1864. Burlington: 8° p 24.
* Another edition, enlarged, p. 27, and appendix iv. Illustrated.
Addresses, on "Solomon Foot," by Geo. F. Edmunds, on ''Gov. Galusha," by P. H. White, on "New England Civilization," by Rev. J. E. Rankin, at Montpelier, Oct. 16, 1866. Walton's print. 8° p. 72.
* Address on Theophilus Herrington, by Rev. P. H. White. Special meeting at Rutland, Aug. 20, 1868. 8° p. 6.
* Memorial Address on Hon. Jacob Collamer, by James Barrett, at Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1868. 8° p. 61.
Proceedings, and Addresses at Montpelier, Oct. 19, 20, 1869. "Capture of Ticonderoga," by Hiland Hall; "Memorial on P. H. White," by Henry Clark. Journal print, Montpelier. pp. 15, 32, 16.
Proceedings, Oct. and Nov. 1870; contains address on Hon. Charles Marsh, by James Barrett. Montpelier, p. xxvii, 54.
Proceedings, and Address by L. E. Chittenden, on "Capture of Ticonderoga." At Montpelier, Oct. 8, 1872. Montpelier: Printed for the Society. 8° p. xxi, 127.
* Memorial Sketch of Charles Reed, by
H. A. Huse, at the Annual Meeting at Montpelier, Oct. 13, 1874. Printed in Daily Journal.
Address, "History of the St. Albans Raid," delivered at Montpelier, Oct. 17, 1876, by Hon. E. A. Sowles. St. Albans: 8° p. 48, including proceedings of the Society.
Collections of the Society, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Montpelier, 1870. 8° p. xix, 507. Vol. 2, Montpelier, 1871. 8° p. xxviii, 530.
Proceedings, Oct. 15, 1878, at Montpelier, with addresses: by Rev. M. H. Buckham, on Rev. W. H. Lord, and by Hon. E. P. Walton, on "The First Legislature of Vermont." Polands' print. 8° p. xvi, 47.
Proceedings, Oct. 19, 1880, at Montpelier, with address by Hon. E. A. Sowles, on "Fenianism," ete. Rutland: 8° p. xxviii, (2,) 43.
Numerous addresses in addition to those noticed have been delivered before the Society, the manuscripts of some of which are on file in its archives.
The publications marked with a * are out of print, and cannot be furnished by the Society.
Legislation as to a state library began in 1825. The State had about forty years before, it is true, gone into the book business in rather a curious manner by seizing the library of Charles Phelps, Esq., of Marlboro, an energetic friend of New York rule. This seizure was made in 1782, and Stephen R. Bradley seems to have had charge of the confiscated literature for a time. In 1784 the legislature was providing that the committee for revising the laws (an undertaking begun in 1782 and not completed till 1787) should be paid out of this library. The resolutions of the General Assembly, March 6, 1784, relating to such payment are as follows:
Resolved, that Stephen R. Bradley, Esq., be, and is hereby directed to deliver to Nathaniel Chipman and Micah Townsend, Esqrs., Committee for revising the laws, or either of them, upon the order or application of them, or either of them, such of the books late the property of Charles Phelps, Esq., as they or either of them may think necessary for them in revising the laws, he taking their receipt for such books to account. And further,
Resolved, That all letters from either of the Committee for revising the laws to the other upon the business of their appointment, be conveyed free of postage. That the accounts of the said Committee, when the business of their appointment shall be completed, shall be adjusted by the Committee of Pay-Table, at the rate of twelve shillings each per day, while they are severally employed in the business, for their time and expences. That the Committee be paid for their services out of the library late the property of said Phelps, at a reasonable appraisement, to be made by such persons as shall be appointed by the Legislature, to be men acquainted with the value of books, and to be made under oath, at cash price; unless the Legislature shall see proper to restore said library to said Phelps; or unless said Phelps shall redeem the books so appraised by paying the said Committee such sum as they shall be ap‑ praised at. The aforesaid Committee to have their choice of what books they take in payment. Provided the said committee revise the statutes of this State which have not already undergone their examination, by the session of Assembly in October next. And if the said library shall be restored to said Phelps, or shall be insufficient for payment, the Legislature will pay the said Committee for such their services, in hard money, or an equivalent.
Whatever became finally of the Phelps books their temporary possession did not establish a state library any more than, in the troubled days of the revolution, the possession of that "one negro whench" for whose care Matthew Lyon charged the State, established slavery.
The following is the resolution underwhich the Vermont State Library was formed:
IN COUNCIL, Nov. 17, 1825.
Resolved, the general assembly concurring herein, That it shall be the duty of the governor and council annually, to appoint some suitable person, whose duty it shall be to take charge of, and keep in good order, all the books and public documents, deposited in the state-house, in Montpelier; and that a suitable room in the state-house be placed under the control of such person, for a place of deposit for such books and documents: and such person, in the discharge of his duty, shall
be governed by such rules and regulations as the governour and council shall, from time to time, prescribe.
[Concurred Nov. 17, 1825.]
Calvin J. Keith was the first librarian, and was appointed Nov. 17, 1825. He was librarian 4 years, and after his service there were frequent changes in the office for 30 years.
Until 1836 the librarian was appointed by the governor and council; then till 1848 by the governor; and from 1848 till 1858 by the senate and house of representatives. In 1857 the control of the library was put into the hands of trustees, who appoint librarian. The trustees organized Nov. 16, 1858, and appointed Charles Reed librarian. Mr. Reed died March 7, 1873, and was succeeded by the present librarian.
The greater part of the books of the library escaped the fire of Jan. 6, 1857, which destroyed the state-house. While the present state-house was building, the masonic hall was used for the library. A catalogue of the library was printed in 1850, one in 1858, and one in 1872.
The library for nearly 30 years depended principally for increase on the receipt of State publications and on exchanges. In 1854, an annual appropriation of $200 for the purchase of books was made; this appropriation was increased to $500 in 1866 and to $800 in 1876. The substantial growth of the library and its real use date from the beginning of Mr. Reed's services as librarian. He used the small sums at his command with great good judgment, and made a useful working library of it.
The library now contains about 19,000 bound volumes, exclusive of duplicates. It has outgrown the quarters that, when Mr. Reed took charge of it, were more than ample, and is now, though its books overflow into committee rooms, cramped for room. In American law reports it is among the best libraries in the country; in other departments it is incomplete, but growing in those branches that appear to be of most use.
The present officers of the library are: Trustees, ex officio, the governor, the chief justice and the secretary of state; State, E. J. Phelps, Horace Fairbanks, L. G. Ware; resident, E. P. Walton, Joseph Poland and Chas. H. Heath; librarian, Hiram A. Huse; first assistant librarian, Thomas L. Wood.
Portraits, &c.—Among the noticeable things in the library are two portraits belonging to the Historical Society, the work and gift of Thomas W. Wood, a native of Montpelier, and now one of the first artists of New York city. One is a portrait of Rev. W. H. Lord and the other of Hon. Daniel P. Thompson. A portrait, by Mr. Wood, of Judge Prentiss is also in the capitol, though the formal presentation to the Historical Society has not yet been made. These portraits are valuable for their artistic as well as their historical merit, and in the same class may be mentioned, of the portraits in the executive chamber, that of Gov. Smith, by Thos. LeClear. The portrait of Gov. Paine is a good copy, from a good original by Chester Harding; and that of Gov. Williams, by B. F. Mason, is a creditable piece of work. The other portraits in the governor's room are no doubt historically valuable. A bust of Gov. Erastus Fairbanks, by J. Q. A. Ward, is excellent work, as is one of Judge Elijah Paine by Greenough. There is also a fine bust of Jacob Collamer by Preston Powers. Julian Scott's large painting of the Battle of Cedar Creek is too big for the governor's room, and whatever good work there is in it has no chance to "vindicate" itself. A portrait of Washington hangs over the speaker's chair in the Hall of the House of Representatives.
There should also be mentioned the statue of Ethan Allen which stands at the entrance to the capitol. It is of heroic size, is the work of Larkin G. Mead, was completed in 1861, and on the 10th of October in that year was "inaugurated," Hon. Fred. E. Woodbridge of Vergennes delivering the oration. Two of the field-pieces captured from the Hessians at Bennington, are to be seen in the capitol, as well as the battle flags of the Vermont organizations that served in the war of the rebellion.
[Present Artists in Montpelier—J. F. Gilman, crayon portrait painter, Union block: A. N. Blanchard, Main st., A. C. Harlow, Ellis block, State st., photographers. Mr. H. is just completing for the engraver the copy of an oil portrait of Gen. Parley Davis, for our next No.—En.]
State Geologist and Curator of State Cabinet.
This is a collection in Natural History provided for by law and kept in the State house. It is intended to show the geology and natural history of the State. The collection of rock showing the sections across the State were collected by the geological survey. This was added to by the purchase of the Zadoc Thompson collection of natural history, and by donations and otherwise it has been largely increased. The space alloted for the display of specimens is very inadequate, and in consequence thousands of them are packed away. There is, however, over 20,000 on exhibition, and those displayed are intended to show the character of the rocks and all the minerals found in the State as well as insects, birds, animals, Indian relics, &c. Many specimens are of great value, and if lost could never be replaced. The collection was first in charge of the geological survey, then in charge of State Geologist Albert D. Hager. who was curator until he left the State in 1869. In 1870, Dr. Hiram A. Cutting was appointed as his successor, and still has charge. Since his appointment the collection has more than doubled. The number of visitors ranges from 12 to 25 thousand annually, and it is one of the greatest educational interests of the State.
Though intended only to be representative of the natural history of Vermont, there has, by various donations, several hundred of foreign specimens crept in, many of which are on exhibition, and are valuable, as comparatives with similar specimens in the State. It is to be hoped that this valuable aid to Vermont education will ere long have the space granted necessary for the full display of its specimens, when it will be truly one of the most valuable collections in New England.
From Jan. 1, 1825, to Oct. 1, 1881.
1825 30 1844 45 1863 46
1826 31 1845 22 1864 31
1827 15 1846 32 1865 42
1828 14 1847 36 1866 29
1829 14 1848 23 1867 25
1830 14 1849 41 1868 39
1831 14 1850 28 1869 31
1832 23 1851 35 1870 29
1833 23 1852 35 1871 28
1834 17 1853 31 1872 66
1835 20 1854 25 1873 50
1836 22 1855 30 1874 55
1837 20 1856 35 1875 75
1838 24 1857 29 1876 56
1839 28 1858 25 1877 48
1840 46 1859 34 1878 40
1841 58 1860 25 1879 48
1842 41 1861 29 1880 66
1843 41 1862 30 1881 60
The above was compiled from a book kept by the late Aaron Bancroft, ''the old village sexton," containing a record of all the deaths occurring from 1825 to 1857 in the village and the suburbs, (which is about the present limits of the town,) since which time the State law has required the registration of all deaths. But the town records showing that the registration is very imperfect since then to the date of 1871, the files of the newspapers published in town had to be resorted to for those years. Since 1871 I have kept a record of all deaths. I think upon the whole, from my researches and inquiries, that the above is a very accurate statement. From 1825 to 1845 a large percentage of the deaths were children, and the remainder of adults of a middle age of life, acute diseases being the cause of a large percentage of them. From 1845 the record shows a gradual increase of longevity, the last fifteen years showing a large percentage as being adults past the middle age of life, some of these years the average age of the deaths in town being about 50 years. In 1880-81 the deaths of children were in an excess, resulting mainly from diphtheria. The registration of the deaths in town to the year 1823, (when the registration ceased,) is very imperfect, only from one to five being registered occurring in the whole town yearly, and some years none at all. B.
Persons who have died since 1825.
1878 Phœbe Hazard 101½
1864 Thomas Davis 95½
1861 Nathan Jewett 95
1847 Aaron Griswold 95
1854 Betsey Watson 94
1874 Phœbe Tuthill 94
1861 Levi Humphey 92
1863 Simeon Dewey 92
1868 Peter Nichols 92
1880 Eleanor Needham 92
1881 Aurelia Rose 92
1847 Mrs. Campbell 91
1863 Jonathan Shepard 91
1864 Moses Cree 91
1877 Naomi Dodge 91
1877 John Gray 91
1839 Mrs. Edwards 90
1863 Francis Gangau 90
1866 Samuel Goss 90
1871 Hetty Houghton 90
1876 Mary M. Vail 90
1880 Luther Poland 90
1842 Mary Cadwell 89
186o Rev. Zadoc Hubbard 89
1864 Aichen Butterfly 89
1865 Hannah Marsh 89
1881 Daniel Baldwin 89
1872 Aaron Bancroft 88
1842 Luther King 88
1866 Nathaniel Proctor 88
1868 Mary Taylor 88
1875 Dyer Loomis 88
1875 Sally Grant 88
1875 Silas Barrows 88
1876 Lucy L. Loomis 88
1879 Thomas Gannon 88
1835 John Taplin 87
1854 Amos Strong 87
1865 Lucy A. Ripley 87
1867 Rufus Campbell 87
1872 Thomas Needham 87
1877 Mitchell St. John 87
1880 Julia A. Clark 87
1881 Dorothy Horne 87
1839 Esther Hatch 86
1846 John Melon 86
1846 Sarah Philbrook 86
1852 Elijah Nye 86
1853 Dexter May 86
1857 Patty Reed 86
1863 Mary Leonard 86
1869 Sarah T. Hayward 86
1875 Anna Pitkin 86
1875 Anna Waugh 86
1877 Mrs. Luther Howe 86
1878 Prussia Walton 86
1879 Luman Rublee 86
1880 Susan Loomis Brown 86
1839 Arthur Daggett 85
1840 Mrs. Bancroft 85
1849 Mrs. Westjohn 85
1844 Dolly Harran 85
1847 Samuel Upham 85
1850 Darius Boyden 85
1853 Capt. Eben Morse 85
1855 Mrs. Emerson 85
1862 Mrs. Wilson 85
1864 Rhoda Brooks 85
1866 Phoebe Gallison 85
1872 Lucy Guernsey 85
1876 Betsey Waugh 85
1878 William Bennett 85
1826 Mrs. Cross 84
1849 Mrs. Lydia Taplin 84
1849 Betsey Wright 84
1853 Lydia Lamb 84
1856 Col. Asahel Washburn 84
1862 John Gallison 84
1866 William Kinson 84
1869 Mary H. French 84
1871 Patty Howes 84
1871 Sarah Phinney 84
1874 Rawsel R. Keith 84
1874 Deborah Washburn 84
1876 Zenas Wood 84
1879 Anna Stoddard 84
1879 Lyman G. Camp 84
1849 Ebenezer Frizzle 83
1851 Jacob Davis 83
1854 Rebecca Davis 83
1854 Zion Copeland 83
1856 Hannah Dana 83
1859 Joseph Reed 83
1864 Thomas Clark 83
1864 Jane Lawson 83
1864 B. Frank Markham 83
1865 David Gray 83
1865 Polly Mitchell 83
1867 Isaac Wilson 83
1869 Edmund H. Langdon 83
1870 Joseph Rowell 83
1872 John Wood 83
1872 Content Skinner 83
1875 Polly White 83
1875 Mary Wood 83
1850 Mrs. Eben Morse 82
1858 Mrs. Holden 82
1859 Jared Dodge 82
1865 Anna F. Bancroft 82
1868 Dr. Aaron Smith 82
1874 Michael Malony 82
1875 Polly Kimball 82
1875 Elizabeth (Jones) Caryl 82
1876 John Horne 82
1880 Edward L. Taplin 82
1881 Oramel H. Smith 82
1823 Rebecca Davis 81
1828 John Tuthill 81
1846 Eliakim D. Persons 81
1870 John Palmer 81
1873 Nathaniel Abbott 81
1874 Sally Spaulding 81
1879 Margaret Stimson 81
1880 Daniel Cameron 81
1881 Cynthia Hill 81
1872 Joseph Somerby 80
1839 Timothy Hatch 80
1842 Mrs. Doty 80
1844 Hannah Paine 80
1849 Cyrus Ware 80
1859 Araunah Waterman 80
1863 Silas Jones 80
1863 Joseph Howes 80
1863 Mrs. Yatter 80
1869 Peter Rose 80
1870 John Spalding 80
1871 Bridget Brodie 80
1874 Hannah Ferrin 80
1875 William Bills 80
1875 Anna Smith 80
1876 Jane Hutchinson 80
1877 Betsey Young 80
1878 Dr. Buckley O. Tyler 80
1880 William Paul 80
1881 Horace Spencer 80
1843 David Parsons 79
1846 Lemuel Brooks 79
1856 William Noyes 79
1859 Sarah Wilder 79
1859 Nancy Town 79
1859 Mary Lewis 79
1860 Benjamin Staples 79
1861 Mandy McIntyre 79
1862 Abigail Dewey 79
1863 Silas C. French 79
1869 John G. Clark 79
1871 Hugh Rourk 79
1872 Jacob McIntyre 79
1874 Isaac Lavigne 79
1875 Daniel Wilson 79
1881 Rev. Elisha Brown 79
1842 Mrs. Levey 78
1845 Mrs. Hassam 78
1843 Lucretia Parsons 78
1847 Silas Burbank 78
1846 Mrs. Phœbe Mann 78
1856 Mason Johnson 78
1867 Thomas Dodge 78
1872 Mary Prime 78
1872 Polly Coffey 78
1872 Sherman Hubbard 78
1877 William W. Cadwell 78
1878 Margaret Fitzgibbons 78
1879 Helen Crane 78
1880 Polly Dudley 78
1828 Mrs. Gale 77
1840 Mrs. Lawson 77
1840 Jesse Cole 77
1843 John Walton 77
1847 Mrs. Cole 77
1849 Dolly Washburn 77
1852 Polly Davis 77
1852 Betsey Cummings 77
1859 Welcome Cole 77
1861 Mary Goss 77
1864 Polly Warren 77
1866 John Carroll 77
1867 Sally Richardson 77
1868 Persis B. Davis 77
1870 Esther French 77
1871 Henry Y. Barnes 77
1873 Dr. Aaron Denio 77
1874 Susan Rowell 77
1875 Thomas Donahue 77
1875 Dr. James Templeton 77
1878 Mrs. Daniel Cameron 77
1879 Orin Pitkin 77
1880 Caroline Barnes 77
1827 Hannah Carr 76
1863 Nabby Smith 76
1864 Sarah Wilder 76
1873 Barnabas H. Snow 76
1874 Clarissa Kellogg 76
1875 James Boyden 76
1876 Sarah Jones 76
1877 Dr. Julius Y. Dewey 76
1878 Alpheus Flanders 76
1880 Fanny Peck 76
1881 Zebina C. Camp 76
1881 Mary Jacobs 76
1881 Dorothy Walling 76
1827 Samuel Campbell 75
1840 Lois P. Lawson 75
1845 Mrs. Packard 75
1848 Roger Hubbard 75
1849 Betsey Cadwell 75
1850 Mrs. Lawton 75
1855 Mrs. Jacob F. Dodge 75
1856 Thomas Hazard 75
1857 Betsey H. Vail 75
1857 Hon. Samuel Prentiss 75
1865 Sylvanus Ripley 75
1869 Margaret Moorcroft 75
1869 Nehemiah Harvey 75
1869 Dr. Reuben W. Hill 75
1871 Sally Taplin 75
1872 Anna Hubbard 75
1873 Nathan Dodge 75
1840 Polly Barton 74
1842 Mrs. Wheelock 74
1845 Mrs. John Walton 74
1845 Dr. Edward Lamb 74
1847 Isaac Freeman 74
1849 Mrs. Matthew 74
1851 Mrs. Kendall. 74
1860 Francis Smith 74
1861 Susan Abbott 74
1864 Antoine Rivers 74
1865 Richard Paine 74
1865 Isaiah Silver 74
1865 Ruth C. Moulton 74
1866 Thayer Townshend 74
1866 Hubbard Guernsey 74
1868 Daniel P. Thompson 74
1868 Frederick Marsh 74
1874 Dr. Charles Clark 74
1879 Mrs. John Girard 74
1881 Jesse Hutchinson 74
1826 Mrs. Nye 73
1835 Mrs. Eliakim D. Persons 73
1864 Isaac Putnam 73
1838 Mrs. Elijah Nye 73
1862 Jane Hathaway 73
1864 Abby Langdon 73
1868 Philomila Flint 73
1872 Hannah Patterson 73
1873 Phœbe Redway 73
1876 Mrs. Orange Fifield 73
1875 Richard Dillon 73
1876 Mary M. Davis. 73
1878 Orlena Hoyt 73
1836 Charles Bulkley 72
1837 Mrs. Holmes 72
1838 Mrs. Timothy Hatch 72
1837 Thomas Reed, Sr 72
1840 Lucy Trowbridge 72
1849 Sally Shepard 72
1858 Ann Wheaton 72
1864 Dr. Thomas C. Taplin 72
1870 William Moorcroft 72
1870 Stokely Angell 72
1871 Jeremiah Davis 72
1872 Constant W. Storrs 72
1872 Benjamin Brown 72
1873 Timothy Cross 72
1874 Col. Levi Boutwell 72
1879 Betsey Cadwell 72
1826 Mrs. Dodge 71
1838 Mrs. Partridge 71
1842 Mrs. Dexter May 71
1849 Mrs. Anna Cutler 71
1860 Samuel Forbes 71
1864 Calvin Warren 71
1864 Thomas Reed 71
1867 Dr. Charles B. Chandler 71
1878 Peter G. Smith 71
1880 Anson Davis 71
1881 Mary Sargent 71
1839 Mrs. Collins 70
1839 Mrs. Burrell 70
1841 Ebenezer Lewis 70
1854 B. B. Dimmick 70
1854 Joshua Y. Vail 70
1854 Sophia B. Loomis 70
1854 Mrs. Peck 70
1854 Lucretia Prentiss 70
1854 James Taylor 70
1861 Samuel Abbott 70
1861 William P. Briggs 70
1863 David Fitzgibbons 70
1863 Anna O'Brien 70
1865 Valentine Willey 70
1871 William B. Hubbard 70
1872 Nancy Johnson 70
1873 Luther Cross 70
1873 Daniel Willey 70
1875 Margaret Cooper 70
1875 Mary Gannon 70
1876 Allen Gallison. 70
1879 Mary Donahue 70
1880 Mary Fenton 70
1873 Mrs. Daniel Baldwin 77
NOTE.—In the preceding list are included the names of a few who for many years were residents of this town, but died while temporarily residing in some other place.
Dr. Nathaniel C. King 92
Lucy Mead 92
Martha Rivers 91
Joshua Bliss 88
Lydia M. Warren 88
John Murphy 86
Enos Stimson 86
Patrick Brodie 86
Lucia Clark 86
Joseph Wood 85
Mary Gunnison 84
Prudence Camp 84
Rebecca. Sweet 84
Josephine Lavigne 84
Betsey Haskins 84
Clark Fisk 84
Polly Cross 84
Francis Labouchire 84
Elvira Shafter 83
Lucinda Stevens 83
Andrew A. Sweet 83
Appleton Fitch 83
Peter Crapeau 83
Polly M. Chadwick 82
Loraine Riker 82
Wooster Sprague 82
Duran Stowell 82
William Kelly 82
Joseph Felix 82
Eben Gunnison 81
Roxa Gould 80
Orin Cummins 80
Horatio N. Taplin 80
Elisha P. Jewett 80
James McLaughlin 80
Abby S. Dodge 79
Nelson A. Chase 79
Sarah R. Cleaves 79
Patrick Corry 79
Clarissa Silloway 79
Orange Fifield 78
Dorothy Harran 78
Lucy Snow 78
Miranda. C. Storrs 78
Eliza Boutwell 77
Susan R. Aiken 77
Stephen Bennett 77
Clarissa Chase 76
Margaret Crapo 76
Randall Darling 76
Geo. S. Hubbard 76
Eliza Hubbard 76
Dorcas Maxham 76
Nancy Sprague 76
John F. Stone 76
Henry W. Sabin 76
Kendall T. Davis 76
Snow Town 75
Mary Tuttle 75
Henry Nutt 75
Eben Scribner 75
John Slattery 75
Patrick McManus 75
Julius H. Bostwick 75
Maria L. W. Reed 74
Harriet L. Taplin 74
Jacob Smith 74
Emerson Demeritt 74
Michael Savage 74
Elizabeth Alain 74
Hopy Hartwell 74
Mary L. Nutt 74
Louisa Seymour 74
Joseph L. Scoville 74
Olive Fisk 73
Sydney P. Redfield 73
Rufus R. Riker 73
Nancy George 73
Sarah H. Nelson 73
John Q. A. Peck 73
Ira S. Town 73
John Demerritt 72
Charles H. Severance 72
Moses Yatter 72
Susan E. Pitkin 72
Lydia P. Stone 72
George W. Scott 72
Samuel Town 72
Judith Town 72
Hannah Dana 71
Lucinda C. Bowen 71
Samuel Dodge 71
Eliza Houghton 71
Emeline Lewis 71
Jane Meadowcroft 71
Nancy M. Paul 71
Isaac Seymour 71
Marble Russell 71
Susan Flanders 70
Clortina Guernsey 70
Homer W. Heaton 70
Amira Demeritt 70
Ezra F. Kimball 70
Joseph Paro 70
Julia Rivers 70
Mary Smith 70
Joseph Alain 70
Sophronia Guernsey 70
Peter Cayhue 70
Mary Coffey 70
John Flynn 70
Ezekiel Kent 70
Wm. N. Peck 70
Mary D. Storrs 70
Maria Scoville 70
Mary Town 70
Joseph A. Wing 70
Erastus Hubbard 70
Edna Robinson 70
Samuel S. Kelton 69
Margaret Bancroft 69
Major S. Goodwin 69
Charles H. Cross 69
Caroline M. Cross 69
Eliakim P. Walton 69
Erastus Camp 69
Solon J. Y. Vail 69
Four persons have been killed in town by the falling of trees. Previous to 1800, in the east part of the town a little girl, a step-daughter of Benjamin Nash, was approaching her father, who was cutting down a tree in the border of the woods near the house, when the tree fell in the direction in which she was making her way, and killed her. The second was a young man named Chamberlain, who was killed by the falling of a tree in a central part of the town in the year 1801. And another by the name of Robinson, during that or the following year, was killed by the falling of a tree in the north part of the town. And yet another, an idiotic man, by the name of Charles Davis, was killed by a tree of his own falling, by undertaking to get out of danger by running in the same direction in which the tree had started to fall.
At a later period, a stranger was drowned while attempting to wade through the river near Montpelier, having mistaken the place of fording.
In 1824, Theron Lamphere was drowned in the mill-pond, while attempting to swim over.
About 1822, Thomas, Jr., son of Thos. Davis, was accidently shot.
In 1828, a man by the name of Mead, from Middlesex, was killed by the falling of the earth from the excavated bank in the rear of the house of W. W. Cadwell.
In the store of Erastus Hubbard, Oct. 12, 1848, election day, Mr. Hubbard, or his clerk, was weighing out a parcel of powder to some one of the crowd in the storeroom and around the door. Powder had doubtless been scattered on the floor, in filling the can from which it was being poured into the scales; and one or more persons were smoking cigars in the room, when suddenly a terrific explosion followed. Azro Bancroft and a Mr. Sanborn were so burned that they did not survive, and one or two others were sadly maimed. Mr. Hubbard's life, in consequence of the burns received, was for months despaired of. He finally recovered, but wearing for life marks of the accident. The second
floor of the building was lifted by the explosion about half a foot, and the store set on fire, but the flames were soon extinguished with little additional damage.
Two fatal accidents from gunpowder occurred in blasting out the rock for the foundation of the second State House. Elisha Hutchinson, of Worcester, was struck down dead near the Insurance office, by a stone thrown by a blast on the ledge about 30 rods; and John W. Culver, a mechanic of Montpelier, was the same season struck at the distance of 20 rods and killed, by a wooden roller placed over the mine to prevent the stones from flying; while a young man by the name of Tucker, from Calais, one of the workmen on the State. House foundation, was so injured by one of the blasts that he lost his eyesight and his prospects were ruined for life.
In August, 1859, a promising son of Charles Lyman, aged about 12 years, was drowned at the mouth of Dog river, while bathing.
In the spring of 1858, the body of a Mr. Williams, of Middlesex, an insane person, was found in the flume of Langdon's mill. About the same period a man, not a resident of this town, drowned himself by forcing his way through a hole in the ice in the North Branch, a mile or two above the village.
Aug. 9, 1863, Carlos J., aged 11 years, son of Carlos Bancroft, was drowned, while bathing near the sand-bottom bridge.
Jan. 14, 1864, Henry Crane, of this town, at one time High Sheriff of the County, was killed by the cars in New London, Canada.
1864, a daughter of Alexander Noble, of 10 years, was drowned in the Worcester Branch mill-pond. She was gathering flood-wood.
Apr. 10, 1865, a soldier named Cushman was maimed for life by the premature discharge of a cannon while firing a salute over the recent victories, he subsequently dying of the injuries in Boston.
April 3, 1867, Peter Lemoine, aged 21, a blacksmith, was killed by the premature discharge of a cannon while firing a salute over an election, and Alexander Jangraw was maimed for life.
Aug. 3, 1867, John McGinn, aged 68, a stone mason, was thrown from his wagon when opposite the Bethany church, by his runaway horse, and instantly killed.
In Apr. 1870, Alexander Noble, of this town, while assisting in getting out a jamb of logs in the Connecticut river, was drowned.
May 16, 1871, Chas. Braley, aged about 18 years, while out hunting, accidentally ignited some powder which he carried loosely in his pocket, causing an explosion, which proved fatal a day or two after.
Oct. 1, 1872, John Braley, aged 21, a brother of the above, night watchman in the Central Vermont depot, was instantly killed while coupling cars in the depot.
Aug. 3, 1872, Truman Best, a merchant in town, was drowned while out pleasure riding in a boat on the Langdon mill-pond. In trying to assist a party in another boat to recover an oar which they had lost, both boats were carried over the dam. The two boats contained five men, three of whom swam safely to the shore, but one of them, Fred W. Bancroft, was rescued in a very exhausted condition, while pasing underneath the Central railroad bridge, with ropes, while clinging to a boat. Mr. Best is supposed to have struck his head upon the rocks below the dam as he came over, and was made insensible. His body was not found for some days afterwards, the river being very much swollen at the time when it was found, about two miles below down the river.
June 24, 1873, Johnnie, aged 10 years, son of Patrick Kane, was drowned while in bathing, at the mouth of the Worcester Branch.
Mar. 4, 1874, Michael McMahon, an aged section man, was killed by cars, being caught by the side of the cars, while in motion, and the end of the depot.
May 25, 1874, Alfred Goodnough, aged 50, a farmer, while driving across the railroad track near Sabin's, was run into by a car, and received injuries which proved
fatal, he dying two days after at Mr. Sabin's house.
1874, a little daughter of John O'Grady fell from the road opposite the machine-shop into the river. and was drowned.
July 22, 1875, Bessie, aged 5 years, a dau. of Rev. W. H. Lord, was thrown from the wagon by a runaway horse, while descending the hill road leading down from Gould hill to Wrightsville, and received injuries which proved fatal in a few hours.
June 24, 1876, Erastus Lamphear, aged 49, a carpenter and joiner, was blown from the roof of a barn which he was raising, and severely injured. He was carried to his residence, and died the following day.
Sept. 23, 1876, Charles W. Bailey, one of Montpelier's most worthy citizens and business men, was killed by the cars at Essex Junction.
Sept. 26, 1876, by a collision of two passenger trains on the Montpelier and Wells River railroad, near the residence of W. E. Hubbard, Benjamin F. Merrill, engineer of one of the engines, lost a leg, and several other train men being more or less injured.
In June, 1877, Henry L. Hart, a young man, aged 23, started on a pleasure trip down the Winooski in a row boat, and was last seen near the mouth of the river at Burlington a few days afterwards. His hat and a few contents of the boat were picked up, but of his fate nothing was ever learned.
Aug. 1, 1879, Aaron M. Burnham, architect and builder, of this town, was fatally injured while superintending the erection of a church at Lebanon, N. H., death ensuing two days after.
Sept. 1, 1879, Johnnie H., of 5 years, son of J. W. F. Washburn, while playing on the bank of the river near the eddy, fell in and was drowned.
July 23, 1880, while firing a salute in front of the State Arsenal grounds, Wm. Henry Willey and Clark B. Roberts, by the premature discharge of the cannon, were severely injured, each losing an arm. Willey was an old soldier, and Roberts a young man.
Sept. 11, 1880, James M. Wade, aged 19, a brakeman on the Montpelier and Wells River railroad, was thrown from the train near the State Fair grounds, was run over, and received injuries which proved fatal about a week after.
Oct. 12, 1881, Peter Marcott, Jr., aged 29 years, a teamster, was instantly killed on East Mechanic street, his neck being broken, caused either by being thrown from his wagon seat, and striking upon his head as one of the wheels dropped into a deep rut in the road, or by being struck upon the head by the wagon body, the horses starting up suddenly as he was about to get upon the seat.
In 1801, the wife of John Cutler destroyed herself by hanging, and a few years later, Miss Nancy Waugh drowned herself.
June 10, 1861, Henry Boyden, aged 37, living just across the river on the Berlin side, hung himself.
July 30, 1865, George V. Rose, aged 26, a U. S. recruiting officer stationed here, shot himself.
Sept. 3, 1867, J. Fred Cross, aged 27, proprietor of the American House, shot himself.
Nov. 27,1867, John S. Collins, aged 30, died very suddenly, and is supposed to have taken poison purposely.
Jan. 17, 1870, William Monsier, aged 42, destroyed his life by drinking muriatic acid. After lingering three days, he died a most horrible death.
Sept. 1871, Isaac Scribner, aged 66, hung himself.
Aug. 29, 1873, Albert N. Daniels shot himself, after attempting to take the life of another by shooting.
Oct. 25, Rawsel R. Keith, aged 84, who had been a long sufferer from kidney disease, ended his sufferings by taking a dose of laudanum.
Apr. 14, 1875, Mary Clancy hung herself, insanity supposed to be the cause from religious excitement.
Aug. 8, 1875, Daniel K. Bennett, a gunsmith, shot himself in a moment of insanity.
Apr. 6, 1876, William J. Rogers, aged 30, a traveling agent, by taking poison.
June 6, 1876, Mrs. Mary Churchill, aged 32, being deranged for some months, took her life by hanging herself.
June 19, 1877, Harvey W. Cilley, aged 34, hung himself.
June 30, 1881, Jesse Hutchinson, aged 74, by taking poison.
In 1840, an Irishman was killed in a fight with one of his countrymen, near the old Arch Bridge, and the homicide was tried and sent to the State Prison, but in a few years pardoned.
April 25, 1867, Patrick Fitzgibbons was killed on State street. He was intoxicated, and quarreled with three traveling agents in the Village Hall, where they were attending a dance. The agents leaving the hall, Fitzgibbons followed, accompanied by a companion, his brother-in-law. An officer, anticipating trouble, followed them. When passing through the alley-way, he came upon Fitzgibbons, who was in a sitting position in a chair, which he carried from the hall, dead, having been stabbed through the heart. All were arrested and acquitted, it always remaining a mystery whether he was killed by one of the agents, or by his brother-in-law through a mistake, the night being very dark.
Oct. 1864, Patrick Branigan, who had just returned home from three years' service in the war as a member of the 1st Vt. Battery, very mysteriouely disappeared. He was last heard of late at night, returning home in an intoxicated condition, singing on his way. When nearly to his house, which was opposite the Washington County jail, his voice suddenly ceased. His not putting in an appearance the following day, foul play was suspected, as he had quite a large sum of money on his person. The river which passes in the rear of the house was very high at the time. Thinking that his body might be found in the river, it was dragged as soon as possible, but was not found, and his fate yet remains a mystery.
Aug. 29, 1873, Albert N. Daniels, an employee of the Montpelier Manufacturing Company, attempted to take the life of a young lady, an employee of the same works, with whom he was keeping company. He fired two shots at her with a revolver, only one taking effect, and that not proving fatal. After shooting two shots at her, he shot himself through the heart, instantly expiring. The act was committed during the working hours in the room in which the lady was employed.
On Sept. 27, 1880, Joseph Dumas, of Northfield, who formerly resided at Montpelier, came to the latter place, and was last seen on the street that evening. A week later his body was found in the Branch, just below the Academy bridge, with several cuts upon the head. Parties last seen with him were strongly suspected of foul play, but sufficient evidence could not be obtained to warrant their arrest.
The number of disastrous fires which had occurred in town previous to 1860 are small. The first one, it is believed, was in 1801, when the first frame school house, standing near the west end of the old burying ground on the Branch, accidently caught fire and was consumed.
In Dec., 1813, a fire occurred which resulted in the entire destruction of the large two-story cotton-mill, that had been for some time in successful operation at the river falls, not far from the site now occupied by E. W. Bailey's grist mill.
August. 1813. barn of J. B. Wheeler. Esq., with most of his crop of new hay, was struck by lightning.
In 1815, the dwelling house of Seth Parsons was burned, at a loss of $1,500.
Winter of 1816, a school-house on East hill, while the school was being kept by Shubael Wheeler.
December, 1818, a paper mill and clothing works occupying the old site of the cotton factory, was burned, with a loss of about $4,000.
About 1820, dwelling-house of Abijah Howard.
In 1822, the blacksmith shop of Joseph Howes was burned, and the same year the
old Academy building was totally consumed by fire.
1824, two-story house of the late Hon. David Wing, Jr.
In March, 1826, occurred, considering the loss of life and personal injuries, the most calamitous fire, perhaps, ever experienced in town up to that time. The woolen factory and grist mill, on the falls of the North Branch, owned by Araunah Waterman and Seth Parsons, caught fire about daybreak, and was totally consumed, causing a loss of many thousand dollars to the proprietors.
While the fire, which, when discovered, had gained too much headway to leave much hope of saving the factory, was raging in one part of the lower story, Mr. Waterman, Mr. Joel Mead, and Robert Patterson, a leading workman in the establishment, made their way to the upper story, and fell to work to gather up and throw from one of the windows what cloths and stock they supposed they might have time to save. But the fire below spread with such unexpected rapidity, that before they were aware of any danger, the fire burst into the room, cutting off their retreat downward by the stairs, and even preventing access to the windows the least elevated from irregular ground beneath. At this crisis Mr. Waterman, closely followed by Mr. Mead, made a desperate rush through the smoke and flame for a window in the end of the building next the Branch, stove out the sash with the heel of his boot, and threw himself half suffocated through the aperture to the rough and frozen ground or ice some 30 feet below. Mr. Mead followed in the perilous leap, and they were both taken up nearly senseless from the shock, terribly bruised and considerably burned in the face and hands. But none of their bones were broken, and they both in a few weeks recovered. Nothing more was seen of the fated Patterson except his charred skeleton, which was found in the ruins after the fire subsided. For some reason he had decided not to follow Mr. Waterman and Mr. Mead in the only way of escape then left open to them, and the next minute probably perished in the smoke and fire which must then suddenly have enveloped him.
May, 1827, a two-story wooden building, standing on the site of the present Argus building, and then owned and occupied by Wiggins & Seeley as a store, was burned, causing a loss of probably not over $2,000.
April, 1828, a paper mill owned by Goss & Reed, of Montpelier, situated at the falls on the Berlin side of the river, was burned; loss about $4,000.
1834, the oil mill and saw mill, in the former of which was W. Sprague's machine shop, standing also on the Berlin side of the river, but mostly owned and worked by Montpelier men, were both wholly burned.
Feb. 1835, the first Union House, built by Col. Davis about 45 years before, caught fire about midday, and was entirely consumed; loss about $3,000.
1842, the dwelling-house of O. H. Smith, Esq., caught fire, and the roof part of the building was destroyed.
1843, the new brick Court House, standing near the present one, was burned, but the records and files were mostly saved.
1848, school-house in the Wheeler district.
1849, barn of John Gallison, with hay, five horses and colts.
1849, dwelling-house, barn and sheds of Charles Burnham.
1853, the dwelling-house of Harry Richardson, near the Union House, was wholly destroyed by fire.
1854, the building of Ira Town, occupied by him as a goldsmith's shop, standing on the present site of A. A. Mead's shop, was burned in part, and the adjoining building of the Patriot office considerably injured.
1854, also, the roof part of the upper story of Walton's book-store was destroyed by fire, and but for the timely striking of a shower on the excessively dry roofs, that whole block of wooden buildings would probably have been destroyed.
1854, was burned a two-story house standing back of the old Masonic Hall.
1854, dwelling-house of Orrin Slayton.
1854, three barns of Orlando F. Lewis.
Within the year 1857, two small houses were burned near the brick-yard, and one near Keith's lodge.
1858, school-house in Henry Nutt's school district.
1858, a new one-story house of Mr. Cookson, on the road leading from the cooper's shop north, through the great pasture, was burned; and in the beginning of the next year, another building erected by the same man, on the same spot, was also burned down.
December, 1859, the large three-story brick and wood, second Union House, valued about $5,000, was destroyed by fire.
We make the whole to 1860, but 24; and the property destroyed, except the State House, which was public property, to come within $50,000. Was ever a village of the size, in this respect, more favored?
1860, the old Harran house, on Upper Elm street, burned.
1861, a house occupied by Thos. Armstrong, in rear of the Burnham hotel.
1862, the store of William W. Cadwell, on Main street, was consumed.
Jan. 1863, Mrs. Chas. G. Eastman's house, on Main street, was partially consumed.
In the spring of 1864, the present Union House was nearly destroyed.
Mar. 24, 1868, dry house of Lane Manufacturing Company consumed.
Sept. 2, 1868, R. H. Whittier's slaughter house, up the "Branch," consumed.
Jan. 29, 1870, I. S. Town & C. W. Storrs' block, on State street, partly consumed.
Apr. 26, 1870, Daniel P. Thompson's residence, on Barre street, consumed.
Dec. 29, 1870, the Vt. Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. new building badly damaged.
Jan. 26, William Moorcroft's Woolen Factory, at Wrightsville, consumed.
Sept. 18, 1871, Grovner B. Paine's house, on North street, consumed.
1872, Lane Manufacturing Company's second dry house consumed.
Dec. 5, 1872, Chas. Reed's residence, on State street, badly damaged,
May, 1873, Stephen Cochran's residence, on Seminary Hill, consumed.
Mar. 12, 1875, the first great fire; May 1, the second.
Feb. 28, 1875, Andrew Burnham's house, on Court street, considerably damaged.
Apr. 22, 1875, W. A. Boutelle's blacksmith shop, on Elm street, consumed.
May, 1875, a house belonging to Bart Scribner, up the "Branch."
Dec. 27, 1875, one of the Pioneer Manufacturing shops burned.
Feb. 1876, Alonzo Redway's residence, on Court street; loss $5,000.
Aug. 9, T. O. Bailey's barns, on Middlesex street; loss $1,200.
Aug. 21, Wm. E. Hubbard's barn, on Barre street; loss $600.
Nov. 13, E. D. Grey's paint shop, on Main street; loss $800.
In 1877 no fire occurred, and also in 1874.
Aug. 26, 1878, Louis Barney's barn, on North street, consumed.
January 3, 1878, a destructive fire at Wrightsville—A. A. Green's residence and blacksmith shop and Ezra D. Rawlins' residence.
Oct. 11, a barn on Gould Hill, belonging to Henry Cummins.
Dec. 30, the school-house near Henry Nutt's place.
Apr. 23, 1879, a barn belonging to A. D. Bancroft, on North street.
June 20, Geo. Jacob's barn, on Main street, consumed; loss $600.
June 21, a house belonging to Medad Wright, up the "Branch," consumed.
Sept. 2, 188o, a storehouse belonging to C. H. Heath, on Barre street, consumed.
Oct. 3, 1880, W. E. Dunwoodie's residence, on Upper Main street, consumed; loss $1,500.
Jan. 8, 1881, C. W. Willard's residence, on State street, badly damaged.
Jan. 17, one of the Cab Shop buildings burned, on the Berlin side.
Apr. 11, a barn belonging to J. R. Langdon, on Barre street, consumed.
Aug. 4, 1881, a new slaughter house on upper North street, owned by W. L. Leland, was consumed.
In the year of 1875, Montpelier was visited by two very destructive fires, involving the loss of many thousand dollars. The first of these fires broke out about one o'clock in the morning of March 12, in a one and one-half story wooden building on Main street, owned by Thomas W. Wood, and occupied by Joseph D. Clogston as a tin shop. This was consumed, and the two adjoining ones on the east side, the first owned by Carlos Bancroft, a story and a half wooden building, occupied by Peck & Cummins, leather dealers, was also consumed; and the second, a two and a half story wooden building, owned by James R. Langdon, and occupied by Barrows & Peck, hardware and stoves, was partly consumed. This fire was hardly under control when fire was discovered breaking out through the roof of Ira S. Town's three-story—and the C. W. Storrs' estate—wooden building, on State street. This was consumed, and the three-story brick block on the south sfde, owned by Timothy J. Hubbard, the adjoining buildings on the north side, the first a new, three-story brick block, owned by Erastus Hubbard; the second, a large, three-story wooden building, owned by Fred E. Smith, and the Rialto, owned by W. A. Boutelle and Eli Ballou, were next consumed, and Eli Ballou's three-story wooden building was partly burned before the flames were stayed. In the rear of these was a story and a half wooden building, owned by T. J. Hubbard, and used as a tenement and storehouse, which was also burned. Aid was summoned from Barre, which was responded to by an engine and company. Nine buildings were burned, and twenty business men and firms burned out, besides three law firms, a dentist, photographer, and four societies. The firms burned out were, on Main street, 3. D. Clogston, stoves and tin shop; Peck & Cummins, leather dealers; Barrows & Peck, hardware and stoves. On State street, C. B. Wilson drugs and medicines; Geo. L. Nichols, clothing; Ira S. Town, jeweler; Orrin Daley, fruit and restaurant; S. C. Woolson, merchant tailor; A. A. Mead, jeweler; T. C. Phinney, books and stationery; Jangraw & Meron, barbers Chas. Keene, jeweler; C. H. Freeman, photographer; W. A. Boutelle, millinery; E. H. Towne, merchant tailor; J. O'Grady, boot-maker; T. W. McKee, sewing machines; State Treasurer's office, C. H Heath, I. L. Durant, and Gleason & Field's law offices, Masonic hall, Naiad Temple of Honor hall, Post Brooks G. A. R. hall, and Sovereigns of Industry hall. The total loss on buildings and goods was about $75,000, with an insurance of about $47,000.
The only accident that occured was by the falling of the ruins of the Rialto building, under which Wm. T. Dewey, a fireman, was buried, but escaping with a broken leg.
The business firms had hardly got established in their new or temporary quarters, when they were visited by the second great fire, more destructive than the first. This, like the first, broke out on the west side of Main street, in the rear end of Jefferson Bruce's brick building, at about 12:30 o'clock on the morning of May 1, There being a high wind at the time, the flames spread very rapidly. All the buildings on that side of the street running south as far as the Montpelier and Wells River railroad depot were soon consumed, and also the James R. Langdon building on the north side, partly destroyed by the previous fire All of the buildings on the opposite side of the street, from the Frederick Marsh residence to the railroad track, and from the head of Barre street up the street as far as the residence of Joel Foster, Jr., on one side, and the residence of Louis P. Gleason on the other, were laid in ashes in a few short hours, making a total of thirty-eight buildings burned, only three of them brick, the rest wooden, and most of them very old, among them being the old Shepard stand and the Col. Jonathan P. Miller house. The buildings burned were owned by following parties; West side, Main street, a story and a half brick building, J. Bruce; two large barns in the rear, T. J. Hubbard; new, two- story wooden building, new, three-story wooden one, tenement house and out-
buildings, all owned by James G. French; one-story wooden one, by D. K. Bennett; two-story and a half wooden one, by N. C. Bacon; another of the same material and dimensions, the old Shepard tavern, and a new, one-story wooden building, all owned by Eben Scribner. On the east side or the street, the old Frederick Marsh store, the residences and out-buildings of Mrs. John Wood, William C. Lewis, and Mr. Lewis' blacksmith shop, Mrs. Timothy Cross' residence, the huge, four-story wooden building, owned by Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Mr. Zenas Wood's residence, with out-buildings, the old Miller house, owned by Andrew Murray. On Barre street, south side, the residence and out-buildings of Mrs. B. M. Clark, Geo. S. Hubbard and Carlos L. Smith, and a tenement house of Mrs. Clark. Barre street, north side, Mrs. R. W. Hyde's residence, and brick house owned by James R. Langdon.
Fifteen business firms were burned out, one livery stable, a carriage-maker and blacksmith, and forty families. The business firms were: W. A. Boutelle, millinery; R. T. Eastman, carriage-maker; John Q. Adams, livery; H. C. Webster, dry goods; Putnam & Marvin, W. I. goods; N. P. Brooks, hardware; D. K. Bennet, gunsmith; N. C. Bacon, auction store; Barrows & Peck, stoves, tin and hardware; Henry Cobb, marble dealer; Geo. M. Scribner, stoves and tin ware; Hyde & Foster, iron and heavy hardware; J. D. Clogston, tin ware; Philip Preston, W. I. goods. Families burned out on Main street, west side, were: J. Bruce, H. C. Webster, Fred. W. Morse, E. N. Hutchins, A. W. Edgerly, Geo. S. West, Elisha Walcott, Mrs. Harris, Geo. W. Parmenter, Chas. T. Summers, Gilman D. Scribner, Oliver P. Thompson; Main, east side, C. W. Selinas, Frank Keyes, Jerome J. Pratt, Mrs. Glysson, Zenas Wood, Mr. I. Lovely, Mrs. S. C. Gray, Mrs. Mary Lamb, Miss Selinas, Mrs. Dyer Richardson, Mrs. Timothy Cross, Wm. C. Lewis, Mrs. John Wood, Philip Preston, Mrs. Frederick Marsh, Carlos W. Norton; Barre street, south side, Mrs. B. M. Clark, Chas. T. Thurston, C. M. Pitkin, Peter Nathan, Moses Morey, Joseph Felix, Mrs. Aurelia Allard, Carl L. Smith, Hiram B. Woodward; north side, Mrs. R. W. Hyde, and Col. C. B. Wilson.
The flames spread so rapidly, and the heat being so intense, very little time was given to remove the goods and furniture from the burning buildings. What was removed and carried into the street was soon burned. Many families and some business men lost their all, the total loss being about $120,000, with an insurance of about $75,000.
Several firemen and citizen were quite severely burned in their efforts to stay the flames and in saving goods. Many buildings in various parts of the village caught fire from the falling cinders, and with great effort were extinguished. The light of the fire was seen for many miles in towns about us, and within a radius of twenty miles it was as light as day, people being awake thinking that the fire was that of some near neighbor's buildings. In the appeals for aid sent out, Barre and Northfield each responded by sending fire engines and men, and at dawn the fire was under control. Daylight presented a sad picture from the State street bridge to the Montpelier and Wells River depot, and as far as Joel Foster's house, on Barre street, but three buildings remaining standing—T. J. Hubbard's brick and wooden buildings on the corner, and Carlos Bancroft's brick building adjoining.
Never was more energy displayed than in the rebuilding of the burned districts, the smoke having barely cleared away when several large and splendid brick blocks were under way in the course of erection, some of them occupied within four months.
May 25, 1880, the Court House burned, leaving only the outside walls standing; loss $15,000. It had been remodeled and enlarged the previous year, an extension of 22 feet having been added in the rear, the whole costing about $10,000. All the books and records of value were saved, the only loss being the files of the newspapers published in town for many years back, all being a total loss.
Jan. 6, 1857, the State House, which was being warmed up on the eve of the septenary Constitutional Convention, caught fire from the furnace, and all but the empty granite walls, with their brick linings, was destroyed, and all the contents, except the library, which was got out, and the books and papers in the safe of the Secretary of State's office, a few articles of furniture and the portrait of Washington, was reduced to a heap of ruins.
O'er Montpelier, beauteous town,
The shades of night were closing down;
The lovely moon, the queen of night,
Was driving on her chariot bright;
And star on star their influence lent,
'Till glowed with fire the firmament.
The wind was blowing high and strong,
And swept in fearful gusts along;
The piercing cold had cleared the street.
Of merry voice and busy feet,—
And gathered 'round the cheerful hearth,
The sniffing face, the social mirth,
Show'd that the night was gaily past,
While outward howled the roaring blast.
What means that wild and startling cry,
To which the echoing hills reply?
First feeble, low, and faint and mild;
Then loud, and terrible and wild.
'Tis fire! fire! that awful sound!
Fire! fire! fire! the hills resound!
Now rising near—now heard afar,
The stillness of the night to mar,
Join'd with the wind's wild roaring, hear
The cry of fire burst on the ear!
Forth from the hearth, the shop, the store,
At that dread sound, the myriads pour—
And, gathering as they pass along,
Each street and alley swells the throng.
The rattling engines passing by,
The roaring wind, the larum cry,
The ringing bells, the wild affright,
Still add new terrors to the night.
See yonder grand and stately pile,
With lofty dome, and beauteous aisle,
Our village glory and our pride,
Whose granite walls old Time defied;
Her halls of state, her works of art,
Both please the eye, and charm the heart.
The moon's pale light on those dark walls
Coldly now is gleaming;
But in her proud and lofty halls
A wilder light is streaming.
Now gaily dancing to and fro,
Now upward speeds its flight—
See! on its dome, now capped with snow,
The flame doth spread its fearful glow
of purple light.
The wind roars loud, the flames flash high,
Leaping and dancing to the sky;
While in the rooms below,
From hall to hall resistless rushing,
From doors and windows furious gushing—
Oh! how sublime the show!
Dark clouds of smoke spread far and wide,
And balls of fire on every side
Fall like the autumn hail;
Before the fury of the blast,
The rushing flames, that spread so fast,
The heart of man may quail.
Ah, man, how feeble is thy power,
In that dread and fearful hour
When flames are flashing free
From lofty spires and windows high,
And clouds of smoke obscure the sky,
As onward, on, the flames rush by
In wildest revelry!
Roar on, fierce flame; beneath thy power
The works of years, in one short hour,
Are swept from earth away;
And nought is left of all their pride,
But ashes, scattered far and wide,
And crumbling walls, with smoke dark-dyed,
Spread out in disarray.
That lofty pile, one hour ago,—
The State's just pride, the Nation's show,
Capp'd with its bright and virgin snow,—
In beauty shone:
The next, a mass of ruined walls,
Or columns broke, and burning halls,—
Its beauty flown.
From incontestible indications, it appears the water in the unprecedented rise of the Winooski in the flood of 1785, rose some three or four feet higher than the highest parts of State street. This would have submerged nearly every acre of the whole of the present site of Montpelier village from one to a dozen feet, from the rise of the hills on one side to that of the corresponding ones on the other side.
Floods filling the channels of the river and branch to the tops of their banks, with overflows in all the lower places, were of almost yearly occurrence during the first 20 years after the settlement of the town. But the first one that fairly overflowed the banks and came into the streets to much extent, occurred, as far as we have been able to ascertain, in the summer about 1810, the water submerging all the lower parts of Main and State streets, bursting over the western bank of the branch just above State street bridge, tearing out the earth near the bridge, rendering the street nearly impassible for wagons, and leaving, on the subsiding of the flood, a pond hole 6 or 8 feet deep and 20 wide, extending to the border of the street. Into this hole one of the lawyers blundered on a dark
night some time afterwards, as we recollect from the circumstance that the wags of the village dubbed him for the time, "Walk-in-the-Water," in allusion to the name of the Indian chief, who, about the same time, had in some way become known to the public.
In this hole was subsequently drowned, from falling in during a dark evening, Carver Shurtleff, a little man with a big voice; noted for expertness in flax-dressing and his propensity for trading in dogs.
March 24, 25, 1826, on the breaking up of the river, an unusually high spring flood swept away the old trestle-bridge leading across the river to Berlin, and carried off the grist mill of James H. Langdon, on the Berlin side. This flood occurred in the night, and was entirely unexpected. Probably less than a dozen people witnessed it, and can testify to the peril in which many families were placed. As the ice broke up above Langdon's mill, it formed a dam upon the bridge and piers, and almost the entire river was turned through what is now Barre street and the lower part of Main street, in a body like a wall or large wave. My informant saw it coming near the Shepard tavern, was forced to run with all speed, and found no refuge until he reached the portico of the Union House. Fortunately this change in the course of the river lasted but a few minutes, else many houses would have been swept off. The bridge gave way, and with it the dam, taking a part of one of the paper mills and the river wall of Langdon's grist mill, and on the following day the grist mill fell into the stream.
Sept. 1828, occurred the first of what are called the two great floods at Montpelier village. After nearly three days of almost continued rain, which grew more copious every day, and ended with an excessively heavy and prolonged shower on the night of the 4th, the water rose 4 or 5 feet higher than had been known since the town was settled, and nearly the whole village, cellars, streets and ground floors were inundated. Two bridges and a barn, on the North Branch, were swept away, and fences, wood-piles and lumber along the banks very generally carried down stream. The office of the writer of these pages was then in Langdon's great brick building on the corner. His boarding-place was at W. W. Cadwell's, on the opposite side of the street, and a pretty correct idea of the depth of the water may be had in the fact, which we distinctly remember, that at noon, when the water had attained its height, Mr. Cadwell came for us in a skiff, and running it into the entryway leading to the offices on the second floor, took us in from the third stair, and rowing us across the street and into the front hall, landed us on the fourth stair leading to the chambers of his own house, where the cooking for the family on that day could only be done.
The second, and still greater, of these floods, was July 29, 1830, when the water rose full 6 inches higher than in the last, and ran over the window-sills and into the lower rooms of several houses around the head of State street. The two lower bridges over the Branch were again swept away. The office building of Joshua Y. Vail, on State street, was floated off, and lodged in a low branching tree near the old Episcopal church, from which it was afterwards lowered down, and drawn back to its old stand. Two other small buildings, standing near the bank of the Branch, were carried down stream, and wholly broken up in the rapids below the village. Much damage was occasioned by this great flood, but it was marked by the still greater calamity of the loss of life. Nathaniel Bancroft, of Calais, a middle-aged farmer of considerable property, was drowned. We then resided near the easterly end of Main street, on the swell where Carlos Bancroft now lives. Towards noon, at the height of the water, we threw together a few plank in the edge of the water which came to the foot of that rise, about 10 rods from the Loomis house, near the residence of Dr. Charles Clark, mounted our rude raft with a setting pole, and sailed through the entire length of Main street to the end of the Arch Bridge over the river. When about midway on the voyage, Mr. Bancroft, with one or two
others from the same quarter, who had come down to see the flood, rushed past us on the sidewalk, which was covered with less depth of water, all evidently much excited by the novelties of the scene, and, regardless of a wetting, making their way through the water as fast as possible toward the corner, where the greatest damage was expected to occur. As we were nearing the old Shepard tavern stand, a pile of wood at the north-easterly end of the barn began to rise, tumble and float away in the strong, deep current, which here made from the street through by the way of the barn towards the confluence of the branch and the river. At this juncture, the luckless Bancroft, who had just reached a dry place before the barn door, and stood eating a cracker, rushed down into the water with the idea of saving some of the wood, and not being aware how rapidly the ground fell off here, was in a moment beyond his depth, and sunk to rise no more. When his body was recovered, 20 or 30 minutes afterwards, his mouth was found full of half-masticated cracker, life gone beyond all the arts of resuscitation. It is probable he was strangled at the outset, and, as others have been known to do, died almost instantly.
There have been numerous partial overflows of the streets at various times, filling up grocery and other cellars, and doing injuries to bridges, mills and other buildings, by sudden winter floods and the consequent breaking up and damming of the ice in the streams, within, above and below the village. Among these was one that suddenly occurred in February, 1825, in the middle of a night preceded by a remarkably warm and heavy rain. There was a ball at the Union House that night, and as John Pollard, of Barre, with his sisters and others, were returning from the ball, their team became completely imprisoned on a little knoll in a road about a mile above the village, by monstrous blocks of the disrupting ice of the river, which were being driven with amazing force into the road immediately above and below. The party escaped to the hills, and the ladies waded through the snow, two feet deep, to a house half a mile distant, while the team was not extracted till the neat morning. Another sudden breaking up of the ice occurred in January, 1840, in the evening, after a warm, rainy afternoon. The ice, broken up in the river above, was, under the impetus of the rising water and a strong south wind, driven through the whole length of the mill pond, three-fourths of a mile, in about 10 minutes. It was suddenly brought to a stand at the narrowing of the channel at the Arch Bridge, when half the whole river was thrown over all the lower part of Barre street, and for a short time all the buildings on that part of the street were in imminent danger of being swept away. Before much damage was done, however, Mr. Langdon's mill dam was crushed down and forced away beneath the tremendous pressure of the ice above, when the river at once fell back into its ordinary channel.
Of the several great floods that have occured in town that of Oct. 4, 1869, was the greatest of them all. On Saturday evening, Oct. 2, a severe rain storm set in, and continued to pour with scarcely a moment's interruption until the middle of Monday afternoon. The river banks began to overflow about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday. About this time the Sand Bottom bridge across the Branch above the dam was carried away, It passed the Foundry bridge without doing any damage, but the Academy bridge was carried off when this one struck it. The Union House bridge also gave away when struck by these. As these neared the Post-office bridge great alarm was felt for the safety of the Rialto block. Fortunately the building was strong enough to withstand the concussion received from them when they struck the bridge. The only damage done was the raising up of the upper side of the bridge several feet. The water continued to rise very rapidly until about 6.30 P. M., when it was at its greatest height, remaining at this point until about 8 o'clock, when it began to fall. At 5 o'clock on the following morning the streets were again passable. The depth of the water in the
streets and around the village, except on the high lands, when at its greatest height, was from two to six feet, our streets in many parts of the village having been raised up from one to two feet since that time. At the head of State street and on Main it was about three and a half feet, down State street below the Post-office bridge from five to six feet. In the bar room of the American house the water was some two and a half feet in depth, it being over the top of the cook stove in the kitchen. Many ludicrous scenes were witnessed in the attempts to save swine, cattle and horses. A large number of hogs under the barns at the American house were first removed into the bar room and then carried to the chambers above. The Washington County court being in session at the time, the court officials, lawyers, jurymen. etc., were conveyed to their boarding places in a boat by Mr. James R. Langdon, the boat rowing into the court house yard, and taking them from the steps. Among those who had narrow escapes from drowning were Mr. James G. Slafter of this town, and Mr. Tucker of Northfield, who in attempting to get from the depot to the Pavilion, got on to Mr. Dewey's hay scales, which were floating down the street. Failing to manage their unwieldly bark, they were carried down the street as they were, being drawn into the current, but saved themselves by catching the limbs of the trees near where Mr. Badord now lives, from which they were saved by a boat.
A very laughable scene was that of a boat load being conveyed from the court house to the Pavilion. When opposite that hotel, the boat struck the top of a hitching post as it was passing over it, and capsized. They all scrambled to their feet and waded into this hotel. At 6 o'clock, the Railroad bridge was carried off. It floated down stream whole, taking one of the large trees off on the bank of the river just below E. P. Jewett's. In striking the center pier of the railroad bridge at Jewett crossing, it swung around into the field on the north side, and there remained until taken to pieces and brought back. A very large amount of loss was caused by the damage to the carpets and furniture in the residences and to the goods in the stores, sufficient time not being given for their removal. A large amount of wood was lost by floating away, cords of it passing down through the streets. The town suffered loss to the extent of several thousand dollars by the loss of bridges, and nearly all of the plank street crossings flowing away. The brick side walks in town were ruined, the sand being washed out from under them, and the bricks being piled in heaps about. There was no loss of life. All of the boats that were to be had were made available by the removing of goods and persons to places of safety. The water was estimated to be about 18 inches higher than it was in 1830.
[NOTE.—The record of the fires, accidents, crimes, and floods, occurring previous to 1860, we take from Thompson's History of Montpelier.] B.
who lived and died in this town:
Col. Jacob Davis, aged 75. Eliakim D. Persons, died in 1846, aged 81. Estis Hatch, died in 1834, aged 86. Luther King, died in 1842, aged 88. Aaron Griswold, died in 1847, aged 95. Ziba Woodworth, died in 1826, aged 66, and his brother, Joseph Woodworth, the date of whose death is unknown.
Some 16 other early settlers of this town were also Revolutionary soldiers, but lived in that part of the town now East Montpelier. Doubtless there were others who resided here, but I am unable to learn their names.
For Soldiers of 1812, see page 298.
Four soldiers enlisted from this town, and served through the war, nearly two years, in the 9th reg't U. S. vols.: Richard Dodge, Daniel Cutler, Luman Grout, William Guinan. Cutler left the regiment in Mexico, and never returned. Dodge, Grout and Guinan served through the Rebellion. Guinan died a few years ago, and Dodge and Grout are now both living in town.
Compiled mainly from the Adjutant General's Reports, from 1864 to 1872, inclusive,
Mustered into service, May 2, 1861. Mustered out August 15, 1861.
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks.
Buxton, John H. 18 F Mustered out Aug. 15, 61.
Coffey, Robert J. 19 F do
Goodwin, Royal B. 22 F do
Gove, Freeman R. 27 F do
Newcomb, George W. 18 K do
Webster, Oscar N. 26 F do
Mustered into service, June 20, 1861.
Allen, Andrew H. 18 D May 7 61 Died July 26, 61.
Ballou, Horace C. 21 F do Mustered out June 29, 64.
Ballou, Jerome E. 20 F do Sergt. Discharged Feb. 23, 63.
Barrett, John 41 B Mar. 20 62 Mustered out March 25, 65.
Bennett, Amos N. 30 F May 11 61 Pro. Corp. Killed at Fredericsb'gh, Mar. 3, 63.
* Brown, Harvey W. 19 F May 17 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 17, 65.
Bryant, Eliphalet E. 21 K May 16 61 Discharged Nov. 23, 61.
† Bryant, James G. 28 B Aug. 4 63 Mustered out July 16, 65.
Burgin, Patrick 30 D July 30 62 Killed at Bank's Ford, May 3, 63.
Burnham, William T. 43 H May 23 61 Capt. Resigned Oct. 25, 61.
Camp, William H. 21 F May 7 61 Sergt. Mustered out June 20, 64.
Clark, Charles H June 7 61 Discharged March 6, 62.
Clark, Dayton P. 21 F May 7 61 Rec'd prom. to Capt. Must. out June 29, 64.
Cassavaint, Thomas L. 22 H Aug. 20 61 Prom. Serg. Re-enlist. Must. out July 15, 65
Contant, Augustus 23 F June 9 61 Dis. Jan. 23, 63. Sub. July, 63. do.
Crossman, Horace F. 24 F Aug 20 61 Pro. Capt. Hon. dis. Oct. 30, 63, for wds. rec.
Dodge, Richard S. 38 D May 7 61 Discharged March 29, 63.
Field, William C. 27 F do Mustered out June 29, 64.
Fitzgerald, Timothy 23 H Aug 23 61 Re-enlisted Dec. 21, 63. Deserted Feb. 11, 64.
Ford, Abraham 30 H June 16 61 Sergt. Discharged Nov. 20, 63.
Gravlin, John 35 E Mar 20 63 Mustered out July 15, 65.
Goodrich, Victor 23 F May 7 61 Killed at Bull Run, July 21, 61.
Goron, Joseph N. 31 F Aug 16 62 Prom. Serg. Mustered out July 15, 65.
Guinan, William F May 7 61 Sergt. Discharged Sept. 21, 61.
Guinan, Edmund 22 F do Discharged July 25, 63.
Gunnison, Eri S. 22 F do Corp. Mustered out June 20, 64.
Guyette, Cyril G. 22 F do Pro. Com. Serg. Re-en. Must, out July 16, 65.
Harran, Selden B. 20 F do Died Nov. 14, 61.
Harran. Ira L. 24 D June 6 61 Deserted Sept. 15, 63.
Hogan, Dennis 24 H Aug 20 61 Discharged Sept. 29, 63.
Jabouzie, Charles 24 K Dec 29 62 Discharged July 18, 63.
Kelton, John A. 22 F May 7 61 Discharged Nov. 27, 62.
La Monte, Robert 21 D June 15 61 Mustered out June 23, 64.
Lapierre, Nelson 25 F Mar 1 62 Discharged March 8, 63.
Loomis, Elverton 20 F May 7, 61 Discharged Sept. 13, 62, for wounds received.
Macon, Alfred 26 F May 20 61 Mustered out June 29, 64.
† Mahoney, Sylvester D. 37 F July 27 63 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Maloney, Thomas 39 H Aug 11 61 Mustered out Sept. 12, 64,
McCaully, Thomas 18 F May 7 61 Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Mustered out July 16, 65.
McNamara, John 26 H Aug 20 61 Deserted July 20, 62.
Minouge, William 23 H do Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 64.
† Noyes, Wallace W. 22 F July 21 63 Received wounds. Mustered out Aug., 65.
Neveaux, Seraphine 22 K Mar 11 62 Pro. Corp. Mustered out July 11, 65.
Parker, Jared 20 F May 7 61 Transferred to Invalid Corps, Sept. 1, 63.
Perrin, Julius 26 F do Discharged Nov. 7, 61.
Persons, Plynne C F July 21 61 Discharged Sept., 61.
Phillips, Walter A. 20 F May 7 61 1st Lieutenant. Discharged Dec. 31, 61.
Quinn, John 21 H May 25 61 Mustered out June 29, 64.
Randall, Francis V. 36 F do Capt. Pro. Col. 13th Reg't Sept. 24, 62.
Rodney, Lewis 29 B Mar 29 62 Mustered out April 24, 65.
Rose, Peter 23 H May 16 61 Discharged Feb. 16, 63.
Rose, William 25 F Feb 18 62 Pro. Corp. Mustered out July 15, 65.
Sanders, Joseph A. 21 F May 7 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 15, 65.
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks.
Shambeau, Francis 41 C Mar 6 62 Mustered out June 25, 65.
Shorey, Elscine 24 F May 7 61 Pro. Corp. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Stearns, Parish L. 18 F Oct 10 61 Mustered out Oct. 12, 64.
Stearns, Henry 39 F May 7 61 Mustered out June 29, 64.
Stone, Horatio 19 D Dec 9 63 Killed at Wilderness, May 4, 64.
Storrs, Charles W. 20 F May 7 61 Discharged Oct. 25, 61.
Taylor, Benjamin 23 F do Died June 28, 62.
Town, Josiah L. 21 F do Mustered out June 29, 64.
Wade, Charles, jr. 36 F do Discharged Dec. 4, 62.
White, George A. 20 F Aug 20 61 Re-en. Died May 12, 64, of wounds recei'd at Fredericksburgh.
Wright, Edwin N. 27 F May 7 61 Discharged July 24, 62.
Mustered into service, July 16, 1861.
* Burke. John. jr. 18 K Feb 13 64 Mustered out July I1, 65.
Divine, Patrick 18 K July 10 61 Killed at Lee's Mills, April 16, 62.
Dudley, David 25 K do Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 11, 65.
Franklin, Roswell 45 H June 1 61 Died Dec. 16, 63.
Laundry, Joseph 23 K do Re-enlisted. Mustered out July 11, 65.
Loomis, Vernon L. 18 H do Died Feb. 6, 63.
Mason, William R. 25 B June 3 61 Mustered out July 27, 64.
* McLaughlin, Charles 20 K Jan 2 64 Discharged August, 65, for wounds received.
McManus, James W. 25 K Aug 22 63 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Rose, Frank 33 H June 1 61 Discharged March 10, 63.
Severance, George S. 19 I July 5 61 Re-enlisted. Discharged Sept. 5, 66.
Mustered into service, Sept. 20, 1861.
Aikens, Joseph P. 24 D Aug 28 61 Re-en. Pro. to Capt. Hon. dis. March 8, 65, for wounds received.
Chamberlain, Russell T. 19 G Aug 27 61 Pro. 1st Lt. Re-en. Taken pris. Must. out July 15, 65.
Coffey, Robert J. 19 K Sept 5 61 Pro. Sergt. Mustered out Sept. 30, 64.
Davis, Frank 21 K Aug 16 63 Discharged March 9, 64.
† Gilman, Sidney A. 38 G July 24 63 Died in Andersonville prison, October. 64.
Gove, Freeman R. 27 K Sept 7 61 Discharged May 9, 64.
* Goodwin, Lucius J. 17 G Mar 17 62 Discharged Feb. 8, 64.
Kent, Hermon O. 19 G Sept 2 61 Killed at Fredericksburgh, Sept. 19, 62.
Ladue, Joseph 19 G Sept 9 61 Died Feb. 26, 64, of wounds received.
Mailhote, Leonard H. 20 G Sept 24 61 Discharged March 9, 63.
Mailhote, Victor W. 20 G Sept 19 61 Died Oct. 5, 62, of wounds received.
Silloway, Henry F. 18 G Aug 24 61 Pro. Corp. Must. out Sept. 30, 64.
* Silloway, Charles P. 19 G Mar 3 62 Pro. Corp. Must. out July 13, 65.
Smith, Levi 41 K Aug 13 62 Died March 12, 63.
Mustered into service Sept. 16, 1961.
Bickford, Frederick T. 23 Band Aug 29 61 Discharged April 11, 62.
Dodge, William 42 do Sept 3 61 do
Fuller, George H. 27 do Aug 29 61 do
Goodwin, David 21 do do do
Goodwin, Royal B. 23 A Sept 16 61 Discharged Jan. 19, 63.
Gray, Ira S. 24 D Sept 5 61 Killed at Savage Station, June 29, 62.
Hoyt, Orlena 24 D July 18 62 Discharged March 4, 63.
Hawley, Amos B. 27 D Sept 20 61 Pro. Sergt. Mustered out Sept. 15, 64.
Rice, James 30 Band Aug 24 61 Leader. Discharged April 11, 62.
Spalding, Charles C. 36 D Sept 16 61 1st Lieut. Hon. dis. for disabil. Oct. 10, 62.
Mustered into service, Oct. 15, 1861.
† Ainsworth, James S. 20 H July 20 63 Mustered out June 26, 65.
‡ Campbell, Alex. jr. 27 K July 22 63 Mustered out June 25, 65.
Chandler, Charles M. 34 Oct 29 61 Surgeon. Resigned Oct. 7, 63.
Clark, John W. 33 Oct 14 61 Q. M. Pro. Capt. & Ass't Q. M. U. S. Vols., [April 7, 64. Resigned Dec. 7, 64.
Hatch, George 29 Oct 15 61 Q. M. Pro. 1st Lieut. Must, out Oct. 28, 64.
† Horr, John P. F July 22 63 Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 64.
Johnson, Frank 18 H Aug 4 61 Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Must. out July 19, 65.
Lord, Nathan, jr. 30 Sept 16 61 Colonel. Resigned Dec. 18, 62.
† Lewis, Frank L. 21 H July 18 63 Mustered out June 26, 65.
Ormsbee, George W. 18 H Aug 4 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out June 26, 65.
Phelps, John D. 30 B Aug 9 61 Discharged Dec. 31, 63.
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks.
Raymond, Levi 27 H Aug 14 61 Pro. Corp. Re-en. Muster. out June 26, 65.
Stone, Adoniram J. 18 H Aug 11 61 Discharged March 10, 62.
Stone, Henry C. 20 H do Discharged Oct. 30, 62.
† Spaulding, John P. 23 H July 23 63 Mustered out June 26, 65.
‡ Sprague, Frederic W. A July 13 63 Killed in action, June 5, 64.
White, Henry 18 F Oct 3 61 Discharged Nov. 3, 62.
† Willey, Norman 21 B July 31 63 Mustered out June 26, 65.
‡ Willey, William H. 28 B July 15 63 do
Mustered into service Feb. 12, 1862.
Fowler, Levi D. 18 K Dec 13 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out May 18, 65,
* Goodwin, Lucius J. 18 K Oct 18 64 Taken prisoner. Mustered out May 18, 65.
Kent, Lorenzo E. 20 K Jan 20 62 Pro. Sergt. Re-en. Mustered out May 4, 66.
Storrs, Charles W. 21 K July 23 63 Died Apr 15, 65, of wds recd at Spanish Fort.
Mustered into service, Feb. 18, 1862.
Abbott, Henry C. 30 C Nov 19 63 Pro. 1st Lieutenant in 2d La, Regiment.
Brown, Edward M. 40 Jan 9 62 Lieut. Colonel. Resigned Dec. 23, 63.
Dewey, Edward 34 Jan 12 64 Q. M. Pro. Capt. & Asst. Q. M. U. S. Vols., Feb. 11, 65. Res. May 29, 65.
Foster, Isaac G. 43 E Jan 4 62 Discharged Oct. 12, 63.
Getchell, John W. 26 E Dec 10 61 Re-enlisted. Mustered out June 28, 65.
Jones, Alonzo 44 E Jan 6 62 Discharged Oct. 16, 62.
Nichols, Roswell S. 41 E Nov 30 61 Discharged June 30, 62.
Sinclair, Hiram D. 44 E Sept 28 61 Discharged Jan. 4, 63.
Smith, Fred. E. 31 Q. M. Resigned Nov. 30, 63.
Thayer, James E. 35 E Oct 1 61 Sergt. Killed at Bayou des Allems, Sept. 4, 62.
Webster, Oscar N. 27 I Dec 3 61 Discharged Oct. 15, 62.
Mustered into service July 9, 1862.
Brown, Stephen 44 I June 25 62 Discharged March 14, 63.
Jacobs, Don L. 25 I May 31 62 Mustered out July 8, 65.
McManus, Patrick 44 G June 5 62 Discharged Nov. 15, 62.
Plant, Charles 21 I May 26 62 Deserted July 30, 62.
Preston, Asa L. 20 I June 16 62 Discharged July 5, 65.
Smith, Otis B. 18 I June 23 62 Discharged Nov. 3, 62.
* Seymour, Isaac 44 I do Discharged Feb. 20, 63.
Sylvester, Frank 21 I May 29 62 Discharged Dec. 1, 62.
Mustered into service Sept. 1, 1862.
Ayer, Albert J. 21 B July 30 62 Died Sept. 16, 63.
Bailey, Gustave 28 B do Discharged Nov. 3, 62.
Bovar, Peter 23 B July 30 62 Deserted June 19, 64.
Bradley, Henry M. 21 B do Discharged Mar. 5, 63.
Brooks, Robert 35 B July 24 62 Died in Danville Prison, Dec. 23, 64.
Brown, George G. 18 B July 30 62 Promoted Corporal. Must out June 22, 65.
Burgess, Charles 38 B July 18 62 Discharged Sept. 17, 63.
Burke, John 43 B do Died at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 9, 64,
Carr, James M. 27 B July 30 62 Corporal. Pro. Sergeant. Died July 1, 64.
Cayhue, Tuffield, Jr., 18 B do Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64.
Coburn, Curtis A. 21 B July 12 62 Trans. to Signal Corp. Sept 1, 63.
Edson, John H. 32 Aug 27 62 Lieutenant Colonel. Resigned Oct. 16, 62.
Glysson, Andrew J. 22 B July 30 62 Mustered out June 21, 65.
Greeley, Allen 21 B July 26 62 Pro. Corp. Died July 1, 64, of w'ds rec'd.
Hubbard, George J. 22 B July 30 62 Mustered out June 22, 65.
Hall, Lewis A. 19 B do do
Kennedy, Felix 26 B July 28 62 Died Dec. 8, 63.
Pierce, Hiram M. 20 B July 30 62 Serg't. Dis. Sept. 23, 64, for wounds rec'd. in action.
Selinas, Julius 22 B do Mustered out June 22, 65.
Smith, Hiram S. 21 B Aug 4 62 Pro. Sergeant. Mustered out June 22, 65.
Smith, John G. 23 B July 30 62 Mustered out June 22, 65.
Stetson, Ezra 37 B Aug 4 62 1st Lieut. Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64.
Stickney, Edward J. 22 B July 30 62 Corp. Pro. to 1st Lieut. Must. out June 22, 65.
Storrs, Gilman 18 B do Killed at Mine Run, Nov. 27, 63.
Waldron, Ezekiel S. 22 B do Died Apr. 6, 64, of wounds received in action.
Wood, Joseph Jr. 25 B do Promoted Corporal. Mustered out June 22, 64,
Mustered into service, Sept. 11, 1862.
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks,
Anson, Charles N. 21 Aug 30 62 Q M Pro Capt. Co F. Must. out June 24, 65.
Buxton, Harris B. 19 H July 3 62 Died Feb. 20, 63.
Carlton, Alfred L. 33 Aug 14 62 Q. M. Pro. Capt. and C. of S. U. S. V. March 11, 63.
Clark, Charles W. 24 Sept 1 62 C. S. Pro. 1st Lieut. Co. G. 63. Mustered out June 24, 65.
Felt, George M. 18 I July 19 62 Pro. Corp. Mustered out June 24, 65.
Field, Daniel G. Aug 11 62 H. S. Discharged December 22, 62.
* Hunt, William H. 64 Discharged Oct. 10, 64, at New Haven, Conn.
Rice, James 32 F Aug 12 62 Capt. Honorably dis. for disability, Apr. 22 65.
Wells, William 26 I Aug 26 62 Mustered out June 24, 65.
Wilson, John R. 19 62 Rec'd. pro to 1st Lieut. Must. out June 24, 65.
Mustered into service, Oct. 10, 1862; mustered out, July 21, 1863.
Alexander, Thomas C. 31 I Aug 25 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Ballou, Wallace H. 28 I do Corp. Pro. S. M. Must. out July 21, 65.
* Ballou, Jerome E. 21 C Oct 29 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Bixby, Freeman 23 A Aug 25 62 H. S. Mustered out July 21, 63.
Brown, Andrew C. 34 do Lieut. Col. Resigned May 5, 63.
* Burke, Walter 21 H Sept 19 62 Died Mar. 4, 63.
Campbell, James 18 I Aug 25 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Cannon, Fergus 38 H Oct 10 62 do
Clark, Albert 22 I Aug 25 62 Serg't. Pro. 1st Lieut. Must. out July 25, 63.
Dakin, Henry 44 H Sept 27 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Daniels, William 18 I Aug 25 62 do
Davis, George H. 35 I do Corporal. Discharged May 5, 63.
Davis, Isaac K. 28 I do Discharged Feb. 4, 63.
Dewey, Peter G. 19 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Dodge, Wallace W. 19 I do do
Farwell, John G. 19 I do do
Flanders, John P. 24 I do do
Hoyt, Franklin 45 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Jangraw, Frank 18 I do do
Kneeland, Howland 19 I do Discharged Nov. 25, 62.
Ladd, John W. 22 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Lamb, James C. 26 I do Pro. Com. Sergt. Mustered out July 21, 63.
Langdon, John B. Jr. 19 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Laviolette, Eugene 27 I do do
Lemwin, George E. 21 I do do
Marr, Hobart J. 18 I Aug 25 62 do
Marsh, Eli T. 27 C Aug 29 62 Corporal. Mustered out July 21, 63.
McLaughlin, Charles 18 H Sept 29 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Mitchell, David 21 I Aug 25 62 do
Morris, Francis 18 I do do
Noyes, William 45 I do Discharged February 28, 63.
Peck, Alonzo D. 23 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Peck, George A. 20 I do Discharged Jan. 25, 63.
Peck, James S. 23 I do 2d Lieut. Pro. Adjutant. Jan. 63. Must. out July 21, 63.
Piper, Wilber F. 24 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Prentiss, Samuel F. 20 I do S. M. Pro. 2d Lieut. Feb. 63. Must, out July 21, 63.
Randall, Charles F. 18 I Sept 24 62 S. M. Pro. 2d Lieut. Jan. 63. Must. out July 21, 63.
Randall, Francis V. 37 Sept 13 62 Colonel. Mustered out July 21, 63.
Roaks, William 18 H Sept 29 62 Mustered out July 21, 63.
Seaver, Curtis H. 22 I Aug 25 62 do
Smith, H. Dwight 27 I do Pro. Corp. Must. out July 21, 63.
Smith, Guy 24 I do Com. Serg't. Pro. C. M. S. Nov. 62. Must. out July 21, 63.
Swazey, Charles D. 29 I do Mustered out July 23, 63.
Taylor, Nelson A. 30 do Q. M. S. Pro. Q. M. Nov. 62. Must. out July 21, 63.
Van Orman, John J. 25 I do Mustered out July 21, 63.
Washburn, Charles H. 44 I do do
Welch, John 21 I do do
Wright, Prentice C. 23 I do Discharged Jan 31, 63.
Wright, Benjamin N. 30 I do Killed at Gettysburgh, July 3, 63.
Mustered into service, 1862; out, in 1863
Poland, J. Monroe 21 Aug 2 62 Adjutant. Mustered out Aug. 5, 63.
Mustered into service by companies in 1864.
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment, Remarks.
Atherton, Omri S. 22 C Feb 15 64 Corporal. Died Nov. 5, 64.
Burbank, William B. 24 E Aug 22 64 1st Lieutenant. Mustered out July 14, 65.
Camp, Harley W. 32 E Jan 1 64 Corp. Pro. Serg't. Must. out July 21, 65.
Cannon, Fergus 39 C Nov 5 63 Mustered out July 14, 65.
Carpenter, Chauncey 35 C Dec 31 63 Discharged May 13, 65.
Cassivaint, Oliver 34 D Feb 16 64 Discharged June 12, 65.
Dow, Napoleon 22 C do Discharged July 14, 65.
* Dodge, Richard S. 40 K Aug 2 64 Mustered out July 14, 65.
Emerson, Andrew A. 18 E Feb 18 64 Died June 17, 64.
Fisk, Seymour M. 35 E do Mustered out July 14, 65.
Girard, Alfred 18 C do do
Gilman Charles 19 E Oct 29 63 do
Gould, Gustavus 21 E Feb 24 64 do
Guinan, William 32 E Feb 29 64 Discharged Oct. 30, 64.
Hoyt, Franklin 46 C Aug 25 63 Serg't, Dis. June 19, 65, for w'ds. received.
Lamb, James C. 27 E Dec 23 63 Q. M. Pro. 1st Lieut. Must. out July 14, 65.
Ladosa, Joseph 25 C Feb 17 64 Deserted Dec. 25, 64.
Lavally, Henry 19 C Feb 19 64 Mustered out May 24, 65.
Mahuron, Horace 18 C Feb 18 64 Pro. Corporal. Mustered out July 21, 65.
* Marshall, William 45 E Mar 17 64 Died June 3, 64, of wounds rec'd. in action.
Nichols, Roswell S. 44 C Feb 16 64 Mustered out July 17, 65.
Peck, James S. 24 E Dec 3 63 Received pro. to Major. Must. out July 24, 65.
Randall, Charles W. 18 C Feb 23 64 2d Lieut. Discharged March 9, 65.
Randall, Francis V. 40 Feb 10 64 Colonel. Mustered out July 17, 65.
* Rose, Joseph 23 H May 10 64 Killed near Petersburgh, July 27, 64,
* Robinson, Geo. S. 32 E Apr 12 64 Capt. Mustered out July 14, 65.
St. John, Andrew 44 C Feb 25 64 Mustered out July 14, 65.
St. John, Dominique 38 C Feb 17 64 Discharged Aug. 30, 64.
Taro, John 22 C Feb 16 64 Discharged July 14, 65.
Voodry, Adna J. 19 E Mar 19 64 Mustered out July 14, 65.
Mustered into service Nov. 19, 1861.
Bartlett, John D. 31 C Oct 14 61 Captain. Pro, Major. Resigned Apr. 62.
Buxton, John H. 19 C Sept 11 61 Discharged Nov. 26, 62.
Carpenter, Charles 25 C Feb 20 61 Discharged Oct. 3, 62.
Carter, Constant 27 E Oct 4 61 Mustered out Nov. 18, 64.
French, Frank S. 27 C Oct 3 61 Discharged Nov. 27, 61.
Staples, Marshall S. 36 C Nov 9 61 Discharged Dec. 7, 62.
Tebo, Peter 21 M Oct 10 62 Discharged May 21, 64.
Mustered in 1861.
Armstrong, Thomas 34 Jan 14 62 Must. out Aug. 10, 64. Died in Reg. Service July 26, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Port Hudson.
Branagan, Patrick 36 Jan 27 62 Mustered out Aug. 10, 64,
Brecette, Peter 19 Dec 9 61 do
Brodar, Joseph 45 Jan 13 62 Discharged March 28, 63.
Goodwin, Henry W. 22 Nov 19 61 Discharged June 5, 62.
Howland, John 43 Nov 11 61 Corp. Pro. Serg't. Must. out Aug. 10, 64.
Laundry, Charles 18 Dec 16 61 Must. out Aug. 10, 64.
Laundry, Frank 22 Dec 10 61 do
Laundry, Jesse 19 Dec 9 61 do
Mitchell, Sullivan B. 41 Nov 21 61 Died July 25, 64, of wounds received in action.
Raspel, Henrick W. 39 Feb 13 62 Mustered out Aug. 10, 64.
Riker, James B. 19 Dec 13 61 Pro. 2d Lieut. Must. out Aug. 10, 62.
Mustered into service 1861.
Curry, Michael 18 Dec 25 61 Discharged Oct. 20, 62.
Mustered into service 1863.
Bousquet, Francis O. 19 Dec 25 63 Deserted Aug. 31, 64.
Brown, John H. 45 Dec 19 63 Died Sept. 16, 64.
Butterfly, Frank 18 Dec 12 63 Mustered out June 15, 65.
Campbell, James 19 Dec 22 63 do
* Campbell, Humphrey 18 Aug 20 64 do
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks.
* Cayhue, Jesse 18 Dec 23 63 Mustered out June 15, 65.
Chalifaux, Naraise 28 Dec 26 63 do
* Curry, Michael 21 Apr 23 64 do
* Dodge, Wallace H. 21 Aug 22 64 do
Estis, Charles O. 18 Sept 7 63 do
* Jangraw, Alexander 18 Aug 19 64 do
* Jangraw, Frank 21 Sept 7 63 do
* Gravlin, Peter 30 Aug 18 64 do
Langdon, John B. Jr. 23 Oct 30 63 Q. M. Serg't. Must. out June 15, 64.
Miller, John 18 Dec 5 63 Mustered out June 15, 65.
* Morris, Frank 19 Aug 17 64 do
* Morris, Joseph 20 do do
Moulton, Benjamin J. 27 Dec 12 63 do
Palmer, Henry A. 18 Dec 1 63 do
Phillips, Walter A. 22 Dec 12 63 1st Lieut. Honorably discharged Feb. 3, 65.
Prevost, Clement 19 Sept 15 63 Mustered out June 15, 65.
Reynard, Edmund 26 Dec 1 63 Discharged Jan. 28, 64.
* Rowe, Joseph 35 Aug 3 64 Mustered out June 15, 65.
Staples, Guy B. 18 Oct 16 63 do
Staples, Marshall S. 37 do Artificer. Mustered out June 15, 65.
Taplin, Eben 25 Dec 16 63 Corp. Pro. to 2d Lieut. Must, out June 15, 65.
Valley, Joseph 24 Dec 26 63 Mustered out June 15, 65.
Washburn, William L. 20 do do
* Yatta, William 18 Dec 29 63 do
Mustered in 1861.
Severance, Luther 25 E Aug 11 62 Mustered out June 12, 65.
Pitkin, Perley P. 35 June 6 61 Captain and Q. M. Pro. to Col. and Q. M. U. S. Vol.
‡ Smith, Henry C. July 21 63 Mustered out 65.
† Brunell, Frank J. July 21 63 Discharged Oct. 22. 63.
† Robinson, John July 27 63 Deserted.
Williamson, John Jan 3 64 Juniata Sophronia. Discharged June 3, 65.
* Batchelder, Josiah L. 13th N. H. Regiment. Enlisted, 63, 3 years.
* Gravlin, Frank Jr. 36th Mass. Enlisted, 63, 3 years.
* Guinan, William 14th R. I. Reg't. 9 months. Enlisted Sept. 62. Serg't. Must out July, 63.
* Jangraw, Oughtney 8th Maine. Enlisted July, 62, 3 years. Must. out July, 65.
* Kimball, Frank 39th Mass. Enlisted, 63, 3 years. Killed at Piedmont, Va., June 5, 64.
* Nichols, Lucius 14th R. I. Reg't. 9 mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Mustered out July, 63.
* Stowe, Lorenzo 14th R I. Reg't. 9 mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Died, 63.
* Wells, John T. 14th R. I. Reg't. 9 mos. Enlisted Sept. 62. Mustered out July, 63.
* Wood, Lewis 2d N. H. Reg't. 3 years. Enlisted May, 61. Must, out, 64.
* Gravlin, Peter do do
* Clogston, O. Curtis 2d Mass Artillery. Enlisted Dec. 17, 63. Must. out Sept. 65.
* Cutler, Marcus M. 7th Ohio Infantry. Enlisted Apr. 17, 61. Must. out Aug. 64.
* Washburn, J. W. F. 24th Mass. Infantry. Enlisted Dec. 63. Mustered out Aug. 66.
Clark, William H. E July 6 63 Must. out Nov. 13, 65.
Gilmore, Edward C. E do do
Parker, Jared E July 13 63 do
Parker, Lucius R. July 22 63 do
Storrs, Charles W. July 25 63 Transferred to Co. K. 7th Regiment, in 64.
Webster, Oscar N. July 4 64 Mustered out July 3, 66.
Bixby, H. Roger 19 M Jan 3 65 Mustered out June 27, 65.
Clark, Fred 18 M do do
Collins, John 27 M do Pro. Corporal. Mustered out June 27, 65.
Cross, Oscar N. 24 M do Com. Sergeant. Mustered out June 27, 65.
Daniels, William 20 M do Mustered out June 27, 65.
Dewey, Peter G. 22 M do do
Names. Age. Co. Enlistment. Remarks.
Howard, George D. 22 M do 1st Lieut. Resigned March 16, 65.
Lemwin, George 22 M do Pro. Sergeant. Mustered out June 27, 65.
McCluskey, Charles A. 28 M do Mustered out June 27, 65.
Morse, Joseph B. 18 M do do
Moulton, Isaac R. 19 M do do
Newcomb, George W. 23 M do Deserted Mar. 23, 65.
Prentiss, Herbert J. 18 M do Mustered out June 27, 65.
Tyler, Eugene C. 18 M do do
Bailey, Clinton June 22 65 Discharged June 28, 68.
Baxter, Robert Aug 26 65 Died Aug. 19, 66, in Richmond, Va.
Bryant, Eliphalet F. Aug 22 65 Died Sept. 16, 66, in Richmond, Va.'
Chalyfaux, Maxy June 27 65 Died Aug. 15. 66. in Richmond, Va.
Connolly, Michael Aug 4 65 Discharged Aug. 4, 68.
Emerson, Amos N. June 26 65 Discharged Dec. 16, 65.
Fowler, Levi D. June 20 65 Deserted Sept. 24, 65.
Handlin, J. H. July 20 65 Deserted May 18, 67.
Lucia, Oliver June 27 65 Deserted June 20, 66.
Mack, James June 20 65 Deserted Dec. 16, 65.
Nealor, Edward July 28 65 Died Sept. 8, 66, in Richmond, Va.
Pridelieu, Francis June 19 65 Discharged June 19, 63.
Brock, James W.
Bradish, Alonzo G. Colton, Henry C. Foster, Henry M.
Huntington, William L. Nichols, George L. Reed, Charles A.
Sterling, Joseph Tilden, Geo. W. Town, Chauncey W.
Allen, Benjamin F. Babcock, Jerry V. Bailey, Charles W.
Barnes, Henry Courser, Merrill P. Morey, Moses P.
Palmer, Nahum Pope, Walter Standish, William O.
Woodward, Justus B.
* Residents of Montpelier, but credited to other towns, for the reason that at the date of their enlistment the quota of the town was full, and they were credited to other towns that they might draw their state bounty. At all the calls made by the Government for troops during the war, the town kept in excess of her quota. For various reasons, several went into other states and enlisted, and were not town credits. Therefore, it seems no more than just and right that all of the names of these men, so far as are known, should be written in history as credit to the town.
† Substitute.
‡ Drafted.
Name. Co. Reg't. Remarks.
Allen, Andrew H. D 2 Died July 26, 61.
Ayers, Albert J. B 10 Died Sept. 16, 62.
Atherton, Omri S. C 17 Died Nov. 6, 64.
Armstrong, Thomas Regular Service Died July 26, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Mt Hudson.
Baxter, Robert 11 U. S. R. Reg't. Died Sept. 6, 66, at Richmond, Va.
Bennett, Amos N. F 2 Killed at Fredricksburgh, May 3, 63.
Brooks, Robert B 10 Died in Danville Prison, Ga.. Dec. 23, 63.
Brown, John H. 3d Battery Died at City Point, Va., Sept. 16, 64.
Bryant, Eliphalet E. 11 U. S. R. Reg't. Died at Richmond, Va., Sept. 16, 66.
Buxton, Harris H 11 Died Feb. 20, 63.
Burgin, Patrick D 2 Killed at Banks Ford, May 3, 63.
Burke, John B 10 Died at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 9, 64.
Burke, Walter C 13 Died at Wolfs Run Shoals, Va., Mar. 4. 63.
Carr, James M. B 10 Died July 1, 64.
Cayhue, Tuffield B 10 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 63.
Chalifaux, Maxy 11 U. S. R. Reg't. Died at Richmond, Va., Aug. 15, 66.
Divine, Patrick K 3 Killed at Lee's Mills, Apr. 16, 62.
Emerson, Andrew A. F 17 Died July 17, 64.
Franklin, Roswell H 3 Died Dec. 16, 63.
Gilman, Sydney A. G 4 Died in Andersonville Prison, Oct. 64,
Name. Co. Reg't. Remarks.
Gray, Ira S. D 5 Killed at Savage Station, June 29, 62.
Greeley, Allen B 10 Died July 1, 63, of w'ds. rece'd. at Cold Harbor.
Goodrich, Victor F 2 Killed at Bull Run, July 21, 61.
Harran, Selden B. F 2 Died Nov. 16, 61.
Horr, John P. H 6 Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 64.
Kent, Hermon G. G 4 Killed at Fredricksburgh, Dec. 19, 62.
Kennedy, Felix B 10 Died Dec. 8, 63.
Kimball, Frank 39 Mass. Reg. Killed at Piedmont, Va., June 5, 64.
Ladue, Joseph G 4 Died Feb. 26, 64, of wounds received in action.
Loomis, Vernon L. H 3 Died Feb. 6, 63.
Mailhote, Victor W. G 4 Died Oct. 5, 62, of wounds received in action.
Mahoney, Sylvester D. F 2 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Marshall, William E 17 Died June 3, 64, of wounds received in action.
McManus, James W. K 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Minouge, William H 2 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Mitchell, Sullivan B. 1st Battery Died July 25, 64, of wounds received in action.
Nealor, Edward 11 U. S. R. Reg't. Died in Richmond, Va., Sept. 8, 66.
Rose, Joseph H 17 Killed at Petersburgh, July 27, 64. .
Shorey, Elscine F 2 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Smith, Levi K 4 Died May 12, 63.
Sprague, Fredrick W. A 6 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64.
Stetson, Ezra B 10 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64.
Stone, Horatio F. H 2 Killed in Wilderness, Nov,ay 4, 64.
Storrs, Gilman D. B 10 Killed at Mine Run, Nov. 27, 63.
Storrs, Charles W. K 7 Died Apr. 10, 65, of w'ds. rec'd. at Spanish Fort.
Stowe, Lorenzo, 14th R.I. Reg't. Died in 63.
Taylor, Benjamin F 2 Died June 28, 62.
Thayer, James E. E 8 Killed at Bayou Des Allems, Sept. 4, 62.
Waldron, Ezekiel B 10 Died Apr. 6, 65. of wounds received in action.
White, George A. H 2 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.
Wright, Benjamin N. I 13 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 63.
In addition to these might be added the names of many who were wounded and disabled, and did not survive their disability long after the war or their discharge. Below we give the names of those who lost a limb: Capt. Horace Crossman, Co. F, 2d Regiment, and Private Charles McLaughlin, Co. K, 3d Regiment, losing a leg; Serg't. Hiram M. Pierce, Co. B, 10th Regiment, and Private Elverton Loomis, Co. F, 2d Regiment, losing an arm.
Total number of men furnished who entered the service ......................................... 365
Furnished substitute................................................................................................ 10
Paid commutation.................................................................................................... 10
No. who served their term of enlistment, or to close of war...................................... 120
Mustered out previous to close of the war at the expiration of their term of service... 80
Discharged for disability, for wounds received and various other causes................... 114
Killed in battle......................................................................................................... 21
Died of wounds received in action............................................................................. 11
Died of diseases contracted in the service................................................................ 17
Died in rebel prisons.................................................................................................. 2
Deserted.................................................................................................................. 12
Perhaps it would be proper here to mention the names of those who were natives of Montpelier, and had sought homes in the West, and from there had enlisted and lost their lives in the defence of their country:
Walter M. Howes, son of the late Hon. William Howes, of Prescott, Wis., formerly of Montpelier, enlisted at the age of 21 years, was promoted to Orderly Sergeant of Co. F, 37th Wis. reg't; was severely wounded, but recovered. In mounting the enemy's works before Petersburgh, April 2, 1865, he was struck by a solid shot and instantly killed. He was a young man of fine character, high promise and an excellent soldier.
Col. Holden Putnam, of the 93d Illinois, was killed in one of Gen. Grant's battles with Bragg in 1863. Col. Putnam left Montpelier about 1853, and settled in Freeport, Ill., where he was successfully engaged in the banking business. When the war broke out, Putnam, true to the name he bore, at once gave his services to his country, and gave the name new honor by patriotism and bravery as was given by the Gen. Putnam of Revolutionary fame.