The Matagorda County Tribune

Second Annual Rice Carnival Number

August 20, 1902



E. Rochefort, Contractor

Mr. Rochefort built the fine house of the LeTulle Mercantile Company, several fine school buildings in this part of Texas, and makes a specialty of this class of work. Consult his ad. and get his plans and estimates on your work.

Faickney & Ogburn, Liverymen

Have a new stable, new rigs, good drivers and are prepared to serve the public in a satisfactory manner on short notice. Call or phone for what you want.

Cane Belt R. R.
Charles Boedeker,
General Passenger Agent

D. P Moore's Cash Dry Goods House

This is the oldest dry goods house in Bay City and is generally reputed to be one of the most reliable anywhere. Its proprietor is county treasurer, president of a rice mill, vice-president of a bank, and a director in several other large companies.


Wm. E. Austin & Co.

In the real estate trade this firm occupies a leading position. Mr. Austin was born and raised in the county, served ten years as county clerk, has made a set of abstracts of the titles of all the lands in the county. He knows all of the lands and all the land owners, and they all know him, like him, and trust him, and place their lands with him; hence, he is the premier land man of this county. His firm also handles Moore's north and south additions to Bay City, and both business and residence lots in all parts of the city.




Bay City Rice Milling Company

I. Marks, President
S. T. Sargent, Vice-President
L. H. Paige, Secretary & Treasurer

This solid and progressive concern is most intelligently and strongly officered and its equipment is the finest that cash in the hands of an experienced rice miller could buy. It was the first company to erect a warehouse in this territory and theirs was the first mill to blow a whistle in Bay city. From their offices down through the mammoth warehouses, and from the engine room up through the four stories of milling machinery, everything is first-class an dup-to-date. Including a seventy-five foot water tower from which every room can be instantly flooded, electric time checks, sparkling tubes, electric lights, etc., etc. For the rest read their ad.




Copyright 2009 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Sep. 5, 2009
Sep. 5, 2009