Prof. J. B. Viano
Prof. Viano has a handsome stock of
fine jewelry and a fine line of musical instruments, music, sewing
machines, etc. He is an accomplished musician, a skillful tuner and
repairer, and he keeps a splendid workman at the bench to repair
watches, clocks, jewelry, glasses, etc. See his ad. and give him
your business. |
Tall and Bogelman
When you want artistic house
painting, paper hanging, interior decorating, Kalsomining or sign
writing done consult these artists and get their figures. She their
ad. in this edition. You will find them prompt and reliable and
pleasant men to deal with.
First National Bank
The First National Bank ad. tells a
good deal of its own story. It is a strong institution, ably managed
and is marvelously prosperous and successful. Its president and
cashier were too modest to furnish The Tribune with photos, else
they would have appeared in our galaxy of men who are pushing this
country to the front.
Walter L. Hicks
Hicks is a painter, paper hanger,
glazier, and sign writer and decorator and he deals in all materials
necessary in these lines to work, having the only store in the town
devoted to these things exclusively. See his ad and ask him for his
estimates and advice, which are given free of charge. |