Would you like to post a query related to Addison County, Vermont? visit the Ancestry message board for Addison County, Vermont?
Messages should NOT be posted that include:
Messages should NOT be posted that are:
Surname Box:
Only surnames (last names) should be listed in the Surname Box, and each should be separated by a comma.
The Surname Box is used to index the surnames in your message and is NOT to be used for listing surnames not included in the message text.
Classifications (drop down menu):
Use this menu to select from a list of data types.
Data categories (non-query) should only be selected when you are posting actual data and not queries about data. For example, a query about a will is still a query. The menu item for wills should not be selected for queries.
First, choose a subject line that is brief, but descriptive. Include information such as first name, last name (surname), some applicable dates, and other details. Subjects that say only "Need Help" or that only state a location or surname (for instance, using only the subject “Smith” when posting to the Smith board) should be avoided.
Next, create the body of your message and include as many
relevant details as possible. Once you have typed your message,
enter all of the surnames mentioned in your post in the
"Surnames" field. Please include only surnames that are
mentioned in your post- not all surnames you might be
researching. If you wish, you can include surname spelling
variations for the surnames mentioned in your message.
you have entered the surnames, select a classification for your
post. Please visit the FAQ topic "What
classification should I use for my post?" to help you select
one if necessary. When replying to a post, the classification of
the original post will already be selected for you. You can
choose to use that classification, or select a new one.
You may choose to add an attachment to your post by clicking
on the "Attach a File" link.
Once all required fields have
been filled out, you can preview your post by selecting
"Preview". This will show you your message as it will appear on
the board. From the Preview page, you can choose to post your
message or go back and edit it. If you do not wish to preview
your post, select the "Post" button and your message will be
posted to the board immediately.
Search Addison County Vermont
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family.
If you would like to donate county information to this site, please contact me. I welcome any and all submissions!
The Addison County, VTGenWeb Project Team
County Coordinator: Pat Geary
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001-2012, by Ann Mensch. All Rights Reserved.
Site Design: Genealogy Web Creations