The Matagorda County Tribune

Second Annual Rice Carnival Number

August 20, 1902



Bering-Cortes Hardware Co.

Mr. H. W. Cortes of this company is so well known to our people, so well liked by them and is so largely identified with extensive business enterprises here that this company already commands a fine trade in this section, which their ad. In this paper will materially increase. Look it up.



Prof. J. B. Viano

Prof. Viano has a handsome stock of fine jewelry and a fine line of musical instruments, music, sewing machines, etc. He is an accomplished musician, a skillful tuner and repairer, and he keeps a splendid workman at the bench to repair watches, clocks, jewelry, glasses, etc. See his ad. and give him your business.

Tall and Bogelman

When you want artistic house painting, paper hanging, interior decorating, Kalsomining or sign writing done consult these artists and get their figures. She their ad. in this edition. You will find them prompt and reliable and pleasant men to deal with.

First National Bank

The First National Bank ad. tells a good deal of its own story. It is a strong institution, ably managed and is marvelously prosperous and successful. Its president and cashier were too modest to furnish The Tribune with photos, else they would have appeared in our galaxy of men who are pushing this country to the front.

Walter L. Hicks

Hicks is a painter, paper hanger, glazier, and sign writer and decorator and he deals in all materials necessary in these lines to work, having the only store in the town devoted to these things exclusively. See his ad and ask him for his estimates and advice, which are given free of charge.



Moore & Collins

These quiet unassuming men and their jovial right-hand man, L. J. Gartrell, are all doing effective work in putting this country to the front and their hardware, implement and grocery business is an important factor in its every day affairs. The senior member of this firm was selling goods here before there was a town, and he does more and more business as the people find him out. See their attractive full page ad.




Moore's North and South Additions

These additions to the town of Bay City embrace some of the most desirable residence sites to be had. Their proprietor is the same public spirited citizen above spoken of, D. P. Moore.



Bay City Iron Works

This is the only machine shop in Bay City. AT his head are three Crocketts, father and two sons, all expert machinists, and they are equipped to do anything in their line. They set up machinery, erect pumping plants, do all kinds of repairing and get machine and implement men out of all sorts of troubles. Tell them yours.


J. L. Bowman, Haberdasher

Mr. Bowman's is the only exclusive Gents' Furnishings store in the city, and he keeps his stock up to date. To say you trade at Bowman's is to say that you are well dressed.

Thos. Goggan & Bros.

This is the oldest and probably the largest house in Texas, dealing in music and musical instruments. Read their card and send for their catalogue.

Mrs. Nellie Matthews

Mrs. Matthews served several years in the leading shops of New Orleans, St. Louis, Chicago and other large cities in perfecting her knowledge of the milliner's art, and by semi-annual visits to these centers, remaining several weeks right in the shops, she keeps up to date in her selections, and her taste, like her skill, is unsurpassed.


J. C. De Bruin

No engineer ever made a finer record any where than J. C. DeBruin has made on the Nile Valley and Colorado canals here. In a few months his business and reputation have spread over two States, necessitating the establishment of offices in four rice centers. See his card and consult him when necessary.

T. M. Howard, Contracting Builder

Mr. Howard is a young man full of push. He constantly works a large force of hands and turns out work promptly on time. He is now executing a contract to build sixteen houses, with a barn for each for the Northern Irrigation Co., five miles west of Bay City. All our readers know Tom Howard and know that he is honest, energetic, prompt and reliable in the execution of his contracts. He will figure with you on a kitchen or a dozen buildings.

Hackler & Co, Liverymen

This reliable old establishment is under the management of the Welge brothers, and that means it iw well managed. Two large livery barns with a large equipment of rigs and teams enable them to do an extensive business and they do it.

J. M. Marquis, Furniture

There isn't a funnier ad. in Texas than that of Marquis, and none more brief and pointed. And there isn't a finer stock of Furniture than his, and he permits no man to undersell him.

J. H. Berg

Manager of the fancy grocery and confectionery establishment of J. H. Berg, is one of this county's native boys, a clever fellow in all things and a pleasant man to deal with.

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