The Matagorda County Tribune

Second Annual Rice Carnival Number

August 20, 1902



LeTulle Mercantile Co.

This company, composed of live and progressive young men, is the largest mercantile establishment in the county and has back of it as much energy and business ability as any concern in Texas. Their building, 75x140 feet, is one of the largest and best on the coast, and they keep it well stocked up with hardware, tools, and other like goods, and have several large warehouses filled with wagons, buggies, implements, etc. They can meet all you wants and meet them quick.


Alamo Lumber Company

John Sutherland,

With millions of capital back of it and yard and mill connections from San Antonio to the Sabine, this concern occupies a commanding position in the lumber trade. Its Bay City business began with a stock of a million feet nearly a year ago, and under the able management of John Sutherland, it has kept a large force of hands almost constantly unloading lumber from the cars ever since.



Walker's Furniture Store

About the first of the year Wm. Walker opened a new furniture store in Bay city, and the man and his goods and his methods have proven so popular that he has been obliged to build a new house along side of his other and now has three large rooms packed full of goods and he keeps them moving--some going out and others constantly arriving to take their place. See his half page ad.

Sisk & Son, General Merchants

A few years ago the junior member of this firm opened a stock of racket goods in a room 16x22. He was energetic and accommodating, and his business grew and expanded till it became necessary for his father to join him; they took a large store, soon doubled its size, and now they occupy this large building and another in the next block. Having been extensive rice growers themselves, they command a large trade among rice growers as well as with the general public. Read their ad. and give them a share of your business.


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Copyright 2009 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Sep. 5, 2009
Sep. 5, 2009